Spelling suggestions: "subject:"than layer"" "subject:"then layer""
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Robust thin layer coal thickness estimation using ground penetrating radarStrange, Andrew Darren January 2007 (has links)
One of the most significant goals in coal mining technology research is the automation of underground coal mining machinery. A current challenge with automating underground coal mining machinery is measuring and maintaining a coal mining horizon. The coal mining horizon is the horizontal path the machinery follows through the undulating coal seam during the mining operation. A typical mining practice is to leave a thin remnant of coal unmined in order to maintain geological stability of the cutting face. If the remnant layer is too thick, resources are wasted as the unmined coal is permanently unrecoverable. If the remnant layer is too thin, the product is diluted by mining into the overburden and there is an increased risk of premature roof fall which increases danger. The main challenge therefore is to develop a robust sensing method to estimate the thickness of thin remant coal layers. This dissertation addresses this challenge by presenting a pattern recognition methodology to estimate thin remnant coal layer thickness using ground penetrating radar (GPR). The approach is based upon a novel feature vector, derived from the bispectrum, that is used to characterise the early-time segment of 1D GPR data. The early-time segment is dominated by clutter inherent in GPR systems such as antenna crosstalk, ringdown and ground-bounce. It is common practice to either time-gate the signal, disregard the clutter by rendering the early-time segment unusable, or configure the GPR equipment to minimise the clutter effects which in turn reduces probing range. Disregarding the early-time signal essentially imposes a lower thickness limit on traditional GPR layer thickness estimators. The challenges of estimating thin layer thickness is primarily due to these inherent clutter components. Traditional processing strategies attempt to minimise the clutter using pre-processing techniques such as the subtraction of a calibration signal. The proposed method, however, treats the clutter as a deterministic but unknown signal with additive noise. Hence the proposed approach utilises the energy from the clutter and monitors change in media from subtle changes in the signal shape. Two complementary processing methods important to horizon sensing have been also proposed. These methods, near-surface interface detection and antenna height estimation, may be used as pre-validation tools to increase the robustness of the thickness estimation technique. The proposed methods have been tested with synthetic data and validated with real data obtained using a low power 1.4 GHz GPR system and a testbed with known conditions. With the given test system, it is shown that the proposed thin layer thickness estimator and near-surface interface detector outperform the traditional matched filter based processing methods for layers less than 5 cm in thickness. It is also shown that the proposed antenna height estimator outperforms the traditional height estimator for heights less than 7 cm. These new methods provide a means for reliably extending layer thickness estimation to the thin layer case where traditional approaches are known to fail.
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Le métabolisme lipidique dans les altérations mitochondriales induites par l’absence de myostatine : impact de l’entrainement en endurance / Lipid metabolism in relation to mitochondrial abnormalities in myostatin deficient muscle : impact of endurance trainingBaati, Narjes 24 April 2018 (has links)
L’inhibition ou l’inactivation de la myostatine (mstn) entraine une hypertrophie musculaire qui permet d’envisager des thérapies efficaces dans la lutte contre la fonte musculaire dans de nombreuses pathologies (myopathies, maladies chroniques, sarcopénie). Cependant, le muscle déficient en mstn présente une fatigabilité musculaire accrue, associée à des altérations du métabolisme mitochondrial et lipidique. Or, les membranes musculaires et mitochondriales sont constituées principalement de lipides et phospholipides. Ces derniers participent au maintien de la structure et de la fonction métabolique de la fibre. Ils interviennent également dans la chaine respiratoire jouant un rôle clé dans la bioénergétique mitochondrial. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que la composition lipidique musculaire et mitochondriale est altérée dans le muscle KO mstn, expliquant en partie les altérations métaboliques et fonctionnelles de ce phénotype. Dans un second temps, nous avons recherché si l’entrainement en endurance normalise ces altérations phénotypiques musculaires. Nos résultats ont montré dans le muscle KO mstn une diminution de l’expression des différents transporteurs membranaires des lipides (FAT/CD36, FABP3, FATP1 et FATP4) associé à une réduction de l’activité des enzymes impliquées dans l’oxydation lipidique (Citrate synthase et βHAD) et une diminution de la lipogenèse (chute du contenu en triglycérides et en acides gras libres). D’une manière intéressante, nos résultats montrent une diminution de la proportion en cardiolipide au niveau de la membrane mitochondriale, en relation avec une réduction de l’expression des gènes PGPS et CRLS1, impliqués dans le processus de synthèse de cardiolipide. Nous avons également établi que 4 semaines d’entrainement en endurance sur tapis roulant améliorent en particulier la performance aérobie des souris KO mstn, qui retrouvent une capacité d’endurance comparable à celle des souris contrôles entrainées. L’expression des marqueurs de l’oxydation lipidique et du métabolisme oxydatif est également améliorée (Cpt1, Pparδ, Fas, contenu mitochondrial et citrate synthase). L’entraînement permet aussi d’augmenter l’activité des enzymes mitochondriales et la proportion membranaire en cardiolipide uniquement chez les souris KO mstn. En conclusion, ces résultats suggèrent que les qualités oxydatives du muscle hypertrophié KO mstn peuvent être remodelées sans impacter l’effet bénéfique hypertrophique. Enfin, ils présentent le métabolisme lié au cardiolipide et lipidique de manière générale comme de nouvelles pistes à explorer pour améliorer le métabolisme du muscle KO mstn et sa fonction mitochondriale. / Myostatin (mstn) inactivation or inhibition is considered as a promising treatment for various muscle-wasting disorders because it promotes muscle growth. However, mstn-deficient hypertrophic muscles show strong fatigability associated with abnormal mitochondria and lipid metabolism. Muscle membrane maintains the structure and the metabolic function of the fibre, and mitochondrial membrane including respiratory chain complexes, are composed mainly of lipids and phospholipids playing functional role in mitochondrial bioenergetics. In our study, we hypothesized first that changes in the muscle and mitochondrial lipid composition could exist in the KO mstn muscle, in relation with the metabolic and functional alterations, secondly that endurance training can normalize these phenotypic muscle alterations. We reported in KO mstn muscles a decrease of fat membrane transporter levels (FAT/CD36, FABP3, FATP1 and FATP4) associated with decreased lipid oxidative pathway (citrate synthase and βHAD activities) and decreased lipogenesis (decreased triglyceride and free fatty acids content). Interestingly, we demonstrated a decrease in mitochondrial cardiolipin content, in relation with a decrease in PGPS and CRLS1 gene expressions. Then, we showed in KO mstn mice that 4 weeks of daily running exercise session (65-70% of the maximal aerobic speed for 1 hour) improved significantly aerobic performance, particularly the endurance to levels comparable to those of trained wild type littermates.The expression of oxidative and lipid metabolism markers also was increased, as indicated by the upregulation of the Cpt1, Ppar, Fas genes, and increased citrate synthase level and mitochondrial protein content in KO mstn muscle. Interestingly, mitochondrial enzyme activity and the cardiolipin fraction in the mitochondrial membrane are increased by training only in KO mstn mice. In conclusion, these results suggest that the combination of mstn inhibition and endurance training could increase the muscle mass while preserving the physical performance. In addition, cardiolipin and lipid-related pathways could represent new targets to improve mstn-deficient muscle metabolism and restore mitochondrial function.
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Vytváření tenkých vrstev pro aplikace pokročilých oxidačních procesů s využitím kovových dopantů / Deposition of the thin films for applications of advanced oxidation processes using metal dopantsKRAJČOVIČ, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is deposition of TiO2 thin films onto different types and sizes of substrates, and some of these layers dope by iron or silver. During the work was range of TiO2 layers created using a method of physical vapor deposition namely magnetron sputtering. For these processes was chosen the Dreva ARC 400 Hard Material Coating Plant device. The main aim of these depositions was to attempt to create TiO2 thin films on a substrates of larger surface than its in average laboratory processes usual. For this purpose were TiO2 layers deposited onto square glass plates of side length 10 cm. For comparsion and analysis were also as a substrates used microscope slides and fragments of silicon wafers. These substrates were used for testing of photocatalytic activity and on surface morphology (SEM). The theoretical part of this thesis aims to a methods of deposition TiO2 layers and their characteristics. In the experimental part is the used coating equipment and parameters of each deposition process described. Further the characteristics and results of individual experiments are described.
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Comprovação química e biológica da presença de monofluoroacetato nas folhas de Palicourea marcgravii st. Hil / Chemical and biological demonstration of the presence of monofluoroacetate in the leaves of Palicourea marcgravii St.Hil.Regina Lucia Fonseca de Moraes 06 April 1993 (has links)
Palicourea marcgravii St. Hil. (Rubiaceae) vulgarmente conhecida como \"erva de rato\" é uma planta tóxica brasileira de grande interesse econômico na pecuária, por provocar, em bovinos, convulsões, arritmias cardíacas e \"morte súbita\" em elevado número de animais. No presente trabalho, as folhas dessecadas e moídas de P. marcgravii foram extraídas com etanol 95 %, a temperatura ambiente, por percolação; o extrato resultante foi fracionado por partição com acetato de etila e butanol saturado com água. Os resíduos obtidos foram testados \"per os\" em ratos, buscando-se investigar nos mesmos, a presença do princípio ativo tóxico. O resíduo aquoso foi o único que produziu convulsões e morte dos animais. A existência do monofluoroacetato (MF A) no resíduo aquoso foi comprovada biologicamente através do paralelismo entre as retas refetentes às funções dose/porcentagem de letalidade e dose/latência para a 1ª convulsão que foram construídas para o resíduo aquoso e padrão de referência (monofluoroacetato de sódio). O MFA foi também identificado quimicamente através da RMN19F e da cromatografia em camada delgada. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram a presença de MF A nas folhas de P.marcgravii, responsabilizando-o pelos efeitos tóxicos produzidos. Também foram levantadas algumas hipóteses na tentativa de explicar a sintomatologia dos animais intoxicados. / Palicourea marcgravii St. Hil. (Rubiaceae) is one of the most economica1ly important poisonous plants for Brazilian livestock, since it induces not only seizures, cardiac arrythmias, but also \"sudden death\" of large number of the intoxicated animals. ln the present paper, the dissected and grounded leaves of P.marcgravii were extracted with ethanol 95 %, at room temperature, by percolation; the resultant extract was fractionized by partition in ethyl acetate and butanol saturated with water. The obtained residues were administered \"per os\" to rats, trying to look for the presence of the active toxic principIe. The aqueous residue was the only that induced seizures and death to the animals. The presence of monofluoroacetate (MFA) in the aqueous residue was biologica1ly confirmed by the correlation shown in the sodium monofluoroacetate and the aqueous residue dose-response and dose effect curves. MFA was also identified through NMR19F and thin layer chromatography. The obtained results confirmed the presence of MF A in the P.marcgravii leaves; they also suggest that the toxic effects induced by this plant are a consequence of the presence of MFA in its leaves. Further, some hypothesis were also perfomed, in an attempt to better explain the symptoms induced by the plant leaves.
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Anatomia e perfil químico da salsaparrilha comercializada no estado de São Paulo / Anatomy and chemical profile of sarsaparilla commercialized in pharmaceutical stores and natural products stores of state of São PauloMarli Kasue Misaki Soares 31 January 2013 (has links)
A atual Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos prevê investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento para suprir a necessidade da indústria nacional em adquirir a matéria prima para a produção de novos fitoterápicos de maneira segura e controlada. As espécies do gênero Smilax, conhecidas popularmente como salsaparrilha, são empregadas na medicina popular como fortificante, antirreumático e antissifilítico e são vendidas em farmácias, casa de ervas e mercados públicos sem que exista um controle de qualidade de sua origem e eficácia. Além disso, a procedência do material é baseada principalmente no extrativismo. O controle de qualidade das drogas vegetais deveria ter uma base mais segura de identificação das drogas através da caracterização e definição de particularidades anatômicas e químicas. Este estudo teve como objetivo apresentar a quantidade, o valor, o modo de preparo, utilização e a procedência da salsaparrilha comercializada no Estado de São Paulo, bem como analisar a anatomia e o perfil químico de 44 amostras de salsaparrilha comercializada. Amostras de raiz foram submetidas às técnicas convencionais de microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. Também foram realizados testes histoquímicos. Para determinar o perfil químico por Cromatografia em Camada delgada (CCD), foram realizados extratos etanólicos de amostras de raízes. O perfil químico do material comercializado foi comparado com o perfil das espécies de Smilax previamente identificadas (S. goyazana A. De Candolle, S. rufescens Grisebach, S. brasiliensis Sprengel, S. campestris Grisebach, S. cissoides Martius ex Grisebach, S. fluminensis Steudel, S. oblongifolia Pohl ex Grisebach e S. polyantha Grisebach). A quantidade média de salsaparrilha comercializada nas farmácias (400g) e nas casas de ervas (20Kg) é elevada se for considerado o fato de que as raízes não são procedentes de cultivo. Embora tenha sido observada grande semelhança entre a estrutura anatômica das amostras de salsaparrilha comercializadas e a estrutura já descrita na literatura para as espécies de Smilax, houve diferenças em relação à organização do floema, à presença de séries de idioblastos contendo ráfides na medula, à ausência de idioblastos fenólicos na medula e presença de metaxilema no centro da estrutura. O teste histoquímico confirmou a presença de amido em todas as amostras comerciais. As análises em CCD dos extratos etanólicos das amostras comerciais evidenciaram diversas manchas com tonalidades variando de amarelo a verde. Além disso, as manchas apresentaram componentes de mesmo Fator de retenção (Rf), indicando semelhança química entre as diversas amostras. No entanto, o padrão de distribuição de manchas, bem como o Rf das amostras comerciais diferiu daqueles obtidos para as oito espécies de Smilax, os quais foram muito similares entre si. / The current National Policy on Herbal Medicine provides investments in drug research and development to supply the need of national industry to acquire the raw material for production new herbal medicines in a safe and controlled way. The species of Smilax, popularly known as sarsaparilla, are used in folk medicine to be effective as tonic, antirheumatic and antisyphilitic properties and they are commercialized in pharmaceutical stores, natural products stores and public markets in Brazil with no quality control of its origin and efficacy. In addition, these plants are still harvested in extractive way. The quality control of herbal drugs should have more secure identification of drugs through the characterization and definition of anatomical and chemical peculiarities. This study aims to present the quantity, value, method of preparation, use and origin of the commercialized sarsaparilla in cities from the São Paulo state and to investigate the anatomy and chemical profile of 44 samples of the commercialized sarsaparilla. Root samples were processed and analyzed using conventional light and scanning electron microscopy techniques. Usual histochemical tests were also performed. Chemical profiles of samples were analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) using ethanolic extracts of the roots. The chemical profile of the commercialized material was compared with profiles of previously identified species of Smilax (S. goyazana A. De Candolle, S. rufescens Grisebach, S. brasiliensis Sprengel, S. campestris Grisebach, S. cissoides Martius ex Grisebach, S. fluminensis Steudel, S. oblongifolia Pohl ex Grisebach and S. polyantha Grisebach). The average amount of sarsaparilla sold in pharmaceutical stores (400g) and natural products stores (20kg) is high if one considers the fact that the roots are not found under cultivation. Although there was a great similarity between the anatomical structure of commercialized sarsaparilla and the structure already described in literature for the Smilax species, there were found some differences in the organization of the phloem, the occurrence of series of idioblasts containing raphides in the pith, the absence of phenolic idioblasts in the pith and the presence of metaxylem in the center of the organ. The histochemical tests confirmed the presence of starch in all commercialized samples. Chemical profile showed several spots with colors ranging from yellow to green. Moreover, the spots showed the same components retention factor (Rf), indicating chemical similarity between the different samples. However, the distribution pattern of spots, Rf value of commercial samples differed from the eight species of Smilax, which were very similar to each other.
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Vývoj samonivelačních směsí ze směsného portlandského pojiva / The development of self-leveling mixture of mixed Portland binderKianička, Dalibor January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to optimize self-levelling floor screeds and thin layer screeds based on ternary binder system containing portland cement, calcium aluminate cement and gypsum with intentional ettringite formation. It also studies the influence of designed mixtures, chemical admixtures and aggregate granulometry on achieved technological characteristics required by standard.
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<div>The overall goal of this thesis was to study the performance of two related portable multipurpose solar dryers, DehytrayTM and DehymeleonTM, in comparison to open-air sun drying by drying tomatoes, apples and mint under West Lafayette, Indiana weather conditions. Thin layer drying tests were conducted on tomato slices, apples slices and mint leaves, with three temperatures [24°C (75°F), 35°C (95°F) and 54 °C (130°F)], and an airflow velocity of 1 m/s to determine the drying kinetics of these products during diurnal drying cycles typical for solar and/or open-air sun drying. Subsequently, field drying tests were conducted for tomatoes slices, apples slices and mint leaves with the two solar drying technologies (DehymeleonTM and DehytrayTM) and open-air sun drying using uncovered Dehytrays as the control. The average temperatures achieved for these technologies were 45°C (113°F), 60°C (140 °F) and 27°C (80.6 °F) for the DehymeleonTM, DehytrayTM and open-air sun drying, respectively. Moisture diffusivity were in the order of 10-4 to 10-9 (m2/s) for the different methods, depending directly on the product, temperatures and air flow inside the drying chamber.</div><div><br></div><div>Quality attributes (color, vitamin C and microbial growth) were measured before and after the field drying tests. Color difference (ΔE) for DehymeleonTM solar dryer showed the least variation compared with the fresh products. However, for the DehytrayTM ΔE increased due to the impact of its higher temperature and direct sunlight exposure that led to Maillard reactions and caramelization in the case of tomatoes and apples slices. Additionally, vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) content for tomatoes and apples slices was affected for the high ranges of temperatures reached inside the Dehytray™. Denaturing of vitamin C was less observed for DehymeleonTM, maintaining values of 166 mg/100 g dm for tomatoes, and 104.2mg/100g for apples slices. There was no significant difference (α = 0.05) in the microbial growth for the DehytrayTM and open-air drying compared to the fresh product, however, there was significant difference for the DehymeleonTM when drying tomatoes and apples slices, without up one log reduction on the original microbial population. In the case of mint, DehymeleonTM had a 2.3 log reduction, which is similar to L-lactic acid sanitizer achieved by another study in the literature, compared with 0.4 log obtained by the DehytrayTM and 0.47 log obtained by open-air sun drying. The differences in microbial growth were observed because the temperatures inside the drying chamber of the DehymeleonTM was low and product moisture content was above the safe equilibrium moisture content (EMC) for both tomatoes and apples during the early critical hours at the onset of the drying process, which was favorable to mold growth. The lack of a fan to intermittently or constantly flush out humid air released from the crop dried in the DehytrayTM negatively affected its performance. The insufficient airflow in the drying chamber of the DehymeleonTM and its inability to achieve the high temperatures observed in the DehytrayTM negatively affected its performance. Both solar dryers, DehymeleonTM and DehytrayTM achieved high hygienic condition during drying due to their enclosed chambers than protected the crop from contaminant in the environments. Their portability and design for large-scale manufacturing and deployment are a positive development that would be helpful to small and mid-size growers, as well as households (home gardens). Areas for further research were highlighted.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
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Etude et développement de microtechnologies sur substrat papier : application à la structuration d'AL2O3 poreux pour la faisabilité d'un capteur d'humidité / Study and development of microtechnologies on paper based substrat applied to the structuration of porous AL2O3 for humidity sensor +Baldé, Mamadou Saliou 17 December 2013 (has links)
L'objectif premier de ce projet est la mise au point de procédés de fabrication microélectroniques/microtechnologiques compatibles avec l'utilisation d'un support papier. Pour cela, des techniques comme l'évaporation thermique sous vide, la photolithographie, l'électrodéposition et l'anodisation d'aluminium ont été développées et adaptées à ce support. Des bancs de caractérisations structurels, électriques et flexibles ont été aussi mis en œuvre pour étudier la fiabilité des couches déposées sur un tel substrat. En application, un capteur d'humidité à base d'oxyde d'aluminium flexible a été fabriqué et les tests en humidité ont montré d'excellents résultats permettant de valider le travail effectué. / The primary objective of this project is the implementation of microelectronics/microtechnology processes compatible with the use of paper-based substrate. For this purpose, techniques such as thermal vacuum evaporation, photolithography, electroplating and anodizing aluminum have been developed and adapted to this substrate. Structural, electrical and flexible characterizations benches have also been implemented to study the reliability of the layers deposited on such substrate. A moisture sensor based on flexible aluminum oxide was made and humidity tests have shown excellent results which validate the work.
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Phytochemical evaluation of Curtisia dentata (Burm.f.) C.A.Sm. stem bark and seasonal and geographical region variabilityVan Wyk, Anna Susanna 08 1900 (has links)
The stem bark of the protected tree species, Curtisia dentata (Burm. f.)C.A.Sm., is one of the most popular plant species harvested and traded at traditional medicine markets in South Africa. The overexploitation of C. dentata trees lead to a “Near Threatened” conservation status and the population trend is portrayed as “declining”. In the KwaZulu-Natal Province of South Africa, C. dentata is completely conservation dependent.
This study is not based on drug discovery or toxicological studies, but on the concern that the stem bark of C. dentata trees are harvested, prepared into remedies and consumed as traditional medicine without knowledge regarding the chemical compounds in the stem bark, particularly since the chemical composition of C. dentata stem bark was unknown to date. Phytochemical analyses were firstly conducted to determine the chemical composition of C. dentata stem bark using various solvents and various analytical methods, and secondly, to determine how seasons and regional separation of C. dentata trees affect the chemical profiles of C. dentata stem bark from an environmental and nature conservation perspective. Plants are known to contain numerous chemical compounds. Compounds isolated from a particular plant species are therefore not the only compounds present in that species, and although a plant has proven pharmacological properties, they can still cause harm. Previous studies on C. dentata aimed at validating the plant species as a medicinal plant by examining extracts of the leaves, twigs and stem bark’s potentials against known pathogens and selected cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, and its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiverotoxic properties. Four pentacyclic triterpenoids and one steroidal compound were also previously isolated from C. dentata leaves, however, the leaves are not used in traditional medicines, but were suggested as alternative for stem bark as the harvesting of leaves is less destructive. The efficacy of these compounds as therapeutic agents is, however, compromised by their low solubility in water and thus their potential to penetrate permeating biological membranes. Moreover, in vitro toxicity studies distort the picture of its actual potentials on human health as the whole human metabolome and all its processes, including uptake and phase I and phase II biotransformation are not included. In vivo toxicity studies on mammalian animal species may also not present a true picture of a chemical or extract’s toxic effects on humans as animal metabolisms differ from those of humans. The chemical composition of leaves and stem bark may furthermore also be in contrast to some extent, and therefore chemical compounds were also isolated from C. dentata stem bark in this study. Scientific studies on plant-based medicines generally involve the discovery or identification of compounds that may be beneficial, and which can be exploited in future. Chemical compounds in traditional medicines or other plant-based health products which may cause adverse effects are generally ignored. Moreover, scientific studies that consider that some compounds present in plant extracts may derive from contaminants are equally limited. Traditional plant-based medicines are neither standardized nor regulated in South Africa. Users of traditional plant-based traditional medicines therefore consume uncertain dosages of both beneficial and hazardous substances, as well as contaminants simultaneously. Certain chemical compounds are carcinogens or mutagens or have the ability to accumulate in human tissues. Adverse effects may therefore only manifest after several years of use and will subsequently not be connected to the use of a particular traditional plant-based medicine.
The goal of the thesis is therefore to provide a holistic portrayal of the full spectrum of chemical compounds in extracts of C. dentata stem bark and to discuss, where literature is available, the effect(s) each chemical compound may have on human health. Moreover, this thesis investigates variations in chemical composition and concentration in individual trees, seasonal variations and variations in composition and concentrations in the stem bark of C. dentata trees from geographically distinct regions. Most unexpected was that not all C. dentata stem bark samples contained chemical compounds with known beneficial potentials at each sampling date, and that chemical compounds may be region-specific and also tree-specific, which confirms that plants produce secondary metabolites according to the needs of each individual plant. Additional insight into the chemical composition and concentration of C. dentata trees is provided by the distribution profiles of amino acids in C. dentata stem bark. Extreme variations within populations and between geographical areas support the need for the cultivation of C. dentata trees to ensure sustainable production of homogenous material for chemical homogeneity. / Environment Science / PhD. (Environment Science)
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Produkce a charakterizace biosurfaktantů / Production and characterization of biosurfactantsKratochvílová, Olga January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the microbial production of biosurfactants of selected bacterial strains. In order to test the biosurfactant production ability, screening methods were chosen to be able to review the potential of the selected strains to produce biosurfactants. With the scope of the work, 11 bacterial strains, which are used as polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) producers, have been tested. The ability to produce biosurfactants was tested in all strains both in complex inoculation and mineral production media. The presence of biosurfactants in Pseudomonas putida was detected on the basis of the results obtained after cultivation in inoculation and production media. The bacteria Pseudomonas fulva was put under more deep study to support their production by cultivation in different types of production media supplemented by different sources of carbon and nitrogen, and the effect of cultivation time was tested as well. Biosurfactants produced by these bacteria were subsequently identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) on the basis of which the substances were identified as rhamnolipids. According to thin-layer chromatography result (TLC), Pseudomonas putida produces a mixture of mono- and dirhamnolipids, with monorhamnolipids being more dominant in our samples.
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