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Die aus dem Nichts kommende Stimme zur Ästhetik des literarischen Debüts in der MediengesellschaftKortmann, Christian January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Hildesheim, Univ., Diss., 2006
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Etické aspekty v knize Tobijáš / Ethical aspects in the Book of TobitCHMELOVÁ, Miroslava January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the analysis of selected ethical aspects in the book of Tobit. In the first part of the thesis explains the concept of ethics. In its second part individual ethical aspects of the book are explained. The third part tries to answer, what selected church documents and theological texts focused on ethics say about particular aspects analysed in the second part. At the end, particular events of the book of Tobit as ethical example for our lives and impact of Old Testament texts on present ethics are propounded to consider.
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Solo lyra viol music of Tobias Hume (c. 1579-1645): Historical context and transcription for modern guitar.Amelkina-Vera, Olga 08 1900 (has links)
The seventeenth century in England produced a large and historically significant body of music for the viola da gamba played "lyra-way." Broadly defined, playing "lyra-way" on the viol meant playing from tablature notation in a polyphonic style. Most players of plucked strings such as lute and guitar are familiar with tablature and, as a result, have a decisive advantage when attempting to explore this music. Other factors that make lyra viol repertory potentially attractive to the modern guitarist are its chordal textures, similarities in physical properties of the instruments, and many points of connection regarding the principles of left hand technique. The purpose of this study is two-fold: 1) to illuminate the historical and cultural context of the seventeenth-century English lyra viol music in general and that of Tobias Hume (c. 1579-1645) in particular; and 2) to present an idiomatic transcription for the modern guitar of four representative pieces from Hume's 1605 collection Musicall Humours. Musicall Humours, published in London in 1605, is one of the first and most significant collections of music for the lyra viol. The collection is both ambitious and groundbreaking, being the largest repertory of solo music for the lyra viol by a single composer in the early seventeenth century. Since the modern guitar, although not as contrapuntally facile as the keyboard, is nevertheless capable of executing two- or three-voice polyphony, reconstruction of the polyphonic implications of solo lyra viol music becomes the first step in creating an idiomatic arrangement. The differences in acoustical properties and technical capabilities between the viol and the modern guitar have to be taken into consideration when deciding on the degree to which harmony must be filled in. Generally, thinner textures of the lyra viol music, when transferred directly to the guitar, tend to sound incomplete. The arranger's musical sensitivity and intimate familiarity with both instruments must guide the final stages of the transcription process.
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Föräldraskap i Johan Tobias Sergels teckningar från 1700-talets andra hälftMatarasso, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöks hovbildhuggaren Johan Tobias Sergels teckningar av samtida föräldraskap från 1700-talets andra hälft – en dramatiskt föränderlig period i Sveriges och Europas historia, präglad av upplysningsfilosofins omvälvande framväxt. Flertalet teckningar skildrar Sergels egen familj, och kung Gustav III i relationen till sonen och tronarvingen Gustav (IV) Adolf. Genom bildanalyser med stöd i en semiotisk begreppsapparat, samt analys av Sergels samtid, utforskas teckningsmotivens betydelser och hur de kan förstås i den historiska kontexten. Undersökningen visar hur två tydligt definierbara teman återkommer i Sergels teckningar (ömhet, intimitet och fysisk interaktion och pedagogik och utbildning), och hur motiven kan förstås som uttryck för upplysningsfilosofiska idéer om föräldraskap och familjelycka. Särskilda bildelement kan tolkas som tecken för strömningens progressiva moder- och faderskapsideal, som uttryckts av bl.a. upplysningsfilosofen Jean-Jacques Rousseau i Émile ou de l’education (1762), och återkommer i läroboken Barnabok (1780), tillägnad den då tvåårige Gustav (IV) Adolf. Undersökningen visar också hur Sergels skildringar av den egna familjen och det kungliga faderskapet, kan betraktas som konstnärliga tolkningar av då rådande familjeförhållanden. Ett urval brev till och från Sergel, samt tidigare forskning, styrker bilden av att Sergel, hans sambo Anna Rella och kung Gustav III praktiserade föräldraskap i linje med centrala upplysningsfilosofiska värden.
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Evoking Disgust in the Eighteenth CenturyJamieson, David January 2023 (has links)
The eighteenth century is primarily known for the development of codes of etiquette, the refinement of manners and the artistic cultivation of the beautiful and the sublime, but there is at the same time a strand of highly visceral, often stomach-turning texts and images that coexist alongside the push for a much more polite and urbane culture.
My dissertation, “Evoking Disgust in the Eighteenth Century,” looks at a wide range of scientific, literary and ephemeral texts to excavate the ways that disgust both persisted and transformed across the century. These range from the poems of Jonathan Swift, the novels of Tobias Smollett, Evelina by Frances Burney, and George Psalmanazar’s An Historical and Geographical Description of Formosa. I argue that disgust served as both a boundary line that can tell us the kinds of behaviors, objects and bodies that should not be tolerated in society, and as an emotion that could be trained and cultivated to guide the disgust reactions of readers.
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Axel Adolf Laurell ja Oikean teologian myyttiLuukkanen, T.-L. (Tarja-Liisa) 05 January 2016 (has links)
<p>Axel Adolf Laurell (1800–1852), theoretical philosopher by training, was Professor of Dogmatics at the University of Helsinki 1836–1852. In the history of Finnish theology, he has been rather ignored. The aim of this doctoral thesis has been two-fold: to analyze both Laurell and the later theological tradition that ignored him.</p>
<p>Laurell was one of the intellectually oriented theologians in Finland representing the view that university theology was a field of rational study, not a way of practicing religion. His qualifying thesis, already approved of by the official opponent, was rejected by the Faculty of Theology and by the Lutheran archbishop E. G. Melartin. However, Laurell gained the support of the Academic Senate and was appointed professor by Nikolai I.</p>
<p>Archive material depicting Laurell´s lectures on theology shows that he lectured, among other things, on the German controversy between rationalism and supranaturalism. He seems to have supported the idea of mediation between these two, an approach typical of to the school of <i>Vermitttlungstheologie</i>. Laurell began his career as a Hegelian, rejected Hegelianism in the 1840s and became interested in the questions of empirical study. Laurell was one of the Finnish academics who adopted ideas both from Herder and Hegel.</p>
<p>Laurell, during his formative years a member of the Saturday Society, a circle of reform-minded young intellectuals, was the most notable Finnish representative of pedagogics during his time. He was one of the founders of Helsingfors Lyceum in 1831 and the first headmaster of this school with its new, modern-type curriculum. According to him, “state” and “church” should not interfere in the matters of education.</p>
<p>Taking into account Mythologies by Roland Barthes and some international discussions on nationalistic myths, I have delineated the previously unrecognized myth of Genuine Finnish theology. Influential Finnish revivalist theologians adopted the biblical theology of Johann Tobias Beck during the latter part of the 19<sup>th</sup> century. From this standpoint they and notably history professor Ernst Gustaf Palmén, invented a religious-nationalistic interpretation of the 19<sup>th</sup>-century Finnish history. Scientifically significant theologians had been Beckians or revival movement sympathizers while Laurell, among other actual forerunners of rational research, were marginalized and forgotten.</p> / <h1>Tiivistelmä</h1>
<p>Väitöskirjani tarkastelee Lauantaiseuran jäsenen ja Helsingin yliopiston dogmatiikan ruotsinkielisen professorin Axel Adolf Laurellin (1800–1852) näkemyksiä ja toimintaa 1830-luvulta 1850-luvun alkuun sekä autonomian kaudesta kertovaa suomalaisen teologian oppitraditiota. Laurell on yksi tämän oppitradition vähättelemistä 1800-luvun teologeista. Teologinen tiedekunta sekä luterilaisen kirkon arkkipiispa E. G. Melartin yrittivät 1830-luvulla torjua Laurellin professorinvirasta hylkäämällä hänen väitöskirjansa, jonka vastaväittäjä oli jo hyväksynyt. Hänellä oli kuitenkin yliopiston professorikunnan enemmistön tuki, ja Nikolai I nimitti hänet dogmatiikan professoriksi.</p>
<p>Teologian oppitraditiota, historiallisista lähteistä piittaamatonta keksittyä historiaa, kutsutaan tässä tutkimuksessa Oikean teologian myytiksi. Se on hahmoteltu soveltaen Roland Barthesin ja eräiden nationalismitutkijoiden myyttitulkintoja. Myytti on arvioinut aiempien tutkijoiden tieteellistä merkittävyyttä sen perusteella miten he suhtautuivat herännäisyyteen ja olivatko he suomenkielisiä. Myytin keskeinen muotoilija oli historian professori Ernst Gustaf Palmén ja sen syntyedellytyksenä olivat suomalaisen yliopistoherännäisyyden muuttuminen beckiläiseksi raamattufundamentalismiksi 1850-luvulta alkaen sekä lähdetutkimuksen laiminlyöminen. Aiempien tutkijoiden tulkintaa autonomian kauden teologiasta toistettiin sittemmin vuosikymmenestä toiseen tarkistamatta heidän tulkintojensa paikkansapitävyyttä alkuperäislähteistä.</p>
<p>Laurellin luennoista säilynyttä käsikirjoitusaineistoa on käytetty selvittämään mitä hän opetti Helsingin yliopiston teologian opiskelijoille. Yksi luentojen keskeinen aihe oli saksalaisen rationalismi-supranaturalismi -kiistan käsittely. Luennot viittaavat siihen, että Laurell edusti välitysteologiseksi kutsuttua koulukuntaa, joka nimensä mukaisesti pyrki edustamaan välittävää kantaa näiden kahden välillä.</p>
<p>Laurell oli aikansa merkittävin suomalainen pedagogi, Helsingfors Lyceumin johtaja ja yksi sen perustaja, koulutukseltaan teoreettisen filosofian dosentti ja aikansa maltillinen, kristillisestä luomisuskosta kiinnipitänyt rationalisti, joka hegeliläisyydestä luovuttuaan kiinnostui empiirisestä tutkimuksesta. Laurellin ajattelussa näkyy monelle muullekin 1800-luvun alkupuolen toimijalle tyypillinen hegeliläisten ja herderiläisten vaikutteiden rinnakkaisuus. Teologina Laurell edusti näkemystä, jonka mukaan yliopistoteologia on uskonnon tarkastelua, ei yliopistossa tapahtuvaa uskonnonharjoitusta.</p>
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Animate structures : the compositions and improvisations of the Instant Composers Pool OrchestraSchuiling, Floris Jan January 2015 (has links)
Founded in 1967, the Amsterdam-based improvising collective the Instant Composers Pool is one of the longest consistently performing groups in improvised music. This thesis forms an ethnography and musicological study of the ICP Orchestra, which originated when the "pool" developed a more coherent line-up around 1980. With a background in experimental music as well as free jazz, their performance practice differs in many respects from the practices of American forms of jazz. Whereas most accounts of improvisation emphasise orality and creative interaction in opposition to the performance of composed music, 'instant composition' defines improvisation precisely in terms of compositional thinking. Moreover, founding member and orchestra leader Misha Mengelberg composed a very diverse repertoire for the group which draws on styles from Duke Ellington to John Cage and uses various forms of compositional and notational techniques to explore the different improvisatory possibilities that they afford, thus blurring the distinction between improvisation and composition both in name and in practice. Apart from a detailed historical and ethnographic description of a group that is central to a genre that has been underrepresented in music-historical research, this thesis investigates the repertoire of the ICP and its use as an opportunity to reconsider the relation between musical text and performance. Drawing on my observations and interviews with the musicians, and connecting these to theories of material culture and science and technology studies, it develops a concept of compositions as animated and animating objects in performance, tools and materials that participate in the creative interactive process of improvised performance rather than textual representations of 'the music itself'. I substantiate this theory with detailed descriptions of ICP performances recorded during fieldwork. This contributes to a rethinking of musical notation and simultaneously brings new insights into improvisation as a creative practice.
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Axel Adolf Laurell ja Oikean teologian myyttiLuukkanen, T.-L. (Tarja-Liisa) 05 January 2016 (has links)
Axel Adolf Laurell (1800–1852), theoretical philosopher by training, was Professor of Dogmatics at the University of Helsinki 1836–1852. In the history of Finnish theology, he has been rather ignored. The aim of this doctoral thesis has been two-fold: to analyze both Laurell and the later theological tradition that ignored him.
Laurell was one of the intellectually oriented theologians in Finland representing the view that university theology was a field of rational study, not a way of practicing religion. His qualifying thesis, already approved of by the official opponent, was rejected by the Faculty of Theology and by the Lutheran archbishop E. G. Melartin. However, Laurell gained the support of the Academic Senate and was appointed professor by Nikolai I.
Archive material depicting Laurell´s lectures on theology shows that he lectured, among other things, on the German controversy between rationalism and supranaturalism. He seems to have supported the idea of mediation between these two, an approach typical of to the school of Vermitttlungstheologie. Laurell began his career as a Hegelian, rejected Hegelianism in the 1840s and became interested in the questions of empirical study. Laurell was one of the Finnish academics who adopted ideas both from Herder and Hegel.
Laurell, during his formative years a member of the Saturday Society, a circle of reform-minded young intellectuals, was the most notable Finnish representative of pedagogics during his time. He was one of the founders of Helsingfors Lyceum in 1831 and the first headmaster of this school with its new, modern-type curriculum. According to him, “state” and “church” should not interfere in the matters of education.
Taking into account Mythologies by Roland Barthes and some international discussions on nationalistic myths, I have delineated the previously unrecognized myth of Genuine Finnish theology. Influential Finnish revivalist theologians adopted the biblical theology of Johann Tobias Beck during the latter part of the 19th century. From this standpoint they and notably history professor Ernst Gustaf Palmén, invented a religious-nationalistic interpretation of the 19th-century Finnish history. Scientifically significant theologians had been Beckians or revival movement sympathizers while Laurell, among other actual forerunners of rational research, were marginalized and forgotten. / Tiivistelmä
Väitöskirjani tarkastelee Lauantaiseuran jäsenen ja Helsingin yliopiston dogmatiikan ruotsinkielisen professorin Axel Adolf Laurellin (1800–1852) näkemyksiä ja toimintaa 1830-luvulta 1850-luvun alkuun sekä autonomian kaudesta kertovaa suomalaisen teologian oppitraditiota. Laurell on yksi tämän oppitradition vähättelemistä 1800-luvun teologeista. Teologinen tiedekunta sekä luterilaisen kirkon arkkipiispa E. G. Melartin yrittivät 1830-luvulla torjua Laurellin professorinvirasta hylkäämällä hänen väitöskirjansa, jonka vastaväittäjä oli jo hyväksynyt. Hänellä oli kuitenkin yliopiston professorikunnan enemmistön tuki, ja Nikolai I nimitti hänet dogmatiikan professoriksi.
Teologian oppitraditiota, historiallisista lähteistä piittaamatonta keksittyä historiaa, kutsutaan tässä tutkimuksessa Oikean teologian myytiksi. Se on hahmoteltu soveltaen Roland Barthesin ja eräiden nationalismitutkijoiden myyttitulkintoja. Myytti on arvioinut aiempien tutkijoiden tieteellistä merkittävyyttä sen perusteella miten he suhtautuivat herännäisyyteen ja olivatko he suomenkielisiä. Myytin keskeinen muotoilija oli historian professori Ernst Gustaf Palmén ja sen syntyedellytyksenä olivat suomalaisen yliopistoherännäisyyden muuttuminen beckiläiseksi raamattufundamentalismiksi 1850-luvulta alkaen sekä lähdetutkimuksen laiminlyöminen. Aiempien tutkijoiden tulkintaa autonomian kauden teologiasta toistettiin sittemmin vuosikymmenestä toiseen tarkistamatta heidän tulkintojensa paikkansapitävyyttä alkuperäislähteistä.
Laurellin luennoista säilynyttä käsikirjoitusaineistoa on käytetty selvittämään mitä hän opetti Helsingin yliopiston teologian opiskelijoille. Yksi luentojen keskeinen aihe oli saksalaisen rationalismi-supranaturalismi -kiistan käsittely. Luennot viittaavat siihen, että Laurell edusti välitysteologiseksi kutsuttua koulukuntaa, joka nimensä mukaisesti pyrki edustamaan välittävää kantaa näiden kahden välillä.
Laurell oli aikansa merkittävin suomalainen pedagogi, Helsingfors Lyceumin johtaja ja yksi sen perustaja, koulutukseltaan teoreettisen filosofian dosentti ja aikansa maltillinen, kristillisestä luomisuskosta kiinnipitänyt rationalisti, joka hegeliläisyydestä luovuttuaan kiinnostui empiirisestä tutkimuksesta. Laurellin ajattelussa näkyy monelle muullekin 1800-luvun alkupuolen toimijalle tyypillinen hegeliläisten ja herderiläisten vaikutteiden rinnakkaisuus. Teologina Laurell edusti näkemystä, jonka mukaan yliopistoteologia on uskonnon tarkastelua, ei yliopistossa tapahtuvaa uskonnonharjoitusta.
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The Gender of Time in the Eighteenth-century English NovelLeissner, Debra Holt 12 1900 (has links)
This study takes a structuralist approach to the development of the novel, arguing that eighteenth-century writers build progressive narrative by rendering abstract, then conflating, literary theories of gendered time that originate in the Renaissance with seventeenth-century scientific theories of motion. I argue that writers from the Renaissance through the eighteenth century generate and regulate progress-as-product in their narratives through gendered constructions of time that corresponded to the generation and regulation of economic, political, and social progress brought about by developing capitalism.
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Till minne av små fötter som drog bort : Teologier i Sven-David Sandströms Requiem / In Memory of Small Feet Fading Away : Theologies in Sven-David Sandström´s RequiemTrygg, Embla January 2022 (has links)
This essay investigates themes and theologies in Requiem: Mute the Bereaved Memories Speakusing a modified version of Material, Moral, Mysterious as presented in God's Song and Music's Meanings: Theology, Liturgy, and Musicology in Dialogue by James Hawkey, Ben Quash and Vernon White (2020). The analysis highlights the central themes victim/perpetrator and the Holocaust as well as sub-themes such as the game, Mary Had a Little Lamb and the sorrow of the children. The theologies found through the analysis are centred around belonging, longing, nothingness, and redemption. These theologies relate and reacts to the Holocaust as well as the existential state of being a human.
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