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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three-dimensional subdivision for the separation of residential and premises - A qualitative study of the underlying factors / Tredimensionell avstyckning för separation av bostäder och lokaler - en kvalitativ studie över bakomliggande faktorer

Wikström, Ebba, Waller, Hedvig January 2016 (has links)
In 2004 a new law that allowed the formation of 3D - real estate, ie properties that are limited in both the vertical and horizontal direction and consists of a closed volume. The introduction of 3D buildings were met good by both construction companies and individuals, but in the early years after the introduction the extent of land holdings became lower than expected. In several of the metropolitan municipalities, including Stockholm and Malmö, they plan for 3D - properties already in the plan phase, while the private sphere of the property owners have not been as active. The reason is believed to be that 3D subdivisions are considered cumbersome and complex. It is therefore relevant to examine 3D subdivisions closer since it is not used to the extent that is possible while it at the same time is forecast to become an increasingly common phenomenon. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find common dominators for completed 3D subdivisions which separates commercial and residential premises with a focus on Stockholm. A study has been conducted on eight properties through interviews with the responsible land surveyor, property owners and exploration of each objects subdivision act. The study will answer four questions: How suitability conditions in the 3rd chapter of Real property law have been met, what factors influenced whether the residential or premises was parceled off, what requirements the property owner had about the subdivision and finally the problems that arose during the subdivision. In the information that emerged during the interviews could be observed that the consideration of the appropriateness of the terms of Real Property Law is always a judgment according to law, but that depends on the specific property and its conditions. The surveyor must make a personal assessment of whether the property meets the reasoning behind the bill about the introduction of 3D properties and assessment can therefore be different depending on the property. It is also difficult to know whether the surveyors assessments leads to properties that are appropriate and functioning since 3D properties are a relatively new phenomenon and there is no practice for the surveyors to refer their decisions to. In the study of factors that influenced the choice of a cut in the subdivision it appeared that the part that would be left was split off. When subdivisioning premises it was mainly housing associations who wanted subdivide and then sell the premises so that the association could accomplish better tax benefits. Regarding the subdivision of homes it was mainly commercial factors since it was considered better to sell a purely residential building without premises. The choice of a cut was also affected by the commercial activity carried out in the property – such as telecom stations or commercial – property owners with important installations or operating units chose to subdivide the parts of the property that the business was not dependent on. Respect the wishes of the owner clear links could been drawn between that the properties where it conducted any kind of commercial activity had greater requirements on the design of the real estate cooperation. It also showed that to the greatest possible extent it was desired to achieve independence between the subdivided parts. Finally the problems raised during the subdivision were studied and it appeared that the boundaries are considered problematic and time-consuming in a 3D subdivision. It was also difficult to determine what features would consist of easements and community premises and how the percentage figures for these would be distributed. Building Collaboration has thus also had a significant role here and is something that can be experienced problematic. / År 2004 infördes en ny lagstiftning som möjliggjorde bildande av 3D-fastigheter, det vill säga fastigheter som är begränsade i både vertikalt och horisontellt led och utgörs av en sluten volym. Införandet av 3D-fastigheter bemöttes bra hos både företag och privatpersoner men under de första åren efter införandet blev omfattningen av fastighetsbildningen lägre än den förväntade. Hos flera av storstadskommunerna, bland annat Stockholm och Malmö, planeras det för 3Dfastigheter redan vid framtagandet av nya översikts- och detaljplaner medan den privata sfären av fastighetsägare inte varit lika aktiva. Anledningen tros vara att 3D-avstyckningar anses vara krångliga och komplexa. Det är därför relevant att undersöka 3D-avstyckningar närmare då det inte används i den grad som är möjlig samtidigt som det förutspås bli ett allt vanligare fenomen. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är därför att finna gemensamma nämnare för genomförda 3D-avstyckningar som separerar lokaler och bostäder med fokus på Stockholm. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts på åtta stycken fastigheter genom intervjuer med ansvarig lantmätare, fastighetsägare samt undersökning av varje objekts förrättningsakter. Studien besvarar fyra frågeställningar: Hur lämplighetsvillkoren i 3:e kapitlet Fastighetsbildningslagen har blivit uppfyllda, Vilka faktorer som har påverkat huruvida lokalen eller bostäderna styckades av, Vilka önskemål hade fastighetsägaren i förrättningen samt vilka problem som uppstod under förrättningen. I den information som framkom under intervjuerna kunde det observeras att vid hänsynstagande till lämplighetsvillkoren i FBL är det alltid en bedömning enligt lag men som beror av den specifika fastigheten och dess förutsättningar. Lantmätaren måste göra en personlig bedömning huruvida fastigheten uppfyller de resonemang som propositionen bakom införandet av 3D-fastigheter för och bedömningen kan således vara olika beroende på fastighet. Det är även svårt att veta huruvida lantmätarens bedömningar leder till fastigheter som fungerar i praktiken då 3D-fastigheter är ett relativt nytt fenomen och det finns ingen praxis för dem att hänvisa sina beslut till. Vid studie av faktorer som påverkat valet av styckningsdel framgick det att den del som skulle överlåtas avstyckades. Vi avstyckning av lokaler var det främst bostadsrättsföreningar som ville avstycka och överlåta dessa för att kunna bli äkta bostadsrättsföreningar. När det gällde avstyckning av bostäder var det främst affärsmässiga faktorer då det ansågs bättre att försälja en renodlad bostadsfastighet utan lokaler. Valet av styckningsdel påverkades även av den affärsmässiga verksamhet som bedrevs i fastigheten - exempelvis telekomstationer eller handelsverksamhet – fastighetsägare med viktiga installationer eller driftenheter valde att avstycka de delar av fastigheten som verksamheten inte var beroende av. Avseende önskemål från fastighetsägaren kunde tydliga samband dras mellan att fastigheter där det bedrevs någon form av affärsmässig verksamhet hade större önskemål angående utformning av fastighetssamverkan. Det framgick även att i största möjliga mån önskades det att oberoende mellan styckningslotten (3D) och stamfastigheten (2D) uppnåddes. Till sist studerades vilka problem som uppstått under förrättningarna och där framgick det att gränsdragning anses problematiskt och tidskrävande vid en 3D-avstyckning. Det var även svårt att avgöra vilka funktioner som skulle utgöras av servitut och gemensamhetsanläggningar och hur andelstalen för dessa skulle fördelas. Fastighetssamverkan har således även här en betydande roll och är något som kan upplevas problematiskt.

3D-fastighetsbildning utan byggnad : En studie om finansieringsvillkorets prövning, hantering och åsikter

Rinnbäck, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
Under året 2020 så kom ett av de första rättsfallen inom tredimensionell fastighetsbildning. Detta ledde till reaktioner bland de som jobbar med fastighetsbildning. Efter att en konsultfirma genomförde ett seminarium på rättsfallet så framkom det att de som jobbar med fastighetsbildning inte var nöjda med 3 kap 1a§ andra stycket i fastighetsbildningslagen även kallad finnanseringsvillkoret. De tyckte att en förändring av finansieringsvillkoret behövdes eller att finansieringsvillkoret ska tas bort helt. Detta leder till syftet med denna studie: att undersöka hur prövningen/hanteringen av finansieringsvillkoret har genomförts för att få en uppfattning om hur villkoret har hanterats fram tills nu. Studien ska även gå in djupare på varför förrättningslantmätarna som arbetar med fastighetsbildning tycker att villkoret kräver en förändring. I denna studie så har en enkätundersökning, intervjuer och studie av förrättningsakter genomförts för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att förrättningsakterna är svåra att utläsa med avseende på hur finansieringsvillkoret har hanterats eller hur djupt en prövning vid en förrättning går. Från enkäterna och intervjuerna så har ett bättre resultat funnits som visar att prövningen har varit delvis bristfällig men också att det finns flertalet situationer där förrättningslantmätaren anser att villkoret är uppfyllda utan att de prövat villkoret. Enkäten och intervjuerna har uppvisat liknande resultat som seminariet, det vill säga att de som arbetar med fastighetsbildning anser att finansieringsvillkoret behöver en förändring. Slutsatsen är att prövningen/ hanteringen av finansieringsvillkoret inte har varit helt enligt propositionen men att en förändring har skett och att prövning är mer lik propositionen idag. Samtidigt ser vi att finansieringsvillkoret troligen har varit uppfyllt i många av de förrättningar som genomförts oavsett om en utförlig prövning eller ej genomförts. Slutsatsen gällande förrättningslantmätarnas åsikt om att finnanseringsvillkortet behöver en förändring är att det som propositionen ville hindra inte varit ett problem och att det finns andra problem med tredimensionella fastigheter som bildas innan anläggning är uppförd. Så en förändring av finansieringsvillkoret kan anser de vara av vikt att titta på. / During the year 2020, one of the first lawsuits in three-dimensional property formation came. This led to reactions among those who work with property development. After a consulting firm conducted a seminar on the case, it emerged that those who work with property development were not satisfied with the first paragraph in Chapter 3. 1a§, second paragraph of the Property Development Act, also called the financing condition. They felt that a change in the financing condition was needed or that the financing condition should be removed completely. This leads to the purpose of this study: to examine how the examination / handling of the financing condition has been carried out to get an idea of ​​how the condition has been handled until now. The study will also go deeper into why the business surveyors who work with property formation think that the condition requires a change. In this study, a questionnaire survey, interviews and a study of administrative acts were conducted to answer the study's questions. The results show that the administrative documents are difficult to read with regard to how the financing condition has been handled or how deep an examination at a procedure goes. From the surveys and interviews, there has been a better result which shows that the trial has been partly deficient but also that there are several situations where the surveyor considers that the condition is met without having tried the condition. The survey and the interviews have shown similar results as the seminar, that is, those who work with property development believe that the financing condition needs a change. The conclusion is that the examination / handling of the financing condition has not been entirely in accordance with the bill, but that a change has taken place and that the examination is more similar to the proposition today. At the same time, we see that the financing condition has probably been met in many of the procedures that have been carried out, regardless of whether a detailed examination has been carried out or not. The conclusion regarding the business surveyors' opinion that the financing condition needs a change is that those whom proposition wanted to prevent have not been a problem and that there are other problems with three-dimensional property that are formed before the facility is built. So a change in the condition somehow they consider important.

Implementation of Compressed Sensing Theory on Acquisition of Optical Coherence Tomography 3-D Image Volume Data

Song Cho, Diego Miong Su January 2024 (has links)
In breast cancer assessment, tissue removed during biopsy or surgery is sent to a pathology lab for analysis. To achieve high sensitivity for detecting disease, the diagnostic gold standard requires submission of a substantial portion of the resected specimen, which results in a labor and time-intensive process to obtain a diagnosis. There is an unmet need to identify regions of diagnostic interest in breast tissue samples to increase the efficiency of the clinical pathology workflow. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), a noninvasive imaging modality capable of depth-resolved, high-resolution, and in vivo imaging of tissue at large fields of view, enables effective assessment of this tissue. However, there is a two-fold problem: the large size of resected tissue to be imaged within clinical time constraints, and the high density of multi-dimensional OCT image data. An approach that enables comprehensive imaging by reducing both imaging time and data density is compressed sensing (CS), a theory that enables undersampling far below the Nyquist sampling rate and guarantees high accuracy image recovery. Therefore, the objective of this work is to demonstrate that compressed sensing techniques can be applied to OCT imaging to revise current optical hardware and improve the efficiency of image acquisition. CS-OCT has high potential for significantly altering the presently established workflow for breast cancer assessment. In this work, we prove that current OCT systems require further reduction of data sampling rate, to enable effective integration of the systems into the clinical pathology workflow. In addition, we identify challenges associated with the matching of OCT and histologic data that may be important to consider in the context of in vivo imaging. Further, we demonstrate the application of a novel and improved compressed sensing algorithm capable of reconstructing OCT volumes from highly undersampled imaging data. We show that these reconstructions preserve high spatial resolution and key image features, and we illustrate its improved performance over traditional reconstruction methods. Lastly, we integrate our compressed sensing techniques to physical OCT hardware. We demonstrate a pilot OCT system that integrates efficient undersampling schemes with subsequently successful 3-D image reconstructions. We evaluate acquisition patterns that take advantage of the typical forward and backward scan cycle of OCT systems to accomplish native subsampling of target data to varying degrees of compression. Using our CS-OCT algorithm, we successfully reconstruct OCT image volumes and demonstrate qualitative and quantitative preservation of image quality down to compression levels of 5% of total data.

Three-dimensional scanning as a means of archiving sculptures

Honiball, Marike January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. Design technology) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2011 / This dissertation outlines a procedural scanning process using the portable ZCorporation ZScanner® 700 and provides an overview of the developments surrounding 3D scanning technologies; specifically their application for archiving Cultural Heritage sites and projects. The procedural scanning process is structured around the identification of 3D data recording variables applicable to the digital archiving of an art museum’s collection of sculptures. The outlining of a procedural 3D scanning environment supports the developing technology of 3D digital archiving in view of artefact preservation and interactive digital accessibility. Presented in this paper are several case studies that record 3D scanning variables such as texture, scale, surface detail, light and data conversion applicable to varied sculptural surfaces and form. Emphasis is placed on the procedural documentation and the anomalies associated with the physical object, equipment used, and the scanning environment. In support of the above, the Cultural Heritage projects that are analyzed prove that 3D portable scanning could provide digital longevity and access to previously inaccessible arenas for a diverse range of digital data archiving infrastructures. The development of 3D data acquisition via scanning, CAD modelling and 2D to 3D data file conversion technologies as well as the aesthetic effect and standards of digital archiving in terms of the artwork – viewer relationship and international practices or criterions of 3D digitizing are analysed. These projects indicate the significant use of optical 3D scanning techniques and their employ on renowned historical artefacts thus emphasizing their importance, safety and effectiveness. The aim with this research is to establish that the innovation and future implications of 3D scanning could be instrumental to future technological advancement in an interdisciplinary capacity to further data capture and processing in various Cultural Heritage diagnostic applications.

Time and cost assessment of the manufacturing of tooling by metal casting in rapid prototyping sand moulds

Nyembwe, K., De Beer, D., Van der Walt, K., Bhero, S. January 2011 (has links)
Published Article / In this paper the time and cost parameters of tooling manufacturing by metal casting in rapid prototyping sand moulds are assessed and comparison is made with alternative tool making processes such as computer numerical control machining and investment casting (Paris Process). To that end two case studies obtained from local companies were carried out. The tool manufacturing was conducted according to a five steps process chain referred to as Rapid Casting for Tooling (RCT). These steps include CAD modelling, casting simulation, rapid prototyping, metal casting and finishing operations. In particular the Rapid Prototyping (RP) step for producing the sand moulds was achieved with the aid of an EOSINT S 550 Laser Sintering machine and a Spectrum 510 Three Dimensional Printer. The results indicate that RP is the rate determining step and cost driver of the proposed tooling manufacturing technique. In addition it was found that this tool making process is faster but more expensive than machining and investment casting.

The development of a teaching tool using Sketchup to enhance surveying competence at the Durban University of Technology

Stuart, Darryl George January 2015 (has links)
Submitted in fullfilment of the requirements of the Degree of Master of the Built Environment (Survey), Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2015. / Surveying concepts are difficult to understand, especially when students are exposed to surveying for the first time. Surveying is best understood when linked to field applications; however, students are only exposed to surveying and related field operation procedures during practicals. Two-dimensional (2D) explanations of surveying equipment used is shown during class lectures, which makes understanding of field procedures difficult to teach and learn during normal class lectures. A new approach to lecture delivery is required to make lectures more interesting and visually stimulating via three-dimensional (3D) animated models of levelling equipment and simulation of field observations and data collection. Additionally the learning of basic surveying concepts cannot be limited to field practicals, but in conjunction with learning that takes place in the classroom. Students' ability to properly learn the correct use of surveying equipment during time-tabled practicals is limited. The students do not have sufficient time in their normal scheduled practicals to learn to use surveying equipment to the required proficiency level. The main objective of this research was to deal with these inadequacies by exposing students to (3D) animated models of surveying equipment during lectures and the corresponding field applications created within SketchUp software. Students were exposed to these animated 3D models during lectures, so that their actual field operation and application could be simulated. Quantitative analysis of the student achievement data revealed that there was a significant difference between the test scores of the control and experimental groups. Additional analysis of the developed Likert-type scale questionnaire revealed that students' had a positive attitude towards the teaching tool.

Stream surface seeding for flow visualisation

Edmunds, Matthew January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

An Asymptotic Model of Electroporation-Mediated Molecular Delivery in Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Cranford, Jonathan Preston January 2014 (has links)
<p>Electroporation is a biological cell's natural reaction to strong electric fields, where transient pores are created in the cell membrane. While electroporation holds promise of being a safe and effective tool for enhancing molecular delivery in numerous medical applications, it remains largely confined to preclinical research and clinical trials due to an incomplete understanding of the exact mechanisms involved. Muscle fibers are an important delivery target, but traditional theoretical studies of electroporation ignore the individual fiber geometry, making it impossible to study the unique transverse and longitudinal effects from the pulse stimulus. In these long, thin muscle fibers, the total reaction of the fiber to the electric field is due to fundamentally different effects from the constituent longitudinal and transverse components of the electric field generated by the pulse stimulus. While effects from the transverse component have been studied to some degree, the effects from the longitudinal component have not been considered. </p><p>This study develops a model of electroporation and delivery of small molecules in muscle tissue that includes effects from both the transverse and longitudinal components of the electric field. First, an asymptotic model of electric potential in an individual muscle fiber is derived that separates the full 3D boundary value problem into transverse and a longitudinal problems. The transverse and longitudinal problems each have their own respective source functions: the new "transverse activating function" and the well known longitudinal activating function (AF). This separation enhances analysis of the different effects from these two AFs and drastically reduces computational intensity. Electroporation is added to the asymptotic fiber model, and simplified two-compartment mass transport equations are derived from the full 3D conservation of mass equations to allow simulation of molecular uptake due to diffusion and the electric field. Special emphasis is placed on choosing model geometry, electrical, and pulsing parameters that are in accordance with experiments that study electroporation-mediated delivery of small molecules in the skeletal muscle of small mammals.</p><p>Simulations reveal that for fibers close to the electrodes the transverse AF dominates, but for fibers far from the electrodes the longitudinal AF enhances uptake by as much as 2000%. However, on the macroscopic tissue level, the increase in uptake from the longitudinal AF is no more than 10%, given that fibers far from the electrodes contribute so little to the total uptake in the tissue. The mechanism underlying the smaller effect from the longitudinal AF is found to be unique to the process of electroporation itself. Electroporation occurs on the short time scale of polarization via the transverse AF, drastically increases membrane conductance, and effectively precludes further creation of pores from charging of the membrane via the longitudinal AF. The exact value of enhancement in uptake from the longitudinal AF is shown to depend on pulsing, membrane, and tissue parameters. Finally, simulation results reproduce qualitative, and in some cases quantitative, behavior of uptake observed in experiments.</p><p>Overall, percent increase in total tissue uptake from the longitudinal AF is on the order of experimental variability, and this study corroborates previous theoretical models that neglect the effects from the longitudinal AF. However, previous models neglect the longitudinal AF without explanation, while the asymptotic fiber model is able to detail the mechanisms involved. Mechanisms revealed by the model offer insight into interpreting experimental results and increasing efficiency of delivery protocols. The model also rigorously derives a new transverse AF based on individual fiber geometry, which affects the spatial distribution of uptake in tissue differently than predicting uptake based on the magnitude of the electric field, as used in many published models. Results of this study are strictly valid for transport of small molecules through small non-growing pores. For gene therapy applications the model must be extended to transport of large DNA molecules through large pores, which may alter the importance of the longitudinal AF. In broader terms, the asymptotic model also provides a new, computationally efficient tool that may be used in studying the effect of transverse and longitudinal components of the field for other types of membrane dynamics in muscle and nerves.</p> / Dissertation

Controlled modulation of short- and long-range adhesion of microscale biogenic replicas

Goodwin, William Brandon 27 May 2016 (has links)
The generation of nanostructured microscale assemblies with complex, three-dimensional (3-D) morphologies possessing multicomponent inorganic compositions tailored for adhesion is of considerable scientific and technological interest. This dissertation demonstrates that self-assembled 3-D organic templates of biogenic origin can be converted into replicas comprised of numerous other functional nanocrystalline inorganic materials and, further, how such replicas can tailored for adhesion. Nature provides a spectacular variety of biologically-assembled 3-D organic structures with intricate, hierarchical (macro-to-micro-to-nanoscale) morphologies designed for particle adhesion. The conformal coating of such structurally-complex biotemplates with synthetic materials provides a framework for chemical transformation of other, complex synthetic organic templates and the basis to study imparted adhesion properties. Three specific research thrusts are detailed in this document. First, freestanding magnetite (Fe3O4) replicas of bio-organic templates are synthesized via a layer-by-layer (LbL) wet chemical deposition process and subsequent morphology-preserving thermal treatments to allow for structures with tailorable long-range magnetic adhesion. Second, freestanding spinel ferrite replicas of bio-organic templates are synthesized (via LbL coating and thermal treatment) for grain size controlled long-range magnetic adhesion and short range van der Waals adhesion. The final research thrust focuses on the use of a low temperature (≤ 250°C) wet-chemical based process to convert bioorganic templates into magnetically-coated structures retaining both the size and morphology of the template. The rate-limiting kinetic mechanism(s) of the partial reduction of the inorganic coatings have been examined via quartz crystal microbalance analysis. The effects of the coating micro/nanostructure on magnetic behavior and on surface adhesion, have been investigated.

Human use of horizontal disparity for perception and visuomotor control

Scarfe, Peter January 2007 (has links)
Our eyes are horizontally separated in the head by approximately 6.5cm. As a result of this separation there are subtle differences in the position of corresponding image points within the two eyes. The horizontal component of this binocular positional difference is termed horizontal disparity. Horizontal disparity is an important visual cue as once scaled with an estimate of the viewing distance, it can theoretically provide full metric information about the structure of the world. This thesis will address the issue of how binocular visual cues are used by the human visual system for the estimation of three-dimensional (3-D) shape for perception and visuomotor control. The research presented is particularly focused on understanding why biases in the perception of 3-D shape from binocular cues are found, their importance for perception and visuomotor control and how these biases may be overcome by combining binocular cues with other sources of visual information.

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