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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bezkamerové násilí / Camereless Violence

Laytadze, Lali January 2018 (has links)
The code assigned to the subject, entering into interactive environment, is setting and determining its future existence. In the virtual environment, the absence of a numerical description makes a subject untrackable. Only by assigning a unique code does the affair begin to exist for the computing world. After receiving the code, the subject somehow comes to life, becoming recognisable, categorised, searchable - possessing existence. Every environment we are situated in can be perceived as panned and scanned. Cameraless photography, we meet in a moment of our existence, in an artificial space. We are scanning and at the same time we are being scanned. In the process of scanning and taking pictures, what part is the human playing? A person who can be seen as a tool of cameraless photography? Is he following the rules, or creating them? Or, is he himself a tool to the process of cameraless photography? Is he the individual who determines and recognizes the point that is set for the existence and meaning of cameraless photography?

Technologie et régulations dans les organisations : le cas de l'ordre de bourse dans les salles de marché / Technology and regulation in organization : a study of the stock market order

Delorme, François 30 January 2015 (has links)
La question de la règle est d'abord traitée d'une façon très théorique, et pour le moins statique, par les Philosophes et les Pères de la sociologie. Introduire l'acteur dans le raisonnement conduit à lui donner une forme dynamique et à étudier à la fois son origine et ses évolutions, mais aussi sa diversité. Routines, conventions, et régulations sont autant de formes revêtant des implications différentes, notamment en termes de contrôle.La technique intervient ainsi sur ce dernier point. Devenue omniprésente et indiscutable dans nos quotidiens, elle n'est pourtant pas une notion évidente et anodine.C'est surtout le lien entre les trois variables cités, acteur, régulation et technologie qui retient notre attention. Il fait naître une notion de régulation socio matérielle, réintroduisant dans un propos théorique la matière qui pondère une technologie devenue moins visible.Adoptant la méthode de l'étude de cas pour étudier cette problématique, nous nous attacherons, en étudiant le processus de passage d'ordre de Bourse, à mettre en évidence les articulations concrètes des notions et les différents processus réglementaires qu'elles produisent. / The question of the rule is first treated in a very theoretical and static way, for the philosophers and the Fathers of Sociology. Insert the actor in the reasoning leads to give it a dynamic form and study both its origin and evolution, as well as its diversity. Routines, conventions, and regulations are forms coating different implications, particularly in terms of control.The technique and works on this last point. Become ubiquitous in our daily and indisputable, it is nevertheless not an obvious and trivial concept.This is especially the link between the three variables mentioned, actor, regulation and technology that holds our attention. It raises a notion of social control hardware, reintroducing a theoretical matter about which weights become a less visible technology.Adopting the method of case study to examine this issue, we will work by studying the order management process Stock Exchange, to highlight the concrete joints concepts and different regulatory processes they produce.

Évolution du design au tournant du XXIe siècle : des inflexions du changement au design des existences / Evolution of design at the turn of the 21st century : From inflections of change to the design of existences

Canas-Lenoël, Anne-Cécile 30 November 2018 (has links)
Notre projet consiste à saisir et étudier les changements immanents du design leurs effets et leurs enjeux, leurs limites aussi, au tournant du XXIe siècle. Les technologies du numérique, celles des TIC, ont amorcé un phénoménal mouvement de reconfiguration de nos modes de faire, vivre et penser le monde, ainsi que de nous-mêmes. L’humain et les différents types d’organisations de ses activités connaissent de profondes mutations. Les ères de productions se déplacent sous la poussée d’une pensée de la collaboration et de la participation. Il semble que nous soyons entrés dans une ère du design des existences / Our project consists of capturing and studying immanent changes in design, their effects and their stakes, their limits as well, at the turn of the twenty-first century. Digital technologies, those of ICT, have initiated a phenomenal movement of reconfiguration of our ways of doing, living and thinking the world, as well as ourselves. The human and the different types of organizations of its activities are undergoing profound changes. The eras of productions move under the pressure of a thought of collaboration and participation. It seems that we have entered an era of the design of existences

Archéographie et ingénierie du corps / Archaeography and body engineering

Robin, Cindy 28 September 2015 (has links)
Animé par les évolutions industrielles et les prouesses scientifiques, technologiques et biologiques, l’homme contemporain semble préparer le terrain de sa métamorphose. Après avoir cherché à contrôler son environnement, il semble désormais vouloir contrôler son être et devenir maître et cause de lui-même. En effet, aujourd’hui plus que jamais l’homme bricole, traite, cultive, modifie son anatomie de toutes les manières possibles, chirurgies esthétiques, interventions génétiques ou encore opérations technologiques. Le corps du XXIe siècle, dont il est question d’analyser les mutations, les causes et les éventuelles conséquences, devient – comme le soulèvent de nombreux artistes contemporains au travers de nouvelles poïétiques – de plus en plus un élément composite, un amalgame de substances, de normes scientifico-culturelles et de manipulations techno-biologiques, il se fait artefact. Ce travail théorique soutenu par une pratique artistique se propose de nous interroger sur la condition humaine contemporaine, inscrite dans un contexte sociétal qui semble être sous la coupe d’un phénomène de scientifisation très marqué. Une condition humaine, menacée par des idéologies post-humanistes souhaitant prendre en main l’évolution et organiser les générations artificiellement. / Led by industrial developments as well as scientific, technological and biological prowess, modern man seems to lay the ground for his metamorphosis. Having sought to gain control over his environment, he now apparently wants to control his own being and become his own master and cause. As a matter of fact, today more than ever, man tinkers with his anatomy, processes it, cultivates and changes it, be it through aesthetic surgery, genetic intervention or technological operations. The 21st century body, that of which the mutations, causes and possible consequences are being analyzed, increasingly becomes – as many contemporary artists have shown through new poietics – a composite element, a hotchpotch of scientific-cultural norms and techno-biological manipulations, it becomes an artefact. This theoretical work, backed by an artistic practice, seeks to raise questions about the contemporary human condition in a societal context that is seemingly dominated by a very strong scientification phenomenon. A human condition threatened by post-humanist ideologies wishing to take evolution into man’s own hands and to artificially organize generations.

Konkurenceschopnost lidského kapitálu České republiky na trhu práce Evropské unie

Jebavá, Alžběta January 2006 (has links)
Lidský kapitál je ve dnešní době jedním z hlavních determinantů hospodářského vývoje a celkové konkurenceschopnosti ekonomiky. Proto se tato diplomová práce zabývá konkurenceschopností českého lidského kapitálu na trhu práce EU a analyzuje kvalifikační intenzitu nabídky a poptávky na trhu práce ČR a zemí EU-15, které jsou pro naši ekonomiku srovnávací skupinou. Zdůrazňuje především nezbytnost terciárního vzdělání a celoživotního vzdělávání jako klíče k zajištění flexibility lidského kapitálu a naplnění potřeb trhu práce.

Logistické technologie se zaměřením na ECR v řetězcích obchodního typu

Pejznochová, Jana January 2006 (has links)
Práce rozebírá logistické technologie, podrobněji Efficient Consumer Response. Zabývá se příčinami vzniku, stručnou historií, prvky, přínosy pro podniky a implementací ECR v podniku. Cílem práce je ukázat, jak ECR funguje a jak je uplatňováno v praxi u výrobních i obchodních společností, jak ECR vnímají koneční zákazníci, a jak by při zavádění technologie měly postupovat podniky, které s ECR nemají zkušenosti.


Lisý, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
Text se zabývá řízením informatiky v divizi společnosti Valeo. Hledá nedostatky, které se v poměrně sofistikovaném řízení vyskytují, když je informační systém podle vnitropodnikových principů nasazen do praxe. Využívá pohledu uživatele na IS/ICT a snaží se navrhnout činnosti, které by pomohly zohlednit požadavky uživatelů v divizi. Uživatelský pohled doposud nebyl v provozu informatiky akcentován.

Využití technologií automatické identifikace při řízení firmy / The automatic identification technologies usage for company management

Švecová, Martina Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je ukázat jakým způsobem lze využít moderní technologie automatické identifikace v procesech řízení firmy. Průmyslové použití čárových kódů v České republice lze vysledovat zhruba od 90 let 20. století, kdy se začaly běžně používat především z důvodu příchodu obchodních řetězců a z toho vyplývajícího zautomatizování identifikace prodávaného zboží. Tato práce je zaměřena nejen na dnes již běžné technologie čárových kódů, ale také na nově nastupující radiofrekvenční identifikaci a řízení pomocí hlasu.

Vliv informačních a komunikačních technologií na konkurenceschopnost ekonomiky ČR / The impact of the ICT on the competitiveness of the Czech Republic

Řezáč, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to map and determinate position of ICT sector in the Czech economy and estimate competitiveness of this segment in the scope of economy of the Czech Republic. The first part explores and evaluates topical position of ICT sector in the Czech Republic, mainly by analyzing basic statistical data about the economic and employment impact of all ICT firms as a whole. There is also calculated effectiveness of each sector of the economy. This part provides a basic image of the ICT sector position compared to other sectors of the Czech economy. The second part continues with the research made in the first part, but on an aggregate level. It summarizes and visualizes changes in aggregated parts of economy in chronological order. Sectors of economy are aggregated to three groups according to their absorption of ICT. The third part expands previous analysis of a global scale. It summarizes and comments the Global Competitiveness Report published by World Economic Forum. This chapter provides clear review of competitiveness of Czech Republic compared to European Union, with accent on ICT sector. The last part is aimed at new methodology of scoring projects developed by the Department of Information Technologies at the University of Economics, Prague. It also sets some recommendations for future methodology. This part contains the library of case studies worked up in new methodology. Finally, there is summary of findings made during the process of exploring selected area of research which evaluates the contribution of the whole thesis as a whole to the researched topic.

Massenbilanzierung einer Wirbelschichtgranulierung / Mass balance of a fluidized bed granulation process

Köster, Ulf January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Massenbilanzierung einer Wirbelschicht-granulierung implementiert. Durch die umfangreiche Instrumentierung eines Laborgerätes zum Wirbelschichtgranulieren im Top-Spray-Verfahren (Glatt GPCG 1.1, Binzen, Deutschland) ist es möglich, die relative Luftfeuchte, die Temperatur und den Absolutdruck der Frischluft sowie der Abluft und ferner den Luftvolumenstrom zu messen. Die Berechnung der Dichten der feuchten Luft ermöglicht den Übergang zu Massenströmen von Luft und von Wasser. Aus der Differenz von in die Anlage eingebrachtem und herausgefördertem Wasser wird auf die aktuelle Masse an Wasser im Granulationsansatz geschlossen. Voraussetzung für eine derartige Massenbilanzierung ist dabei eine sehr präzise Bestimmung sämtlicher relevanter Parameter. Die relative Luftfeuchte wird mit kapazitiven Feuchtesensoren gemessen, die einem neu entwickelten Kalibrierverfahren unterzogen werden. Da das Ansprechverhalten der Feuchtesensoren einen kritischen Prozeßparameter darstellt, werden Vergleichsmessungen mit akustischen Feuchtesensoren durchgeführt. Die Messung des Volumenstroms erfolgt durch ein ungedämpftes Flügelradanemometer. Zur Kalibrierung dieses Sensors werden mit einem Hitzedrahtanemometer Strömungsprofile in einer Einlaufstrecke bei verschiedenen Volumenstrombedingungen aufgenommen. Aus der Integration der Strömungsgeschwindigkeit über den Rohrquerschnitt wird der aktuelle Volumenstrom ermittelt. In der gesamten Anlage herrschen stets turbulente Strömungsverhältnisse. Voraussetzung für die Massenbilanzierung ist, dass im Bereich der Feuchtemessstellen sämtliches Wasser gasförmig vorliegt, da Kondensat nicht von den Feuchtesensoren erfasst wird. Durch Messung der Rohrwandtemperatur und Berechnung der Taupunkttemperatur der Abluft kann eine Kondensation von Wasser an der Stelle der Abluftfeuchtemessung ausgeschlossen werden. Durch Anwendung der Massenbilanzierungsrechnung kann gezeigt werden, dass der Wassergehalt im Granulationsgefäß im Verlauf der Sprühphase kontinuierlich ansteigt, um während der Trocknungsphase in drei Trocknungsabschnitten wieder auf den Ausgangswert zurückzugehen. Mit dieser Arbeit werden die Voraussetzungen für die umfassende Steuerung von Wirbelschichtgranulationsanlagen sowie der darin stattfindenden Granulationsprozesse gelegt. / The aim of the present work was the implementation of a mass balance of a fluidized bed granulation process. By the use of an extensive instrumentation of a laboratory-scale fluidized bed granulator that operates with a top-spray methode (Glatt GPCG 1.1, Binzen, Germany) it is possible to measure the relative humidity, the temperature and the absolute pressure of the fresh as well as of the outlet air and in addition the volume flow. The calculation of the density of moist air allows the transfer to mass flows of air and of water. The current mass of water inside the granulation chamber is gathered by the difference of water transferred into and transported out of the granulator. The very precise determination of all relevant parameters is a prerequisite for such a kind of mass balance calculation. The relative humidity is measured with capacitive humidity sensors, which were subjected to a newly developed calibration methode. As the response time of the humidity sensors is a crucial process parameter, reference measurements with acoustic humidity sensors are conducted. The measurement of the volume flow of the fresh air is realized by an undamped propeller-type flowrate meter. For the calibration of this sensor air flow velocity profiles inside the tube are recorded with a hot-wire anemometer under several constant volume flow conditions. The integration of the air flow velocity over the whole tube cross section results in the effective volume flow. Turbulent flow is observed throughout the machine at each point of time. As condensed water can not be recorded by the sensing elements, it is a precondition for the mass balance calculation that the complete mass of water is in its gaseous state at the zone of the humidity sensors. By temperature-measurements at the wall of the tubes and the calculation of the dew point of the outlet air a water-condensation at this region can be excluded. By application of the mass balance calculation it can be shown that the mass of water inside the granulation vessel increases continuously during the spraying phase, to return to the initial value during three different drying stages. The results presented in this thesis provide the prerequisites for a comprehensive control system for fluidized bed granulators as well as the according granulation processes.

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