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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De l’extractivisme au développement local : le modèle de l’opérateur territorial de ressource : le cas la petite hydroélectricité dans la région du Lac-Saint-Jean au Québec, Canada / From extractivism to local development : the model of the territorial operator of resources : the case of small hydropower in the Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec, Canada

Durand, Lucas 19 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les modalités d’appropriation de l’exploitation de ressource naturelle par des acteurs territoriaux. Nous faisons ici l’hypothèse de l’existence d’un opérateur territorial, défini comme une organisation construite par des acteurs localement ancrés afin de transformer une ressource extractiviste en une ressource territoriale. Cette hypothèse est ici travaillée par une étude de cas autour de deux projets de mini-centrales hydroélectriques dans la région du Lac-Saint-Jean (Québec, Canada) portées par les autorités municipales locales et la communauté autochtone Innue. Le développement régional du Lac-Saint-Jean, comme l’ensemble des régions ressources canadiennes, se caractérise en effet par la prédominance de sociétés industrielles exogènes qui exploitent les ressources naturelles vers un marché et des besoins extérieurs au territoire, au sein de circuits marchands mondialisés. La thèse s’articule ainsi en deux parties. La première partie pose le cadre théorique et contextuel de la réflexion. Elle aboutit à la formalisation de plusieurs formes d’opérateur et à la définition des caractéristiques d’un opérateur territorial. Elle présente également l’extractivisme comme modèle de développement historique des régions ressources québécoises à travers le cas de la filière hydroélectrique au Lac-Saint-Jean. L’analyse du cas d’étude retenu intervient au cours de la seconde partie. Les résultats soulignent que la structuration en opérateur territorial permet aux acteurs locaux de construire une gouvernance territoriale de la ressource tout au long des différentes étapes du projet. L’opérateur territorial se singularise également par sa capacité à capter l’ensemble des revenus de la production et à les redistribuer au sein d’une économie territoriale. Enfin, il s’efforce de construire la spécificité de la ressource, c’est-à-dire de l’articuler dans le cadre d’un projet de territoire à d’autres ressources présentes localement. L’opérateur territorial s’avère ainsi un outil puissant d’appropriation d’une ressource historiquement extractiviste par des acteurs territoriaux. / This thesis is about the process of appropriation of natural resource exploitation by territorial actors. We analyse the impact of the extraction of resources by territorial operators, defined as an organization established by local actors with a view to transforming a extractive resource into a territorial resource. The chosen case study is the hydroelectricity sector in the Lac-Saint-Jean region in Quebec Province, Canada. We focus on two hydroelectric projects that were led by local municipal authorities and the Innu First Nation community. The regional development of Lac-Saint-Jean, like other Canadian “natural resource regions”, is characterised by the predominance of exogenous industrial enterprises exploiting natural resources. Revenues from resource production have been found to only marginally benefit the wider region. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part of this thesis outlines the theoretical and contextual framework for analysis. It enables the categorisation of several types of operator and the definition of the characteristics of a territorial operator. It also introduces both institutional and local contexts of the case study, particularly the conventional model of natural resource exploitation in Canada and the Lac Saint-Jean region. The second part provides a detailed analysis of the case study. The findings underline that the territorial operator model can allow local actors to establish regional governance over extractive resources throughout the different stages of resource production. The territorial operator is also characterised by its capacity to capture the revenues from production and to redistribute these revenues across the regional economy. Finally, territorial operator leads to create the specific attributes of a resource, thereby enabling its use locally alongside other types of resources in the framework of a regional project. The regional operator model is thus found to be a powerful model for the territorial appropriation of a natural resource.

Fronteira e horizontalidade na Amazonia: as cidades gêmeas de Tabatinga (Brasil) e Leticia (Colômbia) / Boundary and horizontality in the Amazon: the twin cities of Tabatinga (Brazil) and Leticia (Colombia)

Euzebio, Emerson Flavio 28 February 2012 (has links)
As cidades situadas na fronteira ocidental da Amazônia constituem rica área a ser estudada. Nas últimas três décadas a estrutura urbana e populacional da Amazônia sofreu modificações significativas. A população urbana passou de 59% para 79% (IBGE, 2010). Nesse movimento destaca-se a centralidade que vem se desenvolvendo em torno das cidades gêmeas fronteiriças: Tabatinga (Brasil) e Leticia (Colômbia) situadas na tríplice fronteira Brasil, Colômbia e Peru. O objetivo da pesquisa é compreender a dinâmica territorial criada em torno do subespaço das cidades gêmeas Tabatinga-Leticia, partindo da análise da densidade de fixos, fluxos e normas, e do significado das horizontalidades presentes no subespaço. A pesquisa fundamenta-se com informações obtidas em fontes estatísticas brasileiras e colombianas e em trabalhos de campo, que incluem coleta de dados primários e secundários; entrevistas em órgão oficiais, instituições públicas e entidades privadas localizadas no subespaço. O inventário dos fixos, levantamento da densidade normativa e análise dos fluxos associado ao estudo da fomação sócioespacial das sociedades nacionais envolvidas nos permitiu compreender como a fluidez territorial e porosidade territorial têm contribuído para a consolidação de uma horizontalidade interurbana que tem se traduzido em uma melhoria das condições de vida da população e vem conformando uma centralidade regional. / The towns located in the occidental boundary of Amazon constitute a rich area to be studied. In the last three decades the population and urban structure in Amazon has suffered significant modifications. The urban population turned from 59% to 79% (IBGE, 2010). By this process is possible to highlight the concentration that is being developed in the surrounds of the twin cities of the frontier: Tabatinga (Brazil) and Leticia (Colombia) located at the triple frontier Brazil-Colombia-Peru. The goal of this research is to understand the territorial dynamic process created around the sub-space of the twin cities Tabatinga-Leticia, starting with the analysis of the density of infrastructures, flows and norms, and with information obtained from Brazilian and Colombian statistic sources and by fieldworks, which includes primary and secondary data collection; interviews in official organs, public institutions and private foundations located in the sub-space. The inventory of the infrastructures, collection of the normative density and the flows analysis associated to the studies of the social-spatial formation of the national societies involved has allowed the comprehension of how the territorial flowing and territorial porosity has contributed to the consolidation of an intercity horizontality, which has been brought to an improvement of life conditions and has been turned into a regional center.

A tentativa de uma política nacional de ordenamento territorial no Brasil: a PNOT (2003-2009). Registro, críticas e reflexões / The attempt of a national policy of spatial planning in Brazil: the PNOT Policy (2003-2009). Documentation, criticism and discussion

Alves, Cíntia de Souza 02 June 2017 (has links)
Esse trabalho documenta e discute a Política Nacional de Ordenamento Territorial (PNOT) - uma tentativa de adequar o espaço brasileiro empreendida entre 2003 e 2009. Procura fazê-lo inserido-a no contexto histórico que lhe deu origem, que moldou sua forma e conteúdo, que imprimiu o ritmo de seu desenvolvimento e impediu sua implementação. Procura registrar e discutir criticamente o conteúdo e a trajetória dessa intervenção, e estabelecer uma relação entre a PNOT e outras intervenções federais que lhe foram contemporâneas. Aborda algumas especificidades do modo de planejar e intervir na configuração do espaço nacional naquele período, que, em essência, prossegue até os dias atuais. Defende que a PNOT possuía duas especificidades: as escalas nacional e continental, tratadas ainda que de forma incipiente; e a premissa da compatibilização entre aspectos econômicos, ambientais e os chamados sociais. Com base em revisões bibliográficas, documentais e, sobretudo, em entrevistas com colaboradores e participantes do processo de sua elaboração, foi possível: 1) reconstruir boa parte da trajetória da PNOT; 2) identificar e analisar aspectos pertinentes ao momento histórico de seu surgimento, às questões, tradições que a orientaram, das quais muitas ainda orientam o planejamento da configuração do espaço brasileiro; 3) identificar sua fonte teórico-instrumental, noções, conceitos, metodologias e recortes espaciais, enfim, especificidades das abordagens que orientaram o planejamento espacial no período em questão; marcados pela concomitância e, também, mescla de abordagens sub-regionais, locais e territoriais; 4) questionar elementos constituintes do objeto de estudo, e do processo estatal de planejar e intervir no espaço nacional na contemporaneidade. Intenta subsidiar um caminho reflexivo, crítico sobre esse modo de planejar e intervir federal, em especial no que se refere às intervenções explicitamente denominadas territoriais. / This thesis registers and discusses the National TerritorialManagement Policy (PNOT) - an attempt to adequate the Brazilian territory undertaken between 2003 and 2009. It aims to relate this governmental initiative to the historical context which gave rise to the plan that has molded its formand content, and has hindered its implementation. The purpose of this research is the critical recording and discussion of the plan´s development and its relations to similar and contemporaneous policies. It approaches some aspects of the planning practice in Brazil in that time, in which essentially persist until the present days. It is argued that PNOT had two specificities: the national and continental scale approach, although it is incipiently addressed, and the premise of the compatibilization between economic, environmental and social factors. Based on a bibliographical and documental overview, and, especially, on interviews with experts involved in the plan´s conception process, it was possible to: 1) rebuild most part of the development stages of the plan, 2) Identify and analyze historical components from its conception; issues, traditions that guided it and, some of which, still guide the planning of the Brazilian space configuration; 3) Identify its instrumentally theoretical framework, basic ideas, concepts, methodologies and spatial cutouts; specificities of the approaches that guided the spatial planning concerned characterized by concomitance and, also, mix of sub-regional, local and territorial approaches. 4) debate elements from the object of study and the federal process in planning and intervening in the Brazilian territory nowadays. Aim to subsidize a reflective, critic pathway about this way of planning and intervening, referring specially to the interventions explicitly denominated territorial interventions.

Dynamiques et accompagnement des TPE inventives en espace rural isolé : entre territoires et réseaux : l'exemple en Cézallier, Combrailles et Millevaches / Dyanamics and accompaniment of creative SMEs in remote rural areas : between territories and networks : example in "Cézallier", "Combrailles" and "Millevaches"

Lenain, Marie-Anne 16 December 2011 (has links)
En quoi les TPE inventives sont un atout face à la problématique de l'emploi en espace rural isolé ? Plus généralement qu'apportent-elles à cet espace et comment accompagner au mieux la création de ces activités ? Cette question est approfondie sur l'exemple des régions Auvergne et Limousin à partir de travaux qualitatifs portant sur trois terrains : le plateau du Cézallier, le Parc Naturel Régional Millevaches en Limousin et le Pays des Combrailles. Les TPE inventives créent de l'emploi dans des espaces où la plupart des activités économiques sont en difficulté. Elles sont le fait d'individus mettant en place des systèmes complexes et souvent à la marge dans le but de vivre et travailler sur un territoire choisi, et sont, en ce sens, des innovations discrètes. Les modalités et le fort degré d'ancrage territorial de ces TPE inventives en font de réels atouts pour le développement territorial. Le processus de création et d'ancrage des TPE inventives se déploie par le biais de rencontres avec des acteurs de l'accompagnement à la création d'activités et des acteurs du développement territorial. La construction de réseaux professionnels et sociaux par le créateur de TPE inventives est un des résultats notables de ce processus. Si les créateurs sont très investis dans les réseaux locaux ils le sont aussi, dans une moindre mesure, dans des réseaux externes au territoire. Ils en deviennent alors de véritables acteurs du développement de leur territoire. Face à ces spécificités, la tâche des acteurs de l'accompagnement est mise en question. Si les propositions des acteurs institutionnels sont le plus souvent en difficulté face aux TPE inventives, d'autres acteurs déploient des dispositifs répondant mieux à leurs caractéristiques. Enfin, le rôle des collectivités territoriales et des territoires de projet est essentiel dans l'appui à la création des TPE inventives à travers la fonction d'animation territoriale facilitant la mise en réseau et l'organisation territoriale des différents acteurs en lien avec ces TPE. / Why are the creative SMEs an asset in front of the problem of the employment in remote rural areas? More generally what do they offer to this space and how to have a better accompaniment for the creation of these activities? This issue is applied on the example of the Auvergne and Limousin regions from qualitative works concerning three places: “plateau du Cézallier”, “Parc Naturel Régional Millevaches en Limousin” and “Pays des Combrailles”. The creative SMEs create some new jobs in areas where most of the economic activities are in trouble. They are the result of people living and working on a chosen territory and so setting up complex and often marginally systems. Therefore, they are discreet innovations. The modalities and the strong degree of territorial embeddedness of these creative SMEs show that they are real assets for the territorial development. The creation and embeddedness process of these SMEs is supporting by meetings with project support professionnals and territorial development actors. As a result, professional and social networks are built up by the creators of these SMEs. Those are both involved in local networks and, to a lesser extent, in external networks. The creators of creative SMEs become then real stakeholders of the development of their territory. However, the task of project support professionnals is an issue regarding these specificities. Territorial and associative stakeholders display devices fitting those SMEs characteristics, while the proposals of institutional actors are mostly in trouble regarding them. At last, local communities are essential supports for creation process of creative SMEs through territorial animation that facilitate networking and territorial organization of various actors in connection with these SMEs.

A tentativa de uma política nacional de ordenamento territorial no Brasil: a PNOT (2003-2009). Registro, críticas e reflexões / The attempt of a national policy of spatial planning in Brazil: the PNOT Policy (2003-2009). Documentation, criticism and discussion

Cíntia de Souza Alves 02 June 2017 (has links)
Esse trabalho documenta e discute a Política Nacional de Ordenamento Territorial (PNOT) - uma tentativa de adequar o espaço brasileiro empreendida entre 2003 e 2009. Procura fazê-lo inserido-a no contexto histórico que lhe deu origem, que moldou sua forma e conteúdo, que imprimiu o ritmo de seu desenvolvimento e impediu sua implementação. Procura registrar e discutir criticamente o conteúdo e a trajetória dessa intervenção, e estabelecer uma relação entre a PNOT e outras intervenções federais que lhe foram contemporâneas. Aborda algumas especificidades do modo de planejar e intervir na configuração do espaço nacional naquele período, que, em essência, prossegue até os dias atuais. Defende que a PNOT possuía duas especificidades: as escalas nacional e continental, tratadas ainda que de forma incipiente; e a premissa da compatibilização entre aspectos econômicos, ambientais e os chamados sociais. Com base em revisões bibliográficas, documentais e, sobretudo, em entrevistas com colaboradores e participantes do processo de sua elaboração, foi possível: 1) reconstruir boa parte da trajetória da PNOT; 2) identificar e analisar aspectos pertinentes ao momento histórico de seu surgimento, às questões, tradições que a orientaram, das quais muitas ainda orientam o planejamento da configuração do espaço brasileiro; 3) identificar sua fonte teórico-instrumental, noções, conceitos, metodologias e recortes espaciais, enfim, especificidades das abordagens que orientaram o planejamento espacial no período em questão; marcados pela concomitância e, também, mescla de abordagens sub-regionais, locais e territoriais; 4) questionar elementos constituintes do objeto de estudo, e do processo estatal de planejar e intervir no espaço nacional na contemporaneidade. Intenta subsidiar um caminho reflexivo, crítico sobre esse modo de planejar e intervir federal, em especial no que se refere às intervenções explicitamente denominadas territoriais. / This thesis registers and discusses the National TerritorialManagement Policy (PNOT) - an attempt to adequate the Brazilian territory undertaken between 2003 and 2009. It aims to relate this governmental initiative to the historical context which gave rise to the plan that has molded its formand content, and has hindered its implementation. The purpose of this research is the critical recording and discussion of the plan´s development and its relations to similar and contemporaneous policies. It approaches some aspects of the planning practice in Brazil in that time, in which essentially persist until the present days. It is argued that PNOT had two specificities: the national and continental scale approach, although it is incipiently addressed, and the premise of the compatibilization between economic, environmental and social factors. Based on a bibliographical and documental overview, and, especially, on interviews with experts involved in the plan´s conception process, it was possible to: 1) rebuild most part of the development stages of the plan, 2) Identify and analyze historical components from its conception; issues, traditions that guided it and, some of which, still guide the planning of the Brazilian space configuration; 3) Identify its instrumentally theoretical framework, basic ideas, concepts, methodologies and spatial cutouts; specificities of the approaches that guided the spatial planning concerned characterized by concomitance and, also, mix of sub-regional, local and territorial approaches. 4) debate elements from the object of study and the federal process in planning and intervening in the Brazilian territory nowadays. Aim to subsidize a reflective, critic pathway about this way of planning and intervening, referring specially to the interventions explicitly denominated territorial interventions.

As tecnologias de informação geográfica no apoio à avaliação em planeamento territorial : potencialidades e limitações face a desafios

Matos, Pedro Miguel Móia Praça January 2006 (has links)
Tese de mestrado. Planeamento e Projecto do Ambiente Urbano. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2006

A governança em espaços metropolitanos : o caso da Grande Área Metropolitana do Porto

Pires, Bruno Filipe January 2008 (has links)
A presente dissertação teve por objecto o conhecimentoda interacção e complementaridade existentes entre as estruturas governativas e o conceito emergente de governança territorial. As dificuldades de articulação entre várias escalas de poder e o relativo alheamento da sociedade civil em relação ao processo governativo reiteram a emergência de um novo modelo governativo, que parta das "bases" (população) e não apenas do "topo" (forças políticas). Neste sentido, foram consideradas o caso nacional como ponto de partida para a identificação dos constrangimentos à eficiência governativa e a importância de promoção de uma "cultura de governança" na sociedade e instâncias governativas, que promova uma efectiva cidadania democrática e o desenvolvimento de uma política integrada. foi considerada em particular a escala metropolitana de gestão, com destaque para a região metropolitana do Porto como caso de estudo pelo seu carácter articulador entre os vários níveis de poder e também pelo seu dinamismo em crescendo no momento presente. Os resultados dessa investigação serão posteriormente apresentados.

Der Zugang zu Nothäfen und sonstigen Notliegeplätzen für Schiffe in Seenot

Gadow-Stephani, Inken von. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Hamburg, 2005. / "International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs at the University of Hamburg"--Cover. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (p. [461]-476) and index.

Guo jia kuo zhang ling hai yu pai ta bu yu qu zhi yan jiu

Chen, Dequan. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Guo li Taiwan da xue. / Cover title. Mimeo, copy. Includes bibliographical references.

New trends in the law of the sea : implications for the regime of the airspace

Muli'aumaseali'i, S. January 1976 (has links)
No description available.

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