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Výpověď z pracovního poměru po soukromoprávní rekodifikaci / Notice of termination of employment after restatement of private lawSkovajsa, Marián January 2018 (has links)
Notice of termination of employment relationship after private law recodification Main theme of my thesis is notice of termination of employment relationship after private law recodification. I have chosen this topic, because every labour relationship termination and especially notice of termination, can have essential influence to every single person in productive age and even to his family. Law provides protection to both employers and employees, but to employees, as a weaker contracting party, is protection provided in wider range. I have divided my thesis into seven chapters, many of them are divided further. The first chapter is about labour law in general. The second chapter describes relationship between labour and civil law, from the Labour Code from 1965 to present time and also the principle of delgation and its change by Constitutional Court of the Czech republic fading into the principle of subsidiarity. In the third chapter I have stated the most important international documents, which are regulating notice of termination of employment relationship. Fourth part of my thesis describes employment relationship in general, ways of its termination and legal facts, which are leading to the termination of employment relationship in general. Key chapter is chapter number five, in which I am...
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Pracovněprávní spory / Employment disputes and labor disputesKalhousová, Viktorie January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with two types of disputes under the Czech employment law - the employment disputes and the labor disputes. The main reason for choosing this topic of the thesis was partly due to author's personal experience with the employment dispute, the extensive judicial case law as well as some aspects of the solution of employment disputes before the court - especially the length of proceedings and the decreasing number of cases brought before the court. The first chapter of this thesis relates to procedural aspects of the employment disputes and the author analyzes the main differences between "ordinary" civil proceedings and the employment disputes proceedings. The basic difference is the appointment of the court in the employment disputes, especially the assessors, and the decision-making process of the panel of judges. The main focus of this thesis is a chapter dealing with the employment disputes about the invalidity of the termination of employment, especially focusing on the substantive legislation of each of the methods of the termination of employment and the basic conclusions from the case law of the general courts. Following the main chapter are also solved questions about employment disputes regarding the amount due of the wage and also the issue of disputes concerning...
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L’abandon des programmes d’armement aux Etats-Unis : la fin de la Guerre froide et le changement de paradigme de l’acquisition militaire : les exemples de l’A-12 Avenger II, du RAH-66 Comanche et du F-22 Raptor / Weapons Programs Termination in the U.S. : The End of the Cold War and the Paradigm Shift of Military Acquisition : Case studies of the A-12 Avenger II, the RAH-66 Comanche and the F-22 RaptorDemotes-Mainard, Julien 29 May 2013 (has links)
L'abandon (ou terminaison) des programmes d'armement est un phénomène en progression aux Etats-Unis. Au cours des vingt dernières années, la première puissance mondiale a annulé presque deux fois plus de systèmes que durant la période 1970-1989, et au regard de la crise économique qui secoue actuellement le pays la tendance ne semble pas près de s'inverser. Mais, en dépit de son actualité, la terminaison demeure un sujet peu étudié en science politique. En faisant appel à l'analyse cognitive des politiques publiques, cette thèse propose d'y apporter des éléments de réponse. Elle repose pour cela sur l'examen de trois programmes d'armement dont le développement ou la production furent arrêtés entre 1991 et 2009 : l'avion d'attaque A-12 Avenger II, l'hélicoptère RAH-66 Comanche et le chasseur F-22 Raptor. Les résultats de l'étude montrent que depuis les années 90, les décideurs américains sont bien moins réfractaires à l'idée de terminer les programmes qu'ils estiment trop chers ou inutiles. Cette tendance lourde dans la politique d'armement a pour origine le changement de paradigme provoqué par la fin de la Guerre froide. Avec l'obsolescence de la notion de course aux armements, l’impératif de modernisation qui animait autrefois l’acquisition militaire américaine s’est assoupli pour laisser place à une représentation plus pragmatique des enjeux d’équipement. / Weapons programs cancellation (or termination) is a rising phenomenon in the U.S. Over the past twenty years, the world's greatest power has been cancelling nearly twice as much major systems as during the 1970-1989 period, and in view of the economic crisis that now shakes the country, this trend is unlikely to reverse. However, despite its relevance in the current context, little research has been done so far on policy termination. Using a cognitive approach, this thesis aims to provide answers on this issue. Three major weapons programs, whose development or production were stopped between 1991 and 2009, were selected as case studies : the A-12 Avenger II attack aircraft, the RAH-66 Comanche helicopter, and the F-22 Raptor fighter aircraft. Results of this study showed that, since the 90's, U.S. decision-makers became far less reluctant to cancel the weapons programs they consider irrelevant or too costly. This major trend in procurement has its origin in the deep normative change that occurred with the end of the Cold War. With the obsolescence of the arms race, the follow-on imperative that previously drove U.S. weapons policy diminished, giving way to a more pragmatic vision of acquisition matters.
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Prorrogação compulsória dos contratos de longa duração / Compulsory extension of long-term contracts.Tucci, Rogério Lauria Marçal 20 March 2015 (has links)
O tema desenvolvido guarda pertinência com a denúncia unilateral do contrato, a qual só deve produzir efeitos depois de transcorrido prazo compatível com eventuais investimentos consideráveis realizados pela contraparte, a teor do art. 473, par. ún., do Código Civil. Sendo assim, a pesquisa foi iniciada com premissas teóricas atinentes à liberdade contratual e suas vicissitudes em distintos momentos históricos. Esclarecido que a liberdade contratual deve ser sopesada com a intervenção Estatal para otimizar o desenvolvimento econômico e o bem-estar social, o trabalho demonstra, inicialmente, a coerência da mencionada norma em meio ao paradigma contemporâneo dominante. Em seguida, foram apresentadas reflexões para explicar a finalidade da inserção do dispositivo legal no ordenamento positivo. Com intuito de vedar o abuso de poder econômico, a norma foi introduzida especificamente para coibir o exercício abusivo do direito de resilição. Sendo este o escopo da norma, a primeira parte do trabalho ofereceu subsídios para justificar porque cabe ao juiz impor a prorrogação contratual, quando o denunciante não respeitar prazos compatíveis com os investimentos empreendidos pela outra parte. Já quanto à segunda parte, foram lançadas elucubrações sobre os distintos aspectos das relações contratuais duradouras. Nesse ponto, foram apontadas importantes contribuições doutrinárias a respeito da influência do aspecto temporal sobre as relações contínuas e, ainda, perspectivas da análise econômica do direito, além da abordagem relacional do contrato. Restando elucidado que a prorrogação do contrato pode (e deve) ser imposta pelo intérprete, na última e terceira parte deste trabalho, é proposta uma interpretação sistemática e axiológica da norma do art. 473, par. ún., do Código Civil. / The subject developed concerns the unilateral termination of the contract, which shall only take effect after certain length compatible with sizeable investments made by the counterparty, as set forth in Article 473, sole paragraph, of the Civil Code. Therefore, the research began with theoretical premises regarding the contractual freedom and its variations in different historical moments. Once clarified that the contractual freedom must be counterbalanced by governmental intervention in order to optimize economic development and social well-being, the study initially demonstrates the consistency of the aforesaid rule in the midst of the currently reigning paradigm. In addition, some reflections were presented to explain the purpose of the insertion of the provision in the written body of laws. Seeking to prevent the abuse of economic power, the ruling was created specifically to diminish abusive use of the right to terminate. Given the scope of the provision, the first part of the paper sustained why should the judge extent the length of the notice when the terminating party fails to comply with a compatible term taken into account the investments carried out by the other party. As for the second part, there are musings about different aspects of long-term contracts. Important contributions from legal doctrine were pointed out concerning the influence of time on long-term relationships, and furthermore on perspectives of the economic analysis of Law, besides the relational approach to the contract. As it becomes plain that the extension of a contract may be, or rather ought to be, imposed by the judge, on the third and last part of the dissertation, it is proposed a systematic and axiological interpretation of the ruling set forth by Article 473, sole paragraph, of the Civil Code.
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Rozvázání základních pracovněprávních vztahů na základě jednostranného právního jednání / Termination of an Employment Relationships on the basis of one-sided legal actionsJindřich, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Termination of an Employment Relationships on the basis of one-sided legal actions Abstract This final thesis deals with the topic of termination of an Employment Relationships on the basis of one-sided legal actions. Its aim is to provide insight into the current legal regulation of labor law in the Czech Republic and to present a comprehensive overview of ways of termination of an Employment Relationships on the basis of one-sided legal actions using applicable legal regulations, legal literature and jurisprudence. This final thesis is based on the search of specialized literature and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic and Czech Constitutional Court. My final thesis in its first part explains terminology Employment Relationships, Employment Contract, Agreement to complete a job and Agreement to perform work. The main part analyses of applicable legal regulation of labor law and current jurisprudence in the field of termination of Employment Relationships on the basis of one- sided legal actions by Employer and by Employee, whose validity requires written form. The main part is dedicated to the termination by notice, immediate cancellation and cancellation of an Employment Contract during a probation period by both - by Employer...
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Da extinção do acordo de acionistas por causa supervenienteBueno, Isabelle Ferrarini January 2017 (has links)
O acordo de acionistas é instrumento que serve à adequação da disciplina societária aos interesses pessoais e patrimoniais dos acionistas. Tais acordos têm natureza jurídica contratual e parassocial, em razão de estarem intrinsecamente ligados aos pactos sociais. Em razão de serem contratos e, portanto, estarem submetidos à teoria geral dos contratos, e, ao mesmo tempo, estarem tão fortemente coligados à seara social, surgem dificuldades na resolução de questões limítrofes entre o direito civil e o direito societário. Esses problemas aparecem especialmente quando se trata da extinção por causa superveniente do acordo, existindo dúvidas na doutrina e na jurisprudência quanto à possibilidade de aplicação aos pactos parassociais das hipóteses de extinção aplicáveis aos contratos em geral. Com o objetivo de auxiliar na solução dessa questão, no presente estudo, são examinadas as causas supervenientes de extinção dos contratos, mais especificamente, as hipóteses de expiração de termo ou de implemento de condição resolutiva, de resilição, de resolução, por inadimplemento ou por onerosidade excessiva, de impossibilidade superveniente inimputável, de morte das partes, e, ainda, os cenários em que existe insolvência ou dissolução das partes ou da própria sociedade, os quais têm, após um exame genérico quanto a seus aspectos conceituais, verificada a sua aplicabilidade ao acordo de acionistas e os efeitos que produzem em sua esfera. São respeitados, contudo, os temperamentos necessários em decorrência de sua natureza parassocietária. / The shareholders’ agreement is an instrument that serves the adequacy of the corporate discipline to the shareholders’ personal and equity interests. Such agreements have the legal nature of contracts that are inserted in the companies’ corporate structure, being intrinsically connected to the bylaws and to the companies’ articles of associations. Because they are contracts, and therefore are subject to the general theory of contracts, and at the same time are so strongly linked to the corporate sphere, difficulties arise in solving border issues between Civil Law and Corporate Law. These problems appear especially when it comes to the termination of the agreements because of supervening causes, leaving scholars and courts in doubt as to the possibility of applying to the shareholders’ agreements the extinction hypotheses applicable to contracts in general. With the aim of assisting in the solution of this issue, the present study examines the supervening causes of termination of shareholders’ agreements, more specifically, the hypothesis of expiration of the term or implementation of a condition, terminations with and without cause, unenforceable supervening impossibility, death of the parties, and also the scenarios in which there is insolvency or dissolution of the parties in the agreement or of the company itself, which, after a general examination of their conceptual aspects, were submitted to a verification concerning their applicability to the shareholders' agreement and concerning the effects to be produced on such agreements, respecting, however, their nature as contracts inserted in the corporate structure.
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Avaliação dos detectores de defeitos e sua influência nas operações de consenso / On the evaluation of failure detectors and their influence on consensus operationsEstefanel, Luiz Angelo Barchet January 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho relata observações e analises sobre como os detectores de defeitos influenciam as operação de consenso. O conceito dos detectores de defeitos é essencial para as operações de consenso em sistemas distribuídos assíncronos, uma vez que esses representam uma das (micas formas de sobrepujar as limitações impostas pela chamada Impossibilidade FLP (impossibilidade de diferenciar um processo falho de um processo mais lento). Enquanto os detectores de defeitos tem seu funcionamento bem definido através de duas propriedades, completeness e accuracy, Não há nenhuma restrição quanto a forma de implementá-los. Na literatura são encontrados vários modelos de detectores de defeitos, construídos com as mais variadas estratégias, mecanismos de comunicação e de detecção. No entanto, estes modelos não costumam ser acompanhados de uma comparação com os detectores já existentes; os autores limitam-se a apresentar as inovações dos mecanismos sugeridos. De toda literatura pesquisada, apenas um trabalho procurou comparar diferentes modelos de detectores de defeitos, e através de simulações, avaliou o impacto destes detectores sobre o tempo de terminação das operações de consenso. Entretanto, aquele trabalho era bem limitado, tanto nos modelos de detectores analisados quanto nos objetivos das observações. O presente trabalho procurou estender aquele experimento, incluindo mais modelos de detectores, e transportando-os para um ambiente prático de execução. As observações realizadas não ficaram limitadas as avaliações já realizadas por aquele trabalho, de tal forma que os modelos de detectores testados foram analisados sob diversas métricas, situações e parâmetros de operação. Essas avaliações possibilitaram verificar o comportamento dos detectores frente aos padrões de falhas mais significativos, avaliar o impacto de cada detector sobre as operações de consenso e a sua interação com os elementos do ambiente de execução. Essas avaliações permitiram fazer uma comparação dos detectores, possibilitando a identificação de suas limitações, suas situações de melhor desempenho e possíveis otimizações para serem realizadas em trabalhos futuros. / This work presents our observations and analysis on the influence of the failure detectors on the consensus algorithm. Failure detectors are essential to the consensus over an asynchronous distributed system, as they represent one of the few techniques that are able to circumvent the limitation imposed by the FLP Impossibility (the impossibility to distinguish a crashed process from a slow one, in asynchronous systems). While failure detectors are well defined through two properties, completeness and accuracy, there's no rule about their implementation. Thus, in the literature there are many models of failure detectors, each one implemented using different approaches to the communication and detection strategies. However, these detectors seldom compare themselves to the existing ones; their authors usually present only the advantages and innovations of the new model. Indeed, we only found one work that tried to compare different failure detectors. Using simulation techniques, that work evaluated the impact of the failure detectors on the consensus termination time. However, that research was very limited in the number of detectors analyzed and in the evaluation goals. The present work extended that experience, including more detectors in the analysis and evaluating them in a practical environment. Also, the observations were not restricted to those from the original paper, and the detectors were analyzed with more metrics, failure patterns and operational parameters. The evaluation allowed us to identify the behavior from the detectors in face of the most significant failure patterns, their influence on the consensus operation and their interaction with the execution environment. These evaluation also enabled us to compare the detectors, identifying their limitations, their best employment situations and possible optimizations to future developments.
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A onerosidade excessiva no Direito Civil brasileiro / Hardship in the Brazilian civil LawCardoso, Luiz Philipe Tavares de Azevedo 02 June 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como tema a onerosidade excessiva no direito civil brasileiro. Primeiramente, fazem-se necessários uma noção inicial da figura, uma delimitação conceitual do problema e uma síntese de seu desenvolvimento histórico no direito civil brasileiro. Feito isso, são apresentadas as teorias utilizadas para sua fundamentação pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência brasileiras antes do advento de texto legal expresso sobre a matéria. Concluída essa fase preparatória, adentra-se no direito positivo vigente, precisamente no Código Civil, para explicar o conteúdo da onerosidade excessiva, de seus pressupostos e de suas conseqüências. São diretamente estudados os artigos 478, 479, 480, 317 e ainda outros específicos de alguns tipos contratuais. São abordados ainda alguns tópicos correlatos que finalizam o entendimento da matéria, como os pressupostos negativos da figura, sua incidência em contratos de sinalagma indireto e nos contratos aleatórios e as diferenças nos pressupostos para sua configuração no Código de Defesa do Consumidor. / The theme of this dissertation is known in english as hardship, which means the fundamental alteration of the equilibrium of the contract. Firstly, it is necessary to make an introductional notion of the figure, a conceptual delineation of the problem and a summary of its historical evolution in the brazilian civil law. After that, it is presented the theories used by authors and courts to reason the solution of the problem before the existence of legal text about the issue. Then, we study the related articles of the Brazilian Civil Code to explain the content of hardship, the content of its requirements, and the content of its consequences. The articles 478, 479, 480, 317 are directly studied, and also other articles from particular named contracts. Some related issues finalize the understanding of the theme, as the negative requirements of the figure, its incidence in some particular categories of contracts, and the difference of its requirements in the Consumer Defense Code.
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History of Self-Disclosure and Premature Termination from TherapyRose, Grace (Grace Elizabeth) 05 1900 (has links)
The present study was designed to investigate the hypothesis that female clients who tend to terminate therapy prematurely will have been assigned to a male therapist. The study also tested the hypothesis that female clients who defect from therapy will have reported a history of low self-disclosure to individuals of the same sex as their therapist. Neither hypothesis was supported by the results of this study, but findings suggest a possible bias in the manner by which male and female therapists select their clients for therapy. It also appears that female defectors may be over-identifying with their family of origin or that they may be overly dependent on it as a resource system. This may be the reason for their apparent difficulty in developing a prototype that will accommodate their therapist.
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Factors contributing to termination of pregnancy amongst teenagers at Maggys Hope Clinic at Polokwane Municipality, Limpopo Province South AfricaBaloyi, K.L. January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) --University of Limpopo, 2015 / Background: There are a high number of teenagers seeking Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) at Maggys Hope Clinic in Polokwane Municipality in Capricorn District in Limpopo Province after the Termination of Pregnancy Act was passed in 1997. The numbers have doubled since the inception of the Children's Act no 38 of 2005 and the Sexual Offences Bill in 2008. The report by Stats SA and Department of education also indicated that the numbers have also doubled.
Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the factors contributing to termination of pregnancies amongst teenagers at Maggys Hope Clinic in Polokwane Municipality, Limpopo Province.
Methods: An exploratory, descriptive qualitative research design was used to identify and describe the factors contributing to termination of pregnancies among teenagers in Maggys Hope Clinic in Capricorn district Limpopo Province South Africa, in April 2014.
Results: The results of the study revealed that CTOP legislation is one of the reasons why teenagers terminate. All the twenty participants indicated age and marital status as the motivation as the contributing factor. Looking at the age and educational level the most pushing factor is that thirteen of the participants are still at school. Eleven of the participants have no knowledge of contraceptives. This is a serious concern. Participants indicated that they had very little knowledge on reproductive health issues. The rest of the pushing factors are parental pressure, contraceptive failure, fear of parental disappointment and unpreparedness to raise a child as well.
Conclusion: It can thus be concluded that teenage termination of pregnancies is a major health concern in South Africa, Africa and globally. Teenagers’ health is in danger due to engaging in unprotected sex banking on TOP as a solution. The study found that age and fear from dropping out of school, lack parental involvement in sexual matters, family economic status and marital status, including lack of knowledge and information on reproductive health issues, were the main factors contributing to termination of pregnancies among teenagers in Maggys Hope Clinic in Capricorn District, Limpopo Province.
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