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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thulium Mode-Locked Fiber Laser

Adams, Jordan M. 30 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Improving the experimental setup for ultrasound-optical tomography imaging

Dahir Ahmed, Ibtisam January 2023 (has links)
According to Bröstcancer förbundet, mammography is not efficient at detecting tumors in dense breast tissue or diagnosing breast cancer at its early stages. Ultrasound-optical tomography (UOT) is an imaging technique in development and has the potential for deep-tissue imaging. If ultrasound-optical tomography were implemented, it would be easier to differentiate between malignant, benign, and healthy tissue from any type of breast tissue. UOT is an imaging technique that takes advantage of high penetration depth and high spatial resolution of ultrasound imaging and optical imaging. In UOT, a laser light and an ultrasound pulse propagate through the tissue simultaneously at a frequency f$_L$ and f$_{US}$, respectively. The light will scatter while it propagates through the tissue and some of this scattered light will become frequency shifted by ultrasound pulse due to the acousto-optic effect. The tagged light will have the frequency $f_T = f_L + f_{US}$. The tagged (frequency shifted) light can be separated from the untagged light (unshifted light) using a thulium-doped lithium niobate, Tm$^{3+}$:$~$LiNbO$_3$, crystal as a filter. The crystal is kept at a temperature close to zero kelvin because then it exhibits unique characteristics, e.g. it has a narrow linewidth and long-lived hyperfine levels at this temperature. The filter is created by a method known as spectral hole burning (SHB). A laser beam is used to transfer electrons from the ground state to the excited state to create a hole at a specific wavelength. The spectral hole is created at the frequency of the tagged light and hence a narrow bandpass filter is constructed inside the crystal. The tagged light is fully transmitted through the filter while it highly attenuates untagged light. The tagged light is detected with a photodiode and processed in MATLAB after it has been transferred to an oscilloscope. This thesis aims to model and design a phantom probe that minimizes vibration and other unwanted movements or disturbances during measurements. The automated phantom holder will be used for the recording of 3D images. Another task of the thesis was to obtain the absorption spectrum of a 0.005$\%$ Tm$^{3+}$:$~$LiNbO$_3$ crystal when it is cooled down to 3$~$K to ensure that the crystal has the same absorption characteristics as predicted in literature. The absorption line at $\sim$ 800$~$nm is of interest since oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin have similar absorption coefficients at $\sim$ 800$~$nm. Optical absorption and scattering information will help determine if the sample contains a cancerous region. The phantom probe was modeled in Solid Works and manufactured through 3D printing. In this setup, the sample holder was chosen to be translated while the ultrasound transducer was stationary to generate less blurry images. The design of the probe has to accommodate two detection schemes, reflection and transmission mode. The phantom probe was automated using a linear servo actuator since it was controlled with pulse-width modulation (PWM). It used a square signal as an input that could be generated with an Arbitrary signal generator (AWG). Using a device that operates with a signal was important because it would make it easier to integrate it into the experimental setup. The whole phantom probe was constructed in a cost-efficient way and in a way that it could be easily incorporated into the experimental setup. The absorption spectrum showed that the crystal has an absorption line at $\sim$ 794.3$~$nm. This absorption spectrum was compared to an absorption spectrum taken at 8$~$K on the same crystal and captured with a different method. Both absorption spectra had the same absorption peaks at almost the same wavelengths but they also showed few discrepancies that may depend on the temperature difference and the recording method. In this thesis, the absorption spectrum data taken was captured by sweeping the wavelength. The signal was captured with a photodiode, transferred to an oscilloscope, and then processed in MATLAB. The absorption spectrum data at 8$~$K was obtained using a Fourier transform spectrometer, resulting in data with little noise and well resolved peaks. To conclude, a functional and robust phantom probe was designed and manufactured that could withstand vibration and other undesired movements. An absorption spectrum of Tm$^{3+}$:$~$LiNbO$_3$ crystal was obtained at 3$~$K and compared to absorption taken at 8$~$K and compared to literature and previous measurements under similar conditions.

Development Of Thulium Fiber Lasers For High Average Power And High Peak Power Operation

Sims, Robert 01 January 2013 (has links)
High power thulium fiber lasers are useful for a number of applications in both continuous-wave and pulsed operating regimes. The use of thulium as a dopant has recently gained interest due to its large bandwidth, possibility of high efficiency, possibility of high power and long wavelength ~1.8 – 2.1 μm. The longer emission wavelength of Tm-doped fiber lasers compared to Yb- and/or Er-doped fiber lasers creates the possibility for higher peak power operation due to the larger nonlinear thresholds and reduced nonlinear phase accumulation. One primary interest in Tm-doped fiber lasers has been to scale to high average powers; however, the thermal and mechanical constraints of the fiber limit the average power out of a single-fiber aperture. One method to overcome the constraints of a single laser aperture is to spectrally combine the output from multiple lasers operating with different wavelengths into a single beam. In this thesis, results will be presented on the development of three polarized 100 W level laser systems that were wavelength stabilized for SBC. In addition to the development of the laser channels, the beams were combined using bandpass filters to achieve a single near diffraction-limited output. Concurrently, with the development of high average power systems there is an increasing interest in femotosecond pulse generation and amplification using Tm- doped fiber lasers. High peak power sources operating near 2 µm have the potential to be efficient pump sources to generate mid-infrared light through supercontinuum generation or optical parametric oscillators. This thesis focuses on the development of a laser system utilizing chirped pulse amplification (CPA) to achieve record level energies and peak powers for ultrashort pulses in Tm-doped fiber. iv A mode-locked oscillator was built to generate femtosecond pulses operating with pJ energy. Pulses generated in the mode-locked oscillator were limited to low energies and contained spectral modulation due to the mode-locking mechanism, therefore, a Raman-soliton self-frequency shift (Raman-SSFS) amplifier was built to amplify pulses, decrease the pulse duration, and spectrally clean pulses. These pulses were amplified using chirped pulse amplification (CPA) in which, limiting factors for amplification were examined and a high peak power system was built. The primary limiting factors of CPA in fibers include the nonlinear phase accumulation, primarily through self-phase modulation (SPM), and gain narrowing. Gain narrowing was examined by temporally stretching pulses in a highly nonlinear fiber that both stretched the pulse duration and broadened the spectrum. A high peak power CPA system amplified pulses to 1 µJ energy with 300 fs compressed pulses, corresponding to a peak power >3 MW. High peak power pulses were coupled into highly nonlinear fibers to generate supercontinuum

Peak Power Scaling Of Nanosecond Pulses In Thulium Based Fiber Lasers

Gaida, Christian 01 January 2013 (has links)
Thulium based fiber lasers represent a promising alternative for pulse energy scaling and high peak power generation with ytterbium based systems at 1µm. Advantages of thulium arise from the operation at longer wavelengths and a large gain bandwidth (1.8-2.1µm). Nonlinear effects, such as self phase modulation, stimulated Raman scattering and stimulated Brillouin scattering generally limit peak power scaling in fiber lasers. The longer wavelength of thulium fiber lasers and large mode field areas can significantly increase the nonlinear thresholds. Compared to 1µm systems, thulium fiber lasers enable single mode guidance for two times larger mode field diameter in step index fibers. Similar behavior is expected for index guiding thulium doped photonic crystal fibers. In this work a novel thulium doped rod type photonic crystal fiber design with large mode field diameter ( > 50µm) was first characterized in CW-lasing configuration and then utilized as final amplifier in a two stage master oscillator power amplifier. The system generated MW-level peak power at 6.5ns pulse duration and 1kHz repetition rate. This world record performance exemplifies the potential of thulium fiber lasers to supersede ytterbium based systems for very high peak power generation in the future. As part of this work a computer model for the transient simulation of pulsed amplification in thulium based fiber lasers was developed. The simulations are in good agreement with the experimental results. The computer model can be used for efficient optimization of future thulium based fiber amplifier designs.

Pulsed Tm-fiber Laser For Mid-ir Generation

Kadwani, Pankaj 01 January 2013 (has links)
The thulium fiber laser has gained interest due to its long emission wavelength, large bandwidth (~1.8 – 2.1 µm), high efficiencies (~60 %), and high output power levels both in cw as well as pulsed regimes. Applications like remote sensing, machining, medical tissue ablation, and mid-infrared generation benefit from high peak power thulium laser sources. Pulsed thulium fiber laser systems are advancing rapidly towards higher peak power levels and are becoming the preferred sources for these applications. This dissertation work describes the development of novel nanosecond pulsed thulium fiber laser systems with record high peak power levels targeting mid-infrared generation. The peak power scaling in thulium fiber lasers requires new fiber designs with larger mode field area (MFA) than commercially available step index large mode area (SI-LMA) fibers. Two different prototypes of thulium doped photonic crystal fibers (PCF) were investigated for high peak power generation. The first prototype is a flexible-PCF with MFA twice as large as SILMA fiber and the second prototype is a PCF-rod with six times larger MFA. A robust single stage master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) source based on flexible-PCF was developed. This source provided narrow linewidth, tunable wavelength, variable pulse duration, high peak power, and high energy nanosecond pulses. The PCF-rod was implemented as a second stage power amplifier. This system generated a record level of ~1 MW peak power output with 6.4 ns pulse-duration at 1 kHz repetition rate. This thulium doped PCF based MOPA system is a state of the art laser source providing high quality nanosecond pulses. iv The single stage MOPA system was successfully implemented to pump a zinc germanium phosphide (ZGP) crystal in an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) cavity to generate 3 - 5 µm wavelengths. The MOPA source was also used to demonstrate backside machining in silicon wafer. The PCF based laser system demonstrated an order of magnitude increase in the peak power achievable in nanosecond thulium doped fiber laser systems, and further scaling appears possible. The increase in peak power will enable additional capabilities for mid-infrared generation and associated applications.

Performance considerations in high-speed TDFA-band silicon photonic micro-ring resonator modulators

Hagan, David January 2019 (has links)
The ever-increasing bandwidth requirements to support telecommunications infrastructure necessitates large-scale fabrication of low-cost and scalable silicon photonic integrated circuits. Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) schemes are fundamentally limited in the number of channels supported in long-haul transmission by the erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). To address this, researchers have turned focus toward the thulium doped fiber amplifier (TDFA), which provides 3× more bandwidth. This thesis describes the development of high-speed silicon-on-insulator (SOI) micro-ring resonator (MRR) modulators optimized for wavelengths in the TDFA band. Chapter 2 presents a theoretical performance comparison between MRR modulators designed for optimized use at EDFA and TDFA wavelengths. Chapter 3 presents an experimental study of optical loss mechanisms at extended wavelengths which suggests reduced waveguide scattering and enhanced divacancy defect absorption as well as larger bending and substrate leakage losses when compared with shorter wavelengths. An electronic variable optical attenuator is characterized in Chapter 4 to experimentally verify the predicted 1.7× TDFA-band free-carrier effect enhancement over EDFA-band wavelengths. The first steady-state operation of an MMR modulator near a central wavelength of 1.97 µm is also demonstrated under the enhanced free-carrier effect. Chapter 5 demonstrates the first high-speed reverse bias operation of an MRR modulator with a measured bandwidth of 12.5 GHz, and an on-chip optical link consisting of a modulator followed by a defectmediated detector with open eye-diagrams up to data rates of 12.5 Gbps. Chapter 6 introduces an electrically-driven post-fabrication defect-assisted resonance trimming technique via local annealing for use in MRR devices. Chapter 7 presents a Monte Carlo simulation of resonance alignment in multi-MRR systems subjected to spatially-correlated wafer variation created through the Virtual Wafer Model process to predict thermal power consumption and power reduction through resonance trimming. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Étude d'un laser à fibre de ZBLAN dopée au thulium émettant dans le proche infrarouge

Androz, Guillaume 17 April 2018 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce document portent sur le développement de lasers à fibre de ZBLAN dopée au thulium, ainsi que sur l'étude de phénomènes nouveaux liés à la dynamique des niveaux électroniques. Le verre de ZBLAN est utilisé pour sa faible énergie de phonons qui a pour effet d'allonger les temps de vie des niveaux électroniques des ions terre-rare qui le dopent. Nous présentons dans un premier temps nos travaux sur l'émission d'impulsions auto-induites par un laser à fibre de ZBLAN dopée au thulium émettant dans la région de 800 nm. L'émission laser à une ou deux longueurs d'onde correspond à deux transitions laser distinctes. Un nouveau régime dynamique auto-induit lorsque les deux transitions oscillent est rapporté. Nous avons pu reproduire numériquement les observations expérimentales en utilisant un modèle simple basé sur les équations d'évolution des populations des niveaux électroniques. Dans un second temps, nous aborderons le développement de nouveaux lasers à fibre de ZBLAN utilisant pour la première fois la technologie des réseaux de Bragg photo-inscrits par laser femtoseconde. A travers l'étude d'un laser monothique à fibre de ZBL.AN dopée au thulium émettant jusqu'à 2.3 W de puissance à 1480 nm sur le mode fondamental, nous avons pu mettre en évidence l'intérêt de cette nouvelle technologie. Le laser présenté offre une efficacité de conversion de 65% à comparer à la limite quantique qui est de 72%. Les performances de ce laser sont comparées pour deux longueurs d'onde de pompe à 1064 nm et à 1040 nm. Pour cette dernière longueur d'onde de pompe, nous avons mis en évidence un phénomène d'avalanche de photons. De plus, nous avons développé un modèle numérique complet permettant d'optimiser la cavité laser et d'expliquer son comportement. Enfin, nous présentons nos travaux sur l'accordabilité en longueur d'onde d'un tel laser. Un stress mécanique purement axial est appliqué sur la portion de fibre contenant un réseau de Bragg ce qui nous permet d'accorder la longueur d'onde d'émission du laser sur plus de 20 nm.

The role of glass modifiers in the solubility of Tm3+ ions in As2S3 glasses

Galstyan, Ani 24 April 2018 (has links)
Au cours des années une variété des compositions de verre chalcogénure a été étudiée en tant qu’une matrice hôte pour les ions Terres Rares (TR). Pourtant, l’obtention d’une matrice de verre avec une haute solubilité des ions TR et la fabrication d’une fibre chalcogénure dopée au TR avec une bonne qualité optique reste toujours un grand défi. La présente thèse de doctorat se concentre sur l'étude de nouveaux systèmes vitreux comme des matrices hôtes pour le dopage des ions TR, ce qui a permis d'obtenir des fibres optiques dopées au TR qui sont transparents dans l’IR proche et moyenne. Les systèmes vitreux étudiés ont été basés sur le verre de sulfure d'arsenic (As2S3) co-dopé aux ions de Tm3+ et aux différents modificateurs du verre. Premièrement, l'addition de Gallium (Ga), comme un co-dopant, a été examinée et son influence sur les propriétés d'émission des ions de Tm a été explorée. Avec l'incorporation de Ga, la matrice d’As2S3 dopée au Tm a montré trois bandes d'émission à 1.2 μm (1H5→3H6), 1.4 μm (3H4→3F4) et 1.8 μm (3F4→3H6), sous l’excitation des longueurs d'onde de 698 nm et 800 nm. Les concentrations de Tm et de Ga ont été optimisées afin d’obtenir le meilleur rendement possible de photoluminescence. À partir de la composition optimale, la fibre Ga-As-S dopée au Tm3+ a été étirée et ses propriétés de luminescence ont été étudiées. Un mécanisme de formation structurale a été proposé pour ce système vitreux par la caractérisation structurale des verres Ga-As-S dopés au Tm3+, en utilisant la spectroscopie Raman et l’analyse de spectrométrie d'absorption des rayons X (EXAFS) à seuil K d’As, seuil K de Ga et seuil L3 de Tm et il a été corrélé avec les caractéristiques de luminescence de Tm. Dans la deuxième partie, la modification des verres As2S3 dopés au Tm3+, avec l'incorporation d'halogénures (Iode (I2)), a été étudiée en tant qu’une méthode pour l’adaptation des paramètres du procédé de purification afin d’obtenir une matrice de verre de haute pureté par distillation chimique. Les trois bandes d'émission susmentionnées ont été aussi bien observées pour ce système sous l'excitation à 800 nm. Les propriétés optiques, thermiques et structurelles de ces systèmes vitreux ont été caractérisées expérimentalement en fonction de la concentration d’I2 et de Tm dans le verre, où l'attention a été concentrée sur deux aspects principaux: l'influence de la concentration d’I2 sur l'intensité d'émission de Tm et les mécanismes responsables pour l'augmentation de la solubilité des ions de Tm dans la matrice d’As2S3 avec l’addition I2. / Over the years a number of chalcogenide glass compositions have been studied as host matrices for Rare Earth (RE) ions. However, it still remains a great challenge to obtain a glass matrix with high solubility of RE ions and to fabricate a RE doped chalcogenide glass fiber with good optical quality. The present PhD thesis focuses on the study of new glassy systems as host matrices for doping of RE ions, which allowed to obtain RE doped optical fibers transparent in near and middle IR. Studied glassy systems were based on well-known arsenic sulphide (As2S3) glasses co-doped with Tm3+ ions and different glass modifiers. Firstly, the addition of Gallium (Ga) ions as co-dopants was examined and their influence on the emission properties of Tm ions was explored. With the incorporation of Ga into the host, Tm doped As2S3 glasses display three strong emission bands at 1.2 μm (1H5→3H6), 1.4 μm (3H4→3F4) and 1.8 μm (3F4→3H6) under excitation wavelengths of 698 nm and 800 nm. Despite the very small glass forming region of the system Ga-As-S we could optimise the concentration ratio of Ga and Tm to achieve the highest possible photoluminescence efficiency. From the optimal composition, Tm3+ doped Ga-As-S fiber was drawn and its luminescence properties were studied. Through structural characterisation of Tm doped Ga-As-S glasses, using Raman spectroscopy and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy at As K-edge, Ga K-edge and Tm L3-edge, a formation mechanism has been proposed for this glassy system and it was correlated with luminescence features of Tm ions. In the second part, the modification of Tm3+ doped As2S3 glasses with the incorporation of halides (namely Iodine (I2)) was investigated, as a method for tailoring the process parameters for purification, in order to obtain a high purity glass matrix via chemical distillation. All three of above mentioned emission bands were observed for this system as well, under the 800 nm of excitation wavelength. Optical, thermal and structural properties of these glassy systems were characterized experimentally depending on the concentration of I2 and Tm in the glass, where the attention was concentrated on two principal aspects: the influence of the concentration of I2 on the intensity of emission of Tm and the mechanisms responsible for the increase of the solubility of Tm ions in As2S3 glass matrix with addition of I2.

Carbon nanostructures for femtosecond mode-locked lasers in the 1.0 to 2.1 micrometer wavelength range

Schmidt, Andreas 07 July 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt das Zusammenspiel von effizienten aktiven Lasermedien und neuartigen sättigbaren Absorbern, welche auf den Kohlenstoff-Nanostrukturen Graphen und den einwandigen Kohlenstoff Nanoröhren (SWCNTs) basieren. Die aktiven Lasermedien decken den Spektralbereich von 1,0 Mikrometer bis 2,1 Mikrometer ab, d.h. eine ganze Oktave, und nutzen die laseraktiven Ionen des Ytterbiums, Chroms und Thuliums. In dieser Arbeit werden die auf Graphen und SWCNT basierenden sättigbaren Absorber hinsichtlich ihres einer Anregung folgenden Relaxationsverhaltens, ihrer von der Fluenz abhängigen Transmission und ihres Sättigungs- verhaltens bei hohen Fluenzen untersucht. Eine vorangestellte Einführung der optischen Eigenschaften von Graphen und SWCNTs wird gegeben und die Modelle zur Beschreibung realer Proben werden aus theoretischen Modellvorstellungen hergeleitet. Die sättigbaren Absorber basierend auf Graphen und SWCNTs werden untereinander und mit klassischen halbleitenden sättigbaren Absorbern verglichen. Diese Arbeit zeigt ferner die Erzeugung ultrakurzer Pulse verschiedener Laser mit diesen neuartigen sättigbaren Absorbern basierend auf Kohlenstoff Nanostrukturen. Die erhaltenen Pulse werden mittels Spektrometrie, Autokorrelation, Radiofrequenz- und partiell FROG-Messungen charakterisiert, und der zugrunde liegende Pulsformungsmechanismus, sowie die Stabilität gegen das Güteschalten werden diskutiert. / This thesis addresses the interplay of highly efficient active laser media and novel saturable absorbers based on the carbon nanostructures graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The active laser media cover the spectral region from 1.0 micron up to 2.1 micron, i.e. a whole octave, and apply ytterbium, chromium and thulium as active lasing ions. Within this work, the saturable absorbers based on SWCNTs and graphene are characterized with respect to their relaxation behaviour after excitation, and with respect to their fluence-dependent transmission and saturation. A precedent introduction of the general optical properties of graphene and SWCNTs is presented as well and the models to describe real samples experimentally are deduced from theoretical model conceptions. The saturable absorbers based on graphene and SWCNTs are compared to each other and to classical semiconducting saturable absorbers. This thesis further presents the generation of ultrashort laser pulses applying these novel carbon nanostructure based saturable absorbers in different lasers. The obtained pulses are characterized by spectrometry, autocorrelation, radio-frequency measurements and partially by FROG measurements. Additionally, the underlying pulse formation process and the Q-switching stability are discussed.

Gestion des effets thermiques dans des fibres actives à très grande aire modale pour la montée en puissance des sources laser à 2μm / Thermal effects management in very large mode area fibers for power scaling in laser sources at 2µm

Darwich, Dia 27 November 2017 (has links)
Ce travail concerne le développement d’une fibre optique à structure originale permettant la montée en puissance moyenne et crête dans les systèmes lasers à 2μm. La gestion des effets thermiques est devenue aujourd’hui un enjeu primordial notamment pour essayer de repousser le seuil d’apparition des instabilités modales transverses. Le principe mis en avant ici est basé sur la rupture de symétrie de la gaine microstructurée de la fibre afin d’améliorer la délocalisation des modes d’ordre supérieur vers l’extérieur du milieu à gain. Ainsi une propagation quasi-monomode est obtenue dans une fibre apériodique passive avec un coeur de 140μm à 2μm. Un travail de modélisation a été mené de manière à proposer d’autres structures basées sur une modulation contrôlée de l’indice de réfraction dans le milieu à gain afin de repousser encore plus le seuil du régime multimode. En outre, la fabrication de la première fibre dopée thulium à large aire modale (Dcoeur = 18μm) par la méthode REPUSIL a montré une efficacité de 50%. Ensuite, la fabrication de la première fibre rigide complètement apériodique à gaine réduite dopée thulium a été réalisée. Une fibre avec un coeur de 29μm et un diamètre extérieur de 769μm et une longueur de 86cm a été caractérisée en configuration laser et a permis d’obtenir une émission laser à 2μm de 3,8W (puissance limitée par la puissance de la diode de pompe disponible) avec un rendement de 20% et une qualité de faisceau quasi-monomode. De plus, une fibre passive complètement apériodique à polarisation unique avec un coeur de 140μm a également été réalisée et a permis d’obtenir un ratio d’extinction de polarisation de 16,5dB à 2μm. / This work deals with the development of an original leaky structure of optical fiber aiming at generating a high power laser radiation at 2μm in CW and pulsed regimes. The management of thermal effects in high power/energy regime became a major issue, in particular to push further the transverse modal instabilities threshold. Our approach consists in breaking the symmetry of the microstructured fiber cladding for to improve the delocalization of the high order modes outside of the gain medium. Thus, an effective single-mode propagation at a 2μm operating wavelength was first demonstrated into a passive aperiodic fibers whose the core diameter reaches up to 140 μm. After implementing some Stress Applying Parts over our aperiodic design, a PER of 16.5dB was achieved at 2μm using a single polarization passive FA-LPF with a core of 140 μm. Thence, a numerical study on the tailoring the active core refractive index has been carried out so as to fend off the threshold of multimodedness. Additionally, the first LMA Tm-doped fiber (Dcoeur = 18μm) fabricated by the REPUSIL method and showing an efficiency of 50% is demonstrated. Thereafter, the fabrication of the first rod-type Tm-doped FA-LPF with reduced cladding is shown. A 29 μm core FA-LPF was characterized in laser configuration, leading to an effective single-mode emission of 3.8W of average power at 2μm strictly restricted by the available pump power and an efficiency of 20%.

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