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Moderní trendy v hotelnictví a gastronomie v Jihočeském kraji / Modern Trends in Hotelery and Gastronomy in the region of South BohemiaCAISOVÁ, Věra January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at assessing and analyzing modern trends in hotelery and gastronomy in the region of South Bohemia. The theoretical part gives the reader information about the development of modern trends and explains the technical terminology, which relates to the topic. The practical part draws on information from actual marketing research. Another research project, conducted through anonymous inspections, where a "Mystery Guest" (the author of the thesis) assessed the quality of provided hospitality services from the point of view of a guest. The essential information was gained through opinions of tourism experts. The primary goal is to discover barriers to the growth as well as weaknesses and to determinate a "TOP 10" for gastronomical and a "TOP 10" for accommodation facilities in South Bohemia. The outcome of this thesis is a proposal for appropriate measures to eliminate shortcomings and to contribute to future development of this tourism region.
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Les vieux villages chinois : évolution, patrimonialisation et mise en tourisme / The ancient Chinese villages : evolution, heritage and tourism developmentShen, Shiwei 19 December 2014 (has links)
La Chine traditionnelle était une société fortement agricole dans laquelle la plupart du peuple habitait les villages. Ceux-ci, constituant chacun un monde en soi, montraient une grande diversité sous différents aspects. Les caractéristiques de la Chine rurale résident surtout dans les vieux villages. Et la répartition des agglomérations en Chine que l'on voit aujourd'hui résulte d'une évolution trimillénaire. Si la notion de patrimoine est très ancienne en Chine, celle de sauvegarde de patrimoine, patrimoine bâti en particulier, est beaucoup plus récente. Concernant la protection des agglomérations, les actions d'Etat ne sont qu'une réalité de trois décennies, visant d'abord les "Villes célèbres" (1982), ensuite les "Quartiers historiques" (1986), et enfin les "Bourgs et Villages célèbres" (2002). Accentuée par les multiples classements aux différents échelons administratifs, la protection des vieux villages en Chine connaît une série de paradoxes et reste une mission lourde et longue. Malgré les reproches entendus, la mise en tourisme peut être un choix et assurer les moyens de la protection des vieux villages. Le cas de Xidi montre un double processus de patrimonialisation et de mise en tourisme débutant au milieu des années 1980. Marquée par la gestion d'une entreprise de propriété collective, à l'initiative des élites du village et sous le pilotage de ceux-ci, la mise en tourisme de Xidi change profondément le village. Elle témoigne du développement d'une diversité de conflits entre les différents acteurs sur place. Ceux-ci, ajoutés à d'autres crises, mène le modèle de Xidi à sa fin au bout de 27 ans de pratique. Cependant, la "réforme" imposée par les gouvernements locaux n'arrive pas à calmer le village et les controverses autour de la protection et la mise en tourisme de Xidi comme de beaucoup d'autres vieux villages chinois restent vives et nombreuses. / Traditional China was a highly agricultural society where the majority of people lived in villages. Each village constituted a miniature world, which showed great diversity at all levels. All the characteristics of rural China mainly remained in ancient villages. The settlement distribution structure, as we see today, is the product of continuous evolution in three thousands years. The concept of heritage appeared in China in early times. But heritage protection, in particular, the concept of architectural heritage protection in China was more closed to now. As for settlement protection, history of action from government could be merely traced back to three decades. These actions first of all came out for " Famous Cities" (1982), and then for "Historical Blocks" (1986) and finally for "Famous Town and Village" (2002). The protection of ancient villages in China focused on the lists published with different names and levels, facing a series of paradoxes and with long way to go. Despite enormous criticism, tourism utilization is still one of the alternatives in the protection of ancient villages. The case of Xidi showed the double process of heritage and tourism development, which started in the Mid-1980s. Under the advocation and leadership of local village elites, Xidi tourism development implemented the management of collective ownership enterprise. The entire development witnessed the profound changes in the village and various conflicts among different actors. All sorts of conflicts and crisis accompanying eventually lead to the end of Xidi mode after 27 years practice. Xidi, however, has not been in peace due to the reform imposed by the local government, there still has been intense and widespread controversy surrounding Xidi as well as many other Chinese ancient villages
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Tourism Development and the Question of 'Stasis': A Case Study of Internal Leisure Travel in GabonCloquet, Isabelle 15 October 2015 (has links)
The thesis looks into the under-researched phenomenon of ‘stasis’ that can be observed in many emerging tourist destinations in the world. Stasis—defined here as non-growth—has been essentially addressed in the tourism literature from the perspective of operational constraints. However, in this thesis it is argued that such an approach neglects to consider these constraints as outcomes of deeply sedimented and chronically reproduced structural properties. In other words, the study attempts to gain an understanding of why operational constraints fail to receive response in destinations experiencing stasis. With its focus on stasis rather than on change, the study adopts an innovative approach to tourism development, intending in this way to add to destination development theories.Accordingly, the examination of the research problem is integrated into the general reflection on the development of tourist areas, composing the theoretical background of the study. Moreover, two important methodological decisions are made with the aim to better grasp the dynamics of tourism development within stasis. A first decision is to dissociate the quantitative aspects of destination development from the qualitative ones, introducing two distinctive constructs named destination growth and destination shaping. A second decision is to address the research question from a strategic relational approach to structure and agency. The use of a structure-agency approach is decisive in appraising the extent to which structural constraints affect tourism stakeholders’ actions. The phenomenon is explored empirically from a critical theory perspective and a qualitative approach based on a single case study. The case under scrutiny is Gabon, a politically stable destination with acknowledged tourism assets and a tourism strategy adopted in the past decade. Gabon is examined essentially for its function as internal leisure travel destination. The analysis thus includes both domestic and international tourism, but limits itself to leisure travel. The study results indicate that, in the case of Gabon, structural properties and their rigidity explained a great deal of operational constraints and their continuity over time. However, and while structural properties adversely affect destination development, including growth, tourism initiatives are still able to emerge. These tourism initiatives are varied in that they are undertaken by different types of actors, they have different goals and take different forms. Yet, very few of these tourism stakeholders are in a position to modify the country’s structural properties due to a high centrality of social control. In such context, destination growth is primarily determined by the vested interest of a small circle of agents with social power. In conclusion, a country’s structural properties need to be regarded as spatialized and temporalized tendencies having a selective effect on actors but cannot fully explain action, hence destination development. In turn, action is intended—and strategic—but results do not necessarily match initial intentions. This implies that tourism development cannot be apprehended through the sole actions of tourism stakeholders, but need a combined analysis of the interrelationships between structure and agency. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Udržitelný rozvoj cestovního ruchu v CHKO Železné hory / Sustainable development of tourism in the protected landscape area Iron MountainsŘeháková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of sustainable tourism development in protected landscape area of the Iron Mountains. The main objective is to evaluate the current status and potential of the region on issues of sustainable tourism development, sustainable forms of tourism and evaluate conservation in the PLA Iron Mountain. The theoretical part is devoted to sustainable development, sustainable development of tourism and the area of the Iron Mountains. The practical part is to map the nature and landscape protection in the PLA Iron Mountain with regard to small-scale protected areas and analyze friendly forms of tourism. Followed by evaluation of the awareness of sustainable development of the territory by questionnaire from the perspective of local public administration in tourism, residents PLA and business owners. Last theoretical part is the SWOT analysis and recommendations for the future.
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Modèles d'aménagement et d'urbanisation des Zones d'Expansion Touristique de la wilaya de Skikda (Algérie) / Development patterns and urbanization of Tourism Expansion Zones of Skikda (Algeria)Meghzili, Hamza 27 January 2015 (has links)
Le bassin méditerranéen est une zone touristique très développée, néanmoins, le taux dutourisme international varie d'un pays à l'autre. Cette recherche a donc pour but de situer letourisme algérien par rapport aux autres pays du Maghreb (Tunisie et Maroc) afin decomprendre le blocage de sa relance. Une analyse des différentes phases d’évolution dutourisme dans les trois pays a permis d’étudier les flux touristiques, la place du tourisme dansl’économie et les investissements touristiques. La wilaya de Skikda est l’objet de cette étudegrâce aux zones d’expansion touristiques considérées comme modèles pour le développementdu tourisme. Trois zones d’expansion touristiques (ZET) et une station balnéaires ont faitl’étude de cette recherche. Les projets d’aménagement de ces ZET s'inscrivent dans lavolonté d'un développement respectueux des principes de développement durable dutourisme, assurant la préservation de l'environnement, des ressources naturelles et dupatrimoine culturel. L’exploitation des résultats des enquêtes et des entretiens auprès desprofessionnels du tourisme, des collectivités locales et des touristes ont permis de bien situerles différents blocages. Le problème de gouvernance et la centralisation des décisions a eupour effet de retarder encore la relance du tourisme en Algérie. / The Mediterranean basin is a highly developed tourist area, however, the international tourismvaries from one country to another. This research aims to locate the Algerian tourismcompared to other Maghreb countries (Tunisia and Morocco) to understand the blocking ofhis recovery. An analysis of the different phases of development of tourism in the threecountries was used to study the flow of tourists, the place of tourism in the economy andtourism investments. The Skikda is the object of this study through the expansion of touristareas considered as models for the development of tourism. Three zones of tourist expansion(ZET) and a seaside resort made the study of this research. The development of these projectsare part of the ZET will of a respectful development of sustainable tourism developmentprinciples, ensuring the preservation of the environment, natural resources and culturalheritage. The exploitation of the results of surveys and interviews with tourism professionals,local authorities and tourists helped situate the various blocks. The governance issue andcentralization of decisions had the effect of further delaying the revival of tourism in Algeria.
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Strategie rozvoje cestovního ruchu Jihomoravského kraje / The Tourism Development Strategy in the South Moravian RegionHarmáčková, Alena January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this thesis aims to present determine the potential of tourism in the South Moravian Region also to propose a strategy for further development of tourism in this region. Part of the thesis is the overview of the basic terms in destination management plus marketing, as well as analysis of current level of tourism in this regions and analysis of primary and secondary tourism offers and SWOT analysis. Following is focus on the region's development strategy, including its promotion, ROP projects and proposed options for further development of the tourism. Thesis were supervised using the Czech-Austrian cooperation in the program AKTION lead by Prof. (FH) Mag. Michael Mair in Vienna.
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Udržitelný rozvoj cestovního ruchu v Moravskoslezském kraji / Sustainable tourism development in Moravian-Silesian regionLipusová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The thesis addresses the issue of sustainable tourism development which is illustrated on the example of the Moravian-Silesian region (of the Czech Republic). The aim of the thesis is the evaluation of the current condition as well as the potential of sustainable tourism development in the Moravian-Silesian region. The theoretical part of the thesis is dedicated to sustainable development with its basic pillars and principles. The Moravian-Silesian region is characterized in terms of in terms of environment, transport infrastructure, and tourism in the practical part of the thesis. In addition, the offer of environmentally-friendly forms of tourism in the region, their support and opportunities for further development is addressed. A significant portion is dedicated to the analysis of knowledge of sustainable tourism development in the region which is based in responses by entrepreneurs in tourism in the Moravian-Silesian region, tourists, residents of the region, and employees of the regional administrative office. The SWOT analysis serves as an instrument for the evaluation of the current state and the potential opportunities for sustainable tourism development in the region.
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Udržitelný cestovní ruch a šetrné formy cestovního ruchu CHKO Křivoklátsko / Sustainable tourism development and environmental friendly tourism in the PLA KřivoklátskoPommerová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The work concerned with the sustainable development of tourism and its friendly forms. The issue is applied to the example of the protected area Křivoklátsko. The aim of Diploma Thesis is to evaluate the current status and potential of sustainable tourism development, including mapping the availability of sustainable forms of tourism within the protected area Křivoklátsko and outline prospects, potential and opportunities for further development. The theoretical part defines the concept of sustainable development, definition, indicators and principles on which it is based issues in general as well as in relation to tourism. In the practical part the region as a tourism destination: the attractiveness of the area, živostní environment, material and technical base, sound forms of tourism and development potential. Part of the work is the analysis of the potential for sustainable tourism development of the protected landscape area Křivoklátsko made on the basis of survey among entrepreneurs in tourism, tourists, residents and county public administration bodies. The overall assessment of the status and potential of sustainable tourism development in the region is used and SWOT analysis.
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Udržitelný rozvoj cestovního ruchu v Portugalsku / Sustainable development of tourism in PortugalGajdošová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of sustainable tourism development and its application in Portugal. The first chapter explains the sustainability of tourism, introduces the chosen forms of sustainable tourism and the indicators of sustainable development. The second chapter provides the general characteristic of Portugal as a tourist destination and describes the incoming, outgoing and domestic tourism. The third part is focused on sustainable development of tourism and its form in Portugal. The final chapter analyses the chosen indicators of sustainable development of tourism. The goal of the thesis is to depict the current state of sustainable tourism in Portugal.
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Contribuição do turismo à economia brasileira. / Tourism contribution to the Brazilian economy.Francisco Casimiro Filho 10 September 2002 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar as contribuições do turismo à economia brasileira, considerando-se a sua estrutura produtiva de 1999. Para isso, procurou-se caracterizar as relações intersetoriais e mensurar os impactos da variação na demanda final sobre produto, emprego e renda, destacando-se os setores que compõem o segmento do turismo. Procurou-se, também, dimensionar esse segmento em termos de produto interno bruto e pessoal ocupado. Para realização deste trabalho, foi necessário desagregar a matriz de insumo-produto construída para o país em setores que foram considerados turísticos e não-turísticos. Na análise foram utilizados, dentre outros, o método dos índices de ligações de Hirschmann-Rasmussem, o enfoque do campo de influência, os índices puros de ligações e os multiplicadores. Os índices de ligações intersetoriais permitiram a identificação dos setores-chave, considerando-se o modelo de insumo-produto aqui construído e o nível de agregação utilizado. Dentre os setores classificados como setores-chave, utilizando-se o conceito mais abrangente, seis foram inicialmente considerados como componentes do segmento do turismo: transporte aéreo regular, transporte aéreo não-regular, agências e organizadores de viagens, atividades auxiliares dos transportes aéreos, estabelecimentos hoteleiros e outros tipos de alojamento temporário e restaurantes e outros estabelecimentos de serviços de alimentação. A análise dos impactos que poderiam ocorrer na produção, renda e emprego caso houvesse variações na demanda final evidenciou que os setores que compõem o segmento do turismo apresentaram elevados multiplicadores setoriais, para produção e renda, ao contrário do multiplicador de emprego, que exibiu valores relativamente baixos na estrutura produtiva aqui considerada. No entanto, a análise do poder de geração de novos empregos, caso ocorresse aumento no investimento de R$ 1 milhão nos setores da economia, permitiu a conclusão de que o segmento do turismo compõe-se de setores com grandes possibilidades de gerar novos postos de trabalho, principalmente quando se considerou o consumo das famílias como endógeno ao sistema. Com relação ao Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), os resultados indicam uma participação do turismo de 7,54% do PIB nacional, havendo amplo espaço para crescimento, como observado neste trabalho. Verificou-se, também, que o aumento no consumo dos turistas domésticos e dos turistas internacionais no Brasil tem impactos diferentes sobre a geração de empregos, os impostos indiretos líquidos, a renda das famílias e o valor adicionado. De maneira geral, o turismo doméstico apresentou-se um pouco mais eficiente que o turismo internacional no Brasil, medindo-se essa eficiência em termos de unidades de emprego e unidades monetárias de impostos indiretos líquidos, renda das famílias e valor adicionado por unidade de acréscimo no consumo dos turistas. No entanto, o turismo internacional não deve ser colocado em segundo plano, uma vez que constitui importante gerador de divisas para o país. Diante disso, ressalta-se a importância da implantação de políticas e programas para promover o desenvolvimento do segmento turístico do Brasil, tendo em vista que o turismo contribui para o crescimento da economia nacional. / This study aimed to analyze the tourism contributions to the Brazilian economy, considering the productive framework of 1999. For that, it was aimed to characterize the inter-sectors relations and measure the impacts on product, employment and income, deriving from variations in the final demand, focusing on sectors that form the tourism segment. It was also aimed to outline this segment in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and working people. In order to perform this study, it was needed to share the input-output matrix constituted to the country into sectors which were considered touristy and non-touristy. In the analysis, it was used, among others, the linkage index of Hirschmann-Rasmussem, the field of influence, the pure linkages indexes and the multipliers. The linkages inter-sector indexes allowed the identification of key-sectors, considering the input-output model here developed and the level of aggregation used. Among the sectors classified as key-sectors, using the most extensive concept, six (06) were initially considered as compounds of the tourism segment: regular air transport, non-regular air transport, travel agents and agencies, supporting activities of air transport, hotels and other types of temporary accommodation, restaurants and other food establishments. The analysis of impacts which might occur in production, income and employment in case there were variations in the final demand evidenced that the sectors which form the tourism segment showed high sectors multipliers, for production and income, on the contrary of employment multiplier, which showed relatively low values in the productive framework here considered. However, the analysis of the power to generate new employment, in case there was an increase of investment of R$ 1 million in sectors of economy, allowed to conclude that the segment of tourism is formed of sectors with major possibilities to generate new employment, especially when it was considered the family consumption as "endogenus" to the system. As for the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), results show a share of 7.54% of the GDP deriving from tourism, revealing vast space for growth, as stated in this study. It was also noticed, that the increase in consumption of domestic and foreign tourists in Brazil have different impacts on employment generating, the net direct tax, families income, added value and total production. Overall, the domestic tourism has shown a bit more efficient than the international tourism in Brazil, measuring this efficiency in terms of employment units and monetary units of net indirect taxes, families income and added value per unit of increase in the tourist consumption. However, the international tourism must not be placed in second plan, once it constitutes a major foreign exchange for the country. In face of this, it is pointed out the importance of implementing policies and programs to promote the development of the sector of tourism in Brazil, considering that tourism contributes to the growth of the national economy.
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