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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magma Storage of the Alkaline Tejeda Cone Sheet Swarm, Gran Canaria, Spain / Det magmatiska förvaret av det alkaliska Tejeda inverterade kon-intrusionssvärmen, Gran Canaria, Spanien

Jensen, Max January 2016 (has links)
Volcanoes with alkaline differentiated magma belong to the more explosive and destructive types, but knowledge about these systems is often limited. Unravelling the position and conditions in the source magma chamber systems that feed volcanism at the surface is vital to understand these systems better. Due to deep erosion and barren grounds the oceanic island of Gran Canaria, Spain, provides a natural laboratory to study unique chemical and structural volcanic features of alkaline volcanism. The centre of Gran Canaria is made up of the Miocene Tejeda intrusive complex including a cone-sheet swarm and shallow alkaline differentiated plutonic rocks that form the closing phase of the Miocene activity pulse on Gran Canaria. Cone-sheets and other high-level plutonic rocks can give important insights into the interior of a volcano, such as depth and geometry of the magma supply reservoir, and thus provide vital data for the interpretation of active volcanoes in the Canary Islands and beyond. This work uses the clinopyroxene-melt thermobarometric methodology by Putirka (2008) and Masotta et al. (2013), the latter being a re-calibration of the first making it specific to alkaline differentiated magmas, to further constrain the depth of mineral. Geochemical analysis was preformed with electron microprobe (EMPA) at Uppsala University to determine mineral compositions and to extend the dataset, chemical data from the extensive work by Schirnick (1996) was also utilised. When the calculated pressure from the method of Masotta et al. (2013), was converted to the depth, the results from syenite samples show that crystallization of clinopyroxene occurred at depths of ~ 4 km (100 MPa) to ~ 15 km (400 MPa), with the highest concentration between ~ 7 km (200 MPa) and ~ 11 km (300 MPa). The results indicates that crystallization took place through the pressure range equivalent to crustal levels and possibly reaching as far down as MOHO depth, with temperature estimates calculated to about 860 to 960 °C. After combining the thermobarometric results with other evidence of magmatic processes, from this work and previous publications, the magma system expresses characteristics of fractional crystallization trends and simultaneously evidence of magma mixing, small-scale convection, and magma contamination. To explain these contradictory features, this work promotes a network of interconnected magma chambers that allows for magma stagnation and evolution at different levels. The results have thus contributed to further constrain the depth of which the cone-sheet swarm originated from on Gran Canaria, Spain. / Vulkaniska system av den typ studerade i detta arbete tillhör de mer explosiva och destruktiva typer avsystem på jorden, men kunskapen om dem är begränsad. En viktig komponent som krävs för att bättreförstå dessa system är att utröna tryck och temperaturförhållanden i magmakammarna som livnärvulkanismen vid ytan. På grund av djup erosion och karg mark så fungerar ön Gran Canaria(Kanarieöarna, Spanien) som ett naturligt laboratorium för att studera både kemiska och strukturellaegenskaper. Den centrala delen av Gran Canaria består till stor del av det så kallade Tejeda intrusivakomplexet, vilket inkluderar en inverterad kon-intrusionssvärm samt djupbergarten syenit somtillsammans representerar den avslutande fasen av magmatisk aktivitet under epoken Miocen på ön.Inverterade kon-intrusioner kan ge viktiga insikter i det inre av en vulkan, såsom magmakammarensdjup, och därmed ge viktig data för tolkningen av aktiva vulkaner på Kanarieöarna och liknandeplatser.I detta arbete beräknades tryck och temperaturförhållanden utifrån kemin hos mineraletklinopyroxen och dess ursprungliga smälta. Detta gjordes med en metodik av Putirka (2008) samt enav Masotta et al. (2013) för att ytterligare begränsa djupet av mineraltillväxt. Geokemiskanalysutfördes vid Uppsala universitet med elektronmikrosond (EMPA) av insamlade stenprover för attbestämma de kemiska sammansättningarna som sedan användes i beräkningarna. Även kemiska datafrån omfattande arbete av Schirnick (1996) användes för att komplettera datasetet som anskaffadesunder detta arbete.När beräknat tryck från metoden av Masotta et al. (2013) omvandlats till djup, visar resultaten påatt kristallisation av klinopyroxen skedde på ca. 4 km (100 MPa) till ca. 15 km (400 MPa) djup, ochmed högst koncentration mellan ~ 7 km (200 MPa) och ~ 11 km (300 MPa) djup. Resultaten indikeraratt kristallisation skedde i tryckområdet motsvarande jordskorpans nivåer och möjligen nådde så långtner som till manteln, med temperaturer mellan ca 860 till 960 °C. Efter att ha kombinerat dessaresultat med andra bevis för aktiva magmatiska processer, från detta arbete och tidigare publikationer,uttrycker det magma systemet egenskaper som fraktionerad kristallisations trender och samtidigttecken på magma blandning, småskalig konvektion, och förorening av magma från jordskorpan. Föratt förklara dessa motstridiga egenskaper, främjar detta arbete ett nätverk av flera sammankopplademagmakammare som möjliggör magmatisk stagnation och utveckling på olika nivåer. Resultaten harsåledes bidragit till att ytterligare begränsa från vilket djup de inverterade kon-intrusionernahärstammar från Gran Canaria, Spanien.

Termobarometria, evolução tectono-metamórfica, e geoquímica de xistos azuis, rochas eclogíticas e litotipos associados da Ilha Diego de Almagro, Patagônia Chilena / Thermobarometry, tectonic-metamorphic evolution and geochemistry of blueschists, eclogitic rocks and associated lithotypes of Diego de Almagro Island, Chilean Patagonia

Hyppolito, Thais Nogueira 20 July 2010 (has links)
Na ilha Diego de Almagro, localizada na Patagônia Chilena, ocorrem metabasitos de alta pressão que compõem, juntamente com metatufos, xistos cloríticos, metacherts (coticulitos), xistos micáceos, xistos grafitosos e quartzo micaxistos, uma seqüência metavulcanossedimentar. Relíquias de pillow lavas com tufos finos inter pillow e camadas com pillow breccias indicam, em conjunto com a composição geoquímica, que esta seqüência formou-se em ambiente oceânico. As rochas da seqüência vulcanossedimentar foram transformadas em xistos azuis e rochas eclogíticas, os quais registram ainda a evolução retrometamórfica para as fácies epidoto anfibolito e xisto verde. A gênese das rochas de alta pressão é atribuída a uma zona de subducção cretácica desenvolvida na margem oeste do supercontinente Gondwana. Os cálculos termobarométricos, realizados mediante o software TWQ 1.02, apontam para a presença de xistos azuis transicionais para eclogitos, gerados em condições de 18 kbar e 400 °C e rocha eclogítica com pico metamórfico calculado entre 19,5 e 21 kbar e 580 e 650 °C. O registro do retrometamorfismo que afetou os xistos azuis ocorreu sob condições de pressão entre 8,5 e 9,5 kbar e temperaturas entre 420 e 500 °C. A rocha eclogítica evidencia uma primeira etapa de descompressão a 18 kbar, com temperaturas entre 615 e 670 °C, seguida de 10 kbar e 540 °C. Granada anfibolito que ocorre associado à rocha eclogítica mostra condições semelhantes de pico metamórfico, por volta de 20 kbar e 630 °C. Mapas composicionais de raios X em granada, das rochas de alta pressão, associados a seus perfis composicionais, mostram que as rochas eclogíticas são resultado da progressão do metamorfismo dos xistos azuis. Os porfiroblastos de granada das rochas eclogíticas constituem complexas texturas em atol, e registram as condições de pico metamórfico em suas bordas, formadas num estágio posterior ao desenvolvimento dos atóis. Estas texturas parecem indicar que a formação dos atóis na rocha eclogítica ocorreu pela liberação de fluidos, possivelmente durante uma pausa na subducção, e sua retomada culminou com a geração das bordas grossularíticas na granada. As trajetórias metamórficas das rochas de alta pressão são horárias e indicam descompressão com pequeno aquecimento associado. Os minerais dos xistos azuis registram o início da exumação nas bordas dos minerais do domínio microestrutural da foliação Sn, ao passo que os porfiroblastos de granada da rocha eclogítica indicam, no mesmo domínio microestrutural, as condições de pico metamórfico em suas bordas. Geoquimicamente os protolitos dos metabasitos de alta pressão mostram afinidade geoquímica com basaltos de fundo oceânico, transicional entre MORB e intraplaca, e ambiente tectônico de geração do magma precursor em cadeia meso-oceânica, com possível interação com pluma mantélica. Foram também identificadas rochas com alterações hidrotermais superimpostas que modificaram as composições originais dos litotipos, localizadas na continuidade de uma importante feição estrutural da ilha, a Zona de Cisalhamento Seno Arcabuz, que está possivelmente relacionada à exumação das rochas de alta pressão. / At Diego de Almagro Island, localized at Chilean Patagonia, occur high pressure metabasites which constitute, in association with meta tuffs, chloritic schists, metacherts (coticules), micaceous schists, graphite schists and quartz micaschist, a metavolcanosedimentary sequence. Relics of pillow lavas, inter pillow fine tuffs and lenses of pillow breccias, together with the geochemical data, indicate that this sequence was formed in an intra-oceanic environment. These lithotypes were transformed in blueschists and eclogitic rocks, recording a late metamorphic evolution to epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies. Their origin is attributed to a cretaceous subduction zone developed at the western margin of the Gondwana supercontinent. Thermobarometry was carried out using the software TWQ 1.02 and points to the presence of blueschists in transitional metamorphic conditions to eclogites, generated at 18 kbar and 400 °C. The eclogitic rock has a calculated metamorphic peak between 19.5 and 21kbar, and temperatures in the range of 580-650 °C. The retrograde metamorphism recorded in the blueschists occurred with pressures between 8.5 and 9.5 kbar and temperatures in the range of 420500 °C. For the eclogitic rock the first decompression points to P=18 kbar with temperatures between 615 and 670 °C, followed by metamorphic conditions of 10 kbar and 540 °C. Garnet amphibolite associated to the eclogitic rock exhibits similar metamorphic peak conditions around 20 kbar and 630 °C. Compositional X rays maps obtained in garnets of high pressure rocks, used together with their compositional profiles, show that eclogitic rocks are products of the blueschists progressive metamorphism. The garnet porphyroblasts of the eclogitic rock comprise complex atoll textures which were generated before the metamorphic peak recorded at their rims. The textures could indicate that the atolls generation occurred as a consequence of fluids release, probably achieved during a subduction cessation, and the subduction restarting was responsible for the formation of grossular rich rims. The high pressure metamorphic P-T paths are clockwise and point out a decompression in association with a little heat increasing. The blueschists minerals record the beginning of exhumation at their rims in the Sn foliation microstructural domain, whilst garnet porphyroblasts of the eclogitic rock, from the similar microstructural domain, indicate metamorphic peak at their rims. Geochemical studies, realized for the high pressure metabasites, exhibit geochemical affinity with ocean floor basalts, transitional between MORB-type and intraplate, and paleotectonic environment of mid ocean-ridge, with possible mid ocean-ridge/plume interactions during the generation of the pristine magma. Rocks overprinted by hydrothermal alterations, which modified their original compositions, were also identified and are located at the continuity of an important structural feature at the island, the Seno Arcabuz Shear Zone, that is probably related to the high pressure rocks exhumation.

Termobarometria, evolução tectono-metamórfica, e geoquímica de xistos azuis, rochas eclogíticas e litotipos associados da Ilha Diego de Almagro, Patagônia Chilena / Thermobarometry, tectonic-metamorphic evolution and geochemistry of blueschists, eclogitic rocks and associated lithotypes of Diego de Almagro Island, Chilean Patagonia

Thais Nogueira Hyppolito 20 July 2010 (has links)
Na ilha Diego de Almagro, localizada na Patagônia Chilena, ocorrem metabasitos de alta pressão que compõem, juntamente com metatufos, xistos cloríticos, metacherts (coticulitos), xistos micáceos, xistos grafitosos e quartzo micaxistos, uma seqüência metavulcanossedimentar. Relíquias de pillow lavas com tufos finos inter pillow e camadas com pillow breccias indicam, em conjunto com a composição geoquímica, que esta seqüência formou-se em ambiente oceânico. As rochas da seqüência vulcanossedimentar foram transformadas em xistos azuis e rochas eclogíticas, os quais registram ainda a evolução retrometamórfica para as fácies epidoto anfibolito e xisto verde. A gênese das rochas de alta pressão é atribuída a uma zona de subducção cretácica desenvolvida na margem oeste do supercontinente Gondwana. Os cálculos termobarométricos, realizados mediante o software TWQ 1.02, apontam para a presença de xistos azuis transicionais para eclogitos, gerados em condições de 18 kbar e 400 °C e rocha eclogítica com pico metamórfico calculado entre 19,5 e 21 kbar e 580 e 650 °C. O registro do retrometamorfismo que afetou os xistos azuis ocorreu sob condições de pressão entre 8,5 e 9,5 kbar e temperaturas entre 420 e 500 °C. A rocha eclogítica evidencia uma primeira etapa de descompressão a 18 kbar, com temperaturas entre 615 e 670 °C, seguida de 10 kbar e 540 °C. Granada anfibolito que ocorre associado à rocha eclogítica mostra condições semelhantes de pico metamórfico, por volta de 20 kbar e 630 °C. Mapas composicionais de raios X em granada, das rochas de alta pressão, associados a seus perfis composicionais, mostram que as rochas eclogíticas são resultado da progressão do metamorfismo dos xistos azuis. Os porfiroblastos de granada das rochas eclogíticas constituem complexas texturas em atol, e registram as condições de pico metamórfico em suas bordas, formadas num estágio posterior ao desenvolvimento dos atóis. Estas texturas parecem indicar que a formação dos atóis na rocha eclogítica ocorreu pela liberação de fluidos, possivelmente durante uma pausa na subducção, e sua retomada culminou com a geração das bordas grossularíticas na granada. As trajetórias metamórficas das rochas de alta pressão são horárias e indicam descompressão com pequeno aquecimento associado. Os minerais dos xistos azuis registram o início da exumação nas bordas dos minerais do domínio microestrutural da foliação Sn, ao passo que os porfiroblastos de granada da rocha eclogítica indicam, no mesmo domínio microestrutural, as condições de pico metamórfico em suas bordas. Geoquimicamente os protolitos dos metabasitos de alta pressão mostram afinidade geoquímica com basaltos de fundo oceânico, transicional entre MORB e intraplaca, e ambiente tectônico de geração do magma precursor em cadeia meso-oceânica, com possível interação com pluma mantélica. Foram também identificadas rochas com alterações hidrotermais superimpostas que modificaram as composições originais dos litotipos, localizadas na continuidade de uma importante feição estrutural da ilha, a Zona de Cisalhamento Seno Arcabuz, que está possivelmente relacionada à exumação das rochas de alta pressão. / At Diego de Almagro Island, localized at Chilean Patagonia, occur high pressure metabasites which constitute, in association with meta tuffs, chloritic schists, metacherts (coticules), micaceous schists, graphite schists and quartz micaschist, a metavolcanosedimentary sequence. Relics of pillow lavas, inter pillow fine tuffs and lenses of pillow breccias, together with the geochemical data, indicate that this sequence was formed in an intra-oceanic environment. These lithotypes were transformed in blueschists and eclogitic rocks, recording a late metamorphic evolution to epidote amphibolite and greenschist facies. Their origin is attributed to a cretaceous subduction zone developed at the western margin of the Gondwana supercontinent. Thermobarometry was carried out using the software TWQ 1.02 and points to the presence of blueschists in transitional metamorphic conditions to eclogites, generated at 18 kbar and 400 °C. The eclogitic rock has a calculated metamorphic peak between 19.5 and 21kbar, and temperatures in the range of 580-650 °C. The retrograde metamorphism recorded in the blueschists occurred with pressures between 8.5 and 9.5 kbar and temperatures in the range of 420500 °C. For the eclogitic rock the first decompression points to P=18 kbar with temperatures between 615 and 670 °C, followed by metamorphic conditions of 10 kbar and 540 °C. Garnet amphibolite associated to the eclogitic rock exhibits similar metamorphic peak conditions around 20 kbar and 630 °C. Compositional X rays maps obtained in garnets of high pressure rocks, used together with their compositional profiles, show that eclogitic rocks are products of the blueschists progressive metamorphism. The garnet porphyroblasts of the eclogitic rock comprise complex atoll textures which were generated before the metamorphic peak recorded at their rims. The textures could indicate that the atolls generation occurred as a consequence of fluids release, probably achieved during a subduction cessation, and the subduction restarting was responsible for the formation of grossular rich rims. The high pressure metamorphic P-T paths are clockwise and point out a decompression in association with a little heat increasing. The blueschists minerals record the beginning of exhumation at their rims in the Sn foliation microstructural domain, whilst garnet porphyroblasts of the eclogitic rock, from the similar microstructural domain, indicate metamorphic peak at their rims. Geochemical studies, realized for the high pressure metabasites, exhibit geochemical affinity with ocean floor basalts, transitional between MORB-type and intraplate, and paleotectonic environment of mid ocean-ridge, with possible mid ocean-ridge/plume interactions during the generation of the pristine magma. Rocks overprinted by hydrothermal alterations, which modified their original compositions, were also identified and are located at the continuity of an important structural feature at the island, the Seno Arcabuz Shear Zone, that is probably related to the high pressure rocks exhumation.

Ascension et dégazage des magmas basaltiques : application aux volcans d'Islande et de la Chaîne des Puys (France) / Ascent and degassing of basaltic magmas : case studies in Iceland and in the Chaîne des Puys (France)

Haddadi, Baptiste 04 November 2016 (has links)
En comparaison aux éruptions basaltiques effusives, les éruptions basaltiques explosives sont relativement rares et leurs propriétés physiques sont mal comprises. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier les causes à l’origine de l’explosivité des magmas basaltiques en caractérisant les produits volcaniques de l’éruption subplinienne trachybasaltique des Puys de La Vache-Lassolas (Chaîne des Puys, France) et des éruptions phréatomagmatiques et subpliniennes de magma basaltique tholéiitique du Grímsvötn (Islande). Les minéraux, verres matriciels et inclusions magmatiques (MI) ont été analysés à la microsonde électronique afin d’estimer les concentrations en éléments volatils (initiales et finales) et les pressions (P) et températures (T) de cristallisation, en utilisant la thermobarométrie basée sur l’équilibre clinopyroxène-liquide. Une étude expérimentale a été réalisée afin de mieux comprendre les limites de la thermobarométrie clinopyroxène-liquide à des pressions crustales et pendant l’ascension magmatique. Quatre éruptions de Grímsvötn ont été étudiées : deux phréatomagmatiques (celles de 1823 et 2004) et deux (sub-)pliniennes (1873 et 2011). Les éruptions subpliniennes ont des concentrations en éléments volatils plus élevées que celles des phréatomagmatiques. De plus, les premières sont également sujettes à une exsolution plus poussée du gaz dissous, ce qui se traduit par des émissions atmosphériques plus importantes. Quelle que soit l’explosivité d’une éruption du Grímsvötn, les équilibres clinopyroxène-liquide (verre matriciel ou MI) ont enregistré la même profondeur de cristallisation : ~15 km. Ceci suggère que la chambre magmatique superficielle du système magmatique du Grímsvötn puisse agir comme un réservoir dans lequel le gaz exsolvé d’un magma plus profond est stocké et accumulé entre les éruptions. La gamme de variabilité thermique des équilibres clinopyroxène-MI est plus restreinte pour les éruptions du 19ème siècle, ce qui suggère que le système magmatique du Grímsvötn était plus perméable en réponse à l’évènement volcano-tectonique du Laki (1783-84). La température moyenne des équilibres clinopyroxène-verre matriciel des quatre éruptions décroît avec le temps, suggérant que le système magmatique du Grímsvötn, dans son ensemble, est en cours de refroidissement. Les produits des Puys de La Vache-Lassolas ont enregistré une contribution magmatique plus profonde : vers 30 km. Les concentrations initiales en éléments volatils et leurs rapports sont plus proches de ceux des magmas d’arc que de tout autre contexte tectonique. Cette observation remet en question l’existence d’un point chaud sous la Chaîne des Puys. La contribution significative de magma d’origine profonde est en accord avec la cristallisation simultanée du clinopyroxène et de l’olivine. L’éruption des Puys de La Vache-Lassolas a émis 0,5 Tg de HF, 0,7 Tg de HCl et 7,3 Tg de SO2, illustrant le risque volcanique auquel est confrontée la population auvergnate. Afin de mieux contraindre les estimations pétrologiques de pression et température, une étude expérimentale au piston-cylindre a été réalisée. Elle porte sur la stabilité du clinopyroxène dans le magma tholéiitique de l’éruption 2014-15 d’Holuhraun (Islande). L’absence d’olivine dans la gamme de pression entre 0,5 et 1,0 GPa, associée à la présence de clinopyroxène indique que le clinopyroxène est la première phase au liquidus. Ceci confirme l’importance de la thermobarométrie clinopyroxène-liquide pour l’estimation des P et T de cristallisation des magmas tholéiitiques islandais. Les expériences au cours desquelles la pression a été diminuée de 1,0 à 0,5 GPa, puis maintenue constante, montrent que l’équilibre entre clinopyroxène et liquide n’est pas encore atteint après 24 heures à 0,5 GPa. Par conséquent, un temps de résidence de plusieurs jours à P et T constantes est nécessaire pour obtenir des estimations thermobarométriques fiables. / Explosive basaltic eruptions are rare compared to effusive ones and the underlying physical mechanisms are poorly understood. The goal of this thesis is to study the causes of basaltic magma explosivity by characterizing the volcanic products of the subplinian eruption of trachy-basalt at the Puys de La Vache-Lassolas complex (Chaîne des Puys, France) and of phreatomagmatic and sub-plinian eruptions of tholeiitic magma at Grímsvötn volcano (Iceland). Minerals, matrix glasses and melt inclusions (Mis) were analysed with an electron microprobe to estimate volatile concentrations (initial and final), and pressure (P) and temperature (T) of crystallization using clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometry. In addition, an experimental study was performed to better understand the limitations of clinopyroxeneliquid thermobarometry at moderate pressures and during magma ascent. Four eruptions were studied at Grímsvötn: two phreatomagmatic (AD1823 and AD2004) and two subplinian (AD1873 and AD2011). The subplinian eruptions have volatile concentrations higher than the phreatomagmatic ones, together with more efficient gas exsolution, leading to significantly higher atmospheric mass loading. Regardless of the eruptive regime, clinopyroxene-liquid (matrix glass or MI) equilibria in Grímsvötn magmas record the same depth of crystallization, namely ~15 km. This suggests that the shallow magma chamber of Grímsvötn plumbing system may only act as a reservoir in which gas exsolved from deeper origin is stored and accumulates between eruptions. The lower variability of clinopyroxene-MI equilibrium T in the 19th century eruptions, suggests important Grímsvötn magma system permeability following the Laki volcano-tectonic event end of 18th century. Average matrix glass-clinopyroxene equilibrium T decreases with time suggesting that Grímsvötn magma plumbing system as a whole may be slowly cooling over the last two centuries. Puys de La Vache-Lassolas products record a deeper magma contribution, from approximately 30 km depth. Initial volatile concentrations and ratios of the ~8.6 ka eruption are closer to those of arc magmas than to magmas from any other tectonic settings. This observation calls into a question the Chaîne des Puys hotspot hypothesis. The significant contribution of deep-derived magma is coherent with the crystallization of clinopyroxene contemporaneously with olivine. The Puys de La Vache-Lassolas eruption carried 0.5 Tg of HF, 0.7 Tg of HCl and 7.3 Tg of SO2 into the atmosphere illustrating the volcanic hazard to the Auvergne population. In order to better constrain petrological P-T estimations, a piston-cylinder experimental study of clinopyroxene stability in a tholeiitic magma (Holuhraun 2014-15, Iceland) was undertaken. The absence of olivine in the pressure range 0.5-1 GPa and the presence of clinopyroxene indicate that clinopyroxene is the first phase at the liquidus, confirming the importance of clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometers when estimating P and T of crystallization of Icelandic tholeiitic magmas. Experiments in which P was decreased from 1 to 0.5 GPa and then kept constant show that equilibrium between clinopyroxene and liquid is still not reached after 24 hours at 0.5 GPa. Thus a residence time of several days at constant P and T is required to obtain reliable thermobarometric estimates.

Arc Crust-Magma Interaction in the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone from Thermobarometry, Mineral Composition, Radiogenic Isotope and Rare Earth Element Systematics of the Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa Volcanic Complex, Chile

Holbik, Sven P 23 May 2014 (has links)
The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) is a vast and complex continental arc that has been studied extensively to provide an understanding of arc-magma genesis, the origin and chemical evolution of the continental crust, and geochemical compositions of volcanic products. The present study focuses on distinguishing the magma/sub-arc crustal interaction of eruptive products from the Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa (APP 35°15’S) volcanic center and other major centers in the Central SVZ (CSVZ 37°S - 42°S), Transitional SVZ (TSVZ 34.3-37.0°S), and Northern SVZ (NSVZ 33°S - 34°30’S). New Hf and Nd isotopic and trace element data for SVZ centers are consistent with former studies that these magmas experienced variable depths of crystal fractionation, and that crustal assimilation is restricted to the lower crustal depths with an apparent role of garnet. Thermobarometric calculations applied to magma compositions constrain the depth of magma separation from mantle sources in all segments of the SVZ to(70-90 km). Magmatic separation at the APP complex occurs at an average depth of ~50 km which is confined to the mantle lithosphere and the base of the crust suggesting localized thermal abrasion both reservoirs. Thermobarometric calculations indicate that CSVZ primary magmas arise from a similar average depth of (~54 km) which confines magma separation to the asthenospheric mantle. The northwards along-arc Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic data and LREE enrichment accompanied with HREE depletion of SVZ mafic magmas correlates well with northward increasing crustal thickness and decreasing primary melt separation from mantle source regions indicating an increased involvement of lower crustal components in SVZ magma petrogenesis. The study concludes that the development of mature subduction zones over millions of years of continuous magmatism requires that mafic arc derived melts stagnate at lower crustal levels due to density similarities and emplace at lower crustal depths. Basaltic underplating creates localized hot zone environments below major magmatic centers. These regions of high temperature/partial melting, and equilibration with underplated mafic rocks provides the mechanism that controls trace element and isotopic variability of primary magmas of the TSVZ and NSVZ from their baseline CSVZ-like precursors.

Geology and petrology of the Catface porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Vancouver Island, and linkages to the Paleogene Cascade Arc

Smith, Colin Michael 12 April 2012 (has links)
The geology, petrology and geochemistry of Catface porphyry Cu (Mo-Au) deposit, located on the west coast of Vancouver Island are examined in detail. Detailed core logging and sampling was carried out to characterize the geometry and identity of different intrusive phases and alteration styles prevalent during the emplacement and formation of the deposit, as well as their geochemical affinity. Early- and late-stage potassic alteration is identified, as well as main-stage sodic-calcic and calcic-sodic alteration. Four distinct Paleogene intrusive phases vary from quartz diorite to granodiorite in composition. The rocks are broadly calc-alkaline, weakly peraluminous to moderately metaluminous, and have typical arc geochemical affinity. The timing of emplacement and mineralization is constrained by U-Pb and Re-Os geochronology at 40.4-41.4 Ma and 40.9 ±0.2 Ma, respectively. All four Paleogene Catface intrusive phases were emplaced close in time with a direct temporal correlation to mineralization. The chalcopyrite- and pyrite-bearing miarolitic cavities in the Halo Porphyry intrusive, combined with U-Pb and Re-Os dates suggest this intrusive phase is the most likely source of mineralizing fluids. The intrusions were emplaced at depths of less four kilometers in the crust, as evidenced by the presence of miarolitic cavities and confirmed through amphibole-plagioclase thermobarometry, which record conditions of 615–700 °C and <200 MPa. The lack of primary anhydrite and hematite, and the presence of pyrrhotite in the ore system indicate a reduced magmatic-hydrothermal event. The SO3 contents in apatites are <450 ppm, indicative of a degassed and/or sulphate-free (reduced) magma. The assemblage K-feldspar-quartz-biotite-ilmenite yields oxygen fugacities (fO2) which are 0.5 to 3.0 log units below the quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM) buffer at an assumed pressure of 300 MPa; orders of magnitude more reduced than typical porphyry deposits. Parental magmas to the Catface deposit were either derived from intrinsically-reduced mantle, or more typical oxidized arc magma that was subsequently reduced during ascent and emplacement. Further isotopic work is required to determine which process contributed to the reduction of these magmas in an arc setting. Nevertheless, recognition of reduced porphyry-related magmatism on west-central Vancouver Island is of similar age to that of North Fork (~36.8-38.9 Ma) deposit in Washington suggesting a consanguinity of reduced magmatism with the Paleogene Cascade arc. / Graduate

Magma Evolution of the Cerro Bayo Laccolith in the Chachahuén Volcanic Complex, Argentina / Evolution av Cerro Bayo lakkolitens magma i vulkankomplexet Chachahuén, Argentina

Sun, Yang January 2018 (has links)
The Chachahuén volcanic complex, with the Cerro Bayo laccolith as one of the largest intrusions, is part of back-arc Payenia volcanic province in western central Argentina. Laccoliths show potential for generating oil in sedimentary basins and producing ore deposits. It is crucial to put more effort into understanding the magma plumbing system beneath the Chachahuén volcanic complex, which the Cerro Bayo laccolith is part of. Thus this project present the first thermobarometric modelling for the Cerro Bayo laccolith and the Chachahuén volcanic complex. Several thermometers and barometers were applied to plagioclase, amphibole and clinopyroxene to understand magma evolution in the underlying plumbing system. The dacitic to rhyodacitic laccolith rocks from Cerro Bayo have porphyric textures with plagioclase in the form of both clots (glomerocrysts) and single crystals, amphibole and clinopyroxene as main phenocrysts, while enclaves are more mafic in composition and have equigranular textures. Plagioclase in the sample varies from andesine to labradorite with a composition of An22-An68, while the clinopyroxene can be classified into diopside to augite with cores (Mg#=76-84) and rims (Mg#62-72). Amphibole, varies from pargasite, ferropargasite to magesiohastingsite and hastingsite, which can be grouped into three groups according to the Mg#: low Mg# amphibole (Mg# = 40-51), medium Mg# amphibole (Mg# = 52-61) and high Mg# amphibole (Mg# = 62-78). Besides, most of the Fe-Ti oxides in the samples are titanomagnetite with Usp mol.% in the range of 0.04-0.54. Results from clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometers suggest a crystallization depth of 44 to 51 km for clinopyroxene cores and a crystallization depth of 19 to 31 km for rims, of which the derived crystallization temperatures are in the range of 1144 to 1170 °C and 973 to 1002 °C respectively. On the other hand, different thermobarometers of amphibole give consistent results of crystallization temperatures and depths. According to the amphibole-liquid thermometer, low Mg# (Mg#= 40-51) amphiboles have the lowest crystallization temperature in the range of 898 to 931°C, while medium Mg# (Mg#=52-61) amphiboles have higher crystallization temperatures in the range of 951 to 972°C and high Mg# (Mg# = 62-78) amphiboles have highest crystallization temperatures between 991 and 1013°C. The depth translated from pressure derived from amphibole-liquid barometers give a shallower crystallization depth range from 19 to 30 km for low Mg# amphiboles, a deeper crystallization depth in the range of 22 to 39 km for high Mg# amphiboles and deepest crystallization depth range of 27 to 41 km for medium Mg# amphiboles. Moreover, a depth from 2 to 20 km could be gained from the plagioclase-liquid thermobarometry which crystallized at 883 to 910°C. It is worth to point out that crystallization depth of clinopyroxene cores is deeper than the Moho in the Chachahuén area, while crystallization depth and temperatures of clinopyroxene rims are consistent with those of high Mg# amphiboles. Consistent temperatures and depths are also found for crystallization of plagioclase and low Mg# amphiboles which intergrow with each other. Thus, a multi-level magma plumbing system began from below the Moho, with a mushy zone in the upper crust, could be suggested to exist beneath the Cerro Bayo laccolith. Evidence from both petrology and geochemistry also indicate fractional crystallization as well as processes of magma mixing and recharge during magma evolution. / Chachahuén火山综合体,包含其最大的侵入体Cerro Bayo岩盘,是位于阿根廷中西部Payenia弧后火山区的一部分。前人研究多着重于岩石学、地球化学和地层学方面,因而针对下伏岩浆涌升系统的研究在该地区极具前瞻性,需要投入更多工作。本文首次尝试对Chachahuén火山复合体应用温压计进行研究,针对斜长石、角闪石和单斜辉石应用了不同的温度计和压力计,以揭示下伏于Cerro Bayo岩盘的岩浆涌升系统中的岩浆演化。 来自Chachahuén火山复合体Cerro Bayo岩盘的英安质-流纹英安质火成岩具有板状-似斑状结构,其斑晶主要为单晶或聚合物形式存在的斜长石、角闪石及单斜辉石。此外,岩盘中还发现具等粒结构的酸性捕虏体的存在。样品中斜长石(An=22-68)主要成分为中长石至拉长石.单斜辉石主要为透辉石和普通辉石,常发育高镁值核部(Mg#=76-84)和低镁值环带(Mg#62-72)。角闪石主要为韭闪石、铁韭闪石、镁绿钙闪石和绿钙闪石,可根据镁值进一步划分为三个组:低镁值组(Mg# = 40-51),低镁值组(Mg# = 52-61)和高镁值组(Mg# = 62-71)。此外,样品中的钛铁氧化物重要为钛磁铁矿(Usp%=0.04-0.54)。 单斜辉石-熔体温压计的结果表明单斜辉石的核部和环带的结晶温度和深度有所差异:核部具有较高的结晶温度(1144-1170 °C)和较深的结晶深度(44-50km),而环带具有较低的结晶温度(973-1002 °C)和较浅的结晶深度(18-31 km)。与角闪石相关的不同温压计给出了类似的结晶温度和压力,其中存在的微小差异均在误差范围内。因此本文将角闪石-熔体温压计的结果作为最终结果,其显示低镁值角闪石具有较低结晶温度(898-931°C),中镁值角闪石具较高结晶温度(951-972°C),而髙镁值角闪石具最高结晶温度(991-1013°C)。角闪石的结晶深度特征有所不同:低镁值角闪石的结晶深度最浅(19-30km),髙镁值角闪石的结晶深度较深(22-39 km),反而中镁值角闪石结晶深度最深(27-41 km)。斜长石-熔体温压计给出的斜长石结晶温度和深度分别为883-910°C及1-20km。 值得一提的是单斜辉石核部的结晶深度位于研究区莫霍面之下。同时,单斜辉石的环带与髙镁值角闪石具有相似的结晶温度和深度,而斜长石及共生的低镁值角闪石具有相似的结晶温度。因此可以推测,Cerro Bayo岩盘之下,发育一个自莫霍面之下开始的多层岩浆上涌系统。而岩石学和地球化学的证据还表明在岩浆发育过程中岩浆分化结晶和岩浆重注和混合作用并存。 / En lakkolit är en grund magmaficka och en vanligt förekommande del av en vulkan, vilken kan bilda en länk mellan djupa magmatiska aktiviteter och vulkanutbrott. Forskning om kompositionen och bildandet av grunda magmafickor kan hjälpa till att öka förståelsen om geologiska faror och naturresurser. Vid Cerro Bayo exponeras en grund magmakammare vilken utgör en del av Chachahuén vulkankomplexet i Argentina. Det här projektet fokuserar på det magmatiska lagringssystemet och magmautvecklingen vid Cerro Bayo. Magmasammansättningen och magmakammarens förhållanden såsom tryck, temperatur och vattenhalt samt vattensystemets struktur är viktiga faktorer som styr magmatiska processer. För att förstå magmautvecklingen under Cerro Bayo inleddes projektet med en kompositionsanalys av bergprover och mineral. Därefter genomfördes termobarometrisk modellering för att bestämma temperatur- och tryckförhållandena för kristalliseringen av mineraler i det magmatiska systemet. Resultaten av modelleringen tyder på att ett magmatiskt rörsystem av flera nivåer existerar under Cerro Bayo lakkoliten. Det djupaste magmamagasinet ligger på 44-50 km och når upp till 22-41 km i nedre jordskorpan, medan de grunda reservoarerna av magma ligger på ett djup av 2-20 km i övre jordskorpan som slutligen når den grunda magmafickan. Vidare indikerar analysen av mineralstruktur och mineralkemi processer av fraktionerad kristallisering samt påfyllning och blandning av magma under magmautvecklingen. Magman genomgick fraktionerad kristallisering under rörelser uppåt från de djupaste magmakammarna. Magmans temperatur varierar från högre än 1100 ° C till ~ 900 ° C. Ansamlingar av magma fortsatte att fylla på magmamagasin i nedre och övre jordskorpan. Blandning av magma inträffade när en ansamling varmare magma rörde sig från nedre till övre jordskorpreservoarer och påverkade såväl migrering av magma som placeringen av Cerro Bayo lakkoliten

Structure et métamorphisme de la klippe de Jaljala (Népal Central), implications sur les modèles de formation de l'Himalaya / Structure and metamorphism of the Jaljala klippe (Central Nepal), implications on the Himalaya formation model

Aubray, Alexandre 29 September 2017 (has links)
La chaîne himalayenne constitue le paradigme actuel des chaînes de collision. Cependant, les processus de formation de cette chaîne sont toujours en discussion. Bien que fondamentales pour comprendre la formation de la chaine, les klippes de Haut Himalaya Cristallin (HHC) sont paradoxalement assez peu intégrées dans les différents modèles. Dans la klippe de Jaljala (Centre – Ouest Népal) la combinaison d’études structurales pétrographiques et géochronologiques (40Ar/39Ar) ont permis de caractériser près du front de l’Himalaya la géométrie et la cinématique du Main Central Thrust (MCT) et d'une zone de cisaillement top vers le nord : la zone de cisaillement de Jaljala, failles qui encadrent le HHC. Les résultats montrent que le MCT et la zone de cisaillement de Jaljala ont été replissés et que le que la zone de cisaillement de Jaljala est proche du MCT au nord de la klippe. Une faille normale intra – séquences téthysiennes (TH) a été découverte, faille interprétée comme étant la zone de cisaillement de Jaljala sur le flanc sud de la klippe. Les données pétrographiques montrent une augmentation progressive de la température entre 350 et 550 °C au travers du MCT dans le Haut Himalaya Cristallin alors qu’elle atteint plus de 650 °C au Nord dans les zones internes. Les pseudosections montrent que ce pic de température est atteint après un échauffement isobare à desvaleurs de pression variant entre 7 à 9 kbars. Les âges 40Ar/39Ar sur micas montrent trois populations : environ 20, environ 40 et environ 100 Ma dans le HHC et dans les séquences téthysiennes. Deux hypothèses peuvent être proposées : soit l’exhumation est marquée par les âges à 40 Ma ce qui représente une date relativement ancienne pour l’exhumation du Haut Himalaya Cristallin au front de la chaîne, soit elle est datée à 20 Ma ce qui représente des âges plus communs d’exhumation sur le MCT et sous le STD (South Tibetan Detachment). La nature des roches observées, leurs déformations ainsi que les corrélations avec les résultats des autres klippes montrent que la zone de cisaillement de Jaljala ne peut être connecté au STD des zones internes. Le MCT et le STD ne peuvent se rejoindre en profondeur au front de la klippe ce qui exclut le modèle de prisme tectonique. Enfin la continuité des pressions et températures des zones internes avec les roches de la klippe va à l’encontre du modèle de fluage de croûte chenalisée puisqu’il n’y a pas de fusion partielle dans la klippe de Jaljala. Les structures, les conditions métamorphiques et les âges seraient plutôt compatibles avec la formation d’un duplex de Haut Himalaya Cristallin dont la géométrie est cependant mal contrainte et qui nécessiterait de présenter un système de plat – rampe frontal pour transférer les écailles les plus internes sur le front de la chaîne et ainsi former les klippes comme la klippe de Jaljala qui seront ensuite isolées de la zone interne par la formation d’un duplex Moyen Himalaya. / The Himalayan belt is the actual paradigm of collision mountain belt. However, formation model remains still under discussion. Even fundamental to understand the belt formation, the High Himalaya Cristalline (HHC) klippen are poorly integrated to the different existing models. In the Jaljala klippe (Western Central Nepal) a combination of structural, petrographic and geochronological (40Ar/39Ar) studies have allowed to caracterise close to the Himalaya front, the Main Central Thrust (MCT) and a top - to - the North shear zone : the Jaljala shear zone geometry and kinematics, faults that bordered the HHC. Results show that the MCT and the Jaljala shear zone have been refolded and the Jaljala shear zone is close to the MCT in the North of the klippe. An intra téthyan sequences (TH) have been discovered and interpreted as the Jaljala shear zone in the southern flank of the klippe. Petrographic datas show a progressive augmentation of temperature between 350 and 550 ° C cross to the MCT in High Himalaya Cristalline instead of 650 °C in the internal zones. Pseudosections show this temperature peak is achieved after an isobaric warming at pressure varying between 7 and 9 bars. 40Ar/39Ar ages on micas show three ages populations : about 20, about 40 and about 100 Myrs in the HHC and in Tethyan sequences. Two hypothesis can be proposed : on the one hand, the exhumation can be testified by 40 Myrs ages which represent an ancient age for the High Himalaya Crystalline in the front belt, on the other hand, it is dated at 20 Myrs which represent more commons ages for exhumation on MCT and under STD (South Tibetan Detachment). Rock lithology and their deformations and correlations with results for other klippen show that the STD in the Jaljala klippe cannot be connected width the STD in internal zones. The MCT and the STD cannot converge in depth at the front that excluded the tectonic wedge model. Finally, the pressures and temperature continuities in internal zones and with the klippe rocks excluded the channel flow model because partial melting is absent in the Jaljala klippe. Structures, metamorphic conditions and ages are more compatible with High Himalaya Crystalline duplex formation whose geometry is still poorly constrained and which necessitate a frontal flat - ramp system to transfer crustal nape on the front of the belt and then to form klippe as the Jaljala klippe that will then isolated from internal zones by Lesser Himalaya duplex formation.

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