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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma infraestrutura para aplicações distribuídas baseadas em atores Scala / An infrastructure for distributed applications based on Scala actors

Thiago Henrique Coraini 28 November 2011 (has links)
Escrever aplicações concorrentes é comumente tido como uma tarefa difícil e propensa a erros. Isso é particularmente verdade para aplicações escritas nas linguagens de uso mais disseminado, como C++ e Java, que oferecem um modelo de programação concorrente baseado em memória compartilhada e travas. Muitos consideram que o modo de se programar concorrentemente nessas linguagens é inadequado e dificulta a construção de sistemas livres de problemas como condições de corrida e deadlocks. Por conta disso e da popularização de processadores com múltiplos núcleos, nos últimos anos intensificou-se a busca por ferramentas mais adequadas para o desenvolvimento de aplicações concorrentes. Uma alternativa que vem ganhando atenção é o modelo de atores, proposto inicialmente na década de 1970 e voltado especificamente para a computação concorrente. Nesse modelo, cada ator é uma entidade isolada, que não compartilha memória com outros atores e se comunica com eles somente por meio de mensagens assíncronas. A implementação mais bem sucedida do modelo de atores é a oferecida por Erlang, a linguagem que (provavelmente) explorou esse modelo de forma mais eficiente. A linguagem Scala, surgida em 2003, roda na JVM e possui muitas semelhanças com Java. No entanto, no que diz respeito à programação concorrente, os criadores de Scala buscaram oferecer uma solução mais adequada. Assim, essa linguagem oferece uma biblioteca que implementa o modelo de atores e é fortemente inspirada nos atores de Erlang. O objetivo deste trabalho é explorar o uso do modelo de atores na linguagem Scala, especificamente no caso de aplicações distribuídas. Aproveitando o encapsulamento imposto pelos atores e a concorrência inerente ao modelo, propomos uma plataforma que gerencie a localização dos atores de modo totalmente transparente ao desenvolvedor e que tem o potencial de promover o desenvolvimento de aplicações eficientes e escaláveis. Nossa infraestrutura oferece dois serviços principais, ambos voltados ao gerenciamento da localização de atores: distribuição automática e migração. O primeiro deles permite que o programador escreva sua aplicação pensando apenas nos atores que devem ser instanciados e na comunicação entre esses atores, sem se preocupar com a localização de cada ator. É responsabilidade da infraestrutura definir onde cada ator será executado, usando algoritmos configuráveis. Já o mecanismo de migração permite que a execução de um ator seja suspensa e retomada em outro computador. A migração de atores possibilita que as aplicações se adaptem a mudanças no ambiente de execução. Nosso sistema foi construído tendo-se em mente possibilidades de extensão, em particular por algoritmos que usem o mecanismo de migração para melhorar o desempenho de uma aplicação. / Writing concurrent applications is generally seen as a dificult and error-prone task. This is particularly true for applications written in the most widely used languages, such as C++ and Java, which offer a concurrent programming model based upon shared memory and locks. Many claim that the way concurrent programming is done in these languages is inappropriate and makes it harder to build systems free from problems such as race conditions and deadlocks. For that reason, and also due to the popularization of multi-core processors, the pursuit for tools better suited to the development of concurrent applications has increased in recent years. An alternative that is gaining attention is the actor model, originally proposed in the 1970s and focused specifically in concurrent computing. In this model, each actor is an isolated entity, which does not share memory with other actors and communicates with them only by asynchronous message passing. The most successful implementation of the actor model is likely to be the one provided by Erlang, a language that supports actors in a very efficient way. The Scala language, which appeared in 2003, runs in the JVM and has many similarities with Java. Its creators, however, sought to provide a better solution for concurrent programming. So the language has a library that implements the actor model and is heavily inspired by Erlang actors. The goal of this work is to explore the usage of the actor model in Scala, speciffically for distributed applications. Taking advantage of the encapsulation imposed by actors and of the concurrency inherent to their model, we propose a platform that manages actor location in a way that is fully transparent to the developer. Our proposed platform has the potential of promoting the development of efficient and scalable applications. Our infrastructure offers two major services, both aimed at managing actor location: automatic distribution and migration. The first one allows the programmer to write his application thinking only about the actors that must be instantiated and about the communication among these actors, without being concerned with where each actor will be located. The infrastructure has the responsibility of defining where each actor will run. It accomplishes this task by using some configurable algorithm. The migration mechanism allows the execution of an actor to be suspended and resumed in another computer. Actor migration allows applications to adapt to changes in the execution environment. Our system has been built with extension possibilities in mind, and particularly to be extended by algorithms that use the migration mechanism to improve application performance.

A Distributed Software Framework for the Virginia Tech Ground Station

David, Paul Uri 23 November 2015 (has links)
The key goal in this work is to enable a flexible ground station that is not constrained to a particular mission or set of hardware. In addition, with the concepts and software produced in this thesis, it will play a significant role in educating engineers and students by providing critical infrastructure and a sandbox for ground station operations. Key pieces of software were developed in this work to create a flexible and robust software-defined ground station. Several digital transmission modes were developed in order to allow communication between the ground station and common amateur radio CubeSats and SmallSats. In order to handle distributed tasks and process at a ground station with multiple servers and controllers, a specialized actor framework was written in Python for ease of use. Actors have the ability to send messages to one another over a network, and they maintain their own memory in order to avoid synchronization problems that come with sharing memory. In addition to the software developed in this work, a novel Peer-to-Peer (P2P) protocol for a network of ground stations is proposed in order to increase coverage and access to spacecraft without requiring centralized server infrastructure. This protocol provides the method to scale the developed software architecture beyond a single ground station. Since the Virginia Tech Ground Station (VTGS) will have many concurrent processes running across multiple servers, it was necessary to apply the actor model in order to simplify the design of the system. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the developed software for the VTGS as well as the P2P protocol for a larger network of ground stations. There are three primary repositories: planck-dsp, gr-vtgs, and pystation. The planck-dsp library and gr-vtgs Out-of-tree (OOT) make up the primary digital signal processing and communications toolboxes, where GNU Radio serves as the scheduler for signal processing blocks used in flow graphs. The pystation module is the extensible software actor framework that connects various systems both locally and remotely. It is also responsible for scheduling and handling ground station requests. While the software was primarily created for the VTGS, it is general enough to apply to other ground station implementations. / Master of Science

Kvinnor som brandmän? : Jämförande fallstudie av sex stycken räddningstjänstförbunds implementering av jämställdhetspolicy

Lyckeborg, Elina January 2017 (has links)
This study har aimed to examine why there are still so few women working full time as firefighters in the Swedish municipal firefighting services, even though there has been a political goal for about twenty years to increase gender equality in firefighting. The study uses a structured focused comparison of two groups of municipal firefighting organizations to compare them against each other in order to understand why they differentiate, and identify factors that has made some organizations more successful than others. The study uses Lundquist’s (1987) simplified actor model’s three factors, understand-can-will, to explain the failed implementation. The study concludes that the simplified actor model can be used to explain differences in implementation and to identify factors that have led to successful implementation, and that the most important one seems to be the understanding of the problem. However, they seem to enable each other in a way that makes it impossible to say that they could create successful implementation if one was lost.

Eurons undantag : En undersökning om Danmark och Storbritanniens undantag från EU om att införa euro som valuta

Rhodin, Thimmy January 2016 (has links)
The aim with this thesis is to find out how one can understand the exceptions not to introduce the euro as the currency of Denmark and the United Kingdom, as well as their attitude to European integration. It has been implemented in a comparative case study using theories in which the case has been the central focus of the investigation. The theories being used is rational actor model that emphasizes rational decision-making and self-interest. In comparison to that theory has a historical institutional perspective been used, which emphasizes path-dependency and critical events. The focus of the study is the time when the countries became members of the European Economic Community in 1973 to the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 where these exceptions not to introduce the euro as the currency was ratified. In the analysis section, one can see portions of both theories to a varying degree. The conclusions of the study is that both countries show a skeptical attitude to European integration and that the exceptions to not introduce the euro as a currency is based on this critical view of moving power to centralized institutions.

基於大數據資料的非監督分散式分群演算法 / An Effective Distributed GHSOM Algorithm for Unsupervised Clustering on Big Data

邱垂暉, Chiu, Chui Hui Unknown Date (has links)
基於屬性相似度將樣本進行分群的技術已經被廣泛應用在許多領域,如模式識別,特徵提取和惡意行為偵測。由於此技術的重要性,很多人已經將各種分群技術利用分散式框架進行再製,例如K-means搭配Hadoop在Apache Mahout平台上。由於K-means需要預先定義分群數量,而自組織映射圖(SOM)需要預先定義圖的大小,所以能夠自動將樣本依照樣本間的變化容差進行分群的GHSOM(增長層次自組織映射圖)就提供了一個很棒的非監督學習方法用來針對某些資訊不完整的資料。然而,GHSOM目前並不是一個分散式的演算法,這就限制了其在大數據資料的應用上。在本篇論文中,我們提出了一種新的分散式GHSOM演算法。我們使用Scala的Actor Model來實現GHSOM的分散式系統,我們將GHSOM演算法中的水平擴增以及垂直擴增交由Actor來處理並顯示出顯著的性能提升。為了評估我們所提出的方法,我們收集並分析了數千個惡意程式在現實生活中的執行行為,並通過在數百萬個樣本上進行非監督分群後推導出惡意程式行為的檢測規則來顯示其性能的改進、規則有效性以及實踐中的潛在用法。 / Clustering techniques that group samples based on their attribute similarity have been widely used in many fields such as pattern recognition, feature extraction and malicious behavior characterization. Due to its importance, various clustering techniques have been developed with distributed frameworks such as K-means with Hadoop in Apache Mahout for scalable computation. While K-means requires the number of clusters and self organizing maps (SOM) requires the map size to be given, the technique of GHSOM (growing hierarchical self organizing maps) that clusters samples dynamically to satisfy the requirement on tolerance of variation between samples, poses an attractive unsupervised learning solution for data that have limited information to decide the number of clusters in advance. However it is not scalable with sequential computation, which limits its applications on big data. In this paper, we present a novel distributed algorithm on GHSOM. We take advantage of parallel computation with scala actor model for GHSOM construction, distributing vertical and horizontal expansion tasks to actors and showing significant performance improvement. To evaluate the presented approach, we collect and analyze execution behaviors of thousands of malware in real life and derive detection rules with the presented unsupervised clustering on millions samples, showing its performance improvement, rule effectiveness and potential usage in practice.

Distributed data analysis over meteorological datasets using the actor model

Sanchez, Jimmy Kraimer Martin Valverde January 2017 (has links)
Devido ao contínuo crescimento dos dados científicos nos últimos anos, a análise intensiva de dados nessas quantidades massivas de dados é muito importante para extrair informações valiosas. Por outro lado, o formato de dados científicos GRIB (GRIdded Binary) é amplamente utilizado na comunidade meteorológica para armazenar histórico de dados e previsões meteorológicas. No entanto, as ferramentas atuais disponíveis e métodos para processar arquivos neste formato não realizam o processamento em um ambiente distribuído. Essa situação limita as capacidades de análise dos cientistas que precisam realizar uma avaliação sobre grandes conjuntos de dados com o objetivo de obter informação no menor tempo possível fazendo uso de todos os recursos disponíveis. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma alternativa ao processamento de dados no formato GRIB usando o padrão Manager-Worker implementado com o modelo de atores fornecido pelo Akka toolkit. Realizamos também uma comparação da nossa proposta com outros mecanismos, como o round-robin, random, balanceamento de carga adaptativo, bem como com um dos principais frameworks para o processamento de grandes quantidades de dados tal como o Apache Spark. A metodologia utilizada considera vários fatores para avaliar o processamento dos arquivos GRIB. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em um cluster na plataforma Microsoft Azure. Os resultados mostram que nossa proposta escala bem à medida que o número de nós aumenta. Assim, nossa proposta atingiu um melhor desempenho em relação aos outros mecanismos utilizados para a comparação, particularmente quando foram utilizadas oito máquinas virtuais para executar as tarefas. Nosso trabalho com o uso de metadados alcançou um ganho de 53.88%, 62.42%, 62.97%, 61.92%, 62.44% e 59.36% em relação aos mecanismos round-robin, random, balanceamento de carga adaptativo que usou métricas CPU, JVM Heap e um combinado de métricas, e o Apache Spark, respectivamente, em um cenário onde um critério de busca é aplicado para selecionar 2 dos 27 parâmetros totais encontrados no conjunto de dados utilizado nos experimentos. / Because of the continuous and overwhelming growth of scientific data in the last few years, data-intensive analysis on this vast amount of scientific data is very important to extract valuable scientific information. The GRIB (GRIdded Binary) scientific data format is widely used within the meteorological community and is used to store historical meteorological data and weather forecast simulation results. However, current libraries to process the GRIB files do not perform the computation in a distributed environment. This situation limits the analytical capabilities of scientists who need to perform analysis on large data sets in order to obtain information in the shortest time possible using of all available resources. In this context, this work presents an alternative to data processing in the GRIB format using the well-know Manager-Worker pattern, which was implemented with the Actor model provided by the Akka toolkit. We also compare our proposal with other mechanisms, such as the round-robin, random and an adaptive load balancing, as well as with one of the main frameworks currently existing for big data processing, Apache Spark. The methodology used considers several factors to evaluate the processing of the GRIB files. The experiments were conducted on a cluster in Microsoft Azure platform. The results show that our proposal scales well as the number of worker nodes increases. Our work reached a better performance in relation to the other mechanisms used for the comparison particularly when eight worker virtual machines were used. Thus, our proposal upon using metadata achieved a gain of 53.88%, 62.42%, 62.97%, 61.92%, 62.44% and 59.36% in relation to the mechanisms: round-robin, random, an adaptive load balancing that used CPU, JVM Heap and mix metrics, and the Apache Spark respectively, in a scenario where a search criteria is applied to select 2 of 27 total parameters found in the dataset used in the experiments.

Dealing with actor runtime environments on hierarchical shared memory multi-core platforms / Environnements d'exécution à base d'acteurs pour plates-formes multi-coeurs à mémoire partagée hiérarchique

De Camargo Francesquini, Emilio 15 May 2014 (has links)
Le modèle de programmation à base d'acteurs a été intensivement utilisé pour le développement de grandes applications et systèmes. On citera par exemple la fonction chat de Facebook ou bien encore WhatsApp. Ces systèmes peuvent avoir plusieurs milliers d'utilisateurs connectés simultanément avec des contraintes fortes de performance et d'interactivité. Ces systèmes s"appuient sur des infrastructures informatiques basées sur des processeurs multi-cœurs. Ces infrastructures disposent en général d'un espace mémoire partagé et hiérarchique NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access). Notre analyse de l'état de l'art montre que peu d'études ont été menées sur l'adéquation des environnements d'exécution à base d'acteurs avec des plates-formes à mémoire hiérarchique. Ces environnements d'exécution font en général l'hypothèse que l'espace de mémoire est complètement plat, ce qui pose ensuite de sérieux problèmes de performance. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les défis posés par les plates-formes multi-cœurs à mémoire hiérarchiques pour des environnements à base d'acteurs. Nous étudions plus particulièrement les problèmes de gestion mémoire, d'ordonnancement et d'équilibrage de charge.Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous avons analysé et caractérisé les applications basées sur le modèle d'acteurs. Cela a permis de mettre en évidence le fait que les exécutions des applications et benchmarks faisaient ressortir des structures de communication particulières que les environnements d'exécution se doivent de prendre en compte pour optimiser les performances. La prise en compte du graphe de communication et la mise en œuvre ont été effectuées dans un environnement d'exécution réel, la machine virtuelle (VM) du langage de programmation Erlang. Le langage de programmation Erlang s'appuie sur le modèle d'acteurs avec une syntaxe claire et cohérente pour la gestion des acteurs. Les modifications que nous avons intégrées à la machine virtuelle Erlang permettent d'améliorer significativement les performances grâce à une meilleure prise en compte de l'affinité entre des acteurs qui interagissent beaucoup. L'ordonnancement et la régulation de charge de l'application sont également améliorées grâce à une meilleure connaissance de l'application et de la topologie de la plate-forme. Une des perspectives serait d'intégrer ces contributions à d'autres environnements d'exécution à base d'acteurs, comme par exemple ceux des Kilim et Akka. / The actor model is present in several mission-critical systems, such as those supporting WhatsApp and Facebook Chat. These systems serve thousands of clients simultaneously, therefore demanding substantial computing resources usually provided by multi-processor and multi-core platforms. Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architectures account for an important share of these platforms. Yet, research on the the suitability of the current actor runtime environments for these machines is very limited. Current runtime environments, in general, assume a flat memory space, thus not performing as well as they could. In this thesis we study the challenges hierarchical shared memory multi-core platforms present to actor runtime environments. In particular, we investigate aspects related to memory management, scheduling, and load-balancing.In this document, we analyze and characterize actor based applications to, in light of the above, propose improvements to actor runtime environments. This analysis highlighted the existence of peculiar communication structures. We argue that the comprehension of these structures and the knowledge about the underlying hardware architecture can be used in tandem to improve application performance. As a proof of concept, we implemented our proposal using a real actor runtime environment, the Erlang Virtual Machine (VM). Concurrency in Erlang is based on the actor model and the language has a consistent syntax for actor handling. Our modifications to the Erlang VM significantly improved the performance of some applications thanks to better informed decisions on scheduling and on load-balancing. As future work we envision the integration of our approach into other actor runtime environments such as Kilim and Akka.

Habanero-Scala: A Hybrid Programming model integrating Fork/Join and Actor models

Imam, Shams 24 July 2013 (has links)
This study presents a hybrid concurrent programming model combining the previously developed Fork-Join model (FJM) and Actor model (AM). With the advent of multi-core computers, there is a renewed interest in programming models that reduce the burden of reasoning about and writing efficient concurrent programs. The proposed hybrid model shows how the divide-and-conquer approach of the FJM and the no-shared mutable state and event-driven philosophy of the AM can be combined to solve certain classes of problems more efficiently and productively than either of the aforementioned models individually. The hybrid model adds actor creation and coordination to into the FJM, while also enabling parallelization within actors. This study uses the Habanero-Java and Scala programming languages as the base for the FJM and AM respectively, and provides an implementation of the hybrid model as an extension of the Scala language called Habanero-Scala. The hybrid model adds to the foundations of parallel programs, and to the tools available for the programmer to aid in productivity and performance while developing parallel software.

A Concurrent IFDS Dataflow Analysis Algorithm Using Actors

Rodriguez, Jonathan David January 2010 (has links)
There has recently been a resurgence in interest in techniques for effective programming of multi-core computers. Most programmers find general-purpose concurrent programming to be extremely difficult. This difficulty severely limits the number of applications that currently benefit from multi-core computers. There already exist many concurrent solutions for the class of regular applications, which include various algorithms for linear algebra. For the class of irregular applications, which operate on dynamic and pointer- and graph-based structures, efficient concurrent solutions have so far remained elusive. Dataflow analysis applications, which are often found in compilers and program analysis tools, have received particularly little attention with regard to execution on multi-core machines. Operating on the theory that the Actor model, which structures computations as systems of asynchronously-communicating entities, is a more appropriate method for representing irregular algorithms than the shared-memory model, this work presents a concurrent Actor-based formulation of the IFDS, or Interprocedural Finite Distributive Subset, dataflow analysis algorithm. The implementation of this algorithm is done using the Scala language and its Actors library. This algorithm achieves significant speedup on multi-core machines without using any optimistic execution. This work contributes to Actor research by showing how the Actor model can be practically applied to a dataflow analysis problem. This work contributes to static analysis research by showing how a dataflow analysis algorithm can effectively make use of multi-core machines, allowing the possibility of faster and more precise analyses.

Det svenska försvaret : Från förråd till fält

Larsson, Madelene January 2009 (has links)
This essay takes the three models from Allison and Zelikow book Essence of decision and applies them on the Swedish defense system. After the cold war the Swedish defense system had to undergo changes to be a more modern defense and be able to defend Sweden against threats. To also be able to cooperate with other countries in peacekeeping operations the Swedish defense had to be reorganized. The solution was to change direction from a defense system that was organized for invasion to instead be a movable defense ready for any challenge in Sweden or abroad. This reorganization will be analyzed according to the three different models.

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