Spelling suggestions: "subject:"training war"" "subject:"training warm""
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Vad är speciellt med handledare vid klinisk undervisningsavdelning (KUA)?-En kvalitativ studie / What is special about supervisors at a clinical training ward (CTW)? - A qualitative studyAndersson, Elinor January 2014 (has links)
Att handleda studenter på klinisk undervisnings avdelning (KUA) har bedrivits under ett tjugotal år. Studenter från olika utbildningsprogram inom hälso- och sjukvårdsutbildningar utvecklar sin interprofessionella kompetens under en tvåveckorsperiod. Studier visar att interprofessionellt lärande ger studenter en möjlighet att dels få en helhetssyn av patientens vårdbehov dels ökar förståelsen för varandras yrkesroller och kunskaper. Få studier har fokuserat på handledarnas erfarenheter inom detta ämne och om sin roll på KUA. Studiens syfte var att beskriva fenomenet KUA handledare genom handledares uppfattning om rollen som interprofessionell handledare och interprofessionellt lärande på KUA. En kvalitativ metod användes och 19 interprofessionella handledare från professionerna, arbetsterapi, läkare, sjukgymnast och sjuksköterska intervjuades individuellt. Texterna bearbetades och analyserades utifrån innehållsanalys. Utifrån analysen identifierades tre kategorier, ”handledaren”, ”handledningen” och ”KUA konceptet”. Det visade sig att interprofessionella handledare har ett genuint intresse och engagemang för handledning, studenter, pedagogik och samarbete. Olika strategier används i den interprofessionella handledningen. Handledarna arbetar med teamet i fokus dels för studenters lärande, dels för att visa på teamets betydelse för patientens vård i hälso- och sjukvård. KUA konceptet kräver både tid och engagemang av handledarna men uppfattas som ett bra koncept där studenterna tillsammans kan utveckla det interprofessionella samarbetet. Handledarnas inställning till studenters lärande och handledning gör skillnad i handledningen. Att vara interprofessionell handledare kräver kunskaper om såväl pedagogik som grupp och grupprocess. Studentteamens kunskaper driver KUA vilket påverkar handledningen. KUA konceptet har en positiv inverkan på handledarna och interprofessionell handledning uppfattas som stimulerande och utmanande. / Supervising students in a clinical training ward (CTW) has been used for some 20 years. Studies show that interprofessional learning gives students an opportunity to get a comprehensive view of a particular patient’s health-care needs, as well as an increased and mutual understanding of their colleague’s position and knowledge. Only a few studies have focused on the supervisor’s view of his or her own role within the activity of the CTW. The purpose of the study was to describe the CTW supervisor and his or her own perception of her role as an interprofessional supervisor as well as to describe interprofessional learning on its own at the CTW. A qualitative method was used, and 19 interprofessional supervisors from and within occupational therapy, along with physicians, physiotherapists, and nurses, were interviewed. The texts were content-analysed. Three categories were identified: ‘the supervisor’, ‘the supervision’, and ‘the concept of CTW’. It turned out that the interprofessional supervisor has a genuine interest and commitment to supervise, to work pedagogically, to collaborate, and to work with students. The supervisors all used different strategies, and they worked with the team in focus, partly for the benefit of the students but also to show the team’s importance in relation to the patient’s health care situation. The CTW concept requires lots of time and dedication from the supervisor, but it is perceived as a good concept where students can develop interprofessional collaboration. The supervisor’s understanding and approach to student learning makes a huge difference in the process of supervision. Being an interprofessional supervisor requires a pedagogical knowledge and understanding of a group and of the group process. The student’s team knowledge influences the CTW, which affects the supervision. The concept of the CTW has a positive impact on the supervisors, and the interprofessional supervision is perceived to be stimulating and challenging.
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Ask a Supervisor : Impact of Interprofessional Work on Supervisors in Interprofessional Training Wards in Middle Sweden: Aqualitative studyKaiser, Heiko January 2022 (has links)
Collaborative practice in the healthcare system is of global interest to become cost-efficient and adaptable towards health care needs due to more complex challenges and shortages in qualified health workers. Health-sciences education should provide interprofessional education to promote learning for collaborative practice in their curricula. The interprofessional training ward is one form of interprofessional education in the clinical setting. Previous studies in the field of interprofessional education focused on self-reports by students. The focus on students leads to a lack of the supervisor´s perspective in interprofessional education. The aim of this study is to get insides of the supervisor´s perspective on how they perceive their work. This study was conducted with a qualitative methods approach with semi-structured interviews. Main results of this study were in different areas. Power relations between managers, supervisors, and students show a big impact about supervisor´s work satisfaction from appreciation from the managers. Supervisors usually feel appreciated by students but lack of appreciation from managers can lead to distress and decreased satisfaction. Supervisors go through different stages during their work period: First they have low confidence in their job role, after a period of time they are confident, but after a long period of time they can get tired of their work. The conclusion is even though the interprofessional training wards have already a lot of positive aspects, the managers should always remember themselves to support this kind of setting. Without the support of the managers, the whole project decreases its quality and the supervisor’s satisfaction.
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Learning with, from and about each other : interprofessional education on a training ward in municipal care for older personsLidskog, Marie January 2008 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to describe and evaluate interprofessional education on an interprofessional training ward in municipal care for older persons. Interprofessional education has for some years now been proposed as a means to meet the call for effective collaboration, co-ordination and quality in health and social care. On the interprofessional training ward considered in this thesis, stu-dents from nursing, occupational therapy and social work programmes worked together for three weeks to learn with, from and about each other. In the first study (I) students’ perceptions and attitudes concerning the training on the ward were studied. An attitude questionnaire and a retrospective goal-fulfilment questionnaire were distributed to all students. Non-parametric statistics were used for the quantitative analysis, and qualitative content analysis for the qualitative parts. The results showed that the students had positive attitudes to-wards the training ward and in most respects the learning goals set up for the course were considered to have been met. In Studies II and III the focus was on students’ knowledge and understanding of their own and the others’ professions. Sixteen students were interviewed before and after. In the analysis of the interviews a phenomenographic approach was used. The findings showed a variation from simplistic conceptions of the profes-sions in terms of tasks to more complex conceptions in terms of the profession’s knowledge, responsibility and values. Differences in the ways professions were described concerning their professional stance towards the patients were espe-cially accentuated. The comparison between before and after indicated that there were changes in the students’ views. In some areas, however, there remained dis-crepancies between students’ understanding of their own profession and the oth-ers’ understanding of this profession. To promote mutual agreement on each other’s role this needs to be given careful consideration. In the fourth study (IV) the focus was on the students’ participation in the community of practice on the ward, and the findings reveal an ambivalent picture of this participation (and thus of their learning). The students collaborated in the care of the patients. However, they sometimes experienced a gap between expec-tations and reality with regard to both the profession-specific and the interprofes-sional training on the ward: what they had to do was sometimes felt to be be-neath their qualifications and irrelevant to the programme of education they were pursuing. This applied to all three groups, but especially student social workers. Interprofessional training wards can promote interprofessional learning, but it is crucial that setting should be right: it needs to be realistic for all the students involved, offering relevant profession-specific and interprofessional tasks and situations where the students can develop skills in collaborative, patient-centred care.
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Lärandeprocessen vid Interprofessionellt lärande ur handledarteams perspektiv / The learning process in Interprofessional Education from supervisor team perspectivesIsgren, Catarina January 2023 (has links)
Background: Interprofessional education (IPE) is a way to make students in healthcare professions equipped with the collaborative skills required for today’s complex healthcare. In clinical placements students from health profession programs can learn with, from and about each other so that they can collaborate effectively and deliver high-quality healthcare. The interprofessional education is possible through supervision from health professions who collaborate around the student learning and the patient healthcare. Aim: The aim of this study is to gain knowledge about the learning process in IPE that take place in an Interprofessional Training ward (IPTW) from the supervisor teams’ perspective. Method: In an IPTW students from occupational therapist-, physiotherapist-, medical- and nursing programs form teams for IPE in periods of two weeks with supervisor teams. With an inductive method, interviews with focus groups consisting of supervisor teams have been conducted and analyzed through thematic analysis. Results: Based on the supervisor teams' experiences of creating interprofessional learning with student teams in the daily work with the care of patients, a learning process has been made visible. This learning process has been written out as a model and analyzed using known obstacles and enablers for IPE from supervisor perspective. The model has also been interpreted through pedagogical theory that has been used in IPE. Conclusion: The supervisor teams use a learning process with pedagogical models and strategies to handle obstacles and enablers to create understanding and change towards an interprofessional collaboration among the students. These models and strategies are supported by pedagogical theory. There is a gap in research on how IPE is carried out by interprofessional supervisor teams’, however the findings of this study contribute with new knowledge about how a learning process can be used in IPE.
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