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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace topologie kmitajícího nosníku složeného z více materiálů / Multi-material topology optimization of the vibrating beam

Kordula, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The master‘s thesis deals with optimization of continuum consisting of one or more different materials loaded statically or dynamically. The thesis aims on minimum compliance design and maximum eigen frequency design. For solution of each problem situation are written computational programmes in Python language itself and also as combination with commercial software ANSYS APDL.

Návrh oběžného kola radiální turbíny se sníženým momentem setrvačnosti / Radial turbine runner design with reduced moment of inertia

Votava, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with topological optimization of the impeller of a radial turbocharger turbine. It focuses on reducing the moment of inertia with unchanged aerodynamic properties. The optimization was carried out using CFD, thermal and structural analysis. The computational modeling was performed using the finite element analysis in ANSYS. The work proposes models of the impeller with the topological modification of the internal structure. Based on the values of moment of inertia, the stress and the strain the most suitable model was selected.

Návrh sítě FTTB / FTTB Network Design

Reichert, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to explain the issues of the FTTx network design. The main idea of this work is to describe to readers the methods of the designing the optical access networks. Especially we will speak about the building technologies and different topologies used in a practice. The different technologies of optical access networks’ building and various parameters, which are necessary to take into account in the designing of these networks, will be introduced. In the theoretical part, methods of measurement, which are like the needed part of each optical access networks’ building, will be described. Two purposes of the FTTB networks with all proprieties will be made and offered. One purpose will be solved by Point to Point topology and the second purpose will be solved by Point to Multipoint topology. Following the confrontation one of these purposes will be chosen and realized. By ITU recommendation, measurements will be performed on the built optical trace. The final protocols will be elaborated from these measurements. The built trace with all final reports will be prepared for assignment to the subscriber.

Mobile IP v sítích MANET / Mobile IP in MANETs

Raška, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis discuss about the problem with mobility of stations in IP networks, concretely protocol Mobile IP and about the problems with this protocol in MANET networks, with the scope on Motorola MESH. First part is about design integration of protocol Mobile IP in this networks with usage Tropos 5210 MetroMesh routers and Cisco components (router, switch) to design and configure wireless MESH network, than connect this network with Cisco components and try to implement Mobile IP into this network. Second part is about design and configure wireless network from Cisco Wireless Access Points and about succesfully implementation of Mobile IP protocol into this network. In the last part is some tests of the function and quality of this topology.

Bezdrátové komunikační moduly pro mikrokontroléry / Wireless communication modules for microcontrollers

Klíma, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is analysis of wireless communication between mikroprocesors. The first part of the work are analysed the problems the wireless free ISM band. Mainly RFM12B and ZigBee module, which i these band work and ZigBee standart. The second part are described relazation board for both module. Further how programming ZigBee module. And at last programs for tested module.

Návrh počítačové sítě / Computer Network Design

Bafrnec, Luboš January 2010 (has links)
The subject of the “The Computer Network Design” thesis is the analysis of the current company status and a detailed analysis of its possible improvement. The present status, company demands and the brief summary of available technologies for proposed solution have been described. The optimal option for the company has been chosen. Current company costs have been analyzed and savings solution for both monthly costs for maintaining the network and purchasing cost for computer technology itself.

DC/DC-Wandler zur Einbindung von Doppelschichtkondensatoren in das Fahrzeugenergiebordnetz

Polenov, Dieter 15 January 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit DC/DC-Wandlern zur Einbindung von Doppelschichtkondensatoren in das Fahrzeugenergiebordnetz. Zunächst werden die Anforderungen an derartige DC/DC-Wandler anhand dreier entsprechender Beispielanwendungen zusammengestellt und verglichen. Für die Anwendung zur Entkopplung transienter Hochleistungsverbraucher, wie beispielsweise eine elektrische Lenkung, wird ein DC/DC-Wandler-Konzept entwickelt. Es findet ein Vergleich von drei geeigneten Topologien mittels einer hierfür erarbeiteten Methode statt, mit dem Ziel die beste Lösung für den betrachteten Anwendungsfall zu ermitteln. Um adäquate Kritierien für die Wahl der Schaltfrequenz und der Induktivitäten von Speicherdrosseln aufzustellen, erfolgt eine Untersuchung des Einflusses des Drosselstromwechselanteils auf das Schaltverhalten der MOSFETs sowie auf bestimmte Bereiche der EMV-Störemissionen. Als Methoden zur Optimierung des Synchrongleichrichterbetriebs werden das Parallelschalten von Schottky-Dioden und Synchrongleichrichtern sowie die Variation der Ausschalttotzeiten von Synchrongleichrichtern untersucht. Weiterhin wird unter Berücksichtigung der Besonderheiten der Anwendung und Topologie ein Konzept für die Regelung des Wandlers entwickelt. Abschließend findet eine Vorstellung ausgewählter Aspekte zur Umsetzung des DC/DC-Wandler-Konzepts sowie der Ergebnisse experimenteller Untersuchungen statt.

Novel zeotype frameworks with soft cyclodiphosphazane linkers and soft Cu₄X₄ clusters as nodes

Siddiqui, Mujahuddin M., Mobin, Shaikh M., Senkovska, Irena, Kaskel, Stefan, Balakrishna, Maravanji S. 26 November 2019 (has links)
Two novel cyclodiphosphazane cluster frameworks with Cu₄X₄ clusters as tetrahedral nodes and ferrocenyl cyclodiphosphazanes [Fe(η5-C5H₄)₂(PNtBu)₂] as ditopic linkers have been synthesized. These frameworks having sodalite topology display a unique integration of porosity and redox activity and offer new opportunities for the synthesis of zeotype frameworks with soft phosphorus-based ligands.

Zjišťování struktury pórotvorných kolicinů / Determination of the structure of pore-forming colicins

Riedlová, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
6 Abstract This master's thesis provides study of individual helixes from C-terminal pore-forming domain (CTD) of colicin U and their behavior in lipid bilayer on atomic level. For this purpose the all-atom molecular simulation method was used. Later the study was extended an applied on CTD of published structures of other pore-forming colicins. On the base of study extension the ability of disruption of lipid bilayer integrity by helixes H1 and H10 was successfully observed. Helix H1 was synthesized and its activity was experimentally proved on black lipid membranes. The other helixes are often too short to be able to keep position in lipid bilayer and their behavior could be affected by artificial termini, therefore they were not synthesized. The MD simulations of pairs of helixes show that structure stability and their ability to stay in the membrane depends on binding partners. The results of the thesis show the importance of H10 for colicin pore-formation, which has not been observed yet. The results also support the toroidal pore model suggested previously for colicin E1. The results prove that colicins contain specific secondary structures, which are able to disrupt the inner bacterial membrane not only in its native form but also when artificially separated from the rest of the protein. Klíčová...

Arbeitshefte Architektur und Raum für die Aufführungskünste: Publikationsreihe des transdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes „Architektur und Raum für die Aufführungskünste. Entwicklungen seit den 1960er Jahren“

Büscher, Barbara, Menting, Annette 10 November 2020 (has links)
Die ARBEITSHEFTE werden von Barbara Büscher (HMT) und Annette Menting (HTWK Leipzig) herausgegeben. Sie sind Ergebnis von exemplarischen Untersuchungen und präsentieren Material und Analysen aus Fallstudien des DFG-geförderten, transdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes „Architektur und Raum für die Aufführungskünste“. Sie sind ein Baustein in der Fortschreibung von Geschichte(n) und in der Analyse von Praktiken zeitgenössischer Aufführungskünste zwischen Theater, Performance, Tanz, Musik/Theater, visuellen und medialen Künsten. Und sie sind ein Baustein zur jüngeren Architekturgeschichte und der Analyse aktueller kultureller Infrastruktur, die Spielstätten in ihrer Verortung im Stadtgefüge beschreibt. Sie sind in zwei thematischen Feldern angeordnet: zum einen „Produktionshäuser zeitgenössischer performativer Künste“ und zum anderen „Urbane Topologien und Orte für die Aufführungskünste“.

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