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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle de différents compartiments microbiens (biofilms, matières en suspension, sédiments de surface) et de leurs constituants (bactéries, polymères extracellulaires et biominéraux) sur la méthylation et la réduction de HgII / Role of different microbial compartments (biofilms, suspended matters, surface sediment) and some of them components (bacterial cells, extracellular polymeric substances and biominerals) on HgII methylation and reduction

Remy, Paul-Philippe 01 July 2015 (has links)
La formation de méthylmercure, la forme la plus toxique du mercure, est due à l’activité bactérienne anaérobie. Afin de connaître la contribution des compartiments microbiens (biofilms, eaux brutes, sédiments) dans la méthylation du mercure, nous avons évalué les vitesses de méthylation d’échantillons de mares de région tempérée (Lorraine) et subarctique (Québec, Canada). Si les bactéries des biofilms ne semblent pas plus méthylantes que d’autres, le sédiment apparait comme le compartiment le plus méthylant en lien avec la concentration en nutriments ainsi qu’avec la température. Ainsi, les changements climatiques actuels, en augmentant la température de l’eau et en favorisant l’activité biologique, peuvent faire de ces mares des sites préférentiels de la méthylation du mercure en milieu subarctique. Enfin, l’activité des biofilms a mené à la formation de rouille verte, un minéral capable de réduire HgII en mercure élémentaire, concurrençant ainsi la méthylation bactérienne / Monomethylmercury formation, the neurotoxic form of mercury, is mainly linked to anaerobic microbial activity. In order to assess the relative contribution of several microbial compartments (biofilms, raw water and sediment) we evaluated methylation of samples from ponds of temperate area (Lorraine, France) and from subarctic ponds (Nunavik, Quebec). Biofilms were not found to specifically promote mercury methylation, whereas sediment emerges as the main compartment involved in mercury methylation. The formation of methylmercury is positively linked to the temperature and to nutrients. Thus, by increasing the open water period, the water temperature and of the microbial activity, current climate changes may turn these ponds in preferential location for mercury methylation in the subarctic ecosystem. Finally, the reactivity of green rust, a mineral which can be produced by bacterial activity of environmental biofilms, may compete with mercury methylation by reducing HgII into Hg0

Interaction entre la dégradation accélérée du pergélisol discontinu et l'organisation du réseau de drainage, Québec subarctique

Larouche, Marie-Ève 17 April 2018 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la participation des processus hydrologiques dans le régime thermique et la dégradation du pergélisol. L'eau emmagasinée dans les lacs de thermokarst est une source importante de chaleur qui accélère la dégradation du pergélisol. Les buttes cryogènes encore présentes dans l'environnement peuvent empêcher le réseau de drainage de se développer normalement. L'élaboration d'un modèle numérique bidimensionnel permet de simuler le développement rapide d'un talik occasionné par une mare de thermokarst adjacente à une butte cryogène. En raison de l'importante modification de la macrostructure d'un sol fin riche en glace au moment de la fusion, l'infiltration d'eau est susceptible de devenir une variable thermiquement importante. L'application d'un terme source qui évalue différentes valeurs de conductivité hydraulique du pergélisol en fusion au contact d'une mare permet d'estimer dans quelle mesure ce processus encore peu observé ou testé en laboratoire pourrait contribuer à la fonte accélérée du pergélisol.

Érosion du pergélisol, transport fluvial et sédimentation marine, côte est de la baie d'Hudson, Nunavik, Canada

Jolivel, Maxime 20 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude du système érosion-transport-sédimentation en milieu de thermokarst dans un contexte de réchauffement climatique. La zone d’étude comprend le bassin versant de la rivière Sheldrake, 5 km au nord du village Umiujaq au Nunavik, ainsi qu’une zone de 15 km2 au large de son embouchure, dans le Passage de Nastapoka, en baie d’Hudson. Trois axes majeurs sont considérés: 1- l’étude des conditions de pergélisol et l’estimation quantitative des masses et volumes de sédiments et de carbone érodés à l’échelle du bassin versant ; 2- la mesure du régime hydrologique et sédimentaire du principal vecteur de transport, la rivière Sheldrake ; 3- la bathymétrie, la sédimentologie et la mesure des apports sédimentaires et organiques dans le milieu marin côtier au large de l’embouchure de la rivière. Dans le bassin versant de la rivière Sheldrake, le pergélisol s’est considérablement dégradé au cours des 50 dernières années, particulièrement dans la toundra forestière. La subsidence des lithalses, des palses, des plateaux de pergélisol et des plateaux palsiques engendre la formation de mares de thermokarst. De nombreux glissements de terrain et des ravins d’érosion sont également actifs et favorisent le rejet de sédiments dans le réseau fluvial. Avec la dégradation du pergélisol, la connectivité hydrologique augmente, ce qui facilite l’évacuation des sédiments et du carbone via le cours d’eau principal. Dans cet environnement thermokarstique, la charge sédimentaire fluviale en suspension est plus importante en été alors que les températures élevées de l’air commandent le dégel des sols, favorisant l’activation des ostioles et le déclenchement des glissements de terrain. Les pluies estivales permettent le transport et l’évacuation des sédiments en baie d’Hudson. Parvenus en mer, les sédiments et le carbone transportés en suspension subissent une forte dispersion à cause de l’intensité des courants marins du Passage de Nastapoka. Il en résulte l’absence d’une augmentation mesurable du taux de sédimentation. En revanche, la composition isotopique du carbone sédimentaire montre que la fraction terrigène a augmenté depuis le Petit Âge Glaciaire et que ce phénomène s’est considérablement accéléré vers la fin du 20ème siècle. Il est suggéré que la dégradation du pergélisol contribue à cette augmentation, quoique ce ne soit pas le seul facteur qu’on puisse invoquer. / This thesis studies the system erosion-transport-sedimentation in a thermokastic area, in a context of warming climate. The study area encompasses the catchment of the Sheldrake River, 5 km north of the village Umiujaq, Nunavik, and a 15 km2 area off its mouth, in the Nastapoka Sound, in Hudson Bay. Three main axes are considered: 1- study of permafrost conditions and quantitative estimate of the volumes and masses of eroded sediment and organic carbon at the scale of the catchment; 2- measurements of the hydrological and sedimentary regime of the main vector of transport, the Sheldrake River; 3- bathymetry, sedimentology and measurements of mineral and organic inputs in the coastal marine environment, off the river mouth. In the Sheldrake River catchment, permafrost has considerably degraded during the last 50 years, particularly in the forested tundra. Subsidence of lithalsas, palsas, permafrost plateaus and peat plateaus leads to the formation of thermokarst ponds. Many landslides and erosion gullies are also active and favor inputs of sediments in the fluvial network. Because of permafrost decay, hydrological connectivity increases, facilitating evacuation of sediment and carbon through the river. In this thermokarstic environment, the fluvial sedimentary load in suspension is more important during summer when high air temperatures provoke soils thawing, favoring frostboils activation and triggering of landslides. Summer rainfalls allow sediment transport and evacuation in Hudson Bay. Once in the sea, the sediments and carbon in suspension are dispersed because of the intensity of the marine currents in the Nastapoka Sounds. This results in an absence of a measurable increase of sedimentation rates. However, the isotopic composition of sedimentary carbon shows that the terrestrial fraction has increased since the Little Ice Age and that this trend has significantly accelerated since the end of the 20th century. It is suggested that permafrost decay contributes to this increase, although it is not the only proposed source.

The Effects of Retrogressive Thaw Slump Development on Persistent Organic Pollutants in Lake Sediments of the Mackenzie River Delta Uplands, NT, Canada

Eickmeyer, David 03 September 2013 (has links)
Using a comparative spatial and temporal analysis on sediment cores from 8 lakes in the Mackenzie River Delta uplands region, NT, Canada, this study assessed how persistent organic pollutant (POP) deposition to lake sediments was affected by: (1) the presence of retrogressive thaw slumps on lake shores; and (2) changes occurring with increased autochthonous primary productivity. POPs examined included polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), penta- and hexachlorobenzenes (CBzs), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and metabolites (DDTs). Surface sediments of slump-affected lakes contained higher total organic carbon (TOC)-normalized POP concentrations than nearby reference lakes unaffected by thaw slumps. Inorganic sedimentation rates were positively related to contaminant concentrations, suggesting that the influx of siliciclastic material reducing organic carbon in slump-affected lake water indirectly results in higher concentrations of POPs on sedimentary organic matter. This explanation was corroborated by an inverse relationship between sedimentary POP concentrations and TOC content of the lake water. Deposition proxies of autochthonous carbon were not significantly correlated to POP fluxes of surface sediments, and historical profile fluctuations did not coincide with variation in POP deposition. Thus this study does not support the contention that algal-derived organic carbon increases the delivery of organic pollutants to sediments (the algal-scavenging hypothesis), as previously proposed for mercury. Higher POP concentrations observed in surface sediments of slump-affected lakes are best explained by simple solvent switching processes of hydrophobic contaminants onto a lower pool of available organic carbon when compared to neighbouring lakes unaffected by thaw slump development.

The Effects of Retrogressive Thaw Slump Development on Persistent Organic Pollutants in Lake Sediments of the Mackenzie River Delta Uplands, NT, Canada

Eickmeyer, David January 2013 (has links)
Using a comparative spatial and temporal analysis on sediment cores from 8 lakes in the Mackenzie River Delta uplands region, NT, Canada, this study assessed how persistent organic pollutant (POP) deposition to lake sediments was affected by: (1) the presence of retrogressive thaw slumps on lake shores; and (2) changes occurring with increased autochthonous primary productivity. POPs examined included polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), penta- and hexachlorobenzenes (CBzs), and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and metabolites (DDTs). Surface sediments of slump-affected lakes contained higher total organic carbon (TOC)-normalized POP concentrations than nearby reference lakes unaffected by thaw slumps. Inorganic sedimentation rates were positively related to contaminant concentrations, suggesting that the influx of siliciclastic material reducing organic carbon in slump-affected lake water indirectly results in higher concentrations of POPs on sedimentary organic matter. This explanation was corroborated by an inverse relationship between sedimentary POP concentrations and TOC content of the lake water. Deposition proxies of autochthonous carbon were not significantly correlated to POP fluxes of surface sediments, and historical profile fluctuations did not coincide with variation in POP deposition. Thus this study does not support the contention that algal-derived organic carbon increases the delivery of organic pollutants to sediments (the algal-scavenging hypothesis), as previously proposed for mercury. Higher POP concentrations observed in surface sediments of slump-affected lakes are best explained by simple solvent switching processes of hydrophobic contaminants onto a lower pool of available organic carbon when compared to neighbouring lakes unaffected by thaw slump development.

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