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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Buddhismus v židovských náboženských textech 18.-21. století. / Buddhism in Jewish Religious Texts 18th - 21st Century

Weiss, Aleš January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes Jewish religious views of Buddhism in a broad historical perspective, from the end of 18th century down to the present. Through an analysis of Jewish religious texts, it shows the ways Buddhism has been contextualized and tries to uncover Buddhism's role in modern Judaism. From these texts Buddhism emerges as 1) a tool of polemics and self-definition, 2) a form of spirituality fully compatible with Judaism, and 3) a competitor of Judaism, endangering its social and ideological integrity. While Jewish religious views of Christianity and Islam have been dealt with extensively in the academic literature, the role of Buddhism in various forms of modern Judaism has been either completely overlooked or at best reduced to the JUBU phenomenon. This dissertation aims to help fill this gap.

Teologie práce sv. Jana Pavla II. / St. John Paul II's theology of labor

Košut, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis "Theology of Labour of St. John Paul II." is to summarize John Paul II.'s theological view of human labour, its impact on Christian spirituality and evangelization and pastoral efforts of the church. There is also attention paid to influence of his theology on further social magisterial texts. At the end, there is a reflection of impacts of this teaching to everyday economic and political life. The thesis is based on magisterial documents of John Paul II., especially on the encyclical Laborem exercens and his two further social encyclicals, Sollicitudo rei socialis and Centisimus annus. Other inspiring ideas come especially from reflections on St. Joseph and from the theology of body. There is a discussion on relation of human labour to the Mystery of The Holy Trinity, on perichoretical and sharing character of human labour. As a part of discussion on spirituality, there is the work state of life defined as analogy to Christian state of life. Human labour is a key to the social question, it is a tool for our salvation and therefore the mission of the church. Keywords St. John Paul II., Theology of Labour, Human Labour, Spirituality of Labour, Ethics of Labour, Wage Labour, Labour Capitalization, Labour Rights, Dignity of Human Labour, Sharing Economy

Projevy antifeminismu v současném učení římskokatolické církve / Manifests of antifeminism in contemporary teaching of the Roman Catholic Church

Langhammerová, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis Antifeminism in Contemporary Teaching of the Roman Catholic Church examines the mechanisms which shape the identity of women in Roman Catholic teachings. This is the starting point for the subsequent constitution of gender order, i.e. the way the relationship between man and woman is constructed, and in which woman is subordinated to man. To support the subordinate position of women, Roman Catholic theology implemented theory of complementarity into its teachings. This inequality provides an important underpinning of gender-based violence. Feminist movement and feminist theology, such as that of Mary Daly brought new analytical tools in the 1960s and 1970s to understand the functioning of the social mechanisms that lead to women's subordination. These tools are, in particular, feminist critique and perspective, critique of power relations and of androcentrism, and a specifically feminist understanding of woman's identity. The Istanbul Convention, with its perspective that rejects inequality, promotes criticism of power relations and describes violence against women as gender-based violence, is conceptually in accordance with the methods and goals of the feminist movement as well as with democratic principles. In particular, it agrees with them on the issue of gender-based...

Narratief-pastorale terapie met hartpasiënte

Truter, Cornelius Johannes 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a life-threatening disease. When heart patients in the treatment of their disease, due to certain subjugating discourses practised by the biomedical model or biomedicine, are treated in a way that contributes to their anxiety and they feel themselves marginalised by society, then CAD becomes even more threatening. The narrative-pastoral approach of this study aims to treat heart patients in a way that has a calming effect on them that could assist them to deal with their heart disease more efficiently. This study shows how a heart patient's illness stories can be centralised by means of narrative therapy and how a pastoral and ethical attitude of love and respect can produce a climate that's conducive to better health and well-being. I indicate how my methodology of participatory action research succeeds in making the heart patients active participants to the research project. Their active participation indicates that meaning is not created on their behalf in therapy; rather, they are responsible for the process of richer construction of meaning. I describe how the participants socially co-constructed alternative and richer descriptions of their illness. Futhermore, I point out how their richer descriptions of illness contribute to perceptible and measurable results that are of value to the heart patients. / Koronere hartvatsiekte (KHS) is 'n lewensbedreigende siekte. Wanneer hartpasiente in die behandeling van hul siekte vanwee sekere onderdrukkende diskoerse van siekte vanuit die biomediese model of biomedisyne s6 hanteer word dat dit spanning op hul plaas en deur die samelewing gemarginaliseer word, word KHS des te meer gevaarlik. In hierdie studie gaan dit oor 'n narratief-pastorale benadering wat hartpasiente op 'n kalmerende manier hanteer sodat hulle kan kom tot 'n meer doeltreffende hantering van hul hartsiekte. Hierdie studie toon aan hoe hartpasiente se siekteverhale deur middel van narratiewe terapie gesentreer word en hoe 'n etiese en pastorale gesindheid van liefde en respek 'n klimaat skep wat bevorderlik is vir beter gesondheid en welwese. Ek dui aan hoe my metodologie van deelnemende aksienavorsing daarin geslaag het om die hartpasiente aktiewe deelnemers te maak aan die navorsingsprojek. Hul aktiewe deelname impliseer dat betekenis nie in terapie vir hulle geskep word nie, maar dat hulle self skeppend betrokke is in die proses van ryker betekeniskonstruering. Ek beskryf hoe die deelnemers altematiewe en ryker beskrywings van hul siekte sosiaal ko-konstrueer. Ek dui verder aan hoe hul ryker beskrywings van siekte bydra tot sigbare en meetbare resultate wat vir hartpasiente van waarde is. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)

Psaný hlas: Whitmanovy Listy trávy (1855) a Millerův Obratník Raka / Written Voice: Whitman's Leaves of Grass (1855) and Miller's Tropic of Cancer

Skovajsa, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The PhD. dissertation Written Voice examines how Walt Whitman and Henry Miller through books, confined textual products of modernity, strive to awaken the reader to a more perceptive and courageous life, provided that the reader is willing to suspend hermeneutics of suspicion and approach Leaves of Grass and Tropic of Cancer with hermeneutics of hunger. This is examined from linguistic, anthropological and theological vantage point of oral theory (M. Jousse, M. Parry, A. Lord, W. Ong, E. Havelock, J. Assmann, D. Abram, C. Geertz, T. Pettitt, J. Nohrnberg, D. Sölle, etc.). This work thus compares Leaves (1855) and Tropic of Cancer examining their paratextual, stylistic features, their genesis, the phenomenology of their I's, their ethos and story across the compositions. By "voluntary" usage of means of oral mnemonics such as parallelism/bilateralism (Jousse) - along with present tense, imitatio Christi and pedagogical usage of obscenity - both authors in their compositions attack the textual modern discourse, the posteriority, nostalgia and confinement of literature, restore the body, and aim for futurality of biblical kinetics. It is the reader's task, then, to hermeneutically resurrect the dead printed words of the compositions into their own "flesh" and action. The third part of the thesis...

Narratief-pastorale terapie met hartpasiënte

Truter, Cornelius Johannes 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a life-threatening disease. When heart patients in the treatment of their disease, due to certain subjugating discourses practised by the biomedical model or biomedicine, are treated in a way that contributes to their anxiety and they feel themselves marginalised by society, then CAD becomes even more threatening. The narrative-pastoral approach of this study aims to treat heart patients in a way that has a calming effect on them that could assist them to deal with their heart disease more efficiently. This study shows how a heart patient's illness stories can be centralised by means of narrative therapy and how a pastoral and ethical attitude of love and respect can produce a climate that's conducive to better health and well-being. I indicate how my methodology of participatory action research succeeds in making the heart patients active participants to the research project. Their active participation indicates that meaning is not created on their behalf in therapy; rather, they are responsible for the process of richer construction of meaning. I describe how the participants socially co-constructed alternative and richer descriptions of their illness. Futhermore, I point out how their richer descriptions of illness contribute to perceptible and measurable results that are of value to the heart patients. / Koronere hartvatsiekte (KHS) is 'n lewensbedreigende siekte. Wanneer hartpasiente in die behandeling van hul siekte vanwee sekere onderdrukkende diskoerse van siekte vanuit die biomediese model of biomedisyne s6 hanteer word dat dit spanning op hul plaas en deur die samelewing gemarginaliseer word, word KHS des te meer gevaarlik. In hierdie studie gaan dit oor 'n narratief-pastorale benadering wat hartpasiente op 'n kalmerende manier hanteer sodat hulle kan kom tot 'n meer doeltreffende hantering van hul hartsiekte. Hierdie studie toon aan hoe hartpasiente se siekteverhale deur middel van narratiewe terapie gesentreer word en hoe 'n etiese en pastorale gesindheid van liefde en respek 'n klimaat skep wat bevorderlik is vir beter gesondheid en welwese. Ek dui aan hoe my metodologie van deelnemende aksienavorsing daarin geslaag het om die hartpasiente aktiewe deelnemers te maak aan die navorsingsprojek. Hul aktiewe deelname impliseer dat betekenis nie in terapie vir hulle geskep word nie, maar dat hulle self skeppend betrokke is in die proses van ryker betekeniskonstruering. Ek beskryf hoe die deelnemers altematiewe en ryker beskrywings van hul siekte sosiaal ko-konstrueer. Ek dui verder aan hoe hul ryker beskrywings van siekte bydra tot sigbare en meetbare resultate wat vir hartpasiente van waarde is. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)

Pastorale handelinge met en vir die tagtig plus ouer persoon / Pastoral actions with and for the eighty plus older person

Labuschagne, Jean 05 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing vorm deel van die kerk se roeping tot barmhartigheid en fokus op daardie aspek van die bediening wat gemoeid is met die welsyn van die tagtig plus ouer persoon in die besonder. ʼn Kwalitatiewe studie binne ‘n prakties-teologiese raamwerk is deur middel van in-diepte onderhoude onder die tagtig plus ouer persone, geestelike leiers en verpleegspersoneel betrokke by bejaardesorg, in Mosselbaai gedoen. Die bou van verhoudings, die voer van ‘n sinvolle en menswaardige bestaan, om verstaan te word en onvoorwaardelik aanvaar te word, het duidelik uit die resultate na vore gekom. Dié navorsing noop die gemeente om nuut te dink oor die verouderingsproses en hoe ‘n holistiese benadering tot bejaardesorg empatiese pastorale ondersteuning tot gevolg kan hê waar die afgetrede deur middel van bemagtigingsprogramme die nodige vaardighede ontvang om hulle verder instaat te stel om mekaar in ‘n omgeeverhouding te versorg. / This research forms part of the Church's call for compassion and focus on that aspect of the ministry that is concerned with the welfare of the eighty plus elderly in particular. A qualitative study within a practical theological framework through in-depth interviews among the eighty plus elderly, religious leaders and nursing staff involved in eldercare, were conducted in Mossel Bay. Building relationships, conducting a meaningful and dignified existence, to be understood and unconditionally accepted, clearly emerged from the results. This research compels the congregation to rethink the aging process and how a holistic approach to eldercare can result in empathic pastoral support where the retired through empowerment programs receive the necessary skills to develop their ability to care for each other. Key terms: / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastorale Terapie)

Dějiny kláštera Kladruby / History of the Monastery Kladruby

Lexová, Alena January 2015 (has links)
The significant, cultural heritage, Kladruby's monastery lies n Tachovon in the Western part of the Czech republic. It lies between Pilsen and Tachov, specifically, Thirty kilometres west from Pilsen and five kilometres south from Stříbro. The history of the township and monastery is closely bound. The middle ages brought prosperity and rise to both of them.To this rise of Kladruby contributed it's great place by the Norimberská stezka and the discovery of silver ore nearby. Thanks to this, in 1230, it was raised by Václav I. to township. With this Kladruby gained the rights of a town ( e.g. The right to organize markets,the right to perform Criminal Law and the right to brew) as one of the first seven town in the Czech republic. Because of the wealth from silver mining, a mining settlement Stříbro was establishes, in the late twelfth century. The Benedictine monastery was established, by Vladislav I. of Přemyslid dynasty, in 1115. He himself is buried there as one of few Czech princes, who are not buried in Prague. Between the 12. And 13. Century, the monastery became one of the most important church centres of the whole kingdom. During the tragedy of Jan Nepomucký, the monastery has a major role. Václav IV considered, establishing a bishopric in Kladruby, to circumscribe the power of Prague...

Dějiny kláštera Kladruby / History of the Monastery Kladruby

Brasová, Alena Petra January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the history of Kladruby's monastery, about it's establishment and development during centuries. Further, it deals with the change of lifestyle in the monastery, as well as outside of it. This thesis highlights the outstanding architectural beauty of the Baroque Gothic style of Czech architects Jan Blažej Santini Aichel and Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer.

African eco-theology : land, ecology, and indigenous wisdom in the works of Samson Gitau, Kapya Kaoma, and Jesse Mugambi

Ngwena, Patricia Dudu 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Xhosa and Afrikaans. / Using an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach, this study investigates the eco-theological contributions of three main interlocutors from East and Southern Africa, namely Samson Gitau, Kapya Kaoma and Jesse Mugambi, all of whom are African theologians. The three theologians seek to address ecological degradation from an African ecological perspective, by drawing on African Indigenous Knowledge Systems and African Christianity and Religiosity. The contributions of the three theologians in their respective chapters enable the study to identify the systems and practices that are under-researched and not utilised even though they are ecologically sensitive systems. Owing to a number of factors, African Indigenous Wisdom Knowledge Systems have not been adequately explored. African Indigenous Wisdom is a body of knowledge systems with ecological overtones. From a theological and African religiosity perspective, Gitau, Kaoma and Mugambi highlight the need for natural theology to be adopted by the Church as an institution. Gitau stresses the importance of relations based on the African concept of God, humanity and creation. The study addresses the gap in the existing knowledge by drawing on the main interlocutors to investigate the ecological crisis and by adopting an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. According to this approach, as applied by Gitau, Kaoma and Mugambi, the indigene’s systems are not adequately explored and churches in Africa are ecologically insensitive. African churches ought to embrace Indigenous Wisdom Knowledge Systems and form an African eco-theology. The study has brought to the fore the ecological overtones of African religious belief systems and African Christianity that, together, provide the basis for Christian ecological ethics inside and outside the faith community. Gitau, Kaoma and Mugambi condemn the Church as an institution and other voices for not taking a leading role in addressing contemporary ecological issues. / Olu phando lusebenzisa iindidi ngeendidi zophando, esi sifundo siphanda ngegalelo labangeneleli abathathu – uGitau, uKaoma kwakunye noMugambi – kwela candelo lengqiqo-buThixo eligqale kulwalamano oluphakathi kwenkolo nendalo. Bobathathu ke aba baziingcali zengqiqo-buThixo zase-Afrika. Ezi ngcali zontathu zijongene nokuthotywa kwesidima sendalo, kwakunye nokonakaliswa kwayo, besebenzisa ukuqonda kwase-Afrika, betsala kwizimvo zeeNkqubo Zolwazi Lwemveli Lwama-Afrika, ubuKhristu ngokwama-Afrika kwakunye nenkolo. Igalelo lengcali nganye, ngokwezahluko abathe bazibhala, libangela olu phando luzibone izithuba ezikhokhelela kwiinkqubo nezithethe ezingaphandisiswanga, nezingasetyenziswayo, nangona zona ziyihlonipha indalo. Ngenxa yeemeko ngeemeko, ulwazi lwesintu alunikwanga ngqalelo ngokwaneleyo. Xa kujongwa intlalo ngokwesintu, kuyacaca ukuba ulwazi lwesintu lulwazi olucwangcisekileyo, olukwaquke nolondolozo lwendalo. Xa sisondela kulo mba wolondolozo lwendalo ngokwengqiqo-buThixo, uGitau, uKaoma kwakunye noMugambi bagxininisa ukubaluleka kwecandelo lengqiqo-buThixo elijongene nokutyhileka kukaThixo endalweni, kwakunye nokwamkelwa kweli candelo emabandleni onke, kwiimvaba zonke, nakwinkolo yesintu. UGitau ugxininisa ukubaluleka kobudlelwane obusekwe kwindlela uThixo abonwa ngayo ngama-Afrika, kuluntu nakwindalo. Olu phando luzama ukuvala isikhewu esikulwazi olukhoyo ngokufumana ukuqonda kwaba bangeneleli bathathu, ngenjongo yokujongana nolondolozo lwendalo olusebenzisa iindidi ngendidi zokuphanda. Le nkqubo yophando phakathi kwamacandelo ngamacandelo isetyenziswa nguGitau, uKaoma kunye noMugambi ibonakalise inyani yokuba iinkqubo zesintu azihlolisiswanga ngokwaneleyo kwaye iinkonzo zaseAfrika aziyiniki ngqalelo indalo, kwaye kufuneka zamkele ulwazi lwesintu ukuze kwakheke icandelo lengqiqo-buThixo elingqale kulo mba wolondolozo lwendalo ngokwase-Afrika. Olu phando luveze into yokuba inkolo yesintu kunye neenkonzo zase-Afrika zilufanele ulondolozo lwendalo, kwaye imigaqo yokuziphatha yamaKhristu malunga nolu londolozo ezinkonzweni nasekuhlaleni, lusekwe phezu kwazo. UGitau, uKaoma kwakunye noMugambi bayalikhalimela ibandla lamaKhristu, kunye nezinye izimvo ezichazwayo kolu phando, ngokungathathi nxaxheba ikhokelayo ekulungisweni kwemiba yangoku yolondolozo lwendalo. / Volgens 'n interdissiplinêre en multidissiplinêre benadering ondersoek hierdie studie die ekoteologiese bydraes van drie Afrika-teoloë uit Oos- en Suider-Afrika, naamlik Samson Gitau, Kapya Kaoma en Jesse Mugambi. Hierdie drie teoloë beskou die kwessie van ekologiese agteruitgang uit 'n Afrika- ekologiese perspektief en put uit inheemse Afrika- kennisstelsels en die Afrika-Christendom en religiositeit. ʼn Ondersoek na die bydraes van elke teoloog, elkeen s’n in ʼn afsonderlike hoofstuk, bring stelsels en praktyke aan die lig wat nog nie genoegsaam nagevors is nie, en nie gebruik word nie, alhoewel dit ekologies sensitiewe stelsels en praktyke is. As gevolg van verskeie faktore is inheemse Afrika- wysheid-en-kennisstelsels nog nie voldoende ondersoek nie. Inheemse Afrika-wysheid-en- kennisstelsels is kennisstelsels met 'n ekologiese ondertoon. Uit 'n teologiese perspektief dring Gitau, Kaoma en Mugambi daarop aan dat die Kerk as 'n instelling die ekologiese teologie volgens Afrika-religiositeit aanvaar. Gitau beklemtoon die belangrikheid van verhoudings wat op die Afrika-konsep van God, menslikheid en skepping gebaseer is. Hierdie studie vul 'n leemte in die bestaande kennis aan deur uit die primêre gespreksgenote se kennis te put om die ekologiese krisis deur ʼn interdissiplinêre en multidissiplinêre benadering aan te pak. Volgens hierdie benadering, wat deur Gitau, Kaoma en Mugambi volg word, is inheemse kennisstelsels nog nie na behore ondersoek is nie, is kerke in Afrika ekologies onsensitief, en moet hulle inheemse wysheid-en-kennisstelsels omhels om 'n Afrika-ekoteologie te ontwikkel. In die studie tree die ekologiese toonaard van die Afrika- gelowe en die Afrika-Christendom na vore, wat saam die grondslag vir ʼn Christelike ekologiese etiek binne en buite die geloofsgemeenskap vorm. Gitau, Kaoma en Mugambi veroordeel die Kerk as 'n instelling en ander stemme omdat hulle nie 'n leidende rol in die aanpak van hedendaagse ekologiese kwessies speel nie. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th (Systematic Theology)

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