Spelling suggestions: "subject:"technology basedfirms"" "subject:"technology basedforms""
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Networks of female entrepreneurs in technology-based firms in Jordan : structure, content and evolutionAlakaleek, Wejdan M. January 2015 (has links)
Female entrepreneurs establishing new firms in Jordan mostly do not have adequate internal resources to help support the successful emergence and growth of their enterprise. Agreement has emerged among scholars that network ties are an effective source or route through which entrepreneurs are able to reach and obtain the resources necessary to assist their firm through its various stages development. Understanding more about how Jordanian female entrepreneurs engage in networking in order to establish and grow their firms, might help inform policy intervention as well as inform theory by identifying the model of network development in a field where there is a lack of studies and literature that explores the networking behaviour of female entrepreneurs, particularly in Eastern societies. Thus, this research investigates the development of networks for resource acquisition by exploring the experiences of female entrepreneurs in 14 technology-based firms in Jordan. It explores the structural characteristics and the content of their networks and how they have developed over time to deliver advantage in resource acquisition during the venture formation and early development stages. Rich qualitative data were collected utilising a two-stage, in-depth interview approach. Evidence is presented as to how changes in aspects of network structure, including diversity, reachability, density, centrality and the presence of strong and weak ties, yield different types of resources available to the entrepreneurs. The network structure of female entrepreneurs at start-up was characterised by business ties established within male-dominated networks. There was evidence of these women building new strong ties and reaching out through a small number of indirect ties. Typically there was a high degree of interconnectedness between different parts of the women’s networks, which were characterised by their density. These structural characteristics of the network enabled these women to reach and obtain human capital, financial resources and achieve legitimacy. As the female entrepreneurs grew their businesses there were changes in the network structure as it became characterised by a higher level of diversity in terms of types of tie. The prominence of male-dominated network ties continued, but there was a growing presence of weak ties; a decline in the level of network density; and the appearance of centrality, where women started to act as a broker between two other actors in their networks. These changes saw the women benefitting mainly in building network ties, including gaining access to new contacts of different types. The research revealed that professional business ties and access through these ties play an important role in venture creation and growth. These business ties are used to act as the gateway to resources rather than the personal ties identified in previous research. Further, in support of network-based research suggesting that the entrepreneurs’ network ties and their structural characteristics change overtime as the resource needs change, this research provides empirical evidence of the changing content (resources) that these structural characteristics provide through the start-up and early development stages. Therefore, the findings of this exploratory research on female technology entrepreneurs in Jordan contribute to theory development at the intersection of work on network processes, network development and entrepreneurship in Middle Eastern societies. The findings also have a number of implications for policy and practice, which are considered in the conclusions to the thesis.
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As dificuldades encontradas pelos gestores de fundos de venture capital e as empresas de biotecnologia no Brasil / Difficulties between venture capitalist and biotech companies in BrazilIgarashi, Reinaldo Tsuyoshi 04 July 2014 (has links)
O venture capital (VC) é uma importante fonte de captação de recursos para as empresas de base tecnológica ao realizar aporte financeiro temporário e suporte gerencial em troca de participação societária. Trata-se de uma alternativa que se enquadra nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento das empresas de biotecnologia. A biotecnologia é considerada uma das áreas mais promissores do século XXI e representa o segundo maior segmento investido pelo mercado nos EUA. No Brasil, o mercado de VC é pouco explorado em comparação com os EUA, resultando no menor número de trabalhos realizados nesta área. A contribuição desta pesquisa na literatura está na análise das dificuldades encontradas pelos gestores de fundos de VC e as empresas de biotecnologia no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada contempla entrevistas com gestores de fundos de VC e questionários junto às empresas de biotecnologia. Concluiu-se que as dificuldades estão presentes nas três funções do ciclo de VC analisadas: captação de recursos, investimentos e desinvestimentos. Na captação de recursos, dificuldades relacionadas ao pequeno histórico e cultura de investimentos em VC no Brasil foram constatadas, além da influência de variáveis macroeconômicas, desestimulando os investidores a atuarem neste mercado. Em relação aos investimentos, há diferenças de percepção entre as gestoras e as empresas quanto aos critérios utilizados no processo de seleção, além da dificuldade de se realizar co-investimentos. No aspecto do desinvestimento, a falta de alternativas viáveis de mecanismos de saída disponíveis no mercado de VC nacional força as gestoras a buscarem a venda estratégica. A pesquisa limitou-se a analisar somente o mercado de VC brasileiro e empresas atuantes no segmento de biotecnologia, não sendo objeto de análise o mercado de PE e empresas atuantes em outros segmentos. / Venture capital is an important source of fund raising for technology based-firms by providing temporary financial and managerial support in exchange for equity. It is an alternative that fits in the early stages of development of biotechnology companies. Biotechnology is considered one of the most promising areas of the twenty-first century and it is the second largest segment of the investment market in the USA. In Brazil, the venture capital market is underexplored compared to the USA, resulting in fewer works done in this area. The contribution of this research in the literature is the analysis of the difficulties between venture capitalists and biotechnology companies in Brazil. Methodology includes interviews with venture capitalists and questionnaires with biotechnology companies. It was concluded that the difficulties are present in the functions of the VC cycle analyzed: fundraising, investments and exits. In fundraising, difficulties related to the history and culture of small investments in VC in Brazil have been verified, as well as the influence of macroeconomic variables, discouraging investors to act in this market. Regarding investments, there are differences of perception between venture capitalists and firms as for criteria used in the selection process, in addition to the difficulty to perform co-investments. In the aspect of exits, the lack of feasible alternative exit mechanisms available in the domestic VC market force the management to seek strategic sale. The research was limited to examining only the VC market and Brazilian firms operating in the biotechnology segment, not being subject to analysis the private equity market and firms operating in other segments.
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Born Globals brasileiras: estudo da internacionalização de empresas de base tecnológica / Brazilian Born globals: study of technology-based firms internationalizationRibeiro, Fernanda Cecilia Ferreira 16 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar a relação dos fatores do ambiente externo da empresa no país de origem, fatores organizacionais e fatores do empreendedor pelos quais algumas empresas de base tecnológica (EBTs) se internacionalizam de maneira acelerada desde sua fundação ou poucos anos após sua fundação. Cerca de 1000 EBTs foram aleatoriamente convidadas para responder o questionário. Ao final da coleta de dados a primeira base de dados gerada continha 214 respostas, das quais 85 foram obtidas de empresas com algum tipo de negócio no exterior, 39,7%. Destes, 54 questionários foram considerados válidos para esta pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que os fatores externos à empresa influenciam mais na internacionalização das EBTs em relação aos fatores internos. Assim, o habitat de localização, as parcerias, as políticas governamentais e a integração na cadeia de valor explicam de maneira significativa o processo de internacionalização das EBTs brasileiras. Porém, é a integração em cadeias produtivas globais o fator que melhor discrimina a internacionalização das EBTs born globals. Em relação aos fatores do empreendedor, as habilidades gerenciais internacionais do empreendedor também apareceram como importantes no processo acelerado de entrada no exterior das EBTs. Além disso, a tese apresenta uma taxonomia resultante de uma análise de clusters. Foram identificados três clusters: EBTs Born globals puxadas por cadeias globais, EBTs Born globals incentivadas por habitats de inovação e EBTs internacionalizadas não born globals. Portanto, esta pesquisa contribui para a discussão do processo de internacionalização acelerada das EBTs, contribuindo para suprir a lacuna da importância dos fatores externos, internos e do empreendedor no processo de internacionalização dessas empresas e apresentando uma taxonomia baseada em dados de born globals em mercados emergentes. / The objective of this thesis is to analyze the relation of factors external to the firm in the country of origin, organizational factors and entrepreneurial factors through which some technology-based firms (TBFs) internationalize in an accelerated manner since their foundation or a few years after their foundation. Approximately 1,000 TBFs were randomly invited to answer a questionnaire. At the end of data collection, the first database generated held 214 answers, of which 85 were obtained from firms which had some kind of business abroad (39.7%). Of those, 54 questionnaires were considered valid for this research. The results show that factors external to the firms influence more in the internationalization process of the TBFs in relation to internal factors. Therefore, location, partnerships, government policies and integration in the value chain significantly explain the internationalization process of Brazilian TBFs. However, integration in the value chain is the factor that best discriminates the internationalization of born global TBFs. In relation to entrepreneurial factors, international managing skills of the entrepreneur are also important to the accelerated internationalization process of the TBFs. Moreover, a taxonomy resulting of the analysis of clusters is presented in the thesis. Three clusters were identified: born-global TBFs generated by global chains, born-global TBFs motivated by innovation habitats and internationalized non-born global TBFs. Therefore, this paper contributes to the discussion of the accelerated internationalization process of TBFs, filling the gap regarding the importance of external, internal and entrepreneurial factors in the internationalization process of these firms and presenting a taxonomy based on data from born globals in emerging markets.
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Exploring knowledge and learning in new technology-based firms in an early-stage entrepreneurial ecosystemMontoya Martinez, Elizabeth January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates knowledge and learning in new technology-based firms (NTBFs) in an early-stage entrepreneurial ecosystem. Previous work on entrepreneurial learning suggests that experiential learning, vicarious learning and exploration are the learning types that entrepreneurs use to manage knowledge, and that this leads to the creation of entrepreneurial knowledge. While the majority of previous research involves entrepreneurial learning that is based on absorptive capacity (ACAP) to generate competitive advantage, this study examines how new venture teams (NVTs) manage new and prior knowledge when developing and commercialising software. The knowledge-based view (KBV) regards knowledge as the most important resource to allocate. This research adopts this approach in exploring how NVTs acquire, assimilate and use new knowledge. Based on a framework encompassing networks, prior knowledge and knowledge management the study explores, examines and analyses: i. Entrepreneurial networks; ii. Early-stage entrepreneurial ecosystems; iii. NVTs’ prior knowledge; and iv. Knowledge integration activities. The research adopts a qualitative approach and methodology comprising two stages. The first one captures the perceptions of multiple agents involved in the entrepreneurial networks in Colombia, from government, academia and support institutions (private and public). In the second stage eight NVTs from Medellín were asked to describe the resources and source of resources used when developing and commercialising the first innovative product while creating and establishing the NTBF; their answers were validated in a second interview using a mind map to illustrate key events and key sources of new knowledge. Analysis of the data reveals that even in early-stage entrepreneurial ecosystems, NVTs acquire knowledge from external sources, such as mentors, intermediaries and customers. This finding echoes the importance of ACAP in NTBF creation and survival. Moreover, NVTs acquire knowledge from internal sources of knowledge, such as new members, experience and formal education. In general, regardless of how related, specific and complementary the prior knowledge of the NVT is, all cases use external and internal knowledge integration activities. This study provides new insights into the nature of knowledge integration and has clarified distinctions between two key substantive capabilities in NTBFs: developing a technology and commercialising a new product. As regard to the KBV, the thesis also shows how entrepreneurial and innovative networks helped with the acquisition of new knowledge in an early-stage entrepreneurial ecosystem. This new knowledge can be market-related but also technical-related, and can also be acquired by outsourcing when the NVT’s knowledge base is not specialised in the technology that the firm offers. NVTs manage prior and new knowledge when developing and commercialising new technologies while they create and establish the NTBF, for by doing so they also focus on sales to maintain cash flow. The study suggests that members of NVTs work together, make decisions together and are both reflective and selective when choosing their sources of new knowledge in NTBFs. This study has important implications for policymakers and practitioners. While current policies and entrepreneurs recognise networks as the most important source of knowledge, findings of this research suggests that internal sources of knowledge are equally important, therefore NVTs must also develop internal knowledge integration abilities.
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Born Globals brasileiras: estudo da internacionalização de empresas de base tecnológica / Brazilian Born globals: study of technology-based firms internationalizationFernanda Cecilia Ferreira Ribeiro 16 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar a relação dos fatores do ambiente externo da empresa no país de origem, fatores organizacionais e fatores do empreendedor pelos quais algumas empresas de base tecnológica (EBTs) se internacionalizam de maneira acelerada desde sua fundação ou poucos anos após sua fundação. Cerca de 1000 EBTs foram aleatoriamente convidadas para responder o questionário. Ao final da coleta de dados a primeira base de dados gerada continha 214 respostas, das quais 85 foram obtidas de empresas com algum tipo de negócio no exterior, 39,7%. Destes, 54 questionários foram considerados válidos para esta pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que os fatores externos à empresa influenciam mais na internacionalização das EBTs em relação aos fatores internos. Assim, o habitat de localização, as parcerias, as políticas governamentais e a integração na cadeia de valor explicam de maneira significativa o processo de internacionalização das EBTs brasileiras. Porém, é a integração em cadeias produtivas globais o fator que melhor discrimina a internacionalização das EBTs born globals. Em relação aos fatores do empreendedor, as habilidades gerenciais internacionais do empreendedor também apareceram como importantes no processo acelerado de entrada no exterior das EBTs. Além disso, a tese apresenta uma taxonomia resultante de uma análise de clusters. Foram identificados três clusters: EBTs Born globals puxadas por cadeias globais, EBTs Born globals incentivadas por habitats de inovação e EBTs internacionalizadas não born globals. Portanto, esta pesquisa contribui para a discussão do processo de internacionalização acelerada das EBTs, contribuindo para suprir a lacuna da importância dos fatores externos, internos e do empreendedor no processo de internacionalização dessas empresas e apresentando uma taxonomia baseada em dados de born globals em mercados emergentes. / The objective of this thesis is to analyze the relation of factors external to the firm in the country of origin, organizational factors and entrepreneurial factors through which some technology-based firms (TBFs) internationalize in an accelerated manner since their foundation or a few years after their foundation. Approximately 1,000 TBFs were randomly invited to answer a questionnaire. At the end of data collection, the first database generated held 214 answers, of which 85 were obtained from firms which had some kind of business abroad (39.7%). Of those, 54 questionnaires were considered valid for this research. The results show that factors external to the firms influence more in the internationalization process of the TBFs in relation to internal factors. Therefore, location, partnerships, government policies and integration in the value chain significantly explain the internationalization process of Brazilian TBFs. However, integration in the value chain is the factor that best discriminates the internationalization of born global TBFs. In relation to entrepreneurial factors, international managing skills of the entrepreneur are also important to the accelerated internationalization process of the TBFs. Moreover, a taxonomy resulting of the analysis of clusters is presented in the thesis. Three clusters were identified: born-global TBFs generated by global chains, born-global TBFs motivated by innovation habitats and internationalized non-born global TBFs. Therefore, this paper contributes to the discussion of the accelerated internationalization process of TBFs, filling the gap regarding the importance of external, internal and entrepreneurial factors in the internationalization process of these firms and presenting a taxonomy based on data from born globals in emerging markets.
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As dificuldades encontradas pelos gestores de fundos de venture capital e as empresas de biotecnologia no Brasil / Difficulties between venture capitalist and biotech companies in BrazilReinaldo Tsuyoshi Igarashi 04 July 2014 (has links)
O venture capital (VC) é uma importante fonte de captação de recursos para as empresas de base tecnológica ao realizar aporte financeiro temporário e suporte gerencial em troca de participação societária. Trata-se de uma alternativa que se enquadra nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento das empresas de biotecnologia. A biotecnologia é considerada uma das áreas mais promissores do século XXI e representa o segundo maior segmento investido pelo mercado nos EUA. No Brasil, o mercado de VC é pouco explorado em comparação com os EUA, resultando no menor número de trabalhos realizados nesta área. A contribuição desta pesquisa na literatura está na análise das dificuldades encontradas pelos gestores de fundos de VC e as empresas de biotecnologia no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada contempla entrevistas com gestores de fundos de VC e questionários junto às empresas de biotecnologia. Concluiu-se que as dificuldades estão presentes nas três funções do ciclo de VC analisadas: captação de recursos, investimentos e desinvestimentos. Na captação de recursos, dificuldades relacionadas ao pequeno histórico e cultura de investimentos em VC no Brasil foram constatadas, além da influência de variáveis macroeconômicas, desestimulando os investidores a atuarem neste mercado. Em relação aos investimentos, há diferenças de percepção entre as gestoras e as empresas quanto aos critérios utilizados no processo de seleção, além da dificuldade de se realizar co-investimentos. No aspecto do desinvestimento, a falta de alternativas viáveis de mecanismos de saída disponíveis no mercado de VC nacional força as gestoras a buscarem a venda estratégica. A pesquisa limitou-se a analisar somente o mercado de VC brasileiro e empresas atuantes no segmento de biotecnologia, não sendo objeto de análise o mercado de PE e empresas atuantes em outros segmentos. / Venture capital is an important source of fund raising for technology based-firms by providing temporary financial and managerial support in exchange for equity. It is an alternative that fits in the early stages of development of biotechnology companies. Biotechnology is considered one of the most promising areas of the twenty-first century and it is the second largest segment of the investment market in the USA. In Brazil, the venture capital market is underexplored compared to the USA, resulting in fewer works done in this area. The contribution of this research in the literature is the analysis of the difficulties between venture capitalists and biotechnology companies in Brazil. Methodology includes interviews with venture capitalists and questionnaires with biotechnology companies. It was concluded that the difficulties are present in the functions of the VC cycle analyzed: fundraising, investments and exits. In fundraising, difficulties related to the history and culture of small investments in VC in Brazil have been verified, as well as the influence of macroeconomic variables, discouraging investors to act in this market. Regarding investments, there are differences of perception between venture capitalists and firms as for criteria used in the selection process, in addition to the difficulty to perform co-investments. In the aspect of exits, the lack of feasible alternative exit mechanisms available in the domestic VC market force the management to seek strategic sale. The research was limited to examining only the VC market and Brazilian firms operating in the biotechnology segment, not being subject to analysis the private equity market and firms operating in other segments.
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Navigating the Early Internationalization Process : The Case of Swedish Fintech FirmsRöström, Alice, Liedholm, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Over the years, internationalization has seen significant shifts, especially in the financial industry where fintech firms blending technology and finance have sparked a revolution. Sweden has emerged as one of the global leaders in this sector. However, despite this transformation, existing studies on the internationalization process of fintech firms lack context and industry-specific insights, indicating a pressing need for further research in this area. Therefore, this thesis investigates the intricate internationalization process of small Swedish fintech firms with a digital and technological foundation. We aim to uncover the motives and patterns driving their early international expansion process. By conducting an in-depth case study of a single Swedish fintech firm, utilizing semi-structured interviews with employees with different positions as well as secondary data, this methodological approach allowed us to reveal new insights. More specifically, our research contributed to an identification of three distinct stages in the internationalization process: (1) motives centered on the product, prompting swift digital export strategies, (2) motives focused on the customer, leading to a shift from broad to deep engagement through localization and (3) motives based on strategic resources, guiding a measured expansion in markets optimized for regulatory conditions. These stages are shaped by entrepreneurial vision and national support, highlighting a dynamic and iterative process of international growth as well as a temporal aspect of the process development throughout these stages. In theory, this thesis expands comprehension and questions the idea of a one-size-fits-all internationalization strategy for fintech companies. It demonstrates that Swedish fintech firms employ a hybrid approach, integrating early internationalization with gradual methods. In practice, the research furnishes valuable perspectives for fintech executives, investors and policymakers, presenting a strategic model to enhance internationalization strategies, evaluate risks and facilitate regulatory adaptations. These contributions enrich discussions in fintech literature, potentially aiding fintech enterprises, both in Sweden and globally, in effectively planning their internationalization endeavors.
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Voices of entrepreneurship and small business : immigrant enterprises in Kista, StockholmDalhammar, Tobias January 2004 (has links)
<p>Immigrant and ethnic entrepreneurship is a subject that has received increased attention in recent years. Many immigrants or people with ethnic backgrounds different from the majority population run their own businesses, in Sweden as well as in most countries and contexts in the world. However, ambitious research shows that there are great differences in business activity, behaviour and performance between different ethnic groups. Besides, it is easy to argue that differences also occur at the individual level. Thus, a person is not predetermined just because he/she belongs to a definable ethnic group. Another important question is the fact that the industrial setting and the context of the individual firm also affect the activity of the firm and the entrepreneur. E.g. in high tech environments, innovative competences may be of greater importance compared to business activity in the restaurant or retail sectors, where one could imitate already successful concepts.</p><p>In this dissertation immigrant as well as ethnic enterprises (where ethnic entrepreneurs are those who have clear ethnic involvement in terms of accessing and utilising different forms of ethnic resources) in different industries are studied. The work hypothesis, or rather assumption, is that the industry of the individual business plays an important role for the access to and utilisation of different forms of resources (organisational, financial, cultural, social, human, ethnic). Further, the industry of a business is also assumed to have an effect on the access to and utilisation of ethnic resources and the own ethnicity as a resource. The purpose of this study is to through a number of case studies explore the influence of ethnic background for immigrant businesses in different industries. The focus is on how ethnic involvement, thus ethnic resources, and identity as immigrant and/or ethnic business influence firms in their resource bases and resource acquisition efforts. That is, if the objective ethnic background is important for the firms in their resource acquisition efforts.</p><p>Since I want to study individual firms in an open and complex way I use a qualitative methodology with a multi-method approach, including ethnographic elements, direct observations, participant observations and interviews. This way, the possibility exists to grasp individual personal and firm characteristics that pay attention to the complexity and variation of immigrant and ethnic entrepreneurship, an issue that tends to be forgotten in broad descriptions of the subject. The Kista district hereby provides an interesting example with its high technology context, mixed with a considerable amount of immigrants living in the area.</p><p>The exploratory study of seven businesses shows that there are important differences between firms in different industries. However, apart from type of firm and kind of venture opportunity exploited, the action mode of the individual(s) involved and the degree of confirmation and legitimacy the businesses have experienced influence and affect the importance of ethnic background for these firms.</p>
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Gestão de projetos em empresas de base tecnológica da área de software: análise do nível de maturidade e aplicabilidade de escritórios de projetos / Project management in technology based firms of software development: project maturity analysis and project office applicabilityJucá Junior, Antonio da Silva 30 September 2005 (has links)
Dentro da literatura sobre gestão de projetos, trabalhos que estudam o uso do escritório de projetos dedicam-se, quase que exclusivamente, a citar modelos e exemplos bem sucedidos nas grandes empresas, em especial àquelas com estruturas projetizadas como bens de capital e engenharia. Há uma tendência de estas empresas exigirem práticas semelhantes de seus fornecedores. Esta exigência se intensifica nas pequenas empresas de base tecnológica, pois comumente realizam projetos complexos, com risco considerável para os seus clientes. A implantação de escritório de projetos é um mecanismo fundamental para apoiar a utilização das técnicas e metodologias nessa área, porém, exige um investimento significativo em infra-estrutura e profissionais qualificados. Este trabalho analisa o nível de maturidade em gestão de projetos de uma amostra de empresas de base tecnológica desenvolvedoras de software e avalia o potencial de adoção do escritório de projetos. O grau de maturidade foi avaliado segundo um modelo adaptado do OPM3. Foi realizada ainda a identificação e sistematização dos serviços que podem ser oferecidos por um escritório de projetos, segundo a literatura especializada. Ao final, o trabalho faz uma análise dos possíveis serviços que poderiam ser disponibilizados por um escritório de projetos para uso das empresas estudadas. / Inside project management literature most of available researches about project offices mainly discuss reference models and examples of best practices in big companies, especially the ones with project oriented structure such as engineering and industrial goods firms. There is a trend for those firms to demand similar project management practices from their suppliers. This kind of requirement is intensified for technology based firms once they usually develop complex projects which contains many risks for their customers. The project office implementation in technology based firms is an important mechanism to support the use of project management techniques and methodologies but it demands a significant investment in infrastructure and qualified professionals. This research analyze the project management maturity level of a software development technology based firms sample and the project office adoption potential on these firms. The maturity level was analyzed according an adapted model of OPM3. In addition, it was identified and systemized services that can be offered for those firms by a project office, according the specialized literature. By the end, this research presents an analysis about different kinds of services that a common project office could offer for those firms studied.
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A construção de carreira em ambientes inovativos: um estudo nas empresas de base tecnológica / The construction of career in innovative environments: a study in technology-based firmsSala, Otávia Travençolo Muniz 24 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-24 / The problem definition begins with the following initial question: "The technological innovation companies develop a management career? This question resulted from a pilot study on the career anchor and theoretical interpretation about the career as a management tool. The object of study was technology-based company, which is in a context of high instability due to the project innovation on services, processes and products. There are two working hypotheses: the null hypothesis is that the TBCs do not have a management model which affects people's professional career development, and the alternative hypothesis is that the TBCs are structured by the external environment, not by the internal environment from the professional profile. The objectives were to describe the Park of High Technology Foundation of São Carlos; to identify the profile of TBCs; to identify the political career; to investigate the career expectations and to discuss the development of a model of career management. The theoretical framework was on a conceptual review on career management in the era of technological innovation. The interviews took place with managers of nine companies. The analysis showed that the determining factor in career management is the external environment. The employees performed multiple activities and the companies have no theoretically based career model. Career plans are structured by salary and technical specialization. The career is established, it is not built. The technical dimension is the focus on the people management, which implies the employee s rotation. The results highlight the need for apprehension, on the part of corporate managers, of what the theory suggests about the career model construction. In the proposition of career patterns for the companies investigated, it was identified the occurrence of multiple models, adapted from the type of parallel structures in Y / A definição do problema se inicia com a seguinte pergunta de partida: As
empresas de inovação tecnológica desenvolvem um modelo de gestão de carreiras?
Essa pergunta resultou de um estudo piloto sobre âncora de carreira e da
interpretação teórica sobre a carreira como instrumento de gestão. O objeto de
estudo foi empresa de base tecnológica, a qual se institui em um cenário de alta
instabilidade pela inovatividade dos projetos sobre serviços, processos e produtos.
Há duas hipóteses de trabalho: a hipótese nula, de que as EBTs não possuem um
modelo de gestão de pessoas que vise o desenvolvimento da carreira do
profissional; e a hipótese alternativa, de que as EBTs se estruturam pelo ambiente
externo, a partir da expectativa de demanda, e não pelo ambiente interno, a partir do
perfil do profissional.
Os objetivos foram: descrever a Fundação Parque de Alta Tecnologia de São
Carlos; identificar o perfil das EBTs; identificar as políticas de carreira; investigar as
expectativas de carreira e propor discussão sobre o desenvolvimento de um modelo
de gestão de carreiras. O referencial teórico concentrou-se na revisão conceitual
sobre carreira e a sua gestão na era de inovação tecnológica. As entrevistas
ocorrem com os gestores de nove empresas.
A análise evidencia que o fator determinante na gestão de carreira é o
ambiente externo. Os funcionários exercem múltiplas atividades e nenhuma
empresa possui modelo de carreira fundamentado teoricamente. Há planos de
carreira estruturados pelo salário e especialização. A carreira é instituída e não
construída. Sobressai-se a dimensão técnica na gestão de pessoas, o que implica
na rotatividade. Os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de apreensão, por parte
dos gestores das empresas, do que a teoria sugere sobre o modelo de carreira. Na
proposição de modelos de carreiras para as empresas investigadas, identificou-se a
ocorrência de múltiplos modelos, adaptados do tipo de estruturas paralelas em Y
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