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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative study of Radiation Therapy of Targets in the Upper Abdomen with Photon- or Scanned Proton-beams

Mondlane, Gracinda January 2017 (has links)
Recently, there has been an increase in the number of proton beam therapy (PBT) centers operating worldwide. For certain cases, proton beams have been shown to provide dosimetric and radiobiological advantages when used for cancer treatment, compared to the regular photon-beam based treatments. Under ideal circumstances, the dose given to the tissues surrounding a target can be reduced with PBT. The risk for side effects following treatment is then expected to decrease. Until present, mainly stationary targets, e.g. targets in the brain, have been treated with PBT. There is currently a growing interest to treat also target volumes in other parts of the body with PBT. However, there are sources of uncertainties, which must be more carefully considered when PBT is used, especially for PBT carried out with scanned proton beams. PBT is more sensitive to anatomical changes, e.g. organ motion or a variable gas content in the intestines, which requires that special precautions are taken prior to treating new tumour sites. In photon beam radiotherapy (RT) of moving targets, the main consequence of organ motion is the loss of sharpness of the dose gradients (dose smearing). When scanned proton beams are used, dose deformation caused by the fluctuations in the proton beam range, due to varying tissue heterogeneities (e.g., the ribs moving in and out of the beam path) and the so-called interplay effect, can be expected to impact the dose distributions in addition to the dose smearing. The dosimetric uncertainties, if not accounted for, may cause the planned and accurately calculated dose distribution to be distorted, compromising the main goal of RT of achieving the maximal local disease control while accepting certain risks for normal tissue complications. Currently there is a lack of clinical follow-up data regarding the outcome of PBT for different tumour sites, in particular for extra-cranial tumour sites in moving organs. On the other hand, the use of photon beams for this kind of cancer treatment is well-stablished. A treatment planning comparison between RT carried out with photons and with protons may provide guidelines for when PBT could be more suitable. New clinical applications of particle beams in cancer therapy can also be transferred from photon-beam treatments, for which there is a vast clinical experience. The evaluation of the different uncertainties influencing RT of different tumour sites carried out with photon- and with proton-beams, will hopefully create an understanding for the feasibility of treating cancers with scanned proton beams instead of photon beams. The comparison of two distinct RT modalities is normally performed by studying the dosimetric values obtained from the dose volume histograms (DVH). However, in dosimetric evaluations, the outcome of the treatments in terms of local disease control and healthy tissue toxicity are not estimated. In this regard, radiobiological models can be an indispensable tool for the prediction of the outcome of cancer treatments performed with different types of ionising radiation. In this thesis, different factors that should be taken into consideration in PBT, for treatments influenced by organ motion and density heterogeneities, were studied and their importance quantified. This thesis consists of three published articles (Articles I, II and III). In these reports, the dosimetric and biological evaluations of photon-beam and scanned proton-beam RT were performed and the results obtained were compared. The studies were made for two tumour sites influenced by organ motion and density changes, gastric cancer (GC) and liver metastases. For the GC cases, the impact of changes in tissue density, resulting from variable gas content (which can be observed inter-fractionally), was also studied. In this thesis, both conventional fractionations (implemented in the planning for GC treatments) and hypofractionated regimens (implemented in the planning for the liver metastases cases) were considered. In this work, it was found that proton therapy provided the possibility to reduce the irradiations of the normal tissue located near the target volumes, compared to photon beam RT. However, the effects of density changes were found to be more pronounced in the plans for PBT. Furthermore, with proton beams, the reduction of the integral dose given to the OARs resulted in reduced risks of treatment-induced secondary malignancies.

Proton plan evaluation : a framework accounting for treatment uncertainties and variable relative biological effectiveness

Ödén, Jakob January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Family Business Research in the New Millennium: An Overview of the Who, the Where, the What, and the Why

Debicki, Bart J., Matherne, Curtis F., Kellermanns, Franz W., Chrisman, James J. 01 June 2009 (has links)
The authors' analysis of 291 family business articles published in 30 management journals between 2001 and 2007 reports the contributions of individual scholars and academic institutions to family business research. To better understand the interrelationships among scholars who have contributed to family business research, a network analysis of coauthor relationships was conducted. The authors also provide a content analysis of the articles and offer suggestions for future research. By analyzing the who, where, and what of family business research, the reasons why the developmental trends have occurred and how the field's momentum can be maintained and directed toward productive ends become clearer.

NÄR ÄR RÄTT TID ATT ANLÄNDA? : Betydelsen av ankomsttid och arters funktionella egenskaper för växtsamhällens artsammansättning / When is the right time to arrive? : The importance of arrival time and species’ functional traits for plant community composition

Kühne, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Kontroversiella ämnen i samhällskunskap i gymnasieskolan

Badran, Hiba January 2019 (has links)
Ett centralt mål för ämnet samhällskunskap är att skolan ska lyfta och arbeta med ämnen som kan anses vara kontroversiella. Kontroversiella ämnesområden är baserade på individens ställningstagande och värderingar i olika ämnen och frågor. Syftet med denna undersökning är att med hjälp av kvantitativ webbenkätundersökning, teorier och tidigare forskning, undersöka lärarnas erfarenheter och synsätt kring olika kontroversiella frågor. Resultatet från enkätsvaren visar att olika centrala begrepp i ämnet samhällskunskap, som till exempel makt, politik, genus och jämställdhet, kan ses som kontroversiella och kan skapa spänningar i klassrummet. Lärare i undersökningen upplevde att de kontroversiella ämnesområdena skiljdes åt beroende på elevgrupp och vilken skola man arbetade på. Lärare nämner effektiva metoder och strategier som de använder i samband med undervisning om kontroversiella ämnesområde. Metoderna som lärare använde sig av bygger på olika kommunikationsstrategier.

Domain wall solutions in the AdS/CFT correspondence

Mateos González, Eduardo January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis we study a particular realization of the Domain wall/Quantum Field Theory correspondence, a modification of the Anti de-Sitter/Conformal Field Theory correspondence that is used to study deformations of a Conformal Field Theory. In theQuantum gravity side of the duality we analyze a N = 1 gauged supergravity theory in 7 dimensions which presents two different Anti de-Sitter vacua, one of which preserves the full supersymmetry and one that breaks half of the supercharges. We will find a scalar 1/2-BPS solitonic solution describing a domain wall in an asymptotically Anti de-Sitter spacetime which interpolates between the supersymmetric AdS vacuum and a divergent AdS space situated at infinity, and we will calculate its tension and the effective mass of the scalar field when evaluated at the AdS vacuum. The dual theory of our gauged  supergravity is the 6-dimensional N = (1,0) Superconformal Field Theory, and the scalar 1/2-BPS field is dual to two relevant operators that induce a relevant deformation of the SCFT which can be identified with a renormalization group-flow. Here we will first compute the scaling dimension and the one-point functions of these operators in the SCFT, as well as indicating how to compute the two-point and three-point functions, and then we will study the c-function along the renormalization group-flow they induce and the beta function that characterizes this flow in order to derive some properties of the resulting Quantum Field Theory.

Characterization of Magneto-Dielectric Materials for Microwave Devices / Karakterisering av magneto-dielektriska material för mikrovågsapplikationer

Lazraq Byström, Joseph January 2020 (has links)
There is an increasing interest in using new composite materials in microwave devices, to reduce size and weight while maintaining similar performances. A new promising material group is named magneto-dielectric materials, which have the permittivity and permeability values both larger than one. Compared to the commercially used dielectric materials, magneto-dielectric materials can achieve a larger miniaturization factor with the equivalent properties as dielectric materials. There is a very limited availability of commercial magneto-dielectric materials. A recent addition was from Rogers Corporation with MAGTREX 555, [1], that is available as a printed circuit board laminate. The material is limited to 500 MHz operational frequency due to its increased magnetic and dielectric losses. In this thesis the purpose is to understand the loss mechanisms, characterize and understand the state-of-the-art magneto-dielectric materials at microwaves, and to produce a magneto-dielectric material in the lab to understand the material better. A new material was developed with magneto-dielectric properties. The material was based on a polymer base of polystyrene that serves as a dielectric material and doped with nickel nanoparticles that produce the magnetic properties. The contents of the nanoparticles in the mix is a design variable. Nickel-polystyrene samples with different nickel contents of 0%, 2.3% and 4.5%, were produced in the lab and measured in-house to understand the loss mechanism and RF performance.

Electrical analysis of interface recombination of thin-film CIGS solar cells

Lotse, Henrik January 2020 (has links)
In this master thesis, electrical characterization of thin film CuInxGa(1−x)Se2 solar cells produced by Midsummer AB were performed with the aim of determining the dominant recombination path of these cells. Current-Voltage (IV), Quantum Effinciency (QE), temperature dependent IV (IVT) and Drive-Level Capacitance Profiling (DLCP) was used with the objective to investigate the dominant recombination path as well as provide some insight of the solar cells in order to create a baseline model using the modelling software SCAPS (Solar cell CAPacitance Simulator). The IV produced mostly consistent results with slight variation, most likely due to non uniformity of equipment. The QE showed consistent results between all cells indicating a stable process for the sample preparation. Using IVT measurements were taken from a temperature of 115K −300K in order to obtain the activation energy for the dominant recombination path. By comparing it with the band gap energy from the QE measurement, it was found that the dominant recombination path is in either the space charge region or in the bulk of the CIGS and not at the hetero interface. DLCP measurement were made at both low temperature and at room temperature and revealed that the cells had a similar doping as other comparable cells at 7×1016cm−3 . The initial baseline model created in SCAPS show a good agreement with the measured IV and currently indicates a spike in the band alignment, supporting the results for the IVT measurement.

Creating a self-driving terrain vehicle in a simulated environment

Markgren, Jonas January 2020 (has links)
Outside of the city environment, there are many unstructured and rough environments that are challenging in vehicle navigation tasks. In these environments, vehicle vibrations caused by rough terrain can be harmful for humans. In addition, a human operator can not work around the clock. A promising solution is to use artificial intelligence to replace human operators. I test this by using the artificial intelligence technique know as reinforcement learning, with the algorithm Proximal Policy Optimization, to perform some basic locomotion tasks in a simulated environment with a simple terrain vehicle. The terrain vehicle consists of two chassis, each having two wheels attached, connected to each other with an articulation joint that can rotate to turn the vehicle. I show that a trained model can learn to operate the terrain vehicle and complete basic tasks, such as finding and following a path while avoiding obstacles. I tested robustness by evaluating performance on sloped terrains with a model trained to operate on flat ground. The results from the tests with different slopes show that, for most environments, the trained model could handle slopes up to around 7.5-10 degrees without much issue, even though it had no way of detecting the slope. This tells us that the models can perform their tasks quite well even when disturbances are introduced, as long as these disturbances doesn't require them to significantly change their behaviors.

Execution time optimisation of a physics engine / Exekveringstidsoptimering av en fysikmotor

Lundberg, Jimmy January 2020 (has links)
This paper contains several suggestions of improvements for an existingin-house physics engine. It treats subjects such as mathematical simpli-fications, data dependencies, branching, broad phase collision detectionand data-oriented programming. The suggested improvements are testedwith two devices, a Samsung Galaxy A6 running on a ARM Cortex-A531.6 GHz Octa-Core Processor running Android OS, and an iOS device,iPhone 11 A2221 running on two 2.7 GHz cores and four 1.7 GHz coresin its A13 Bionic chip. Combining two constraints within a particle wheel reduces the execu-tion time of the physics engine by 25% and 18% for a Samsung A6 andan iPhone 11 respectively. Mathematical simplifications of certain con-straints led to a removal of an unnecessary function call to sqrt() whichreduced the time by 3% and 2%. These two suggestions have been testedby the community and do not significantly alter the realism nor the playa-bility of the game. A removal of already replaced constraints reduced the time by 2% and3%. An implementation of broad phase collision detection between playerobjects and objects in the environment reduced the execution time by 6%and 8%. The last suggestion, a reorganisation of the order in which theconstraint solver solves constraints did not reduce the time for the Sam-sung A6 but did reduce the time by 3% for the iPhone 11. Other hypotheses that did not reduce the execution time included avoid-ing branching and implementation of Unity’s job system in the constraintsolver which both increased the execution time of the physics engine. In summary the possible total execution time reduction of the physicsengine sums up to 36% for the Samsung A6 and 34% for the iPhone 11.

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