Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intuition""
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A Multilevel Analysis of Institutional Fiscal Autonomy and its Effect on Affordability, Operating Efficiency, and Minority Access at Public Colleges and UniversitiesGlass, Christine J. 01 January 2012 (has links)
In recent years, an unstable funding environment for state higher education systems has led to a trend of increasing institutional fiscal autonomy in exchange for reductions in appropriations. With the growing concern that reducing state oversight will result in increased tuition and spending levels, this study was designed to provide a clearer understanding of how fiscal autonomy at public institutions impacts measures important to the state public policy goals of affordability, operating efficiency, and access. To accommodate the diversity and hierarchical structure of public institutions, this study used multilevel modeling techniques to integrate complex, interrelated institution- and state-level data. Institution-level data were provided primarily by the Delta Cost Project and State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO) in the analysis of 395 public four-year institutions across sectors in 43 states. The three dependent variables measured changes in tuition revenue net of institutional grants, education and general spending, and minority student enrollment for academic years ending 2003 through 2009. In addition to other institution- and state-level characteristics and performance measures, explanatory variables included three regulatory or political descriptors: institutional tuition-setting authority, resource control, and state governance structure. Prior to this study, there was little empirical evidence to either support or counter claims that reducing state oversight would lead to increases that could threaten access, particularly for students in low-income and minority populations. This analysis did find evidence of a relationship between tuition-setting authority and institutional outcomes, however, statistical significance varied by outcome measure as well as category of tuition-setting authority. There were also other important factors related to the outcomes including level of appropriations, extent of reliance on state funding, and regional compact affiliation. Although results were mixed, this effort serves as a starting point for future research to help inform state and institutional decision-makers as they search for ways to address funding gaps without sacrificing their public agenda.
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Association Between Tuition Discounting and Institutional Goals at the Largest Midwestern Private UniversitiesReinoehl, Jason Kent January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Har finmotorisk utveckling betydelse vid skrivundervisningen? : En studie om skrivundervisning och synen på finmotorik i åk 1-3 / Does fine motor development have any meaning to writing tuition? : A study about writing tuition and the view on fine motor skills in year 1-3Stenqvist, Sophie January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the teacher's approach to writing instruction and their view of fine motor development and fine motor difficulties for students in grades 1-3. By comparing a selection of teachers’ approaches to writing tuition and fine motor skills, with previous research it expects to gain a deeper understanding of the objective. In the study, qualitative semi-structured interviews and participant observation was used as a method. These interviews and observations were made with seven active Swedish teachers in grades 1-3. This gives an insight into teachers' views on fine motor skills and education, as well as how they see the adjustment of the writing instruction to students with fine motor difficulties. The results show that most of the teachers who participated in the study linked fine motor difficulties to the way students holding a pencil, as well as how they shape the letters. Most of the teachers say that they don´t practice fine motor exercises in the classroom, although the results shows that often it is done unconsciously. The first letter of the learning takes place mostly from a formal perspective. In most cases, when the first letter of the learning process is complete, the writing instruction, to some extent, starts from a functional perspective. / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie är att få en fördjupad förståelse för lärares förhållningssätt till skrivundervisning och deras syn på finmotorisk utveckling och finmotoriska svårigheter hos elever i årskurs 1-3. Genom att jämföra ett urval lärares förhållningssätt till skrivundervisning och finmotorik samt att jämföra detta med tidigare forskning förväntas en fördjupad förståelse för syftet att införskaffas. I studien har kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och deltagande observationer använts som metod. Dessa intervjuer samt observationer har skett med sju verksamma svensklärare i årskurs 1-3. Detta ger en inblick i lärarnas syn på finmotorik och skrivundervisning samt hur de ser på anpassning av skrivundervisning till elever med finmotoriska svårigheter. Resultatet visar att de flesta lärare som medverkat i studien kopplar finmotoriska svårigheter till hur eleverna håller i en penna och hur de formar bokstäver. Några uttalade finmotoriska övningar sker inte i klassrummet, ändå sker dessa övningar många gånger, men då omedvetet. Den första bokstavsinlärningen visar sig till största del ske utifrån ett formellt perspektiv. När den första bokstavsinlärningen är färdig så övergår skrivundervisningen, i de flesta fall, även med utgångspunkt ur ett funktionellt perspektiv.
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Determinanten der Einstellung zu Studienbeiträgen – Ergebnisse von Online-Umfragen unter Studierenden / Determinants of the Attitude Towards Tuition Fees – Results of Online-SurveysHambauer, Verena 07 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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The Price Elasticity of the Demand for Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis / The Price Elasticity of the Demand for Higher Education: A Meta-AnalysisKiiashko, Olesia January 2016 (has links)
The main question of this study is whether the demand for higher education is relatively sensitive to tuition fee changes or is price inelastic. There is no definite answer in the literature. Approximately 52% of the estimates show it to be insignificant, 43% rate it as statistically negative, and approximately 5% are statistically positive. In a quantitative survey of 562 estimates reported in 48 studies, it has been found that large increases in tuition fees have a disproportionately negative impact on enrollment when potential publication bias and method heterogeneity are taken into account. The publication bias tests show that negative results are more preferable among researchers, because it is well supported by theory (when prices increase demand decreases). The results also suggest that four aspects of study design are especially effective in explaining the differences across primary studies: (1) the longer time period negatively associated with the price c of demand for higher education, (2) while the cross sectional estimations have reported more negative results, panel data estimations have reported fewer negative results, (3) controlling for endogeneity is crucial, (4) while controlling for unemployment rate has no clear conclusive impact, controlling for income is not significantly...
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Slav under halsen : en undersökning av gitarrens asymmetri- och matrisegenskap och hur lärare upplever att egenskaperna påverkar gitarrelevers taktila association mellan musikteori och praktikHedberg, Emil Oskar Emanuel January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur tre olika gitarrlärare upplever att gitarrens asymmetri- samt matrisegenskap kan påverka elevers förståelse för greppbrädan och musikteori. Syftet är också att undersöka hur lärarna relaterar musikteori till greppbrädan, hur de använder sig av olika mönster och visualiseringstekniker - så som CAGED-systemet, ett system som är baserat på de öppna ackorden C, A, G, E och D - och vilka verktyg de använder för att visa hur teoretiska kunskaper kan omsättas i praktiken. I den tidigare forskningen och gitarr-metodböckerna, som denna uppsats presenterar, avslöjas motsättningar om hur gitarrister bör visualisera mönster på greppbrädan, vad konsekvenserna är när tillförlitligheten till det motoriska minnet är för stort, om CAGED-systemet är bra eller dåligt för att visualisera ackord samt skalor över greppbrädan, hur mönster som t.ex. ackorddiagram ska användas etc. Gitarrlärarnas åsikter om uppsatsens ämne är erhållna via semi - strukturerade intervjuer. Lärarna har undervisat i elgitarr- samt akustisk gitarr på olika lärosäten som t.ex. kommunala musikskolan, studieförbund, gymnasium, högskola etc. Genom intervjuerna avslöjas det att ingen av de tre lärarna begrundar särskilt mycket över asymmetri- samt matrisegenskapen och hur egenskaperna möjligtvis kan påverka elevers förståelse för greppbrädan. Lärarnas musikteoriundervisning tar heller inte upp en stor del av deras lektionstimmar. Däremot bekräftar två av gitarrlärarna, samt den tidigare forskningen, att brukandet av mönster som t.ex. ackorddiagram, grepptabeller, CAGED-systemet m.m. uppmanar gitarrister att förlita sig, i alltför hög grad, på sitt motoriska minne. Detta kan undergräva gitarristers förståelse för greppbrädan. Gitarrlärare bör vara medvetna om detta problem för att deras elever skall kunna utvecklas som gitarrister och musiker. Kritik kan riktas mot några av de olika litterära texter som har använts i denna uppsats eftersom de inte har genomgått någon referentgranskning. Lärarnas expertis angående uppsatsens frågor kan kritiseras och varför lärarna valdes för denna studie kan därför ifrågasättas. Dock, när det gäller valet av informanterna, så finns det – som i all kvalitativ forskning – en fråga kring hur generella uppsatsens slutsatser är och därför, i framtiden kanske slumpmässiga val av informanter är nödvändiga. / The purpose of this essay is to investigate how three different guitar teachers think the asymmetry and matrix property of the guitar may affect students' understanding of the fretboard and ability to analyse music. The purpose is also to investigate how the teachers relate music theory to the fretboard, if they teach their students different visualisation techniques and patterns - like the CAGED system, a system which is based on the major chords C, A, G, E and D in the open position - and which tools they use to demonstrate how theoretical knowledge can be used in practice. In the previous studies and guitar method books, which this essay introduces, contradictions are revealed about how guitarists should learn, visualise, and play the instrument; what the consequences are when the dependence of the motor memory is too excessive; if the CAGED-system is good or bad for visualising chords and scales; how patterns like chord diagrams should be used etc. The guitar teachers' opinions about the issues, that this essay addresses, are obtained through semi - structured interviews. The teachers have taught guitar in different types of schools, such as municipal music school, adult school, high school, college etc. Through the interviews it is revealed that none of the three teachers contemplate very much on the asymmetry and matrix property, how the properties may affect students’ understanding of the fretboard, and the teachers’ music theory education doesn't take up a large part of their teaching hours. However, two of the guitar teachers, and the previous studies, confirm that the use of patterns exhorts guitarists to rely, to an excessive degree, on their motor memory. This may undermine guitar students’ understanding of the fretboard. Guitar teachers should be aware of this problem for their students to develop as guitarists and musicians. Criticism can be directed towards some of the various literary writings that have been used in the essay, because they have not been peer reviewed. The teachers’ expertness on this essay’s topic can be criticised and therefore, why the teachers were chosen for this study may also be questioned. However, with respect to the selection of the informants, there is – as in all qualitative research – a question of how general the essay’s conclusions are and in future research maybe a method of randomness in the selection of the informants should be used.
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Programovací jazyk Python a účelnosť jeho zaradenia do výučby / Programming language Python and its suitability of his assignment to the tuitionArendáč, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is concerned by programming language Python and its suitability of his assignment to the tuition. The work is divided into three dominant parts. The first part describes programming language Python, its elementary characteristics and features. The purpose is to introduce its properties to the reader so that he could estimate if there is point in the deeper concern. There are elements of object-oriented programming in description, too. The second part analyses programming language Python on the basis of ten criteria which are defined considering applicability of the language in preliminary courses of programming. The purpose is to review if the Python is appropriate in these courses. The third part considers the possibilities of the Python tuition at the University of Economics in Prague. The main contribution of the thesis is to give opinion on the fundamental description of the language, to define framework and to pass judgment on the potential chance of use in preliminary courses of programming.
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Investigating the value of a computer game as introduction to piano learning for developing sight-reading skills in beginner piano studentsMyburgh, Ilse 26 April 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M.Mus.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, School of Music, 2012 / This exploratory research project investigated the multifarious effects of incorporating computer music software in the form of a computer game into beginner piano lessons. The design and implementation of an animated computer game, designed by the researcher for the purpose of the study was used to assist young beginner pianists master the layout of the piano keyboard in relation to a score with basic music notation. A detailed description of the game is included. Contributing elements central to knowing, understanding and applying the layout of the piano keyboard when sight-reading were also investigated. A pilot study which formed the basis and point of departure for the study is discussed in detail; the findings of which conclude the report. The results of a case study conducted on two control and experiment groups aged three to six, which involved the use of the specially designed computer game to teach beginner piano students the keyboard layout and introductory notation in the form of an interactive story, is recorded. Through narrative enquiry, a series of interviews with world renowned pianists and piano teachers on the value and importance of sight-reading is expounded. The researcher’s personal reflections on the entire project as well as her own personal philosophy with regard to basic piano tuition, the continued enculturation and propagation of new beginners and sight-teaching are included
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Formação de doutores para a Saúde Coletiva: representações de orientadores / Academic training of doctors in Collective Health; representations of advisorsSarubbi Junior, Vicente 19 May 2017 (has links)
A orientação na pós-graduação é um espaço de fundamental importância para a introjeção de valores, estilos e cultura acadêmica, em que o doutorando está em processo de formação para ser docente que formará futuros professores e pesquisadores. Em sua particularidade, para a formação de doutores, a pós-graduação tem o compromisso de formar profissionais críticos e capacitados a exercerem com bom desempenho as atividades presentes na agenda acadêmica da docência, pesquisa e extensão. O docente, enquanto orientador, é o responsável pelo acolhimento e a tutoria teórica e prática em toda a trajetória de seu orientando. O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as representações de orientadores sobre suas vivências e atribuições sobre a orientação de doutorandos em programas de pós-graduação na área de Saúde Coletiva. O referencial adotado foi a Teoria das Representações Sociais em articulação com autores da Educação e da Saúde. O estudo abrangeu onze programas de pós-graduação com notas cinco, seis e sete (CAPES) da Área de Saúde Coletiva. Foram realizados sorteios com reposição e entrevistados quarenta e cinco docentes com o uso de um roteiro semiestruturado. As entrevistas foram gravadas e o conteúdo das falas foi transcrito na íntegra e submetido à análise temático-categorial com o suporte dos softwares NVIVO11 e IRAMUTEQ que gerou um quadro temático para análise das categorias e árvores máximas de similitude. Com a análise de conteúdo foi possível identificar 34 unidades de significação que formaram nove categorias temáticas distribuídas em três campos de discussão: vivências e atribuições de orientar doutorandos na Saúde Coletiva, contribuições da orientação para a formação de doutores e o compromisso de formar doutores para a Saúde Coletiva. Não houve diferenças ou dissonâncias significativas sobre os temas abordados sobre a orientação nos programas notas cinco, seis e sete (CAPES). Os orientadores se mostram sensibilizados ao relevante compromisso de formar doutores preparados para exercer as atividades de ensino e pesquisa voltadas ao desenvolvimento científico de um campo multiparadigmático e interdisciplinar, entretanto, não abordam com clareza quais são as estratégias pedagógicas que adotam para construir um caminho comum e de mutua vivência sobre os processos que envolvem a formação. As representações partilhadas pelos docentes salientam que a formação didática do professor é pouco privilegiada como cultura de formação acadêmica, ficando a cargo de cada orientador valorar ou não a sua importância. Não há partilhas, como procedimento de discussão e aprendizado entre os orientadores, sobre situações conflitantes e/ou bem-sucedidas no processo de orientar, visando instigar atitudes pedagógicas favoráveis e mais resolutivas à orientação. Mostra-se relevante a realização de novos estudos para o avanço de estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem que deem suporte ao processo de orientação na pós-graduação / Post-graduate tuition is a space of fundamental importance for the introjection of academic values, styles and cultures, in which the doctoral student is undergoing a process of training as a teacher who will prepare future teaching staff and researchers. Specifically for the training of doctors, the post-graduate course assumes the commitment of preparing professional personnel who are both critical and capable of exercising - on a high level - the activities on their academic agenda consisting of teaching, research and extension work. The teacher, qua advisor, is the one responsible for the reception accorded to the student and the tuition both theoretical and practical offered him throughout the course. This present study seeks to analyze the advisors representations of their students on their experiences and attributions on the guidance given to doctoral students in post-graduate programs in the field of Collective Health. The frame of reference adopted was the Theory of Social Representations together with authors in Education and Health. The study covered eleven post-graduate programs classified as representing, respectively, mark five, six and seven (CAPES) in the field of Collective Health. Draws with replacement were held and forty-five teachers were interviewed with the use of a semi-structured script. The interviews were recorded and the whole content of the conversations was transcribed and submitted to thematic-categorical analysis with the support of the software programs NVIVO11 and IRAMUTEQ which generated a thematic table for the analysis of the categories and the trees of maximum similarity. On the basis of the analysis of content it was possible to identify 34 units of significance which formed nine theme categories distributed in three areas of discussion: experiences and attributions necessary to guide doctoral students in Collective Health, contributions of tuition for the training of doctors, and the commitment to prepare doctors for Collective Health. There were no significant differences or conflicts regarding the themes addressed under the guidance of the class five, six and seven (CAPES) programs. The advisors showed themselves to be sensitive to the important commitment to train doctors prepared to exercise the activities of teaching and research addressed to scientific advance in a multiparadigmatic and interdisciplinary field, they do not, however, explain with clarity what the pedagogical strategies are which they would use to construct a common path, based on mutual experience, as to the processes which this preparation involves. The representations are little valued as a culture of academic training, it falling to the individual advisor to give importance or not to it. There is no sharing, as a process of discussion and learning among the advisors, about situations whether of conflict or success in the tuition process with a view to encouraging favorable pedagogical attitudes and which would assist in the tuition process. The undertaking of further studies would be useful for the development of teaching-learning strategies which would give support to the process of tuition in post-graduate courses
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Formação de doutores para a Saúde Coletiva: representações de orientadores / Academic training of doctors in Collective Health; representations of advisorsVicente Sarubbi Junior 19 May 2017 (has links)
A orientação na pós-graduação é um espaço de fundamental importância para a introjeção de valores, estilos e cultura acadêmica, em que o doutorando está em processo de formação para ser docente que formará futuros professores e pesquisadores. Em sua particularidade, para a formação de doutores, a pós-graduação tem o compromisso de formar profissionais críticos e capacitados a exercerem com bom desempenho as atividades presentes na agenda acadêmica da docência, pesquisa e extensão. O docente, enquanto orientador, é o responsável pelo acolhimento e a tutoria teórica e prática em toda a trajetória de seu orientando. O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as representações de orientadores sobre suas vivências e atribuições sobre a orientação de doutorandos em programas de pós-graduação na área de Saúde Coletiva. O referencial adotado foi a Teoria das Representações Sociais em articulação com autores da Educação e da Saúde. O estudo abrangeu onze programas de pós-graduação com notas cinco, seis e sete (CAPES) da Área de Saúde Coletiva. Foram realizados sorteios com reposição e entrevistados quarenta e cinco docentes com o uso de um roteiro semiestruturado. As entrevistas foram gravadas e o conteúdo das falas foi transcrito na íntegra e submetido à análise temático-categorial com o suporte dos softwares NVIVO11 e IRAMUTEQ que gerou um quadro temático para análise das categorias e árvores máximas de similitude. Com a análise de conteúdo foi possível identificar 34 unidades de significação que formaram nove categorias temáticas distribuídas em três campos de discussão: vivências e atribuições de orientar doutorandos na Saúde Coletiva, contribuições da orientação para a formação de doutores e o compromisso de formar doutores para a Saúde Coletiva. Não houve diferenças ou dissonâncias significativas sobre os temas abordados sobre a orientação nos programas notas cinco, seis e sete (CAPES). Os orientadores se mostram sensibilizados ao relevante compromisso de formar doutores preparados para exercer as atividades de ensino e pesquisa voltadas ao desenvolvimento científico de um campo multiparadigmático e interdisciplinar, entretanto, não abordam com clareza quais são as estratégias pedagógicas que adotam para construir um caminho comum e de mutua vivência sobre os processos que envolvem a formação. As representações partilhadas pelos docentes salientam que a formação didática do professor é pouco privilegiada como cultura de formação acadêmica, ficando a cargo de cada orientador valorar ou não a sua importância. Não há partilhas, como procedimento de discussão e aprendizado entre os orientadores, sobre situações conflitantes e/ou bem-sucedidas no processo de orientar, visando instigar atitudes pedagógicas favoráveis e mais resolutivas à orientação. Mostra-se relevante a realização de novos estudos para o avanço de estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem que deem suporte ao processo de orientação na pós-graduação / Post-graduate tuition is a space of fundamental importance for the introjection of academic values, styles and cultures, in which the doctoral student is undergoing a process of training as a teacher who will prepare future teaching staff and researchers. Specifically for the training of doctors, the post-graduate course assumes the commitment of preparing professional personnel who are both critical and capable of exercising - on a high level - the activities on their academic agenda consisting of teaching, research and extension work. The teacher, qua advisor, is the one responsible for the reception accorded to the student and the tuition both theoretical and practical offered him throughout the course. This present study seeks to analyze the advisors representations of their students on their experiences and attributions on the guidance given to doctoral students in post-graduate programs in the field of Collective Health. The frame of reference adopted was the Theory of Social Representations together with authors in Education and Health. The study covered eleven post-graduate programs classified as representing, respectively, mark five, six and seven (CAPES) in the field of Collective Health. Draws with replacement were held and forty-five teachers were interviewed with the use of a semi-structured script. The interviews were recorded and the whole content of the conversations was transcribed and submitted to thematic-categorical analysis with the support of the software programs NVIVO11 and IRAMUTEQ which generated a thematic table for the analysis of the categories and the trees of maximum similarity. On the basis of the analysis of content it was possible to identify 34 units of significance which formed nine theme categories distributed in three areas of discussion: experiences and attributions necessary to guide doctoral students in Collective Health, contributions of tuition for the training of doctors, and the commitment to prepare doctors for Collective Health. There were no significant differences or conflicts regarding the themes addressed under the guidance of the class five, six and seven (CAPES) programs. The advisors showed themselves to be sensitive to the important commitment to train doctors prepared to exercise the activities of teaching and research addressed to scientific advance in a multiparadigmatic and interdisciplinary field, they do not, however, explain with clarity what the pedagogical strategies are which they would use to construct a common path, based on mutual experience, as to the processes which this preparation involves. The representations are little valued as a culture of academic training, it falling to the individual advisor to give importance or not to it. There is no sharing, as a process of discussion and learning among the advisors, about situations whether of conflict or success in the tuition process with a view to encouraging favorable pedagogical attitudes and which would assist in the tuition process. The undertaking of further studies would be useful for the development of teaching-learning strategies which would give support to the process of tuition in post-graduate courses
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