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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diffusion on fractals and space-fractional diffusion equations

Prehl, Janett 02 July 2010 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Sub- und Superdiffusion in fraktalen Strukturen. Der Fokus liegt auf zwei separaten Ansätzen, die entsprechend des Diffusionbereiches gewählt und variiert werden. Dadurch erhält man ein tieferes Verständnis und eine bessere Beschreibungsweise für beide Bereiche. Im ersten Teil betrachten wir subdiffusive Prozesse, die vor allem bei Transportvorgängen, z. B. in lebenden Geweben, eine grundlegende Rolle spielen. Hierbei modellieren wir den fraktalen Zustandsraum durch endliche Sierpinski Teppiche mit absorbierenden Randbedingungen und lösen dann die Mastergleichung zur Berechnung der Zeitentwicklung der Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung. Zur Charakterisierung der Diffusion auf regelmäßigen und zufälligen Teppichen bestimmen wir die Abfallzeit der Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung, die mittlere Austrittszeit und die Random Walk Dimension. Somit können wir den Einfluss zufälliger Strukturen auf die Diffusion aufzeigen. Superdiffusive Prozesse werden im zweiten Teil der Arbeit mit Hilfe der Diffusionsgleichung untersucht. Deren zweite Ableitung im Ort erweitern wir auf nichtganzzahlige Ordnungen, um die fraktalen Eigenschaften der Umgebung darzustellen. Die resultierende raum-fraktionale Diffusionsgleichung spannt ein Übergangsregime von der irreversiblen Diffusionsgleichung zur reversiblen Wellengleichung auf. Deren Lösungen untersuchen wir mittels verschiedener Entropien, wie Shannon, Tsallis oder Rényi Entropien, und deren Entropieproduktionsraten, welche natürliche Maße für die Irreversibilität sind. Das dabei gefundene Entropieproduktions-Paradoxon, d. h. ein unerwarteter Anstieg der Entropieproduktionsrate bei sinkender Irreversibilität des Prozesses, können wir nach geeigneter Reskalierung der Entropien auflösen. / The aim of this thesis is the examination of sub- and superdiffusive processes in fractal structures. The focus of the work concentrates on two separate approaches that are chosen and varied according to the corresponding regime. Thus, we obtain new insights about the underlying mechanisms and a more appropriate way of description for both regimes. In the first part subdiffusion is considered, which plays a crucial role for transport processes, as in living tissues. First, we model the fractal state space via finite Sierpinski carpets with absorbing boundary conditions and we solve the master equation to compute the time development of the probability distribution. To characterize the diffusion on regular as well as random carpets we determine the longest decay time of the probability distribution, the mean exit time and the Random walk dimension. Thus, we can verify the influence of random structures on the diffusive dynamics. In the second part of this thesis superdiffusive processes are studied by means of the diffusion equation. Its second order space derivative is extended to fractional order, which represents the fractal properties of the surrounding media. The resulting space-fractional diffusion equations span a linking regime from the irreversible diffusion equation to the reversible (half) wave equation. The corresponding solutions are analyzed by different entropies, as the Shannon, Tsallis or Rényi entropies and their entropy production rates, which are natural measures of irreversibility. We find an entropy production paradox, i. e. an unexpected increase of the entropy production rate by decreasing irreversibility of the processes. Due to an appropriate rescaling of the entropy we are able to resolve the paradox.

Entropies et Radiotechnique

Bercher, Jean-François 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire présente différentes contributions dans les domaines du traitement et la théorie de l'information (plus particulièrement l'étude et l'exploitation de mesures d'information) et de la radiotechnique (statistique). On présente quelques techniques fondées sur le principe du maximum d'entropie, comprenant le maximum d'entropie sur la moyenne et une extension itérative. On décrit ensuite comment on peut interpréter la technique des superstatistiques de Beck et Cohen comme une conséquence d'un maximum d'entropie avec contraintes aléatoires, et on explicite un cas particulier qui mène aux K-distributions. Pour appliquer pratiquement des résultats impliquant des mesures d'entropie, on propose et on caractérise un estimateur de l'entropie de Shannon, et on décrit quelques applications possibles. On décrit également, à partir d'une inégalité de convolution, comment on peut une utiliser une forme alternative, l'entropie de Rényi, pour des problèmes de déconvolution. On s'intéresse ensuite de manière un peu plus précise aux entropies de Rényi-Tsallis, aux distributions à maximum d'entropie de Rényi-Tsallis que l'on peut en déduire, et à leurs justifications et applications. On montre notamment que les entropies de Rényi-Tsallis peuvent être déduites à partir d'une approche classique de maximum d'entropie, en prenant en compte une contrainte figurant un système dont l'équilibre est déplacé. D'un autre côté, on relie les distributions de Rényi-Tsallis à la distribution des excès en théorie des extrêmes, ce qui fournit une justification potentielle à la relative ubiquité de ces distributions. Comme conséquence des problèmes de maximum d'entropie de Rényi-Tsallis, on peut définir des fonctionnelles entropiques, que l'on étudie et dont on donne quelques propriétés et caractérisations. On s'intéresse également à l'information de Fisher, et on décrit quelques contributions. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons étudié l'extension au cas multivarié, et aux transformations non inversibles, de l'inégalité sur l'information de Fisher. On a considéré également l'utilisation conjointe de l'information de Fisher et l'entropie de Shannon pour l'analyse de signaux, en définissant un plan d'information de Fisher-Shannon. Pour des distributions à support borné, typiquement définies sur R+ ou sur un intervalle, on caractérise les distributions à minimum d'information de Fisher sous contrainte de variance, et on étudie la fonctionnelle d'information de Fisher associée. En ce qui concerne l'aspect radiotechnique, on s'intéresse à des problèmes d'architecture des émetteurs-récepteurs numériques, et au développement d'algorithmes de correction, calibration ou contrôle. Les contraintes posées pour la réalisation des émetteurs radio amènent à sélectionner des solutions de type polaire, où le signal est décomposé en un module (l'enveloppe) et une phase (le cosinus de la phase). On propose ici notamment une évolution de l'architecture EER (Envelope Elimination and Restoration), permettant de fournir à un amplificateur de puissance un signal à enveloppe constante, la restauration de l'enveloppe étant opérée par filtrage passe-bande en sortie de l'émetteur. Au niveau composants, d'autres contributions concernent les boucles à verrouillage de phase entièrement numérique pour lesquelles on propose un modèle comportemental complet du système, ainsi que des algorithmes rapides permettant d'alléger l'implantation. Toujours au niveau composants, on s'intéresse aussi à la réalisation et la stabilisation d'une horloge de référence très haute fréquence, reposant sur l'utilisation d'un BAW, pour laquelle il est important d'établir un modèle direct fiable, d'estimer ses paramètre et de maîtriser la variabilité statistique. Dans les architectures polaires, on étudie et on illustre les conséquences néfastes d'une désynchronisation entre l'enveloppe et la phase sur les différents indicateurs de performance. On propose et on caractérise plusieurs algorithmes, reposant sur des techniques de gradient stochastique, permettant de compenser ces décalages temporels, tout en prenant en charge d'éventuelles distorsions supplémentaires en gain et phase.

Minimization Problems Based On A Parametric Family Of Relative Entropies

Ashok Kumar, M 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
We study minimization problems with respect to a one-parameter family of generalized relative entropies. These relative entropies, which we call relative -entropies (denoted I (P; Q)), arise as redundancies under mismatched compression when cumulants of compression lengths are considered instead of expected compression lengths. These parametric relative entropies are a generalization of the usual relative entropy (Kullback-Leibler divergence). Just like relative entropy, these relative -entropies behave like squared Euclidean distance and satisfy the Pythagorean property. We explore the geometry underlying various statistical models and its relevance to information theory and to robust statistics. The thesis consists of three parts. In the first part, we study minimization of I (P; Q) as the first argument varies over a convex set E of probability distributions. We show the existence of a unique minimizer when the set E is closed in an appropriate topology. We then study minimization of I on a particular convex set, a linear family, which is one that arises from linear statistical constraints. This minimization problem generalizes the maximum Renyi or Tsallis entropy principle of statistical physics. The structure of the minimizing probability distribution naturally suggests a statistical model of power-law probability distributions, which we call an -power-law family. Such a family is analogous to the exponential family that arises when relative entropy is minimized subject to the same linear statistical constraints. In the second part, we study minimization of I (P; Q) over the second argument. This minimization is generally on parametric families such as the exponential family or the - power-law family, and is of interest in robust statistics ( > 1) and in constrained compression settings ( < 1). In the third part, we show an orthogonality relationship between the -power-law family and an associated linear family. As a consequence of this, the minimization of I (P; ), when the second argument comes from an -power-law family, can be shown to be equivalent to a minimization of I ( ; R), for a suitable R, where the first argument comes from a linear family. The latter turns out to be a simpler problem of minimization of a quasi convex objective function subject to linear constraints. Standard techniques are available to solve such problems, for example, via a sequence of convex feasibility problems, or via a sequence of such problems but on simpler single-constraint linear families.

A Comparison of Random Walks with Different Types of Acceptance Probabilities

Fachat, André 12 January 2001 (has links)
In this thesis random walks similar to the Metropolis algorithm are investigated. Special emphasis is laid on different types of acceptance probabilities, namely Metropolis, Tsallis and Threshold Accepting. Equilibrium and relaxation properties as well as performance aspects in stochastic optimization are investigated. Analytical investigation of a simple system mimicking an harmonic oscillator yields that a variety of acceptance probabilities, including the abovementioned, result in an equilibrium distribution that is widely dominated by an exponential function. In the last chapter an optimal optimization schedule for the Tsallis acceptance probability for the idealized barrier is investigated. / In dieser Dissertation werden Random Walks ähnlich dem Metropolis Algorithmus untersucht. Es werden verschiedene Akzeptanzwahrscheinlichkeiten untersucht, dabei werden Metropolis, Tsallis und Threshold Accepting besonders betrachtet. Gleichgewichts- und Relaxationseigenschaften sowie Performanceaspekte im Bereich der stochastischen Optimierung werden untersucht. Die Analytische Betrachtung eines simplen, dem harmonischen Oszillator ähnlichen Systems zeigt, dass eine Reihe von Akzeptanzwahrscheinlichkeiten, eingeschlossen die oben Erwähnten, eine Gleichgewichtsverteilung ausbilden, die von einer Exponentialfunktion dominiert wird. Im letzten Kapitel wird der optimale Schedule für die Tsallis Akzeptanzwahrscheinlichkeit für eine idealisierte Barriere untersucht.

Análise dinâmica não linear de sinais de voz para detecção de patologias laríngeas. / Dynamic nonlinear analysis of voice signals for the detection of laryngeal pathologies.

COSTA, Washington César de Almeida. 13 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-13T16:22:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 WASHINGTON CÉSAR DE ALMEIDA COSTA - TESE PPGEE 2012..pdf: 6463355 bytes, checksum: 40d8703ef8a6dd3ef05acde3025cf628 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T16:22:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WASHINGTON CÉSAR DE ALMEIDA COSTA - TESE PPGEE 2012..pdf: 6463355 bytes, checksum: 40d8703ef8a6dd3ef05acde3025cf628 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-11-09 / Patologias na laringe podem afetar a qualidade vocal, prejudicando a comunicação humana. As técnicas objetivas tradicionais para o diagnóstico dessas patologias fazem uso de exames considerados invasivos, causando certo desconforto ao paciente. Análise acústica, utilizando técnicas de processamento digital de sinais de voz, pode ser utilizada para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas não invasivas de auxílio ao diagnóstico de patologias laríngeas. A precisão do diagnóstico, contudo, depende da escolha das características e parâmetros da fala que melhor representem a desordem vocal provocada por uma determinada patologia. Este trabalho trata da caracterização e da classificação de sinais de vozes saudáveis e vozes afetadas por diferentes patologias laríngeas (edema, paralisia e nódulos nas pregas vocais), por meio da análise dinâmica não linear (e teoria do caos), como também por meio da análise de quantificação de recorrência. No processo de caracterização é investigado, por meio de testes estatísticos, o potencial de cada característica em discriminar os tipos de sinais de voz considerados. Para a classificação é empregada a técnica de análise discriminante com as funções linear ou quadrática, com validação cruzada, sendo considerado um intervalo de confiança de 95% para as médias das taxas de acuraria do classificador. A partir da combinação de características dos conjuntos das medidas de análise não linear (MNL) e das medidas de quantificação de recorrência (MQR), as médias da taxa de acurácia obtidas variaram nos intervalos de confiança: [95,44%; 100%) para a classificação entre vozes saudáveis e patológicas; [94,75%; 100%] entre vozes saudáveis e afetadas por edema, e entre saudáveis e nódulos. Para a classificação entre saudável e paralisia, obteve-se uma acurácia de 100% . Também são avaliados os efeitos do uso de vetores híbridos formados por características MNL, MQR e coeficientes extraídos da análise preditiva linear (LPC). Neste caso. as taxas de acurácia variaram nos intervalos de confiança: [95,02%; 97,62%] na discriminação entre vozes afetadas por paralisia e edema; [98,29%; 99,93%] para paralisia versus nódulos e [97,98%; 99,84%] para edema versus nódulos. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o método utilizado é promissor, podendo ser empregado no desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional para apoio ao diagnóstico de patologias laríngeas. / Laryngeal pathologies may affect the voice quality, harniing human communication. The traditional objective techniques for diagnosing these pathologies make use of exams, considered invasive, causing discomfort to the patient. Acoustic analysis, using digital speech signal processing techniques. can be used for the development of non-invasive tools in order to aid laryngeal diseases diagnosis. The accuracy of diagnosis, however. depends on the choice of parameters and the speech characteristics diat better represent the voice disorder caused by a given pathology. This work deals with the characterization and classification of healthy voice signals and voices affecied by different laryngeal diseases (edema, paralysis and vocal fold nodules), by means of nonlinear dynamic analysis (and chãos theory) as well as recurrence quantification analysis. In the characterization process, the potential of each feature is investigated to discriminate the types of voice signals considered, by means of statistical tests. For the classification, the technique of discriminam analysis is employed with linear or quadratic functions, with cross-validation. A 95% confidence levei was considered for the average of accuracy rates of the classifier performance. From the feature combination of the set of nonlinear analysis measures (MNL) and the quantification recurrence measures (MQR). the average of accuracy rates varied in the following confidence intervals: [95.44%; 100%] for healthy and pathologícal classification: [94.75%; 100%] between healdiy and edema voices, and also between healthy and nodules. The accuracy rate was 100% between healthy and paralysis. We also evaluated the effects of using hybrid vectors formed by MNL, MQR and linear predictive coding (LPC) coefficients. In this case, the accuracy rates ranged in the confidence intervals: [95.02%; 97.62%] in the paralysis versus edema voices discrimination; [98.29%; 99.93%] for paralysis versus nodules and [97.98%; 99.84%] for edema versus nodules. Obtained results indicate that the used method is promising and it can even be used to develop a computational tool to support diagnosis of laryngeal diseases.

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