Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then acctual"" "subject:"then delictual""
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LA ABSTRACCIÓN EN LA OBRA DE VICENTE CASTELLANO GINERSánchez de Toro, José Manuel 17 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabajo pretende recoger la fructífera carrera del pintor Vicente Castellano Giner, que abarca, desde 1947 a la actualidad. Se trata de catalogar, documentar y analizar, la producción pictórica de uno de los "maestros" de la segunda mitad del siglo veinte, así como su posterior proyección.
Biografía del artista
Vicente Castellano Giner (Valencia, 1927) fue uno de los artistas más transgresores de la cultura artística levantina desde finales de los años cuarenta. Castellano fue también integrante de grupos artísticos tan significativos como "Los Siete", "Parpalló" (y su revista Arte Vivo), "Movimiento Artístico del Mediterráneo" y "Arte Actual".
Tras conseguir una serie de becas de la Diputación de Valencia en el año 1951 amplia estudios por diferentes lugares de España y posteriormente en 1955 en París, donde se matriculó en la Escuela de Bellas Artes con el profesor Goerg. Durante estos años 1955-1956 pudo estudiar la pintura cubista de artistas tan relevantes como Picasso, Braque y Gris. Al mismo tiempo compartió estudio con Eusebio Sempere con quien conoció a Kandinsky y al escultor cinético Nicolas Schöffer.
En el año 1957 Castellano fijó su residencia fuera del Colegio de España, en el barrio Latino de París, allí emprendió un período de creación (1957-1960) al que corresponde su etapa del llamado "Miserabilismo Abstracto". Esta obra fue expuesta en distintas ciudades europeas como Bruselas donde llamó poderosamente la atención de la crítica especializada. Seguidamente, entre 1960 y 1980, desarrolló su obra artística en la órbita del Nouveau Réalisme que inició tras una exposición (junto a Tàpies y Millares, entre otros) en Basilea. Aquí aparecen ya los relieves en sus lienzos y sus "Relicarios" que contienen objetos reciclados.
Residiendo en París durante veinte años (1957-1977), el artista adquirió una fértil experiencia derivada de su conexión con el arte de su tiempo, su universo pictórico contribuyó a conformar la Segunda Generación de la Escuela de París.
Su regreso a España se efectúa en el 1977 donde fija su residencia en Valencia y ejerce como profesor de pintura en Universidad Politécnica de Valencia desde 1981 a 1994. En el año 2000 le es otorgada la Medalla de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia a los méritos artísticos y profesionales, y en 2009 ingresó en la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos en cuyo discurso de ingreso el artista leyó el interesante discurso, "La pintura mi aventura hacia lo desconocido".
En lo referente a su producción artística se ha caracterizado por una sobriedad cromática y de fuerte componente estructural, la búsqueda de nuevos materiales pictóricos. Con esta investigación plástica que ha desarrollado a lo largo de toda su trayectoria Castellano ha conseguido una creación que sin duda ha contribuido decisivamente a la nueva concepción del arte posmoderno. / Sánchez De Toro, JM. (2014). LA ABSTRACCIÓN EN LA OBRA DE VICENTE CASTELLANO GINER [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/44233 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales
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Kenosis and identities: pneumatological pointersNigrini, Jacques 11 1900 (has links)
In the thesis a methodology of understanding and explicating Christian faith consistent with the mystery of the simultaneous close connection and radical difference of God, human beings and the physical-organic cosmos environment is been mapped out. The theanthropocosmic principle as an expression of the mystery functions as the heuristic key in opening up the notion of kenosis (and incarnation) of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within the scope of the enduring interaction of . The Spirit in the kenotic sense of the word connects and differentiates the overall processes of being and becoming, here and there, now and then of the mystery of the `presences' of God, human beings and the natural cosmic world in being there (Dasein), being thus and thus (Sosein) and being dynamically actual (Aktsein). God acts in terms of the Spirit's operational kenotic presence within the margins of the creatureliness of people and the natural cosmic world as the kenotic clothing of God. A dynamic interpretation of the integral and differential character of being and becoming suggests that making sense of the dynamics of the formation of identities and identification is an ever ongoing endeavour. It implies a continuous process of negotiation whilst experiencing various continuums, remaining open-ended in an ever-increasing sense of wonder and mystery of "exitus a Deo-reditus in Deum". / Systematic Theology and theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Afrikaans : 'n ideologiese besinning in 'n multilinguistiese Suid-Afrikaans bestelDe Wet, Johannes Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this dissertation the ideology behind the debate on the position of Standard Afrikaans in
the new, multilinguistic South African dispensation with eleven official languages is examined
from a psycholinguistic perspective.
The study concentrates on how ideology and power played and are still playing a role in the
formation of the variety Standard Afrikaans. The study points out how historical and
present-day philosophical, social and language-political considerations influenced the natural
development of Afrikaans by advancing it in respect of status on the one hand and
prejudicing it in respect of lexicon and corpus on the other hand. The mutual bond of
Afrikaans and English as Germanic languages and the inherently hybrid nature of Afrikaans
are highlighted.
The study points out the artificial role of Eurocentrism and the ideal of "pure language" on
perceptions and myths about Afrikaans, as well as the historical influence of the European
heritage on Afrikaner thinking and the direct influence thereof on the appropriation of
Afrikaans as a symbol and product of an exclusive, ethnical group. Classical perceptions and
myths in respect of the origin of Afrikaans and the status of creole languages as opposed to
so-called "pure" languages are queried.
With reference to the results of the research the author reflects on the possibility of a
paradigmatic shift in respect of Standard Afrikaans in its present format.
Actual Afrikaans ("aktuele Afrikaans") as a basis for a generally accepted standard language
is presented as a new concept. The author reflects on the internal and external desirability
of a new approach to Afrikaans as the stimulus behind the survival and acceptance of
Afrikaans as an intranational and international language of, inter alia, science, technology,
philosophy and social interaction. Scientific arguments in respect of language change,
language influencing, language diffusion and language fusion are advanced in this respect. / In hierdie proefskrif word die ideologie agter die debat oor Standaardafrikaans se posisie in
die nuwe, multilinguistiese Suid-Afrikaanse bestel met elf amptelike tale vanuit 'n
psigolinguistiese perspektief ondersoek.
Daar word gekonsentreer op hoe ideologie en mag 'n rol in die vorming van die varieteit
Standaardafrikaans gespeel het, en dit steeds doen. Daar word aangetoon hoe historiese en
hedendaagse filosofiese, maatskaplike en taalpolitiese oorwegings die natuurlike ontwikkeling
van Afrikaans bemvloed het deur dit onder andere enersyds statusgewys te bevoordeel en
andersyds leksikaal en korpusgewys te benadeel. Die gemeenskaplike band van Afrikaans
en Engels as Germaanse tale en die inherente hibridiese aard van Afrikaans word uitgelig.
Daar word gewys op die kunsmatige rol wat Eurosentrisme en die strewe na "taalsuiwerheid"
in opvattinge en mites oor Afrikaans gehad het, asook op die historiese invloed van die
Europese erfenis op Afrikanerdenke en die indirekte invloed daarvan op die toe-eiening van
Afrikaans as simbool en produk van 'n eksklusiewe, etniese groepering. Klassieke opvattinge
en mites oor die ontstaan van Afrikaans en die status van kreoolse tale vergeleke met
sogenaamde "suiwer" tale word bevraagteken.
Na aanleiding van navorsingsresultate word daar besin oor 'n moontlike
paradigmaverskuiwing ten opsigte van Standaardafrikaans in die huidige gedaante daarvan.
Aktuele Afrikaans as 'n basis vir 'n algemeen aanvaarbare standaardtaal word as nu we
konsep aangebied. Daar word besin oor die inteme en eksteme wenslikheid van 'n nuwe
benadering tot Afrikaans as die stukrag vir die voortbestaan en aanvaarding .van Afrikaans
as 'n intranasionale en intemasionale taal van, onder andere, die wetenskap, tegnologie,
filosofie en sosiale omgang. Hiervoor word wetenskaplike argumente. / Afrikaans / D.Lit. et Phil.(Afrikaans)
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České "být/mít" proti anglickému "be/have", "have/be"; a anglické "be/have" proti českému "být/mít", "mít/být" na materiále překladů v paralelních textech: Porovnání sémantické a aktuálněčlenské struktury odlišných protějšků / "Be/have", "have/be" as equivalents of Czech "být/mít"; and "být/mít", "mít/být" as equivalents of English "be/have" in parallel texts: a comparison of the semantic and information structure of divergents counterparts.Procházková, Ilona January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines translation counterparts of the English verbs be and have and the Czech verbs být and mít. It focuses on instances with a divergent translation counterpart, i.e. instances in which be corresponds to mít and have corresponds to být in the English-Czech direction, and instances of být being reflected as have and mít as be in the Czech - English direction. The aim of the paper is to determine to what extent divergent verb counterparts are used in the translation, whether the target language has available alternatives with a verb counterpart identical with the original, and what are the motivating factors that influence the choice of a divergent verb counterpart. Another objective is to examine the changes in the syntactic and semantic structure connected with the use of a divergent verb counterpart, and to assess their impact on the functional sentence perspective. The research used material from the parallel Intercorp. A total of 164 examples with a divergent verb counterpart was excerpted and the research was divided into four parts, according to the source language and the verb. The use of divergent verb counterparts was explained mostly by a lexical gap in the target language, or by semantic and stylistic factors and to a smaller extent also by the influence of the...
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Analysis of the agronomic and economic performances of lentil-spring wheat intercrops in organic farming / Analyse de la performance agronomique et économique des associations de culture lentille-blé de printemps en agriculture biologiqueViguier, Loïc Arthur 12 July 2018 (has links)
La lentille (Lens culinaris Med.) est une composante importante des régimes alimentaires de nombreuses populations à travers le monde mais sa consommation en Europe est relativement faible. L’Europe produit seulement 26% de sa consommation de lentille et ce déficit est en partie causé par d’importants verrous agronomiques comme la verse, les bruches et la compétition des adventices qui réduisent ses rendements, notamment en agriculture biologique. Les associations de cultures, définies comme la culture simultanée d’au moins deux espèces différentes sur une même surface pendant une durée significative, sont considérées comme une option pour lever ces verrous agronomiques et ainsi développer la production de lentille en agriculture biologique. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de (1) évaluer le potentiel des associations de lentille et de blé de printemps pour produire de la lentille en conditions d’agriculture biologique et (2) comprendre les principaux mécanismes sous-jacents à la performance des associations. Des essais agronomiques ont été mis en place en 2015 et 2016 en conditions d’agriculture biologique. Quatre variétés de lentille et de blé de printemps ont été conduites en culture pures et en plusieurs associations de type substitutif et additif. Nos résultats montrent que le rendement moyen des associations avant récolte mécanique était plus élevé que le rendement moyen des cultures pures. Néanmoins, le rendement de lentille en association était inférieur à celui de la lentille en culture pure en raison d’une compétition forte et précoce du blé pour les ressources qui a causé la diminution nombre de ramifications par plante de la lentille. Le prix de la lentille étant environ quatre fois plus élevé que celui du blé, la marge brute des associations avant récolte était inférieure à celle de la lentille en culture pure. Cependant, la verse de la lentille a été fortement réduite en association, entrainant une augmentation de l’efficacité de sa récolte mécanique. En conséquence les rendements de lentille issus de la récolte mécanique se sont avérés similaires en association et en culture pure. Enfin, après tri et nettoyage des graines, la marge brute des associations sur le rendement commercialisable était supérieure à celle des cultures pures. Nos résultats montrent que (1) les associations n’ont pas eu d’effet sur le taux de bruchage des lentilles, (2) l’association la plus performante est constituée de lentille à densité équivalente à la culture pure dans laquelle on ajoute 15-20% de blé, (3) la performance des associations est due à une utilisation complémentaire de l’azote rendue possible par la fixation symbiotique de l’azote par la lentille et (4) l’intensité des compétitions entre espèces dépendent de l’année, de la densité de blé et des génotypes. En conclusion, nos travaux indiquent que les associations de lentille et de blé de printemps peuvent permettre de développer la production de lentille en agriculture biologique mais qu’une meilleure compréhension des interactions de type génotype x environnement x conduite pourrait permettre de mettre au point des couverts encore plus performants. / Lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) is an important component of the human diet in the world, but in the meantime, Europe produces only 26% of the lentils it consumes. This is partly due to strong agronomic weaknesses that reduce yield such as lodging, bruchid beetles and weeds, especially in organic farming. Intercropping, the simultaneous growing of two or more species in the same field is tested here as an option to reduce these drawbacks and develop organic lentil production. The aims of this thesis were to (1) assess the potential of lentil-spring wheat intercrops to produce organic lentil, (2) understand the mechanisms that explain their performances, and (3) evaluate the profitability of such intercrops. A two-year field experiment was carried out in southwestern France in 2015 and 2016 under organic farming rules. Four lentil and two wheat cultivars were grown as sole crops and intercrops in multiple additive and substitutive designs. Our results showed that the total intercrop attainable grain yield was higher than the mean of sole crops. Yet, lentil yield in intercrop was lower than in sole crop as the result of a strong competition for resources from wheat in early lentil growth stages reducing the number of branches per plant of lentil. This led to lower gross margins of intercrops. However, lentil lodging was strongly reduced in intercrops thus its mechanical harvest efficiency increased. This led to similar mechanically harvested yields of lentil in intercrop and sole crop. Consequently, after mechanical harvest and grain cleaning, the marketable gross margin of intercrops was higher than that of sole crops. Our results suggest that (1) intercrop had no effect on bruchids, (2) the most effective intercrop is when lentil is at sole crop density and wheat at 15-20%, (3) intercrop performance is due to complementary use of N pools through legume N2 fixation and (4) the intensity of interspecific interactions depends on year, wheat density and genotypes. Our work indicates that lentil-spring wheat intercrop can develop organic lentil production but a better understanding of Genotype x Environment x Cropping system interactions may be useful to design optimized managements.
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Performance of Large-Scale Gezira Irrigation Scheme and its Implications for Downstream River Nile FlowAl Zayed, Islam 30 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Policy makers adopt irrigated agriculture for food security, since irrigation doubles crop production. Therefore, the development of large irrigation systems has a long history in many places worldwide. Although large-scale irrigation schemes play an important role in improving food security, many schemes, especially in Africa, do not yield the expected outcomes. This is related to poor water management, which is generally due to a lack of effective evaluation and monitoring. The objective of this study, therefore, is to propose a new methodology to assess, evaluate and monitor large-scale irrigation systems.
Information on irrigation indicators is needed to enable the evaluation of irrigation performance. The evaluation is the first and the most significant step in providing information about how it is performing. After reviewing extensive literature, a list of indicators related to the performance of irrigation, rainwater supply and productivity is suggested. The irrigation efficiency indicators Relative Irrigation Supply (RIS) and Relative Water Supply (RWS) are selected. Potential rainwater supply to crops can be tested based on the Moisture Availability Index (MAI) and the Ratio of Moisture Availability (RMA). Water productivity can be assessed by Crop Yield (Y) and Water Use Efficiency (WUE). However, the central problem facing large-scale irrigation schemes is always the lack of data, which calls for the development of a new method of data acquisition that allows evaluation and monitoring. Remote Sensing (RS) technology makes it possible to retrieve data across large areas. Two different approaches via RS, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa), can be utilized for monitoring. The well-known Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), derived from the NDVI, is modified (MVCI) to allow a qualitative spatio-temporal assessment of irrigation efficiency. MVCI takes into account crop response to water availability, while ETa indicates whether water is used as intended. Furthermore, the assessment of the possible hydrological impact of the irrigation system should be considered in the evaluation and monitoring process. The Sudanese Gezira Scheme of 8,000 square kilometers in the Nile Basin, where performance evaluation and monitoring are absent or poorly conducted, is no exception. This research takes the large-scale irrigation of the Gezira Scheme as a case study, as it is the largest scheme, not only in the Nile Basin but also in the world, under single management.
The first long-term historical evaluation of the scheme is conducted for the period 1961–2012 rather than only on a short-time scale as is the common practice. An increase in RIS and RWS values from 1.40 and 1.70 to 2.23 and 2.60, respectively, since the 1993/94 season shows decreasing irrigation efficiency. MAI and RMA for summer crops indicate a promising rainfall contribution to irrigation in July and August. The Gezira Scheme achieves low yield and WUE in comparison to many irrigation schemes of the globe. Low productivity is mainly due to poor distribution and irrigation mismanagement. This is indicated by the 15-year MVCI spatio-temporal analysis, which shows that the northern part of the scheme experiences characteristic drought during the summer crop season. Although MVCI can be considered a monitoring tool, the index does not deduct the soil water content, and water could be wasted and available in other ways (e.g. water depressions).
Spatio-temporal information for ETa is required to better quantify water depletion and establish links between land use and water allocation. However, several RS models have been developed for estimating ETa. Thus, improving the understanding of performance of such models in arid climates, as well as large-scale irrigation schemes, is taken into account in this study. Four different models based on the energy balance method, the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL), Mapping EvapoTranspiration at High Resolution with Internalized Calibration (METRIC™), Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEB) and MOD16 ET are applied in order to determine the optimal approach for obtaining ETa. Outputs from these models are compared to actual water balance (WB) estimates during the 2004/05 season at field scale. Several statistical measures are evaluated, and a score is given for each model in order to select the best-performing model. Based on ranking criteria, SSEB gives the best performance and is seen as a suitable operational ETa model for the scheme. SSEB subsequently is applied for summer and winter crop seasons for the period 2000–2014.
Unfortunately, one of the limitations faced in the current research is the absence of validation data on a regional scale. Therefore, the assessment focuses on spatial distribution and trends rather than absolute values. As with the MVCI distribution, the seasonal ETa for the Gezira Scheme is higher in the southern and central parts than in the northern part. This confirms the robustness of the developed MVCI. To avoid using absolute values of ETa, the ratio of ETa from agricultural areas (ETagr) to the total evapotranspiration (ET) from the scheme (ETsum) is calculated. The ETagr/ETsum ratio shows a descending trend over recent years, indicating that the water is available but not being utilized for agricultural production.
This study shows that SSEB is also useful for identifying the location of water losses on a daily basis. Around 80 channels are identified as having leakage problems for the 2013/14 crop season. Such information is very useful for reducing losses at the scheme. In addition, Rainwater Harvesting (WH) is addressed and found to be applicable as an alternative solution for accounting for rainfall in irrigation. It is seen that these management scenarios could save water and increase the overall efficiency of the scheme. It is possible to save 68 million cubic meters of water per year when the overall irrigation efficiency of the scheme is improved by only 1%. A level of efficiency of 75% is predicted from the proposed management scenarios, which could save about 2.6 billion cubic meters of water per year.
In conclusion, the present study has developed an innovative method of identifying the problems of large-scale schemes as well as proposing management scenarios to enhance irrigation water management practice. Improved agricultural water management in terms of crop, water and land management can increase food production, thereby alleviating poverty and hunger in an environmentally sustainable manner.
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Kenosis and identities: pneumatological pointersNigrini, Jacques 11 1900 (has links)
In the thesis a methodology of understanding and explicating Christian faith consistent with the mystery of the simultaneous close connection and radical difference of God, human beings and the physical-organic cosmos environment is been mapped out. The theanthropocosmic principle as an expression of the mystery functions as the heuristic key in opening up the notion of kenosis (and incarnation) of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within the scope of the enduring interaction of . The Spirit in the kenotic sense of the word connects and differentiates the overall processes of being and becoming, here and there, now and then of the mystery of the `presences' of God, human beings and the natural cosmic world in being there (Dasein), being thus and thus (Sosein) and being dynamically actual (Aktsein). God acts in terms of the Spirit's operational kenotic presence within the margins of the creatureliness of people and the natural cosmic world as the kenotic clothing of God. A dynamic interpretation of the integral and differential character of being and becoming suggests that making sense of the dynamics of the formation of identities and identification is an ever ongoing endeavour. It implies a continuous process of negotiation whilst experiencing various continuums, remaining open-ended in an ever-increasing sense of wonder and mystery of "exitus a Deo-reditus in Deum". / Systematic Theology and theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Afrikaans : 'n ideologiese besinning in 'n multilinguistiese Suid-Afrikaans bestelDe Wet, Johannes Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this dissertation the ideology behind the debate on the position of Standard Afrikaans in
the new, multilinguistic South African dispensation with eleven official languages is examined
from a psycholinguistic perspective.
The study concentrates on how ideology and power played and are still playing a role in the
formation of the variety Standard Afrikaans. The study points out how historical and
present-day philosophical, social and language-political considerations influenced the natural
development of Afrikaans by advancing it in respect of status on the one hand and
prejudicing it in respect of lexicon and corpus on the other hand. The mutual bond of
Afrikaans and English as Germanic languages and the inherently hybrid nature of Afrikaans
are highlighted.
The study points out the artificial role of Eurocentrism and the ideal of "pure language" on
perceptions and myths about Afrikaans, as well as the historical influence of the European
heritage on Afrikaner thinking and the direct influence thereof on the appropriation of
Afrikaans as a symbol and product of an exclusive, ethnical group. Classical perceptions and
myths in respect of the origin of Afrikaans and the status of creole languages as opposed to
so-called "pure" languages are queried.
With reference to the results of the research the author reflects on the possibility of a
paradigmatic shift in respect of Standard Afrikaans in its present format.
Actual Afrikaans ("aktuele Afrikaans") as a basis for a generally accepted standard language
is presented as a new concept. The author reflects on the internal and external desirability
of a new approach to Afrikaans as the stimulus behind the survival and acceptance of
Afrikaans as an intranational and international language of, inter alia, science, technology,
philosophy and social interaction. Scientific arguments in respect of language change,
language influencing, language diffusion and language fusion are advanced in this respect. / In hierdie proefskrif word die ideologie agter die debat oor Standaardafrikaans se posisie in
die nuwe, multilinguistiese Suid-Afrikaanse bestel met elf amptelike tale vanuit 'n
psigolinguistiese perspektief ondersoek.
Daar word gekonsentreer op hoe ideologie en mag 'n rol in die vorming van die varieteit
Standaardafrikaans gespeel het, en dit steeds doen. Daar word aangetoon hoe historiese en
hedendaagse filosofiese, maatskaplike en taalpolitiese oorwegings die natuurlike ontwikkeling
van Afrikaans bemvloed het deur dit onder andere enersyds statusgewys te bevoordeel en
andersyds leksikaal en korpusgewys te benadeel. Die gemeenskaplike band van Afrikaans
en Engels as Germaanse tale en die inherente hibridiese aard van Afrikaans word uitgelig.
Daar word gewys op die kunsmatige rol wat Eurosentrisme en die strewe na "taalsuiwerheid"
in opvattinge en mites oor Afrikaans gehad het, asook op die historiese invloed van die
Europese erfenis op Afrikanerdenke en die indirekte invloed daarvan op die toe-eiening van
Afrikaans as simbool en produk van 'n eksklusiewe, etniese groepering. Klassieke opvattinge
en mites oor die ontstaan van Afrikaans en die status van kreoolse tale vergeleke met
sogenaamde "suiwer" tale word bevraagteken.
Na aanleiding van navorsingsresultate word daar besin oor 'n moontlike
paradigmaverskuiwing ten opsigte van Standaardafrikaans in die huidige gedaante daarvan.
Aktuele Afrikaans as 'n basis vir 'n algemeen aanvaarbare standaardtaal word as nu we
konsep aangebied. Daar word besin oor die inteme en eksteme wenslikheid van 'n nuwe
benadering tot Afrikaans as die stukrag vir die voortbestaan en aanvaarding .van Afrikaans
as 'n intranasionale en intemasionale taal van, onder andere, die wetenskap, tegnologie,
filosofie en sosiale omgang. Hiervoor word wetenskaplike argumente. / Afrikaans / D.Lit. et Phil.(Afrikaans)
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Restitution of land rights : the requirement of feasibility of restorationNaidoo, Renay 25 August 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the Restitution of Land Rights Act 22 of 1994 is to provide for the restitution of rights in land to persons or communities dispossessed of such rights after 19 June 1913 as a result of past racially discriminatory laws or practices. The restitution of a right in land can include the restoration of a right in land. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the requirement of feasibility in restoring land rights and in particular the role of feasibility studies and the courts’ interpretation of the feasibility requirement in restoring such rights.
The methodology used includes a review of literature, legislation and policies on land restitution and an analysis of case law.
The outcome of the research indicates that while actual restoration ought to take preference in all instances, it may only be granted once all the relevant circumstances and factors have been considered. In certain circumstances it may not be feasible to restore land rights. / Private Law / LL. M. (Property Law)
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Análisis de costos de no calidad en edificaciones multifamiliares masivas caso: Nuevo Alcázar CondominioGuevara Contreras, Gremy Yeleny, Santillán Atoche, Nery Maritza Angélica January 2015 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como objetivo ser guía en el análisis e interpretación de las causas de los Costos de No Calidad para los futuros proyectos del sector construcción, tomando como fuente de información el proyecto de viviendas multifamiliares: “Nuevo Alcázar Condominio”, ubicada en el distrito del Rímac en la ciudad de Lima.
La tesis se desarrolló de acuerdo a la información de la Primera Etapa comprendida por los Edificios 17, 18 y 19; las principales fuentes de información fueron los registros de las No Conformidades en el proceso de ejecución de la obra, la data del programa S10 que nos fue de ayuda para obtener los costos reales acumulados, la data del programa PLANOK, del cual se obtuvo el registro de observaciones de los propietarios desde la puesta en servicio del proyecto, el reporte operativo de costos acumulado a Agosto 2015, el registro de adicionales y control de cambios durante la ejecución del proyecto, estas herramientas fueron piezas claves para el análisis de esta investigación.
Para el caso estudiado, se concluyó del objetivo general que los costos de no calidad influyen en el margen de utilidad cuando se realiza un presupuesto sincerado, de los objetivos específicos se concluye que la calidad se debe desarrollar desde el diseño del proyecto y no solo durante la etapa de ejecución, ya que los errores o incompatibilizaciones en los planos generan adicionales de obra y se analizaron que las partidas de control que representaron una mayor ganancia fueron las que obtuvieron mayores observaciones en la puesta en servicio del proyecto.
The objective of this investigation is to be a guide in the analysis and interpretation of the causes of non-quality costs for future projects in the construction sector, using as information the project: “Nuevo Alcázar Condominio", located in the district of Rimac in Lima.
The investigation was developed according to information of the first phase comprised of Buildings 17, 18 and 19; the main sources of information were records of nonconformity in the process of execution of the project, the data of the S10 program that was helpful to us for actual costs accumulated, dates from PLANOK program, which recording observations of the owners was obtained from the commissioning of the project, operating costs accumulated report in August 2015, additional registration and change control during project implementation, these were important tools for the analysis of this research.
For the case study, it was concluded from general object that the costs of not quality affect the profit margin when the budget is exact, the specific objectives that quality is important from the design of the project and not only in the implementation phase, so that the fault on drawings generate additional work and we analyzed the control items accounted for a larger gain were the major observations obtained in the service of the project.
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