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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da cartilagem da ATM por meio de ressonância magnética com a utilização de bobinas microscópicas / MRI assessment of TMJs cartilage with the use of microscopic coils

Alessandra Coutinho 02 October 2009 (has links)
Diferenças na espessura e regularidade da cartilagem da articulação temporomandibular (ATM) ocorrem como o resultado de áreas em crescimento ou em remodelamento. Esse aspecto dificulta a interpretação clínica das imagens e geralmente negligencia a presença da fibrocartilagem. O estudo, por meio da Ressonância Magnética utilizando bobinas microscópicas, possibilita uma melhor observação da cartilagem articular. Confirmamos essa evidência por meio do estudo que analisou 20 indivíduos (40 ATM), divididos em grupo sintomático (DTM) com 10 pacientes (20 ATM) apresentando queixa clínica e suspeita diagnóstica de DTM e, o grupo controle com 10 voluntários (20 ATM) assintomáticos ou que não apresentavam sinais e sintomas clínicos de DTM. As imagens de RM sagitais oblíquas ponderadas em DP SPIR da ATM foram capazes de mostrar a cartilagem com melhor evidência tanto na cabeça da mandíbula quanto na eminência articular proporcionado mensurações, as quais se apresentaram estatisticamente iguais entre os grupos e também a avaliação da regularidade com o mesmo comportamento entre os grupos e geralmente acompanhando a morfologia da cortical óssea. Em muitos casos, principalmente quando da presença de deslocamento para anterior do disco articular, a observação se torna mais difícil, requerendo mais prática para esse tipo de avaliação. Observamos que pacientes do grupo controle apresentaram deslocamento de disco. Dessa maneira, consideramos um exame muito útil como auxiliar no diagnóstico da DTM, e com o desenvolvimento de novas terapias para doenças degenerativas e traumas na cartilagem, as imagens de RM com o uso de bobina microscópica são de crescente importância clínica e poderão desempenhar um papel importante na avaliação da eficácia dessas terapias. / Differences in thickness and regularity of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) cartilage occur as the result of areas of growth or remodeling. This fact leads to misinterpretations on diagnosis and generally neglects the presence of fibrocartilage. The present study, using MRI microscopic coils, allows better observation of the articular cartilage. This evidence was confirmed by this study that examined 20 individuals (40 TMJ), divided into: symptomatic group with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) of 10 patients (20 TMJ) presenting clinical complaint and TMD diagnosis; and the control group of 10 volunteers (20 TMJ) that were asymptomatic or who had no clinical signs and symptoms of TMD. On both groups were measured cartilage thickness and if the cartilage was regular or not. The oblique sagital MR images of weighted SPIR protons density (PD\'s) TMJ were able to show the best cartilage images either in the mandibles head or on the articular eminence providing measurements. Both groups presented no statistically significant differences regarding to thickness and the evaluation of the regularity presented the same result. The regularity of the cartilage generally was similar to the morphology of the cortical bone. In many cases, especially when the presence of anterior articular disc displacement, the evaluation was more difficult, requiring practice. The control group with asymptomatic patients was found also to have disc displacements. Thus, we review a very useful tool in the diagnosis of TMD and its importance to evaluate the cartilage to development new therapies for degenerative diseases and trauma. The MRI images with the use of microscopic coil are of increasing clinical importance and might play an important role in assessing the effectiveness of these therapies.

"Avaliação comparativa da anatomia do desenvolvimento da articulação temporomandibular, por meio do uso de ressonância magnética, reconstrução digital e cortes histológicos" / Comparative evaluation of the anatomical development of the temporomandibular joint, by means of magnetic resonance, digital econstruction and histological sections.

Sérgio Nakazone Júnior 07 March 2005 (has links)
No presente estudo realizou-se a avaliação da eficácia do exame de imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) e de reconstruções digitais bi e tridimensionais da ATM, em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. Foi criado um protocolo próprio de exame de IRM, o qual foi aplicado em embriões e fetos humanos, entre 22 a 160mm de comprimento céfalo-caudal (CRL), correspondendo da 7 a a 18 a semana de vida intra-uterina (IU). Em cada amostra foram realizadas duas seqüências de imagens sagitais da cabeça inteira, com distância de 1,0mm entre os cortes. Em seguida, as imagens foram intercaladas digitalmente, gerando uma seqüência de cortes de 0,5mm distância. Estas imagens foram importadas para um programa específico que realizou a reconstrução digital, criando modelos bi e tridimensionais. Para avaliar a formação e desenvolvimento das estruturas articulares de cada uma das amostras, foram realizados cortes histológicos da ATM. O exame histológico determinou o grau de maturação da ATM e a qualidade da matriz colágena presente. Os resultados demonstraram que o protocolo desenvolvido foi capaz de capturar e processar as imagens de IRM, principalmente após a 13 a semana de vida IU, em seu estágio de maturação articular. Os cortes histológicos comprovaram que, a partir desta fase, pode-se identificar melhor as estruturas articulares no exame de IRM devido a uma maior diferenciação celular e da matriz colágena, que passa de uma composição predominante de fibras colágenas tipo III para fibras do tipo I. A criação de modelos bi e tridimensionais mostrou ser uma ferramenta eficiente no diagnóstico do desenvolvimento facial, além de facilitar sua compreensão e aprendizado, embora ainda sejam necessários maiores avanços tecnológicos para a sua aplicação na formação das estruturas da ATM. / The present study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and bi and three-dimensional digital reconstructions of the TMJ in different stages of development, by the comparison with histological sections. A proper protocol of IRM examination was developed, which was applied in formalin-preserved human embryos and fetuses, ranging from 22 to 160mm of crown-rump length (CRL), between 7 and 18 weeks of intrauterine life (IU). Two sequences of sagital images of the entire head of each specimen were performed, with interslice gap of 1,0mm. Consequently, images were digitally intercalated, creating a slice sequence of 0,5mm of interslice gap. These images were imported to the MRIcro Ò program for bi and three-dimensional digital reconstruction. In order to evaluate the development of the articular structures of each one of the specimens, histological sections of the TMJ were obtained. The maturation’s degree and the quality of the collagen matrix of the TMJ were determined by the histological sections . The results showed that the developed protocol was capable of capture and process MR images, mainly in the articular maturation stage, after the 13 th week of IU. Histological findings also showed that articular structures are better identified in this stage by RMI examination. This can be explained due to an increase of cellular and collagen matrix differentiation, which undergoes conversion from collagen type III to type I. Bi and three-dimensional models seem to be an efficient tool for the diagnosis of facial development, facilitating its understanding and learning. Further studies and technological advances may be necessary for its application in TMJ’s structures in intrauterine period.

Implicações pedagógicas da correlações entre a oclusão dentária e a formação da embocadura do flautista / Pedagogical implications of the correlation between dental occlusion and the flutist embouchure`s formation

Fernanda de Oliveira Pairol 19 November 2015 (has links)
O ensino de flauta transversal está embasado em correntes pedagógicas divergentes, provenientes da experiência pessoal e profissional de flautistasprofessores que tinham pouco conhecimento a respeito da oclusão dentária, como Quantz (1752), Tromlitz (1791), Boehm (1871) e Mather (1981). O objetivo deste trabalho foi contribuir para a pedagogia da flauta transversal, tendo como premissa a consideração das classes de oclusão dentária dos flautistas. Para isso, apresentamos primeiramente uma introdução ao conceito de oclusão dentária, aplicado à prática da flauta transversal, e a revisão da literatura sobre o assunto. Depois dessa introdução, apresentamos estudos de caso, buscando elucidar a correlação entre a oclusão dentária e a embocadura de três flautistas com diferentes classes de mal-oclusões de Angle (1907). Finalizamos discutindo as implicações pedagógicas decorrentes. / The flute teaching is mostly based on divergent pedagogical trends, from the personal experience of flutists teachers who had little knowledge about the dental occlusion, as Quantz (1752), Tromlitz (1791), Boehm (1871) and Mather (1981). This thesis aims to develop a flute pedagogy premised on the consideration of flute players dental occlusion classes. To do this, first we present an introduction to the concept of occlusion, applied to the practice of flute, and a review of the literature on the subject. After this introduction, we present case studies to elucidate the correlation between dental occlusion and the embouchure of three flute players with three different types of malocclusion according to Angle´s classification (1907). We conclude with enumeration of the pedagogical implications.

Effect of estrogen and dietary loading on rat condylar cartilage

Orajärvi, M. (Marko) 17 February 2015 (has links)
Abstract The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a synovial joint which attaches the mandible to the skull. The head of the mandibular condyle is covered by condylar cartilage, which functions as both growth and articular cartilage. Masticatory forces are transmitted to the condylar cartilage, and the consistency of a person’s diet partly defines the loading force. Condylar cartilage acts as a load-absorbing structure together with the articular disc. Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are a wide group of pathological conditions involving pain and dysfunction in the masticatory system. Females comprise the majority of patients, having more symptoms and clinical signs than men. Because of this gender distribution, it has been suggested that the female sex hormone estrogen has an influence on the pathogenesis of TMJ osteoarthrosis. However, little is known about how estrogen affects condylar cartilage. The effect of estrogen deficiency and altered dietary loading on condylar cartilage was studied with female rats, which were distributed to four groups depending on ovariectomy and diet consistency, and further to two distinct age groups. Expression of type II and X collagens, adiponectin, ERα, MMP-3, MMP-8, TRAP, and cathepsin K was investigated. Markers of apoptosis and proliferation of cartilage cells were investigated. A lack of estrogen increased and a soft diet decreased the thickness of condylar cartilage. Expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA, proliferation marker) was higher in ovariectomized rats fed a normal diet when compared with control rats. The area of type II and X collagens in condylar cartilage was larger when estrogen was not present and smaller when the diet consistency was soft. Expression of MMP-3 was higher in ovariectomized rats than in control rats. Ovariectomized rats fed a soft diet had higher expression of MMP-8 than ovariectomized rats fed a normal diet. However, control rats fed a soft diet had lower proportional expression of MMP-8 than normal diet controls. The proportional amount of cartilage cells stained against adiponectin was higher in rats fed a soft diet when compared with rats fed a normal diet. The proportional amount of cartilage cells expressing ERα was higher in ovariectomized rats than in control rats. Osteoclast markers cathepsin K and TRAP showed that ovariectomized rats had fewer osteoclasts than control rats had. The average size of osteoclasts was smaller in ovariectomized rats when compared with control rats. The results of this study show that estrogen and altered dietary loading have an effect on condylar cartilage. Further studies are needed to evaluate the significance of these changes, and especially their association with TMJ disorders. / Tiivistelmä Leukanivel on synoviaalinivel, joka liittää mandibulan eli alaleuan kalloon. Alaleuan nivellisäkkeen eli kondyylin päässä oleva rustokerros toimii sekä kasvu- että nivelrustona. Purentavoimat välittyvät kondyylirustoon, ja kuormituksen määrä on riippuvainen ruoan kovuusasteesta. Kondyylirusto toimii kuormituksen vastaanottajana yhdessä nivelvälilevyn kanssa. Purentaelimistön toimintahäiriöihin (TMD) kuuluu laaja joukko patologisia tiloja, joihin liittyy kipua ja dysfunktiota purentaelimistössä. Potilaista suurin osa on naisia, ja heillä on oireita sekä sairauden kliinisiä tunnusmerkkejä enemmän kuin miehillä. Sukupuolijakaumasta johtuen on arveltu, että naissukupuolihormoni estrogeenilla voisi olla vaikutusta leukanivelartroosin patogeneesiin. Tällä hetkellä tietoa on hyvin vähän siitä, miten estrogeeni vaikuttaa leukanivelrustoon. Estrogeenin puutoksen ja muunnellun purentarasituksen vaikutusta leukanivelrustoon tutkittiin naarasrotilla, jotka jaettiin neljään eri ryhmään munasarjojen poiston ja dieetin kovuusasteen mukaan sekä lisäksi kahteen eri ikäryhmään. Tyypin II ja X kollageenin, adiponektiinin, estrogeenireseptori α:n, MMP-3:n, MMP-8:n, TRAP:n ja katepsiini K:n ekspressio tutkittiin. Rustosoluista tutkittiin apoptoosin ja proliferaation merkkiaineet. Estrogeenin puute lisäsi ja pehmeä dieetti pienensi kondyyliruston paksuutta. PCNA:n (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) ekspressio oli suurempi normaalilla dieetillä olleilla ovariapoistetuilla rotilla kuin kontrollirotilla. Tyypin II ja X kollageenien osuus oli suurempi ovariapoistettujen rottien kondyylirustossa kuin pehmeällä dieetillä olleilla. MMP-3:n ekspressio oli korkeampi ovariapoistetuilla rotilla kuin kontrolleilla. Ovariapoistetuilla rotilla, jotka olivat pehmeällä dieetillä, oli suurempi MMP-8:n ekspressio kuin normaalilla dieetillä olleilla ovariapoistetuilla rotilla. Kuitenkin MMP-8:n ekspressio oli pienempi pehmeällä dieetillä olleilla kontrollirotilla kuin normaalilla dieetillä olleilla. Adiponektiinin tunnistavalle vasta-aineelle positiivisten solujen suhteellinen lukumäärä oli suurempi pehmeällä dieetillä olleilla rotilla kuin normaalilla dieetillä olleilla. Estrogeenireseptori α:a ekspressoivien solujen suhteellinen lukumäärä oli suurempi ovariapoistetuilla rotilla kuin kontrolleilla. Osteoklastien merkkiaineet katepsiini K ja TRAP osoittivat, että ovariapoistetuilla rotilla oli vähemmän osteoklasteja kuin kontrollirotilla. Osteoklastien keskimääräinen koko oli pienempi ovariapoistetuilla rotilla kuin kontrolleilla. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että estrogeeni ja muunneltu purentarasitus vaikuttavat leukanivelrustoon. Lisätutkimuksia tarvitaan, jotta voidaan arvioida näiden muutosten merkitsevyys ja erityisesti niiden yhteys leukanivelen toimintahäiriöihin.


Chubb, Emma E. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanobehavior and Mandibular Ramus Length in Different Facial Phenotypes

Riddle, Paige Covington, Nickel, Jeffrey C., Liu, Ying, Gonzalez, Yoly M., Gallo, Luigi M., Scott Conley, R., Dunford, Robert, Liu, Hongzeng, Iwasaki, Laura R. 01 November 2020 (has links)
Objectives: To test the hypotheses that mechanobehavior scores (MBS) were correlated with mandibular ramus lengths (Co-Go) and differed between facial phenotypes. Materials and Methods: Subjects gave informed consent to participate. Co-Go (mm), mandibular plane angles (SN-GoGn, °), and three-dimensional anatomy were derived from cephalometric radiography or cone beam computed tomography. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) energy densities (ED) (mJ/mm3) were measured using dynamic stereometry and duty factors (DF) (%) were measured from electromyography, to calculate MBS (= ED2 3 DF, (mmmJ3)2%) for each TMJ. Polynomial regressions, K-means cluster analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey post-hoc tests were employed. Results: Fifty females and 23 males produced replete data. Polynomial regressions showed MBS were correlated with Co-Go (females, R2 = 0.57; males, R2 = 0.81). Cluster analysis identified three groups (P<.001). Dolichofacial subjects, with shorter normalized Co-Go, clustered into two subgroups with low and high MBS compared to brachyfacial subjects with longer Co-Go. SN-GoGn was significantly larger (P<.03) in the dolichofacial subgroups combined (33.0 ± 5.98) compared to the brachyfacial group (29.8 ± 5.58). Conclusions: MBS correlated with Co-Go within sexes and differed significantly between brachyfacial and dolichofacial subjects.


Bauerle, Erin Ruane January 2016 (has links)
A major physiological risk factor of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is sensitization of peripheral and central nervous system pain processing pathways. Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha-2/delta subunit-1 (CACNA2D1) has a crucial role in relaying nociceptive information in the spinal dorsal horn. Up-regulation of CACNA2D1 results in abnormal excitatory synapse formation and enhanced presynaptic excitatory neurotransmitter release. Blocking CACNA2D1 with gabapentinoid-class drugs relieves orofacial hypersensitivity. Drs. Foley, Horton, and Sciote previously reported that in a small sample group (n=12), CACNA2D1 expression was greater in males than females, but increased in women with TMD. The objectives of this study are to corroborate these data and investigate expression patterns of other ion channel and conducting system genes. Additionally, since the null polymorphism ACTN3-577XX associates with muscle fiber microdamage during eccentric contraction, we tested for possible gene associations with ACTN3-R577XX genotypes. Masseter muscle samples came from human subjects (n=23 male; 48 female) with malocclusions undergoing orthognathic surgery. This population had skeletal disharmony of the jaws and thus was prone to eccentric contraction. Three males and eighteen females were diagnosed with localized masticatory myalgia. Muscle total RNA was isolated and CACNA2D1, CACNA1S, GABARAP, and TRPM7 expression was quantified using RT-PCR. Expression of these genes were compared based on TMD status and various characteristics that may influence TMD including: sex, age, facial symmetry, sagittal dimension, vertical dimension, ACTN3-577 genotype and fiber type. CACNA2D1 expression differed significantly between sexes, overall (p&lt;0.02), and without TMD (p=0.001). Women with (n=13) and without (n=23) TMD differed significantly (p&lt;0.03). CACNA2D1 expression was also significantly higher (p=0.031) in subjects below age 25. Similarly, GABARAP expression was significantly higher (p=0.001) for patients younger than 25 and for patients less than or equal to age 18 (p=0.013). Otherwise, CACNA1S, TRPM7 and GABARAP differences were not significant. GABARAP expression differed, but not significantly by sex and for the ACTN3-577XX-null genotype. In a population of malocclusion patients, masseter muscle CACNA2D1 expression is significantly higher than CACNA1S, TRPM7, and GABARAP. CACNA2D1 expression is greater in males than females without TMD. However, CACNA2D1 expression increases significantly in females with TMD-associated myalgia. This may support evidence for calcium channel regulation of nociception differences seen between sexes in TMD. It was also found that expression of CACNA2D1 and GABARAP is significantly higher in younger subjects. Additionally, observations presented here suggest potential influence of ACTN3-null condition on function of GABARAP. / Oral Biology


Foley, Bryan Francis January 2014 (has links)
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are comorbid conditions. Most are related to anxiety-induced muscular pain, but some are associated with facial asymmetry resulting from condylar resorption (CR) or condylar hyperplasia (CH). The etiology of the most common forms of CH and CR are still unknown. CR can be caused by rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or more commonly osteoarthritis (OA) of the TMJ, and inflammatory mediators have been previously implicated. Previous studies have identified pain/inflammatory genes related to chronic TMD while others have demonstrated potential genetic markers for RA. Similarly, genome-wide association (GWA) studies have identified genes associated with height, some of which may participate in craniofacial growth, CH, and the development of asymmetry. Masseter muscle is frequently involved in TMD of muscular origin, and left/right fiber-type differences have been previously found in subjects with facial asymmetry. A human transcriptome microarray was used to evaluate whether genes involved with height, pain, or inflammation were differentially expressed in masseter muscle from facially asymmetric patients with and without TMD. This study evaluated orthognathic surgery patients with varying skeletal malocclusions, including subjects with and without facial asymmetry and TMD (n= 93). Masseter muscle samples were collected from ten orthognathic surgery patients treated to correct skeletal malocclusions. Two of whom were classified with facial asymmetry with or without TMD, with one of the two showing positive evidence of CR. Samples were disrupted in QIAzol Lysis Reagent, RNA was isolated using a Qiagen miRNeasy Mini Kit according to the manufacturer's instructions, and quality of the total RNA was tested by Agilent Bioanalyzer and Nanodrop spectrophotometry. Samples were used for quantitative Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and protocols for microarray analysis were conducted as described in the Ambion WT Expression Manual and the Affymetrix GeneChip Expression Analysis Technical Manual. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was completed to detect fold-changes for each transcript to determine differences in global gene expression between the two asymmetric and eight remaining subjects. To find differentially expressed transcripts step-up t-tests were performed to correct for false discovery rate (FDR) comparing the two asymmetric samples to the eight symmetric samples. Differences were considered significant if step-up p-values were ±2 between groups. This study evaluated 847 height-related genes and 551 genes associated in pain/inflammatory processes. Genes of interest were determined a priori from GWA studies and the Algynomics Pain Research Panel v.2.0 partially derived from the Orofacial Pain: Prospective Evaluation and Risk Assessment (OPPERA) study. Two hundred and eight transcripts of 847 height associated genes and 132 of 551 pain/inflammatory genes were significant for expression (P±2.0 fold differences in facial asymmetry and/or TMD specimens. Among genes specifically reported to be associated with pain/inflammation, NPY5R (+2.11 fold), GABRA6 (+2.14 fold), CACNA2D1 (-12.51 fold) and EREG (+2.12 fold) showed significantly different (P&lt;0.001) expression levels in the two asymmetric versus the remaining eight symmetric patients. CACNA2D1 expression was significantly increased in symmetric male subjects versus symmetric females (P &lt; 0.05) as well as in asymmetric females versus asymmetric males (P &lt; 0.05). CACNA2D1 expression was also significantly increased in symmetric male subjects versus symmetric females (P &lt;0.05) and was differentially expressed at lower levels, however not significantly, in asymmetric males (p = 0.51). Based on the results collected, the following conclusions were drawn. These methods provide a novel approach to study TMD and/or facial asymmetry in human subjects. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that significant expression variation in human height genes may contribute to facial asymmetry with or without TMD, possibly through decreased expression of CACNA2D1. These data suggest TMD patients with facial asymmetry associated with condylar resorption may show significant differential expression of certain inflammatory marker genes such as EREG and CACNA2D1. These data support that gender may play a key role in the development of TMD, possibly through increased CACNA2D1 expression providing protective effects in TMD-free males but deleterious effect in females with TMD. These results support previous findings of pain/inflammatory genes associated with TMD derived from muscular pain. Further studies are needed to understand the genetic contributions to TMD, which may play an important role in future clinical intervention. / Oral Biology

Harnessing Inflammatory Signaling to Promote Bone Regeneration and Mitigate Joint Damage

Mountziaris, Paschalia Maria January 2012 (has links)
Inflammatory processes are infamous for their destructive effects on tissues and joints in a variety of diseases. Within the body, inflammation is a highly regulated biological response whose purpose is to promote tissue regeneration following injury. However, in certain settings, inflammation persists and leads to progressive tissue destruction. This thesis focused on modulating inflammatory signaling in both contexts. Part I investigated the effects of a model pro-inflammatory cytokine, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), on the in vitro osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). In contrast, Part II describes the development and in vivo evaluation of the first intra-articular controlled release system for the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which silences inflammatory signaling and thus mitigates the painful joint damage seen in inflammatory TMJ disease. The following specific aims were addressed: (1) to determine the concentration of TNF-α that enhances in vitro osteogenic differentiation of MSCs; (2) to determine the temporal pattern of TNF-α delivery that enhances in vitro osteogenic differentiation of MSCs; (3) to determine the impact of bone-like extracellular matrix (ECM) on the concentration and temporal pattern of TNF-α delivery that enhances in vitro osteogenic differentiation of MSCs; (4) to evaluate the biocompatibility of intra-articular microparticles in the rat TMJ; (5) to develop a microparticle-based formulation for sustained release of a model anti-inflammatory small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA); and (6) to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of intra-articular microparticles delivering siRNA in an animal model of TMJ inflammation. These studies led to the development of powerful strategies to rationally control inflammation to promote bone regeneration and mitigate joint damage in the setting of disease, both of which will ultimately improve the quality and specificity of therapies available in modern medicine. / Only volume 2 has been digitized.

Posição da cabeça da mandíbula à tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico em adultos com mordida aberta anterior tratados ortodonticamente com auxílio de mini-implantes / Position of the condyle to the cone beam computed tomography in adults with open bite orthodontically treated with mini-implants

Horliana, Ricardo Fidos 14 May 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo prospectivo foi avaliar a posição da cabeça da mandíbula em relação à fossa mandibular das articulações temporomandibulares (ATMs), por meio de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico (TCFC), em pacientes adultos portadores de má oclusão de Classe I e de Classe II divisão 1ª de Angle com mordida aberta anterior dento-alveolar, tratados ortodonticamente durante período médio de 12 meses com auxílio de mini-implantes. A amostra constou de 10 adultos brasileiros (20 ATMs), de ambos os gêneros (cinco do gênero masculino e 5 do gênero feminino), com idade média de 23 anos e 6 meses, desvio padrão de 5 anos e 3,5 meses, assintomáticos. As imagens de TCFC foram adquiridas em dois tempos do tratamento: T1 ao início e T2 ao final do tratamento e período de observação. Foi realizada avaliação quantitativa da posição da cabeça da mandíbula na fossa mandibular em posição de máxima intercuspidação habitual (MIH). Os valores obtidos com a avaliação quantitativa da posição da cabeça da mandíbula na fossa mandibular ao início do tratamento demonstram que em MIH a cabeça da mandíbula encontra-se ligeiramente deslocada no sentido ântero-posterior com assimetria entre os lados direito e esquerdo e que o espaço articular superior encontra-se aumentado em relação aos demais espaços articulares avaliados. Ao término do tratamento (T2) demonstraram que em MIH a cabeça da mandíbula tendeu a um deslocamento anterior mantendo a assimetria entre os lados direito e esquerdo e que o espaço articular superior apresentou valores próximos aos demais espaços articulares. Entre o início e o término do tratamento os resultados demonstraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na posição ântero-posterior da cabeça da mandíbula, contudo, houve diferença entre os valores da medida do espaço articular superior, o que permite concluir que a cabeça da mandíbula sofreu um deslocamento vertical para o interior da fossa mandibular na amostra e condições estudadas. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the position of the condyle in relation to the glenoid fossa of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) by means of cone beam computed tomography (CTCB) in adult patients with malocclusion Class I and Class II Division 1 Angle with anterior open bite dentoalveolar, orthodontic treatment during an average period of 12 months with absolute anchorage. The sample consisted of 10 Brazilian adults (20 ATMs) of both sexes (five males and 5 females), mean age 23 years and 6 months, standard deviation of 5 years and 3.5 months, asymptomatic . CTCB images were acquired at two treatment times: T1 - beginning and T2 final of the treatment and observation period. We performed quantitative assessment of the position of the condyle in mandibular fossa in habitual maximum intercuspation (HMI). The values obtained with the quantitative evaluation of the position of the condyle in the glenoid fossa to the initiation of treatment showed that HMI in the condyle is slightly shifted in the anterior-posterior asymmetry between right and left that space superior articular is increased compared to the other joint spaces evaluated. At the end of treatment (T2) showed that in HMI the condyle tended to an anterior displacement of keeping the asymmetry between right and left sides and the upper joint space values were too close to the joint space. Between the beginning and end of treatment showed no statistically significant difference in anteroposterior position of the condyle, however, there were differences (p<0.01) between the values of far superior joint space from beginning to end of treatment, allowing us to conclude that the the condyle has a vertical displacement into the mandibular fossa in the sample and testing conditions.

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