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Nanomédecine régénérative de l'articulation temporo-mandibulaire / Temporomandibular joint regenerative nanomedicineVan Bellinghen, Xavier 13 March 2019 (has links)
L'articulation temporo-mandibulaire (ATM) est une articulation formée entre l'os temporal et le condyle mandibulaire, et est fréquemment atteinte. Ces affections sont souvent si douloureuses lors d'activités orales fondamentales que les patients ont une qualité de vie diminuée. Les limites de la thérapeutique pour les atteintes des ATM, ont conduit à accroître l'intérêt pour les stratégies régénératives combinant les cellules souches, les "scaffolds" implantables et les molécules bioactives. Réussir dans la régénération fonctionnelle et structurelle de l'ATM constitue un véritable défi. Des stratégies innovantes et des biomatériaux sont absolument essentiels car l'ATM peut être considérée comme l'un des ensembles tissulaires les plus difficiles à régénérer, au vu de sa capacité de guérison limitée, de ses propriétés histologiques et structurelles uniques et de la nécessité de prévenir à long terme ses adhérences ossifiées ou fibreuses. Une première étude in vitro a été menée pour développer un implant nanostructuré pro-régénératif du cartilage portant des cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines. Les nanoréservoirs de TGFβ3 au sein d’une matrice de collagène de type II de méduse ont montrés leur capacité chondrogénique. Ils ont permis une colonisation, puis une différenciation et une maturation matricielle favorable à la régénération cartilagineuse. Ces résultats sont encourageants vu la difficulté de mise en culture des chondrocytes et la nécessité d'une restauration rapide de la couche cartilagineuse des surfaces articulaires. Une deuxième étude in vivo a été menée pour développer un implant nanostructuré pro-régénératif anti-inflammatoire osseux. Des matrices biomimétiques nanofibreuses et microporeuses de polycaprolactone (PCL) ont été fonctionnalisées par des nanoréservoirs de BMP-2 et d’ibuprofène. Elles ont été implantées sur des modèles murins de lésions osseuses maxillaires. L’accélération de la régénération induite par ces implants nanofonctionnalisés a été mise en évidence sur des souris sauvages et sur des souris mutantes Tabby. Le bénéfice ainsi établi de fonctionnalisation des implants par la BMP-2 et l'ibuprofène revêt un intérêt particulier face aux fréquentes pathologies inflammatoires chroniques de l'ATM. Ces résultats prometteurs devront faire suite à des approches d'orchestration tridimensionnelle des différents tissus de l'ATM. / The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is an articulation formed between the temporal bone and the mandibular condyle which is commonly affected. These affections are often so painful during fundamental oral activities that patients have lower quality of life. Limitations of therapeutics for severe TMJ diseases have led to increased interest in regenerative strategies combining stem cells, implantable scaffolds and well-targeting bioactive molecules. To succeed in functional and structural regeneration of TMJ is very challenging. Innovative strategies and biomaterials are absolutely crucial because TMJ can be considered as one of the most difficult tissues to regenerate due to its limited healing capacity, its unique histological and structural properties and the necessity for long-term prevention of its ossified or fibrous adhesions. A first in vitro study was conducted to develop a pro-regenerative nanostructured cartilage implant bearing human mesenchymal stem cells. The nanoreservoirs of TGFβ3 within a jellyfish type II collagen matrix showed their chondrogenic capacity. They allowed colonization, then differentiation and matrix maturation favorable to cartilaginous regeneration. These results are encouraging given the difficulty of culturing chondrocytes and the need for rapid restoration of the cartilaginous layer of articular surfaces. A second in vivo study was conducted to develop a nanostructured pro-regenerative anti-inflammatory bone implant. Nanofibrous and microporous biomimetic matrices of polycaprolactone (PCL) were functionalized by nanoreservoirs of BMP-2 and ibuprofen. They have been implanted in mouse models of maxillary bone lesions. The acceleration of regeneration induced by these nanofunctionalized implants has been demonstrated in wild-type mice and Tabby mutant mice. The benefit thus established of functionalization of implants by BMP-2 and ibuprofen is of particular interest in the frequent chronic inflammatory pathologies of TMJ. These promising results follow three-dimensional orchestration approaches for different TMJ tissues.
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Posição da cabeça da mandíbula à tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico em adultos com mordida aberta anterior tratados ortodonticamente com auxílio de mini-implantes / Position of the condyle to the cone beam computed tomography in adults with open bite orthodontically treated with mini-implantsRicardo Fidos Horliana 14 May 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo prospectivo foi avaliar a posição da cabeça da mandíbula em relação à fossa mandibular das articulações temporomandibulares (ATMs), por meio de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico (TCFC), em pacientes adultos portadores de má oclusão de Classe I e de Classe II divisão 1ª de Angle com mordida aberta anterior dento-alveolar, tratados ortodonticamente durante período médio de 12 meses com auxílio de mini-implantes. A amostra constou de 10 adultos brasileiros (20 ATMs), de ambos os gêneros (cinco do gênero masculino e 5 do gênero feminino), com idade média de 23 anos e 6 meses, desvio padrão de 5 anos e 3,5 meses, assintomáticos. As imagens de TCFC foram adquiridas em dois tempos do tratamento: T1 ao início e T2 ao final do tratamento e período de observação. Foi realizada avaliação quantitativa da posição da cabeça da mandíbula na fossa mandibular em posição de máxima intercuspidação habitual (MIH). Os valores obtidos com a avaliação quantitativa da posição da cabeça da mandíbula na fossa mandibular ao início do tratamento demonstram que em MIH a cabeça da mandíbula encontra-se ligeiramente deslocada no sentido ântero-posterior com assimetria entre os lados direito e esquerdo e que o espaço articular superior encontra-se aumentado em relação aos demais espaços articulares avaliados. Ao término do tratamento (T2) demonstraram que em MIH a cabeça da mandíbula tendeu a um deslocamento anterior mantendo a assimetria entre os lados direito e esquerdo e que o espaço articular superior apresentou valores próximos aos demais espaços articulares. Entre o início e o término do tratamento os resultados demonstraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na posição ântero-posterior da cabeça da mandíbula, contudo, houve diferença entre os valores da medida do espaço articular superior, o que permite concluir que a cabeça da mandíbula sofreu um deslocamento vertical para o interior da fossa mandibular na amostra e condições estudadas. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the position of the condyle in relation to the glenoid fossa of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) by means of cone beam computed tomography (CTCB) in adult patients with malocclusion Class I and Class II Division 1 Angle with anterior open bite dentoalveolar, orthodontic treatment during an average period of 12 months with absolute anchorage. The sample consisted of 10 Brazilian adults (20 ATMs) of both sexes (five males and 5 females), mean age 23 years and 6 months, standard deviation of 5 years and 3.5 months, asymptomatic . CTCB images were acquired at two treatment times: T1 - beginning and T2 final of the treatment and observation period. We performed quantitative assessment of the position of the condyle in mandibular fossa in habitual maximum intercuspation (HMI). The values obtained with the quantitative evaluation of the position of the condyle in the glenoid fossa to the initiation of treatment showed that HMI in the condyle is slightly shifted in the anterior-posterior asymmetry between right and left that space superior articular is increased compared to the other joint spaces evaluated. At the end of treatment (T2) showed that in HMI the condyle tended to an anterior displacement of keeping the asymmetry between right and left sides and the upper joint space values were too close to the joint space. Between the beginning and end of treatment showed no statistically significant difference in anteroposterior position of the condyle, however, there were differences (p<0.01) between the values of far superior joint space from beginning to end of treatment, allowing us to conclude that the the condyle has a vertical displacement into the mandibular fossa in the sample and testing conditions.
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The relative effectiveness of three treatment protocols in the management of temporomandibular disorderPoacher, Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for a Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / The relationship between TMD and dysfunction in the cervical spine has been reported in the literature and there are many case studies which have shown favourable results when treatment was aimed at the TMJ, cervical spine relationship. However, the numerous TMD treatment protocols described in the literature concerning this relationship, and the effectiveness of these treatments have not been well established. In spite of this many chiropractors treat TMD. TMD is a multifactoral condition and conservative treatment options need to be further investigated in order to determine if manual interventions directed at the cercival spine in the treatment of TMD are beneficial.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare myofascial trigger point therapy and manipulative therapy of either the TMJ, cervical spine or a combination of the two in order to determine their effectiveness for the TMD.
Method: Thirty participants with TMD were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Participants in each group received two treatments per week for two weeks with a follow up consultation in the third week. Data were collected before the commencement of the first, second, and fourth treatments and at the follow up consultation. Outcome measures included algometer readings, CROM, Mouth opening readings, NRS and a disability questionnaire. SPSS version 15.0 was used for analysis of the data. A p value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Multivariate testing was used for intra- and inter-group comparisons. Profile plots were generated to assess the direction and trend of the effect and to visually compare the trends in the different treatment groups.
Results: Inter-group comparisons did not reveal any statistically significant different improvements between the three treatment groups.
Conclusion: All groups responded favourably to treatment and showed trends towards improvement. However, statistically analysis revealed that no one treatment protocol was superior to the other. Although no definitive inferences may be drawn regarding the effectiveness of each treatment approach, within group trends indicated that the combination of the two treatment approaches may be preferred.
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The relative effectiveness of three treatment protocols in the management of temporomandibular disorderPoacher, Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for a Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / The relationship between TMD and dysfunction in the cervical spine has been reported in the literature and there are many case studies which have shown favourable results when treatment was aimed at the TMJ, cervical spine relationship. However, the numerous TMD treatment protocols described in the literature concerning this relationship, and the effectiveness of these treatments have not been well established. In spite of this many chiropractors treat TMD. TMD is a multifactoral condition and conservative treatment options need to be further investigated in order to determine if manual interventions directed at the cercival spine in the treatment of TMD are beneficial.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare myofascial trigger point therapy and manipulative therapy of either the TMJ, cervical spine or a combination of the two in order to determine their effectiveness for the TMD.
Method: Thirty participants with TMD were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Participants in each group received two treatments per week for two weeks with a follow up consultation in the third week. Data were collected before the commencement of the first, second, and fourth treatments and at the follow up consultation. Outcome measures included algometer readings, CROM, Mouth opening readings, NRS and a disability questionnaire. SPSS version 15.0 was used for analysis of the data. A p value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Multivariate testing was used for intra- and inter-group comparisons. Profile plots were generated to assess the direction and trend of the effect and to visually compare the trends in the different treatment groups.
Results: Inter-group comparisons did not reveal any statistically significant different improvements between the three treatment groups.
Conclusion: All groups responded favourably to treatment and showed trends towards improvement. However, statistically analysis revealed that no one treatment protocol was superior to the other. Although no definitive inferences may be drawn regarding the effectiveness of each treatment approach, within group trends indicated that the combination of the two treatment approaches may be preferred. / M
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A importância de uma documentação radiográfica como método auxiliar de diagnóstico, planejamento e proservação na reabilitação com prótese total / The importance of radiographic documentation as an auxiliary method of diagnosis, planning and proservation in the rehabilitation with complete denturesRamalli, Lílian Tedeschi 04 May 2012 (has links)
As modificações provocadas pelo edentulismo no padrão fonético, mastigatório e estético dos pacientes, implicam em alterações do comportamento social, emocional e psicológico. A fim de que a saúde bucal dos pacientes seja preservada, uma adequada reabilitação oral deve ser realizada, respeitando-se os princípios biomecânicos para a confecção das próteses. Para tanto, o cirurgião dentista pode contar com um aparato de imagens radiográficas que podem auxiliar em várias etapas do processo reabilitador. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a contribuição de diferentes técnicas radiográficas no diagnóstico, planejamento e proservação na reabilitação com prótese total, propondo o emprego de uma documentação radiográfica. Foram utilizadas radiografias das articulações têmporo-mandibulares (ATMs), para avaliação dos espaços articulares anterior, posterior e superior, antes e após o tratamento reabilitador; radiografias panorâmicas e carpais, para avaliação de índices radiomorfométricos mentual, goníaco e metacarpal, para a pesquisa da presença de osteoporose; e telerradiografias laterais cefalométricas antes e após a colocação das próteses totais, verificando a presença da proporção áurea nas medidas craniofaciais. Foram feitas análises estatísticas para correlacionar os dados obtidos das análises radiográficas. Para as radiografias das ATMs, encontrou-se um aumento bilateral do espaço anterior, e uma conseqüente diminuição do espaço posterior, enquanto que o espaço superior aumentou levemente na articulação esquerda e diminuiu levemente na articulação direita. Nas radiografias panorâmicas e carpais observou-se uma diminuição dos valores dos índices radiomorfométricos conforme o aumento da idade. Nas telerradiografias laterais observou-se melhora do perfil com a colocação da prótese, e proximidade de algumas razões com a proporção áurea. Concluiu-se que: as radiografias de ATMs trazem informações importantes acerca da anatomia e relacionamento da cabeça da mandíbula com a fossa articular; os índices radiomorfométricos panorâmicos são importantes para detecção da diminuição da massa óssea, podendo contribuir para a detecção de sinais precoces de osteoporose e propiciar o encaminhamento desses pacientes para cuidados médicos adequados; o índice metacarpal propiciou informações muito semelhantes aos índices panorâmicos, não havendo, portanto, necessidade dessa radiografia compor a documentação, uma vez que a panorâmica pode contribuir com um maior número de informações; e que as telerradiografias laterais mostrou que, além de auxiliar no diagnóstico, através de medidas da dimensão vertical, posicionamento dos dentes artificiais, entre outros, ainda possibilitou avaliação da estética facial, tornando-se uma ferramenta da qual o cirurgião dentista pode lançar mão utilizando a proporção áurea como instrumento auxiliar na busca e favorecimento de planos de tratamento eficazes. / The changes caused by tooth loss in the standard phonetic, chewing and aesthetic of the patients, result in changes in social behavior, emotional and psychological. In order that the oral health of patients is preserved, adequate oral rehabilitation must be performed respecting the biomechanical principles for the manufacture of prostheses. Thus, the dentist may have an apparatus of radiographic images that can help in various stages of rehabilitation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of different radiographic techniques in the diagnosis, planning and proservation in the rehabilitation with dentures, proposing the use of a radiographic documentation. The TMJ radiographs were used for assessment of joint spaces anterior, posterior and upper before and after rehabilitation treatment, panoramic and carpal radiographs for evaluation radiomorphometric index mental, gonial and metacarpal, for the detection of the presence of osteoporosis, and radiographs lateral cephalometric before and after placement of dentures, verifying the presence of the golden ratio in craniofacial measures. Statistical analysis was made to correlate the data obtained from the radiographic analysis. For Radiographs of the ATMs, found a bilateral increase in anterior space, and a consequent reduction of the posterior space, while the upper space in the joint increased slightly left and slightly decreased in the right joint. In the panoramic radiographs and carpal observed a decrease in values of radiomorphometric index increase with age. In the lateral cephalometric radiographs showed improvements of the profile with the placement of the prosthesis, and proximity to some reasons with the golden ratio. Was concluded that: the TMJs radiographs provide important information about the anatomy and relationship of the condyle with the glenoid fossa; radiomorphometric index are important for detection of low bone mass and may contribute to the detection of early signs of osteoporosis and to facilitate the referral of patients to proper medical care, and the index metacarpal provided information very similar to the panoramic indices, and there is therefore need for such radiography compose documentation, since the panoramic can contribute to a greater amount of information, and that the lateral cephalometric radiographs showed that in addition to aid in the diagnosis, through measures of the vertical dimension, positioning of artificial teeth, among others, has enabled evaluation of facial aesthetics, becoming a tool from which the dentist can resort to using the the golden ratio as an aid in search and favoring effective treatment plans.
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A importância de uma documentação radiográfica como método auxiliar de diagnóstico, planejamento e proservação na reabilitação com prótese total / The importance of radiographic documentation as an auxiliary method of diagnosis, planning and proservation in the rehabilitation with complete denturesLílian Tedeschi Ramalli 04 May 2012 (has links)
As modificações provocadas pelo edentulismo no padrão fonético, mastigatório e estético dos pacientes, implicam em alterações do comportamento social, emocional e psicológico. A fim de que a saúde bucal dos pacientes seja preservada, uma adequada reabilitação oral deve ser realizada, respeitando-se os princípios biomecânicos para a confecção das próteses. Para tanto, o cirurgião dentista pode contar com um aparato de imagens radiográficas que podem auxiliar em várias etapas do processo reabilitador. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a contribuição de diferentes técnicas radiográficas no diagnóstico, planejamento e proservação na reabilitação com prótese total, propondo o emprego de uma documentação radiográfica. Foram utilizadas radiografias das articulações têmporo-mandibulares (ATMs), para avaliação dos espaços articulares anterior, posterior e superior, antes e após o tratamento reabilitador; radiografias panorâmicas e carpais, para avaliação de índices radiomorfométricos mentual, goníaco e metacarpal, para a pesquisa da presença de osteoporose; e telerradiografias laterais cefalométricas antes e após a colocação das próteses totais, verificando a presença da proporção áurea nas medidas craniofaciais. Foram feitas análises estatísticas para correlacionar os dados obtidos das análises radiográficas. Para as radiografias das ATMs, encontrou-se um aumento bilateral do espaço anterior, e uma conseqüente diminuição do espaço posterior, enquanto que o espaço superior aumentou levemente na articulação esquerda e diminuiu levemente na articulação direita. Nas radiografias panorâmicas e carpais observou-se uma diminuição dos valores dos índices radiomorfométricos conforme o aumento da idade. Nas telerradiografias laterais observou-se melhora do perfil com a colocação da prótese, e proximidade de algumas razões com a proporção áurea. Concluiu-se que: as radiografias de ATMs trazem informações importantes acerca da anatomia e relacionamento da cabeça da mandíbula com a fossa articular; os índices radiomorfométricos panorâmicos são importantes para detecção da diminuição da massa óssea, podendo contribuir para a detecção de sinais precoces de osteoporose e propiciar o encaminhamento desses pacientes para cuidados médicos adequados; o índice metacarpal propiciou informações muito semelhantes aos índices panorâmicos, não havendo, portanto, necessidade dessa radiografia compor a documentação, uma vez que a panorâmica pode contribuir com um maior número de informações; e que as telerradiografias laterais mostrou que, além de auxiliar no diagnóstico, através de medidas da dimensão vertical, posicionamento dos dentes artificiais, entre outros, ainda possibilitou avaliação da estética facial, tornando-se uma ferramenta da qual o cirurgião dentista pode lançar mão utilizando a proporção áurea como instrumento auxiliar na busca e favorecimento de planos de tratamento eficazes. / The changes caused by tooth loss in the standard phonetic, chewing and aesthetic of the patients, result in changes in social behavior, emotional and psychological. In order that the oral health of patients is preserved, adequate oral rehabilitation must be performed respecting the biomechanical principles for the manufacture of prostheses. Thus, the dentist may have an apparatus of radiographic images that can help in various stages of rehabilitation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of different radiographic techniques in the diagnosis, planning and proservation in the rehabilitation with dentures, proposing the use of a radiographic documentation. The TMJ radiographs were used for assessment of joint spaces anterior, posterior and upper before and after rehabilitation treatment, panoramic and carpal radiographs for evaluation radiomorphometric index mental, gonial and metacarpal, for the detection of the presence of osteoporosis, and radiographs lateral cephalometric before and after placement of dentures, verifying the presence of the golden ratio in craniofacial measures. Statistical analysis was made to correlate the data obtained from the radiographic analysis. For Radiographs of the ATMs, found a bilateral increase in anterior space, and a consequent reduction of the posterior space, while the upper space in the joint increased slightly left and slightly decreased in the right joint. In the panoramic radiographs and carpal observed a decrease in values of radiomorphometric index increase with age. In the lateral cephalometric radiographs showed improvements of the profile with the placement of the prosthesis, and proximity to some reasons with the golden ratio. Was concluded that: the TMJs radiographs provide important information about the anatomy and relationship of the condyle with the glenoid fossa; radiomorphometric index are important for detection of low bone mass and may contribute to the detection of early signs of osteoporosis and to facilitate the referral of patients to proper medical care, and the index metacarpal provided information very similar to the panoramic indices, and there is therefore need for such radiography compose documentation, since the panoramic can contribute to a greater amount of information, and that the lateral cephalometric radiographs showed that in addition to aid in the diagnosis, through measures of the vertical dimension, positioning of artificial teeth, among others, has enabled evaluation of facial aesthetics, becoming a tool from which the dentist can resort to using the the golden ratio as an aid in search and favoring effective treatment plans.
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Effets sur l'articulation temporo-mandibulaire du Twin-Block et d'un appareil myofonctionnel de classe IILimoges, Judith 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Effets du port continu de coquilles correctrices Invisalign® sur l’articulation temporo-mandibulaire et les muscles du complexe facialBrien, Jennifer 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Étude de l'impact d'une prothèse dentaire implanto-portée sur le comportement des articulations temporo-mandibulaires et de l'os péri-implantaire / Study of fixed overdenture prosthesis impact on the behaviour of temporo-mandibular joints and peri-implant boneCreuillot, Victor 29 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde une étude biomécanique de l’appareil stomatognathique en vue d’analyser les conséquences sur les articulations temporo-mandibulaires (ATM) de la mise en place d’une prothèse complète implanto-portée. Cette étude est réalisée à l’aide de la méthode des éléments finis. Dans ce travail, deux modèles ont été créés. Un premier est basé sur la géométrie d’un sujet sain volontaire sans problèmes articulaires ni dentaires. Un deuxième, avec une restauration de la dentition par une prothèse dentaire complète sur implants, repose sur la géométrie des structures osseuses du cas sain. Une méthodologie a été mise en place pour la construction du modèle éléments finis, basé sur celle développée dans la thèse d’Alvarez. Une comparaison des résultats est effectuée entre les modèles du cas sain d’Alvarez et celui exposé dans ce travail afin d’évaluer l’influence des modifications apportées et de valider ce dernier. Puis une comparaison est effectuée entre le cas sain et restauré pour une ouverture/fermeture modérée de la mâchoire ainsi que lors de la morsure d’aliments au niveau des incisives. Une autre problématique abordée dans cette thèse est l’analyse du risque d’échec de l’implantation dans l’os dont la qualité est dégradée par la perte des dents. Deux géométries d’implants ont été testées pour différentes qualités osseuses, un implant classique et un implant nouvellement breveté / This study deals with a biomechanical analysis of the stomatognathic system in order to understand the consequences of complete fixed dental prosthesis on temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The finite element method is used to achieve this goal. Two models have been created, a healthy and restored by prosthesis ones. The first model is based on a healthy volunteer subject morphology, without dental or articular troubles. The restored model is based on the bony structures of the healthy individual. Mandibular teeth have been removed numerically and a complete fixed overdenture has been settled on the mandible. The construction of the finite element model has been set up following the method developed by Alvarez. A comparison between results obtained by both approaches on the healthy case has been done to validate our model and to evaluate the impact of the improvements proposed in this work on mandible behavior. Then a comparison between the healthy and restored cases is done for a moderate opening /closing motion of the jaw and for a foodstuff bite between the incisors. Another problematic is treated in this thesis, the risk of peri-implant bone damage. Teeth lose induce a bone quality degradation that could cause the implantation failure. Two implant geometries have been tested for different bone qualities during clenching. In the first case, the classical implants, frequently employed by dentists, have been used. In the second case, the advantages of the newly patented implant, composed of a vertical and horizontal screws, have been tested
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Demographics of Ohio Licensed Dentists and Treatment Preferences for Temporomandibular Joint DisordersNoll, Sean William 18 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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