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Thermal Selection at an Enzyme Locus in Populations of the Red Shiner, Notropis lutrensis, Receiving Hypolimnion Effluents from a ReservoirRichmond, M. Carol 05 1900 (has links)
Genetic variation was examined at 19 loci encoding enzymatic and general proteins Notropis lutrensis from the Brazos River in Texas. The thermal regime of the Brazos River below Possum Kingdom Reservoir is altered due to the release of water from the hypolimnion. Summer water temperatures fluctuate as much as 7^oC. Levels of heterozygosity at the malate dehydrogenase-2 locus were correlated with the degree of water temperature fluctuation at each locality. The isozymes from three homozygous patterns of supernatant malate dehydrogenase (Mdh-l, Mdh-2) exhibited different activities at different experimental temperatures.
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Análise comparativa entre os métodos de determinação da taxa metabólica visando o equilíbrio entre o homem e o ambienteBroday, Evandro Eduardo 06 March 2013 (has links)
A taxa metabólica é a produção de calor pelo organismo e a sua incorreta determinação pode estar ligada a discrepâncias entre o modelo do PMV e a sensação térmica real coletada em estudos de campo. O PMV (Voto Médio Estimado) é um índice que prediz o valor médio dos votos de um grande grupo de pessoas. Visando melhorar a aderência do modelo do PMV e da sensação térmica real, este trabalho determinou novos valores para a taxa metabólica de duas formas: uma forma denominada “calculada” utilizando-se o Método de Newton e de forma “real” utilizando-se de um analisador metabólico. Foram avaliadas as atividades do soldador, através das medições das variáveis ambientais e pessoais, durante o pleno desenvolvimento das atividades. Determinaram-se, para esta atividade, novos valores de taxa metabólica. Os valores encontrados para a forma calculada e real foram, respectivamente, 178,63 e 145,46 W/m², diferentes do intervalo fornecido pelo ISO 8996 (2004) para esta atividade (75 a 125 W/m²). Verificou-se qual dos valores de taxa metabólica mais aproximou a sensação térmica real do PMV. Para isto, executou-se a regressão linear entre o PMV e a sensação térmica real de três formas: S x PMVtabelado (R² = 0,1749), S x PMVcalculado (R² = 0,7481) e S x PMVreal (R² = 0,7854). Observou-se que os valores obtidos de forma “real” proporcionaram o maior coeficiente de determinação, sendo então este o escolhido para a correção da tabela. A correção da tabela fornece um Mpredito e para as atividades do soldador, em uma indústria metal-mecânica, os valores tabelados podem ser multiplicados pelo coeficiente de correção de 1,4648 a fim de minimizar imprecisões. O PMVpredito, obtido através do Mpredito, quando relacionado com a sensação térmica real, fornece um coeficiente de determinação de 0,7511, melhorando assim o modelo do PMV / Metabolic rate consists of the production of heat by the body and its incorrect determination can be linked to discrepancies between the model of the PMV and real thermal sensation collected in field studies. PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) is an index that predicts the mean value of the votes of a large group of people. Aiming at improve adherence to the PMV model and the real thermal sensation, this work established new values for the metabolic rate in two ways: one way being called "calculated" using the Newton’s Method and the other called "real" using a metabolic analyzer. Welder’s activities were evaluated, through the measurements of environmental and personal variables, during the full development of the activities determining new values of metabolic rate for this activity. It was determined, for this activity, new values of metabolic rate.The values found for calculated and real were, respectively, 178.63 and 145.46 W/m², different from the range provided by ISO 8996 (2004) for this activity (75 to 125 W/m²). It was verified which of the metabolic rate’s values was closer to the real thermal sensation of PMV. For this, it was made a linear regression between the PMV and the real thermal sensation in three ways: S x PMVtabulated (R² = 0.1749), S x PMVcalculated (R ² = 0.7481) and S x PMVreal (R ² = 0, 7854). It was found that the values obtained in "real" gave a higher coefficient of determination, and then being this the choice for the correction of the table. The table provides a Mpredicted and for the activities of the welder in a metal-mechanics industry, tabulated values can be multiplied by the correction coefficient 1.4648 in order to minimize inaccuracies. The PMVpredicted, obtained through the Mpredicted, when related to the actual thermal sensation, provides a coefficient of determination of 0.7511, thereby improving the model of the PMV.
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Análise comparativa entre os métodos de determinação da taxa metabólica visando o equilíbrio entre o homem e o ambienteBroday, Evandro Eduardo 06 March 2013 (has links)
A taxa metabólica é a produção de calor pelo organismo e a sua incorreta determinação pode estar ligada a discrepâncias entre o modelo do PMV e a sensação térmica real coletada em estudos de campo. O PMV (Voto Médio Estimado) é um índice que prediz o valor médio dos votos de um grande grupo de pessoas. Visando melhorar a aderência do modelo do PMV e da sensação térmica real, este trabalho determinou novos valores para a taxa metabólica de duas formas: uma forma denominada “calculada” utilizando-se o Método de Newton e de forma “real” utilizando-se de um analisador metabólico. Foram avaliadas as atividades do soldador, através das medições das variáveis ambientais e pessoais, durante o pleno desenvolvimento das atividades. Determinaram-se, para esta atividade, novos valores de taxa metabólica. Os valores encontrados para a forma calculada e real foram, respectivamente, 178,63 e 145,46 W/m², diferentes do intervalo fornecido pelo ISO 8996 (2004) para esta atividade (75 a 125 W/m²). Verificou-se qual dos valores de taxa metabólica mais aproximou a sensação térmica real do PMV. Para isto, executou-se a regressão linear entre o PMV e a sensação térmica real de três formas: S x PMVtabelado (R² = 0,1749), S x PMVcalculado (R² = 0,7481) e S x PMVreal (R² = 0,7854). Observou-se que os valores obtidos de forma “real” proporcionaram o maior coeficiente de determinação, sendo então este o escolhido para a correção da tabela. A correção da tabela fornece um Mpredito e para as atividades do soldador, em uma indústria metal-mecânica, os valores tabelados podem ser multiplicados pelo coeficiente de correção de 1,4648 a fim de minimizar imprecisões. O PMVpredito, obtido através do Mpredito, quando relacionado com a sensação térmica real, fornece um coeficiente de determinação de 0,7511, melhorando assim o modelo do PMV / Metabolic rate consists of the production of heat by the body and its incorrect determination can be linked to discrepancies between the model of the PMV and real thermal sensation collected in field studies. PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) is an index that predicts the mean value of the votes of a large group of people. Aiming at improve adherence to the PMV model and the real thermal sensation, this work established new values for the metabolic rate in two ways: one way being called "calculated" using the Newton’s Method and the other called "real" using a metabolic analyzer. Welder’s activities were evaluated, through the measurements of environmental and personal variables, during the full development of the activities determining new values of metabolic rate for this activity. It was determined, for this activity, new values of metabolic rate.The values found for calculated and real were, respectively, 178.63 and 145.46 W/m², different from the range provided by ISO 8996 (2004) for this activity (75 to 125 W/m²). It was verified which of the metabolic rate’s values was closer to the real thermal sensation of PMV. For this, it was made a linear regression between the PMV and the real thermal sensation in three ways: S x PMVtabulated (R² = 0.1749), S x PMVcalculated (R ² = 0.7481) and S x PMVreal (R ² = 0, 7854). It was found that the values obtained in "real" gave a higher coefficient of determination, and then being this the choice for the correction of the table. The table provides a Mpredicted and for the activities of the welder in a metal-mechanics industry, tabulated values can be multiplied by the correction coefficient 1.4648 in order to minimize inaccuracies. The PMVpredicted, obtained through the Mpredicted, when related to the actual thermal sensation, provides a coefficient of determination of 0.7511, thereby improving the model of the PMV.
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Determinação de composição gasosa e sistemas de embalagens adequadas para conservação de alface americana 'Lorca' minimamente processada / Determination of gas composition and package systems for conservation of minimally processed 'Lorca lettuceDarezzo, Helga Maria 16 February 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Benedito Carlos Benedetti / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T08:39:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Darezzo_HelgaMaria_D.pdf: 1807243 bytes, checksum: d2cf199c2ed004812fbbb5cdf49e4897 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Com o aumento da demanda por produtos frescos surge uma nova classe de produtos denominada minimamente processados, que apresentam como características o alto valor nutricional, por conservarem as propriedades do produto ¿in natura¿; a praticidade no preparo, por serem higienizados e cortados; o aproveitamento total; e a maior vida útil. Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado um grande interesse na produção de hortaliças e frutos minimamente processados. O presente trabalho objetivou a determinação do sistema de embalagem ideal à conservação das características de qualidade da alface americana 'Lorca¿ minimamente processada, acondicionada sob atmosfera modificada ativa e submetida a 5 e a 8oC, com a especificação de sua vida útil. Para tanto, primeiramente, a alface foi armazenada em diferentes atmosferas controladas refrigeradas, visando à determinação da atmosfera mais benéfica à manutenção das características de qualidade. Os tratamentos, submetidos a 5 e a 8oC, foram avaliados por 15 e 13 dias, respectivamente, em relação aos parâmetros: químicos, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis e clorofila total; sensoriais, intensidade da cor verde, turgidez, escurecimento de nervuras, escurecimento de bordas, aspecto cozido, aparecimento de manchas e impressão global da aparência; e microbiológicos, contagem de coliformes totais e fecais, bactérias psicrotróficas, Pseudomonas spp., Salmonella spp. A atmosfera escolhida, constituída por 1%O2 + 10%CO2, mostrou capacidade de preservar as características sensoriais referentes à aparência, turgidez e coloração e restringir os escurecimentos, o aspecto cozido, além de limitar o crescimento microbiano. Após a escolha da atmosfera, a alface foi submetida por 15 dias a mesma, ainda em atmosfera controlada, e avaliada quanto à atividade respiratória e as características sensoriais, visando a especificação de dois filmes plásticos que foram empregados no acondicionamento em atmosfera modificada ativa. A taxa respiratória média da alface, enquanto submetida à mistura gasosa 1%O2 + 10%CO2 a 5 e a 8oC, foi correspondente a 10,7 e 19,8mgCO2kg-1h-1, respectivamente. Finalmente, a alface foi acondicionada em dois sistemas de embalagem, exposta a atmosfera modificada ativa, 1%O2 + 10%CO2, com estocagem a 5 e a 8oC por 14 dias, sendo avaliada segundo os mesmos parâmetros de qualidade estudados em atmosfera controlada. Na temperatura de 5oC, a alface apresentou capacidade de conservar as características de qualidade por 14 dias e apresentou, até o 12o dia, baixas contagens para coliformes totais, bactérias psicrotróficas e Pseudomonas spp., sendo detectada ausência de coliformes fecais e Salmonella spp. durante os 14 dias. A temperatura de 8oC mostrou-se mais limitante à conservação, estando a alface com a aparência totalmente comprometida no 12o dia, sendo obtidas populações altíssimas de coliformes totais, bactérias psicrotróficas e Pseudomonas spp. Nesta temperatura, a aparência foi diretamente relacionada ao nível de contaminação presente e a perda do valor comercial da alface ocorreu entre o 8o e o 12o dia / Abstract: Com o aumento da demanda por produtos frescos surge uma nova classe de produtos denominada minimamente processados, que apresentam como características o alto valor nutricional, por conservarem as propriedades do produto ¿in natura¿; a praticidade no preparo, por serem higienizados e cortados; o aproveitamento total; e a maior vida útil. Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado um grande interesse na produção de hortaliças e frutos minimamente processados. O presente trabalho objetivou a determinação do sistema de embalagem ideal à conservação das características de qualidade da alface americana 'Lorca¿ minimamente processada, acondicionada sob atmosfera modificada ativa e submetida a 5 e a 8oC, com a especificação de sua vida útil. Para tanto, primeiramente, a alface foi armazenada em diferentes atmosferas controladas refrigeradas, visando à determinação da atmosfera mais benéfica à manutenção das características de qualidade. Os tratamentos, submetidos a 5 e a 8oC, foram avaliados por 15 e 13 dias, respectivamente, em relação aos parâmetros: químicos, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis e clorofila total; sensoriais, intensidade da cor verde, turgidez, escurecimento de nervuras, escurecimento de bordas, aspecto cozido, aparecimento de manchas e impressão global da aparência; e microbiológicos, contagem de coliformes totais e fecais, bactérias psicrotróficas, Pseudomonas spp., Salmonella spp. A atmosfera escolhida, constituída por 1%O2 + 10%CO2, mostrou capacidade de preservar as características sensoriais referentes à aparência, turgidez e coloração e restringir os escurecimentos, o aspecto cozido, além de limitar o crescimento microbiano. Após a escolha da atmosfera, a alface foi submetida por 15 dias a mesma, ainda em atmosfera controlada, e avaliada quanto à atividade respiratória e as características sensoriais, visando a especificação de dois filmes plásticos que foram empregados no acondicionamento em atmosfera modificada ativa. A taxa respiratória média da alface, enquanto submetida à mistura gasosa 1%O2 + 10%CO2 a 5 e a 8oC, foi correspondente a 10,7 e 19,8mgCO2kg-1h-1, respectivamente. Finalmente, a alface foi acondicionada em dois sistemas de embalagem, exposta a atmosfera modificada ativa, 1%O2 + 10%CO2, com estocagem a 5 e a 8oC por 14 dias, sendo avaliada segundo os mesmos parâmetros de qualidade estudados em atmosfera controlada. Na temperatura de 5oC, a alface apresentou capacidade de conservar as características de qualidade por 14 dias e apresentou, até o 12o dia, baixas contagens para coliformes totais, bactérias psicrotróficas e Pseudomonas spp., sendo detectada ausência de coliformes fecais e Salmonella spp. durante os 14 dias. A temperatura de 8oC mostrou-se mais limitante à conservação, estando a alface com a aparência totalmente comprometida no 12o dia, sendo obtidas populações altíssimas de coliformes totais, bactérias psicrotróficas e Pseudomonas spp. Nesta temperatura, a aparência foi diretamente relacionada ao nível de contaminação presente e a perda do valor comercial da alface ocorreu entre o 8o e o 12o dia / Doutorado / Tecnologia Pós-Colheita / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola
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Aspects of the Thermal Ecology of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) in North Central TexasVenables, Barney J. 12 1900 (has links)
The coefficient of body temperature change (K) ranged from -0.53 to -0.072 for bass weighing 73-1440 g. The double log regression of K on weight was similar to that reported for other poikilotherms (slope = -0.57; R = 0.93). Fingerling bass were eurythermal, being capable of surviving instantaneous temperature changes over a 20 C range at acclimation temperatures of 15, 25 and 30 C and over a 15 C range at acclimation temperatures of 20 and 35 C. Preferred temperatures for adult bass measured in the laboratory ranged from 27-32 C with no relationship to day or night. The overall mean preferred temperature was 29 C. The laboratory determined preferred temperatures were supported by limited field determined body temperatures taken in a vertical temperature gradient near the discharge of a power plant effluent. Routine metabolic rates of bass from a heated reservoir and a nearby hatchery were similar from 10-30 C in summer and winter. The weight exponent (0.77) and Q^gS (1*6-2.9) were similar to those published for more northern bass populations; however, the Texas bass had lower metabolic rates than those published for the northern populations. Bass exposed to rapid temperature increase (0.2 C/min) from 25-30 C increased their metabolic rate by 53% but showed no detectable increase in opercular rate. Bass warmed from 30-35 C and 30-33 C increased their metabolic rate by 140%, and their opercular rates increased to over 100 beats per minute before death.
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The impact of core temperature corrections on exercise-induced hypoxemia.Shipp, Nicholas Jon January 2008 (has links)
The primary purpose of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate the effect of body temperature responses at physiologically relevant sites during an incremental exercise test on the phenomenon of exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH). This phenomenon has been considered as an important limitation to physical performance with a prevalence of ~50 % in trained male athletes, but described in both sexes, across the range of both age and physical fitness in more recent literature. Previously this phenomenon has been described as a decrement in both arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO₂) and oxy-haemoglobin saturation (SaO₂or SpO₂) with, particularly important for PaO₂, a lack of or inappropriate correction made for the change in body temperature during intense exercise. The initial study of this thesis determined the thermal response within the body at physiologically relevant sites measured simultaneously during an incremental exercise test. The results demonstrated the inadequacy of rectal temperature as an indicator of the acute temperature changes occurring during an incremental exercise test due to its slow response rate and relative thermal inertia. Radial arterial blood and oesophageal temperatures were shown to behave almost identically during the exercise test, albeit with an offset of approximately 1.3ºC, and were considered much more appropriate and relevant indicators of thermal changes during exercise. As an extension of the initial work active muscle temperature (vastus lateralis) was measured during the exercise test, demonstrating a significantly lower resting temperature than the oft-reported “core” temperatures (rectal and oesophageal) as well as a significantly greater increase in temperature in comparison to all other measurement sites. Overall, the results of this first study indicated that the physiologically relevant temperatures measured at the oesophageal and muscle sites differed markedly to the outdated rectal temperature measurement site and should be used as measures of thermal response when evaluating oxygen loading (oesophageal) or unloading (active muscle). Utilising the definition of EIH as a decrease in PaO₂ of ≥ 10 mmHg, the effect of temperature correcting PaO₂ was evaluated in the second study. Arterial blood gases measured simultaneously to the temperature measurements during the incremental exercise test were adjusted for the temperature changes at each site (every 1ºC increase in temperature will increase a PaO₂ value by ~5 mmHg). Whilst uncorrected PaO₂ values indicated an almost 100% prevalence of EIH in this group, oesophageal temperature corrected PaO₂ values decreased this prevalence to ~50% while muscle temperature corrections resolved all cases of EIH and demonstrated an HYPEROXAEMIA (i.e. the reverse of the well-established phenomenon) in the majority of subjects. Further investigation of arterial oxygen content during the exercise test indicates that there is no disruption in the delivery of oxygen to the active muscles and therefore any performance decrement should be attributed to another mechanism. Whilst the phenomenon of EIH is determined by the definition applied and the use of temperature corrections in the case of PaO₂, its reproducibility in a test-retest situation had not previously been determined. Utilising a subset of previously tested subjects, the reproducibility of both temperature and PaO₂ were determined with results indicating that the blood gas response was highly reproducible, especially the minimum PaO₂ value noted during each exercise test. However, comparing a more statistically relevant definition of a change in PaO₂ of ± 2 standard deviations from the mean resting PaO₂ to the previous delimiter of 10 mmHg indicated a lesser reproducibility of the prevalence of EIH. In summary, this thesis exposes the inadequacies of previous research into EIH with regard to the expected reproducibility of the phenomenon and the need to correctly adjust PaO₂ values for exercise-induce hyperthermia as well as demonstrating the difference in thermal responses to acute exercise in physiologically significant areas of the body. Furthermore, previously described correlations between the change in PaO₂ and VO₂ max were not evident in the subjects tested within this thesis, nor was there any indication of a diffusion limitation based on reduced pulmonary capillary transit time (by association with VO₂ max) or pulmonary oedema (rebuked by a rapid return of PaO₂ to above resting levels following exercise cessation). / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1320633 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 2008
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A dynamic mechanistic anaylsis of the thermal interaction between a broiler chicken and its surrounding environment.January 2010 (has links)
Chickens, being open thermodynamic systems, maintain a constant exchange of energy
and matter with their surrounding environment. In order to avoid reaching
thermodynamic equilibrium with the environment the bird makes use of homeostatic
mechanisms. These ensure the reduction of the entropy of the system to values that
guarantee its integrality.
The thermoregulatory response is a major component of the homeostatic machinery of
living systems. This induces modifications of physiological parameters of the bird,
taking the system “bird” to a new steady state. The achievement of this new state is
possible only if the thermoregulatory mechanisms of the birds are able to counteract the
environmental demand/burden. A successful thermoregulatory response depends not
only on the achievement of that steady state, but also on the compatibility of the value
of those parameters with life (especially regarding the value achieved by body
temperature) as well as on the time of exposure to the environmental perturbation.
Based on those premises, this thesis presents a mechanistic analysis of the thermal
interaction between a broiler and its surroundings. The first section of the document
introduces the reader to the general concepts of thermodynamics of living systems and
physics of heat exchange. The second use mechanistic simulation techniques to represent
the environment, the thermal and thermoregulatory properties of a broiler chicken and
the interaction between bird and environment. Finally, the third section describes a
conceptual simulation model able to predict, over a given period of time, the response of
a bird to environmental conditions above those associated with least thermoregulatory
effort. Various simulation exercises are reported, the objectives being to study the
behaviour of certain variables and to question the validity of current theories of
thermoregulation in environmental physiology. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.
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The impact of core temperature corrections on exercise-induced hypoxemia.Shipp, Nicholas Jon January 2008 (has links)
The primary purpose of this doctoral dissertation was to investigate the effect of body temperature responses at physiologically relevant sites during an incremental exercise test on the phenomenon of exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH). This phenomenon has been considered as an important limitation to physical performance with a prevalence of ~50 % in trained male athletes, but described in both sexes, across the range of both age and physical fitness in more recent literature. Previously this phenomenon has been described as a decrement in both arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO₂) and oxy-haemoglobin saturation (SaO₂or SpO₂) with, particularly important for PaO₂, a lack of or inappropriate correction made for the change in body temperature during intense exercise. The initial study of this thesis determined the thermal response within the body at physiologically relevant sites measured simultaneously during an incremental exercise test. The results demonstrated the inadequacy of rectal temperature as an indicator of the acute temperature changes occurring during an incremental exercise test due to its slow response rate and relative thermal inertia. Radial arterial blood and oesophageal temperatures were shown to behave almost identically during the exercise test, albeit with an offset of approximately 1.3ºC, and were considered much more appropriate and relevant indicators of thermal changes during exercise. As an extension of the initial work active muscle temperature (vastus lateralis) was measured during the exercise test, demonstrating a significantly lower resting temperature than the oft-reported “core” temperatures (rectal and oesophageal) as well as a significantly greater increase in temperature in comparison to all other measurement sites. Overall, the results of this first study indicated that the physiologically relevant temperatures measured at the oesophageal and muscle sites differed markedly to the outdated rectal temperature measurement site and should be used as measures of thermal response when evaluating oxygen loading (oesophageal) or unloading (active muscle). Utilising the definition of EIH as a decrease in PaO₂ of ≥ 10 mmHg, the effect of temperature correcting PaO₂ was evaluated in the second study. Arterial blood gases measured simultaneously to the temperature measurements during the incremental exercise test were adjusted for the temperature changes at each site (every 1ºC increase in temperature will increase a PaO₂ value by ~5 mmHg). Whilst uncorrected PaO₂ values indicated an almost 100% prevalence of EIH in this group, oesophageal temperature corrected PaO₂ values decreased this prevalence to ~50% while muscle temperature corrections resolved all cases of EIH and demonstrated an HYPEROXAEMIA (i.e. the reverse of the well-established phenomenon) in the majority of subjects. Further investigation of arterial oxygen content during the exercise test indicates that there is no disruption in the delivery of oxygen to the active muscles and therefore any performance decrement should be attributed to another mechanism. Whilst the phenomenon of EIH is determined by the definition applied and the use of temperature corrections in the case of PaO₂, its reproducibility in a test-retest situation had not previously been determined. Utilising a subset of previously tested subjects, the reproducibility of both temperature and PaO₂ were determined with results indicating that the blood gas response was highly reproducible, especially the minimum PaO₂ value noted during each exercise test. However, comparing a more statistically relevant definition of a change in PaO₂ of ± 2 standard deviations from the mean resting PaO₂ to the previous delimiter of 10 mmHg indicated a lesser reproducibility of the prevalence of EIH. In summary, this thesis exposes the inadequacies of previous research into EIH with regard to the expected reproducibility of the phenomenon and the need to correctly adjust PaO₂ values for exercise-induce hyperthermia as well as demonstrating the difference in thermal responses to acute exercise in physiologically significant areas of the body. Furthermore, previously described correlations between the change in PaO₂ and VO₂ max were not evident in the subjects tested within this thesis, nor was there any indication of a diffusion limitation based on reduced pulmonary capillary transit time (by association with VO₂ max) or pulmonary oedema (rebuked by a rapid return of PaO₂ to above resting levels following exercise cessation). / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1320633 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Medicine, 2008
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Resposta fisiológica, qualidade da carne e expressão gênica no músculo esquelético de frangos de corte sob estresse por calor que receberam antioxidantes na dietaZeferino, Cynthia Pieri [UNESP] 12 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2012-12-12Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:07:19Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
zeferino_cp_dr_botfmvz.pdf: 651925 bytes, checksum: 73409be600f78d130bc6f963632aa1d5 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A temperatura ambiente elevada representa o principal fator limitante do desenvolvimento da produção avícola em regiões de clima quente. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar se a dieta suplementada com vitaminas C e E, seria capaz de neutralizar, ou reduzir, os efeitos do estresse por calor, aplicado dos 28 aos 42 dias de idade, sobre a resposta fisiológica, o desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e qualidade da carne de frangos. Foram utilizados 384 frangos de corte machos distribuídos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo fatorial 2 x 3 (com e sem suplementação da dieta com vitaminas e temperaturas ambientais associadas ao pair-feeding) e 16 repetições. As aves foram mantidas em termoneutralidade até os 28 dias. A partir desta idade, foram alojadas em grupos de quatro por gaiola, em três salas climatizadas: duas termoneutras (22,6 e 22,5ºC) e uma de estresse por calor (31,7ºC). Metade das aves recebeu dieta suplementada com vitaminas C (536 mg/kg) e E (127 mg/kg). Na sala de estresse por calor as aves tiveram livre acesso à ração; nas salas termoneutras metade das aves recebeu ração à vontade e a outra metade recebeu quantidade limitada, no sistema pair-feeding. Foram avaliados a temperatura retal e da superfície da pele e características de desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e qualidade instrumental da carne. As análises de qualidade de carne foram realizadas no músculo pectoralis major (peito) 24 horas após o abate. A suplementação da dieta com vitaminas C e E não foi capaz de neutralizar, nem de reduzir, os efeitos negativos do estresse por calor sobre as características de desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e qualidade de carne das aves. A semelhança nos resultados de desempenho entre aves em estresse por calor e em pair-feeding sugere que a queda no desempenho sob estresse por calor deveu-se, principalmente, à redução no consumo de alimentos / Elevated ambient temperature represents the main limiting factor for the development of chicken production in hot climate regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate if the diet supplemented with vitamins C and E would be able to reduce, or neutralize the negative effects of heat stress applied between 28 and 42 days of age, on the physiological response, performance, slaughter yield and meat quality of chickens. A total of 384 male broiler chickens were assigned to a completely randomized design, with a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement (diet with or without vitamins supplementation and ambient temperatures associated with pair-feeding) and 16 replications. The chickens were kept in thermoneutral conditions up to 28 days of age. From this age and on, were housed in groups of four per cage, in three environmentally controlled chambers: two were thermoneutral (22,6 e 22,5ºC) and one for heat stress (31,7ºC). Half the chickens were offered a diet supplemented with vitamins C (536 mg/kg) and E (127 mg/kg). In the heat stress chamber, the chickens had free access to the feed; in the thermoneutral chambers half the chickens had free access to the feed and the other half received a limited amount, in a pair-feeding system. Rectal and body surface temperatures and performance, slaughter yield and meat quality traits were evaluated. Meat quality analyses were performed in the pectoralis major muscle 24 hours after slaughter. Diet supplementation with vitamins C and E were not able to neutralize, neither to reduce, the negative effects of heat stress on the performance, slaughter yield and meat quality traits. The similarity of performance results between the chickens submitted to heat stress and pair-feeding, suggested that the reduction in performance under heat stress were due mainly to the drop in feed consumption
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Influência da variação sazonal da temperatura e umidade do solo na germinação de sementes de espécies do cerrado: Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. (Annonaceae), Banisteriopsis variabilis B. Gates (malpighiaceae) e Vochysia tucanorum Mart. (Vochysiaceace)Locardi, Bruna [UNESP] 05 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2011-10-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:50:12Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
locardi_b_me_rcla.pdf: 766585 bytes, checksum: 800fa64d7757a908188ffc932a3ac9b6 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A diversidade de estratégias reprodutivas e de germinação de sementes da flora do cerrado brasileiro é consequência da heterogeneidade fisionômica e da sazonalidade. Essas estratégias são adaptativas para o momento onde temperatura e umidade permitam o estabelecimento de uma nova geração de plantas. O momento de dispersão e o controle fisiológico da aptidão a germinar são estratégias para a sincronização com a estação chuvosa. A sincronização fisiológica é feita pela flutuação da dormência a partir de sinais ambientais, e seus principais sinalizadores são os hormônios vegetais ABA (inibidor da germinação e agente do aprofundamento da dormência) e GA (promotor da germinação). Por nível de dormência entende-se um estado de estabilidade da semente onde certas condições ambientais podem promover a germinação, inibi-la ou ainda aprofundar esse nível a um estado sensível a outras condições ambientais. Buscamos compreender a influencia da variação da temperatura e umidade de solo pos dispersão na germinação de sementes X. aromatica, B. variabilis e V. tucanorum. Para inferir a flutuação hormonal causada pela sazonalidade, a sensibilidade das sementes a GA4+7 e fluridona e água foi acompanhada pós enterrio. As áreas experimentais foram duas, a Reserva Experimental de Mogi-Guaçu e o Jardim Experimental da UNESP Rio Claro. Os dados de temperatura, umidade do solo foram registrados a cada na profundidade de 5 cm, mesma do enterrio. A viabilidade inicial das sementres das três espécies é acima de 75%, mas a germinabilidade de B. variabilis é de 30%. As sementes de V. tucanorum e B. variabilis têm embriões morfologicamente maduros já as sementes de X. aromatica são morfo-fisiologicamente dormentes. Sendo pós-dispersão, sensíveis a GA e perdendo a sensibilidade com o aprofundamento... / A great number of reproduction and germination strategies are found in plants of the neotropical savannas (Brazilian Cerrados) due to its physiognomic diversity and seasonality. That allows a new generation establishment when temperature and moisture are less harsh than the dry winter. Dispersion time and physiological control of germination ability are regular strategies used to synchronize it with rainy season. Synchronization is regulated by changes on dormancy level by environmental cues, mainly controlled by ABA (germination inhibitor and dormancy agent) and GA (germination promoter). Dormancy level is a seed stable state in which environmental cues can promote or inhibit germination or also change it into a different level more sensitive to other environmental condition. Observing X. aromatica, B. variabilis and V. tucanorum seeds morphology, germination and viability, after dispersion and burial and incubated on water, GA4+7 .Its in situ germination was observed at 2 burial sites (Reserva Experimental de Mogi-Guaçu (MG) and Jardim Experimental da UNESP Rio Claro(JD)) after dispersion, combined with soil temperature and moisture at 5cm deep, and environmental data we search to comprehend how seasonality affects the seed’s dormancy levels, germination, mortality and hormonal sensitivity. All the three species have over 75% viable embryos, although B. variabilis germinability is less than 30%. X. aromatica seeds are morpho physiolocally dormant, being sensible to GA after dispersion and losing this sensitivity by dormancy enhanced by the burials and alternating high amplitude of temperature followed by days with amplitude lower than 10°C break these deep dormancy and on moisture soil, allows the embryo development and germinate. Lower moisture content delays the embryo... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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