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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hlavní správa tiskového dohledu (1953-1966) / The main administration of press supervision (1953-1966)

Kuropata, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with actions and activities of Central Press Supervision Office in the period 1953-1966. The goals of this thesis may be further divided in four areas, i.e. gradual formation of Central Press Supervision Office, specific fields of interest of censorship, personnel resources, and finally departmental division of the above mentioned Office. The thesis is sourced mainly from primary materials in archives. The acquisition and further research of such materials in their historical context made it possible to postulate and clarify given thesis subject. The thesis offers a complex overview of the function of Central Press Supervision Office within the background of censorship in The Czech Republic as a whole and with regard to its specific aspects.

Personální politika Československého rozhlasu v letech 1945-1948 / Personnel policy in Czechoslovak radio 1945 - 1948

Pavlovič, Radek January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work is to describe how the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia influenced the personnel policy of the Czechoslovak Radio and thereby interfered into radio broadcasting in the years 1945 - 1948. In the introductory chapters thesis focuses on political and economic developments in Czechoslovakia after 1945, with a significant part describing the parliamentary elections in May, 1946. In the following chapters thesis describes the development of media, which had entirely a new socially responsible role. At the same time in the post-war Czechoslovakia there was a prevailing opinion that the media should not be a subject of uncontrolled business anymore, but rather should be under state control. The main part of the thesis describes the development of Radio. At that time the only mass medium also obtained a new role - in the past broadcasting had primarily a entertainment feature, during the Third Republic Radio became an imporant organizer of public life. Under the circumstances various groups had an interest to gain influence in Radio. Mostly communists were successful. It was easier, because they managed to occupy several crucial functions of the management of Radio. At the same time they interefered with a strong apparatus - from the Ministry of Information, through the Revolutionary...

Vývoj Rudého práva v období 1972-1991 / Development of the Rudé právo during 1972-1991

Petrů, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis Development of the Rudé právo during 1972 - 1991 discusses the activities and developments of this journal and its editors at a time when in Czechoslovakia began the period of normalization, causing compaction ratios and purges especially among journalists. The other titles had to respond to this situation, including the Rudé právo itself, which was, however, in exceptional circumstances, as reported directly to the directives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. In the Rudé právo so appeared only official information (political, social, cultural and sports), which corresponded to the ideology of the Communist Party. It is therefore interesting to investigate this periodical in the context of contemporary events and to analyze its activities in connection with the fact that we now have. The editor's work was based on the discussions and proposals adopted at a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and its Secretariat, whose member was also editor in chief of the Rudé právo. The journal had automatically secured the highest allocations of newsprint, even during the late '80s, when it was real shortage of this material. After 1990, when began the consolidation of printed periodicals, the Rudé právo transformed into a joint-stock company whose majority...

Dynamika vnitrostranického teroru na lokální úrovni KSČ v době pozdního stalinismu / Dynamics of Terror on the Local Level of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in Late Stalinism

Lóži, Marián January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis is aspiring to cover and interpret processes, which in the period of culminating Stalinism determined course and results of intraparty terror in the local - mainly regional and departmental - organizations of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. It is thoroughly addressing the state of affairs on the lower levels of the party organism. It is monitoring not only techniques of functioning or on the contrary dysfunction of hierarchic machinery, but also various interests of given individuals or even whole groups emerging in the party. Under the label of intraparty terror it then comprises dictatorial practice of leading officials which established itself on the local level as well as fight against it headed be lower functionaries and active party members. Both actualities are not interpreted from the outside by some general causes, but as autonomous phenomenons with their own preconditions and dynamics, more or less different in every region. Resulting scenarios consequently demonstrated considerable variety. Finally great scope is dedicated to the Stalinist ideology, which is not percepted as a constricted doctrine creating loyal subjects, but as a complex discourse providing party members with language in which they can act and pursue their goals. It endowed necessary instruments...

Tisk a kulturní politika pardubického okresu v období normalizace / Press and cultural politics in pardubice region in times of normalization

Trestrová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation gives a comprehensive picture of the press organs of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in the district of Pardubice during the so-called normalization. The first chapter describes the historical contexts of this era, particularly changes in policy after the onset of Gustáv Husák at the head of the Communist Party in April 1969. With this change is related to another topic: extensive purges in the Communist Party, which took place in 1970. The second chapter focuses on changes in the media at the beginning of normalization, in particular the abolition of some periodicals and restoring censorship, and changes in the cultural field, especially strengthening the focus on the Soviet Union, the emergence of new artists' unions and various legal regulation in order to strengthen ideological supervision of the this sphere . The third and fourth sections are devoted East Bohemian press: daily newspaper Pochodeň, published in Hradec Králové, and Pardubice district newspaper Zář. It briefly describes the history of these newspapers and their effect during the Prague Spring and subsequent developments in normalization. Attention is then focussed mainly on their cultural sections and their scope, content and authors of articles. Analysis of the articles from the cultural sections provides...

Náboženské sekty v Československu v 50. letech 20. století / Religious Sects in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s

Hemza, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with religious sects in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. Firstly, it describes new religious movements, which occurred in Czechoslovakia in the first half of the 20th century, especially Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventism, Mormonism and the others. The key theme of this thesis is the phenomenon of religious sects. It explores a procedure of the government, Communist party of Czechoslovakia and State Security. The thesis deals also with the conscientious objection in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. In conclusion the thesis tries to describe the image of religious sects in newspapers. It draws from various primary sources (National Archives of the Czech Republic, Security Services Archive, Military History Archive) and from various historiographical and sociological literature.

Lidská práva v ČLR za stranického předsednictví Hu Jintaa / Human Rights in the People's Republic of China under the CCP Chairmanship of Hu Jintao

Hošková, Nikola January 2014 (has links)
This work concerns with legislative changes which had direct influence on guarantee of human rights in PRC in the period of Hu Jintao's party chairmanship. Firstly the theoretic base of conception of human rights in PRC and in the world, which has been already compiled by specialists of humanrights and sinologists, is outlined. The specifics of humanright conception in dependency of historical conditions are explained. Then the method of research is introduced and concrete historical connections in given period, which is the basis for evaluation of legislative changes, are explained. These legal changes are analyzed in following chapter. Final summary sums up results, confronts them with initial expectations and presents general principles which are asserted during the formation of a new humanright legislative nowadays.

Teoretická východiska tzv. Šikovy reformy / Theoretical basis of the Šik's reform

Syřišťová, Adéla January 2009 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis are the economic-theoretical concepts, which in varying degrees contributed to the creation of an official government program of economic reforms in the sixties of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia. The work will mainly analyze the causes of success Šikova reform movement among economists and the Czechoslovak Communist Party leadership. The first part of the study will address the reorientation of foreign trade and economy of Czechoslovakia to the Soviet Union and its satellite countries, as well as the importance of CSR for the functioning of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in the fifties. Briefly mentioned is the first attempt at economic reform led by Kurt Rozsypal issues and other proposals for changes in central planning. The crucial part of this work will be devoted to the theoretical designs and directions, which created the preconditions for the implementation of specific economic reforms in the sixties. The treatment of the topic study should answer the questions: What were the other economic programs and their leaders? These protagonists could significantly affect the program or not?

Strana vyloučených" na Českokrumlovsku a Prachaticku 1970 -1980 / The Party of the Expelled" in the Český Krumlov and Prachatice district 1970-1980

Jansa, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The thesis "The Party of the Expelled" in the Český Krumlov and Prachatice district 1970-1980 through the research of regional context deepens the knowledge of the process of establishment and legitimization of Normalization in the periphery of the Czech borderland. On the basis of archival materials, mainly from the District Committees of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) in Český Krumlov and Prachatice and other sources within the Party hierarchy, it tries to map the course of the consolidation process and party purges in 1970. Compared to nationwide data, it attempts to capture the specifics of the Czechoslovakian periphery. The main task of the thesis is to analyze various fate of excluded members of the KSČ: the so-called "Party of the Expelled." The analysis focuses on their diverse life trajectories and ways of dealing with separation from the party collective, with special regard to the various loyalties that these people were tied to the party, to the society, workplaces and, last but not least, to each other. Through this analysis, the role of this segment of the population in establishing the legitimacy of the Normalization regime is shown. Since the purges resulted in the disadvantagement of a significant number of qualified workforce, they are interpreted as a process of...

Vivência, reflexão e combate: sobre Memórias do cárcere / Experience, reflection and combat: about Memórias do cárcere

Alves, Fabio Cesar 18 November 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma interpretação da obra Memórias do cárcere (1953), de Graciliano Ramos, tendo como eixo de análise a configuração do narrador no relato. Por meio dela, o estudo busca desentranhar, do texto que propõe a confissão do sujeito à beira da cova, os materiais trabalhados pelo escritor. Desse modo, pode-se apreender a estruturação interna desse material como sedimentação de uma realidade historicamente pautada. A hipótese é a de que a reconstrução da experiência de cadeia por parte do narrador situado entre os anos 1940 e 1950 permite-lhe, a partir da fusão de vozes e temporalidades e da reflexão contundente sobre uma situação-limite, pôr em questão aspectos da sociabilidade brasileira, impasses situados no âmbito da política partidária e dilemas que caracterizam a complexa situação, na modernidade, do intelectual dependente e empenhado. / This study intends to offer an interpretation of the work Memórias do cárcere (1953), by Graciliano Ramos, having as its axis of analysis the configuration of the narrator throughout the account. By means of this configuration, the study aims at extracting, from the text that offers the confession of a subject who has one foot in the grave, the materials that were addressed by the writer. In this way, its possible to apprehend the internal structuration of this material as the sedimentation of a historically determined reality. The hypothesis is that, between the 1940s and 1950s, the narrators reconstruction of his experience in jail enables him, through the fusion of voices and temporalities and by means of an incisive reflection on a limit-situation, to question aspects of the Brazilian sociability, vicissitudes pertaining to the realm of party politics and dilemmas that characterize the complex situation of the dependent and engaged intellectual in modernity.

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