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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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L’appropriation d’Internet chez les visiteurs des télécentres au Chili

Reyes Garcia, Pedro 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’appropriation d’Internet par les visiteurs des centres d’accès public à cette technologie installés par le gouvernement et les ONG au Chili au début des années 2000. L’implantation de ces centres s’insère dans une politique officielle d’accès à une technologie qui est considérée comme un outil de développement. Les autorités s’appuient sur un discours plus large qui fait référence à la Société de l’information et au besoin de la population de participer adéquatement à celle-ci; l’accès et la maîtrise des technologies de l’information et communication, et en particulier l’Internet, permettrait aux personnes de bénéficier des avantages de cette nouvelle société. Conscients que ce n’est pas toute la population qui peut s’abonner à un service d’Internet à domicile, les télécentres aideraient les personnes à faible revenu à le faire. Au niveau théorique, nous avons mobilisé certaines notions liées aux études sur les usages des technologies. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous sommes servis du modèle de l’appropriation qui se penche sur la construction des significations que font les personnes de l’usage d’une technologie. Ce modèle montre la complexité du processus et les facteurs d’ordre personnel et social qui entrent en jeu. Selon ce modèle, le contexte social est clé pour comprendre la construction de la signification sur l’usage. Nous faisons aussi référence à d’autres études qui se penchent sur les différents moments de l’appropriation : la domestication, les propos de Michel de Certeau et la sociopolitique des usages. Finalement, nous proposons de considérer certains facteurs qui peuvent avoir une influence dans le processus d’appropriation, tels que les représentations des usagers, le contexte socio-économique, le réseau d’appui et le genre. D’un point de vue méthodologique, étant donné que nous voulions explorer un phénomène sans pour autant faire de généralisations, nous avons utilisé une démarche qualitative et comme stratégie de recherche, l’ethnographie. Nous avons visité 5 télécentres dans 4 villes ou villages de différentes régions du Chili. Nous avons fait des observations et des entrevues semi-ouvertes avec des usagers, des responsables des télécentres et les responsables des réseaux de télécentres. La thèse montre la complexité du processus d’appropriation et la spécificité de l’appropriation d’Internet dans les centres d’accès public. Nous avons constaté comment les relations interpersonnelles – le réseau d’appui- jouent un des rôles les plus importants dans le processus de rapprochement au centre et à la technologie, ainsi que dans le processus d’apprentissage et d’usage même. Nous avons constaté également que la construction de la signification de l’usage est étroitement liée au contexte et aux expériences de vie des personnes. Un même usage n’a pas la même signification pour tous nos interviewés : pour certains, le clavardage peut être seulement une activité de loisir et pour quelqu’un d’autre, un outil de développement personnel et émotionnel. Les projections sur les usages futurs ne sont pas les mêmes non plus chez les adultes et chez les plus jeunes, ces derniers étant davantage conscients de l’Internet comme un outil de travail. L’interprétation de l’usage diffère aussi entre les hommes et les femmes (plus que les usages mêmes): certaines femmes voient dans l’usage d’Internet et dans la participation au télécentre une activité qui les fait sortir de leur rôle typique de femme au foyer. Finalement, nous avons observé que la signification de l’usage n’est pas seulement construite à partir de l’expérience personnelle immédiate; les usages des autres sont toujours évalués par les visiteurs des télécentres. / This thesis is about the appropriation of Internet in Public Access Centers (“Telecenters”) implemented by the government and NGOs in Chile during the first years of the present century. Telecenters are part of an official public policy aiming to facilitate access to the Internet, a technology widely considered to be an important tool for development. Political authorities make reference in their discourse about the new Information society and about the necessity that individuals know how to participate adequately in this society: access and good performance in the use of information and communication technologies (ITC) - specifically Internet- would allow people to enjoy some of the benefits and advantages of this new society. Nevertheless, the government is aware that not all the population is able to afford a home Internet service, especially in rural areas; telecenters put Internet within the reach of a larger segment of the society. From a theoretical point of view, in this thesis, we have used some notions linked to well-known studies about the uses of technologies. More specifically, we have used the ‘appropriation model’. This model proposes to study the construction of meaning that people make of the usage of one technology, in our case, of Internet. This model shows the complexity of the process by which people integrate a technology in their lives, and the personal and social factors that play a role in this process. For this approach, the social context is fundamental for understanding the construction of meaning of the uses of the technology. In our theoretical chapter we also refer to other approaches dealing with different aspects of the appropriation process: the domestication of a technology, the de Certau point of view, and the sociopolitical use point of view. Finally, we propose to consider some other factors which may have an influence on the appropriation process: the users’ representations of Internet, the social and economical context where they live, the social network they have, and their gender. From a methodological point of view, we have utilized a qualitative approach and ethnography as a research strategy, because we wish to explore this “appropriation phenomenon” without making generalizations. We have visited five telecenters in four cities or villages in different regions of Chile. We have made observations and semi-structured interviews with users, with people in charge of centers, and also with people in charge of the networks of telecenters. This thesis shows the complexity of the appropriation process and specifically it discusses the appropriation process in Internet public access centers. We have verified how important interpersonal relationships (social network) are: they play one of the most important roles among future visitors because they can be informed about telecenters and about the importance of computers and Internet in everyday life. They are also important in the learning process and in the first steps of the utilization of the technology. The social network is comprised of family and friends, and also of those in charge of centers. We have verified too that construction of the usage meaning of uses is closely linked to the social context and life experience of the visitors. On the other hand, we have observed that the same use doesn’t have the same meaning for all users: for some of them, chat is a leisure activity, for others, it is a personal and emotional development tool. Projections about future uses of Internet are not the same among young people and adults. For example, young people very often consider Internet as a work tool. Interpretations of the uses are sometimes different between women and men: some women interpret the use of Internet, and their participation in telecenters, as an activity which changes their typical role as homemakers. Finally, we have observed that meaning of the use is not only constructed by the immediate personal experience; the uses of others are always evaluated by visitors of centers, and these uses seem to confirm their own way of using the Internet.

Ambiencias comunicacionais e vivências midiáticas digitais: conexões e sentidos entre espacialidades pessoais, arquitetônicas e digitais: um estudo da experiência dos internautas em telecentros de acesso público gratuito dos projetos Paranavegar e Faróis do Saber – Curitiba (PR)

Lacerda, Juciano de Sousa 28 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:53:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta pesquisa se propôs a descrever e interpretar a ambiência midiático-comunicacional dos telecentros de acesso público e gratuito e as vivências midiáticas digitais de internautas participantes das experiências de inclusão digital dos projetos Faróis do Saber, da Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba, e Paranavegar, do Governo Estadual do Paraná. A ambiência midiático-comunicacional e as vivências midiáticas digitais foram caracterizadas a partir das significações produzidas pelos internautas na vivência cotidiana das condições materiais e simbólicas que constituíam os espaços de telecentros. Definimos como recorte empírico duas experiências de inclusão digital, uma municipal e outra estadual, por ambas serem definidas como projetos de inclusão digital de iniciativa pública, no panorama latino-americano da Sociedade da Informação. O primeiro movimento foi a caracterização da ambiência midiático-comunicacional a partir das relações construídas entre as espacialidades pessoais, física e digital nos telecentros obs / This investigation seted out to describe and to interpret the mediatic-communicational ambiency of the telecenters of public and gratuitous access and the digital mediatics experiences of the participant internauts in experiences of digital inclusion of the Faróis do Saber Project, of the Municipal Government of Curitiba, and Paranavegar Project, of the Government of the Province of Parana. The mediatic-communicational ambience and the digital mediatic experiences were characterized from the meanings produced by the internauts in their daily experience of the material and symbolic conditions that constituted the spaces of telecenters. We define as empirical clipping two experiences of digital inclusion, one municipal theatre and another state one, for both to be definite as projects of digital inclusion of public initiative, in the Latin American panorama of the Society of the Information. The first movement was the one to characterize the mediatic-communicational ambience from the relations constructed betwe

L’appropriation d’Internet chez les visiteurs des télécentres au Chili

Reyes Garcia, Pedro 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’appropriation d’Internet par les visiteurs des centres d’accès public à cette technologie installés par le gouvernement et les ONG au Chili au début des années 2000. L’implantation de ces centres s’insère dans une politique officielle d’accès à une technologie qui est considérée comme un outil de développement. Les autorités s’appuient sur un discours plus large qui fait référence à la Société de l’information et au besoin de la population de participer adéquatement à celle-ci; l’accès et la maîtrise des technologies de l’information et communication, et en particulier l’Internet, permettrait aux personnes de bénéficier des avantages de cette nouvelle société. Conscients que ce n’est pas toute la population qui peut s’abonner à un service d’Internet à domicile, les télécentres aideraient les personnes à faible revenu à le faire. Au niveau théorique, nous avons mobilisé certaines notions liées aux études sur les usages des technologies. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous sommes servis du modèle de l’appropriation qui se penche sur la construction des significations que font les personnes de l’usage d’une technologie. Ce modèle montre la complexité du processus et les facteurs d’ordre personnel et social qui entrent en jeu. Selon ce modèle, le contexte social est clé pour comprendre la construction de la signification sur l’usage. Nous faisons aussi référence à d’autres études qui se penchent sur les différents moments de l’appropriation : la domestication, les propos de Michel de Certeau et la sociopolitique des usages. Finalement, nous proposons de considérer certains facteurs qui peuvent avoir une influence dans le processus d’appropriation, tels que les représentations des usagers, le contexte socio-économique, le réseau d’appui et le genre. D’un point de vue méthodologique, étant donné que nous voulions explorer un phénomène sans pour autant faire de généralisations, nous avons utilisé une démarche qualitative et comme stratégie de recherche, l’ethnographie. Nous avons visité 5 télécentres dans 4 villes ou villages de différentes régions du Chili. Nous avons fait des observations et des entrevues semi-ouvertes avec des usagers, des responsables des télécentres et les responsables des réseaux de télécentres. La thèse montre la complexité du processus d’appropriation et la spécificité de l’appropriation d’Internet dans les centres d’accès public. Nous avons constaté comment les relations interpersonnelles – le réseau d’appui- jouent un des rôles les plus importants dans le processus de rapprochement au centre et à la technologie, ainsi que dans le processus d’apprentissage et d’usage même. Nous avons constaté également que la construction de la signification de l’usage est étroitement liée au contexte et aux expériences de vie des personnes. Un même usage n’a pas la même signification pour tous nos interviewés : pour certains, le clavardage peut être seulement une activité de loisir et pour quelqu’un d’autre, un outil de développement personnel et émotionnel. Les projections sur les usages futurs ne sont pas les mêmes non plus chez les adultes et chez les plus jeunes, ces derniers étant davantage conscients de l’Internet comme un outil de travail. L’interprétation de l’usage diffère aussi entre les hommes et les femmes (plus que les usages mêmes): certaines femmes voient dans l’usage d’Internet et dans la participation au télécentre une activité qui les fait sortir de leur rôle typique de femme au foyer. Finalement, nous avons observé que la signification de l’usage n’est pas seulement construite à partir de l’expérience personnelle immédiate; les usages des autres sont toujours évalués par les visiteurs des télécentres. / This thesis is about the appropriation of Internet in Public Access Centers (“Telecenters”) implemented by the government and NGOs in Chile during the first years of the present century. Telecenters are part of an official public policy aiming to facilitate access to the Internet, a technology widely considered to be an important tool for development. Political authorities make reference in their discourse about the new Information society and about the necessity that individuals know how to participate adequately in this society: access and good performance in the use of information and communication technologies (ITC) - specifically Internet- would allow people to enjoy some of the benefits and advantages of this new society. Nevertheless, the government is aware that not all the population is able to afford a home Internet service, especially in rural areas; telecenters put Internet within the reach of a larger segment of the society. From a theoretical point of view, in this thesis, we have used some notions linked to well-known studies about the uses of technologies. More specifically, we have used the ‘appropriation model’. This model proposes to study the construction of meaning that people make of the usage of one technology, in our case, of Internet. This model shows the complexity of the process by which people integrate a technology in their lives, and the personal and social factors that play a role in this process. For this approach, the social context is fundamental for understanding the construction of meaning of the uses of the technology. In our theoretical chapter we also refer to other approaches dealing with different aspects of the appropriation process: the domestication of a technology, the de Certau point of view, and the sociopolitical use point of view. Finally, we propose to consider some other factors which may have an influence on the appropriation process: the users’ representations of Internet, the social and economical context where they live, the social network they have, and their gender. From a methodological point of view, we have utilized a qualitative approach and ethnography as a research strategy, because we wish to explore this “appropriation phenomenon” without making generalizations. We have visited five telecenters in four cities or villages in different regions of Chile. We have made observations and semi-structured interviews with users, with people in charge of centers, and also with people in charge of the networks of telecenters. This thesis shows the complexity of the appropriation process and specifically it discusses the appropriation process in Internet public access centers. We have verified how important interpersonal relationships (social network) are: they play one of the most important roles among future visitors because they can be informed about telecenters and about the importance of computers and Internet in everyday life. They are also important in the learning process and in the first steps of the utilization of the technology. The social network is comprised of family and friends, and also of those in charge of centers. We have verified too that construction of the usage meaning of uses is closely linked to the social context and life experience of the visitors. On the other hand, we have observed that the same use doesn’t have the same meaning for all users: for some of them, chat is a leisure activity, for others, it is a personal and emotional development tool. Projections about future uses of Internet are not the same among young people and adults. For example, young people very often consider Internet as a work tool. Interpretations of the uses are sometimes different between women and men: some women interpret the use of Internet, and their participation in telecenters, as an activity which changes their typical role as homemakers. Finally, we have observed that meaning of the use is not only constructed by the immediate personal experience; the uses of others are always evaluated by visitors of centers, and these uses seem to confirm their own way of using the Internet.

Egressos de InclusÃo Digital: estudo avaliativo. / Egress of Digital Inclusion

MÃrcia Melo de Matos 06 July 2006 (has links)
Para inserir o indivÃduo na Sociedade da InformaÃÃo, alÃm de democratizar o acesso a Internet à preciso fornecer orientaÃÃo para o uso consciente dos benefÃcios que a tecnologia pode lhe proporcionar. Por isso, torna-se imprescindÃvel capacitar o ser humano para a comunicaÃÃo mediante a leitura, escrita e fala; para operacionalizaÃÃo de equipamentos eletrÃnicos, incluindo-se aà o computador conectado à Internet, onde a informaÃÃo e a consciÃncia de seu emprego serÃo os diferenciais para o processo de inserÃÃo desse sujeito na sociedade contemporÃnea. Isso enfatiza a existÃncia de cursos sobre a utilizaÃÃo da telemÃtica em programas/projetos de inclusÃo digital, de maneira que os usuÃrios possam ter condiÃÃes de acessar à Internet e utilizar o computador com autonomia, melhorando a qualidade de vida. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo: avaliar as repercussÃes que o curso NoÃÃes bÃsicas de utilizaÃÃo da Internet, desenvolvido pelo Programa de InclusÃo Digital do CCBNB produziu em seus egressos. A pesquisa utilizou o Estudo de Caso de posiÃÃo epistemolÃgica interpretativa e abordagem quali-quantitativa. Como mÃtodo de coleta de dados, optou-se pela pesquisa survey em corte transversal, de natureza exploratÃria. A amostra da pesquisa foi constituÃda por 54 egressos. Verificou-se nos depoimentos que as repercussÃes na inserÃÃo no mercado de trabalho sobre os egressos mostrou-se importante para renovar suas esperanÃas de conseguir espaÃo no mercado de trabalho. As expectativas dos concludentes em relaÃÃo à Internet estÃo voltadas para a melhoria e diversificaÃÃo na forma de aprender, utilizando a telemÃtica como facilitadora e incentivadora. Essa transformaÃÃo se consegue por meio de uma educaÃÃo que estimule a reflexÃo dos egressos sobre quais necessidades ou problemas possuem e que podem ser mais bem solucionados ou atendidos mediante a tecnologia, o que salienta a importÃncia de se incluir nos cursos de alfabetizaÃÃo digital a discussÃo sobre para que e por que se deve utilizar a Internet. Percebeu-se que a maior repercussÃo produzida pelo curso nos egressos foi a elevaÃÃo de sua auto-estima, evidenciada em quase todos os depoimentos. Isso ressaltou a importÃncia de se inserir avaliaÃÃes de eficÃcia e eficiÃncia nos programas de inclusÃo digital, contribuindo para o seu aprimoramento, dando transparÃncia aos recursos financeiros investidos e, sobretudo, possibilitando avaliar como se apresenta o nÃvel de fluÃncia tecnolÃgica dos egressos, que deve ser o principal objetivo desses programas / To involve one in the Information Society, besides the necessity for access to the Internet, it is necessary for one to be advised in its correct use and the benefits that modern technology have gives us. It is therefore vital for the human persons to be made capable of communication through reading, speaking, operating electronic equipment, including the computer connected to the Internet, where the information and awareness of its use will make all the difference for the userâs insertion in contemporary society. It is important to emphasize the existence of courses concerning the utilization in telecommunication programs and projects including digital projects, in such a manner that those using the computer will be well advise in the use of their computers after having access to the Internet, thus bettering their life quality. With this in mind the present study has as its objective: to access the repercussions of the course âBasic Notions for the use of the Internetâ as developed by Program for Digital Inclusion of the CCBNB, on those who completed the course. The research was a Case Study of an interpretative epistemological position and of a quali-quantitative nature. The method for collecting the data was a research survey in transversal cuts of an exploratory nature. The sample up of 54 students who completed the course. We verified in the testimonies of those questioned that the effects of the course gave them hope to be employed in the communications work force. Those who concluded the course also found it is easier to use diversification Internet as a form of learning using telecommunication as an incentive and facilitator. This transformation was achieved through an education that stimulated the students concerning the necessities they have that might be helped by the use of technology. This justifies the importance of include on digital literacy courses the discussion of why and how one ought to use the Internet. It was also noted from the repercussion produced by the course that it bettered the self-esteem of those who concluded it. It I therefore necessary to have an assessment of the value and efficiency of programs of digital inclusion for their improvement and the transparency of the financial resources invested in them, and above all, to verify the level of technological fluency of those concluded the course

A informação dos telecentros do Vale do Jequitinhonha como aporte ao desenvolvimento social dos distritos de São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras e Milho Verde em Minas Gerais

Cajaiba Silva, Marina 24 October 2005 (has links)
A pesquisa traça o contexto mundializado dos dias atuais, onde as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) podem ser entendidas como oportunidades de cidadania a grupos excluídos que se encontram à margem do desenvolvimento humano local e global em plena era da informação, como as comunidades dos distritos de São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras e Milho Verde no Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais — uma das regiões mais pobres do país. Como principal objetivo, este estudo pretende identificar de que maneira a informação originada nos telecentros da Rede Rural de Telecentros Comunitários da ONG Gemas da Terra têm contribuído para o processo de inclusão social dessas comunidades, analisando o projeto de instalação do telecentro em relação a propostas de inclusão social e cidadania; avaliando o uso dos telecentros pelas comunidades analisadas; verificando a existência de ações que pretendam a integração dos freqüentadores dos telecentros às demais pessoas da comunidade, prevenindo uma possível concentração de opiniões e isolamento entre ambos; e apontando os resultados decorrentes das ações empreendidas pelas comunidades e sua conseqüente influência prática no cotidiano social local. A proposta metodológica inclui a análise documental do Guia Gemas da Terra de Telecentros Rurais, observação não-participante nos telecentros e entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto aos usuários, voluntários e representantes de entidades comunitárias das regiões pesquisadas, onde a disseminação e o uso das TICs são tidos pelas comunidades como apoiadores importantes para o estabelecimento de melhores condições de vida à população, ampliando as oportunidades de informação, trabalho, renda, educação e lazer. Entre as conclusões alcançadas por esta pesquisa, destaca-se que a maior contribuição social do projeto piloto da ONG Gemas da Terra é apresentar às comunidades envolvidas na proposta o potencial possível que a Internet pode proporcionar a esses distritos e, muito particularmente, às pessoas. Entretanto, a partir dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, tornou-se evidente o longo trajeto a ser percorrido pela inclusão digital para a contribuição efetiva das questões sociais em grupos marginalizados e integrados à era digital, não sendo tal vislumbrado em totalidade no âmbito pesquisado.This study delineates the globalized context of the present time, where Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) can be understood as opportunities of citizenship for excluded groups who find themselves at the margins of local and global human development in the era of information, such as the communities in the districts of São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras and Milho Verde in the Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais — one of the poorest regions in the country. As a major goal, this study intended to identify how information originating from the telecenters of the Rede Rural de Telecentros Comunitários, of the NGO Gemas da Terra, has contributed to the social inclusion of these communities; to analyze the project for installing a telecenter for the communities studied; to verify any actions aimed at the integration of those who attend the telecenters with the other people of the community, to prevent a possible concentration of opinions and alienation between the two groups; and to point out results of the actions undertaken by the communities and their consequent practical influence on the daily life of local society. The methodology includes a document analysis of the Guia Gemas da Terra de Telecentros Rurais, non-participant observation at the telecenters, and semi-structured interviews with he users, volunteers, and representatives of the community organizations of the regions studied, where the dissemination and the use of the ICTs have been regarded by the communities as important supporters for improving conditions of life of the population by increasing opportunities for information, work, income, education, and leisure. Among the conclusions reached by this study, it was noted that the greatest social contribution of the pilot project of the NGO Gemas da Terra was to show the communities involved in the project the potential that the Internet offers to these districts, especially to the common people. Nevertheless, from the results obtained by this study, it became evident that the long way to be covered by informational inclusion toward the effective contribution of social questions in marginalized and integrated groups in the information era, was not totally explicit in the area studied. / on the social changes resulting from digital inclusion of poor communities in Brazil

Egressos de Inclusão Digital: estudo avaliativo / Egress of Digital Inclusion

MATOS, Márcia Melo de January 2006 (has links)
MATOS, Márcia Melo de. Egressos de inclusão digital: estudo avaliativo. 2006. 118f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2006. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-26T15:35:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_MMMatos.pdf: 405544 bytes, checksum: 7600a4a986cd68ae1af227301b3abf15 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-27T12:01:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_MMMatos.pdf: 405544 bytes, checksum: 7600a4a986cd68ae1af227301b3abf15 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-27T12:01:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Dis_MMMatos.pdf: 405544 bytes, checksum: 7600a4a986cd68ae1af227301b3abf15 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / To involve one in the Information Society, besides the necessity for access to the Internet, it is necessary for one to be advised in its correct use and the benefits that modern technology have gives us. It is therefore vital for the human persons to be made capable of communication through reading, speaking, operating electronic equipment, including the computer connected to the Internet, where the information and awareness of its use will make all the difference for the user’s insertion in contemporary society. It is important to emphasize the existence of courses concerning the utilization in telecommunication programs and projects including digital projects, in such a manner that those using the computer will be well advise in the use of their computers after having access to the Internet, thus bettering their life quality. With this in mind the present study has as its objective: to access the repercussions of the course “Basic Notions for the use of the Internet” as developed by Program for Digital Inclusion of the CCBNB, on those who completed the course. The research was a Case Study of an interpretative epistemological position and of a quali-quantitative nature. The method for collecting the data was a research survey in transversal cuts of an exploratory nature. The sample up of 54 students who completed the course. We verified in the testimonies of those questioned that the effects of the course gave them hope to be employed in the communications work force. Those who concluded the course also found it is easier to use diversification Internet as a form of learning using telecommunication as an incentive and facilitator. This transformation was achieved through an education that stimulated the students concerning the necessities they have that might be helped by the use of technology. This justifies the importance of include on digital literacy courses the discussion of why and how one ought to use the Internet. It was also noted from the repercussion produced by the course that it bettered the self-esteem of those who concluded it. It I therefore necessary to have an assessment of the value and efficiency of programs of digital inclusion for their improvement and the transparency of the financial resources invested in them, and above all, to verify the level of technological fluency of those concluded the course / Para inserir o indivíduo na Sociedade da Informação, além de democratizar o acesso a Internet é preciso fornecer orientação para o uso consciente dos benefícios que a tecnologia pode lhe proporcionar. Por isso, torna-se imprescindível capacitar o ser humano para a comunicação mediante a leitura, escrita e fala; para operacionalização de equipamentos eletrônicos, incluindo-se aí o computador conectado à Internet, onde a informação e a consciência de seu emprego serão os diferenciais para o processo de inserção desse sujeito na sociedade contemporânea. Isso enfatiza a existência de cursos sobre a utilização da telemática em programas/projetos de inclusão digital, de maneira que os usuários possam ter condições de acessar à Internet e utilizar o computador com autonomia, melhorando a qualidade de vida. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo: avaliar as repercussões que o curso Noções básicas de utilização da Internet, desenvolvido pelo Programa de Inclusão Digital do CCBNB produziu em seus egressos. A pesquisa utilizou o Estudo de Caso de posição epistemológica interpretativa e abordagem quali-quantitativa. Como método de coleta de dados, optou-se pela pesquisa survey em corte transversal, de natureza exploratória. A amostra da pesquisa foi constituída por 54 egressos. Verificou-se nos depoimentos que as repercussões na inserção no mercado de trabalho sobre os egressos mostrou-se importante para renovar suas esperanças de conseguir espaço no mercado de trabalho. As expectativas dos concludentes em relação à Internet estão voltadas para a melhoria e diversificação na forma de aprender, utilizando a telemática como facilitadora e incentivadora. Essa transformação se consegue por meio de uma educação que estimule a reflexão dos egressos sobre quais necessidades ou problemas possuem e que podem ser mais bem solucionados ou atendidos mediante a tecnologia, o que salienta a importância de se incluir nos cursos de alfabetização digital a discussão sobre para que e por que se deve utilizar a Internet. Percebeu-se que a maior repercussão produzida pelo curso nos egressos foi a elevação de sua auto-estima, evidenciada em quase todos os depoimentos. Isso ressaltou a importância de se inserir avaliações de eficácia e eficiência nos programas de inclusão digital, contribuindo para o seu aprimoramento, dando transparência aos recursos financeiros investidos e, sobretudo, possibilitando avaliar como se apresenta o nível de fluência tecnológica dos egressos, que deve ser o principal objetivo desses programas

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