Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tin""
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Villa krypin - Ett stort litet hus : Ett rörligt hem i miniformat med stor frihet / Villa nook - A big little house : A portable mini-home with great freedomAllwood, Inga-Teresa January 2015 (has links)
I detta arbete kan du läsa om ett alternativ för den fasta inredningen i ett Tiny hus på hjul. Jag har i detta examensarbete även utforskat boende på liten yta och tittat på vad ett mindre boende kan göra för vår miljöpåverkan, vår ekonomi och våra beteenden. I mitt projekt har jag skapat inredningsarkitekturen till ett minihem på hjul för två personer som är 14m2 + 4m2 bi-area. Huset är tänkt för året-runt-boende. Ett minihus är ett hem med ett litet miljömässigt fotavtryck som inte tar större plats än vad det verkligen behöver. I ett så litet hem måste de boende värdera och prioritera vad som verkligen är viktigt för dem. Inget annat får plats. Nästa gång du flyttar, flytta med hela ditt hem. / In this thesis you can read about an alternative for the interior architecture of a Tiny house on wheels. It also explores tiny living as a possibility for some of us and looks at what a small accommodation can make for our environment, our economy and our behaviours. In my project, I have created the interior architecture of a tiny house for two people on wheels. The house is 14m2+ 4m2in the loft and it is designed for year-round-living. A tiny house is a home with a small environmental footprint that doesn’t take up more space than it really needs. In such a small home residents must evaluate and prioritize what is truly important to them. Nothing else will fit. Next time you move, move your entire home.
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Budoucnost bydlení / Future housingKrižanovská, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
The design is a modular structure, repeating itself in cities around the world. The space grid, which forms the platform for mobile housing, provides the city nomad with the ability to easily move from city to city and live with its small home anywhere.
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Výzkum systému GPS pro lokalizaci bezdrátových senzorových uzlů / Research into GPS system used for Wireless Sensor Node LocalizationJuračka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Theme of the thesis is research and possibility of using GPS system from localization in wireless sensor network. Paper deals with the accuracy and energy consumption of GPS localization. Thesis also solve using of localization in local anchor system. Theoretical part describes IEEE 802.15.4 standard, capability of used nodes and describe ways how to use RSSI value to resolve location
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Radio Communication for PIE - a Tiny Timber InterfaceAmerion, Mohsen January 2010 (has links)
<p>Tiny Timber is a very lightweight, real-time kernel for small, event-driven embedded systems. It implements reactive objects as a way of structuring embedded software. These objects are components that react to incoming events by updating their internal state and issuing an outgoing event. Implementing a control system based on reactive objects enhances the reactivity of the system and it helps to optimize the energy consumption, as the system goes to sleep mode when there is nothing to react to. It is also a programming technique that facilitates the organization of the program.</p><p>In this project, we develop a device driver for radio communication with a Tiny Timber interface. This is an extension to the Platform for Intelligent Embedded (PIE) system which is a robot assembled and used at the IDE department of Halmstad University as a platform for developing new applications as well as for educational purposes in the area of embedded and intelligent systems. The interface is programmed in C and consists of a collection of device drivers for different components of PIE in the form of reactive objects.</p>
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Por uma clínica infinitamente minúscula : senti(n)do por entre corpos no hospitalBarone, Luciana Rodríguez January 2011 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, temos o objetivo de problematizar a clínica e o corpo no hospital, especificamente na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. A partir da experiência clínica como psicóloga em um hospital da mulher, fomos percorrendo as instituições e afetos presentes nesse espaço. Primeiramente, resgatamos a história do hospital, e da clínica, em sua configuração moderna e contemporânea enquanto tecnologia de cura, guiada pela medicina e permeada pela organização disciplinar. Neste espaço, vemos emergir um corpo orgânico e individualizado, a ser olhado e manipulado. Também retomamos as constituições da infância e da família neste período, no qual o bebê se torna alvo de cuidados e a família, instrumento de aperfeiçoamento do biopoder. Surgem, neste contexto, os sentimentos de infância e familiais, assim como a maternidade como forma de cuidado primeira e única, reafirmando as subjetividades privatizadas e intimistas. A partir da interface entre essas duas instituições, hospital e família, vamos percebendo esses aperfeiçoamentos da biopolítica nos modos de cuidar e curar na UTI Neonatal. No encontro com as tecnologias avançadas e as políticas de humanização, evidenciamos o paradoxo que se coloca no ato de produzir padrões de saúde e, concomitantemente, acolher as singularidades dos encontros cotidianos num espaço que se dedica a salvar vidas recém-chegadas e já atravessadas pelo risco de dissolução, prematuras. Assim, o que nos interroga nesta pesquisa é como se dão as linhas de fuga, rupturas desses modos homogeneizantes e generalizantes de produzir saúde no hospital. A pergunta é sobre a potência do corpo e da clínica diante das institucionalizações e significações estabelecidas. Apesar do apacientamento e das modelizações, constroem-se estratégias microscópicas singulares de escapar, de questionar e de produzir outros modos de vida, a partir das inquietações sentidas no corpo. Para tanto, afirmamos uma metodologia que toma o corpo e seus afetos como impulsionadores da produção de conhecimento. Corpo e pensamento se juntam para construir uma cartografia dos processos clínicos na UTI Neonatal, resgatando a sensibilidade higienizada pela racionalidade e o plano da expressão, da produção de sentidos. Através de fragmentos de diários de campo, colocamos em análise o modo como se dão os encontros neste espaço, tentando acompanhar e criar linhas de fuga e diferenciação. Neste trajeto, fomos percebendo que os encontros com o bebê prematuro, fragilizado e miniaturizado despertava em nós profissionais e familiares um sentimento de infância, resgate do plano de sensibilidade apacientado na forma adulto-homem. Assim, abriam-se brechas para o inesperado, não calculado, mesmo que muitos investimentos de salvar e expectativas de formar um adulto promissor se voltassem para esse bebê. A partir, então, destes afetos, nos conectávamos com nossas próprias fragilidades enquanto clínicos não sabedores, pais insuficientes ou bebês não funcionais, adentrando um plano comum de composição múltiplo e impessoal, e resgatando nossa própria infinitude e coletividade constitutivas. Deixando passar tais intensidades advindas desses encontros fissurados, fomos acompanhando algumas possibilidades minúsculas de reinvenção e composição de uma clínica que não busca se afirmar como uma nova identidade e se quer minúscula em contraposição às grandezas do hospital, da ciência e das políticas. Logo, afirmamos uma ética que se faz a cada novo encontro, singular e imanente. Tal ética da vida e da clínica abre espaço para valorização de uma vida intensiva, e não somente orgânica, a ser preservada, potencializada e expandida. / In this research, we aim to discuss the clinic and the body in the hospital, specifically in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Based on the clinical experience as a psychologist in a women's hospital, we walked down the institutions and affection in this space. Firstly, we brought back the history of the hospital, and clinic, in its modern and contemporary settings while curing technology, guided by medicine and permeated by disciplinary organization. In this space, we see emerging an organic and individualized body, to be viewed and manipulated. Also we returned the childhood and family constitutions in this period, in which the baby becomes a target of cares and the family, an instrument for improvement of biopower. Arise, in this context, the childhood and familial feelings, as well as motherhood as a form of first and only care, confirming the privatized and intimate subjectivities. From the interface between these two institutions, hospital and family, we realize these biopolitics improvements in the modes of caring and healing in the Neonatal ICU. At the meeting with the advanced technologies and policies of humanization, we noted the paradox that arises in the act of producing standards of health and concomitantly welcome the singularities of daily encounters in a space that is dedicated to saving newcomers lives and already crossed the danger of dissolution, premature. So what questions to us in this research is how to happen the lines of escape, breaks of these homogenizing and generalizing modes of producing health in the hospital. The question is about the body and clinic potency in front of the institutionalization and meanings established. Although the resignation and modeling, build up singular and microscopic strategies to escape, to question and to produce other ways of life, from of the concerns felt in the body. For this purpose, we affirm a methodology that takes the body and its affections as drivers of knowledge production. Body and mind come together to build a cartography of clinical processes in the Neonatal ICU, recovering the sensitivity cleaned by rationality and the plane of expression, of the production of senses. Through fragments of field diaries, put in analysis the way the meetings take place in this space, trying to follow and create lines of escape and differentiation. During this course, we realized that the meetings with the premature baby, fragile and miniaturized aroused in us work and family a sense of childhood, rescue of the sensitivity plan suppressed in adult-man way. Thus, opened up gaps for the unexpected, not calculated, even though many of saving investments and expectations to form a promising adult have returned for this baby. Since then, these affections, we connected us with our own fragilities while not knowing clinicians, insufficient parents or non-functional babies, into a common plan of multiple composition and impersonal, and rescuing our infinity and collectivity constitutive. Passing up such intensities that come from these meetings fissured, we were following some tiny possibility of reinvention and composition of a clinic that does not seek to assert themselves as a new identity and want to be tiny in contrast to the grandeur of the hospital, science and policy. Therefore, we affirm an ethic that builds up with each new encounter, singular and immanent. This ethic of life and clinical open space for recovery of an intensive life, not just organic, to be preserved, potentialized and expanded.
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Por uma clínica infinitamente minúscula : senti(n)do por entre corpos no hospitalBarone, Luciana Rodríguez January 2011 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, temos o objetivo de problematizar a clínica e o corpo no hospital, especificamente na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. A partir da experiência clínica como psicóloga em um hospital da mulher, fomos percorrendo as instituições e afetos presentes nesse espaço. Primeiramente, resgatamos a história do hospital, e da clínica, em sua configuração moderna e contemporânea enquanto tecnologia de cura, guiada pela medicina e permeada pela organização disciplinar. Neste espaço, vemos emergir um corpo orgânico e individualizado, a ser olhado e manipulado. Também retomamos as constituições da infância e da família neste período, no qual o bebê se torna alvo de cuidados e a família, instrumento de aperfeiçoamento do biopoder. Surgem, neste contexto, os sentimentos de infância e familiais, assim como a maternidade como forma de cuidado primeira e única, reafirmando as subjetividades privatizadas e intimistas. A partir da interface entre essas duas instituições, hospital e família, vamos percebendo esses aperfeiçoamentos da biopolítica nos modos de cuidar e curar na UTI Neonatal. No encontro com as tecnologias avançadas e as políticas de humanização, evidenciamos o paradoxo que se coloca no ato de produzir padrões de saúde e, concomitantemente, acolher as singularidades dos encontros cotidianos num espaço que se dedica a salvar vidas recém-chegadas e já atravessadas pelo risco de dissolução, prematuras. Assim, o que nos interroga nesta pesquisa é como se dão as linhas de fuga, rupturas desses modos homogeneizantes e generalizantes de produzir saúde no hospital. A pergunta é sobre a potência do corpo e da clínica diante das institucionalizações e significações estabelecidas. Apesar do apacientamento e das modelizações, constroem-se estratégias microscópicas singulares de escapar, de questionar e de produzir outros modos de vida, a partir das inquietações sentidas no corpo. Para tanto, afirmamos uma metodologia que toma o corpo e seus afetos como impulsionadores da produção de conhecimento. Corpo e pensamento se juntam para construir uma cartografia dos processos clínicos na UTI Neonatal, resgatando a sensibilidade higienizada pela racionalidade e o plano da expressão, da produção de sentidos. Através de fragmentos de diários de campo, colocamos em análise o modo como se dão os encontros neste espaço, tentando acompanhar e criar linhas de fuga e diferenciação. Neste trajeto, fomos percebendo que os encontros com o bebê prematuro, fragilizado e miniaturizado despertava em nós profissionais e familiares um sentimento de infância, resgate do plano de sensibilidade apacientado na forma adulto-homem. Assim, abriam-se brechas para o inesperado, não calculado, mesmo que muitos investimentos de salvar e expectativas de formar um adulto promissor se voltassem para esse bebê. A partir, então, destes afetos, nos conectávamos com nossas próprias fragilidades enquanto clínicos não sabedores, pais insuficientes ou bebês não funcionais, adentrando um plano comum de composição múltiplo e impessoal, e resgatando nossa própria infinitude e coletividade constitutivas. Deixando passar tais intensidades advindas desses encontros fissurados, fomos acompanhando algumas possibilidades minúsculas de reinvenção e composição de uma clínica que não busca se afirmar como uma nova identidade e se quer minúscula em contraposição às grandezas do hospital, da ciência e das políticas. Logo, afirmamos uma ética que se faz a cada novo encontro, singular e imanente. Tal ética da vida e da clínica abre espaço para valorização de uma vida intensiva, e não somente orgânica, a ser preservada, potencializada e expandida. / In this research, we aim to discuss the clinic and the body in the hospital, specifically in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Based on the clinical experience as a psychologist in a women's hospital, we walked down the institutions and affection in this space. Firstly, we brought back the history of the hospital, and clinic, in its modern and contemporary settings while curing technology, guided by medicine and permeated by disciplinary organization. In this space, we see emerging an organic and individualized body, to be viewed and manipulated. Also we returned the childhood and family constitutions in this period, in which the baby becomes a target of cares and the family, an instrument for improvement of biopower. Arise, in this context, the childhood and familial feelings, as well as motherhood as a form of first and only care, confirming the privatized and intimate subjectivities. From the interface between these two institutions, hospital and family, we realize these biopolitics improvements in the modes of caring and healing in the Neonatal ICU. At the meeting with the advanced technologies and policies of humanization, we noted the paradox that arises in the act of producing standards of health and concomitantly welcome the singularities of daily encounters in a space that is dedicated to saving newcomers lives and already crossed the danger of dissolution, premature. So what questions to us in this research is how to happen the lines of escape, breaks of these homogenizing and generalizing modes of producing health in the hospital. The question is about the body and clinic potency in front of the institutionalization and meanings established. Although the resignation and modeling, build up singular and microscopic strategies to escape, to question and to produce other ways of life, from of the concerns felt in the body. For this purpose, we affirm a methodology that takes the body and its affections as drivers of knowledge production. Body and mind come together to build a cartography of clinical processes in the Neonatal ICU, recovering the sensitivity cleaned by rationality and the plane of expression, of the production of senses. Through fragments of field diaries, put in analysis the way the meetings take place in this space, trying to follow and create lines of escape and differentiation. During this course, we realized that the meetings with the premature baby, fragile and miniaturized aroused in us work and family a sense of childhood, rescue of the sensitivity plan suppressed in adult-man way. Thus, opened up gaps for the unexpected, not calculated, even though many of saving investments and expectations to form a promising adult have returned for this baby. Since then, these affections, we connected us with our own fragilities while not knowing clinicians, insufficient parents or non-functional babies, into a common plan of multiple composition and impersonal, and rescuing our infinity and collectivity constitutive. Passing up such intensities that come from these meetings fissured, we were following some tiny possibility of reinvention and composition of a clinic that does not seek to assert themselves as a new identity and want to be tiny in contrast to the grandeur of the hospital, science and policy. Therefore, we affirm an ethic that builds up with each new encounter, singular and immanent. This ethic of life and clinical open space for recovery of an intensive life, not just organic, to be preserved, potentialized and expanded.
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Por uma clínica infinitamente minúscula : senti(n)do por entre corpos no hospitalBarone, Luciana Rodríguez January 2011 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, temos o objetivo de problematizar a clínica e o corpo no hospital, especificamente na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. A partir da experiência clínica como psicóloga em um hospital da mulher, fomos percorrendo as instituições e afetos presentes nesse espaço. Primeiramente, resgatamos a história do hospital, e da clínica, em sua configuração moderna e contemporânea enquanto tecnologia de cura, guiada pela medicina e permeada pela organização disciplinar. Neste espaço, vemos emergir um corpo orgânico e individualizado, a ser olhado e manipulado. Também retomamos as constituições da infância e da família neste período, no qual o bebê se torna alvo de cuidados e a família, instrumento de aperfeiçoamento do biopoder. Surgem, neste contexto, os sentimentos de infância e familiais, assim como a maternidade como forma de cuidado primeira e única, reafirmando as subjetividades privatizadas e intimistas. A partir da interface entre essas duas instituições, hospital e família, vamos percebendo esses aperfeiçoamentos da biopolítica nos modos de cuidar e curar na UTI Neonatal. No encontro com as tecnologias avançadas e as políticas de humanização, evidenciamos o paradoxo que se coloca no ato de produzir padrões de saúde e, concomitantemente, acolher as singularidades dos encontros cotidianos num espaço que se dedica a salvar vidas recém-chegadas e já atravessadas pelo risco de dissolução, prematuras. Assim, o que nos interroga nesta pesquisa é como se dão as linhas de fuga, rupturas desses modos homogeneizantes e generalizantes de produzir saúde no hospital. A pergunta é sobre a potência do corpo e da clínica diante das institucionalizações e significações estabelecidas. Apesar do apacientamento e das modelizações, constroem-se estratégias microscópicas singulares de escapar, de questionar e de produzir outros modos de vida, a partir das inquietações sentidas no corpo. Para tanto, afirmamos uma metodologia que toma o corpo e seus afetos como impulsionadores da produção de conhecimento. Corpo e pensamento se juntam para construir uma cartografia dos processos clínicos na UTI Neonatal, resgatando a sensibilidade higienizada pela racionalidade e o plano da expressão, da produção de sentidos. Através de fragmentos de diários de campo, colocamos em análise o modo como se dão os encontros neste espaço, tentando acompanhar e criar linhas de fuga e diferenciação. Neste trajeto, fomos percebendo que os encontros com o bebê prematuro, fragilizado e miniaturizado despertava em nós profissionais e familiares um sentimento de infância, resgate do plano de sensibilidade apacientado na forma adulto-homem. Assim, abriam-se brechas para o inesperado, não calculado, mesmo que muitos investimentos de salvar e expectativas de formar um adulto promissor se voltassem para esse bebê. A partir, então, destes afetos, nos conectávamos com nossas próprias fragilidades enquanto clínicos não sabedores, pais insuficientes ou bebês não funcionais, adentrando um plano comum de composição múltiplo e impessoal, e resgatando nossa própria infinitude e coletividade constitutivas. Deixando passar tais intensidades advindas desses encontros fissurados, fomos acompanhando algumas possibilidades minúsculas de reinvenção e composição de uma clínica que não busca se afirmar como uma nova identidade e se quer minúscula em contraposição às grandezas do hospital, da ciência e das políticas. Logo, afirmamos uma ética que se faz a cada novo encontro, singular e imanente. Tal ética da vida e da clínica abre espaço para valorização de uma vida intensiva, e não somente orgânica, a ser preservada, potencializada e expandida. / In this research, we aim to discuss the clinic and the body in the hospital, specifically in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Based on the clinical experience as a psychologist in a women's hospital, we walked down the institutions and affection in this space. Firstly, we brought back the history of the hospital, and clinic, in its modern and contemporary settings while curing technology, guided by medicine and permeated by disciplinary organization. In this space, we see emerging an organic and individualized body, to be viewed and manipulated. Also we returned the childhood and family constitutions in this period, in which the baby becomes a target of cares and the family, an instrument for improvement of biopower. Arise, in this context, the childhood and familial feelings, as well as motherhood as a form of first and only care, confirming the privatized and intimate subjectivities. From the interface between these two institutions, hospital and family, we realize these biopolitics improvements in the modes of caring and healing in the Neonatal ICU. At the meeting with the advanced technologies and policies of humanization, we noted the paradox that arises in the act of producing standards of health and concomitantly welcome the singularities of daily encounters in a space that is dedicated to saving newcomers lives and already crossed the danger of dissolution, premature. So what questions to us in this research is how to happen the lines of escape, breaks of these homogenizing and generalizing modes of producing health in the hospital. The question is about the body and clinic potency in front of the institutionalization and meanings established. Although the resignation and modeling, build up singular and microscopic strategies to escape, to question and to produce other ways of life, from of the concerns felt in the body. For this purpose, we affirm a methodology that takes the body and its affections as drivers of knowledge production. Body and mind come together to build a cartography of clinical processes in the Neonatal ICU, recovering the sensitivity cleaned by rationality and the plane of expression, of the production of senses. Through fragments of field diaries, put in analysis the way the meetings take place in this space, trying to follow and create lines of escape and differentiation. During this course, we realized that the meetings with the premature baby, fragile and miniaturized aroused in us work and family a sense of childhood, rescue of the sensitivity plan suppressed in adult-man way. Thus, opened up gaps for the unexpected, not calculated, even though many of saving investments and expectations to form a promising adult have returned for this baby. Since then, these affections, we connected us with our own fragilities while not knowing clinicians, insufficient parents or non-functional babies, into a common plan of multiple composition and impersonal, and rescuing our infinity and collectivity constitutive. Passing up such intensities that come from these meetings fissured, we were following some tiny possibility of reinvention and composition of a clinic that does not seek to assert themselves as a new identity and want to be tiny in contrast to the grandeur of the hospital, science and policy. Therefore, we affirm an ethic that builds up with each new encounter, singular and immanent. This ethic of life and clinical open space for recovery of an intensive life, not just organic, to be preserved, potentialized and expanded.
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Radio Communication for PIE - a Tiny Timber InterfaceAmerion, Mohsen January 2010 (has links)
Tiny Timber is a very lightweight, real-time kernel for small, event-driven embedded systems. It implements reactive objects as a way of structuring embedded software. These objects are components that react to incoming events by updating their internal state and issuing an outgoing event. Implementing a control system based on reactive objects enhances the reactivity of the system and it helps to optimize the energy consumption, as the system goes to sleep mode when there is nothing to react to. It is also a programming technique that facilitates the organization of the program. In this project, we develop a device driver for radio communication with a Tiny Timber interface. This is an extension to the Platform for Intelligent Embedded (PIE) system which is a robot assembled and used at the IDE department of Halmstad University as a platform for developing new applications as well as for educational purposes in the area of embedded and intelligent systems. The interface is programmed in C and consists of a collection of device drivers for different components of PIE in the form of reactive objects.
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Výzkum systému GPS pro lokalizaci bezdrátových senzorových uzlů / Research into GPS system used for Wireless Sensor Node LocalizationJuračka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Theme of the thesis is research and possibility of using GPS system from localization in wireless sensor network. Paper deals with the accuracy and energy consumption of GPS localization. Thesis also solve using of localization in local anchor system. Theoretical part describes IEEE 802.15.4 standard, capability of used nodes and describe ways how to use RSSI value to resolve location
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AATrackT: A deep learning network using attentions for tracking fast-moving and tiny objects : (A)ttention (A)ugmented - (Track)ing on (T)iny objectsLundberg Andersson, Fredric January 2022 (has links)
Recent advances in deep learning have made it possible to visually track objects from a video sequence. Moreover, as transformers got introduced in computer vision, new state-of-the-art performances were achieved in visual tracking. However, most of these studies have used attentions to correlate the distinguishing factors between target-object and candidate-objects to localise the object throughout the video sequence. This approach is not adequate for tracking tiny objects. Also, conventional trackers in general are often not applicable to tracking extreme small objects, or objects that are moving fast. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to improve current methods to track tiny fast-moving objects, with the help of attentions. A deep neural network, named AATrackT, is built to address this gap by referring to it as a visual image segmentation problem. The proposed method is using data extracted from broadcasting videos of the sport Tennis. Moreover, to capture the global context of images, attention augmented convolutions are used as a substitute to the conventional convolution operation. Contrary to what the authors assumed, the experiment showed an indication that using attention augmented convolutions did not contribute to increasing the tracking performance. Our findings showed that the reason is mainly that the spatial resolution of the activation maps of 72x128 is too large for the attention weights to converge.
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