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Barriers to foreign ideas a case study of technology transfer in the Peoples Republic of China, 1981-1986 /Foley, Terence, January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Columbia University, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 203-226).
292 |
A software technology transition entropy based engineering modelSaboe, Michael S. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Dissertation (Ph.D. in Software Engineering)--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2002. / Dissertation supervisor: Luqi. "March 2002." Description based on title screen as viewed on July 15, 2010. Author(s) subject terms: Software Engineering, Technology Transfer, Information Theory, Communication Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems, Control Theory, Learning Curves, Entropy, Information Temperature, Temperature of Software (o Saboe), Technology Transfer Dynamics, Research Management, Diffusion of Innovation, Project Management, Physics of Software Includes bibliographical references (p. 457-489). Also available in print.
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Best practices for building and maintaining university-industry research partnerships a case study of two National Science Foundation engineering research centers /Boschi, Frank Carl. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--Montana State University--Bozeman, 2005. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on June 10, 2006). Chairperson, Graduate Committee: Larry Baker. Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-224).
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Essays on exchange rate models under a Taylor rule type monetary policyKim, Hyeongwoo, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 98-102).
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Assessing the innovation capability of a research institutionVisser, J. D. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Industrial Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The evolution of the university’s role in national innovation systems has lately received increasing
attention in international academic circles, with emphasis on its role in stimulating and sustaining
national and regional economic growth. Universities in leading economies have adopted economic
development as a third mission, along with the traditional objectives of teaching and research,
directly leading to the inception of a technology transfer facilitator as an institutional unit.
Translating this mission shift into the context of the Innovation Life Cycle, it seems that universities
are involved in a larger part of the innovation process, rather than simply supplying inputs for the
innovation funnel of industry. The subsequent need to gain maximum value from research has led
innovation management practitioners to consider ways in which the innovation capability of
universities can be improved.
Several approaches have been documented to improve the performance of a university’s
technology transfer office as an isolated entity. Most of these studies, however, have neglected to
consider the technology transfer office in the context of the organisation-wide innovation process.
The aim of this research is therefore to evaluate the innovation capability of a research institution
to enable the improvement of their research commercialisation system.
As a foundation the state of research commercialisation, innovation, and the relationship between
the two are investigated. This process resulted in the validation that research commercialisation
can be modelled by utilising an innovation model.
The Innovation Capability Maturity Model version 2 (ICMMv2) of Essmann (1) is subsequently
investigated with the aim of applying the model. This in turn leads to the application of the
Innovation Capability Improvement Methodology accompanying the ICMMv2 in case study format
on Stellenbosch University.
The results obtained from the case study are presented in terms of the strengths and weaknesses
of the innovation capability of the University. The results were found to be an accurate description
of the current issues in the commercialisation system at Stellenbosch University. The latter was
validated by individuals tasked with the execution of the research commercialisation process at the
This, in turn, validates the use of the Innovation Capability Maturity Model for the identification of
any aspects that need improvement in order to streamline a university’s research
commercialisation efforts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die evolusie van die universiteit se rol in nasionale innovasie stelsels kry toenemend aandag in
internasionale akademiese kringe. Dit beklemtoon universiteite se rol in die stimulering en
handhawing van nasionale en plaaslike ekonomiese groei. Universiteite in voorste ekonomieë het
ekonomiese ontwikkeling aangeneem as 'n derde missie, saam met die tradisionele missies van
onderrig en navorsing. Dit het direk gelei tot die inlywing van ‘n tegnologie-oordrag fasiliteerder as
'n institusionele eenheid.
Die verskuiwing van missie in die konteks van die Innovasie lewensiklus, dui daarop dat
universiteite betrokke raak in 'n groter deel van die innovasie proses, eerder as om net die
verskaffer van insette vir die innovasie tregter van die industrie te wees. Die daaropvolgende
vereiste om maksimum waarde te verkry uit navorsing, het veroorsaak dat innovasie bestuur
praktisyns verskeie maniere ondersoek waarop die innovasie vermoë van universiteite verbeter
kan word.
Verskeie benaderings om die prestasie van 'n universiteit se tegnologie-oordrag eenheid as 'n
geïsoleerde entiteit te verbeter, is gedokumenteer. Die meeste van hierdie studies het egter
nagelaat om die tegnologie-oordrag eenheid te oorweeg in die konteks van die organisasie-wye
innovasie proses. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is dus om die innovasie vermoë van 'n
navorsingsinrigting te evalueer om die verbetering van hul navorsing kommersialisering stelsel
moontlik te maak.
As 'n basis word die stand van navorsing kommersialisering, innovasie en die verhouding tussen
die twee ondersoek. Hierdie proses het gelei tot die validasie dat navorsing kommersialisering
gemodelleer kan word deur middel van 'n innovasie model.
Daarna is die Innovation Capability Maturity Model weergawe 2 (ICMMv2) van Essmann(1)
ondersoek om ten einde die model toe te pas. Dit word gevolg deur die uitvoering van die
Innovation Capability Improvement metodologie, as deel van die ICMMv2, op die Universiteit van
Stellenbosch, in ‘n gevallestudie-formaat.
Die resultate wat verkry is uit die gevallestudie word in terme van sterk en swak punte met
betrekking tot die innovasie vermoë van die Universiteit bespreek. Die resultate is bevind om 'n
akkurate beskrywing van die huidige kwessies in die kommersialiseringstelsel by die Universiteit
van Stellenbosch te wees. Dit is dan ook bevestig deur sekere individue gemoeid met die
uitvoering van die navorsing kommersialiseringproses by die Universiteit.
Dit op sy beurt, bekragtig die gebruik van die ICMMv2 vir die identifisering van die aspekte wat
verbeter moet word om 'n universiteit se navorsing kommersialiseringpoging vaartbelyn te maak.
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The media as watchdog in the commercialisation of science : a case study of 6 publicationsValentine, Alexander J. (Alexander Joseph) 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The role of the media as a watchdog for the social institution of science is viewed as part of the media’s role to protect society. In this regard, the role of media was studied in reporting the phenomenon of the commercialisation of academic research at universities. The current study was conducted by analysing articles in 2 scientific journals (Science and Nature) and 4 printed newspapers (The New York Times, London Times, Mail & Gaurdian, Business Day) for the year 2003. The methods of investigation for each publication included the number of articles covering the topic, the percentage coverage, headline analysis, summary of contents and analysis of the themes. The New York Times had more articles on the topic of the “commercialisation of science at universities” than the other publications. However, based on the number of issues per year, Science and Nature had a greater coverage of the topic than The New York Times. Based on the analyses of the articles, it is concluded that The New York Times had the most balanced and informed coverage of all the issues and stakeholders involved in the commercialisation of science at universities. This is attributed to the The New York Times’s position of standing outside the realm of science and its experience in covering broad issues. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die rol van die media as ‘n waghond vir die sosiale instelling van die wetenskap, word gesien as deel van die media se rol as die beskermer van die samelewing. In hierdie opsig is die media se rol in die verslaglewering van die kommersialisering van die wetenskap by universiteite ondersoek. Hierdie studie is uitgevoer deur artikels in 2 wetenskaplike vaktydskrifte (Science en Nature) en 4 koerante (The New York Times, London Times, Mail & Guardian, Business Day) vir die jaar 2003, te analiseer. Die metodes wat gebruik is om elke artikel te ontleed, het die aantal artikels, die persentasie van artikels in elke publikasie, hoofopskrif analise, opsomming van inhoud en ‘n analise van die artikel se tema, ingesluit. The New York Times het meer artikels omtrent die onderwerp, die “kommersialisering van die wetenskap by universiteite”, as die ander publikasies gehad. Gebaseer op die aantal uitgawes per jaar, het Science en Nature meer aandag geskenk aan die onderwerp as The New York Times. Volgens die analises van die artikels, word afgeleui dat The New York Times die mees gebalanseerde en ingeligte dekking gehad het oor die betrokke sake en partye in die “kommersialisering van die wetenskap by universiteite”. Dit word toegeskryf aan die The New York Times se posisie as buitestaander in die wetenskap en die koerant se ondervinding om ‘n wye veld te dek.
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Estudo da viabilidade de existência de transferência de tecnologia a partir da implantação de um centro logístico e industrial aduaneiro na cidade de Ponta Grossa - PRZammar, Alexandre 28 February 2013 (has links)
O Centro Logístico e Industrial Aduaneiro consiste numa plataforma logística onde reunirá tudo que diz respeito à eficiência logística, adicionada de uma região alfandegada, que se trata de uma zona neutra. Isto possibilitará que as empresas ali instaladas possam importar suas matérias primas, produzir e só no momento da destinação de sua produção é que incidirão os impostos, quer sejam de importação, para o mercado interno, quer seja de exportação, para o mercado externo. Este modelo possibilitará um fôlego de caixa muito grande às empresas que hoje não contam com esta estrutura e não são premiadas com os regimes especiais aduaneiros. Estruturas semelhantes estão presentes em todo o mundo, mas se diferenciam em suas especificidades. Na revisão de literatura foram abordados os estilos de plataformas encontrados pelo mundo, e em nenhum caso se percebeu alguma iniciativa semelhante a este estudo, que propôs a interação do Governo-Empresa-Universidades, através da transferência de tecnologia presente no empreendimento. O estudo baseou-se na percepção dos gestores de comércio exterior das empresas participantes da pesquisa. Ao final foi possível conhecer as dificuldades percebidas pelos gestores e seus anseios de mudança na forma de obter maior competitividade no momento de comercializar sua produção. Estes gestores mostraram-se ainda, dispostos a participar de uma governança colaborativa para transferir tecnologia, e formar um cluster fortalecido por abrigar concorrentes verticais que necessitam de diferenciação e competitividade em seus ramos de atuação. Foram apontados quatro mecanismos de transferência de tecnologia como mais importantes. Ao final, foi proposto um framework. / The Customs Industrial and Logistics Centre is a logistics platform which will bring together everything that concerns the logistics efficiency, plus a bonded area, it is a neutral zone. This will enable companies installed there to import their raw materials, and produce, the fees will be paid only when products are sold, whether import to the domestic market, whether for export to foreign markets. This model will allow a breath of very large box that companies today do not have this structure and are not rewarded with the special regimes. Similar structures are present through the world, but differ in their specificity. In the literature review addressed the styles of platforms found through the world, and in any case it was realized some initiative similar to this study, proposed that the interaction of the Government-University-Industry, through the transfer of technology in this endeavor. The study was based on the perception of managers of foreign trade enterprises participating in the research. Then it was possible to know the difficulties perceived by managers and their desire for change in the way to get more competitive market at the time of its production. These managers were even willing to participate in a collaborative governance to transfer technology and form a cluster strengthened by vertical house competitors who require differentiation and competitiveness in their fields of expertise. Were appointed four mechanisms for technology transfer as more important. At the end, we proposed a framework.
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O aspecto da propriedade intelectual nos projetos que proporcionam a cooperacao das universidades ou institutos de pesquisas publicos com o setor industrial - estudo de casosFERREIRA, ALEX R. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:46:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
08359.pdf: 4178333 bytes, checksum: b147643c309c2e6dd059d1e5b84bd171 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Institutos tecnologicos multidisciplinares: contribuicoes para uma reestruturacao institucional e organizacionalSOUSA, WILLY H. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:44:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
06817.pdf: 15390443 bytes, checksum: 4c59ef10fba66d3f4d0bad631d2f4c4f (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Faculdade de Economia, Administracao e Contabilidade, Universidade de Sao Paulo - FEA/USP
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Estudo de casos de cooperacao universidade-empresa: uma abordagem do ponto de vista da empresaBERARDINELLI , CLEITON 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:48:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:58:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
09149.pdf: 4214476 bytes, checksum: 2c571c270b38714a3491da280813eaf6 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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