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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Confecção e caracterização de dosímetros luminescentes de cerâmicas de BaTiO3 nanoestruturadas. / Preparation and characterization of luminescent dosimeters nanostructured BaTiO3 ceramic.

Shiva do Valle Camargo 23 August 2013 (has links)
Conforme pesquisas realizadas na literatura, o estudo do Titanato de Bário (BTO) na dosimetria é inédito, este material foi escolhido porque exibe propriedades luminescentes, demonstradas em experimentos de medidas de espectros de emissão. Para a confecção do BTO fez-se o uso da técnica química Sol-Gel, foi produzido amostras de BTO Puro, BTO dopado e co-dopado com diversas terras-raras. Todas as amostras produzidas sofreram calcinações com temperaturas definidas em 800, 1000 e 1200°C. As dopagens foram realizadas com os seguintes elementos terras-raras: Nd, Tb, Eu, Yb, Er, Pr, e as amostras co-dopadas foram com Tb/Eu e Yb/Er; no total foram confeccionadas trinta e uma amostras. No estudo de redução de massa foi constatada uma redução de metade das massas das amostras durante o processo de calcinação. Nas análises de Termoluminescência (TL) pelo menos uns dos tipos de calcinações apresentaram picos TL, com exceção das amostras co-dopadas com Tb/Eu. As amostras dopadas com Eu e Tb se destacaram nas análises das respostas termoluminescentes. A amostra com Tb e calcinada a 1200°C forneceu pico TL entre 90 a 200°C, e a dopada com Eu (1mol%) e calcinado a 1000°C apresentou picos TL em 110°C e 370°C. A mínima dose detectável para o pico de 110°C foi de 119 mGy e para o pico de 370°C foi de 143 mGy. As análises de MEV mostraram que as micrografias das amostras de BTO dopado tanto com Tb, quanto com Eu apresentaram superfícies porosas, diferentemente das Puras, que apresentaram superfície mais lisa. As análises de DRX indicaram uma fase tetragonal para as amostras Pura e dopadas com Eu (1 mol%), ambas calcinadas a 1000°C. / According to the literature, the study of Barium Titanate (BTO) for dosimetry is unpublished yet, this material was chosen because it exhibits luminescent properties, demonstrated in emission spectra experiments. To make the BTO samples the chemical sol-gel technique was used. Samples of BTO Pure, doped and co-doped with different rare earths were made. All produced samples were calcinated with temperatures at 800, 1000 and 1200°C. The doping was performed with the following rare earths: Nd, Tb, Eu, Yb, Er, Pr, and some samples were co-doped with Tb / Eu and Yb / Er; in total were made thirty-one samples. In the study of weight reduction, a reduction, by half of the mass of raw material, was observed during the calcination process. In the TL analysis, at least one of the types (temperature) of calcinations provides TL peaks formation, except for the samples co-doped with Tb / Eu. The BTO: Eu and Tb provided the best TL response. The BTO: Tb and calcined at 1200°C showed TL peak at 90 to 200°C and the one doped with Eu (1mol%) and calcined at 1000°C supplied peaks at 110°C and 370°C. The minimum detectable dose to the TL peak at 110°C was 119 mGy and for TL peak at 370°C was 143 mGy. SEM analyzes showed that the micrographs of BTO samples doped with both Tb and Eu supplied porous surfaces, unlike the pure sample, that showed smoother surface. XRD analyzes indicated a tetragonal phase to pure sample and the one doped with Eu (1 mol%), both calcined at 1000°C.

Síntese e caracterização de elemento sensor de matriz KAISi3O8, dopadas com Mn ou Gd, obtidos pela técnica sol-gel, visando a aplicação em dosimetria das radiações ionizantes por termoluminescência e luminescência opticamente estimulada. / Synthesis and caracterization of sensor element of kalSi3O8 matrix, doped with mn and gd, obtained by sol-gel method, for application in ionizing radiation dosimetry by thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence.

Elcio Liberato Pires 12 November 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudou-se as propriedades termoluminescentes e fotoluminescentes (em processo anti-Stokes), além de algumas propriedades químicas e físicas, de amostras sintéticas de KAlSi3O8, dopadas com Mn ou Gd, obtidas por meio da técnica sol-gel. O objetivo principal do estudo foi a obtenção de um novo material, com possibilidades reais de aplicação em dosimetria das radiações ionizantes, como elemento sensor de dosímetros luminescentes. As amostras foram obtidas e trabalhadas na forma de pós com tamanho médio de partícula em 600 nm e suas estruturas composta por uma matriz amorfa e com presença de nano partículas, presente apenas nas amostras dopadas. Os resultados de EPR mostraram que os dopantes incorporaram na matriz sob a valência de Mn2+ e Gd3+ respectivamente. As curvas de emissão TL apresentaram formatos semelhantes para todas as regiões estudadas, com a presença de um pico principal de intensidade alta e reprodutível em torno de 170°C. As curvas de decaimento da LOE da amostra não dopada e dopada com Mn exibiram um decaimento total da luminescência para 40 s de estimulação centrada em 470 nm; por outro lado, a amostra dopada com Gd, exibiu um rápido decaimento da LOE (aproximadamente 71,4 % da intensidade inicial), para os primeiros 40 s de estimulação, seguida por um decaimento mais lento e persistente para o restante do período de estimulação, o que indica claramente a presença de duas componentes de decaimento. As amostras dopadas com Mn apresentaram emissão TL mais intensa em torno 570 nm, sendo mais eficientes para os estudos de TL no VIS; enquanto que, as dopadas com Gd, exibiram emissão mais intensa em 470 nm, porém, devido ao formato dos sinais (presença de um único pico aparente), mostraram-se melhor para os estudos de LOE e TL no UV. As amostras dopadas com 0,5% e 8% em mol de Mn e Gd, respectivamente, apresentaram os sinais luminescentes mais intensos, tanto para LOE quanto para TL. No estudo da dependência energética para diferentes energias de raios-X, o tipo de dopante influenciou no padrão de resposta obtido, tendo sido observado um decréscimo da intensidade luminescente com o aumento da energia para a amostra dopada com Mn; para a amostra não dopada e dopada com Gd, não se observou um padrão de decréscimo ou aumento da intensidade com a energia. As curvas de calibração foram ajustadas por meio de retas com grau de confiabilidade alto (fator R2 próximo a 1), e as menores doses detectáveis variaram entre 20 e 60 mGy aproximadamente. Todas as amostras apresentaram perdas consideráveis de intensidade luminescente com o passar do tempo após irradiação, e que foi de aproximadamente 80%, em média, para os 10 primeiros dias. Concluiu-se que, a princípio, os materiais têm maior possibilidade de aplicação na dosimetria em tempo real do que na dosimetria convencional ou passiva por TLDs, devido a sua alta resposta luminescente. Contudo, estudos futuros a respeito de tratamento térmico prévio, podem viabilizá-los a esta última aplicação. Com relação ao campo de aplicação, sugere-se a dosimetria ambiental, devido aos valores Z obtidos, que estão mais próximos do dos materiais que compões rochas e sedimentos. / In this work the thermoluminescent and photoluminescent properties (in the anti-Stokes process), and some other chemical and physical properties of KAlSi3O8 synthetic samples, doped with Mn or Gd, obtained by sol-gel method, were studied. The main goal of this study was to obtain a new material, with real possibility of application in ionizing radiation dosimetry as sensor element in luminescent dosimeters. The obtained samples were composed of powders with average particle size around 600 nm and they structures were composed of an amorphous matrix with presence of nanoparticles, observed only in the doped samples. The EPR results showed that the dopants incorporated in the matrix in the Mn2+ and Gd3+ valences, respectively. The TL glow curves exhibited a similar pattern for all the studied regions, composed of a main high-intensity and reproducible peak around 170 °C. The OSL shine-down curves for the undoped and Mn doped samples exhibited a total decay of luminescence for 40 s of stimulation centered at 470 nm; on the other hand, Gd doped sample exhibited an quick OSL decay (approximately 71.4 % of the initial intensity), for the first 40 s of stimulation, followed by a slower and more persistent decay, which clearly indicates the presence of two decay components. Mn doped samples showed the highest TL emission around 570 nm, being more efficient for the TL studies in the VIS, while the Gd doped samples exhibited the highest emission at 470 nm; however, due to the obtained curve pattern (with an apparent single peak), they had shown more efficient results for the applications in the UV. The samples doped with 0.5 and 8 mol% of Mn and Gd, respectively, showed the highest luminescent response improvement for OSL and TL. Energetic dependence on different X-rays energies study showed that the dopants changed the obtained response pattern. The Mn doped sample exhibited a decrease in luminescent response, while the Gd and the undoped samples do not show a pattern of decrease or increase in luminescence. The calibration curves were fitted by straight lines with high reliability degree (R2 near to 1), and the lowest detectable doses were between 20 and 60 mGy. All the samples exhibited considerable losses in luminescent intensity with the time after irradiation (about 80% for the firsts 10 days). From the results it was concluded that the studied materials are more applicable to real time than to passive TLD dosimetry, due to their high luminescent response. However, studies about previous heating treatment could make them feasible for the last application. The use of these materials in environmental dosimetry is suggested due to the obtained Z values, which are closer to those which form rocks and sediments.

Caracterização de filmes finos Sol-gel por elipsometria. / Characterization of sol-gel thin films by ellipsometry.

Djalma de Albuquerque Barros Filho 04 June 1992 (has links)
Este trabalho experimental trata da caracterização de filmes sol-gel por elipsometria. A caracterização é um procedimento importante na determinação das propriedades físico-químicas de qualquer material como, por exemplo, filmes finos sol-gel. É possível produzir materiais de natureza diversa (vítreos, cerâmicos e cristalinos) pela técnica sol-gel. A elipsometria, por sua vez, é uma técnica recente na determinação do índice de refração complexo de um material. Os seus fundamentos teóricos tratam da natureza da luz polarizada e sua propagação através de um sistema ótico. No decorrer do trabalho, estes princípios possibilitarão descrever os sistemas óticos utilizados na parte experimental. Os filmes finos têm propriedades óticas e mecânicas que podem diferir bastante daquelas encontradas em certo volume do material. A análise das suas propriedades é feita através das medidas dos seguintes parâmetros: espessura, índice de refração e perfil de tensões. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho foi à observação da evolução das propriedades óticas e mecânicas durante o processo de densificação. Os filmes caracterizados são de sílica (SiO2), depositados sobre três tipos de substratos: vidro comum, sílica fundida, e silício. A caracterização deste material durante o processo de densificação térmica é dividida nas seguintes etapas: a) evolução estrutural através da medida da espessura, b) análise das porosidades pelo espectro do índice de refração, c) determinação das tensões. Como conseqüência, a montagem de um microelipsômetro que mede retardações óticas de filmes finos fez-se necessária e foi realizada durante este trabalho. A sua calibração é possível pela técnica de elipsometria nula. Assim sendo, pode-se especificar o equipamento, bem como aplicá-lo em diversas situações como: a) determinação do estado tênsil ou compreensivo de filmes de CeO2-TiO2; b) determinar tensões em filmes de sílica, c) análise de defeitos em filmes de um óxido misto de SnO2 In2O3(ITO). / This is an experimental work about the characterization of thin sol-gel films by ellipsometry. The characterization is an important procedure on determining the physical-chemical properties of many materials such as thin films produced by the sol-gel process. It is possible to produce several kinds of materials (vitreous, ceramic and crist.alline) by using the sol-gel process. The elipsometry, itself is a new technique for the determination of the complex refractive index of a material. Its theoretical principles concern about the nature of the polarized light, and its propagation through an optical system. These principles will be used to describe the optical systems of the experimental procedure along this work. The thin films have optical and mechanical properties that can strongly differ from those found for the material at bulk form. The analwses of these properties is carried out by the measurement of the following parameters: thickness, refractive index and stress profile. One of the goals of this work is to observe the evolution of the optical and mechanical properties during the densification process. The characterized films are of silica (SiO2) deposited on three kinds of substrate: ordinary glass, vitreous silica and single crystal silicon. The characterization of this material during the densification process is divided in t.he following steps: a ) structural evolution by thickness mesurement; b ) porosity study by refractive index spectrum; c) stress determination. As a consequence of this characterization, it was constructed, along the work, a microellipsometer which measures thin film retardation. Its calibration is possible by using the null ellipsometry technique. In this way, the equipment can be specified and applied to different situations such as: a) determination of the stress or compressive state for CeO2-TiO2; b ) stress measurements of silica films; c ) defect st.udy of ITO films SnO2 In2O3.

Síntese e caracterização de material cerâmico condutor SiO2/C modificado com ftalocianina de níquel (II) e do compósito cerâmico SiO2-NiO : aplicação na construção de sensores eletroquímicos / Synthesis and characterization of SiO2/C conductive ceramic material modified with nickel (II) phthalocyanine and SiO2-NiO ceramic composite : application in the construction of electrochemical sensors

Barros, Sergio Bitencourt Araújo, 1982- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Yoshitaka Gushikem / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T21:51:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Barros_SergioBitencourtAraujo_D.pdf: 3406613 bytes, checksum: ba4e04d5f064d92f2ac7e2d183bca150 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta a síntese, caracterização e aplicação de matrizes cerâmicas condutoras SiO2/C morfologicamente e texturalmente diferentes e do compósito cerâmico microporoso SiO2-NiO não modificado e modificado com hidróxido de níquel. Assim, três materiais carbono cerâmicos SiO2/C com diferentes porosidades foram preparados pelo método sol-gel, usando como catalisador HNO3, HF e HNO3/HF, sendo as áreas superficiais (SBET) dos produtos obtidos determinadas como 246, 201 e 356 m g, respectivamente. Os materiais foram caracterizados usando isotermas de adsorção-dessorção de N2, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e medidas de condutividade. As matrizes SiO2/C foram usadas como suporte para imobilização in situ de ftalocianina de Ni(II) (NiPc) em suas superfícies. Medidas de XPS foram usadas para determinar as razões atômicas Ni/Si dos materiais modificados com NiPc. Eletrodos de disco rígido preparados a partir das matrizes SiO2/C modificadas com NiPc foram testados como sensores para dopamina. O eletrodo modificado preparado usando HNO3 mostrou excelente atividade catalítica para determinação simultânea de ácido ascórbico (H2AA) e dopamina (DA), com sensibilidade de 53,02 e 104,17 mA mmol dm, respectivamente. Numa segunda etapa, um composito SiO2-NiO preparado pelo método sol-gel foi calcinado a 673 K e caracterizado por infravermelho, difração de raios X, isotermas de adsorção-dessorção de N2, MEV, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, XPS e condutividade. O material obtido mostrou-se microporoso e microestruturalmente caracterizado pela formação de nanopartículas de NiO, na fase cristalina cúbica, bem distribuídas na matriz de sílica amorfa. Eletrodos do compósito microporoso SiO2-NiO apresentaram um bom desempenho na oxidação eletrocatalítica de H2AA, exibindo alta sensibilida(61,57 mA mmol dm), baixo limite de detecção (8,54 mmol dm) e longo tempo de estabilidade. Um sensor não enzimático sensível e seletivo para detecção de glicose foi preparado a partir do eletrodo SiO2-NiO modificado com hidróxido de níquel na fase estrutural a-Ni(OH)2. Os resultados obtidos para o eletrodo SiO2-NiO modificado com hidróxido mostraram a viabilidade da aplicação do material no desenvolvimento de um sensor amperométrico altamente sensível a glicose / Abstract: This work presents the synthesis, characterization an application of SiO2/C conductive ceramic matrices morphologically and texturally different and of microporous SiO2-NiO ceramic composite unmodified and modified with nickel hydroxide. Thus three SiO2/C carbon ceramic materials with different porosities were prepared by the sol-gel method, using HNO3, HF, and HNO3/HF as catalyst and the surface areas (SBET) of products were determined as 246, 201, and 356 m g, respectively. The materials were characterized using N2 adsorption¿desorption isotherms, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and conductivity measurements. The SiO2/C matrices were used as supports for the in situ immobilization of Ni(II) phthalocyanine (NiPc) on their surfaces. XPS was used to determine the Ni/Si atomic ratios of the NiPc-modified materials. Pressed disk electrodes were prepared with the NiPc-modified matrices, and tested as sensors for dopamine. The electrode prepared using HNO3 showed excellent catalytic activity for the simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid (H2AA) and dopamine (DA), with sensitivities of 5.02 and 104.17 mA mmol dm, respectively. In a second step, a SiO2-NiO composite prepared by the sol-gel method was calcined at 673 K and characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption¿desorption isotherms, SEM, transmission electron microscopy, XPS, and conductivity. The material obtained was found to be microporous and microstructurally characterized by the formation of NiO nanoparticles in the cubic crystalline phase, well distributed in the amorphous silica matrix. Electrodes of the microporous SiO2-NiO composite showed a good performance in the electrocatalytic oxidation of H2AA, exhibiting high sensitivity (61.57 mA mmol dm), low detection limit (8.54 mmol dm), and long term stability. A sensitive and selective nonenzymatic glucose sensor was prepared from the SiO2-NiO electrode modified with nickel hydroxide in the structural phase a-Ni(OH)2. The results obtained for the SiO2-NiO modified electrode showed the viability of applying the material in developing a highly sensitive amperometric glucose sensor / Doutorado / Quimica Inorganica / Doutor em Ciências

Preparo de fibras para microextração em fase solida (SPME) com recobrimentos a base de poliglicois / Preparation of solid phase microextraction (SPME) fibers with polyglycol-based coatings

Silva, Raquel Gomes da Costa 25 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Fabio Augusto / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T16:10:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_RaquelGomesdaCosta_M.pdf: 2725008 bytes, checksum: e8824bf816d759438897ef63e8688a9d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Mestrado / Quimica Analitica / Mestre em Química

Synthèse de phase stationnaires monolithiques de silice hybrides pour les techniques séparatives miniaturisées / Synthesis of hybrid silica monolithic supports for applications to miniaturized chromatographic separations

Roux, Richard 27 November 2009 (has links)
Ce manuscrit est consacré à la synthèse par procédé sol-gel et à la caractérisation de matériaux monolithiques de silice hybrides pour les techniques séparatives miniaturisées : nano-chromatographie en phase liquide (nano-CPL), électrochromatographie capillaire (ECC) et microsystèmes séparatifs. La partie bibliographique situe les axes de développement récents des techniques séparatives : l’augmentation de l’efficacité par unité de temps, l’augmentation de la capacité de pics et la miniaturisation de ces techniques. Après un descriptif détaillé de l’évolution des techniques séparatives lors de ces dernières années, une attention particulière est portée sur les phases stationnaires monolithiques à base de silice. Enfin, une étude approfondie des différentes fonctionnalisations de ces monolithes de silice met en évidence l’intérêt porté aux monolithes de silice hybrides en termes de simplification du protocole de synthèse. La partie expérimentale est ainsi axée sur le développement et la caractérisation de ces monolithes de silice hybrides dédiés à la chromatographie à polarités de phases inversée. Dans un premier temps, la synthèse de monolithes de silice hybrides C3 illustre la possibilité de synthétiser par voie sol-gel (100% aqueux) un monolithe de silice fonctionnalisé et performant en une seule étape (« one pot »). Dans un second temps, ce type de procédé est employé et optimisé afin de synthétiser des capillaires monolithiques de silice hybrides C8 présentant des performances équivalentes à leurs homologues C8 préparés en deux étapes (synthèse puis greffage) et comparables à des colonnes particulaires (d particules 5 μm) / This manuscript is dedicated to the synthesis (via sol-gel process) and caracterization of hybrid monolithic silica for miniaturized separation techniques : nano-liquid chromatography (nano-LC), capillary electrochromatography (CEC) and microchips. The bibliography part deals with the recent axis of development of these separatives techniques : increase of efficiency per time unit, increase of peak capacity and miniaturisation of these techniques. After an overview of this evolution, the manuscript is focused on the silica monolithic stationnary phases. Finally, a detailed study on the different kinds of protocol fonctionnalization of these silica monoliths highlights the advantage of simplifying the synthesis using a single step protocol (« one pot »). The experimental part is also focused on this kind of single step protocol so as to synthesize hybrid silica monoliths dedicated to the reversed phase mode in chromatography. First, the synthesis of hybrid C3 silica monoliths shows the ability to synthesize a functionnalized silica monolith via a single step sol gel process (« one pot »). Then, this kind of process is used and optimized in order to synthesize a hybrid C8 silica monolithic into capillaries. These stationary phases allowed reaching performances similar to those synthesized in two steps (sol-gel process and grafting) and to the particulate columns (5 μm).

Ecriture de motifs périodiques submicrométriques sur films TiO2 sol-gel par lithographie interférométrique dynamique sur de grandes surfaces / Direct writting of submicrometric periodic patterns on TiO2 solgel films by dynamic interference lithography over large surfaces

Gâté, Valentin 09 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse présente l’écriture de motifs périodiques 1D ou 2D, sur des films sol-gel réalisés par lithographie interférométrique dynamique. Elle a pour objectif la fabrication d’éléments optiques diffractifs dont les propriétés sont utilisées dans le traitement de la lumière visible et du proche infrarouge. Les outils technologiques compatibles nécessaires à l’obtention de ces éléments optiques ont été développés durant la thèse en combinant des matériaux fonctionnels, comme le TiO2, apportés par la voie sol-gel à une technique de lithographie permettant une microstructuration directe sur de grande surface. Ces deux technologies ont été transférées du laboratoire à un équipement semi-industriel avec succès. Cette étude a été guidée par une application des réseaux de diffraction aux modules solaires photovoltaïques. Un démonstrateur de module à déflecteurs diffractant, permettant d’augmenter le rendement global du module, a été produit et testé durant la thèse : les résultats ont été comparés aux simulations effectuées en amont / This PhD thesis deals with the writing of 1D or 2D periodic patterns on sol-gel based substrates by dynamic interferometric lithography. The aim is the manufacturing of diffractive optical elements whose properties are used in the treatment of the visible light and near infrared wavelengths. Compatible technological tools for obtaining the optical elements have been developed during the thesis by combining functional materials, such as TiO2, made by the sol-gel method and a lithography technique for direct microstructuring on large area. Both technologies have been successfully transferred from the laboratory scale to a semi-industrial equipment. This study was guided by the application of diffraction gratings for photovoltaic solar modules. A demonstrator module using diffracting deflectors, in order to increase the global PV module yield, was produced and tested in the thesis and compared to simulations

Nouveaux bitumes en poudre obtenus par couplage de la chimie sol-gel et de l'émulsification / New powdered bitumen obtained by coupling sol-gel chemistry and emulsification

Anaclet, Pauline 27 January 2017 (has links)
Le bitume, fraction la plus lourde du pétrole brut, sert de liant de granulats dans la fabrication de revêtements routiers. Ce matériau complexe est particulièrement difficile à manipuler et à transporter du fait de sa viscosité très élevée à température ambiante. L’objectif de cette thèse a été de fabriquer une nouvelle classe de matériau, de la poudre de bitume, en couplant l’émulsification et la chimie sol-gel. En effet, des capsules organo-minérales composées d’un cœur de bitume et d’une écorce de silice ont été synthétisées à partir de deux types d’émulsions, les émulsions de Pickering ainsi que les émulsions dites « classiques »stabilisées par des tensioactifs et minéralisées par deux précurseurs de silice, un amorceur moléculaire pur, le TEOS, et une solution de silicate de sodium. Ce nouveau bitume, facilement manipulable, peut être stocké dans des conditions sévères de pression et de température et libère son cœur de bitume par association d’une action thermique et mécanique afin d’assurer ses fonctions d’enrobage. De plus, une étude du comportement interfacial bitume-phase aqueuse a été réalisée afin de proposer des hypothèses pour expliquer la stabilité fragile des émulsions de bitume que nous avons pu observer. / Bitumen, the heaviest fraction of crude oil plays the role of aggregate binder in road manufacturing. This complex material is very difficult to handle and transport due to its very high viscosity at room temperature. The aim of this PhD thesis was to elaborate a new class of material, bitumen powder, by coupling emulsion science and sol-gel chemistry. Indeed organo-mineral capsules made of a bitumen core anda silica shell have been synthesized from two types of emulsions: Pickering emulsions and "classical" emulsions i.e. surfactant-stabilized emulsions and using two silica precursors: the TEOS molecular initiator and sodium silicate solution. This new bitumen is easy to handle, can be stored in drastic pressure and temperature conditions while releasing the bitumen core under combination of heat and mechanical stirring to ensure aggregate coating. In addition a bitumen-water interface study has been performed in order to propose some hypotheses to explain the observed fragile stability of bitumen emulsions.

Conception, synthèse par chimie douce et caractérisation de revêtements sol-gel hybrides multifonctionnels sur polycarbonate

Le Bail, Nicolas 04 December 2015 (has links)
Le polycarbonate (PC) est un matériau polymère très répandu, fort apprécié pour sa faible densité, sa transparence, ses bonnes propriétés mécaniques et surtout pour son faible coût. Même s’il présente quelques limites essentiellement liées à sa faible résistance à l’abrasion, à la rayure et à sa dégradation dans le temps (sous UV ou hydrolyse), le PC trouve sa place dans un large spectre d’applications (bâtiment, automobile, médical, optique…). Il reste à ce jour indispensable sur ce marché car aucun autre polymère ne présente d’aussi bonnes propriétés mécaniques à prix égal. C’est dans ce contexte que ces travaux de thèse ont permis de développer une solution permettant de protéger le PC de toute agression extérieure par le dépôt d’un revêtement protecteur. L’étude s’est orientée vers le dépôt d’un film hydride organique / inorganique à base de silice, préparé par voie sol-gel, ce procédé permettant une élaboration à une température compatible avec la température de transition vitreuse du PC (Tg) (148°C). Les solutions retenues pour obtenir un revêtement performant sont basées sur la synthèse de revêtements hybrides à base d’oxydes de silicium et de zirconium. Une attention particulière a été portée sur l’augmentation de l’adhérence du film au substrat d’une part, et l’optimisation du procédé (synthèse et traitement de densification), d’autre part. Les résultats sont présentés d’un point de vue physico-chimique (IR, XRR, RMN) et mécanique (nanoindentation, adhésion et test à la rayure). / The polycarbonate is a widespread polymer material, highly appreciated for its low density, its transparency and its good mechanical properties. This material is used for divert applications (automotive, medical, optical...) and is very competitive in terms of quality and prices. However, it displays some weaknesses, essentially due to its poor abrasion and scratch resistance and its possible degradation under UV or hydrolysis. In this context, the PhD aim is to design and develop a new hybrid organic / inorganic protective coating with silica and zirconia based precursors prepared by the sol gel process, which allow a curing compatible with the polycarbonate's Tg (148°C). Here, it is discussed on the solutions retained to obtain a scratch resistant, hydrophobic and transparent coating. It is showed that, scratch resistant protective coatings can be deposited on pristine PC thanks to a performing hybrid organic / inorganic coating by modulating its bulk properties. Moreover, results demonstrate the key role played by a phenylsilane precursor in enhancing the adherence. Nanoindentation, scratch-test, NMR and FTIR analysis will be discussed.

Membranes électrolytes à porteurs de charge Li+ / Solid Li+-carrying Membranes

Meyer, Mathieu 07 November 2014 (has links)
La demande actuelle en batteries lithium-ion « tout solide » adaptées aux applications mobiles asuscité d'importantes recherches sur des membranes électrolytes polymères de plus en plussophistiquées. Cette thèse porte sur la synthèse et la caractérisation mécanique, thermique etstructurale de nouveaux matériaux électrolytes polymères nanocomposites résultant de la réticulationpar procédé sol-gel de chaînes de poly(oxyde d'éthylène) (PEO) fonctionnalisées aux deux extrémitéspar des groupements alkoxysilane. Les nano-domaines polysilsesquioxanes ainsi formés par hydrolysecondensation,génèrent un haut degré de réticulation et jouent le rôle de nanocharges, apportant unerésistance mécanique permettant d'incorporer des quantités élevées de plastifiant. En outre, leprocédé sol-gel permet de fonctionnaliser ces nano-domaines avec des groupements de type sulfonateou perfluorosulfonate de lithium, qui fournissent des porteurs de charge Li+ de façon uniforme au seinde la membrane. De plus, l'immobilisation des anions par liaisons covalentes supprime leurcontribution à la conductivité, ce qui assure au sein de l'électrolyte (alors dit single-ion) une conductionunipolaire cationique, indispensable pour éviter ultérieurement la formation de dendrites de lithium aucours des cycles de charge et décharge. L'étude de la conductivité ionique de ces membranes, à l'étatsec ou après gonflement dans le carbonate de propylène, a conduit à une réflexion sur la dynamique ducation lithium au sein des membranes nanocomposites et sur les différentes voies envisageables pouraméliorer les performances de ces électrolytes. / The topical demand in all-solid lithium-ion batteries suitable for portable consumer electronicdevices has triggered extensive research on more and more sophisticated polymer electrolytemembranes (PEM).This PhD work deals with the synthesis and the mechanical, thermal andstructural characterization of new nanocomposite PEM arising from the sol-gel cross-linking ofPEO chains end-capped with alkoxysilane groups. Thus, the polysilsesquioxane nano-domainsformed by hydrolysis-condensation reactions form a high density of cross-links and play the roleof nanocharges, giving rise to mechanical resistance, which allows incorporating high amounts ofplasticizer. Moreover, sol-gel process allows the functionalization of these nanodomains withlithium sulfonate or perfluorosulfonate groups, which supply Li+ charge carriers homogeneouslydispersed throughout the membrane. In addition the immobilization of the anions via covalentbonds prevents them from contributing to the overall conductivity, thus ensuring a single-ionconduction, which is a compulsory condition to prevent the further formation of lithium dendriteson charge-discharge cycles. The ionic conductivity study of the membranes, in the dry state orafter swelling in propylene carbonate, was done. It led to discuss the dynamics of lithium cation inthe nanocomposite membranes and the possible ways to improve their conductionperformances.

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