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Gold mining in a tropical rainforest: Mercury sorption to soils in the mining region of Arakaka-Mathew's Ridge, GuyanaHoward, Joniqua A'ja 01 June 2006 (has links)
Gold mining by artisinal (small-medium scale) miners causes an immense amount of damage to the environment (i.e. soil erosion, mobilization of heavy metals, etc.).1, 2 One of the most popular gold mining techniques employed by artisinal miners in Guyana is mercury amalgamation. During the amalgamation process approximately 300 metric tons/yr 11, 12 of mercury is used. Mercury once in the environment can be transported through the air, soil, and water column. It is estimated that 90-99% of total mercury (THg) is associated with the sediment. An understanding of the geochemical conditions that affect the fate of mercury in soils, which can act as potential sinks or sources for mercury, can provide solutions for reduced environmental impacts of mercury contamination. Local Guyanese agencies have become concerned with the quality of the water, soil, biota, and human impact in remote locations in the interior of Guyana.
Therefore, soil samples were collected from two local mines in Guyana's Arakaka-Mathew's Ridge area. Two soil samples (Pakera Creek and Philip's Mine) and a commercially available iron-oxide sorbent, Kemiron, underwent CVAAS, BET surface area analysis, electron dispersion spectroscopy, and x-ray diffractometry. THg concentrations for recovered soil samples were approximately 300 ng/kg. In addition, samples were subjected to batch equilibrium sorption studies as a function of pH and mercury species/concentration added as Hg(NO3)2 and HgCl2. All samples showed significant amounts of sorption between pH 3-9 for 100-1,000 ppb Hg added as Hg(NO3)2. When HgCl2.was added to the batch reactor containing Kemiron, an iron-oxide surface, the adsorption behavior of Hg2+ decreased. Philip's Mine solids, characterized as silicon dioxide by BET, had the lowest surface area (4 m2/g) and sorption when added as Hg(NO3)2 and HgCl2.
On the other hand, Kemiron and Pakera Creek displayed similar sorption behaviors with high sorption across all pH ranges. This may be due to similar chemistry and larger surface areas. Surface loadings were 200 mg/kg and 2,000 mg/kg for experiments with 100 ppb Hg and 1,000 ppb Hg, respectively. Further analysis is required to identify the binding mechanisms between mercury and samples as well as the role of organic matter content on samples.
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Comparison of greenhouse gas mitigation costs in cropping systems: case studies from USA, Brazil, and GermanyTudela Staub, Daniel Felipe 10 January 2024 (has links)
Stickstoffdüngung und Bodenbewirtschaftung sind die Hauptquellen für Treibhausgase aus Anbausystemen. Dennoch sind diese Maßnahmen in Ackerbaubetrieben unerlässlich. In Anbetracht der Notwendigkeit, rasch Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel zu ergreifen, ist es notwendig Minderungspotentiale und Kosten in diesen Betrieben zu ermitteln und vergleichen. Es wurden Fallstudien in den USA, in Brasilien und in Deutschland durchgeführt, wobei jeweils eine Kultur in jeder Region untersucht wurde. Wissenschaftliche Literatur und Fokusgruppen mit lokalen Experten wurden genutzt, um realistische Ergebnisse zu generieren, die den lokalen Kontext abbilden.
Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Minderungsstrategien von dem betrachteten Zeithorizont abhängt, der sich aus der Kohlenstoffdynamik im Boden ergibt. Kurzfristig bieten Strategien, die die Kohlenstoffbindung fördern, ein größeres Minderungspotenzial, was jedoch langfristig nicht zutrifft.
Kurzfristig wurden in Brasilien und den USA die geringsten Minderungskosten durch die Optimierung der Stickstoffdüngung erreicht. Diese Kosten sind negativ, was bedeutet, dass die Anwendung dieser Strategien, nicht nur ihre Emissionen, sondern auch ihre Kosten senken würden. Weitere kosteneffiziente Strategien waren die Verringerung der Bodenbearbeitungsintensität und Zwischenfrüchte, die in allen Fällen mit vergleichbaren Minderungskosten durchführbar waren und die Kohlenstoffbindung fördern. Der Einsatz von Hemmstoffen schließlich, der in den USA und in Brasilien möglich war, hatte die höchsten Minderungskosten. Langfristig betrachtet stiegen die Minderungskosten von Strategien mit Kohlenstoffbindung an und waren ähnlich hoch oder höher als bei Strategien ohne Kohlenstoffbindung.
Da in allen Fällen dieselbe Methodik angewandt wurde, sind die Ergebnisse vergleichbar. Darüber hinaus sind die Ergebnisse zwar spezifisch für den Kontext, in dem sie berechnet wurden, sie liefern jedoch Erkenntnisse für ähnliche Regionen. / Nitrogen fertilization and soil management are the main sources of greenhouse gases from cropping systems. Yet these operations are essential on arable farms. Considering the need to take quick action against climate change, it is necessary to understand which mitigation potentials and cost can be attained in these farms and how they compare. Case studies in the USA, Brazil and in Germany were conducted, assessing one crop in each region. Scientific literature and focus groups with local experts were used to generate realistic results which depict the local context.
This thesis identified that the economics of the mitigation strategies depended on the time horizon considered, which results from the carbon dynamics in the soil. In the short term, strategies promoting carbon sequestration offer a larger mitigation potential, yet this is not valid in the long term.
In the short term, the lowest mitigation costs were attained by optimizing the nitrogen rate, feasible in the USA and Brazil. These costs are indicated to be negative, implying that adopting the strategy would not only lower emissions, but also reduce their costs. The next most cost efficient strategies were the reduction of the tillage intensity and cover crops, which were feasible in all cases with comparable mitigation costs and promote carbon sequestration. Lastly, the adoption of inhibitors, feasible in the USA and in Brazil, had among the highest mitigation costs. Assuming the long term, the mitigation costs of strategies with carbon sequestration increased, becoming similar to or higher than strategies without carbon sequestration.
By applying the same methodology in each case, the results are comparable. Moreover, while the findings are specific to the context in which they were calculated, they provide insights for similar regions.
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Gravitational Microlensing: GPU-based Simulation Algorithms and the Information Content of Light Curves / Der Mikrogravitationslinseneffekt: GPU-basierte Simulationsalgorithmen und der Informationsgehalt von LichtkurvenHundertmark, Markus Peter Gerhard 20 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact of lightning on evolution, structure and function of bacterial communities / Impact de la foudre sur l'évolution; la structure et la fonction des communautés bactériennesBlanchard, Laurine 30 September 2013 (has links)
Pour diversifier leur matériel génétique, s’adapter aux perturbations environnementales et coloniser de nouvelles niches, les bactéries utilisent plusieurs processus évolutifs dont l’acquisition de matériel génétique par transfert horizontal de gènes comme la conjugaison, la transduction et la transformation. À ces trois mécanismes naturels s’ajoute l’électrotransformation due aux phénomènes électriques liés à la décharge de foudre. La présence dans les nuages de bactéries aérosolisées capables de former des noyaux de glace à l’origine des précipitations et impliquées dans le déclenchement de la foudre, telles que la bactérie phytopathogène à répartition mondiale Pseudomonas syringae, nous a conduit à proposer que l’électrotransformation naturelle dans les nuages pouvait affecter les bactéries, contribuant ainsi à augmenter leur potentiel adaptatif. Dans un premier temps, nous avons déterminé si la bactérie glaçogène P. syringae pouvait survivre à des électroporations simulant des décharges de foudre et acquérir du matériel génétique exogène dans les nuages. Comparée à deux autres bactéries, P. syringae se révèle être mieux adaptée pour la survie et l’électrotransformation génétique, ce qui suggère qu’elle serait capable de survivre et d’évoluer durant son transport dans les nuages. Nous avons ensuite évalué l’impact d’électroporations simulant les décharges de foudre sur la survie, le potentiel d’électrotransformation et la diversité de bactéries présentes dans des échantillons de pluie comme substitut des communautés bactériennes des nuages. Ces dernières étaient plus résistantes que les souches de laboratoire et certaines étaient capables d’acquérir de l’ADN exogène par électrotransformation. Les bactéries de la pluie isolées provenaient de différentes origines et présentaient différents modes de vie, représentatifs des sources probables d’émissions de bactéries terrestres. Cette étude montre que les bactéries aérosolisées de divers écosystèmes terrestres sont susceptibles de se disséminer dans de nouveaux habitats grâce aux nuages tout en étant capable d’acquérir de nouveaux gènes par éléctrotransformation, et d’augmenter ainsi potentiellement leur diversité génétique. La dernière partie de mon travail a évalué si l’électrotransformation appliquée aux bactéries indigènes du sol pouvait être employée pour dépolluer les sols contaminés par un pesticide largement utilisé autrefois, le lindane. L’optimisation des expériences met en évidence l’incorporation par les bactéries indigènes d’un plasmide contenant le gène codant les premières déchlorinations du lindane au travers d’une combinaison de transformation naturelle et d’électrotransformation. En conclusion, nous avons montré que l’électrotransformation naturelle liée aux décharges électriques, comme celles se produisant dans les nuages ou atteignant le sol, peut être impliquée dans le transfert horizontal de gènes chez les bactéries et, considérant l’importance de la foudre à travers le monde, pourrait jouer un rôle dans l’adaptation et l’évolution de ces organismes. / To diversify their genetic material, allowing adaptation to environmental disturbances and colonization of new ecological niches, bacteria use various evolutionary processes, including the acquisition of new genetic material by horizontal transfer mechanisms such as conjugation, transduction and transformation. Electrotransformation mediated by lightningrelated electrical phenomena may constitute an additional gene transfer mechanism occurring in nature. The presence in clouds of bacteria capable of forming ice nuclei that lead to precipitations and are involved in the triggering of lightning, such as the global phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae, led us to postulate that natural electrotransformation in clouds may affect bacteria, by contributing to increase their adaptive potential. We first determined if the ice nucleator bacterium P. syringae could survive when in clouds and acquire exogenous genetic material through lightning shock-simulating in vitro electroporation. In comparison to two other bacteria, P. syringae appears to be best adapted for survival and for genetic electrotransformation under these conditions, which suggests that this bacterium would be able to survive and evolve whilst being transported in clouds. Secondly, we evaluated the impact of lightning shock-simulating in vitro electroporation on the survival, the electrotransformation potential and the diversity of bacteria collected from rain samples. These isolates better resisted lightning than the laboratory strains and some were able to electrotransform exogenous DNA. The rain bacteria we isolated were of different origins and were representative of life modes of the various sources of bacterial emissions on Earth. Our study suggests that bacteria aerosolized from diverse terrestrial ecosystems can spread to new habitats through clouds whilst also being able to acquire new genetic material via lightning-based electrotransformation, thereby potentially enhancing their genetic diversity. The final part of our work consisted of evaluating whether electrotransformation could be applied to the engineering of indigenous soil bacteria in order to develop a tool for the bioremediation of lindane, a once widely used pesticide. Optimized experiments revealed that both natural and electrotransformation contributed to the incorporation of a plasmid harboring a gene encoding the first lindane dechlorination steps by indigenous soil bacteria. In conclusion, we showed that natural electrotransformation mediated by electrical discharges such as those occurring in clouds or reaching soils can be involved in the horizontal gene transfer process among bacteria and, considering the importance of lightning worldwide, may play a role in the adaptation and evolution of these organisms.
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Greenhouse gas mitigation through healthy diets: Technical and political potentialsZech, Konstantin M. 20 December 2017 (has links)
Agriculture causes large parts of global Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), with livestock contributing the greatest share. Livestock-based foods are thus associated to higher GHGE than plant-based foods. Additionally, they are harmful to health when consumed in excess. The focus of this work lies on determining the potential to reduce agricultural GHGE when healthy diets and lower meat intakes were adopted in the EU. lt is also examined how much feed crops and pastures would become available for the production of biofuels. An emission tax and an emission trading system are also examined. To assess the complex interactions in the agricultural sector, a modified version of the European Forest and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model (EUFASOM) is used.
The results show that a halved meat intake could reduce agricultural GHGE by a quarter and biofuel production could increase eightfold. The political instruments lack effectiveness though. The GHG tax has a low impact on nutrition and roughly 50% emission leakage. Emission trading has only a moderate effect on nutrition and over 100% emission leakage.:1 Introduction
2 Goal and scope definition
3 Methodology
3.1 Overview
3.2 Spatial resolution
3.3 Products under consideration
3.4 Base data
3.4.1 Base quantities
3.4.2 Base prices
3.4.3 Base areas
3.4.4 Demand elasticities
3.5 Production processes
3.5.1 Crop production
3.5.2 Pasture production
3.5.3 Plant oil production
3.5.4 Biofuel production
3.5.5 Sugar production
3.5.6 Livestock production
3.6 EUFASOM – Theoretical foundation
3.7 EUFASOM – Demand and supply functions
3.8 EUFASOM – Model description
3.8.1 Objective function
3.8.2 Identity and convexity constraints
3.8.3 Product balance
3.8.4 Land use restrictions
3.8.5 Nitrogen balance
3.8.6 Further accounting equations
3.9 Calibration
3.10 Integration of scenarios
4 Scenarios and results
4.1 Scenario 1: Technical potential of healthy diets
4.1.1 What are healthy diets?
4.1.2 Implementation of healthy diets
4.1.3 Scenario 1.1: Healthy diets with constant calorie intake
4.1.4 Scenario 1.2: Healthy diets with restricted calorie intake
4.1.5 Scenario 1.3: Healthy diets with restricted ruminant meat intake
4.1.6 Discussion on the potentials of healthy diets
4.2 Scenario 2: Greenhouse gas emission taxes
4.3 Scenario 3: Redistribution of emissions taxes as biofuel subsidy
4.4 Scenario 4: Emissions trading scheme for agriculture
4.4.1 Scenario 4.1: GHGE-cap on agricultural production
4.4.2 Scenario 4.2: Combined GHGE-cap on agricultural production and net-imports
4.4.3 Scenario 4.3: GHGE-cap on agricultural production and generation of allowances through producing biofuels
4.4.4 Scenario 4.4: GHGE-cap on agricultural production and imports and generation of allowances through producing biofuels
4.4.5 Discussion on ETS
5 Summary and conclusion
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
Annex 1 Base Solution
Annex 2 Process parameters and associated information
Annex 3 Lists of model variables, process parameters, equations and sets
Annex 4 Demand elasticities
Annex 5 Derivation of specific energy and protein demand of livestock
Annex 6 Further assumptions for the livestock sectors
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Economics of nitrogen fertilization: Site-specific application, risk implications, and greenhouse gas emissionsKaratay, Yusuf Nadi 18 February 2020 (has links)
In Anbetracht des Kompromisses zwischen der Erzielung des höchsten Gewinns und der geringsten Umweltbelastung ist ein tiefes Verständnis der ökonomischen Folgen der Stickstoff (N) Düngung erforderlich. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit liefert umfassende Einblicke in (i) die Auswirkungen des standortspezifischen N-Managements (SSNM) auf die Rentabilität und Risikominderung, (ii) die Auswirkungen von Unsicherheiten und Risikoeinflüssen auf optimale N-Düngergaben und (iii) das Potenzial und die Kosten der Vermeidung von Treibhausgas (THG) Emissionen durch N-Düngereduktion. Ein Modellierungsansatz wurde entwickelt, um die Wirkung von Ertrag und Proteingehalt, Wirtschafts- und Risikoauswirkungen sowie THG-Emissionen auf die N-Düngung zu simulieren. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen, dass SSNM die Wirtschaftlichkeit verbessert, indem es eine höhere Weizenqualität und damit Preisprämien erzielt. SSNM reduziert das Risiko, die Backqualität nicht zu erreichen, und es gibt keine wesentlichen Nachteile beim Verlustrisikomanagement im Vergleich zum einheitlichen Management. Preisprämien für eine höhere Weizenqualität bieten Anreize für höhere N-Düngergaben. Prämien verflachen die Gewinnfunktion weiter, was unzureichende Argumente für eine Absenkung des N-Inputs aus der Wirtschaftlichkeitssicht liefert, selbst bei einer hohen Risikoaversion der Landwirte. Eine moderate Reduzierung der mineralischen N-Düngung kann die THG-Emissionen bei moderaten Opportunitätskosten mindern. Die THG-Vermeidung durch N-Düngereduktion in einer bestimmten Region kann unter Berücksichtigung kultur- und ertragszonenspezifischer Ertragswirkungen optimiert werden. Insgesamt liefert diese Arbeit wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Chancen und Nachteile der Anpassung der N-Düngergaben. Darüber hinaus leistet sie einen direkten Beitrag zur Identifizierung von kosten- und risikoeffizienten N-Managementoptionen und bildet die Grundlage für effektive politische Ansätze zur THG-Vermeidung durch selektive N-Düngereduktion. / Considering the tradeoff between achieving the highest profit and causing the lowest environmental impact, there is a need for a profound understanding of the economic consequences of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application. The present doctoral research provides comprehensive insights into (i) effects of site-specific N management (SSNM) on profitability and risk mitigation; (ii) impacts of uncertainties and risk implications on optimal N fertilizer rates; and (iii) potential and costs of mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by N fertilizer reduction. A modelling approach was developed to simulate the response of yield, protein, economic and risk implications, and GHG emissions to N fertilizer application. Findings of the thesis show that SSNM improves profitability by achieving higher grain quality, thus, price premiums. SSNM reduces the risk of not reaching the baking grain quality and poses no considerable disadvantage on downside risk management compared to uniform management. Price premiums for higher wheat quality provide incentives for higher N input rates. Premiums further flatten the profit function, giving insufficient arguments for lowering N input from a farm profitability perspective, even in presence of high risk aversion of farmers. Moderate reduction of mineral N fertilizer can mitigate GHG emissions at moderate opportunity costs. GHG mitigation by N fertilizer reduction in a given region can be optimized considering crop and yield-zone-specific yield responses. Overall, this thesis provides important insights on chances and drawbacks of adjusting N fertilizer rates. Moreover, it makes a direct contribution in identifying cost- and risk-efficient N management options and provides a basis for effective policy approaches to reduce GHG emissions by selective N fertilizer reduction.
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