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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiscale Modeling and Analysis of X-ray Windows, Microcantilevers, and Bioimpedance Microelectrodes

Larsen, Kyle Grant 09 August 2022 (has links)
X-ray detector windows must be thin enough to transmit sufficient low-energy x-rays, yet strong enough to withstand up to an atmosphere of differential pressure. Traditional low-energy x-ray windows consist of a support layer and pressure membrane spanning that support. Numerical modeling of several x-ray windows was used to show that both low- and high-energy x-ray transmission can be improved by adding a secondary support structure. Finite element analysis of the x-ray window models showed that the stress from a typical applied load does not exceed the ultimate strength or yield strength of the respective materials. The specific x-ray window models developed in this work may serve as a foundation for improving commercial windows, especially those geared toward low-energy transmission. For local mechanical film testing, microcantilevers were cut in suspended many-layer graphene using a focused ion beam. Multipoint force-deflection mapping with an atomic force microscope was used to record the compliance of the cantilevers. These data were used to estimate the elastic modulus of the film by fitting the compliance at multiple locations along the cantilever to a fixed-free Euler-Bernoulli beam model. This method resulted in a lower uncertainty than is possible from analyzing only a single force-deflection. The breaking strength of the film was also found by deflecting cantilevers until fracture. The average modulus and strength of the many-layer graphene films are 300 GPa and 12 GPa, respectively. The multipoint force-deflection method is well suited to analyze films that are heterogeneous in thickness or wrinkled. Bioimpedance can be measured by applying a known current to the tissue through two (current carrying) electrodes and recording the resulting voltage on two different (pickup) electrodes. Bioimpedance has been used to detect heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose. A wrist-based wearable bioimpedance device can measure heart rate by detecting the minute impedance changes caused by the modulation of blood volume in the radial artery. Using finite element analysis, I modeled how electrode position affects sensitivity to pulsatile changes. The highest sensitivity was found to occur when the pickup electrodes were centered over the artery. In this work, we used microfabricated carbon infiltrated-carbon nanotube electrodes to measure the change in contact bioimpedance for dry electrodes, and identical electrodes with a wet electrolyte, on five human subjects in the range of 1 kHz to 100 kHz. We found that the acclimated skin-electrode impedance of the dry electrodes approached that of the wet electrodes, especially for electrodes with larger areas. We also found that the acclimation time does not appear to depend on electrode area or frequency. The skin-electrode impedance after acclimation does depend on electrode area and frequency, decreasing with both. This work shows that if care is taken during the acclimation period, then dry carbon composite electrodes can be used in bioimpedance wearable applications.

An Experimental Setup based on 3D Printing to test Viscoelastic Arterial Models

Dei-Awuku, Linda 08 1900 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a leading cause of death worldwide, emphasizing the need for advanced and effective intervention and treatment measures. Hypertension, a significant risk factor for CVDs, is characterized by reduced vascular compliance in arterial vessels. There is a significant rise in interest in exploring the viscoelastic properties of arteries in the last few years, for the treatment of these diseases. This study aims to develop an experimental setup using 3D Printing Technology to test viscoelastic arterial models for the validation of a diagnostic device for cardiovascular diseases. The research investigates the selection of polymer-based materials that closely mimic the viscoelastic properties of arterial vessels. An experimental setup is designed and fabricated to perform mechanical tests on 3D-printed specimens. The study utilizes a mathematical model to describe the viscoelastic behavior of the materials. The model's predictions are validated using experimental data obtained from the mechanical tests. This study demonstrates the potential of 3D printing technology in fabricating specimens using elastic and flexible resin materials. These specimens closely replicate the mechanical properties of native arteries, offering a tangible platform for controlled mechanical testing. Stress relaxation tests on the3D printed specimens highlight the viscoelastic properties of fabricated materials, shedding light on their behavior under strain. The study goes further to model the mechanics of these materials, utilizing the Fractional Voigt model to capture the intricate balance between elastic and resistive behaviors under varying deformation levels. The results highlight the successful fitting of the Fractional Voigt model to the experimental data, confirming the viscoelastic behavior of the specimens. The obtained values of α and RMSE indicate a good representation of arterial mechanical properties within the viscoelastic arterial model, under different loading conditions. This research contributes to improving cardiovascular device validation and offers a practical and reliable alternative to invasive experiments. Future works include exploring different materials and conditions for arterial modeling and enhancing the precision and scope of the viscoelastic model. Overall, this study advances the understanding of cardiovascular biomechanics, contributing to the development of more effective diagnostic devices for cardiovascular diseases.

Co-processing of drugs and co-crystal formers and its effect on pharmaceutical dosage-form performance. Co-crystallization of urea/ 2-methoxybenzamide, caffeine/ malonic acid, caffeine/ oxalic acid and theophylline/ malonic acid systems: Solid-state characterization including imaging, thermal, X-ray and Raman spectroscopic techniques with subsequent evaluation of tableting behaviour

Ibrahim Mohamed, Asim Y. January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation has focused on the solid-state characterization of different co-crystal system as well as the effect of co-crystallization of these systems on pharmaceutical dosage form performance. Urea/ 2-MB, caffeine/ malonic acid, caffeine/ oxalic acid and theophylline/ malonic acid co-crystals were prepared using co-grinding- and co-precipitation techniques. In addition, the synthesis of co-crystals through two novel methods has been demonstrated. This includes compaction and convection mixing. The solid-state characterization of the co-crystals has been carried out using XRPD, Raman spectroscopy, DSC, TGA, hot-stage microscopy and SEM. After preparation of co-crystals, tablets have been produced from co-ground-, co-precipitated-, and physical mixtures using Compaction Studies Press (Kaleva), and the data were recorded to compare between the different mixtures, regarding compactibilty, compressibility and deformational properties. The DSC results showed that the physical mixtures of all systems, formed co-crystals during heating process. For systems of urea/ 2-MB, caffeine/ malonic acid and theophylline/ malonic acid, the co-ground mixture produced tablets with higher tensile strength compared with either co-precipitated or physical mixture. However, for caffeine/ oxalic acid system, the tensile strengths of compacts produced from the physical mixture were greater than those obtained from either co-ground or co-precipitated mixtures. The Heckel data suggested that urea/ 2-MB, caffeine/ malonic acid and theophylline/ malonic acid systems are Type 1 materials, as an extensive linearity during compression was indicative of a plastic deformation mechanism, while the caffeine/ oxalic acid system was Type 2 materials. However, the co-precipitated mixture of urea/ 2-MB system was the least compressible, as it possessed the greatest value of yield pressure (85 MPa) and the highest elastic recovery (7.42%). The co-precipitated mixture of both of caffeine/ malonic acid and theophylline/ malonic acid systems was the most compressible with small yield pressure values of (44 & 80 MPa) and elastic recovery of (7.2% & 6.56%), respectively. The co-ground mixture of caffeine/ oxalic acid possessed the highest value of yield pressure (166 MPa) and thus the lowest compressibility among other mixtures. Furthermore, the addition of microcrystalline cellulose and α-lactose monohydrate has affected the crystallinity as well as the tableting properties of the co-crystals. After the addition of excipients, the tensile strength of compacts was about 2 times higher than any other mixture. Finally, urea/ 2-MB and caffeine/ malonic acid co-crystals were successfully synthesized through convection mixing and compaction. / Islamic University of Omdurman and the Ministry of Higher Education in Sudan

Schalentragwerke mit funktionaler Gradierung

Illguth, Sandy, Lowke, Dirk, Kränkel, Thomas, Gehlen, Christoph 21 July 2022 (has links)
Betone für schlanke Schalentragwerke weisen zur Sicherstellung ausreichender Zugfestigkeiten oft einen hohen Stahlfasergehalt auf. Dies ist mit hohen ökologischen und monetären Kosten verbunden. Das Ziel war es daher, die Voraussetzungen für die Herstellung effizienter Schalentragwerke aus funktional fasergradierten Betonfertigteilen zu schaffen. / Concrete for slender load-bearing shell structures often has a high steel fibre content to ensure sufficient tensile strength. This is associated with high ecological and financial costs. Thus, the aim of this project was to create the prerequisites for the production of efficient shell structures made of functional fibre-graded precast concrete elements.

Investigation of the mechanical effects of recycling post-industrial and post-consumer glass-filled Polyamide-6

Zoltán Kristóf, Molnár January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the challenges and opportunities of recycling PA6-GF30, a glass-filled polyamide, to address the pressing environmental concerns surrounding polymer waste. Through a collaboration between Thule Group and Jönköping University, it aims to understand how the properties of recycled materials evolve over time and reprocessing cycles, proposing practical methods for their utilization in sustainable manufacturing practices. Thule Group's commitment to reducing emissions entails transitioning to sustainable materials, particularly through increased use of recycled engineering materials like PA6-GF30, to lower the carbon footprint of products, emphasizing the importance of maintaining product quality and safety while exploring the effects of recycled materials on mechanical properties. Through producing and testing post-industrial and post-consumer samples added to virgin PA6-GF30 with varying ratios, comparison with the commercially available polymers was conducted. In total, 15 different mixtures of pellets of different quantity and quality of recycled composites were investigated with tensile test and impact test, moreover the fibers of some batches were filtrated from the matrix and the fiber aspect ratio was examined with the help of an optical microscope. Results illustrated that recycled polymers generally showed more mechanical property degradation as the ratio of recycled polymers were increased. Furthermore, adding the same amount of post-consumer regrinds as opposed to post-industrial was more detrimental to the overall mechanical performance. Post-industrial composite regrinds performed 11,3% worse in UTS, meanwhile post-consumer regrinds dropped by 25,5% in the same characteristic when the samples made of 100% recycled materials were compared to the virgin composite.  The reason behind this phenomenon was investigated and supported by microscopy. One of them is the natural aging of the material that operates through chain scission, that slowly makes that polymer stiffer and weaker. The other and more dominant reason is the damage taken by the fibers, that create numerous stress concentration sites at fiber ends, within the structure, ultimately damaging the fiber-matrix interface.

Ispitivanje mehaničkih i površinskih svojstava stomatoloških nanostrukturisanih kompozitnih materijala na bazi smola / Determination of mechanical and surface properties of dental resin-based nanocomposites

Lainović Tijana 08 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Uvođenje nanočestica u stomatolo&scaron;ke kompozitne materijale predstavlja poku&scaron;aj da se odgovori univerzalnim zahtevima za kvalitetom direktnog zubnog ispuna, i da se stvori materijal koji kombinuje visoku mehaničku otpornost sa dobrim estetskim karakteristikama i zadovoljavajućim kvalitetom poliranja. Cilj sprovedene studije je bio da se ispita uticaj nanočestica, i soft-start metode svetlosne indukcije polimerizacije na mehanička i povr&scaron;inska svojstva savremenih stomatolo&scaron;kih nanokompozita, dostupnih na trži&scaron;tu. Ispitana su četiri stomatolo&scaron;ka nanostrukturisana kompozitna materijala na bazi smola i jedan univerzalni mikrohibridni kompozit, kao referentni materijal (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE). Kori&scaron;ćena su po dva reprezentativna materijala iz dve podgrupe nanokompozita: nanopunjenih (Filtek Ultimate Body, 3M ESPE i Filtek Ultimate Translucent, 3M ESPE) i nanohibridnih kompozita (Filtek Z550, 3M ESPE i Tetric EvoCeram, Ivoclar Vivadent - TEC). Uzorci su polimerizovani nakon svetlosne aktivacije polimerizacije, uz kori&scaron;ćenje dva svetlosna režima: konvencionalnog i soft start režima. Pritisna i zatezna čvrstoća (dobijena poprečnim sabijanjem valjka, engl. diametral tensile strength) testirane su na Univerzalnoj ma&scaron;ini, kidalici. Tvrdoća uzoraka merena je testom za određivanje tvrdoće po Vickersu. Povr&scaron;inska tekstura i parametri hrapavosti određeni su skeniranjem povr&scaron;ine mikroskopom atomskih sila. Uop&scaron;teno, TEC je pokazao najniže vrednosti pritisne i zatezne čvrstoće, i tvrdoće, i statistićki je značajno bio slabiji od drugih testiranih materijala kroz sve mehaničke testove. Suprotno, TEC je imao najniže vrednosti parametara hrapavosti među testiranim materijalima. Spoj prepolimerizovanog punioca i polimerne baze u ovom materijalu pokazao se kao njegova slaba tačka. Navedeni materijal je iz tog razloga pokazao značajno slabiju otpornost od ostalih na razvijene napone izazvane dejstvom mehaničkih sila. Čestice nanodimenzija u sastavu stomatolo&scaron;kih polimernih kompozita, samostalno, nisu imale značajan uticaj na pobolj&scaron;anje mehaničkih i povr&scaron;inskih svojstava testiranih kompozita. Zaključeno je i da se procentualna zastupljenost neorganskih čestica u polimernoj bazi ne može smatrati apsolutnim kriterijumom kvaliteta kompozita, u pogledu njihovih mehaničkih svojstava. Samo srodni materijali, izrađeni istim tehnolo&scaron;kim postupkom, koji imaju veoma sličan ili isti hemijski sastav, pokazali su se kao mehanički superiorniji ukoliko su sadržali veći procenat neorganske komponente u svom sastavu. Nano prefiks u nazivu klase materijala ne garantuje sigurnu prednost stomatolo&scaron;kih nanokompozita nad univerzalnim mikrohibridnim kompozitima.</p> / <p>The introduction of nanoparticles in dental composite materials was an attempt to respond to the universal quality requirements for a direct dental restoration, and to create a material that meets the needs of high mechanical resistance, good aesthetic characteristics and surface properties of tooth restoratives. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of nanoparticles in materials composition, and the soft start photoactivation method on the mechanical and surface properties of contemporary dental nanocomposites, available in the market. Four dental resin based nanostructured composites were tested along with a universal microhybrid one, as reference material (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE). Two representative materials from the two classification subgroups were tested, nanofilled (Filtek Ultimate Body, 3M ESPE and Filtek Ultimate Translucent, 3M ESPE) and nanohybrid composites (Filtek Z550, 3M ESPE and Tetric EvoCeram, Ivoclar Vivadent, TEC). Polymerization of the samples was light activated using two light modes: conventional and soft start. Compressive and diametral tensile strength were tested on the Universal testing machine. The Vickers hardness was also determined. Surface texture and roughness parameters were examined by atomic force microscopy. Generally, TEC showed the lowest values of compression, tensile strength and hardness, and was statistically different from the other tested materials throughout all mechanical tests. In contrast, TEC had the lowest values of roughness parameters among the tested materials. In this material, contact zone of prepolimeryzed filler and polymer matrix appeared to be a weak point. For this reason, this material showed significantly lower resistance than the others on mechanically developed stresses. Nanosized particles within the dental polymer composites, individually, did not have a significant influence on improving the mechanical and surface properties of tested composites. It is concluded that the inorganic volume fraction in composites cannot be considered as an absolute criterion of their quality, regarding their mechanical properties. Only similar materials, made using the same technological process, which have very similar or the same chemical composition, and similar technological method of synthesis and optimization of organic and inorganic components, showed improved mechanical strength, if they contained a higher percentage of inorganic components in their composition. Nano prefix in the name of material&rsquo;s class does not guarantee the pure advantage of dental nanocomposites in comparison with the universal microhybrid composites.</p>

Optimizacija sastava nosećeg sloja kolovozne konstrukcije na bazi agregata od hladno recikliranog asfalta sa aspekta mehaničkih karakteristika / Optimization of the pavement base layer content on the basis of thereclaimed asphalt pavement aggregate in terms of mechanicalproperties

Jakovljević Radomir 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji su prikazani rezultati sopstvenog eksperimentalnog istraživanja<br />izvr&scaron;enog na uzorcima pripremljenim sa različitim uče&scaron;ćem struganog asfalta (RAP)<br />i dodatnog - &quot;novog&quot; drobljenog kamenog agregata. Variranjem uče&scaron;ća struganog<br />asfalta i dodatnog drobljenog kamenog agregata i variranjem uče&scaron;ća oba veziva<br />omogućeno je praćenje uticaja sastava na mehaničke karakteristike me&scaron;avine.<br />Uticaj vrste i količine upotrebljenog veziva na mehaničke karakteristike nosećeg<br />sloja kolovoza sagledano je kroz variranje sadržaja cementa i bitumenske emulzije.<br />Predmet istraživanja je definisanje međusobne zavisnosti odnosno korelacije,<br />određenih mehaničkih karakteristika me&scaron;avine u funkciji vrste i količine<br />komponentnih materijala i veziva i ocena njihovih fundamentalnih mehaničkih<br />karakteristika.</p> / <p>In dissertation are resented results of own experimental research on<br />samples that have been prepared with different amount of reclaimed<br />asphalt (RAP) and the additional - &quot;new&quot; crushed stone aggregate. By<br />varying participation of reclaimed asphalt and additional crushed stone<br />and varying participation of both binders monitoring of the impact of the<br />composition on the mechanical properties of the mixture was enabled.<br />The influence of type and amount of binder on the mechanical properties<br />of the pavement base layer is seen through variation in the content of<br />cement and bitumen emulsion. The subject of the research is to define the<br />mutual dependence and correlation of certain mechanical characteristics<br />of the mixture as a function of the types and quantities of component<br />materials and binders and evaluation of their fundamental mechanical<br />properties.</p>

Snedskarvning som industriell tillverkningsmetod för trälister / Scarf jointing as an industrial manufacturing method of wood laths

Gunnarsson, Johan, Gustafsson, André January 2016 (has links)
Kan snedskarvning vara ett ekonomiskt lämpligt komplement till fingerskarvning? Kvistfritt listmaterial av furu är mycket eftertraktat inom träindustrin där fingerskarvning numera är den mest förekommande metoden. Det är viktigt att listmaterial har en hanteringsstyrka god nog för att hålla ihop vid montering eftersom konstruktionsstyrkan inte är den begränsande faktorn. Denna studie innehåller en jämförelse i draghållfasthet för lister gjorda med fingerskarv, MDF och snedskarv där det lägsta vinkelförhållandet som uppfyller kraven på skarven är sökt från 1:1 till 1:5. Tidigare tester framhåller förhållandet 1:8 när det är till för konstruktionsändamål, denna studie hävdar att 1:3 är tillräckligt för lister. / Could scarf jointing be an economical suitable complement to finger jointing? Knot-free lath material of pine wood is highly requested in the timber industry where finger jointing nowadays is a commonly used method. It is important that the lath material has a handling strength good enough to hold the assembly since structural strength is not the limited factor. This study contains a comparison of tensile strength in laths made of finger joints, MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) and scarf joints where the lowest ratio of angular relationship that meets the demands of the scarf is searched from 1:1 to 1:5. Previous testing only holds a ratio of 1:8 for construction purposes whereas this study claims a result of 1:3 for laths.

Can Bone Void Fillers Carry Load? : Behaviour of Calcium Phosphate Cements Under Different Loading Scenarios

Ajaxon, Ingrid January 2017 (has links)
Calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) are used as bone void fillers and as complements to hardware in fracture fixation. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the possibilities and limitations of the CPCs’ mechanical properties, and find out if these ceramic bone cements can carry application-specific loads, alone or as part of a construct. Recently developed experimental brushite and apatite cements were found to have a significantly higher strength in compression, tension and flexion compared to the commercially available CPCs chronOS™ Inject and Norian® SRS®. By using a high-resolution measurement technique the elastic moduli of the CPCs were determined and found to be at least twice as high compared to earlier measurements, and closer to cortical bone than trabecular bone. Using the same method, Poisson's ratio for pure CPCs was determined for the first time. A non-destructive porosity measurement method for wet brushite cements was developed, and subsequently used to study the porosity increase during in vitro degradation. The compressive strength of the experimental brushite cement was still higher than that of trabecular bone after 25 weeks of degradation, showing that the cement can carry high loads over a time span sufficiently long for a fracture to heal. This thesis also presents the first ever fatigue results for acidic CPCs, and confirms the importance of testing the materials under cyclic loading as the cements may fail at stress levels much lower than the material’s quasi-static compressive strength. A decrease in fatigue life was found for brushite cements containing higher amounts of monetite. Increasing porosity and testing in a physiological buffer solution (PBS), rather than air, also decreased the fatigue life. However, the experimental brushite cement had a high probability of surviving loads found in the spine when tested in PBS, which has previously never been accomplished for acidic CPCs. In conclusion, available brushite cements may be able to carry the load alone in scenarios where the cortical shell is intact, the loading is mainly compressive, and the expected maximum stress is below 10 MPa. Under such circumstances this CPC may be the preferred choice over less biocompatible and non-degradable materials.

Caracterização geométrica e mecânica de macrofibras poliméricas. / Geometric and mechanical characterizationn of polymeric macrofibers.

Cáceres, Alan Renato Estrada 11 November 2015 (has links)
Uma grande diversidade de macrofibras poliméricas para reforço de concreto se encontram disponibilizadas hoje em dia. Por natureza estas fibras apresentam grande diversidade de características e propriedades. Estas variações afetam sua atuação como reforço no concreto. No entanto, não há normas brasileiras sobre o assunto e as metodologias de caracterização de normas estrangeiras apresentam divergências. Algumas normas definem que a caracterização do comportamento mecânico deva ser feita nos fios originais e outras que se devam utilizar métodos definidos para caracterização de materiais metálicos. A norma EN14889-2:2006 apresenta maior abrangência, mas deixa dúvidas quanto à adequação dos critérios de caracterização geométrica das fibras e não define um método de ensaio específico para sua caracterização mecânica. Assim, há a necessidade de estabelecimento de uma metodologia que permita a realização de um programa de controle de qualidade da fibra nas condições de emprego. Esta metodologia também proporcionaria uma forma de caracterização do material para estudos experimentais, o que permitiria maior fundamentação científica desses trabalhos que, frequentemente, fundamentam-se apenas em dados dos fabricantes. Assim, foi desenvolvido um estudo experimental focando a caracterização de duas macrofibras poliméricas disponíveis no mercado brasileiro. Focou-se o estudo na determinação dos parâmetros geométricos e na caracterização mecânica através da determinação da resistência à tração e avaliação do módulo de elasticidade. Na caracterização geométrica foi adotada como referência a norma europeia EN14889-2:2006. As medições do comprimento se efetuaram por dois métodos: o método do paquímetro e o método de análise de imagens digitais, empregando um software para processamento das imagens. Para a medição do diâmetro, além das metodologias mencionadas, foi usado o método da densidade. Conclui-se que o método do paquímetro, com o cuidado de esticar previamente as macrofibras, e o método das imagens digitais podem ser igualmente utilizados para medir o comprimento. Já parar determinar o diâmetro, recomenda-se o método da densidade. Quanto à caracterização mecânica, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia própria a partir de informações obtidas de outros ensaios. Assim, efetuaram-se ensaios de tração direta nas macrofibras coladas em molduras de tecido têxtil. Complementarmente, foi avaliado também o efeito do contato abrasivo das macrofibras com os agregados durante a mistura em betoneira no comportamento mecânico do material. Também se avaliou o efeito do método de determinação da área da seção transversal nos resultados medidos no ensaio de tração da fibra. Conclui-se que o método proposto para o ensaio de tração direta da fibra é viável, especialmente para a determinação da resistência à tração. O valor do módulo de elasticidade, por sua vez, acaba sendo subestimado. A determinação da área da seção da fibra através do método da densidade forneceu também os melhores resultados. Além disso, comprovou-se que o atrito das fibras com o agregado durante a mistura compromete o comportamento mecânico, reduzindo tanto a resistência quanto o módulo de elasticidade. Assim, pode-se afirmar que a metodologia proposta para o controle geométrico e mecânico das macrofibras poliméricas é adequada para a caracterização do material. / A wide variety of synthetic macrofibers for concrete reinforcement are available nowadays. By nature, these fibers exhibit great diversity of properties and characteristics. These variations affect its performance as reinforcement in concrete. However, there are no Brazilian standards on the subject and characterization methodologies available in foreign standards present divergences. Some standards define that the characterization of the mechanical behavior should be made in the original filaments and others that the test should be performed according methods for metallic materials characterization. The standard EN14889-2:2006 provides greater coverage about the subject, but leaves doubts about the suitability of the geometric characterization criteria of the fibers and does not set a specific testing method for its mechanical characterization. Thus, there is a need to establish a methodology that allows to carry out a quality control program of the fiber in the onsite conditions. This approach would also provide a way of materials characterization for experimental studies, which would allow better scientific basis of these works, which often rely exclusively on data taken from manufacturers. Thus, an experimental study focusing on the characterization of two polymer macrofibers available in Brazil was developed. The study aims at the determination of the geometrical and mechanical characteristics, such as the tensile strength and the elastic modulus. The geometric characterization was based on the prescriptions of the European standard EN14889- 2:2006. Measurements of length were made by two methods: the caliper method and digital image analysis method, employing software for image processing. For the measurement of the diameter, besides the aforementioned methodologies, the density method was also used. It is concluded that the caliper method, taking care to stretch the macrofibers previously, and the method of digital images can also be used to measure the length. To determine the diameter, it is recommended the density method. As for the mechanical characterization, a methodology was developed taking in consideration the previous information related to other tests. Thus, the direct tensile test was carried out in macrofibers glued in textile fabric frames. In addition, it was also evaluated the effect of the abrasive contact of macrofibers with the aggregates during mixing on the mechanical behavior of the material. Also, the effect of the method of determining the cross-sectional area in the results measured in fiber tensile test was evaluated. It is concluded that the proposed method for direct tensile test of the fiber is feasible, especially for tensile strength assessment. The value of the modulus of elasticity, in turn, has been underestimated. The determination of the fiber section area through the density method also gave the best results. Furthermore, it was found that the friction of the fibers with aggregate during mixing compromises the mechanical behavior reducing both strength and elastic modulus. Thus, it can be said that the proposed methodology for the geometric and mechanical control of polymer macrofibers is suitable for the material characterization.

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