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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A marketing analysis of how baby boomers can manage their chronic health conditions through digital health information technologies

Nettleton, Laura Jeanne 15 July 2011 (has links)
This paper explores chronic health issues as it relates to baby boomers and their use of digital technology. After considering how baby boomers use mobile devices and Internet technologies and what types of information they seek out within these platforms, further examination is done on health related topics such as healthcare, health literacy, and chronic health conditions. In recognition of baby boomers' likely development of one chronic condition or multiple occurring ones (known as comorbidity), three new health technologies are analyzed based on their ability to help individuals manage their chronic conditions. From these three technologies, smart pills, the Health Journal for Pain, and lx Conversations, individual marketing plans are recommended according to how they will benefit baby boomers in regards to better self health management in later adulthood years. / text

Η εισαγωγή και εφαρμογή των νέων τεχνολογιών στην πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Αναζήτηση των πιθανών μεταβολών στο εσωτερικό της εκπαιδευτικής πρακτικής: μια ποιοτική προσέγγιση

Σουβαλιώτη, Αικατερίνη 10 October 2008 (has links)
Σκοπός της εργασίας μας είναι η διερεύνηση των μεταβολών που συντελούνται στο εσωτερικό της εκπαιδευτικής πρακτικής εξαιτίας της ενσωμάτωσης των τεχνολογιών πληροφορίας και επικοινωνίας στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία. Από τα δεδομένα προκύπτει πως η εισαγωγή των τεχνολογιών πληροφορίας και επικοινωνίας προκύπτει από ρυθμιστικές αρχές που όμως δεν έχουν μεταβάλλει τον τρόπο άσκησης του συμβολικού ελέγχου του σχολείου.Η σχέση του εκπαιδευτικού και του μαθητού συνεχίζει να δομείται στα πλαίσια μιας ορατής παιδαγωγικής,ενώ αναδύονται οι πρώτες μεταβολές στο περιεχόμενο της μεταδιδόμενης και προσληφθείσας γνώσης. Όσον αφορά τους μαθητές, υπάρχει μια πρώτη σύνδεση με το πεδίο της παραγωγής, τόσο εξαιτίας της ενασχόλησης και εξοικείωσής τους με τα τεχνολογικά μέσα στο σχολείο, όσο και της σχετικής παιδαγωγικής στήριξης που παρέχεται από το σπίτι. / Τhe purpose of this study is to investigate the possible changes are made to the internal of educational proccess due to the introduction of Information, and Communication Technologies, ICT. After procssing the collected information it emerges that indroduction of ICT is based on regulatory principles that have not changed the way in which education exercises symbolic control. The relationship between teacher ang pupil continues to be built on a visible pedagogic while the first changes emerged in the context of incepted and transferred knowledge. For pupils there is a first connection of new technologies with the field of production due to their activity with technological means at school, as well as well as the further pedagogic supprt is given by parents.

Alutiiq Engineering: The Mechanics and Design of Skeletal Technologies in Alaska's Kodiak Archipelago

Margaris, Amy Vlassia January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation expands current theoretical and practical knowledge of variability in the technological strategies practiced by past forager societies. Specifically, it examines the interplay between raw material innate and working properties, and tool design as they relate to skeletal media and technologies. Data were synthesized from existing biomedical literature on the structure and mechanical properties of technologically-relevant osseous media, including bird and cetacean bone, and antler. Original laboratory tests were then conducted to determine the mechanical properties of Young's modulus (intrinsic stiffness), intrinsic strength, and fracture resistance of the compact tissue of reindeer antler, cervid long bones, and the limb bones of the California sea lion. Cervid compact limb tissue is stiff, strong, and brittle, while reindeer antler is flexible and highly fracture-resistant (tough). Air-drying hardens all skeletal tissues, and greatly increases investment times for creating tool blanks of both antler and cervid limb bone. Water -soaking can soften dry antler, but may have little effect on the workability of previously-dried land mammal limb bone. Finally, data on the mechanical and working properties of osseous tissues were applied to an analysis of the raw material selection and tool design strategies practiced by protohistoric Alutiiq foragers of Alaska's Kodiak region. Drawing on a sample of over 300 osseous tools and tool blanks, the engineering designs of five tool types were investigated: unbarbed arrows, barbed sea mammal harpoons, fishing harpoon tips, woodworking wedges, and awls. By employing multiple analytical scales, the study points to multiple design pathways toward a generalized goal of maximizing tool longevity, or circulation time. Tool fracture potential can be reduced through raw material selection and stress-reducing structural design. Alutiiq designs for longevity include nested fish harpoon valves, and the off-set line holes on unilaterally barbed harpoons. Also, both tool types were created most frequently from tough but non-local antler. Tool recycling and conservation to avoid drying and fracture can likewise increase tool use-lives. For osseous tools, maximizing longevity might offset high initial tool production investments. The results are applicable to processes of technology transfer in many protohistoric contexts and the Upper Paleolithic of Eurasia.

Suaugusiųjų mokymo centro profiliavimo informacinė sistema / The information system for the profile education of Adult Education Centre

Subatavičienė, Daiva 12 January 2005 (has links)
The main target of the information system is to provide the community of the school with the means of information that would enable its members to work more efficiently and that would give each user of the information system a tool to obtain a comprehensive and specific information. The information system of Adult Education Centre computerizes the problem of “the formation of mobile groups for the profile education”. The information system stores the information about the way of studies and the profile choice of the students, gives a wide-range information about the students’ grouping into forms and mobile groups, facilitates the processing of information, provides the statistical data. Having introduced this information system, the most part of the documents are done by means of computer and put into computer storage. The information system provides conditions for: a) the school administration to improve their work; b) the school community to obtain a wide-range and immediate information about the grouping of the students; c) obtaining information about the planning of the financial needs and the analysis of the use of the budget; d) obtaining statistical data at any time and report writing. The system is based on database. To implement the database Microsoft Access database administrative system was being used.

Mobiliųjų E-rinkimų taikomoji sistema / Mobile E-voting application system

Leipus, Audrius 17 January 2005 (has links)
Mobile E-voting application system - software and hardware solution for e-voting elections. We have reviewed and analyzed present electronic voting systems, that were realized on public elections. There are many e-voting systems, but no one of them reach today’s needs, because all of them has just one, two or three voting ways, but no one has almost all and most needed of them. Another problem is security. We have created two levels security solution, to secure votes in the e-voting terminals, until they will be send to then central voting system. All mobile e-voting application system has three levels, then first is central voting station, the second is district voting station and the last is terminal. The data from the central station to the district station goes through the VPN (Virtual Private Network) and from the district station to the terminal goes through the WLAN modem. We have formed technical, information, user interface requirements and models for the mobile E-voting application system. There are described possible solutions for computer network, database and user interface. Experimental example shows a few Mobile E-voting application system functions.

Programinio kodo obfuskacija ir įgyvendinimo metodai / Obfuscation and realization methods

Lukšas, Darius 14 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to analyze and compare Microsoft Framework .NET (CLR type) files and their obfuscation methods, create the obfuscation system, using some of the analyzed methods. After analyzing different Microsoft Framework .NET obfuscation techniques in this project: • class, method, parameters name change; • user string encryption; • IL code encryption; Decision was made to use obfuscation method with class, method, parameters name change.

Personalo IS gamybinėje įmonėje / Human resources information system for manufacturing enterprice

Kalibataitė, Gražina 10 January 2006 (has links)
Reengineering of informational systems is reorganization and modification of existing software systems, maintaining then to come easier. In the project action reengineering is suggested as paradigma of alternation at industrial organization which is essential achieving better setting and being more competitionable; influences structures and operations of organization a informational system and its development methods. During this process the present platform of informational system and software is placed. Refering to this rating the ways of software development are planned. Large organizations have functional requirements and demand of informational needs so this project considerates methods how to integrate residual system’s base stages and nero structures, whish are necessary for varied informational needs . Analysed application system’s sphere “ staff accounting” isn’t keel. Its regulation acts are changing, so staff working hours and wages have to conform. Analysed company, with such activity has alternate payment and organizational rules. So chosen way is the most effective. The main problems, noticed at this company: active accounting programme in old operating system doesn’t aberrant activity reasons, old in moral and do not fit all functions. Lithuanian software market is oriented to the West production and has very fero personal accounting systems. They’re coming from abroad Foreing a priori systems don’t fit specified action processes and legal limitation.

Darbo biržos informacinė sistema "Vadovo langas" / Information system „Managers Window“ of Labour Exchange

Urmanavičienė, Asta 10 January 2006 (has links)
The main purpose of this work is to develop an information system „Managers Window“ for managers of Lithuanian Labour Exchange. The objectives of this system are:  To provide actual information about management indicators and their analysis  To control the level of achievement of labour market indicators (2 level system)  To evaluate quick the situation and review of trends in labour market  To give possibility to compare activities of several labour exchanges at once System functions:  To reload data from jobseekers and vacancies database (IS DBIRŽA-I)  To parametrize indicators (indicators are divided by specialists, responsible for task implementation)  To review general results of indicators and analyse their details  To draw diagrams to show current situation in management indicators Other features of the system:  Ability to complement system with additional data from other databases, internet or intranet sites;  Ability to exchange data charts and tables with other Office software The IS is implemented using software package QlikView.

Restoranų informacinės sistemos modelis ir programinė realizacija / Restaurant information system model and implementation

Dzenkauskas, Paulinas 16 January 2006 (has links)
The recent stabilization of the Internet is now driving easy aspect of life into an Internet presence and the accompanying e-commerce solutions. In the coming years, the Internet will see growth in numbers unlike the world has ever seen. E-commerce has built itself with this in mind and is making every effort it can to seize the strongest position possible. The idea of e-restaurant extends the restaurant to the web and therefore to the home of customers. It provides the basic services, such as reservation, meal selection, and recommendation. The most appealing thing we found about e-restaurant is its online reservation service. On customer side, customers can take as much time as their need to choose table positions, search menu items, and investigate menu items through pictures, descriptions and feedbacks on e-restaurant's web page before making reservations. Moreover, e-restaurant provides 24-hour reservation service which is difficult for conventional restaurants to provide. On restaurant side, on-line reservation reduces human errors which are not uncommon in reservations by phone. On-line reservation also frees the staff of e-restaurant from repetitive data entry and paperwork. This allows e-restaurant to redirect labor used for back office tasks to front of the house tasks to improve customer service, which is the heart of restaurant business. The Management of e-restaurant can access immediate and up to date business critical data to adjust management strategy in a... [to full text]

Informacinė sistema pagrindinės mokyklos bendruomenei / Informational system of elementary school community

Valuckienė, Loreta 31 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Informational system of elementary school community is Informational system, that accummulates and transfers information, inportant for members of school community. System works on intranet and extranet technologies base. The main demand for the system – informational system (IS) should to decrease user‘s time costs presenting end receiveing important information about the spheres of school activity. The main IS users, are administration of the school, teachers, pupils and parents of pupils. The basic IS activity spheres – information about the shcool, it‘s activity, news, links, e – diary and schedules. This document is the documentation of „Informational system of elementary school community“. The documentation reviews the stages of analysis, projecting, program realization and presented summary of user‘s documentation. In the proccess of analysis, were analysed and specified functional and non-functional requirements and limits, that determined IS should be created with the intranet and extranet technology help, using PHP and HTML programming language, InterBase data base, Macromedia Flash and Paint programs. The created IS corresponds to the model of architectural informational system of 3 levels. User‘s link – Activity‘s rules – Data base or TXT files. Informational system is safe. System data is not accessible for strangers. Data is managed by executives of school, that have the access to the system. It is easy to operate the system – to introduce... [to full text]

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