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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tillitsbaserat ledarskap : Enhetschefers tolkning av vad ett tillitsbaserat ledarskap innebär samt om och hur ledningsfilosofin omsätts i praktiken / Trust-based leadership : Unit managers' interpretation of what trust-based leadership means and whether and how the management philosophy is put into practice

Bernéus, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
År 2016 tillsatte regeringen med stöd av riksdagen en tillitsdelegation med syfte att reformera styrning och ledning av den svenska välfärden. Detta som ett svar på att den svenska välfärden under en längre tid hade detaljstyrts vilket gav ett begränsat utrymme till professionernas expertis. Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning förordas sedan dess av staten, att införas brett inom kommuner och regioner, trots att det finns lite forskning om dess effekter. Forskare har den senaste tiden ifrågasatt reformens begriplighet och om den tillför något nytt. Syftet med studien var att få kunskap om hur enhetschefer inom vård och omsorg tolkar tillitsbaserat ledarskap samt om och hur enhetscheferna har anpassat sitt ledarskap efter införandet. Den här kvalitativa studien har undersökt forskningsfrågan med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Totalt sju enhetschefer inom vård och omsorg har intervjuats, där tillitsbaserat ledarskap har införts. Intervjuerna har sedan analyserats utifrån en fenomenografisk ansats. Det resultat som framkommer är att enhetscheferna gör sina egna tolkningar av tillitsbaserat ledarskap utifrån tidigare erfarenheter. Få eller inga anpassningar har gjorts i ledarskapet sedan tillitsbaserat ledarskap har införts i organisationen. Det framkommer att enhetscheferna saknar tydliga ramar kring det tillitsbaserade ledarskapet och strukturer för uppföljning vilket skapar en otydlighet kring ansvaret. Det framkommer att  enhetscheferna ökar kontrollen när de har mindre tillit till sina medarbetare och för att skapa tillit krävs förutsättningar för att kunna bygga relationer. Slutsatsen är att lite har förändrats i enhetschefernas sätt att leda samtidigt som införandet av tillitsbaserat ledarskap har skapat en otydlighet kring ledningen och styrningen. / In 2016, with the support of the Swedish Parliament, the government appointed a trust delegation with the aim of reforming the governance and management of Swedish welfare. This was in response to the fact that the Swedish welfare system had been micromanaged for a long time, leaving limited room for the expertise of the professions. Since then, trust-based governance and management has been recommended by the government to be introduced widely in municipalities and regions, although there is littler esearch on its effects. Researchers have recently questioned the comprehensibility of the reform and whether it adds anything new. The purpose of the study was to gain knowledge about how unit managers in health and social care interpret trust-based leadership and whether and how the unit managers have adapted their leadership after the introduction. This qualitative study has investigated the research question using qualitative interviews. Seven unit managers in health and social care have been interviewed, where trust-based leadership has been introduced. The interviews have then been analyzed based on a phenomenographic approach. The result that emerges is that the unit managers make their own interpretations of trust-based leadership based on previous experience. Few or no adjustments have been made in leadership since trust-based leadership has been introduced in the organization. It emerges that the unit managers lack a clear framework for trust-based leadership and structures for follow-up, which creates a lack of clarity regarding responsibility. It appears that the unit managers increase control when they have less trust in their employees, and to create trust, conditions for building relationships are required. The conclusion is that little has changed in the unit managers' way of leading at the same time as the introduction of trust-based leadership has created a lack of clarity about management and governance.

”Klockren på uttrycket tillitsbaserad chef” : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares upplevelse av en tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning samt dess implementering / “Perfect for the expression trust-based manager” : A qualitative study on employees’ experience of a trust-based management and its implementation

Gullstrand, Johanna, Jelincic, Martina January 2024 (has links)
Titel: ”Klockren på uttrycket tillitsbaserad chef” – En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares upplevelse av en tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning samt dess implementering. Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi. Författare: Johanna Gullstrand och Martina Jelincic. Handledare: Emilia Kvarnström. Datum: 2024 – maj. Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ur ett medarbetarperspektiv undersöka upplevelsen av en tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning samt dess implementering på en svensk, statlig arbetsplats. Metod: En kvalitativ metod applicerades där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes tillsammans med åtta respondenter från två olika verksamhetsområden inom Statens servicecenter. Materialet har transkriberats samt kodats och analyserats i enlighet med en reflexiv tematisk analys. Resultatet presenteras i en sammanvävd empiri och analys. Resultat och slutsats: Den tillitsbaserade styrningen och ledningen har generellt inte resulterat i stora skillnader för respondenterna, flera av dem menar att de alltid har arbetat efter dessa principer. Därtill skiljer sig graden av utbildning och implementering beroende på vilket verksamhetsområde respondenterna tillhör. Examensarbetets bidrag: Examensarbetet belyser vikten av att implementera ett nytt styrsätt kräver fullt fokus på uppgiften då flera andra pågående processer kan påverka implementeringens kraft. Därtill grundar sig tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning på diverse principer, där denna studie visar på vikten att ha en balans mellan frihet under ansvar och ett verksamhetsnära stöd. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning utgår från att lita på personerna en arbetar med, men alla personer går inte att lita på; det belyser en forskare och respondent. Det skulle därmed vara intressant att, ur ett chefsperspektiv, undersöka hur en styrning som baseras på tillit bör hanteras om alla inte förtjänar samma tillit. / Title: “Perfect for the expression trust-based manager” – A qualitative study on employees’ experience of a trust-based management and its implementation. Level: Bachelor’s degree thesis in Business Administration. Author: Johanna Gullstrand and Martina Jelincic. Supervisor: Emilia Kvarnström. Date: 2024 – May. Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the experience of trust-based management and its implementation in a Swedish government workplace from an employee perspective. Method: A qualitative method has been applied where semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight participants from two different business areas within Statens servicecenter. The material has been transcribed, coded, and analyzed in accordance with a reflexive thematic analysis. The results are presented in a combined empirical analysis. Results and conclusions: The trust-based management has generally not resulted in major differences for the participants, several of them say that they have always worked according to these principles. In addition, the level of education and implementation differs depending on the area of operation to which the participants belong. Contribution of the thesis: The thesis highlights the importance of implementing a new management approach requires full focus on the task as several other ongoing processes can affect the power of the implementation. In addition, trust-based management is based on various principles, where this study shows the importance of having a balance between freedom with responsibility and operational support. Suggestions for future research: Trust-based management is based on trusting the people you work with, but some people cannot be trusted, as one researcher and respondent highlights. It would therefore be interesting to examine, from a managerial perspective, how trust-based management should be handled if not everyone deserves the same trust.

Authentic leadership, trust and work engagement : the mediating role of psychological safety / Natasha Maximo

Maximo, Natasha DeJesus Damas January 2015 (has links)
The ever-changing global business environment of today is presenting organisations with numerous challenges and in some instances result in economic and ethical meltdowns. The mining industry, in particular, is faced with a volatile market and consequently mining companies are experiencing increasing financial turmoil coupled with human capital problems resulting in labour unrest and often inoperativeness. As these challenges gain momentum, the mining industry will need to respond through a restructure of operations. Although the mining industry has been faced with a need to restructure before, it has not been faced with this challenge recently. Therefore, only a small portion of management teams holds the skills to respond effectively. For the mining industry in South Africa to adequately address these challenges, leadership will play a pivotal role. Consequently, organisations need a new kind of business leader and leadership should be examined from an authentic perspective. Authentic leadership has been associated with various positive outcomes such as trust in supervisor, psychological safety and work engagement. Both employees and organisations should support one another in order to remain viable. Trust is an important component of effective leadership and building relationships. In order for employees to feel secure and able to adapt to change, organisations should develop an environment which fosters trust and psychological safety and which, in turn, will lead to increased work engagement. The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between authentic leadership, trust in supervisors, psychological safety and work engagement. In addition, another objective was to examine if trust in supervisor and psychological safety had an effect on the relationship between authentic leadership and work engagement. An available sample of 244 employees was taken from the mining industry in the Free State province. The questionnaires were distributed to employees across all levels in a mining organisation. All of these employees were given the choice to participate in the research. The measuring instruments utilised were the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Workplace Trust Survey and Psychological Safety Questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics, Raykov’s rho coefficients, Pearson product-moment correlations coefficients, Mplus and bootstrapping were used to analyse the data. The results indicated that authentic leadership had a statistically significant positive relationship with trust in supervisor as well as psychological safety. Authentic leadership did not have a statistically significant positive relationship with work engagement. The results indicated that authentic leadership had a statistically significant indirect effect on work engagement via trust in supervisor. Authentic leadership did not have a statistically significant indirect effect on psychological safety via trust in supervisor. Furthermore, authentic leadership did not have a statistically significant indirect effect on work engagement via psychological safety. Various recommendations were made for the mining industry as well as for future research. Organisations should understand the impact of authentic leadership on outcomes such as trust, psychological safety and work engagement. Organisations should select leaders who display the four dimensions of authentic leadership as well as implement structured leadership programmes or interventions. Recommendations for future research included utilising longitudinal research designs or diary studies as well as expanding the study to other organisations, industries, and provinces; also including additional sources of data over and above supervisors and subordinates. Future research may also employ a mixed method approach and include other related leadership constructs in the data collection. / MCom (Industrial Psychology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015.

Authentic leadership, trust and work engagement : the mediating role of psychological safety / Natasha Maximo

Maximo, Natasha DeJesus Damas January 2015 (has links)
The ever-changing global business environment of today is presenting organisations with numerous challenges and in some instances result in economic and ethical meltdowns. The mining industry, in particular, is faced with a volatile market and consequently mining companies are experiencing increasing financial turmoil coupled with human capital problems resulting in labour unrest and often inoperativeness. As these challenges gain momentum, the mining industry will need to respond through a restructure of operations. Although the mining industry has been faced with a need to restructure before, it has not been faced with this challenge recently. Therefore, only a small portion of management teams holds the skills to respond effectively. For the mining industry in South Africa to adequately address these challenges, leadership will play a pivotal role. Consequently, organisations need a new kind of business leader and leadership should be examined from an authentic perspective. Authentic leadership has been associated with various positive outcomes such as trust in supervisor, psychological safety and work engagement. Both employees and organisations should support one another in order to remain viable. Trust is an important component of effective leadership and building relationships. In order for employees to feel secure and able to adapt to change, organisations should develop an environment which fosters trust and psychological safety and which, in turn, will lead to increased work engagement. The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between authentic leadership, trust in supervisors, psychological safety and work engagement. In addition, another objective was to examine if trust in supervisor and psychological safety had an effect on the relationship between authentic leadership and work engagement. An available sample of 244 employees was taken from the mining industry in the Free State province. The questionnaires were distributed to employees across all levels in a mining organisation. All of these employees were given the choice to participate in the research. The measuring instruments utilised were the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Workplace Trust Survey and Psychological Safety Questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics, Raykov’s rho coefficients, Pearson product-moment correlations coefficients, Mplus and bootstrapping were used to analyse the data. The results indicated that authentic leadership had a statistically significant positive relationship with trust in supervisor as well as psychological safety. Authentic leadership did not have a statistically significant positive relationship with work engagement. The results indicated that authentic leadership had a statistically significant indirect effect on work engagement via trust in supervisor. Authentic leadership did not have a statistically significant indirect effect on psychological safety via trust in supervisor. Furthermore, authentic leadership did not have a statistically significant indirect effect on work engagement via psychological safety. Various recommendations were made for the mining industry as well as for future research. Organisations should understand the impact of authentic leadership on outcomes such as trust, psychological safety and work engagement. Organisations should select leaders who display the four dimensions of authentic leadership as well as implement structured leadership programmes or interventions. Recommendations for future research included utilising longitudinal research designs or diary studies as well as expanding the study to other organisations, industries, and provinces; also including additional sources of data over and above supervisors and subordinates. Future research may also employ a mixed method approach and include other related leadership constructs in the data collection. / MCom (Industrial Psychology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2015.

The use of video to mediate the development of trust in an e-merchant

Maranta-Pretorius, Sandra 28 June 2011 (has links)
This research investigated the ability of online video to mediate the development of trust in the e-merchant, against the following objectives: (1) determining the drivers of consumer trust in an online environment, (2) investigating the perception of trust in an e-merchant in the absence of video, (3) investigating the perception of trust in an e-merchant in the presence of video and (4) investigating the impact of video mediated trust drivers on the consumer’s willingness to purchase and recommend the e-merchant. The research recommends that businesses in a ‘clicks’ environment, or those in a mortar & bricks environment that maintain a degree of online presence, would do well to consider the prominent usage of video on their websites as a means of mediating trust between the consumer and the online brand.

Trust within the work context: conceptualisation, measurement and outcomes

Heyns, Martha Magrieta January 2015 (has links)
Research concerning trust relationships on the interpersonal level, particularly when studied in dyadic relationships from the follower’s point of view, is relatively scarce. Only a few researchers have attempted to link multiple dimensions of trust in the same study. The general aim of this thesis was to examine the nature, measurement and impact of trust within the work context. More specifically, the thesis tests the measurement invariance of a selected trust measurement instrument for male and female South African employees. Thereafter, the interplay between predictors of trust and trust itself is investigated. The thesis concludes with the testing of a structural model that identifies the nature of relationships between trust, psychological needs satisfaction, work engagement and intentions to quit. Throughout the study, the focus is on dyadic relationships where the direct leader is the foci of trust. A cross-sectional survey design was used to gather the data. Two convenience samples were taken of 539 and 252 respondents respectively. The Behavioural Trust Inventory, the Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale, the Work Engagement Scale and the Turnover Intention Scale were administered. The results of study 1 confirmed configural, metric and partial scalar invariance of the Behavioural Trust Inventory across gender. One item that measures one’s willingness to share personal beliefs with a leader demonstrated a lack of scalar invariance for female managers. Results for this item should therefore be treated with caution. Latent factor mean analyses revealed no significant differences between male and female managers on the trust scales. Results for study 2 confirmed the distinctness of trust propensity, trustworthiness and trust as separate main constructs. Trust was strongly associated with trustworthiness beliefs. Trustworthiness beliefs fully mediated the relation between trust propensity and trust. The observed relations between trust propensity and trustworthiness suggest that individuals with a natural predisposition to trust others will be more inclined to perceive a specific trust referent as trustworthy. Results for study 3 provided support for a model in which disclosure-based trust in a focal leader predicts satisfaction of self-determination needs and engagement, but it did not have a statistically significant direct effect on intentions to leave. Mediation analyses revealed that satisfaction of the need for autonomy facilitates the influence of trust on work outcomes, so that the impact of disclosure on engagement becomes more powerful and that it can effectively serve as a pathway to reduce intentions to quit.

Trust within the work context: conceptualisation, measurement and outcomes

Heyns, Martha Magrieta January 2015 (has links)
Research concerning trust relationships on the interpersonal level, particularly when studied in dyadic relationships from the follower’s point of view, is relatively scarce. Only a few researchers have attempted to link multiple dimensions of trust in the same study. The general aim of this thesis was to examine the nature, measurement and impact of trust within the work context. More specifically, the thesis tests the measurement invariance of a selected trust measurement instrument for male and female South African employees. Thereafter, the interplay between predictors of trust and trust itself is investigated. The thesis concludes with the testing of a structural model that identifies the nature of relationships between trust, psychological needs satisfaction, work engagement and intentions to quit. Throughout the study, the focus is on dyadic relationships where the direct leader is the foci of trust. A cross-sectional survey design was used to gather the data. Two convenience samples were taken of 539 and 252 respondents respectively. The Behavioural Trust Inventory, the Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale, the Work Engagement Scale and the Turnover Intention Scale were administered. The results of study 1 confirmed configural, metric and partial scalar invariance of the Behavioural Trust Inventory across gender. One item that measures one’s willingness to share personal beliefs with a leader demonstrated a lack of scalar invariance for female managers. Results for this item should therefore be treated with caution. Latent factor mean analyses revealed no significant differences between male and female managers on the trust scales. Results for study 2 confirmed the distinctness of trust propensity, trustworthiness and trust as separate main constructs. Trust was strongly associated with trustworthiness beliefs. Trustworthiness beliefs fully mediated the relation between trust propensity and trust. The observed relations between trust propensity and trustworthiness suggest that individuals with a natural predisposition to trust others will be more inclined to perceive a specific trust referent as trustworthy. Results for study 3 provided support for a model in which disclosure-based trust in a focal leader predicts satisfaction of self-determination needs and engagement, but it did not have a statistically significant direct effect on intentions to leave. Mediation analyses revealed that satisfaction of the need for autonomy facilitates the influence of trust on work outcomes, so that the impact of disclosure on engagement becomes more powerful and that it can effectively serve as a pathway to reduce intentions to quit.

Web-based e-government services acceptance for G2C : a structural equation modelling approach

Alzahrani, Ahmed Ibrahim January 2011 (has links)
E-Government is the use of information technology particularly web applications to deliver convenient services for citizens, business and government. Governments worldwide spend billions of their budgets in order to deliver convenient electronic services to their citizens. There are two important points; government offers online services, and citizens consume these services. In order to maximize the benefits of these projects and to avoid possible failures, the gap between these points should be addressed. Yet there are few empirical studies that have covered the relevant issues of adoption from the citizen perspective in developing countries. This research study investigates citizens’ acceptance of e-government services in the context of Saudi Arabia. It posits an integrated model of the key elements that influence citizens’ adoption of e-government. The framework includes a combination of attitudinal, social, control and trust factors as well as the influence of gender. The model is validated by surveying 533 citizens and utilising the structural equation modeling technique for data analysis. Findings show that both measurement and structural models exhibit good model fit to data. The study shows that all constructs satisfy the criteria of constructs reliability and convergent and discriminant validity. The paths estimations show that of the sixteen designed casual relationships, eleven paths relationships were found to be significant while the other five paths remained unsupported.

A trust based approach to mobile multi-agent systems

Jones, Kevin I. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis undertakes to provide an architecture and understanding of the incorporation of trust into the paradigm of mobile multi-agent systems. Trust deliberation is a soft security approach to the problem of mobile agent security whereby an agent is protected from the malicious behaviour of others within the system. Using a trust approach capitalises on observing malicious behaviour rather than preventing it. We adopt an architectural approach to trust such than we do not provide a model in itself, numerous mathematical models for the calculation of trust based on a history of observations already exist. Rather we look to provide the framework enabling such models to be utilised by mobile agents. As trust is subjective we envisage a system whereby individual agents will use different trust models or different weighting mechanisms. Three architectures are provided. Centralised whereby the platform itself provides all of the services needed by an agent to make observations and calculate trust. Decentralised in which each individual agent is responsible for making observations, communicating trust and the calculation of its own trust in others. A hybrid architecture such that trust mechanisms are provided by the platform and additionally are embedded within the agents themselves. As an optimisation of the architectures proposed in this thesis, we introduce the notion of trust communities. A community is used as a means to represent the trust information in categorisations dependant upon various properties. Optimisation occurs in two ways; firstly with subjective communities and secondly with system communities. A customised implementation framework of the architectures is introduced in the form of our TEMPLE (Trust Enabled Mobile-agent PLatform Environment) and stands as the underpinning of a case-study implementation in order to provide empirical evidence in the form of scenario test-bed data as to the effectiveness of each architecture. The case study chosen for use in a trust based system is that of a fish market' as given the number of interactions, entities, and migration of agents involved in the system thus, providing substantial output data based upon the trust decisions made by agents. Hence, a good indicator of the effectiveness of equipping agents with trust ability using our architectures.

Tillit : Inom vårdvetenskap, nursing och caring / Trust : Within Care-science, Nursing and Caring

Hellström, Kimmie, Mainkvist, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Begreppet tillit är något sjuksköterskan och patienten kommer i kontakt med varje dag omedvetet. Begreppet tillit definieras som människans spontana livsyttringar. Det finns brist på vetenskaplig kunskap om begreppet tillit inom vårdvetenskapen, nursing och caring, kunskap om begreppet kan bidra till möjligheten att stärka hälsan i det goda vårdandet. Syftet var att belysa hur begreppet tillit uttrycks inom vårdvetenskapen, nursing samt caring. Studien är byggd på en litteratursökning med en datainsamlingsmetod av vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visar på hur tillit upplevs inom nursing och caring. Patienten upplevde högre tillit till sjuksköterskan när tydlig och relevant information gavs, när patienten kände sig värderad och bekräftad av sjuksköterskan, när sjuksköterskan visar god attityd. Brist på tillit gav en känsla av osäkerhet och var svår att återuppbygga. Begreppet tillit är relativt outforskat men har stor betydelse hos både patient och sjuksköterska, det stärker relationen vilket gör att sjuksköterskan känner förtroende för patienten och patienten känner högre trygghet för sjuksköterskan. Resultatet visar ett samband mellan sjuksköterskans attityd och den upplevda tilliten hos patienten. Begreppet tillit finns ej utvecklad som oberoende omvårdnadsåtgärd i litteratur och därför kan utökad forskning vara relevant för att utveckla nursing och caring. / The concept of trust is something nurse and patient come into contact with on a daily basis, without thinking about it. The concept of trust is defined as human’s spontaneous manifestations of life. There is a lack of scientific knowledge within care science, nursing and caring. Increasing the knowledge about the concept of trust can contribute to the possibility of enhancing health in a caring environment. The aim of the study was to illuminate how the concept of trust is expressed within care science, nursing and caring. The study is built on a literature research were data collection was based on scientific articles. The result shows how trust is experienced within nursing and caring. The patient felt valued and confirmed by the nurse and strengthened by the nurse’s good and respectful attitude. A lack of trust gave a feeling of insecurity. The concept of trust is relatively unexplored but is of huge importance to the nurse and patient. Trust strengthens the nurse-patient relation which creates safety and confidence. The result shows the connection between the nurse’s attitudes and the trust experienced by the patient. Trust is not developed as a nursing-care intervention in literature and further research is relevant.

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