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Le métabolisme lipidique dans les altérations mitochondriales induites par l’absence de myostatine : impact de l’entrainement en endurance / Lipid metabolism in relation to mitochondrial abnormalities in myostatin deficient muscle : impact of endurance trainingBaati, Narjes 24 April 2018 (has links)
L’inhibition ou l’inactivation de la myostatine (mstn) entraine une hypertrophie musculaire qui permet d’envisager des thérapies efficaces dans la lutte contre la fonte musculaire dans de nombreuses pathologies (myopathies, maladies chroniques, sarcopénie). Cependant, le muscle déficient en mstn présente une fatigabilité musculaire accrue, associée à des altérations du métabolisme mitochondrial et lipidique. Or, les membranes musculaires et mitochondriales sont constituées principalement de lipides et phospholipides. Ces derniers participent au maintien de la structure et de la fonction métabolique de la fibre. Ils interviennent également dans la chaine respiratoire jouant un rôle clé dans la bioénergétique mitochondrial. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que la composition lipidique musculaire et mitochondriale est altérée dans le muscle KO mstn, expliquant en partie les altérations métaboliques et fonctionnelles de ce phénotype. Dans un second temps, nous avons recherché si l’entrainement en endurance normalise ces altérations phénotypiques musculaires. Nos résultats ont montré dans le muscle KO mstn une diminution de l’expression des différents transporteurs membranaires des lipides (FAT/CD36, FABP3, FATP1 et FATP4) associé à une réduction de l’activité des enzymes impliquées dans l’oxydation lipidique (Citrate synthase et βHAD) et une diminution de la lipogenèse (chute du contenu en triglycérides et en acides gras libres). D’une manière intéressante, nos résultats montrent une diminution de la proportion en cardiolipide au niveau de la membrane mitochondriale, en relation avec une réduction de l’expression des gènes PGPS et CRLS1, impliqués dans le processus de synthèse de cardiolipide. Nous avons également établi que 4 semaines d’entrainement en endurance sur tapis roulant améliorent en particulier la performance aérobie des souris KO mstn, qui retrouvent une capacité d’endurance comparable à celle des souris contrôles entrainées. L’expression des marqueurs de l’oxydation lipidique et du métabolisme oxydatif est également améliorée (Cpt1, Pparδ, Fas, contenu mitochondrial et citrate synthase). L’entraînement permet aussi d’augmenter l’activité des enzymes mitochondriales et la proportion membranaire en cardiolipide uniquement chez les souris KO mstn. En conclusion, ces résultats suggèrent que les qualités oxydatives du muscle hypertrophié KO mstn peuvent être remodelées sans impacter l’effet bénéfique hypertrophique. Enfin, ils présentent le métabolisme lié au cardiolipide et lipidique de manière générale comme de nouvelles pistes à explorer pour améliorer le métabolisme du muscle KO mstn et sa fonction mitochondriale. / Myostatin (mstn) inactivation or inhibition is considered as a promising treatment for various muscle-wasting disorders because it promotes muscle growth. However, mstn-deficient hypertrophic muscles show strong fatigability associated with abnormal mitochondria and lipid metabolism. Muscle membrane maintains the structure and the metabolic function of the fibre, and mitochondrial membrane including respiratory chain complexes, are composed mainly of lipids and phospholipids playing functional role in mitochondrial bioenergetics. In our study, we hypothesized first that changes in the muscle and mitochondrial lipid composition could exist in the KO mstn muscle, in relation with the metabolic and functional alterations, secondly that endurance training can normalize these phenotypic muscle alterations. We reported in KO mstn muscles a decrease of fat membrane transporter levels (FAT/CD36, FABP3, FATP1 and FATP4) associated with decreased lipid oxidative pathway (citrate synthase and βHAD activities) and decreased lipogenesis (decreased triglyceride and free fatty acids content). Interestingly, we demonstrated a decrease in mitochondrial cardiolipin content, in relation with a decrease in PGPS and CRLS1 gene expressions. Then, we showed in KO mstn mice that 4 weeks of daily running exercise session (65-70% of the maximal aerobic speed for 1 hour) improved significantly aerobic performance, particularly the endurance to levels comparable to those of trained wild type littermates.The expression of oxidative and lipid metabolism markers also was increased, as indicated by the upregulation of the Cpt1, Ppar, Fas genes, and increased citrate synthase level and mitochondrial protein content in KO mstn muscle. Interestingly, mitochondrial enzyme activity and the cardiolipin fraction in the mitochondrial membrane are increased by training only in KO mstn mice. In conclusion, these results suggest that the combination of mstn inhibition and endurance training could increase the muscle mass while preserving the physical performance. In addition, cardiolipin and lipid-related pathways could represent new targets to improve mstn-deficient muscle metabolism and restore mitochondrial function.
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Regulation of the Myostatin Protein in Overload-Induced Hypertrophied Rat Skeletal MuscleAffleck, Paige Abriel 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Myostatin (GDF-8) is the chief chalone in skeletal muscle and negatively controls adult skeletal muscle growth. The role of myostatin during overload-induced hypertrophy of adult muscle is unclear. We tested the hypothesis that overloaded adult rodent skeletal muscle would result in reduced myostatin protein levels. Overload-induced hypertrophy was accomplished by unilateral tenotomy of the gastrocnemius tendon in male adult Sprague-Dawley rats followed by a two-week period of compensatory overload of the plantaris and soleus muscles. Western blot analysis was performed to evaluate changes in active, latent and precursor myostatin protein levels. Significant hypertrophy was noted in the plantaris (494 ± 29 vs. 405 ± 15 mg, p < 0.05) and soleus (289 ± 12 vs. 179 ± 37 mg, p < 0.05) muscles following overload. Overloaded soleus muscle decreased the concentration of active myostatin protein by 32.7 ± 9.4% (p < 0.01) while the myostatin precursor protein was unchanged. Overloaded plantaris muscle decreased the concentration of active myostatin protein by 28.5 ± 8.5% (p < 0.01) while myostatin precursor levels were reduced by 17.5 ± 5.9% (p < 0.05). Myostatin latent complex concentration decreased in the overloaded soleus and plantaris muscle by 15.0 ± 5.9% and 70.0 ± 2.3% (p < 0.05), respectively. These data support the hypothesis that the myostatin signaling pathway in overloaded muscles is generally downregulated and contributes to muscle hypertrophy. Plasma concentrations of total and active myostatin proteins were similar in overloaded and control animals and averaged 8865 ± 526 pg/ml and 569 ± 28 pg/ml, respectively. Tissue levels of BMP-1, an extracellular proteinase that converts myostatin to its active form, also decreased in overloaded soleus and plantaris muscles by 40.4 ± 12.9% and 32.9 ± 6.9% (p < 0.01), respectively. These data support the hypothesis that local, rather than systemic, regulation of myostatin contributes to the growth of individual muscles, and that an association exists between the extracellular matrix proteinase BMP-1 and the amount of active myostatin in overloaded muscles.
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Effekten av 10 veckors styrketräning på markörer för hypertrofi, translation och proteolysVäisänen, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Det har forskats mycket på olika signalvägar i det mänskliga genomet, trotts detta finns det många frågetecken som kvarstår. Denna uppsats undersöker några av dem. Syfte: Undersöka förändringar i genuttryck och mRNA-nivåer för hypertrofi- (MRF4) translations- (5.8S & 18S) och proteolysreglerande gener (MuRF1 & GDF-8) efter en 10 veckor lång styrketräningsperiod hos kvinnor och män. Frågeställningar: (1) Finns det en förändring i total mängd RNA före och efter en 10 veckors styrketräningsintervention. (2) Finns det en förändring i uttryck av MRF4, 5.8S, 18S, MuRF1 samt GDF-8 efter en 10 veckors styrketräningsintervention. (3) Finns det en könsskillnad i förändringen av total mängd RNA samt aktivering av MRF4, 5.8S, 18S, MuRF1 och GDF-8 efter en 10 veckors styrketräningsintervention. Metod: Urvalet för analysen bestod av 16 otränade försökspersoner varav 8 var män och 8 var kvinnor. Försökspersonerna utförde unilateral styrketräning av nedre extremiteten under 10 veckor, under 2 av dessa veckor utfördes ocklusionsträning. Träningsperiodiseringen var vågformig (70-90% av 1RM, 5-12 rep, 3 ggr/vecka). Muskelbiopsier togs i det arbetande benet före träningsperiodens start samt 3-7 dagar efter träningsperiodens avslut. Genuttryck analyserades med qPCR. Resultat: Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad i förändring mellan män och kvinnors totala RNA eller genuttryck. Total RNA ökade signifikant (p<0,01) med 19,2 %. Kvinnorna hade en signifikant ökning (P<0,05) av RNA på 27,6 % medan männen hade en signifikant ökning (p<0,05) på 14 %. MRF4 hade en signifikant (P>0,05) procentuell ökning i genuttryck med 55,7 % och kvinnor för sig hade en signifikant (P>0,05) ökning på 64 %. GDF-8 ökade signifikant (P>0,05) med 55,5 % medan GAPDH ökade signifikant (P>0,05) för båda könen tillsammans med 70,6 % och för män med 87,8 %. MuRF1 och 5.8S hade inga signifikanta förändringar i genuttryck. Slutsats: Det verkar som att både män och kvinnor får en liknande procentuell förändring av total RNA och mRNA genuttryck 3-7 dagar efter en 10 veckors hypertrofistyrd styrketräningsperiod. För att mäta genuttryck av translationsgenen MRF4 verkar 3-7 dagar efter en 10 veckors styrketräningsperiod vara en tidpunkt då det fortfarande pågår hypertrofi av skelettmuskulaturen. Av de proteolysreglerande generna GDF-8 och MuRF1 sågs en uppreglering av GDF-8 vilket skulle kunna vara ett tecken på att hypertrofin börjar hämmas. Ett oväntat fynd var att GAPDH visade sig vara olämplig som kontrollgen vid en styrketräningsintervention på 10 veckor och att 18S var väldigt stabil. Detta kan betyda att GAPDH inte skall användas vid längre styrketräningsinterventioner. / There have been much research on signaling pathways in the human genome, but there still remain many questions. This paper examines some of them. Aim: Investigate changes in gene expression and mRNA levels of hypertrophy (MRF4), translation (5.8S & 18S) and proteolysis regulating genes (GDF-8) after a 10-week strength training period in men and women. Research questions: (1) Is there a change in the total amount of RNA before and after a 10-week strength training intervention. (2) Is there a change in the expression of MRF4, 5.8S, 18S, Murf1 and GDF-8 after 10 weeks of strength training. (3) Is there a gender difference in the change of total RNA and the expression of MRF4, 5.8S, Murf1 and GDF-8 after a 10-week long strength training intervention. Method: The sample for analysis consisted of 16 untrained subjects, of whom 8 were men and 8 were women. The subjects performed unilateral resistance training of lower extremities for 10 weeks, during two of these weeks blood flow restriction training were performed. The training was undulating (70-90% of 1RM, 5-12 cord, 3 times / week). Muscle biopsies were taken from the working leg before the start and 3-7 days after the training period. Gene expression was analyzed by qPCR. Results: There was no significant gender difference in total RNA or gene expression. Total RNA was significantly increased (p <0.01) with 19.2 %. The women had a significant increase (P <0.05) of RNA at 27.6 %, while the men had a significant increase (p <0.05) at 14 %. MRF4 had a significant (P> 0.05) percentage increase in gene expression by 55.7 %, and women had a significant (P> 0.05) increase of 64 %. GDF-8 increased significantly (P> 0.05) with 55.5 %, while GAPDH increased significantly (P> 0.05) for both sexes with 70.6 % and for men with 87.8 %. Murf1 and 5.8S had no significant changes in gene expression. Conclusions: It seems that both men and women experience a similar percentage difference of total RNA and mRNA gene expression 3-7 days after a 10 weeks long strength training period. To measure the gene expression of MRF4 3-7 days after a 10-week weight-training period seems to be a time when there still is a anabolic responses in the skeletal muscle. Of the proteolysis regulating genes GDF-8 and Murf1 there was an upregulation of GDF-8, which could be a sign that the inhibition of hypertrophy started. An unexpected finding is that GAPDH was found to be unsuitable as a control gene at a strength training intervention at 10 weeks and rRNA 18S was very stable, which could mean that GAPDH should not be used as control gene in longer strength training studies.
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