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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eliminación de pesticidas organofosforados mediante fotoelectrocatálisis con fotoánodos de WO3

Roselló Márquez, Gemma 14 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente Tesis Doctoral tiene dos objetivos claramente diferenciados, siendo el primero de ellos la realización de un estudio de optimización de la síntesis de nanoestructuras de óxido de wolframio (WO3) mediante el uso de un diseño de experimentos, mientras que el segundo de ellos es el uso de estas nanoestructuras en la degradación fotoelectrocatalítica de 4 pesticidas organofosforados de diferentes subfamilias (diazinon, fosmet, clorfenvinfos y fenamifos). El uso del óxido de wolframio como fotocatalizador en el proceso fotoelectrocatalítico (FEC) despierta un gran interés, ya que se trata de un semiconductor con gran fotoestabilidad en electrolitos acuosos ácidos, excelente conductividad eléctrica, tiene la capacidad de absorber la parte azul del espectro visible además de la luz ultravioleta, y el borde superior de la banda de valencia es mayor que el potencial de oxidación de H2O/O2. Todo ello hace que el WO3 sea capaz de fotooxidar eficazmente una amplia gama de compuestos orgánicos. Las nanoestructuras estudiadas en la Tesis Doctoral se sintetizaron mediante anodizado electroquímico, ya que se trata de una técnica sencilla que permite un control de sus parámetros de manera fácil y efectiva, permitiendo obtener las nanoestructuras directamente sobre el propio sustrato metálico. Además, la necesidad de controlar y eliminar los contaminantes emergentes en el medio ambiente se ha vuelto cada vez más crucial durante las últimas décadas. Así, en esta Tesis se han degradado 4 pesticidas tóxicos y persistentes en el medioambiente mediante la técnica de fotoelectrocatálisis (FEC) utilizando las nanoestructuras de WO3. En esta técnica, los fenómenos electrolíticos y fotocatalíticos actúan juntos para mineralizar el contaminante orgánico. Además, la FEC está atrayendo la atención de los investigadores por su capacidad para degradar contaminantes orgánicos y transformarlos en compuestos inocuos con condiciones de trabajo no extremas. Por tanto, en el diseño de experimentos realizado en la Tesis Doctoral se modificaron 3 variables con tres niveles cada una, por tanto se escogió un diseño 33. Las variables que se modificaron fueron el electrolito utilizado durante el anodizado, la temperatura y atmosfera en el proceso de post-anodizado (tratamiento térmico), obteniendo de esta manera nanoestructuras con diferentes propiedades tanto estructurales como fotoelectroquímicas. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que las nanoestructuras que presentan mejores propiedades morfológicas y fotoelectroquímicas, y con una estructura cristalina más adecuada fueron las obtenidas con el ácido metanosulfónico (CH4O3S) como electrolito y calentadas en el proceso de post-anodizado a 600 ¿C y en atmósfera de aire. Con estas nanoestructuras optimizadas, se realizó el proceso de degradación de los 4 pesticidas seleccionados mediante fotoelectrocatálisis. En este proceso, se partió de una concentración inicial de 20 ppm en todos los pesticidas, haciéndose un seguimiento del pesticida mediante UV-Visible y cromatografía líquida de ultra alto rendimiento acoplada a la espectrometría de masas (UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF). Tras 24 horas de ensayo se consiguió degradar el diazinón hasta 2 ppm (consiguiendo un 90% de degradación), el clorfenvinfos se degradó hasta 1 ppm (consiguiendo un 95% de degradación) y el fosmet y fenamifos se degradaron al 100%. Para cada uno de los pesticidas se ha propuesto una ruta de degradación según los compuestos intermedios identificados mediante el UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF, dando como resultado final moléculas más pequeñas y más inocuas para los seres humanos y para el medioambiente. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral té dos objectius clarament diferenciats, sent el primer la realització d'un estudi d'optimització de la síntesi de nanoestructures d'òxid de wolframi (WO3) mitjançant l'ús d'un disseny d'experiments, mentre que el segon és l'ús d'aquestes nanoestructures en la degradació fotoelectrocatalítica de quatre pesticides organofosforats de diferents subfamílies (diazinon, fosmet, clorfenvinfòs i fenamifòs). L'ús de l'òxid de wolframi com a fotocatalitzador en el procés fotoelectrocatalític (FEC) desperta un gran interès, ja que es tracta d'un semiconductor amb gran fotoestabilitat en electròlits aquosos àcids; amb una excel·lent conductivitat elèctrica; té la capacitat d'absorbir la part blava de l'espectre visible, a més de la llum ultraviolada, i la vora superior de la banda de valència és major que el potencial d'oxidació d'H2O/O2. Tot això fa que el WO3 siga capaç de fotooxidar eficaçment una àmplia gamma de compostos orgànics. Les nanoestructures estudiades en la tesi doctoral es van sintetitzar mitjançant anodització electroquímica, ja que es tracta d'una tècnica senzilla que permet un control dels seus paràmetres de manera fàcil i efectiva, i permet obtenir les nanoestructures directament sobre el mateix substrat metàl·lic. A més, la necessitat de controlar i eliminar els contaminants emergents en el medi ambient s'ha tornat cada vegada més crucial durant les últimes dècades. Així, en aquesta tesi s'han degradat quatre pesticides tòxics i persistents en el medi ambient mitjançant la tècnica de la fotoelectrocatàlisi (FEC) utilitzant les nanoestructures de WO3. En aquesta tècnica, els fenòmens electrolítics i fotocatalítics actuen junts per a mineralitzar el contaminant orgànic. La FEC està atraient l'atenció del personal investigador per la seua capacitat per a degradar contaminants orgànics i transformar-los en compostos innocus amb condicions de treball no extremes. Per tant, en el disseny d'experiments realitzat en la tesi doctoral es van modificar tres variables amb tres nivells cadascuna, per tant, es va triar un disseny 33. Les variables que es van modificar van ser: l'electròlit utilitzat durant l'anodització, la temperatura i l'atmosfera en el procés de postanodització (tractament tèrmic), i es van obtenir d'aquesta manera nanoestructures amb diferents propietats, tant estructurals com fotoelectroquímiques. Els resultats obtinguts van mostrar que les nanoestructures que presenten millors propietats morfològiques i fotoelectroquímiques, i amb una estructura cristal·lina més adequada, van ser les obtingudes amb l'àcid metanosulfònic (CH4O3S) com a electròlit, i calfades en el procés de postanodització a 600 ¿C i en atmosfera d'aire. Amb aquestes nanoestructures optimitzades, es va realitzar el procés de degradació dels quatre pesticides seleccionats mitjançant fotoelectrocatàlisi. En aquest procés, es va partir d'una concentració inicial de 20 ppm en tots els pesticides, i es va fer un seguiment del pesticida mitjançant UV visible i cromatografia líquida d'ultraalt rendiment acoblada a l'espectrometria de masses (UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF). Després de 24 hores d'assaig, es va aconseguir degradar el diazinon fins a 2 ppm (es va assolir un 90% de degradació), el clorfenvinfòs es va degradar fins a 1 ppm (es va assolir un 95% de degradació) i el fosmet i el fenamifòs es van degradar al 100%. Per a cadascun dels pesticides s'ha proposat una ruta de degradació segons els compostos intermedis identificats mitjançant l'UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF, que dona com a resultat final molècules més xicotetes i més innòcues per als éssers humans i per al medi ambient. / [EN] This Doctoral Thesis has two clearly differentiated objectives. The first objective is to carry out an optimization study of the synthesis of tungsten oxide nanostructures (WO3) using a design of experiments. The second objective is to use of these nanostructures in the photoelectrocatalytic degradation of 4 organophosphate pesticides of different subfamilies (diazinon, phosmet, chlorfenvinphos and fenamiphos). The use of tungsten oxide as a photocatalyst in the photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) process arouses great interest, since it is a semiconductor with great photostability in acidic aqueous electrolytes, excellent electrical conductivity, it has the ability to absorb the blue part of the visible spectrum in addition to ultraviolet light, and the upper edge of the valence band is greater than the oxidation potential of H2O / O2. All this makes WO3 capable of efficiently photo-oxidizing a wide range of organic compounds. The nanostructures studied in the Doctoral Thesis were synthesized using electrochemical anodization, since it is a simple technique that permits the control their parameters easily and effectively, allowing the nanostructures to be obtained directly on the metal substrate itself. Furthermore, the need to control and eliminate emerging pollutants in the environment has become increasingly crucial over the past decades. Thus, in this Thesis, 4 toxic and persistent pesticides in the environment have been degraded by the photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) technique using the WO3 nanostructures. In this technique, the electrolytic and photocatalytic phenomena act together to mineralize the organic contaminant. PEC is attracting the attention of researchers for its ability to degrade organic pollutants and transform them into harmless compounds under non-extreme working conditions. Therefore, in the design of experiments carried out in the Doctoral Thesis, 3 variables were modified with three levels each one, therefore a 33 design was chosen. The variables that were modified were the electrolyte used during the anodization, the temperature and the atmosphere in the post-anodization process (annealing treatment), thus obtaining nanostructures with different structural and photoelectrochemical properties. The results obtained showed that the nanostructures with the best morphological and photoelectrochemical properties, and with adequate crystalline structure werethose obtained with methanesulfonic acid (CH4O3S) as electrolyte and annealed in the post-anodization process at 600 ¿C and in an air atmosphere. With these optimized nanostructures, the degradation process of the 4 selected pesticides was carried out by photoelectrocatalysis. This process started from an initial concentration of 20 ppm in all pesticides, using UV-Visible and Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrophotometry (UHPLCMS / Q-TOF) to monitoring the process. After 24 hours of experiment, the diazinon was degraded to 2 ppm (achieving 90% degradation), chlorfenvinphos was degraded to 1 ppm (achieving 95% degradation) and phosmet and fenamiphos were 100% degraded. For each of the pesticides, a degradation route has been proposed according to the intermediate compounds identified by UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF, resulting in smaller and more innocuous molecules for humans and the environment. / Agradezco a la Generalitat Valenciana y al Fondo Social Europeo por la ayuda predoctoral recibida para la realización de la presente Tesis Doctoral (ACIF 159- 2018) así como para la realización de una estancia predoctoral en la Universidad de Lisboa. También quiero agradecer al Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, por la concesión de los proyectos CTQ2016-79203-R (2016) y PID2019-105844RB-I00 (2019) en los cuales he podido participar durante la Tesis Doctoral. / Roselló Márquez, G. (2021). Eliminación de pesticidas organofosforados mediante fotoelectrocatálisis con fotoánodos de WO3 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/174712 / TESIS

Studium fyzikálně-chemických vlastností povrchově modifikovaného oxidu wolframu / Studium fyzikálně-chemických vlastností povrchově modifikovaného oxidu wolframu

Polášek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This work can be divided into two parts. In the first part, we examine possibilities of preparation of monocrystalline tungsten and tungsten oxide nanoclusters by means of magnetron sputtering with gas aggregation. Clusters are prepared in the non-reactive (Ar) and reactive (Ar + O2) atmosphere and heated after the deposition or during the flight by IR radiation. Influence of oxygen in the aggre- gation process was described and possibilities of generating crystalline tungsten and tungsten oxide clusters were found. In the second part, we study reactivity of tungsten oxide layers, pure and doped with rare metals (Pt, Au), deposited on the silicon wafer and etched carbon, towards partial methanol oxidation. Influence of carbon substrate and metal doppants on reactivity was found and described, along with mofrological and chemical changes that occurs in the sample during the proces. 1

Surface Chemistry Control of 2D Nanomaterial Morphologies, Optoelectronic Responses, and Physicochemical Properties

Lee, Jacob T. 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The field of two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials first began in earnest with the discovery of graphene in 2004 due to their unique shape-dependent optical, electronic, and mechanical properties. These properties arise due to their one-dimensional confinement and are further influenced by the elemental composition of the inorganic crystal lattice. There has been an intense focus on developing new compositions of 2D nanomaterials to take advantage of their intrinsic beneficial properties in a variety of applications including catalysis, energy storage and harvesting, sensing, and polymer nanocomposites. However, compared to the field of bulk materials, the influence of surface chemistry on 2D nanomaterials is still underdeveloped. 2D nanomaterials are considered an “all-surface” atomic structure with heights of a single to few layers of atoms. The synthetic methods used to produce 2D materials include bottom-up colloidal methods and top-down exfoliation related techniques. Both cases result in poorly controlled surface chemistry with many undercoordinated surface atoms and/or undesirable molecules bound to the surface. Considering the importance surfaces play in most applications (i.e., catalysis and polymer processing) it is imperative to better understand how to manipulate the surface of 2D nanomaterials to unlock their full technological potential. Through a focus of the ligand-surface atom bonding in addition to the overall ligand structure we highlight the ability to direct morphological outcomes in lead free halide perovskites, maximize optoelectronic responses in substoichiometric tungsten oxide, and alter physicochemical properties titanium carbide MXenes. The careful control of precursor materials including poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) surface ligands during the synthesis of bismuth halide perovskites resulted in the formation of 2D quasi-Ruddlesden-Popper phase nanomaterials. Through small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and in conjunction with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) we were able to conclude that an in-situ formation of an amino functional group on our PEG-amine ligand was inserted into the perovskite crystal lattice enabling 2D morphology formation. Additionally, through UV-vis absorption and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopies we were able to develop a complete electronic band structure of materials containing varying halides (i.e., Cl, Br, and I). Furthermore, through the increased solubility profile of the PEG ligands we observed solvent controlled assemblies of varying mesostructures. We developed an ex-situ ligand treatment to manipulate the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) response of anion vacancy doped tungsten oxide (WO3-x) nanoplatelets (NPLs). Upon ligand treatment to alter the surface passivating ligand from carboxylic acid containing myristic acid (MA) to tetradecylphosphonic acid (TDPA) we observed a >100 nm blue shift in the LSPR response. Using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopies in conjunction with DFT calculated Raman spectra we were able to conclude this shift was due to the formation of tridentate phosphonate bonds on the NPLs surface. Phosphonate bonding allows for an increase in surface passivation per ligand decreasing surface trapped electrons. These previously trapped electrons were then able to participate as free electrons in the LSPR response. Electron paramagnetic spectroscopy (EPR) further supported this decrease in surface traps through a decrease and shift of the EPR signal related to metal oxide surface trapped electrons. Lastly, using our knowledge of PEG ligands we were able to modify esterification chemistry to covalently attach PEG ligands to a MXene surface. The successful formation of an ester bond between a carboxylic acid containing PEG ligand and hydroxyl terminating group on the MXene surface was supported by FTIR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The attachment of PEG resulted in a drastic change in the hydrophilicity of the MXene surface. Where MXenes were previously only processed in extremely polar solvents the PEG attachment allowed for high dispersibility in a wide range of polar and non-polar organic solvents, effectively increasing their processability. Further, this chemistry was modified to include an additional functional group on the PEG ligand to increase the valency of the post-modification MXene nanoflakes. Overall, work presented in this dissertation represents the development and application of surface chemistry to relatively new 2D nanomaterials. We believe our work significantly increases the knowledge of 2D halide perovskite formation, manipulation of LSPR active metal oxide materials, and the future processing of MXene materials.

Fabrication of Tungsten Oxide Thin Film on Stainless Steel by Sol-Gel Method

Momanyi, Geoffrey Ogoso 11 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Μελέτη διεπιφανειών οξειδίων με ανόργανα και οργανικά υποστρώματα

Σκουλατάκης, Γεώργιος 11 October 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκαν λεπτά υμένια οξειδίου του αλουμινίου (Al2O3) και οζειδίου του ζιρκονίου (ZrO2). Η ανάπτυξη των οξειδίων έγινε πάνω σε υπόστρωμα γερμανίου (Ge) με την τεχνική εναπόθεσης ατομικού στρώματος (Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD). Επίσης μελετήθηκαν υμένια οξειδίου του βολφραμίου (WO3), των οποίων η εναπόθεση έγινε με δυο διαφορετικές τεχνικές, πάνω σε υπόστρωμα P3HT:PCBM. Η μελέτη πραγματοποιήθηκε σε συνθήκες υπερυψηλού κενού (Ultra High Vacuum, UHV) με επιφανειακά ευαίσθητες τεχνικές. Κύριος στόχος αυτής της εργασίας, είναι για τα οξείδια αλουμινίου και ζιρκονίου η διερεύνηση της χημικής σύστασης και της ηλεκτρονιακής δομής ενώ θα γίνει μια εκτίμηση του πάχους των υμενίων καθώς και σύγκριση με την αναμενόμενη τιμή συμφωνα με την διαδικασία παρασκευής. Για οξείδια του βολφραμίου έγινε μελέτη τόσο της επιφανειακής χημικής σύστασης όσο και της ηλεκτρονιακής δομής της διεπιφάνειας του οξειδίου του βολφραμίου (WO3) με το υπόστρωμα P3HT:PCBM καθώς και μία σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων ανάμεσα στην εξάχνωση με δέσμη ηλεκτρονίων (Electron Beam Evaporation) και τη μέθοδο διαλύματος-πηκτώματος (Sol-Gel) τεχνικές οι οποίες χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την εναπόθεση των υμενίων οξειδίου του βολφραμίου. / In the present work,studied thin films of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and zirconium oxide (ZrO2) thin films. Atomic Layer Deposition technique (ALD) was used for the growth of oxide on the germanium (Ge) substrate. Also studied films of tungsten oxide (WO3), which were deposited with two different techniques, onto P3HT:PCBM substrate. The study was conducted under conditions of UHV (Ultra High Vacuum) using surface sensitive techniques. The main objective of this work was to investigate the chemical composition and electronic structure and make an estimate of the thickness of aluminum oxide and zirconium oxide thin films. The thickness was compared with the expected value according to the manufacturing process. For the tungsten oxides were studied the surface chemical composition and the electronic structure of the WO3/P3HT:PCBM interface as well as a comparison of results between the Electron Beam Evaporation and Sol-Gel method, techniques which were used for the deposition of thin films of tungsten oxide.

Vers un afficheur électrochrome sur papier : Electronique imprimée pour l’emballage sécurisé du futur / Towards an electrochromic display on paper : Printed electronics for secured packaging

Danine, Abdelaadim 23 September 2014 (has links)
La finalité de cette étude était la réalisation d’un afficheur électrochrome sur papier activable par un smartphone comme solution anti-contrefaçon. La nature cellulosique du substrat et la faible énergie délivrée par le smartphone ont représenté deux contraintes majeures dans de ce travail de thèse. Ainsi, une nouvelle méthode originale de dépôt à température ambiante de films minces WO3 a été développée en utilisant un traitement UV. Le premier dispositif électrochrome couplant le film WO3 sur papier, le Bleu de Prusse, et une membrane électrolytique plastifiée, a montré une bonne stabilité électrochimique associée à un contraste optique ΔR de 13 % pour une tension d’activation de -1 V. En vue de minimiser la tension d’activation, de nouveaux dispositifs électrochromes, à architecture simplifiée, dérivés d’une configuration classique à 5 couches ont été mis au point. Le remplacement du matériau de contre électrode et du conducteur électronique par un matériau métallique unique a conduit à des dispositifs à 4 couches. De plus, l’utilisation d’un matériau électrochrome conducteur a permis de s’affranchir de la couche conductrice électronique adjacente à l’électrode de travail menant à des dispositifs encore plus simplifiés à 3 couches. Les dispositifs simplifiés se caractérisent par des performances électrochromes très intéressantes pour une activation à seulement -0,7 V et présentent une stabilité électrochimique sur plus de 500 cycles. Le premier prototype sur emballage de parfum, à base d’afficheur électrochrome constitué de PEDOT, d’électrolyte liquide ionique polymérisé par vernis UV, et de contre électrode d’Ag, a été activé avec succès par un smartphone en moins de 5,3 secondes pour une énergie d’activation de 0,33 mJ.cm-2. / This study aims at the development of an electrochromic display on paper, activated by a smartphone as solution for counterfeit. A novel deposition method at room temperature of WO3 thin films was developed using a UV treatment. 5-layer electrochromic device (ECD), based on WO3 on paper, Prussian blue, and an electrolyte membrane, showed good electrochemical stability for more than 500 cycles associated with an optical contrast in reflectance ΔR of 13% at -1 V. In order to minimize the activation potential, ECDs with simplified architecture, derived from 5-layer conventional configuration have been developed in a second part of this work. 4-layer ECDs were constructed by replacing the counter-electrode and conductive layer by a single metal layer. In addition, the use of an electrochromic conducting material leads to 3-layer device. 4 and 3-layer ECDs exhibit high electrochromic performances at only -0.7 V with nice stability for more than 500 cycles. The first prototype integrated on perfume packaging, with 4-layer ECD based on PEDOT (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), ionic liquid electrolyte polymerized by UV-varnish, and Ag as counter-electrode was successfully activated by a smartphone in less than 5.3 seconds for an activation energy of 0.33 mJ.cm-2.

Gas sensors based on nanostructured tungsten oxides

Kukkola, J. (Jarmo) 17 September 2013 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this thesis is to study whether nanostructured particles of WO3 could be competitive counterparts of traditional, more bulky materials in resistive gas sensor applications. Pristine and various surface decorated derivatives of three different types of WO3 nanoparticles applied on the surface of lithographically defined Si chips were used in the work to analyse the electrical behaviour of thin films when exposed to different gas atmospheres. Nanosized particles of WO3, obtained by capillary force-induced collapse of porous anodic tungsten oxide in water, were demonstrated as a sensing medium for the detection of H2 and NO analytes. Commercially available nanoparticles of WO3 were also studied. After decorating their surface with metal/metal oxide nanoparticles (Ag, PdOx and PtOx), stable aqueous dispersions were made and used for the inkjet printing of conductive patterns on test chips. Surface decoration was found to affect substantially the gas response behaviour of the materials with the largest differences in response to H2 and NO. The third type of tungsten oxide applied consisted of hydrothermally synthesized nanowires that were also surface decorated with PdO as well as with PtOx. The nanowires were suspended in water and drop cast on test chips for gas sensing measurements. The nanowire based devices allowed ultrasensitive detection of H2 even at room temperature. The results summarized in this thesis indicate that resistive gas sensors based on nanostructured tungsten oxides are excellent alternatives to existing devices utilizing porous thick films or bulky thin films. Their high sensitivity, low operating temperature and low electrical power consumption may enable the construction of portable sensors, for example by inkjet printing, thus having great potential for fast prototyping but also for large scale production at low cost. / Tiivistelmä Väitöstyön tavoitteena on tutkia nanorakenteisten WO3 hiukkasten kilpailukykyä suhteessa perinteisiin suuremman kidekoon materiaaleihin resistiivisissä kaasusensorisovelluksissa. Työssä tutkittiin kolmella eri tekniikalla valmistettujen WO3 nanopartikkeleiden alkuperäisistä ja pintakäsitellyistä versioista muodostettujen ohutkalvojen sähköisiä ominaisuuksia erilaisten kaasukehien funktiona. Veden kapillaarivoimien aikaan saaman huokoisen anodisen volframioksidirakenteen romahduksen kautta saatujen WO3 nanopartikkeleiden osoitettiin toimivan havaintoväliaineena H2 ja NO kaasuille. Myös kaupallisia WO3 nanopartikkeleita tutkittiin. Partikkelien pinta päällystettiin metalli- ja metallioksidinanopartikkeleilla (Ag, PdOx and PtOx), jonka jälkeen niistä muodostettiin vakaita vesipohjaisia seoksia johtavien kuvioiden mustesuihkutulostukseen testisubstraateille. Pintakäsittelyn havaittiin vaikuttavan merkittävästi materiaalien kaasuvasteisiin erityisesti H2:n ja NO:n tapauksessa. Kolmannen tyyppinen väitöskirjassa tutkittu volframioksidimateriaali koostuu hydrotermisesti syntetisoiduista nanojohdoista, jotka ovat pintakäsitelty PdO tai PtOx nanopartikkeleilla. Nanojohdot sekoitettiin veteen ja pipetoitiin testisubstraateille kaasumittauksia varten. Tämän tyyppiset kaasusensorit olivat erityisen herkkiä H2 kaasulle jopa huoneenlämmössä. Väistökirjan tulosten mukaan nanorakenteiset volframioksidimateriaalit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto perinteisille huokoisille paksukalvoille ja suhteellisen paksuille ohutkalvoille kaasusensorisovelluksissa. Niiden suuri herkkyys, alhainen toimintalämpötila ja matala sähkönkulutus voivat mahdollistaa kannettavien kaasusensorien valmistuksen, esimerkiksi mustesuihkuteknologilla, nopeaan testaukseen ja suuren mittakaavan tuotantoon alhaisin kustannuksin.

Formation, caractérisation et bombardements ioniques de films minces de WO3 d'intérêt pour la fusion magnétique / WO3 thin films formation, characterisation and ion bombardments of interest for magnetic fusion

Addab, Younes 20 December 2016 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous étudions la stabilité thermique et les effets des irradiations par un plasma d'hélium ou de deutérium de films minces de WO3 d’intérêt pour la fusion magnétique (projet ITER). L’objectif est de comprendre comment une oxydation du divertor modifie les interactions plasma paroi. Pour cela, nous avons synthétisé des films de WO3 par oxydation thermique de substrats de W à 400°C et caractérisé les effets du type de substrat, de la pression d’oxygène et du temps d’oxydation sur la structure et sur l’épaisseur des oxydes formés. La structure (monoclinique nanocristalline), la morphologie et les défauts des échantillons ont été analysés avant et après traitement, à différentes échelles, en utilisant la microscopie électronique, la microscopie Raman, la diffraction de rayons X, et la microscopie à force atomique.Le chauffage sous vide (400 - 800°C) a conduit à la formation de WO2. Le bombardement aux ions D+ (11 eV) a mené à une diffusion profonde du deutérium à travers le film d’oxyde, engendrant un effet électrochimique, observé ici pour la première fois sous irradiation plasma. Cet effet, réversible, est associé à la formation de bronzes de tungstène (DxWO3) et à une transition de phase vers une structure hexagonale. Des bombardements aux ions He+ (20 eV) ont été réalisés afin de dissocier les effets physiques et chimiques. A température ambiante, le bombardement a causé peu de changements morphologiques et structuraux. Par contre, le autre bombardement à 400°C a causé une érosion du film d’oxyde accompagnée d’un changement de couleur, une amorphisation en surface et la formation de bulles à l’interface W / WO3. / As part of laboratory studies devoted to magnetic fusion we have investigated the thermal stability and the effects of helium and deuterium plasma irradiation on tungsten oxide thin films. The objective is to predict the consequences of the oxidation of the W plasma facing component (divertor) for plasma wall interactions.To this aim, we have synthesized WO3 films by thermal oxidation of W substrates at 400°C and we have characterized the effects of the W substrate, the oxygen pressure and the oxidation duration on the structure and the thickness of the oxide films. The sample crystalline structure (monoclinic nanocrystalline), defects and morphologies were characterized before and after treatment using scanning and transmission electron microscopies, Raman microscopy, X-Ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. Heating under vacuum up to 800°C leads to changes in the film structure and composition which results in the formation of WO2. D+ bombardment (11 eV) leads to D+ diffusion throughout the oxide film and to an electrochromic effect, here observed for the first time under plasma irradiation. This effect - which turned out to be reversible - is related to the formation of W bronzes (DxWO3) and to a phase transition of the oxide toward a hexagonal structure. Helium bombardments (20 eV) have then been performed to unravel physical and chemical processes at play. He+ bombardment at room temperature causes slight structural and morphological changes. On the contrary, He+ bombardment at 400°C leads to a significant erosion of the oxide film, accompanied by a colour change, the surface amorphisation and the formation of bubbles at the W / WO3 interface.

In-situ elektronová mikroskopie / In-situ electron microscopy

Bukvišová, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je popsat oxidaci nanotrubic sulfidu wolframičitého za zvýšených teplot v přítomnosti vodní páry. Na jejich povrchu se nejprve vytvoří nanočástice oxidu wolframu, ze kterých potom vyrůstají nanodráty. Na základě in-situ experimentů v rastrovacím elektronovém mikroskopu je navržen mechanismus reakce a ten je zjednodušeně popsán analyticky. Ukazuje se, že elektronový svazek má zásadní vliv na reakci.

Fotokatalytické vrstvy oxidu wolframového připravené materiálovým tiskem / Photocatalytic layers of tungsten trioxide fabricated by material printing

Saňák, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with milling of dispersed particles of WO3 using low-cost wet ball milling. Thin layers of WO3 were formed from them. These layers were characterized by profilometry, turbidity measurements, XRD and SEM. The photocatalytic activity was studied by the electrocatalytic properties of these layers. Profilometric measurements showed declining trends with milling time. XRD measurements confirmed the milling process and revealed a change in the crystalline phase during this process. Electrophotocatalytic measurements confirmed the photocatalytic activity of these layers and revealed its trends.

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