Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ignaling cascade"" "subject:"2signaling cascade""
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The Effect of Lithium Chloride on the Distal Insulin Signaling Cascade and on p38 MAPK in the Soleus Muscle of Female Lean Zucker RatsGifford, Nancy Renee January 2007 (has links)
This project focused on determining the effect of lithium on glucose uptake, glycogen synthesis, and insulin signaling proteins, protein kinase B (Akt1) and GSK-3, in isolated soleus muscle from female lean Zucker rats. We also investigated the role of the stress-activated p38 MAPK in the action of lithium to activate skeletal muscle glucose transport. In the absence of insulin, lithium (10 mM LiCl) increased basal glucose transport by 62% (p<0.05) and glycogen synthesis by 112%. Lithium did not alter phosphorylation of Akt ser473, but enhanced GSK-3β ser9 phosphorylation by 41%. Lithium further enhanced the effect of insulin on glucose transport (42%), glycogen synthesis (44%), and GSK-3ß phosphorylation (13%). Lithium increased phosphorylated p38 MAPK 31% without and 19% with insulin. Moreover, a selective p38 MAPK inhibitor, A304000, completely prevented the lithium-induced enhancement of glucose transport revealing the critical involvement of p38 MAPK phosphorylation in lithium-induced glucose transport in isolated skeletal muscle.
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An Intimate Dining – Nutritional Interactions between Obligate Intracellular Parasites and Host CellsGupta, Nishith 04 January 2018 (has links)
Das zu den Protozoen gehörende Phylum der Apicomplexa umfasst nahezu 6000 Parasitenarten. Die meisten Apicomplexa haben sich an eine obligat intrazelluläre Lebensweise angepasst und infizieren verschiedenste Tiere und den Menschen. Zu den bedeutendsten Vertretern der Apicomplexa zählen Toxoplasma, Plasmodium und Eimeria. In dieser Arbeit lag der Schwerpunkt auf den drei repräsentativen Organismen Toxoplasma gondii, Eimeria falciformis und Plasmodium berghei, welche sich alle in einem etablierten Wirt (der Maus) reproduzieren, sich allerdings hinsichtlich ihrer Wirtszellen, Persistenz sowie in ihrem Reproduktionsverhalten deutlich unterscheiden. Somit ermöglichen die genannten Parasiten eine umfassende Untersuchung der Biologie der Apicomplexa. Die meisten Entwicklungsstufen dieser Pathogene sind sehr eng mit der Wirtszelle assoziiert, was auch metabolische Wechselwirkungen beinhaltet. Das Verständnis dieser Interaktionen ist unerlässlich, um die Evolution von Parasiten zu ergründen. Grundsätzlich war das Ziel dieser Arbeit, die metabolischen Netzwerke der genannten Parasiten zu eruieren und den Einfluss des Metabolismus auf Wachstum, Pathogenese und Adaption in verschiedenen Nährstoffumgebungen zu untersuchen. Unsere Vorgehensweise verband biochemische, revers-genetische, zellbiologische und optogenetische Bottom-Up-Methoden mit Top-Down-Methoden wie Lipidomics, Metabolomics und Transcriptomics um folgende Prämissen anzugehen:
• Vergleichender Entwurf der metabolischen Netzwerke in den obengenannten Parasiten
• Nährstoff-Plastizität für die Überlebensfähigkeit des Parasiten in verschiedenen Milieus
• Umregulierung oder Ausbeutung des Wirtsmetabolismus durch intrazelluläre Parasiten
• Stadien-spezifische Regulation des Metabolismus während der asexuellen Reproduktion
• Identifizierung und Validierung potentieller anti-parasitischer Wirkstoffe / The protozoan phylum apicomplexa comprises nearly 6000 parasitic species. Most apicomplexans have adapted to obligate intracellular parasitism in a wide range of organisms, including animals and humans. Some notable members of the phylum include Toxoplasma, Plasmodium and Eimeria species. This study focused on three representative parasites, namely Toxoplasma gondii, Eimeria falciformis and Plasmodium berghei, all of which infect a common and well-established model host organism (i.e. mouse), but have diverged from each other considerably with respect to the target host cells, persistence and reproduction behavior. These parasites together therefore enable a fairly inclusive study of the apicomplexan biology. Most developmental stages of these pathogens intimately associate with host cells, involving a metabolic crosstalk between the two entwined entities. A germane understanding of such interactions is vital to appreciate the evolution of parasites. In a nutshell, this work aimed to determine the design of metabolic networks in indicated parasites and the impact of metabolism on growth, pathogenesis and adaptation in discrete nutritional milieus. Our approach blended bottom-up methods of biochemistry, reverse genetics, cell biology and optogenetics with the top-down lipidomics, metabolomics and transcriptomics to address the following major premises:
• Comparative design of the selected metabolic networks in aforementioned parasites
• Nutritional plasticity underlying the parasite survival in variable environments
• Subversion or exploitation of host metabolism by intracellular parasites
• Stage-specific rewiring of parasite metabolism during asexual reproduction
• Identification and endorsement of potential anti-parasitic drug targets
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PLAGL2 Cooperates in Leukemia Development by Upregulating MPL Expression: A DissertationLandrette, Sean F. 22 June 2006 (has links)
Chromosomal alterations involving the RUNXI or CBFB genes are specifically and recurrently associated with human acute myeloid leukemia (AML). One such chromosomal alteration, a pericentric inversion of chromosome 16, is present in the majority of cases of the AML subtype M4Eo. This inversion joins CBFB with the smooth muscle myosin gene MYH11 creating the fusion CBFB-MYH11. Knock-in studies in the mouse have demonstrated that expression of the protein product of the Cbfb-MYH11fusion, Cbfβ-SMMHC, predisposes mice to AML and that chemical mutagenesis both accelerates and increases the penetrance of the disease (Castilla et al., 1999). However, the mechanism of transformation and the associated collaborating genetic events remain to be resolved.
As detailed in Chapter 2, we used retroviral insertional mutagenesis (RIM) to identify mutations in Cbfb-MYH11 chimeric mice that contribute to AML. The genetic screen identified 54 independent candidate cooperating genes including 6 common insertion sites: Plag1, Plagl2, Runx2, H2T23, Pstpip2, and Dok1. Focusing on the 2 members of the Plag family of transcription factors, Chapter 3 presents experiments demonstrating that Plag1 and Plagl2 independently cooperate with Cbfβ-SMMHC in vivo to efficiently trigger leukemia with short latency in the mouse. In addition, Plag1 and PLAGL2 increased proliferation and in vitro cell renewal in Cbfβ-SMMHC hematopoietic progenitors. Furthemore, PLAG1 and PLAGL2 expression was increased in 20% of human AML samples suggesting that PLAG1 and PLAGL2 may also contribute to human AML. Interestingly, PLAGL2was preferentially increased in samples with chromosome 16 inversion, t(8;21), and t(15;17).
To define the mechanism by which PLAGL2 contributes to leukemogenesis, Chapter 4 presents studies assessing the role of the Mp1 signaling cascade as a Plagl2 downstream pathway in leukemia development. Using microarray analysis we discovered that PLAGL2 induces the expression of Mp1 transcript in primary bone marrow cells that express Cbfβ-SMMHC and that this induction is maintained in leukemogenesis. We have also performed luciferase assays to confirm that the Mp1 proximal promoter can be directly bound and activated by PLAGL2. Furthermore, we demonstrate increased Mp1 expression leads to hypersensitivity to the Mp1 ligand thrombopoietin (TPO) in PLAGL2/Cbfβ-SMMHC leukemic cells. To test the functional relevance in leukemia formation, we performed a bone-marrow transplantation assay and demonstrate that overexpression of Mp1 is indeed sufficient to cooperate with Cbfβ-SMMHC in leukemia induction. This data reveals that PLAGL2 cooperates with Cbfβ-SMMHC at least in part by inducing the expression of the cytokine receptor Mp1. Thus, we have identified the Mp1 signal transduction pathway as a novel target for therapeutic intervention in AML.
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Exploration du rôle de signalisation des Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases lors de la fécondation chez les plantesMazin, Benjamin Damien 10 1900 (has links)
La reproduction est un événement crucial pour la vie des plantes. Ce processus nécessite la formation du pollen et des ovules. Les cellules germinales vont subir la méiose puis une succession de mitoses, deux pour le pollen et trois pour l’ovule, ce qui va leur permettre d’acquérir leurs structures finales. Une fois formés, ces deux gamètes doivent se rencontrer.
Pour cela, le grain de pollen va germer sur le stigmate puis former le tube pollinique. Le tube pollinique en croissance va traverser les différents tissus femelles et ainsi tracter les deux
cellules spermatiques jusqu’à l’ovule, permettant la reproduction.
Un important réseau de signalisation cellulaire est nécessaire pour permettre ces
événements. Les cascades des Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases (MAPKs) sont l’un des réseaux de signalisation les plus étudiés chez les plantes. Ces kinases sont impliquées dans de très nombreux processus développementaux tels que la formation de l’embryon ou des
stomates. Pour autant, leurs rôles restent encore peu caractérisés pendant de la fécondation. Ce projet a pour objectif de mieux comprendre le rôle que jouent les MAPK lors de la formation
des gamètes mâles et femelles ainsi que lors de la croissance des tubes polliniques. Plusieurs membres de la superfamille des MAPKs ont été caractérisés pour leurs rôles dans la reproduction sexuée des végétaux. De précédents travaux dans le laboratoire de Daniel P.
Matton, ont démontré l’implication de deux MAPK Kinases Kinases (MAP3K), la Solanum chacoense Fertilization-Related Kinase 1 (ScFRK1) et ScFRK2. Ces deux kinases sont nécessaires pour le développement de l’ovule et du pollen chez S. chacoense, une espèce de pomme de terre sauvage diploïde.
Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la fonction d’une nouvelle ScFRK, la ScFRK3. Ce troisième membre de la classe des FRKs chez S. chacoense, est, elle aussi,
impliquée dans le développement des gamétophytes mâles et femelles. Du patron d’expression
jusqu’à l’établissement d’une voie de signalisation potentielle, en passant par la caractérisation
phénotypique des mutants, plusieurs expériences ont été réalisées dans le but de comprendre le rôle de ScFRK3 lors de la formation des gamètes chez Solanum chacoense. Nous montrons que la ScFRK3 est impliquée dans la formation du pollen ainsi que celui des ovules.
Nous avons ensuite poursuivi nos recherches en affinant le phénotypage du mutant de surexpression ScFRK2. En effet, les précédentes études ont permis de montré que la
surexpression de ScFRK2 conduit le primordium ovulaire à la formation de structures
carpéloïdes. Pour autant, les ensembles des primordius ovulaires ne sont pas devenu des strutures capéloïde. Nous montrons ici que seulement 10 % des ovules dans l'ovaire sont devenu
des carpéloïde. Notre étude montre qu’en plus des structures carpéloïdes, un grand nombre d'ovule n'ont pas de sac embryonnaire à l'anthèse ce qui explique le faible nombre de graines
par fruit. L’analyse du développement des sacs embryonnaires monte que la surexpression de ScFRK2 entraine l’arrêt au stade mégaspore fonctionnelle. Ce phénotype est similaire à ce qui a pu être observé dans les lignées ARN interférant pour la ScFRK1 et la ScFRK3.
De précédentes études faites chez Arabidopsis thaliana semblent montrer que les
membres de la superfamille des MAPK ne sont pas essentiels pour la croissance du tube pollinique. Pour comprendre le rôle que jouent les MAPK dans l’élongation du tube pollinique,
nous avons utilisé un inhibiteur des MAP Kinase Kinase (MKK), appelé U0126. La présence de cette drogue dans le milieu de croissance des grains de pollen provoque une diminution de la germination et de l’élongation du tube pollinique. L’utilisation de la méthode semi-in vivo
montre une perte de la polarisation de la croissance des tubes polliniques causée par l’inhibition
des MKK. La présence de l’inhibiteur conduit à la diminution de la quantité de filaments
d’actine ainsi qu’à leur désorganisation à l’apex du tube. L’exocytose est aussi affectée par
l’inhibition des MKK. Les cascades MAPK sont nécessaires à la croissance polarisée du tube pollinique chez Arabidopsis thaliana.
Pour finir, nous avons voulu identifier certains membres de la superfamille des MAPK impliqués dans la croissance du tube pollinique. Nous nous sommes intéressés en premier lieu
aux orthologues de la famille ScFRK chez Arabidopsis thaliana. Les AtMAP3K19-20-21 sont les orthologues les plus proches de ScFRK3. Ces AtMAP3K sont exprimées lors du
développement des grains de pollen et lors de l’élongation de tube pollinique. L’analyse du
pollen des différentes lignées mutantes montre qu’en leur absence, le pollen ne présente aucun
problème de développement contrairement à ScFRK3. Par contre, les doubles mutants et le triple mutant pour les AtMAP3K19-20-21 montrent une diminution de la capacité de germination. L’élongation du tube pollinique est affectée lors de la mutation d’au moins une
des AtMAP3K. Ces deux études démontrent que les MAPK sont essentielles dans la formation
et l’élongation du tube pollinique. / Reproduction is a crucial event for plant life. This process requires the formation of
pollen and ovules. The germ cells will undergo meiosis and then a succession of mitosis, two
for the pollen and three for the ovule, which will allow them to acquire their final structures.
Once formed, these two gametes must meet each other. For this, the pollen grain will germinate on the stigmas to form the pollen tube. The growth of the pollen tube will pass through the different female tissues and thus pull the two sperm cells to the ovum for reproduction.
An important cellular signaling network is necessary to allow these events to occur. The Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPKs) cascades are one of the most studied signaling
networks in plants. These kinases are involved in a wide range of developmental processes such
as embryo formation and stomata. However, their roles remain poorly characterized during
fertilization. The aim of this project is to better understand the role played by MAPKs during
the formation of male and female gametes as well as during the growth of pollen tubes. Several members of the MAPK superfamily have been characterized for their role in the sexual reproduction of plants. Previous work in Daniel P. Matton's laboratory has demonstrated the involvement of two MAPK Kinases (MAP3K), Solanum chacoense Fertilization-Related
Kinase 1 (ScFRK1) and ScFRK2. These two kinases are necessary for egg and pollen
development in S. chacoense, a diploid wild potato species.
In a first step, we studied the functionality of a new ScFRK, ScFRK3. This third member
of the class of FRKs in S. chacoense, is also involved in the development of male and female gametophytes. From the expression pattern to the establishment of a potential signaling
pathway, through the phenotypic characterization of mutants, several experiments have been
performed in order to understand the role of ScFRK3 in the formation of gametes in S.
chacoense. We show that ScFRK3 is involved in the formation of pollen as well as that of the embryonic sac.
We then continued our research by refining the phenotyping of the overexpression
mutant ScFRK2. Indeed, previous studies have shown that ScFRK2 overexpression leads the ovular primordium to the formation of carpeloid structures. However, the sets of ovular
primordia have not become capeloid structures. We show here that only 10% of the eggs in the ovary have become carpeloid. Our study shows that in addition to the carpeloid structures, a large number of ova do not have an embryonic sac in the anthesis, which explains the low number of seeds per fruit. The analysis of the development of the embryonic sacs shows that
overexpression of ScFRK2 leads to the cessation of the functional megaspore stage. This phenotype is similar to what has been observed in interfering RNA lines reducing expression
of ScFRK1 and ScFRK3.
Previous studies in Arabidopsis thaliana suggest that members of the MAPK superfamily are not essential for pollen tube growth. To understand the role that MAPKs play
in pollen tube elongation, we used a MAP Kinase Kinase (MKK) inhibitor called U0126. The presence of this drug in the growth medium of pollen grains causes a decrease in germination
and elongation of the pollen tube. The use of the semi in vivo method shows a loss of
polarization of the pollen tube growth caused by the inhibition of MKK. The presence of the inhibitor leads to a decrease in the number of actin filaments and their disorganization at the apex of the tube. Exocytosis is also affected by MKK inhibition. We show in this chapter that MAPK cascades are necessary for polarized pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Finally, we wanted to identify some members of the MAPK superfamily involved in
pollen tube growth. We were first interested in the ScFRK family orthologs in Arabidopsis thaliana. AtMAP3K19-20-21 are the closest orthologs to ScFRK3. These AtMAP3K are expressed during the development of pollen grains and during the elongation of the pollen tube.
Pollen analysis of the different mutant lines shows that in their absence the pollen does not present any development problems unlike ScFRK3. On the other hand, double mutants and
triple mutant for AtMAP3K19-20-21 show a decrease in germination capacity. Pollen tube elongation is affected when at least one of the AtMAP3Ks is mutated. These two studies demonstrate that MAPKs are essential for the formation and elongation of the pollen tube and
that AtMAP3K19-20-21 participate in these biological processes.
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A Model-Based Analysis of Culture-Dependent Phenotypes of mESCsHerberg, Maria, Kalkan, Tüzer, Glauche, Ingmar, Smith, Austin, Roeder, Ingo 11 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) can be maintained in a proliferative and undifferentiated state over many passages (self-renewal) while retaining the potential to give rise to every cell type of the organism (pluripotency). Autocrine FGF4/Erk signalling has been identified as a major stimulus for fate decisions and lineage commitment in these cells. Recent findings on serum-free culture conditions with specific inhibitors (known as 2i) demonstrate that the inhibition of this pathway reduces transcription factor heterogeneity and is vital to maintain ground state pluripotency of mESCs. We suggest a novel mathematical model to explicitly integrate FGF4/Erk signalling into an interaction network of key pluripotency factors (namely Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Rex1). The envisaged model allows to explore whether and how proposed mechanisms and feedback regulations can account for different expression patterns in mESC cultures. We demonstrate that an FGF4/Erk-mediated negative feedback is sufficient to induce molecular heterogeneity with respect to Nanog and Rex1 expression and thus critically regulates the propensity for differentiation and the loss of pluripotency. Furthermore, we compare simulation results on the transcription factor dynamics in different self-renewing states and during differentiation with experimental data on a Rex1GFPd2 reporter cell line using flow cytometry and qRT-PCR measurements. Concluding from our results we argue that interaction between FGF4/Erk signalling and Nanog expression qualifies as a key mechanism to manipulate mESC pluripotency. In particular, we infer that ground state pluripotency under 2i is achieved by shifting stable expression pattern of Nanog from a bistable into a monostable regulation impeding stochastic state transitions. Furthermore, we derive testable predictions on altering the degree of Nanog heterogeneity and on the frequency of state transitions in LIF/serum conditions to challenge our model assumptions.
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An investigation into dynamic and functional properties of prokaryotic signalling networksKothamachu, Varun Bhaskar January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, I investigate dynamic and computational properties of prokaryotic signalling architectures commonly known as the Two Component Signalling networks and phosphorelays. The aim of this study is to understand the information processing capabilities of different prokaryotic signalling architectures by examining the dynamics they exhibit. I present original investigations into the dynamics of different phosphorelay architectures and identify network architectures that include a commonly found four step phosphorelay architecture with a capacity for tuning its steady state output to implement different signal-response behaviours viz. sigmoidal and hyperbolic response. Biologically, this tuning can be implemented through physiological processes like regulating total protein concentrations (e.g. via transcriptional regulation or feedback), altering reaction rate constants through binding of auxiliary proteins on relay components, or by regulating bi-functional activity in relays which are mediated by bifunctional histidine kinases. This study explores the importance of different biochemical arrangements of signalling networks and their corresponding response dynamics. Following investigations into the significance of various biochemical reactions and topological variants of a four step relay architecture, I explore the effects of having different types of proteins in signalling networks. I show how multi-domain proteins in a phosphorelay architecture with multiple phosphotransfer steps occurring on the same protein can exhibit multistability through a combination of double negative and positive feedback loops. I derive a minimal multistable (core) architecture and show how component sharing amongst networks containing this multistable core can implement computational logic (like AND, OR and ADDER functions) that allows cells to integrate multiple inputs and compute an appropriate response. I examine the genomic distribution of single and multi domain kinases and annotate their partner response regulator proteins across prokaryotic genomes to find the biological significance of dynamics that these networks embed and the processes they regulate in a cell. I extract data from a prokaryotic two component protein database and take a sequence based functional annotation approach to identify the process, function and localisation of different response regulators as signalling partners in these networks. In summary, work presented in this thesis explores the dynamic and computational properties of different prokaryotic signalling networks and uses them to draw an insight into the biological significance of multidomain sensor kinases in living cells. The thesis concludes with a discussion on how this understanding of the dynamic and computational properties of prokaryotic signalling networks can be used to design synthetic circuits involving different proteins comprising two component and phosphorelay architectures.
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Análise transcriptômica de genes e LTR retrotransposons em arroz (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) em resposta à toxidez por ferro / Transcriptomic analysis of genes and LTR retrotransposons in rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) in response to iron toxicityFinatto, Taciane 27 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-27 / Iron toxicity in plants is associated with the presence of large concentrations of reduced iron (Fe2+) in the soil solution, which occurs in flooded soils and affects rice plants grown under this condition. Symptoms of iron toxicity involve oxidative stress in leaves, as a response to excessive Fe2+ absorption by the roots. The responses of plants to stress conditions include stimulus perception, signal transduction and gene transcription activation. Besides gene expression, LTR (Long Terminal Repeat) retrotransposons represent ca. 22% of the rice genome, they can be transcriptionally activated under stress, and they can alter the expression of adjacent genes (e.g. due to alterations in chromatin structure). This study aimed to identify differentially expressed genes and LTR retrotransposons in leaves of 18-day-old rice seedlings (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica cv. Nipponbare) after four days of iron excess exposure. They were identified a differential expression of genes and LTR retrotransposons in rice exposed to iron excess using a microarray approach. Total RNA was extracted from leaves of 18-day-old rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L. ssp japonica cv. Nipponbare) after four days of cultivation in nutrient solution with iron excess (7 mM of FeSO47H2O) and in a control solution. The hybridization was performed with cDNA and rice transposome array v. 2.0 microarray (Roche/NimbleGen technology, an improvement of v.1.0, Picault et al., 2009). Data from gene expression was analyzed by the Bayesian t-test with BH adjustment method. Gene annotation, gene ontology, and LTR retrotransposon identification were performed at RAP-DB (Rice Annotation Project Database, build 5), and microarray results were validated by RT-qPCR. Considering log2 FC (log2-fold-change) ≤ -1 as underexpression and ≥ 1 as overexpression (p-values ≤ 0.05), 44 down-regulated and 1,572 up-regulated genes with described function were identified. Down-regulated genes were related to a wide range of functions and no gene family could be highlighted. Among the up-regulated genes, 166 were transcription factors, the most representative belonging to the Zinc finger RING/FYVE/PHD-type family (22) and WRKY family (19); other genes were from the kinase family, participating in biological processes of protein amino acid phosphorylation (86); had molecular function of iron ion binding (56); were involved in response to oxidative stress (scavenging of reactive oxygen species) (26); had molecular function of transport activity (84), including four genes related to heavy metal transport/detoxification and four genes of the multi antimicrobial extrusion protein MATE family; and were involved in the biological process of apoptosis (14), including 10 genes of NB-ARC. Among the up-regulated genes, 435 present at least one cis-regulatory element responsive to abscisic acid (ABA) with significant occurrence (P≤0.05) in its promoter region (1 kbp upstream of the transcription start site). These data indicate that about 28% of the up-regulated genes can be regulated by changing in the ABA content in leaves in response to iron excess. Regarding expression of LTR retrotransposons, 302 were down-regulated (53 Ty1/Copia, 172 Ty3/Gypsy and 77 unclassified), and 4342 up-regulated (466 Ty1/Copia, 2276 Ty3/Gypsy and 1600 unclassified). They were observed a large activity of LTR retrotransposons in response to iron toxicity, and furthermore, they were verified that LTR retrotransposons transcription can extend to 5' and 3' flanking regions. In addition, 16 situations that should up-regulated LTR retrotransposons are located at a very short distance (smaller than 1000 base pairs) in the same chromosome of up-regulated genes suggesting co-transcription, these occurrences are represented by eight where the LTR retrotransposon and the gene have the same sense of transcription (plus); five occurrences with the both with the same sense of transcription (minus) and one occurrence where they have opposite senses. Additionally, two occurrences that in which both, DNA sequences of up-regulated retrotransposon and gene, are overlapped and have the same sense of transcription. / A toxidez por ferro em plantas está associada com a presença de grandes concentrações de ferro (Fe) reduzido (Fe2+) na solução do solo, esta condição pode ocorrer em solos irrigados por inundação. Os sintomas de toxidez por ferro incluem estresse oxidativo nas folhas como resultado do excesso de Fe2+ absorvido pelas raízes, resultando em perdas na produtividade. As respostas das plantas às condições de estresse envolvem a percepção dos estímulos, transdução de sinais e ativação da transcrição gênica. Além da expressão gênica, os LTR retrotransposons (Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposons) que respresentam cerca de 20% do genoma do arroz, podem ser transcricionalmente ativados em condições de estresse e desta forma, influenciar a expressão de genes adjacentes (por exemplo devido a alterações na estrutura da cromatina). Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar genes e LTR retrotransposons diferencialmente expressos em plântulas de arroz (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica cv. Nipponbare), após quatro dias de exposição ao excesso de ferro em solução nutritiva. A expressão diferencial de genes e LTR retrotransposons foi analisada utilizando a técnica de microarranjo e sua validação foi realizada por meio de RT-qPCR. O RNA total foi extraído de folhas de plântulas de arroz cv. Nipponbare, após quatro dias de cultivo em solução nutritiva adicionada de ferro na concentração de 7 mM (FeSO47H2O) (presença de toxidez) e a condição controle com presença de ferro na concentração de 10 μM. O cDNA fita dupla foi sintetitizado a partir do RNA mensageiro. A hibridização foi realizada entre o cDNA das duas condições em triplicatas biológicas e o microarranjo Rice Transposome Array v. 2.0 (Roche/NimbleGen technology, an improvement of v.1.0, Picault et al., 2009). Os valores de intensidade de cada spot foram normalizados, transformados e comparados pelo teste T Bayesiano. A identificação dos genes e LTR retrotransposons foi realizada de acordo com o banco de dados RAP-DB (Rice Annotation Project Database, build 5). Considerando log2 FC (log2-fold-change) ≤ -1 como subexpressão e ≥ 1 como superexpressão e P≤ 0.05 para ambas condições. Foram identificados 44 genes subexpressos e 1.572 superexpressos com funções descritas. Os genes subexpressos desempenham a uma vasta gama de funções. Entre elas destacam-se: 166 genes que são fatores de transcrição, sendo que os mais representativos pertencem à família Zinc finger RING/FYVE/PHD-type family (22 genes) e WRKY (19 genes); outros genes da família das cinases que participam também da sinalização celular em processos biológicos de fosforilação de aminoácidos nas proteínas (86 genes); outros genes com função molecular de ligação ao íon ferro (56 genes); 26 genes envolvidos na resposta ao estresse oxidativo (scavengers de espécies reativas de oxigênio); 84 genes com função molecular de transporte, incluindo quatro genes relacionados ao transporte e detoxificação de metais pesados e quatro genes da família MATE; 14 genes envolvidos em apoptose, incluindo 10 genes NB-ARC. Entre os genes superexpressos, 435 apresentam pelo menos um elemento regulatório de ação cis responsivo ao ácido abscisico (ABA) com ocorrência significativa (P≤0,05) em sua região promotora (1 kbp a montante do sítio de início da transcrição). Estes dados indicam que cerca de 28% dos genes superexpressos podem ser regulados pelas alterações no conteúdo de ABA nas folhas, em resposta ao estresse por excesso de ferro. Considerando a expressão do LTR retrotransposons, 302 apresentaram subexpressão (53 Ty1/Copia, 172 Ty3/Gypsy e 77 não classificados), e 4.342 apresentaram superexpressão (466 Ty1/Copia, 2276 Ty3/Gypsy e 1600 não classificados). Foi constatada grande atividade transcricional dos LTR retrotransposons em resposta à toxidez por ferro, sendo que a transcrição dos LTR retrotransposons pode se estender às suas regiões flanqueadoras 5 e 3 , além disso foram encontradas 16 ocorrencias em que o LTR retrotransposon e o gene superexpresso estão localizados a uma distância menor do que 1000 pares de bases no mesmo cromossomo, sugerindo co-transcrição entre ambos. Entre as 16 ocorrências, oito em que o LTR retrotransposon e o gene apresentam o mesmo sentido de transcrição (plus); cinco ocorrências com mesmo sentido de transcrição (minus) e uma ocorrência onde LTR retrotrotransposon e gene apresentam sentidos de transcrição opostos. Foram observadas ainda, duas ocorrências em que as sequencias de DNA do LTR retrotransposon e do gene superexpressos estão sobrepostas, e apresentam o mesmo sentido de transcrição.
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Análise transcriptômica de genes e LTR retrotransposons em arroz (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) em resposta à toxidez por ferro / Transcriptomic analysis of genes and LTR retrotransposons in rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) in response to iron toxicityFinatto, Taciane 27 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-27 / Iron toxicity in plants is associated with the presence of large concentrations of reduced iron (Fe2+) in the soil solution, which occurs in flooded soils and affects rice plants grown under this condition. Symptoms of iron toxicity involve oxidative stress in leaves, as a response to excessive Fe2+ absorption by the roots. The responses of plants to stress conditions include stimulus perception, signal transduction and gene transcription activation. Besides gene expression, LTR (Long Terminal Repeat) retrotransposons represent ca. 22% of the rice genome, they can be transcriptionally activated under stress, and they can alter the expression of adjacent genes (e.g. due to alterations in chromatin structure). This study aimed to identify differentially expressed genes and LTR retrotransposons in leaves of 18-day-old rice seedlings (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica cv. Nipponbare) after four days of iron excess exposure. They were identified a differential expression of genes and LTR retrotransposons in rice exposed to iron excess using a microarray approach. Total RNA was extracted from leaves of 18-day-old rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L. ssp japonica cv. Nipponbare) after four days of cultivation in nutrient solution with iron excess (7 mM of FeSO47H2O) and in a control solution. The hybridization was performed with cDNA and rice transposome array v. 2.0 microarray (Roche/NimbleGen technology, an improvement of v.1.0, Picault et al., 2009). Data from gene expression was analyzed by the Bayesian t-test with BH adjustment method. Gene annotation, gene ontology, and LTR retrotransposon identification were performed at RAP-DB (Rice Annotation Project Database, build 5), and microarray results were validated by RT-qPCR. Considering log2 FC (log2-fold-change) ≤ -1 as underexpression and ≥ 1 as overexpression (p-values ≤ 0.05), 44 down-regulated and 1,572 up-regulated genes with described function were identified. Down-regulated genes were related to a wide range of functions and no gene family could be highlighted. Among the up-regulated genes, 166 were transcription factors, the most representative belonging to the Zinc finger RING/FYVE/PHD-type family (22) and WRKY family (19); other genes were from the kinase family, participating in biological processes of protein amino acid phosphorylation (86); had molecular function of iron ion binding (56); were involved in response to oxidative stress (scavenging of reactive oxygen species) (26); had molecular function of transport activity (84), including four genes related to heavy metal transport/detoxification and four genes of the multi antimicrobial extrusion protein MATE family; and were involved in the biological process of apoptosis (14), including 10 genes of NB-ARC. Among the up-regulated genes, 435 present at least one cis-regulatory element responsive to abscisic acid (ABA) with significant occurrence (P≤0.05) in its promoter region (1 kbp upstream of the transcription start site). These data indicate that about 28% of the up-regulated genes can be regulated by changing in the ABA content in leaves in response to iron excess. Regarding expression of LTR retrotransposons, 302 were down-regulated (53 Ty1/Copia, 172 Ty3/Gypsy and 77 unclassified), and 4342 up-regulated (466 Ty1/Copia, 2276 Ty3/Gypsy and 1600 unclassified). They were observed a large activity of LTR retrotransposons in response to iron toxicity, and furthermore, they were verified that LTR retrotransposons transcription can extend to 5' and 3' flanking regions. In addition, 16 situations that should up-regulated LTR retrotransposons are located at a very short distance (smaller than 1000 base pairs) in the same chromosome of up-regulated genes suggesting co-transcription, these occurrences are represented by eight where the LTR retrotransposon and the gene have the same sense of transcription (plus); five occurrences with the both with the same sense of transcription (minus) and one occurrence where they have opposite senses. Additionally, two occurrences that in which both, DNA sequences of up-regulated retrotransposon and gene, are overlapped and have the same sense of transcription. / A toxidez por ferro em plantas está associada com a presença de grandes concentrações de ferro (Fe) reduzido (Fe2+) na solução do solo, esta condição pode ocorrer em solos irrigados por inundação. Os sintomas de toxidez por ferro incluem estresse oxidativo nas folhas como resultado do excesso de Fe2+ absorvido pelas raízes, resultando em perdas na produtividade. As respostas das plantas às condições de estresse envolvem a percepção dos estímulos, transdução de sinais e ativação da transcrição gênica. Além da expressão gênica, os LTR retrotransposons (Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposons) que respresentam cerca de 20% do genoma do arroz, podem ser transcricionalmente ativados em condições de estresse e desta forma, influenciar a expressão de genes adjacentes (por exemplo devido a alterações na estrutura da cromatina). Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar genes e LTR retrotransposons diferencialmente expressos em plântulas de arroz (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica cv. Nipponbare), após quatro dias de exposição ao excesso de ferro em solução nutritiva. A expressão diferencial de genes e LTR retrotransposons foi analisada utilizando a técnica de microarranjo e sua validação foi realizada por meio de RT-qPCR. O RNA total foi extraído de folhas de plântulas de arroz cv. Nipponbare, após quatro dias de cultivo em solução nutritiva adicionada de ferro na concentração de 7 mM (FeSO47H2O) (presença de toxidez) e a condição controle com presença de ferro na concentração de 10 μM. O cDNA fita dupla foi sintetitizado a partir do RNA mensageiro. A hibridização foi realizada entre o cDNA das duas condições em triplicatas biológicas e o microarranjo Rice Transposome Array v. 2.0 (Roche/NimbleGen technology, an improvement of v.1.0, Picault et al., 2009). Os valores de intensidade de cada spot foram normalizados, transformados e comparados pelo teste T Bayesiano. A identificação dos genes e LTR retrotransposons foi realizada de acordo com o banco de dados RAP-DB (Rice Annotation Project Database, build 5). Considerando log2 FC (log2-fold-change) ≤ -1 como subexpressão e ≥ 1 como superexpressão e P≤ 0.05 para ambas condições. Foram identificados 44 genes subexpressos e 1.572 superexpressos com funções descritas. Os genes subexpressos desempenham a uma vasta gama de funções. Entre elas destacam-se: 166 genes que são fatores de transcrição, sendo que os mais representativos pertencem à família Zinc finger RING/FYVE/PHD-type family (22 genes) e WRKY (19 genes); outros genes da família das cinases que participam também da sinalização celular em processos biológicos de fosforilação de aminoácidos nas proteínas (86 genes); outros genes com função molecular de ligação ao íon ferro (56 genes); 26 genes envolvidos na resposta ao estresse oxidativo (scavengers de espécies reativas de oxigênio); 84 genes com função molecular de transporte, incluindo quatro genes relacionados ao transporte e detoxificação de metais pesados e quatro genes da família MATE; 14 genes envolvidos em apoptose, incluindo 10 genes NB-ARC. Entre os genes superexpressos, 435 apresentam pelo menos um elemento regulatório de ação cis responsivo ao ácido abscisico (ABA) com ocorrência significativa (P≤0,05) em sua região promotora (1 kbp a montante do sítio de início da transcrição). Estes dados indicam que cerca de 28% dos genes superexpressos podem ser regulados pelas alterações no conteúdo de ABA nas folhas, em resposta ao estresse por excesso de ferro. Considerando a expressão do LTR retrotransposons, 302 apresentaram subexpressão (53 Ty1/Copia, 172 Ty3/Gypsy e 77 não classificados), e 4.342 apresentaram superexpressão (466 Ty1/Copia, 2276 Ty3/Gypsy e 1600 não classificados). Foi constatada grande atividade transcricional dos LTR retrotransposons em resposta à toxidez por ferro, sendo que a transcrição dos LTR retrotransposons pode se estender às suas regiões flanqueadoras 5 e 3 , além disso foram encontradas 16 ocorrencias em que o LTR retrotransposon e o gene superexpresso estão localizados a uma distância menor do que 1000 pares de bases no mesmo cromossomo, sugerindo co-transcrição entre ambos. Entre as 16 ocorrências, oito em que o LTR retrotransposon e o gene apresentam o mesmo sentido de transcrição (plus); cinco ocorrências com mesmo sentido de transcrição (minus) e uma ocorrência onde LTR retrotrotransposon e gene apresentam sentidos de transcrição opostos. Foram observadas ainda, duas ocorrências em que as sequencias de DNA do LTR retrotransposon e do gene superexpressos estão sobrepostas, e apresentam o mesmo sentido de transcrição.estresse oxidativo (scavengers de espécies reativas de oxigênio); 84 genes com função molecular de transporte, incluindo quatro genes relacionados ao transporte e detoxificação de metais pesados e quatro genes da família MATE; 14 genes envolvidos em apoptose, incluindo 10 genes NB-ARC. Entre os genes superexpressos, 435 apresentam pelo menos um elemento regulatório de ação cis responsivo ao ácido abscisico (ABA) com ocorrência significativa (P≤0,05) em sua região promotora (1 kbp a montante do sítio de início da transcrição). Estes dados indicam que cerca de 28% dos genes superexpressos podem ser regulados pelas alterações no conteúdo de ABA nas folhas, em resposta ao estresse por excesso de ferro. Considerando a expressão do LTR retrotransposons, 302 apresentaram subexpressão (53 Ty1/Copia, 172 Ty3/Gypsy e 77 não classificados), e 4.342 apresentaram superexpressão (466 Ty1/Copia, 2276 Ty3/Gypsy e 1600 não classificados). Foi constatada grande atividade transcricional dos LTR retrotransposons em resposta à toxidez por ferro, sendo que a transcrição dos LTR retrotransposons pode se estender às suas regiões flanqueadoras 5 e 3 , além disso foram encontradas 16 ocorrencias em que o LTR retrotransposon e o gene superexpresso estão localizados a uma distância menor do que 1000 pares de bases no mesmo cromossomo, sugerindo co-transcrição entre ambos. Entre as 16 ocorrências, oito em que o LTR retrotransposon e o gene apresentam o mesmo sentido de transcrição (plus); cinco ocorrências com mesmo sentido de transcrição (minus) e uma ocorrência onde LTR retrotrotransposon e gene apresentam sentidos de transcrição opostos. Foram observadas ainda, duas ocorrências em que as sequencias de DNA do LTR retrotransposon e do gene superexpressos estão sobrepostas, e apresentam o mesmo sentido de transcrição.
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A Model-Based Analysis of Culture-Dependent Phenotypes of mESCsHerberg, Maria, Kalkan, Tüzer, Glauche, Ingmar, Smith, Austin, Roeder, Ingo 11 July 2014 (has links)
Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) can be maintained in a proliferative and undifferentiated state over many passages (self-renewal) while retaining the potential to give rise to every cell type of the organism (pluripotency). Autocrine FGF4/Erk signalling has been identified as a major stimulus for fate decisions and lineage commitment in these cells. Recent findings on serum-free culture conditions with specific inhibitors (known as 2i) demonstrate that the inhibition of this pathway reduces transcription factor heterogeneity and is vital to maintain ground state pluripotency of mESCs. We suggest a novel mathematical model to explicitly integrate FGF4/Erk signalling into an interaction network of key pluripotency factors (namely Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Rex1). The envisaged model allows to explore whether and how proposed mechanisms and feedback regulations can account for different expression patterns in mESC cultures. We demonstrate that an FGF4/Erk-mediated negative feedback is sufficient to induce molecular heterogeneity with respect to Nanog and Rex1 expression and thus critically regulates the propensity for differentiation and the loss of pluripotency. Furthermore, we compare simulation results on the transcription factor dynamics in different self-renewing states and during differentiation with experimental data on a Rex1GFPd2 reporter cell line using flow cytometry and qRT-PCR measurements. Concluding from our results we argue that interaction between FGF4/Erk signalling and Nanog expression qualifies as a key mechanism to manipulate mESC pluripotency. In particular, we infer that ground state pluripotency under 2i is achieved by shifting stable expression pattern of Nanog from a bistable into a monostable regulation impeding stochastic state transitions. Furthermore, we derive testable predictions on altering the degree of Nanog heterogeneity and on the frequency of state transitions in LIF/serum conditions to challenge our model assumptions.
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