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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimierung in normierten Räumen

Mehlitz, Patrick 10 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit abstrahiert bekannte Konzepte der endlichdimensionalen Optimierung im Hinblick auf deren Anwendung in Banachräumen. Hierfür werden zunächst grundlegende Elemente der Funktionalanalysis wie schwache Konvergenz, Dualräume und Reflexivität vorgestellt. Anschließend erfolgt eine kurze Einführung in die Thematik der Fréchet-Differenzierbarkeit und eine Abstraktion des Begriffs der partiellen Ordnungsrelation in normierten Räumen. Nach der Formulierung eines allgemeinen Existenzsatzes für globale Optimallösungen von abstrakten Optimierungsaufgaben werden notwendige Optimalitätsbedingungen vom Karush-Kuhn-Tucker-Typ hergeleitet. Abschließend wird eine hinreichende Optimalitätsbedingung vom Karush-Kuhn-Tucker-Typ unter verallgemeinerten Konvexitätsvoraussetzungen verifiziert.


Lemerle, Pierre 28 September 1994 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette étude, nous avons développé des stratégies d'optimisation adaptées au problème de la discrétion acoustique des navires. Nous rappelons dans un premier temps les critères imposés par la discrétion acoustique et les principes d'atténuation qui permettent de garantir leur application dans la pratique. Ces critères s'expriment en termes de flexibilité et transmissibilité dynamiques et concernent une large gamme fréquentielle. Nous montrons comment améliorer le comportement dynamique des structures, relativement aux critères précités : nous avons conçu deux méthodes qui permettent de dimensionner des absorbeurs dynamiques, à partir des données expérimentales. Nous développons ensuite une méthode d'optimisation de structures. L'objectif est alors de minimiser la masse de la structure avec des contraintes en flexibilités ponctuelles et transmissibilités. L'originalité de la méthode repose sur deux points : l'approche modale, en utilisant la notion de paramètres effectifs et la construction d'un algorithme fondé sur la condition d'optimalité de KUhn-Tucker. Enfin, nous montrons comment étendre cette démarche à l'optimisation de structures composites (monocouches et sandwich), en prenant en compte l'amortissement par ajout de matériaux viscoélastiques dans une formulation en modes complexes. Tout au long de cette étude, de nombreux résultats numériques sont présentés pour illustrer les diverses stratégies d'optimisation.

Optimalizační modely pro energetické využití odpadu / Optimization Models for Waste-to-Energy Problems

Hošek, Jaromír January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to create a sequence of mathematical optimization models with different levels of complexity for the efficient management and waste energy utilization. Stochastic programming approach was utilized to deal with random demand and uncertain heating values. Hence, more applicable model of the waste-to-energy plant has been developed. As the next step, the model is enhanced by heating plant extension. Computations are realized for real-world data and optimal solution is found by using GAMS implementation.

Sattelpunkte und Optimalitätsbedingungen bei restringierten Optimierungsproblemen

Grunert, Sandro 10 June 2009 (has links)
Sattelpunkte und Optimalitätsbedingungen bei restringierten Optimierungsproblemen Ausarbeitung im Rahmen des Seminars "Optimierung", WS 2008/2009 Die Dualitätstheorie für restringierte Optimierungsaufgaben findet in der Spieltheorie und in der Ökonomik eine interessante Anwendung. Mit Hilfe von Sattelpunkteigenschaften werden diverse Interpretationsmöglichkeiten der Lagrange-Dualität vorgestellt. Anschließend gilt das Augenmerk den Optimalitätsbedingungen solcher Probleme. Grundlage für die Ausarbeitung ist das Buch "Convex Optimization" von Stephen Boyd und Lieven Vandenberghe.

Heber J. Grant: A Study of Gospel-Oriented Family Relatonships

Pommerening, Robert Richard 01 December 2018 (has links)
Heber J. Grant: A Study of Gospel-Oriented Family RelationshipsRobert Richard Pommerening IIIDepartment of Religious Education, BYUMaster of ArtsUnder the direction of President Gordon B. Hinckley, the fifteenth president of TheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Church released the document, The Family: AProclamation to the World. The Proclamation outlines core values of family life, which ifconsistently practiced can lead to successful family relationships. Through a study of hispersonal journals, letters, and recorded anecdotes from his life, these values can be identified inHeber J. Grants life. As one studies the Proclamation alongside President Grant (particularly theinteractions he had with his mother, wives and children), a portrayal of the man came into focusthat has not been previously scrutinized through scholarly work, Heber J. Grant as a family man.Chapter one begins with the special relationship Heber shared with his mother Rachel. Itoutlines some of the trials and successes they faced together. As Heber grew into manhood,chapter two focuses on his plural marriage relationships during era of the Edmunds-Tucker act. Itexplains some of the challenges the Grant family faced as they lived in a plural marriage during atime when plural marriages were deemed illegal. Chapter three highlights Heber as a care takerfor his aging mother, wives Lucy Stringham, Emily Wells, and numerous sick children. Thepractices of President Grant in the home, including holding Family Home Evening are exploredin chapter four. Chapter five emphasizes President Grants example of personal righteousnesswithin his familial relationships. The leisurely activities of the Grant family are emphasized inchapter six as Heber shared family vacations, cultural events, golf games, and even honeymoonswith his immediate and extended family. Chapter seven details the generosity of President Grantand his desire to share of his material wealth with family members, friends, and strangers. Theteachings of President Grant on the doctrine of the family as taught to the Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints are presented in chapter eight. The final chapter concludes with the agingPresident nearing death and how his legacy of love and family devotion continued through hisliving relatives. This thesis provides research into how President Grant implemented principles of theFamily Proclamation in his own home. This research can serve as a model for members of TheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints desiring to strengthen their relationships and unitywithin the family.

“The Key to All Reform”: Mormon Women, Religious Identity, and Suffrage, 1887-1920

Geis, Amy Lynn January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Statistical approaches for natural language modelling and monotone statistical machine translation

Andrés Ferrer, Jesús 11 February 2010 (has links)
Esta tesis reune algunas contribuciones al reconocimiento de formas estadístico y, más especícamente, a varias tareas del procesamiento del lenguaje natural. Varias técnicas estadísticas bien conocidas se revisan en esta tesis, a saber: estimación paramétrica, diseño de la función de pérdida y modelado estadístico. Estas técnicas se aplican a varias tareas del procesamiento del lenguajes natural tales como clasicación de documentos, modelado del lenguaje natural y traducción automática estadística. En relación con la estimación paramétrica, abordamos el problema del suavizado proponiendo una nueva técnica de estimación por máxima verosimilitud con dominio restringido (CDMLEa ). La técnica CDMLE evita la necesidad de la etapa de suavizado que propicia la pérdida de las propiedades del estimador máximo verosímil. Esta técnica se aplica a clasicación de documentos mediante el clasificador Naive Bayes. Más tarde, la técnica CDMLE se extiende a la estimación por máxima verosimilitud por leaving-one-out aplicandola al suavizado de modelos de lenguaje. Los resultados obtenidos en varias tareas de modelado del lenguaje natural, muestran una mejora en términos de perplejidad. En a la función de pérdida, se estudia cuidadosamente el diseño de funciones de pérdida diferentes a la 0-1. El estudio se centra en aquellas funciones de pérdida que reteniendo una complejidad de decodificación similar a la función 0-1, proporcionan una mayor flexibilidad. Analizamos y presentamos varias funciones de pérdida en varias tareas de traducción automática y con varios modelos de traducción. También, analizamos algunas reglas de traducción que destacan por causas prácticas tales como la regla de traducción directa; y, así mismo, profundizamos en la comprensión de los modelos log-lineares, que son de hecho, casos particulares de funciones de pérdida. Finalmente, se proponen varios modelos de traducción monótonos basados en técnicas de modelado estadístico . / Andrés Ferrer, J. (2010). Statistical approaches for natural language modelling and monotone statistical machine translation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7109

Perspective vol. 37 no. 3 (Sep 2003)

Fernhout, Harry, Crapo, Ruthanne, Tucker, Ansley M. 30 September 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Romantic posthumous life writing : inter-stitching genres and forms of mourning and commemoration

Chiou, Tim Yi-Chang January 2012 (has links)
Contemporary scholarship has seen increasing interest in the study of elegy. The present work attempts to elevate and expand discussions of death and survival beyond the ambit of elegy to a more genre-inclusive and ethically sensitive survey of Romantic posthumous life writings. Combining an ethic of remembrance founded on mutual fulfilment and reciprocal care with the Romantic tendency to hybridise different genres of mourning and commemoration, the study re- conceives 'posthumous life' as the 'inexhaustible' product of endless collaboration between the dead, the dying and the living. This thesis looks to the philosophical meditations of Francis Bacon, John Locke and Emmanuel Levinas for an ethical framework of human protection, fulfilment and preservation. In an effort to locate the origin of posthumous life writing, the first chapter examines the philosophical context in which different genres and media of commemoration emerged in the eighteenth century. Accordingly, it will commence with a survey of Enlightenment attitudes toward posthumous sympathy and the threat of death. The second part of the chapter turns to the tangled histories of epitaph, biography, portraiture, sepulchre and elegy in the writings of Samuel Johnson, Henry Kett, Vicesimus Knox, William Godwin and William Wordsworth. The Romantic culture of mourning and commemoration inherits the intellectual and generic legacies of the Enlightenment. Hence, Chapter Two will try to uncover the complex generic and formal crossovers between epitaph, extempore, effusion, elegy and biography in Wordsworth's 'Extempore Effusion upon the Death of James Hogg' (1835-7) and his 'Epitaph' (1835-7) for Charles Lamb. However, the chapter also recognises the ethical repercussions of Wordsworth's inadequate, even mortifying, treatment of a fellow woman writer in his otherwise successful expression of ethical remembrance. To address the problem of gender in Romantic memorialisation, Chapter Three will take a close look at Letitia Elizabeth Landon' s reply to Wordsworth's incompetent defence of Felicia Hemans. Mediating the ambitions and anxieties of her subject, as well as her public image and private pain, 'Felicia Hemans' (1838) is an audacious composite of autograph, epitaph, elegy, corrective biography and visual portraiture. The two closing chapters respond to Thomas Carlyle's outspoken confidence in 'Portraits and Letters' as indispensable aids to biographies. Chapter Four identifies a tentative connection between the aesthetic of visual portraiture and the ethic of life writing. To demonstrate the convergence of both artistic and humane principles, this cross-media analysis will first evaluate Sir Joshua Reynolds's memoirs of his deceased friends. Then, it will compare Wordsworth's and Hemans's verse reflections on the commemorative power and limitation of iconography. The last chapter assesses the role of private correspondence in the continuation of familiar relation and reciprocal support. Landon's dramatic enactment of a 'feminine Robinson Crusoe' in her letters from Africa urges the unbroken offering of service and remembrance to a fallen friend through posthumous correspondence. The concluding section will consider the ethical implications for the belated memorials and services furnished by friends and colleagues in the wake of her death.

Perspective vol. 37 no. 3 (Sep 2003) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)

Fernhout, harry, Crapo, Ruthanne, Tucker, Ansley M. 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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