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Genome and Transcriptome Comparisons between Human and ChimpanzeeWetterbom, Anna January 2010 (has links)
The chimpanzee is humankind’s closest living relative and the two species diverged ~6 million years ago. Comparative studies of the human and chimpanzee genomes and transcriptomes are of great interest to understand the molecular mechanisms of speciation and the development of species-specific traits. The aim of this thesis is to characterize differences between the two species with regard to their genome sequences and the resulting transcript profiles. The first two papers focus on indel divergence and in particular, indels causing premature termination codons (PTCs) in 8% of the chimpanzee genes. The density of PTC genes is correlated with both the distance to the telomere and the indel divergence. Many PTC genes have several associated transcripts and since not all are affected by the PTC we propose that PTCs may affect the pattern of expressed isoforms. In the third paper, we investigate the transcriptome divergence in cerebellum, heart and liver, using high-density exon arrays. The results show that gene expression differs more between tissues than between species. Approximately 15% of the genes are differentially expressed between species, and half of the genes show different splicing patterns. We identify 28 cassette exons which are only included in one of the species, often in a tissue-specific manner. In the fourth paper, we use massive parallel sequencing to study the chimpanzee transcriptome in frontal cortex and liver. We estimate gene expression and search for novel transcribed regions (TRs). The majority of TRs are located close to genes and possibly extend the annotations. A subset of TRs are not found in the human genome. The brain transcriptome differs substantially from that of the liver and we identify a subset of genes enriched with TRs in frontal cortex. In conclusion, this thesis provides evidence of extensive genomic and transcriptomic variability between human and chimpanzee. The findings provide a basis for further studies of the underlying differences affecting phenotypic divergence between human and chimpanzee.
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Comparison Of Linear And Adaptive Versions Of The Turkish Pupil Monitoring System (pms) Mathematics AssessmentGokce, Semirhan 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Until the developments in computer technology, linear test administrations within classical test theory framework is mostly used in testing practices. These tests contain a set of predefined items in a large range of difficulty values for collecting information from students at various ability levels. However, placing very easy and very difficult items in the same test not only cause wasting time and effort but also introduces possible extraneous variables into the measurement process such as possibility of guessing, chance of careless errors induced by boredom or frustration. Instead of administering a linear test there is another option that adapts the difficulty of test according to the ability level of examinees which is named as computerized adaptive test. Computerized adaptive tests use item response theory as a measurement framework and have algorithms responsible for item selection, ability estimation, starting rule and test termination.
The present study aims to determine the applicability of computerized adaptive testing (CAT) to Turkish Pupil Monitoring System&rsquo / s (PMS) mathematics assessments. Therefore, live CAT study using only multiple choice items is designed to investigate whether to obtain comparable ability estimations. Afterwards, a Monte Carlo simulation study and a Post-hoc simulation study are designed to determine the optimum CAT algorithm for Turkish PMS mathematics assessments. In the simulation studies, both multiple-choice and open-ended items are used and different scenarios are tested regarding various starting rules, termination criterion, ability estimation methods and existence of exposure/content controls.
The results of the study indicate that using Weighted Maximum Likelihood (WML) ability estimation method, easy initial item difficulty as starting rule and a fixed test reliability termination criterion (0.30 standard error as termination rule) gives the optimum CAT algorithm for Turkish PMS mathematics assessment. Additionally, item exposure and content control strategies have a positive impact on providing comparable ability estimations.
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Apsauga nuo nepagrįsto atleidimo iš darbo pagal nacionalinę ir tarptautinę teisę / Protection from unjustified dismissal according national and international lawButkevičiūtė, Indrė 02 January 2007 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjami apsaugos nuo nepagrįsto atleidimo iš darbo klausimai. Tema nėra nauja, tačiau nepakankamai išsamiai nagrinėta. Apsaugos nuo nepagrįsto atleidimo iš darbo analizei teisinėje literatūroje skiriamas nepakankamas dėmesys. Siekiant įrodyti iškeltą hipotezę, kad Lietuvos teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys apsaugą nuo nepagrįsto atleidimo iš darbo, atitinka tarptautinius standartus, analizuojamos tarptautinės ir nacionalinės apsaugos nuo nepagrįsto atleidimo iš darbo teisės normos. / There are researched questions of protection from unjustified dismissal in this work. This theme is not new, but it is not properly studied. There is given too little attention for analysis of protection from unjustified dismissal in law literature.
In pursuance of hypothesis, that Lithuanian law, which regulate protection from unjustified dismissal, are parallel to international standards; there are analyzed international and national law standards for protection from unjustified dismissal.
In the first part of work there is analyzed conception of unjustified dismissal, which is consolidated in International Law Organization, Europe Union as international regional organization and national law acts. After accomplishing of law analysis of standard acts it is concluded, that there is not given definition of unjustified dismissal in the researched international and national law acts. Legitimacy of dismissal is related with criteria of important reasons.
In the second part of work there is discussed and by comparative aspect analyzed measures of protection from unjustified dismissal, which are consolidated in international and Europe Union member states national law acts.
In the third part generalised the practice of Lithuanian Highest Court in cases of unjustified dismissal. There is given the interpretation of Labour Code of Lithuanian law standards by Lithuanian Highest Court, because judiciary practice is promoting application of fair and equal law standards. Also reviewing... [to full text]
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Darbo sutarčių nutraukimas už šiurkščius darbo pareigų pažeidimus, kuriais kėsinamasi į nuosavybę, turtines teises ir turtinius interesus (Darbo kodekso 235 str. 2 d. 2 ir 7 punktai) / Termination of employment contracts due to gross breach of work duties whereas encroaching on property, property rights and property interests (paragraphs 2 (2) and 2 (7) of article 235 of the labour code of the republic of lithuania)Šalkauskienė, Živilė 08 September 2009 (has links)
Bendras šio darbo, tema „Darbo sutarčių nutraukimo už šiurkščius darbo pareigų pažeidimus, kuriais kėsinamasi į turtą, turtines teises ir turtinius interesus (Darbo kodekso 235 straipsnio 2 dalies 2 ir 7 punktas)“, tyrimo tikslas – darbo sutarčių nutraukimo už šiurkščius darbo pareigų pažeidimus, numatytus Darbo kodekso 235 straipsnio 2 dalies 2 ir 7 punktuose reglamentavimo bei praktinio įgyvendinimo klausimų analizė. Pirmoje dalyje atskleidžiamos veikų, numatytų Darbo kodekso 235 straipsnio 2 dalies 2 ir 7 punktuose, sampratos, analizuojamas jų pasireiškimo darbo teisiniuose santykiuose galimybės ir būdai, pateikiami pasiūlymai kaip organizuoti turto, turtinių teisių ir turtinių interesų apsaugą. Antroje dalyje, lyginant Darbo įstatymų kodeksą, Darbo sutarties įstatymą ir Darbo kodeksą, analizuojama kaip keitėsi darbo sutarties nutraukimo be ispėjimo reglamentavimas po Lietuvos Respublikos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo, taip pat, remiantis šią dieną galiojančiu Darbo kodeksu bei Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo formuojama vieninga teismų praktika, nagrinėjama darbo sutarties nutraukimo, kaip drausminės nuobaudos, įgyvendinimo tvarka. Šioje darbo dalyje pateikiami Lietuvos įmonių apklausos apibendrinimo rezultatai bei tam tikri jų vertinimai. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos, pirmoje ir antroje dalyje išanalizuotų klausimų pagrindu prieitos išvados, taip pat temos atskleidimui naudotos literatūros sąrašas. / The general task of this work is analysis of legal regulations on Termination of Employment Contracts Due to Gross Breach of Work Duties (Paragraphs 2 (2) and 2 (7) of Article 235 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania) and their practical application. The first part discloses conceptions of deeds provided in the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania (Paragraphs 2 (2) and 2 (7) of Article 235) and also how those deeds display in the relations governed by the Labour Law. There are some suggestions made how the Employer could organize protection of his property, property rights and property interests. The second part contains analysis of regulation of termination of employment contracts due to gross breach of work duties changed since the rehabilitation of the Independence of Lithuania Republic. The order of application of termination of the labour contract as a disciplinary punishment is analysed on the ground of the valid Labour Code and the unified court practise formed by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Lithuania. There are drawn some conclusions based on questionnaire filled by Lithuania companies. The conclusions on the subjects analyzed in the first and second parts of the work are drawn by the author at the ending as well as the list of literature referred to.
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Ar vyras turi teisę uždrausti nuo jo pastojusiai moteriai pasidaryti abortą? / Does a man who impregnated a woman have a right to stop her from having an abortion?Krušinskaitė, Agnė 30 July 2009 (has links)
Abortų problema yra prieštaringai vertinama daugelyje pasaulio valstybių. Dažniausiai diskusijų sukelia tokios temos kaip vaisiaus ir motinos teisės, tačiau tėvo teisės sulaukia mažiau dėmesio, nors šis klausimas yra ne mažiau aktualus. Jei tėvas prisideda prie gyvybės sukūrimo, tai kodėl neturėtų dalyvauti sprendžiant ir jos nutraukimo klausimą?
Vyro teisės priimant aborto sprendimą ne visada buvo vienodos ir keitėsi su laiku. Jeigu senovėje nutraukiant nėštumą lemiamą sprendimą priimdavo vyras, tai dabar ši teisė priklauso moteriai. Tačiau vyrai toliau kovoja už teisę turėti palikuonį, remdamiesi vaisiaus teisės į gyvybę teorija, moterų ir vyrų lygių teisių įstatymais, Konstitucija ir kitais teisės aktais.
Atlikus tarptautinių dokumentų, Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų, Jungtinės karalystės ir Lietuvos nacionalinių teisės aktų bei tarptautinių ir nacionalinių teismų praktikos analizę vyro teisės priimant aborto sprendimą klausimu, prieita prie išvados, kad tarp būsimųjų tėvų iškilus nesutarimui dėl nėštumo nutraukimo sprendimo priėmimo, lemiamas žodis atitenka motinai, o tėvui tenka susitaikyti su moters priimtu sprendimu, kadangi jis neturi jokių įstatymuose garantuotų teisių uždrausti moteriai darytis abortą, nesvarbu ar jis būtų moters sutuoktinis ar ne.
Šiomis dienomis, kai visur yra pabrėžiamos vyrų ir moterų lygios teisės, kai moterys ir vyrai atrodo, kad visose srityse pasiekė lygybės, liko bent viena sritis, kurioje vyrai turi mažiau teisių negu moterys – tai priimant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Abortion is a very controversial issue in various countries. The discussion it arises is mainly concerned with mother’s and unborn fetus’s rights but father’s rights are rarely discussed. The aim of this thesis is to analyze father’s rights in abortion decision.
The attitude towards father’s rights has been changing with time. The first law against abortion appeared in ancient times protecting the father's right to have an offspring and the woman’s opinion was not important. But nowadays the situation has changed – the abortion decision is left for the mother.
In most countries men have no right to stop a woman from having an abortion with a small exception of some mostly Muslim countries. The thesis analyzes international documents and jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR); national laws, related to abortion decision and father’s rights and case law in the United States of America, the United Kingdom (UK) and Lithuania.
The analysis of international and national laws and jurisprudence shows that when a woman becomes pregnant, the man who impregnated her has few legal rights with respect to that pregnancy. He can neither require the woman to remain pregnant if she chooses to have an abortion nor force her to have an abortion if she wants to give a birth. Furthermore, if the woman chooses to bear a child, the father is legally liable for child support. The question arises – if men have financial responsibilities for their children, should not they have... [to full text]
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Atlygintinų paslaugų sutarties ypatumai / Peculiarities of the contracts of repayable servicesJankauskienė, Daiva 26 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojama atlygintinų paslaugų teikimo sutartis, jos nuostatas reglamentuojantys Lietuvos Respublikos bei kiti Europos Sąjungos teisės aktai, mokslinė literatūra bei Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktika nagrinėjama tema. Vykdant darbo pradžioje iškeltus uždavinius, pateikiama atlygintinų paslaugų teikimo sutarties samprata ir specifika, apžvelgiama jos sudarymo, vykdymo bei sutarties sąlygų ir šalių keitimo tvarka, analizuojamos šios sutarties šalių teisių ir pareigų, atsakomybės ribos. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados, išdėstomi argumentai iškeltai hipotezei pagrįsti. Darbo apimtis - 73 puslapiai. / This master's work analyzes contract of repayable services, the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and European Union, scientific literature and practice of Lithuanian Supreme Court which is related on this topic. In order to implement the tasks, which were set in the beginning of master’s work, author presents the concept and main peculiarities of the contracts of repayable services, contracts compiling, implementation, and possibilities to change the conditions or countries of repayable services contract’s. Also this work presents analyzes of parties rights and obligations, liability limits of this agreement. In the end of this master’s work author presents the conclusions and arguments to approve the raised hypothesis. This master’s work contents 73 pages.
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Trapping Sets in Fountain Codes over Noisy ChannelsOROZCO, VIVIAN 04 November 2009 (has links)
Fountain codes have demonstrated great results for the binary erasure channel and have already been incorporated into several international standards to recover lost packets at the application layer. These include multimedia broadcast/multicast sessions and digital video broadcasting on global internet-protocol. The rateless property of Fountain codes holds great promise for noisy channels. These are more sophisticated mathematical models representing errors on communications links rather than only erasures. The practical implementation of Fountain codes for these channels, however, is hampered by high decoding cost and delay.
In this work we study trapping sets in Fountain codes over noisy channels and their effect on the decoding process. While trapping sets have received much attention for low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, to our knowledge they have never been fully explored for Fountain codes. Our study takes into account the different code structure and the dynamic nature of Fountain codes. We show that 'error-free' trapping sets exist for Fountain codes. When the decoder is caught in an error-free trapping set it actually has the correct message estimate, but is unable to detect this is the case. Thus, the decoding process continues, increasing the decoding cost and delay for naught. The decoding process for rateless codes consists of one or more decoding attempts. We show that trapping sets may reappear as part of other trapping sets on subsequent decoding attempts or be defeated by the reception of more symbols. Based on our observations we propose early termination methods that use trapping set detection to obtain improvements in realized rate, latency, and decoding cost for Fountain codes. / Thesis (Master, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2009-10-29 14:33:06.548
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Population-based outcomes of a provincial prenatal screening program : examining impact, uptake, and ethics2014 June 1900 (has links)
The field of prenatal screening and diagnosis has developed rapidly over the past half-century, enabling possibilities for detecting anomalies in reproduction that were never before contemplated. A simple blood sample can aid in the identification of several conditions in the fetus early in the pregnancy. If a fetus is found to be affected by Down syndrome, anencephalus, spina bifida, or Edward's syndrome, a decision must then be made whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy. As prenatal screening becomes increasingly commonplace and part of routine maternal care, researchers are faced with the challenge of understanding its effects at the level of the population and monitoring trends over time. Greater uptake of prenatal screening, when followed by prenatal diagnosis and termination, has important implications for both congenital anomaly surveillance and infant and fetal mortality indicators. Research in Canada suggests that this practice has led to reductions in the congenital-anomaly specific infant mortality rate and increases in the stillbirth rate.(1, 2)
The current study is a population-based, epidemiological exploration of demographic predictors of maternal serum screening (MSS) and amniocentesis uptake, with special attention to variations in birth outcomes resulting from different patterns of use. To accomplish our objectives, multiple data sources (vital statistics, hospital and physician services, cytogenetic and MSS laboratory information) were compiled to create a comprehensive maternal-fetal-infant dataset. Data spanned a six-year period (2000-2005) and involved 93,171 pregnancies. A binary logistic regression analysis found that First Nations status, rural-urban health region of residence, maternal age group, and year of test all significantly predicted MSS use. Uptake was lower in women living in a rural health region, First Nations women, and those under 30 years of age. The study dataset identified ninety-four terminations of pregnancy following detection of a fetal anomaly (TOPFA), which led to a lower live birth prevalence of infants with Down syndrome, Trisomy 18, and anencephalus. While a significant increasing trend was observed for the overall infant mortality rate in Saskatchewan between 2001-2005, a clear trend in one direction or the other could not be seen in regards to infant deaths due to congenital anomaly.
First Nations status and maternal age were important predictors of both MSS and amniocentesis testing, and appeared to influence the decision to continue or terminate an affected pregnancy. The fact that First Nations women were less likely to screen (9.6% vs. 28.4%) and to have diagnostic follow-up testing (18.5% vs. 33.5%), meant that they were less likely to obtain a prenatal diagnosis when the fetus had a chromosomal anomaly compared to other women (8.3% vs. 27.0%). This resulted in a lower TOPFA rate compare to the rest of the population (0.64 vs. 1.34, per 1,000 pregnancies, respectively) and a smaller difference between the live birth prevalence and incidence of Down syndrome and Trisomy 18 for First Nations women.
Women under 30 years of age were much less likely to receive a prenatal diagnosis when a chromosomal anomaly was present (18.4% vs. 31.8%). While risk for a chromosomal anomaly is considerably lower for younger mothers, 53.5% of all pregnancies with chromosomal anomalies and 40.7% of DS pregnancies belonged to this group.
Consistent with other studies pregnancy termination rates following a prenatal congenital anomaly diagnosis are high (eg. 74.1% of prenatally diagnosed Down syndrome or Trisomy 18 cases), but these rates may be misleading in that they are based on women who chose to proceed to prenatal diagnosis. The fact that two-thirds (67.3%) of Saskatchewan women who received an increased-risk result declined amniocentesis, helps to put this finding into context.
Strong surveillance systems and reasonable access to research datasets will be an on-going challenge for the province of Saskatchewan and should be viewed as a priority. Pregnancies and congenital anomalies are two particularly challenging outcomes to study in the absence of perinatal and congenital anomaly surveillance systems. Still pregnancies that never reach term must be accounted for, in order to describe the true state of maternal-fetal-infant health and to study its determinants. While our study was able to identify some interesting trends and patterns, it is only a snapshot in time. Key to the production of useful surveillance and evaluation is timely information. The current system is not timely, nor is it user-friendly for researchers, health regions or governments. Data compilation for the current study was a gruelling and cumbersome process taking more than five years to complete. A provincial overhaul is warranted in both the mechanism by which researchers access data and in the handling of data. The Better Outcomes Registry & Network (BORN) in Ontario is an innovative perinatal and congenital anomaly surveillance system worthy of modelling.(3)
Academic papers in non-ethics' journals typically focus on the technical or programmatic aspects of screening and do not effectively alert the reader to the complex and profound moral dilemmas raised by the practice. A discussion of ethics was felt necessary to ensure a well-rounded portrayal of the issue, putting findings into context and helping to ensure their moral relevance did not remain hidden behind the scientific complexities. Here I lay out the themes of the major arguments in a descriptive manner, recognizing that volumes have been written on the ethics of both screening and abortion. A major ethical tension arising within the context of population based prenatal screening is the tension between community morality and the principle of respect for personal autonomy. Prenatal screening and selective termination have been framed as a purely private or medical matter, thereby deemphasizing the social context in which the practice has materialized and the importance of community values. I consider how a broader sociological perspective, one that takes into account the relevance of community values and limitations of the clinical encounter, could inform key practice and policy issues involving prenatal screening. It is my position that the community's voice must be invited to the conversation and public engagement processes should occur prior to any additional expansion in programming. I end with a look at how the community’s voice might be better heard on key issues, even those issues that at first glance seem to be the problems of individuals. As Rayna Rapp (2000) (4) poignantly observed, women today are 'moral pioneers' not by choice, but by necessity.
By elucidating the effects of prenatal screening and the extent of the practice of selective termination in the province, the true occurrence of important categories of congenital anomalies in our province can be observed. Without this knowledge it is very difficult to identify real increases or decreases in fetal and infant mortality over time as the etiologies are complex. Evidence suggests a large and increasing impact of TOPFA on population-based birth and mortality statistics nationally, whereas in Saskatchewan the effect appears to be less pronounced. Appreciation of the intervening effect of new reproductive technologies will be increasingly important to accurate surveillance, research, and evaluation as this field continues to expand.
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What are the barriers to the implementation of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92, 1996 as amended, in Xhariep District in the Free State Province? : a view of doctors, nurses, and hospital management in three district hospitals in Xhariep.Kgasane, N. E. January 2010 (has links)
The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (CTOPA) No 92 of 1996 replaced the Abortion and Sterilization Act of 1975. It promotes reproductive rights and the choice on termination of pregnancy. It aims to reduce deaths resulting from illegal abortions.
It designates District Hospitals and Community Health Centres to render Termination of Pregnancy (TOP). In the Free State there are 24 District Hospitals and ten Community Health Centres. Currently nine render TOP. None are in Xhariep District.
Aim of the study
The study investigated barriers to the implementation of the CTOPA in Xhariep District among doctors, nurses and managers in District Hospitals.
It was descriptive in nature, and was divided into the quantitative and qualitative parts. The quantitative part targeted doctors and nurses, while thelatter targeted management. The response rate was 95%.
The findings are summarised below:-
Ninety five per cent of the respondents were nurses.
Infrastructural and human resource deficiencies are a barrier to the implementation of the act.
There are insufficient budgets to procure equipment, consumables and pharmaceuticals to render the service.
Training on reproductive health and TOP is not sufficient, except for family planning.
There is stigma towards TOP from the community, and peers. Its origin is religion and culture.
There is no psychosocial and management support for those willing to participate in TOP.
Respondents are willing to refer patients for TOP, and believe that women are entitled to choose whether to terminate unwanted pregnancies or not.
There are no incentives to for those willing to implement the Act, nor provincial support to the Districts.
Train staff on reproductive health and TOP.
Hold management accountable by including TOP and the reproductive health package in their performance agreements.
Negotiate incentives for those willing to implement TOP, and recogniseTOP as a speciality in line with the Occupation Specific Dispensation.
Provide infrastructure and equipment for the implementation of TOP.
Develop a recruitment and retention strategy for professionals. The policy on community service for health professionals is a case in point.
Resource the District Health System as a vehicle for Primary Health Care Services. / Thesis (M.Med.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, [2010?].
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A Fuzzy Petri Net Model For Intelligent DatabasesBostan, Burcin 01 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Knowledge intensive applications require an intelligent environment, which can perform deductions in response to user queries or events that occur inside or outside of the applications. For that, we propose a Fuzzy Petri Net (FPN) model to represent the knowledge and the behavior in an intelligent object-oriented database environment, which integrates fuzzy, active and deductive rules with database objects. By gaining intelligent behaviour, the system maintains objects to perceive dynamic occurences and user queries. Thus, objects can produce new knowledge or keep themselves in a consistent, stable, and upto-date state.
The behavior of a system can be unpredictable due to the rules triggering or untriggering each other (non-termination). Intermediate and final database states may also differ according to the order of rule executions (non-confluence). In order to foresee and solve problematic behavior patterns, we employ static rule analysis on the FPN structure that provides easy checking of the termination property without requiring any extra construct. In
addition, with our proposed inference algorithm, we guarantee confluent rule executions.
The techniques and solutions provided in this study can be utilized in various complex systems, such as weather forecasting applications, environmental information systems, defense applications, video database applications, etc. We implement a prototype of the model for the weather forecasting of the Central Anatolia Region
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