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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What Factors Can Influence Consumers’ Intentions to Use Shared Bikes ?

Lu, Yuyang, Sallam, Shaza January 2020 (has links)
The rapid development of sharing economy in the past decade has spawned a number of excellent products such as Airbnb and Uber. As one of the representative products of the sharing economy, the emergence and development of shared bikes are of great significance to the country, the government and citizens. In this context, this study aims to use Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB) to investigate the factors influencing consumers’ intentions to use shared bikes. We collected primary data from 268 respondents from different districts as input, finally using SPSS 25.0 to conduct a regression analysis to test 9 antecedent variables and 3 intermediate variables to verify 12 hypotheses. The empirical results indicate that perceived usefulness, perceived joviality and perceived environmental protection have a positive influence on users' attitude towards using while perceived risk has a negative influence; peer influence and superior influence have a positive influence on subjective norm; self-efficacy and resource facilitating condition have a positive influence on perceived behavior control; attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control are positively related to the intentions to use shared bikes. This study provides important and new insights into shared bikes adoption and intentions about consumer behavior.

Mind the gap: Bridging the Intention Behavior Gap of Physical Activity using Digital Technology : An explorative study how consumers are using digital technology and what drivers are influencing their behavior

Wendig, Fabian, Rüschendorf, Julian January 2022 (has links)
Background: Even though the health benefits of regular exercises are common knowledge, a concerning trend of obesity due to a lack of physical activity in the population exists. As Digital Technology is largely adapted among consumers, the question is if and how it can be used as a tool to close the intention behavior gap concerning physical activity. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to understand the intentions behind executing PA and to explore the role of digital technologies within PA. As a result, the aim of this research is to find potential opportunities to bridge the IB-Gap offered by DT and to suggest options for app developers and digital companies to improve their products to better meet customers' needs for utilizing them as tools to bridge the IB-Gap. Method: To understand and explore the intentions behind and ways how people are using Digital Technologies within physical activity a qualitative study was conducted. This included a two-week diary study capturing the intentions and behaviors, and in-depth interviews describing the usage of Digital Technology in more details. Conclusion: The results indicate that Digital Technology can support people in closing the Intention Behavior gap when it comes to Physical Activity. The study further showed that people use Digital Technology in different ways depending on factors such as motivation or proficiency towards Physical Activity. Therefore, Digital Technology should be tailored to the individuals needs to best support their efforts.

Consumers' involvement of online luxury purchases

Onursal, Rubar, Reda, Nor January 2022 (has links)
ABSTRACT  Date: 2022-06-01 Level: Master thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr  Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University  Authors:   Nor Reda  Rubar Onursal Title: Consumers’ involvement of online luxury purchases Supervisor: Stylianos Papaioannou  Keywords: Online luxury, Consumer behavior, Theory of planned behavior, Different generational cohorts. Research questions: What factors influence consumers’ involvement of luxury purchases online?  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the identified gap in regards to online purchases of luxury goods in the context of cars and how it in turn may influence consumers’ involvement. Contrasting factors are linked to the Theory of planned behavior. Method: This study is of a quantitative nature by conducting a web based questionnaire. A deductive approach was undertaken to test the relationship between the three independent variables together in relation to the dependent variable purchase intention of the TPB. The main analysis for this study is a multiple linear regression supported by an exploratory factor analysis as wel as a correlation analysis. Conclusion: The results of this study reveal that the main influence of consumers’ involvement of luxury purchases online is attitude. Other factors such as subjective norm and perceived behavioral control did have a significant influence, henceforth not to the same extent as attitude.

Investigating determinant factors of consumers’ sustainable consumption in Scandinavia : Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior model in clean and fabric care

Dzelepovic, Dzenita, Dimitrova, Polina January 2021 (has links)
The study aimed to explore the determinant factors that influence consumers’ sustainable consumption, or more specifically consumers living in Scandinavia. The study seeked to understand what influences Scandinavian people to purchase a sustainable product based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) including the attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. To conduct a better approach, a case company was involved in the working process, with the help of which, the focus became more specific into fabric and clean care appliances such as dish machines, washing machines and dryers. To provide an exhaustive answer to the research questions, three hypotheses were conducted which were built based on the TPB model.  The study used a quantitative approach where an online survey was made. The survey was shared with people living in the Scandinavian countries Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark, where 291 answers were collected. To analyze all the answers, SPSS statistics was used where each country was individually analyzed.  The results showed that an individual’s attitude and perceived behavioral control have a significant influence on the behavioural intention to perform sustainable consumption in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark while the subjective norm does not affect the sustainable consumption in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Finland was the only country that had an accepted hypothesis on the subjective norm which means that finish people get influenced by the subjective norms.

Factors that make non buyers hesitant to buy groceries online

Korea, Sargon, Le, Julia, Onursal, Rubar January 2021 (has links)
What are the factors that make non buyers hesitant to buy groceries online? The purpose of this study is to examine why non buyers hesitate to buy groceries online. Different factors are linked to two theoretical frameworks, namely Theory of planned behavior (TPB) and Technology acceptance model (TAM). This study is of a quantitative nature, by conducting a web-based questionnaire. The study applies a deductive approach in order to test the relationship between the dependent and independent variables of TPB and TAM in the context of non buyers of online grocery in Sweden. The main analysis for this study is a simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study show that the main predictor of non buyers’ hesitation to buy groceries online are the factors of perceived behavioral control. Other factors that had a significant effect on intention were the ones regarding attitude, external variables and perceived ease of use. While factors of subjective norm and perceived usefulness had no influence on non buyers’ intention.

Programmering i skolan: lärarstudenters attityder till en läroplansrevidering

Fernandez Barros, Camila, Persson, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
I samband med läroplansrevideringen 2017 är programmering en del av det obligatoriskaämnesinnehållet i läroplanen för grundskolan, förskolan och fritidshemmet (Skolverket2018). Sedan höstterminen 2018 gäller den reviderade utgåvan som styrdokument förverksamma lärare. Tidigare forskning, framförallt ur internationellt perspektiv, harindikerat på en osäkerhet hos lärare kring införandet av programmering i undervisningen.Ett perspektiv som dock sällan belysts i tidigare forskning, kopplat till programmering, ärlärarstudenters attityder till implementeringen. Vi undrade därför hur lärarstudentersattityder till implementeringen av programmering såg ut. För att undersöka detta har enenkätstudie bland studenter med ämnesbehörighet inom NO/teknik vid Malmö universitetgenomförts.Utifrån Ajzens (2005) teori, Theory of Planned Behavior, har resultatet analyserats ochvisar att föreställningar om den upplevda kontrollen och föreställningar om normen haren stor påverkan över lärarstudenternas attityder kring programmering. Analysen avresultatet visar även att studierna har en stor påverkan på attityderna kring programmeringdå studenter från termin 4, 6 och 8 har svarat varierat i enkäten men efter tydliga mönsterberoende av termin där studiegången i vissa fall påverkar attityden positivt medan den iandra fall tenderar att påverka attityden negativt.


Sultana, Nahida, Rahman, Md Tazinur January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this paper was to explore the factors behind the entrepreneurial intention (EI) building of international university students of Sweden. With the help of Ajzen’s (1991) Theory of Planned Behavior, this theory has been used by numerous researches to predict intentions, especially EI. However, in Sweden several studies have been done only on the Swedish students, but no study has done specifically on international students. A conceptual framework was developed for this study from Theory of Planned Behavior, where attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavior control (PBC) were main variables with several indicators of each, to explain what are affecting the most on international university students to build up EI. 18 interviewees of international students of Halmstad University of Sweden were taken. Furthermore, after analyzing their answers authors have found that three of those variables have almost similar effect on building the EI of international university students of Sweden, but not all of their indicators.

Ljus. En designstudie om förändring av slit- och slängbeteende

Isaksson, Jens January 2019 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker vilka bakgrundsfaktorer som ligger bakom slit- och slängbeteende. Med hjälp av beteendeteorin Theory of Planned Behavior, intervjuer och observationer så visar studien att funktion och kvalitét måste samspela med kognitiv tillfredställelse för att någon ska vilja behålla en produkt länge. Studien finner även att människors sociala behov är en faktor som kan påverkas för att öka tiden som en person väljer att behålla en produkt. Målet med studien är att genom väletablerade teorier om emotionell design och tillfredsställning genom produkter presentera ett designkoncept som påverkar bakgrundsfaktorerna till slit- och slängbeteendet. Det uppnås genom att hitta en produktkategori bland artefakter som kastas. Det har framkommit att lampor är en sådan en sådan produkt. Designkonceptet som presenteras i den här studien är en bordslampa designad för att påverka bakgrundsfaktorerna som styr intentionen till att hålla kvar vid en produkt. / This study investigates the background factors behind wear and tear behavior. Using the behavioral theory Theory of Planned Behavior, interviews and observations, the study shows that function and quality must interact with cognitive satisfaction in order for someone to want to keep a product for a long time. The study also finds that people's social needs are a factor that can be influenced to increase the time a person chooses to keep a product. The aim of the study is to present, through well-established theories of emotional design and satisfaction through products, a design concept that influences the background factors for wear and tear behavior. This is achieved by finding a product category among discarded artifacts. It has emerged that lamps are one such product. The design concept presented in this study is therefor a table lamp designed to influence the background factors that control the intention to keep a product.

Against all odds! - What are the reasons for Chinese consumers to choose to shop offline? : Research of the factors leading to high offline purchase intention?

Zeng, Jiayun, Zhang, Xinwei, Cheng, Xiao January 2020 (has links)
While online shopping has high social acceptance and support from mature related industries in China, a considerable number of consumers choose to shop offline. The purpose of this study is to explore the specific factors that give consumers the intentions to shop offline. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is adopted as the theoretical framework to give a holistic view of intention-forming. Multiple-case studies are performed in this qualitative research. We study the contents of the interviews via TPB. Fifteen Chinese consumers take part in the research as the respondents in semi-structured interviews. After coding transcriptions, we explore detailed factors and divide them into three aggregates from TPB: attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. The analysis of the interviews also supports the transformation of three dimensions of TPB.

Strategies for Reducing Employee Absenteeism for a Sustainable Future: A Bermuda Perspective

Forte, Allison Nicola Simone 01 January 2017 (has links)
Employee absenteeism results in billions of dollars in revenue losses and lost productivity annually. Given the consequences that organizations could face resulting from high levels of work absences, executives should develop strategies to manage absenteeism to support organizational growth and sustainability. Grounded in the theory of planned behavior, the purpose of the single case study was to explore strategies managers in the private insurance industry used to reduce employee absenteeism. The population consisted of 3 managers located in Bermuda who implemented strategies to decrease employee absenteeism from a Bermuda perspective. Data included semistructured interviews, results of the company's 2016 engagement survey, and annual reports from 2014 to 2016 that highlighted the company's commitment to providing strategies to enhance employees' engagement and dedication to its strategic objectives. Through thematic analysis, 4 themes emerged: employee engagement, managerial communication, employee wellness and health promotion programs, and achieving work-life balance. Business managers could use these findings to understand how specific human resources strategies with a focus towards reducing employee absenteeism minimize work absences. Minimizing work absences could contribute to positive social change through increased economic growth in local communities and higher quality of life for its residents.

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