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Custo-efetividade da prova tuberculínica versus QuantiFERON-TB Gold-In-Tube no diagnóstico e tratamento da infecção latente tuberculosa em profissionais de saúde da Atenção Básica no Brasil. / Cost-effectiveness of tuberculin skin test versus QuantiFERON-TB Gold-In-Tube in the diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in the primary health care workers in Brazil.Rafaela Borge Loureiro 08 May 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Os profissionais da área da saúde formam um dos grupos mais vulneráveis à infecção pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Segundo estimativas da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), 8,8 milhões de pessoas estavam infectadas pelo Mtb e ocorreram 1,4 milhão de óbitos por tuberculose (TB) em 2010. A identificação de pessoas com Infecção Latente Tuberculosa (ILTB) é considerada pela OMS como uma prioridade no controle da doença, especialmente em países em desenvolvimento em que a incidência da doença ativa tem apresentado redução. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar, no Brasil, o custo-efetividade dos testes Prova Tuberculínica (PT) e Quantiferon TB Gold-In-Tube (QTF-GIT) no diagnóstico e tratamento da ILTB em profissionais de saúde atuantes na atenção básica, sob a perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), comparando cinco estratégias que incluem o QTF-GIT, distintos pontos de corte para a PT e uso sequencial dos dois testes; e analisar o impacto do tabagismo sobre o risco de ILTB entre os profissionais de saúde, destacando-se a categoria da Enfermagem. Foi realizada uma avaliação econômica completa do tipo custo-efetividade, conduzida considerando uma coorte hipotética de 10.000 profissionais de saúde atuantes na atenção básica, com horizonte temporal restrito a um ano. Um modelo analítico de decisão, caracterizado por uma árvore de probabilidades de eventos, foi desenvolvido utilizando o software TreeAge ProTM 2013 para simular os resultados clínicos e impactos econômicos em saúde da nova tecnologia diagnóstica (QTF-GIT) versus a PT tradicional. Esse modelo simulou cinco estratégias diagnósticas para detecção e tratamento da ILTB: (a) PT, usando ponto de corte de 5mm; (b) PT, usando ponto de corte de 10 mm; (c) teste QTF-GIT; (d) PT, com ponto de corte de 5mm, seguida de teste QTF-GIT quando PT positiva; (e) PT, com ponto de corte de 10mm, seguida de teste QTF-GIT quando PT positiva. Foi realizada análise de sensibilidade determinística univariada. Na determinação dos fatores associados à ILTB, foi elaborado um modelo de regressão logística múltipla com seleção hierarquizada, utilizando o software Stata. A estratégia mais custo-efetiva foi a PT no ponto de corte ≥10mm, considerando como medida de desfecho tanto o número de indivíduos corretamente classificados pelos testes assim como o número de casos de TB evitados. A utilização isolada do QTF-GIT revelou-se a estratégia de menor eficiência, com RCEI= R$ 343,24 por profissional corretamente classificado pelo teste. Encontrou-se risco à ILTB significantemente maior para sexo masculino [OR=1,89; IC 95%:1,11-3,20], idade ≥ 41 anos [OR=1,56; IC 95%: 1.09-2,22], contato próximo com familiar com TB [OR=1,55; IC 95%: 1.02-2,36], status do tabagismo fumante [OR=1,75; IC 95%: 1.03-2,98] e categoria profissional da Enfermagem [OR=1,44; IC 95%: 1.02-2,03]. Concluiu-se que a PT no ponto de corte de 10mm é a estratégia diagnóstica mais custo-efetiva para ILTB entre os profissionais de saúde na atenção básica e que a ILTB está associada ao hábito do tabagismo e à categoria profissional de Enfermagem. / Health professionals form one of the groups most vulnerable to infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), 8.8 million people were infected with Mtb and were 1.4 million deaths from TB in 2010. The identification of persons with Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) is considered by WHO as a priority in the control of disease, especially in developing countries where the incidence of active disease has shown reduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in Brazil, the cost-effectiveness of tests Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) and Quantiferon TB Gold-In-Tube (QFT-GIT) in the diagnosis and treatment of LTBI in health professionals working in primary care from the perspective of SUS, comparing five strategies that include the QFT -GIT, different cutoff points for TST and sequential use of two tests; and analyze the impact of smoking on the risk of LTBI among health professionals, highlighting the category of Nursing. A full economic assessment of the type cost-effectiveness was performed, conducted considering a hypothetical cohort of 10,000 health professionals working in primary care, with limited time horizont of one year. A decision analytical model, characterized by a tree of probabilities of events, was developed using the TreeAge ProTM software 2013 (TreeAge Software Inc, Williamstown, MA, USA) to simulate the clinical and economic impacts on health of new diagnostic technology (QFT -GIT) versus the traditional TST. This model simulated five diagnostic strategies for detection and treatment of LTBI (a) TST, using a cut-off of 5 mm; (B) TST, using 10 mm cut-off currently recommended by the TNP; (C) QFT-GIT test; (D) TST, with a cut-off of 5 mm, followed by QFT-GIT test when positive TST; (E) TST, with a cut-off point of 10 mm, followed by QFT-GIT test when positive TST. Univariate deterministic sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the robustness of the results. In determining the factors associated with LTBI, a multiple logistic regression model with hierarchical selection was made, using the Stata software. TST strategy at the cut-off ≥ 10mm was the most cost-effective strategy, while the QFT-GIT alone was the most effective strategy, but showed higher cost. It was found to significantly greater risk for LTBI male [OR = 1.89; 95% CI: 1.11 to 3.20], age ≥ 41 years [OR = 1.56; 95% CI: 1.09-2,22], close contact with a family with TB [OR = 1.55; 95% CI: 1.02-2,36], the smoker smoking status [OR = 1.75; 95% CI: 1.03-2,98] and professional nursing category [OR = 1.44; 95% CI: 1.02-2,03]. It was concluded that TST in 10mm cut-off is the diagnostic strategy more cost-effective for LTBI among health professionals in primary care and that LTBI is associated with the smoke and professional category nurse.
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Desenvolvimento de métodos cromatográficos hifenados (in-tube SPME/LC-FLD e GCxGC/qMS) para análises de fármacos e agrotóxicos em amostras complexas / Development of hyphenated chromatographic methods (in-tube SPME/LC-FLD and GCxGC/MS) for analysis of drugs and pesticides in complex samples.Bruno José Gonçalves da Silva 25 July 2011 (has links)
As determinações, em níveis de traços, de fármacos em fluidos biológicos e de multirresíduos (contaminantes) em amostras alimentícias são de extrema importância, pois geram valiosos dados para fins, respectivamente, de monitorização terapêutica (individualização do regime de dosagem) e controle de qualidade (segurança alimentar). A demanda por métodos analíticos de alta resolução e com baixos limites de quantificação, para análises de amostras complexas, tem impulsionado a química analítica para o desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras, destacando-se aquelas voltadas ao desenvolvimento ou avaliação de novos sistemas analíticos. Neste contexto, na primeira etapa desta tese, o sistema automatizado de microextração em fase sólida no capilar de polipirrol (in-tube PPY SPME) acoplado à cromatografia líquida com detecção fluorimétrica foi desenvolvido (lab-made) para a determinação enantiosseletiva de fluoxetina e de seu metabólito norfluoxetina em amostras de plasma, para fins de monitorização terapêutica. Na segunda etapa, o método cromatografia gasosa bidimensional abrangente acoplada à espectrometria de massas com analisador quadrupolo (GC x GC / qMS) foi padronizado e validado para análise de multirresíduos de agrotóxicos em tomates frescos, para fins de controle de qualidade. Dentre os resultados obtidos podemos destacar: na primeira etapa o ganho de seletividade da fase extratora de polipirrol, em sistema miniaturizado e automatizado de preparo de amostra, hifenado à separação cromatográfica (LC) com detecção fluorimétrica; e na segunda etapa, o incremento da resolução cromatográfica e detectabilidade do sistema de cromatografia gasosa bidimensional com detecção espectrométrica com analisador quadrupolo. As análises de amostras de plasma de pacientes em terapia com fluoxetina e de amostras de tomates comerciais comprovaram a aplicabilidade dos métodos propostos, padronizados e validados, em níveis de concentrações que incluem o intervalo terapêutico preconizado para a fluoxetina em plasma e os limites máximos de resíduos de agrotóxicos estabelecidos para a cultura de tomate. / Determination of trace levels of drugs in biological fluids and multiresidue (contaminants) in food samples is extremely important because this generates valuable data for therapeutic drug monitoring (individualization of dosage regimen) and quality control (food safety), respectively. Because of the demand for analytical methods with high resolution and low limits of quantification for analysis of complex samples, analytical chemistry has stimulated the development of innovative approaches, especially those aimed at developing or evaluating new analytical systems. In this context, in the first stage of this thesis the automated solid-phase microextraction capillary polypyrrole (in-tube \"PPY SPME) coupled to liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection was developed (lab-made) for enantioselective determination of fluoxetine and its metabolite norfluoxetine in plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring. In the second stage of this work, the GC x GC / qMS method was developed for multiresidues analysis of pesticides in fresh tomatoes for the purpose of quality control. In the first stage of the research the gain in terms of the selectivity of the polypyrrole extraction phase in hyphenated and automated system for sample preparation and chromatographic separation (LC) with fluorimetric detection is worthy of note. As for the second step, the highlight is the improvement in chromatographic resolution as well as in the detectability system of the system consisting of two-dimensional gas chromatography and spectrometric detection with quadrupole analyzer. Analyses of plasma samples from patients undergoing therapy with fluoxetine and of samples of commercially available tomatoes proved the applicability of the proposed methods, which were optimized and validated at concentrations levels that include the therapeutic range for the analyzed drugs in plasma and the maximum residue limits of pesticides for growing tomatoes.
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Cdx-mediated co-integration of Wnt and BMP signals on a single Pax3 neural crest enhancerLaberge Perrault, Emilie 09 1900 (has links)
Chez les vertébrés, une première ébauche du système nerveux central à partir du neurectoderme est obtenue par la neurulation. Ce processus mène à la formation du tube neural (TN) à partir de la plaque neurale. La neurulation est coordonnée avec l’induction d’une population de cellules multipotentes aux bordures latérales de la plaque neurale: les cellules de la crête neurale (CCNs). Le gène Pax3 encode un facteur de transcription qui est essentiel pour la formation du TN et des CCNs. Une petite région régulatrice d’environ ~250pb dans le promoteur proximal de Pax3, appelée NCE2, est suffisante pour récapituler l’induction de Pax3 ainsi que sa restriction aux bordures latérales de la plaque neurale. Le NCE2 de Pax3 est connu pour intégrer des signaux instructifs antéropostérieur (AP) provenant de la voie Wnt, via les protéines CDX (CDX 1, 2, 4), pouvant induire l'expression de Pax3 dans la plaque neurale postérieure (PNP). Nous avons démontré ici que, en plus des signaux AP, le NCE2 de Pax3 intègre des signaux instructifs dorsoventraux (DV) provenant de la voie BMP, via ses effecteurs SMAD1/5. Nos résultats indiquent que les protéines SMAD1/5 pourraient être le cofacteur manquant dans le contrôle CDX-dépendant de l’expression de Pax3 et que ce serait ces protéines qui permettraient de conférer le patron d’expression restreint de Pax3 aux bordures latérales de la PNP. Pour étayer cette affirmation, nous fournissons de nouvelles preuves que l’activité de BMP-SMAD1/5 sur l’expression de Pax3 est médiée par les CDX. Comme des défauts affectant la formation du TN et des CCNs sont à la base de plusieurs syndromes génétiques et malformations congénitales chez l’humain, nos résultats offrent ainsi une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires sous-tendant ces pathologies. / In vertebrates, a first draft of the central nervous system from the neurectoderm is obtained by neurulation. This process leads to the formation of the neural tube (NT) from the neural plate. Neurulation is coordinated with the induction of a population of multipotent cells at the neural plate border: neural crest cells (NCCs). The Pax3 gene encodes a transcription factor that is essential for the formation of the NT and NCCs. A small regulatory region of ~250bp in the proximal promoter of Pax3, called NCE2, is sufficient to recapitulate the induction of Pax3 and its restriction to the lateral borders of the neural plate. The Pax3NCE2 is known to incorporate anterior-posterior (AP) instructive cues from the Wnt pathway, via CDX proteins (CDX1, 2, 4), which can induce the expression of Pax3 in the posterior neural plate (PNP). We have demonstrated that, in addition to the AP cues, Pax3NCE2 integrates instructive dorsal-ventral (DV) cues from the BMP pathway, via SMAD1/5 proteins. Our results indicate that SMAD1/5 proteins could be the missing co-factor in the CDX-dependent expression of Pax3 that restrict Pax3 expression to the lateral borders of the PNP. To support this assertion, we provide further evidence that the activity of BMP-SMAD1/5 on the expression of Pax3 is mediated by CDX proteins. As defects affecting the formation of the NT and NCCs are the basis of many genetic syndromes and birth defects in humans, our results provide a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these pathologies.
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Impact de la chimie des poussières minérales sur la photochimie atmosphérique / Impact of mineral dust photochemistry on the atmosphereDupart, Yoan 19 December 2012 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse reposent sur l’étude des processus hétérogènes à la surface desparticules minérales en présence d’irradiation UV-A. Nous savons que les poussièresminérales contiennent des oxydes métalliques pouvant absorber la radiation solaire et ainsiactiver une chimie très différente de celle observée à l’obscurité. Un réacteur à écoulementd’aérosols a été utilisé pour étudier les interactions des gaz (SO2, NO2 et O3) avec devéritables poussières minérales, évitant ainsi les artéfacts de mesure liés à la naturemacroscopique des films comme dans les études précédentes.La mise en suspension des poussières minérales a permis d’observer une formation inattenduede nouvelles particules ultrafines en présence de SO2. Le mécanisme proposé pour expliquerce phénomène de nucléation suggère une désorption de radicaux OH photoproduits à lasurface des minéraux vers la phase gazeuse. Ce mécanisme a pu être corroboré par descampagnes de mesure en atmosphère réelle. Nous avons étudié la chimie des échantillons de réelles cendres volcaniques issus de la dernière éruption du volcan Eyjafjallajökull en Islande (2010). Ceci nous a permis d’élaborerdes cinétiques de capture du SO2 sur des films macroscopiques de cendres aboutissant à descoefficients de capture de l’ordre de 10-7. Ces cinétiques couplées à des analyses chimiquesont permis de proposer un mécanisme réactionnel expliquant la formation de sulfate de fer àla surface des cendres. Finalement, nous avons étudié les interactions photochimiques de O3 et NO2 sur les poussièresminérales dans le réacteur à écoulement mettant en évidence un bon accord avec des étudesantérieures sur des surfaces macroscopiques / The objective of this work is to study the heterogeneous processes of mineral dust surfacesunder UV-A radiation. It is know that mineral dust containing metal oxides which can absorbsolar radiation and therefore activate a different chemistry compared to that observed in thedark. In order to avoid measurement artifacts related to the nature of macroscopic films, anaerosol flow tube was developed during this work and applied to study the interactions ofSO2, NO2 and O3 with real mineral dust.An unexpected formation of new particles in the presence of SO2 was observed. In order toexplain this phenomenon, we suggest the desorption of OH radicals from the mineral dustsurface to the gas phase. This mechanism has also been supported by field campaigns.Using real samples of volcanic ash from the last eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland (2010)allowed us study capture of SO2 on macroscopic ashes films with uptake coefficient around10-7. Associated kinetic experiments combined with chemical analysis allowed us to propose areaction mechanism explaining the formation of iron sulfate on the surface of ashes.Finally, we investigated the photochemical interactions of O3 and NO2 with minerals dustaerosols in the flow tube reactor showing a good agreement with previous data obtained onmacroscopic surfaces.
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Textures et microstructures dans l'aluminium, le cuivre et le magnésium après hyperdéformation / Textures and microstructures in Al, Cu and Mg under severe plastic deformationChen, Cai 17 June 2016 (has links)
L'hyperdéformation est une technique efficace pour transformer la microstructure des métaux en une structure de grain de taille inférieure au micron ou même en nanostructure (<100 nm). Cette très petite taille de grain confère d'excellentes propriétés mécaniques au matériau. Dans ce travail de thèse, deux techniques d'hyperdéformation récemment développées, appelées High Pressure Tube Twisting (HPTT) and Cyclic Expansion and Extrusion (CEE) ont été appliquées à température ambiante sur différents matériaux métalliques. La fragmentation de la microstructure ainsi que le développement de la texture cristallographique ont été analysés en détails par la diffraction d'électrons rétrodiffusés (EBSD), par microscopie électronique en transmission (TEM), par transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) ainsi que par diffraction des rayons X (XRD). Le gradient de déformation de cisaillement dans l'épaisseur des tubes d'aluminium déformés par HPTT a été déterminé par une méthode de mesure locale du cisaillement. Ce gradient de cisaillement induit une hétérogénéité aussi bien de microstructure que de texture dans les échantillons d'aluminium et de magnésium purs ainsi que dans l'alliage Al-4%Mg en solution solide. La micro-dureté et la taille de grain dans différentes zones ont été mesurées et analysées en fonction du taux cisaillement local. Les tailles de grain limites atteintes de façon stationnaire pour ces différents matériaux produit par HPTT sont respectivement de 700 nm, 900 nm et 100 nm. L'évolution de texture du magnésium pur après HPTT jusqu'à un cisaillement de 16 a été simulée par cisaillement simple par le model auto-cohérent (VPSC), le résultat de simulation a montré de bons accords avec les mesures de texture obtenues par XRD. Sur la base des mesures de distribution de désorientation dans l'aluminium déformé par HPTT, une nouvelle technique de détermination du taux de cisaillement local dans les procédés d'hyper déformation a été proposée. Cette nouvelle technique a été appliquée sur deux échantillons d'aluminium produit par twist extrusion (TE) et par torsion à extrémités libres. Les échantillons d'aluminium et de cuivre ont été déformés intensément par CEE. Les évolutions de texture et de microstructures ont été mesurées par EBSD, montrant un gradient du centre à la périphérie des échantillons cylindriques. L'évolution de texture dans le cuivre déformé par CEE a été simulée par le modèle VPSC en utilisant un modèle de ligne de courant pour décrire la déformation dans le procédé. Les résultats de simulation confirment les caractéristiques de la texture expérimentale observées après CEE. Le comportement en traction du cuivre pré-déformé par grande déformation en torsion a ensuite été testé. En dépit du gradient de cisaillement existant dans la barre, une technique a été proposée pour obtenir la courbe contrainte-déformation pour ce type de matériau. / Severe plastic deformation (SPD) is an efficient technique to transform the microstructure of bulk metals into ultra fine grained structure with grain sizes less than 1 µm or even into nanostructure with nano-grains of less than 100 nm in diameter. The very small grain size attributes excellent mechanical properties to the material. In present thesis work, two recently developed SPD techniques, namely, High Pressure Tube Twisting (HPTT) and Cyclic Expansion and Extrusion (CEE) were performed on different metallic materials at room temperature. Details of fragmentation of microstructure and metallographic texture evolution were investigated by electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), transmission kikuchi diffraction (TKD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Shear strain gradient across the thickness of the HPTT deformed Al tube sample was found by a local shear measurement method. This shear strain gradient induced the inhomogeneity of microstructure and texture in HPTT deformed pure Al, solid solution alloy Al-4%Mg and pure Mg. The microhardness and average grain size in different zones as a function of shear strain were measured. The limiting steady grain sizes in the steady state for these different materials produced by HPTT were 700 nm, 100 nm and 900 nm, respectively. The texture evolution of pure Mg in HPTT up to a shear strain of 16 was simulated in simple shear using the self-consistent (VPSC) polycrystal model and showed good agreements with the experimental results measured by XRD. Based on the measured disorientation distribution function in HPTT deformed Al, a new technique for the magnitude of local shear strain in SPD was proposed. This new technique was applied to a protrusion produced in twist extrusion (TE) and to an Al sample deformed in free-end torsion. Cu and pure Al samples were intensively deformed by the CEE SPD technique. The microstructure and texture evolutions were measured by EBSD, showing a gradient from the center-zone to the edge part of the rod sample. The texture evolution of CEE deformed Cu was simulated by the VPSC polycrystal model using a flow line function. The simulation results confirmed the experimental texture features observed in the CEE process. The tensile testing behavior of large strain torsion pre-processed Cu was examined. In spite of the shear strain gradient existing in the bar, a technique was proposed to obtain the tensile stress-strain curve of such gradient material.
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Réactions photosensibilisées contribuant à la croissance et au vieillissement des aérosols atmosphériques organiques / Photosensitized reactions contributing to the growth and aging of atmospheric aerosolsAregahegn, Kifle Zeleke 04 December 2014 (has links)
L'atmosphère est un milieu hautement hétérogène contenant de la matière condensée : les aérosols. Ceux-ci sont des composants importants de l'atmosphère car ils impactent le bilan radiatif planétaire mais aussi la qualité de l'air. En particulier les aérosols organiques secondaires (AOS), produits par la transformation chimique dans l'air de nombreux composés organiques, plus ou moins volatils, représentent une fraction conséquente dans le budget global des aérosols atmosphériques pour laquelle de nombreuses incertitudes persistent. En particulier, leurs voies de formation et de transformation dans la troposphère restent très mal décrites. C'est pourquoi, cette thèse décrit principalement l'étude de trois aspects de la croissance et du vieillissement (transformation) des aérosols : caractérisation de la croissance des AOS par des processus photosensibilisés ; investigations mécanistiques du vieillissement des AOS et de la photochimie des photosensibilisateurs ; analyse chimique des composés issus du vieillissement des AOS / Aerosols are important constituents of the atmosphere and secondary organic aerosols (SOA) represent a main fraction of the organic aerosols in the total budget. This thesis mainly reports the investigation of three aspects of the growth and aging of SOA: the photosensitized SOA growth ; the mechanistic investigation of SOA aging and of the photochemistry of photosensitizers ; the analysis of the chemical composition of aged SOA. The photosensitized growth and aging processes of SOA were investigated using an aerosol flow tube coupled with various aerosol and gas sensing instruments. For further analysis of the aerosol composition and a better understanding of the formation and growth of SOA in these experiments the aerosols produced in the dark and in the light were sampled on filters at the exit of the flow tube
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Vírová trubice / Vortex tubeChýlek, Radomír January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis was to find optimal operational parameters of Ranque–Hilsch vortex tube that would give the best results of temperature separation, and to create a numerical model of the device. Firstly, extensive research of current literature was done and analytical model of the tube was created. Then, the numerical model of the vortex tube was designed using Star-CCM+ software. Afterward, best fitting turbulence model was chosen to do the calculation and optimal geometrical parameters of the tube were obtained as a result of CFD simulation. Then, inlet nozzles for the tube were designed and manufactured. Experimental evaluation of the vortex tube and description of its optimal settings form a substantial part of the project. Finally, the data obtained from the experiment were compared to the results of numerical analysis and conclusions were deduced.
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Exploration du rôle de signalisation des Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases lors de la fécondation chez les plantesMazin, Benjamin Damien 10 1900 (has links)
La reproduction est un événement crucial pour la vie des plantes. Ce processus nécessite la formation du pollen et des ovules. Les cellules germinales vont subir la méiose puis une succession de mitoses, deux pour le pollen et trois pour l’ovule, ce qui va leur permettre d’acquérir leurs structures finales. Une fois formés, ces deux gamètes doivent se rencontrer.
Pour cela, le grain de pollen va germer sur le stigmate puis former le tube pollinique. Le tube pollinique en croissance va traverser les différents tissus femelles et ainsi tracter les deux
cellules spermatiques jusqu’à l’ovule, permettant la reproduction.
Un important réseau de signalisation cellulaire est nécessaire pour permettre ces
événements. Les cascades des Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases (MAPKs) sont l’un des réseaux de signalisation les plus étudiés chez les plantes. Ces kinases sont impliquées dans de très nombreux processus développementaux tels que la formation de l’embryon ou des
stomates. Pour autant, leurs rôles restent encore peu caractérisés pendant de la fécondation. Ce projet a pour objectif de mieux comprendre le rôle que jouent les MAPK lors de la formation
des gamètes mâles et femelles ainsi que lors de la croissance des tubes polliniques. Plusieurs membres de la superfamille des MAPKs ont été caractérisés pour leurs rôles dans la reproduction sexuée des végétaux. De précédents travaux dans le laboratoire de Daniel P.
Matton, ont démontré l’implication de deux MAPK Kinases Kinases (MAP3K), la Solanum chacoense Fertilization-Related Kinase 1 (ScFRK1) et ScFRK2. Ces deux kinases sont nécessaires pour le développement de l’ovule et du pollen chez S. chacoense, une espèce de pomme de terre sauvage diploïde.
Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la fonction d’une nouvelle ScFRK, la ScFRK3. Ce troisième membre de la classe des FRKs chez S. chacoense, est, elle aussi,
impliquée dans le développement des gamétophytes mâles et femelles. Du patron d’expression
jusqu’à l’établissement d’une voie de signalisation potentielle, en passant par la caractérisation
phénotypique des mutants, plusieurs expériences ont été réalisées dans le but de comprendre le rôle de ScFRK3 lors de la formation des gamètes chez Solanum chacoense. Nous montrons que la ScFRK3 est impliquée dans la formation du pollen ainsi que celui des ovules.
Nous avons ensuite poursuivi nos recherches en affinant le phénotypage du mutant de surexpression ScFRK2. En effet, les précédentes études ont permis de montré que la
surexpression de ScFRK2 conduit le primordium ovulaire à la formation de structures
carpéloïdes. Pour autant, les ensembles des primordius ovulaires ne sont pas devenu des strutures capéloïde. Nous montrons ici que seulement 10 % des ovules dans l'ovaire sont devenu
des carpéloïde. Notre étude montre qu’en plus des structures carpéloïdes, un grand nombre d'ovule n'ont pas de sac embryonnaire à l'anthèse ce qui explique le faible nombre de graines
par fruit. L’analyse du développement des sacs embryonnaires monte que la surexpression de ScFRK2 entraine l’arrêt au stade mégaspore fonctionnelle. Ce phénotype est similaire à ce qui a pu être observé dans les lignées ARN interférant pour la ScFRK1 et la ScFRK3.
De précédentes études faites chez Arabidopsis thaliana semblent montrer que les
membres de la superfamille des MAPK ne sont pas essentiels pour la croissance du tube pollinique. Pour comprendre le rôle que jouent les MAPK dans l’élongation du tube pollinique,
nous avons utilisé un inhibiteur des MAP Kinase Kinase (MKK), appelé U0126. La présence de cette drogue dans le milieu de croissance des grains de pollen provoque une diminution de la germination et de l’élongation du tube pollinique. L’utilisation de la méthode semi-in vivo
montre une perte de la polarisation de la croissance des tubes polliniques causée par l’inhibition
des MKK. La présence de l’inhibiteur conduit à la diminution de la quantité de filaments
d’actine ainsi qu’à leur désorganisation à l’apex du tube. L’exocytose est aussi affectée par
l’inhibition des MKK. Les cascades MAPK sont nécessaires à la croissance polarisée du tube pollinique chez Arabidopsis thaliana.
Pour finir, nous avons voulu identifier certains membres de la superfamille des MAPK impliqués dans la croissance du tube pollinique. Nous nous sommes intéressés en premier lieu
aux orthologues de la famille ScFRK chez Arabidopsis thaliana. Les AtMAP3K19-20-21 sont les orthologues les plus proches de ScFRK3. Ces AtMAP3K sont exprimées lors du
développement des grains de pollen et lors de l’élongation de tube pollinique. L’analyse du
pollen des différentes lignées mutantes montre qu’en leur absence, le pollen ne présente aucun
problème de développement contrairement à ScFRK3. Par contre, les doubles mutants et le triple mutant pour les AtMAP3K19-20-21 montrent une diminution de la capacité de germination. L’élongation du tube pollinique est affectée lors de la mutation d’au moins une
des AtMAP3K. Ces deux études démontrent que les MAPK sont essentielles dans la formation
et l’élongation du tube pollinique. / Reproduction is a crucial event for plant life. This process requires the formation of
pollen and ovules. The germ cells will undergo meiosis and then a succession of mitosis, two
for the pollen and three for the ovule, which will allow them to acquire their final structures.
Once formed, these two gametes must meet each other. For this, the pollen grain will germinate on the stigmas to form the pollen tube. The growth of the pollen tube will pass through the different female tissues and thus pull the two sperm cells to the ovum for reproduction.
An important cellular signaling network is necessary to allow these events to occur. The Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPKs) cascades are one of the most studied signaling
networks in plants. These kinases are involved in a wide range of developmental processes such
as embryo formation and stomata. However, their roles remain poorly characterized during
fertilization. The aim of this project is to better understand the role played by MAPKs during
the formation of male and female gametes as well as during the growth of pollen tubes. Several members of the MAPK superfamily have been characterized for their role in the sexual reproduction of plants. Previous work in Daniel P. Matton's laboratory has demonstrated the involvement of two MAPK Kinases (MAP3K), Solanum chacoense Fertilization-Related
Kinase 1 (ScFRK1) and ScFRK2. These two kinases are necessary for egg and pollen
development in S. chacoense, a diploid wild potato species.
In a first step, we studied the functionality of a new ScFRK, ScFRK3. This third member
of the class of FRKs in S. chacoense, is also involved in the development of male and female gametophytes. From the expression pattern to the establishment of a potential signaling
pathway, through the phenotypic characterization of mutants, several experiments have been
performed in order to understand the role of ScFRK3 in the formation of gametes in S.
chacoense. We show that ScFRK3 is involved in the formation of pollen as well as that of the embryonic sac.
We then continued our research by refining the phenotyping of the overexpression
mutant ScFRK2. Indeed, previous studies have shown that ScFRK2 overexpression leads the ovular primordium to the formation of carpeloid structures. However, the sets of ovular
primordia have not become capeloid structures. We show here that only 10% of the eggs in the ovary have become carpeloid. Our study shows that in addition to the carpeloid structures, a large number of ova do not have an embryonic sac in the anthesis, which explains the low number of seeds per fruit. The analysis of the development of the embryonic sacs shows that
overexpression of ScFRK2 leads to the cessation of the functional megaspore stage. This phenotype is similar to what has been observed in interfering RNA lines reducing expression
of ScFRK1 and ScFRK3.
Previous studies in Arabidopsis thaliana suggest that members of the MAPK superfamily are not essential for pollen tube growth. To understand the role that MAPKs play
in pollen tube elongation, we used a MAP Kinase Kinase (MKK) inhibitor called U0126. The presence of this drug in the growth medium of pollen grains causes a decrease in germination
and elongation of the pollen tube. The use of the semi in vivo method shows a loss of
polarization of the pollen tube growth caused by the inhibition of MKK. The presence of the inhibitor leads to a decrease in the number of actin filaments and their disorganization at the apex of the tube. Exocytosis is also affected by MKK inhibition. We show in this chapter that MAPK cascades are necessary for polarized pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Finally, we wanted to identify some members of the MAPK superfamily involved in
pollen tube growth. We were first interested in the ScFRK family orthologs in Arabidopsis thaliana. AtMAP3K19-20-21 are the closest orthologs to ScFRK3. These AtMAP3K are expressed during the development of pollen grains and during the elongation of the pollen tube.
Pollen analysis of the different mutant lines shows that in their absence the pollen does not present any development problems unlike ScFRK3. On the other hand, double mutants and
triple mutant for AtMAP3K19-20-21 show a decrease in germination capacity. Pollen tube elongation is affected when at least one of the AtMAP3Ks is mutated. These two studies demonstrate that MAPKs are essential for the formation and elongation of the pollen tube and
that AtMAP3K19-20-21 participate in these biological processes.
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Měření průtoku vzduchu pomocí víceotvorových rychlostních sond / Flow measurement of air by multiport averaging probesŠimák, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
Master work deals with the measurement of fluid flow (particularly air) pipe, with orifice and multiport averaging probe. The theoretical part is followed by practical, which verifies the properties of the measured system. In a next part of semestral work are verifies the properties of multiport averaging probes Vavra s.r.o. MQS-011 and Rosemount Annubar 485. Measured values from probes are compared.
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Návrh výměníků tepla pro vysokoteplotní aplikace / Design of heat exchangers for high temperature applicationsJonák, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to thermal-hydraulic design and rating of heat exchangers with the specialized commercial software HTRI. These heat exchangers are solved for real high-temperature applications, where the hot fluid is a flue gas with high temperature (above 500 °C). In the thesis is made a brief analysis of the conventional design of heat exchangers usable for high-temperature aplications, description of the basic relations, description and brief user manual of software HTRI. Further, work includes a comparative study of methods for calculation of pressure drop of the fluid at 180° elbows, as support analysis for solution of required applications characterized by low pressure drop of process fluids.
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