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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hledání vztahu k Evropské unii: Turecko a Rusko ve světle teorie rolí / Searching for Relationship with the EU: Turkey and Russia in the Light of the Role Theory

Beneš, Vít January 2004 (has links)
This dissertation starts from the observation that expectations and perceptions of non-members of the EU are usually neglected in the study of EU's enlargement process. In order to better understand the sources of pro-integration (or anti-integration) foreign policies of the neighboring states, I employ the conceptual apparatus of "role theory". This work utilities the concept of "national role conception", defined as domestically shared views and understandings regarding the proper role and purpose of one's own state as a social collectivity in the international arena. On the cases of Russia and Turkey, I show how historically constituted domestically shared ideas about a role, function (or mission) of a particular state within wider international (European) environment inform their respective policies towards contemporary EU. For the Turkish elite's understandings of the proper role of Turkey within broader international environment is typical the dominance of kemalist nationalist discourse of modernization. Modernization and the quest for the status of respected European power form the core of Turkish identity. In light of this perceptions, the EU membership fits into the kemalist discourse as an accomplishment of the historical mission of attaining the standards of contemporary civilization. On the other side, the discourse of Russian elites is embedded predominantly in universalist messianic discourse, which is often spiced with realist and geopolitical concepts. To sum up, if we want to understand why Russia does not even think about the possibility of entering the EU, we have to take into account the burden of universalist tasks which Russia feels obliged to cary in the name of History or God. Moreover, Russia feels the obligation to protect (both from external threats and internal decay) Europe itself. Entrance into the EU would, quite logically, jeopardize the fulfillment of this historical tasks.

Ideologie v Turecku a jejich vliv na politický vývoj / Ideologies and their Impact on Political Development in Turkey

Cupalová, Marcela January 2005 (has links)
The aim of the work is to analyze and evaluate the ideological background of Turkish society and its influence on economic and political development of Turkey and thus to bring a new complex explanation of Turkish problems on the way to the EU and prospects of their solution. The work maps socioeconomic development of the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, the influence of specific Turkish values on this development and the political efforts to modernize the system. On the basis of this analyse, it evaluates Turkish potencial for adoption of new values and their application for modernization and democratization of society. Work also analyses values of Turkish people, discovered by various opinion polls, and compares them with the standards of the EU. Consequently, it explains the differences in values by analysis of Turkish ideologies and the cleavages between them. Eventually, the work maps ideological fundamentals of contemporary Turkish political system, their reflection in Constitution, laws and political practice. It also concentrates on ideologies and goals of Turkish political parties and movements, their influence on Turkish society and their compatibility with the standards of the EU. The principal aim of this analysis is to evaluate influence of specific Turkish ideologies on Turkish political and economic development and fulfilment of political standards of the EU.

Frontières de l’asile : Contribution à l’étude de la complexité des territoires de l’asile en Europe / Borders of Asylum : Contribution to the Study of the Complexity of Asylum's Territories in Europe

Lamort, Sarah 31 January 2014 (has links)
Durant la décennie 1990, de nouveaux défis s’imposent aux Etats européens dans le domaine de l’asile. La transformation des flux de migration forcée et la construction d’un espace de libre circulation conduisent à porter la question de l’asile au sein de l’arène européenne. La politique d’asile de l’Union européenne est élaborée afin de répondre à l’échelle européenne aux défis de la protection et des flux spontanés. Plus de 10 ans après son coup d’envoi, le bilan est mitigé. Certes, une réponse européenne a été apportée au moyen du développement du droit communautaire de l’asile, porteur de nouveaux droits subjectifs. Toutefois, l’espace européen de l’asile reste un espace hétérogène au sein duquel la répartition des charges de l’asile est particulièrement inéquitable. L’harmonisation des normes des systèmes d’asile nationaux est inachevée, le système Dublin est un échec, la solidarité financière entre les Etats est minimale. Au-delà du territoire des Etats membres, de nouvelles politiques sont élaborées dans le prolongement de celles mises en œuvre sur le territoire des Etats membres. Les politiques extraterritorialisées de contrôle des frontières extérieures de l’Union visent à limiter les charges de l’asile assumées par ces derniers. Elles conduisent à faire émerger un nouveau défi dans le domaine de la protection : celui de l’accès à l’espace européen. La dimension extérieure de la politique d’asile constitue une réponse partielle et inachevée à cette nouvelle problématique. Aussi, l’Union européenne porte désormais de manière systématique ses intérêts migratoires au sein de sa coopération avec les Etats non membres de l’Union européenne. La coopération qu’elle mène avec la Turquie dans le domaine de l’asile illustre la portée et les limites de telles politiques. Si l’influence de l’Union européenne sur le système d’asile turc est certaine, son impact sur la répartition des charges de l’asile entre la Turquie et les Etats membres est sujette à discussion. Tout en explorant la relation dialectique entre droit d’asile et politique migratoire, cette recherche sur l’espace européen de l’asile et ses frontières sonde les transformations de la territorialité de l’asile et en propose une approche renouvelée. / During the 1990s, European States face new challenges in the asylum area. The transformation of forced migration flows and the achievement of the common area of free movement bring the asylum issue in the European arena. The European Union asylum policy is built to answer at the European level to the protection and mixed migration flows challenges. More than 10 years after the policy has been launched, the picture is mixed. A European answer has certainly been elaborated through the development of the EU asylum law, guaranteeing new subjective rights for asylum seekers and refugees. However, the common European asylum area remains an heterogeneous area in which fair burden-sharing is not ensured. The harmonization of the legal norms of the domestic asylum system is unachieved, the Dublin system is a deadlock, and only minimum financial solidarity mechanisms between the Member States have been established. Beyond the Member States territories, new answers are being built as a continuation of those implemented within the European Union. The extraterritorialization of border control policies aims to limit the Member states’ asylum burden. Access to the asylum territory is the new protection challenge emerging as a result of those policies. The external dimension of the European Union asylum policy is a partial and unachieved attempt to address this issue. Also, the European Union now systematically integrates its migrations concerns within its cooperation policy with non-EU Member States. Its cooperation with Turkey in the asylum area illustrates the scope and the limits of this policy. The influence of the European Union on the Turkish asylum system is uncontested. However, whether the European Union has an impact on the asylum burden-sharing between Turkey and the Member States is subject to discussion. While exploring the dialectic relation between the right to asylum and migration policies, this research on the common European asylum area and its borders focuses on the transformation of asylum territoriality and seeks to propose a renewed approach of it.

Late Palaeozoic to Early Mesozoic evolution of the Palaeotethys in Turkey: Insights from the Karaburun Peninsula and the Konya Complex

Löwen, Kersten 15 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Mediating Effect of Leader Member Exchange on Personality Congruence and Affective Commitment

Inanc, Ebru Evrensel 01 January 2018 (has links)
The personality congruence of supervisors and subordinates and its influence on work outcomes is a relatively new topic in social and behavioral sciences. Most well-known personality theory is Big Five that includes openness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, extraversion and agreeableness traits. LMX theory focuses on the mutual relationship between a supervisor and a subordinate. There is a gap in the literature regarding the mediating role of LMX perceptions of subordinates on the relationship between personality congruence of supervisors and subordinates and affective commitment (AC). The purpose of this cross-sectional design was first to explore the direct relationship between supervisors and subordinates personality congruence and AC of subordinates. The second purpose of this study was to explore the role of LMX as a mediator between the personality congruence of supervisors and subordinates and AC of the subordinates. A cluster sampling method was used to gather 400 supervisor-subordinate dyads from 3 technopolises in Ankara, who completed self-reported questionnaires. A technopolis is a technology science park. Polynomial regression analysis was conducted to measure the congruence level of dyads' personality traits and structural equation modeling was used to analyze the mediating effect of LMX. Results revealed that, LMX has no mediating effect on personality congruence and AC. The results also revealed that there is a significant relation between the agreeableness congruence of supervisors and subordinates, and AC. This information can be used by organizations by pairing up agreeable dyad members to increase affective commitment. The findings of this study may create positive social change by promoting optimum functioning organizations that have committed employees which would affect the society and economy in a positive way.

L’usage des sons dans les montagnes pontiques (Turquie) / The communal use of music in the Pontic mountains (Turkey)

Elias, Nicolas 28 November 2014 (has links)
Dans les montagnes pluvieuses du Nord-est de la Turquie, l’on danse et l’on chante au son du kemençe, une petite vièle à trois cordes, parmi les vaches et les fusils. A partir d’une enquête dans ces montagnes, le propos de la thèse est d’appréhender un usage communal de la musique, soit une tradition musicale qui ne relèverait pas de ce que l’on entend communément par art - la création d’artistes, eux-mêmes figures marginales au sein de leur société - mais plus sûrement d’un bien communal, quelque chose dont l’usage est donné à tous (au sein de la communauté) et la propriété à personne (en tant qu’individu). Depuis ce constat d’un communal, l’enjeu sera également de comprendre les logiques de folklorisation et de commercialisation qui travaillent les musiques turques depuis maintenant un siècle. / In the rainy Pontic mountains (Northeast of Turkey) people sing and dance at the sound of the kemençe, a tiny three stringed fiddle. Through fieldwork in those mountains, the purpose of this dissertation will be to describe what would be called a “communal use” of music: a musical tradition not understood as art (the creation of artists) but as a common within a certain community. From this observation, the goal will also be to understand the logics of folklorisation and commercialization at work in Turkish music since a century.

Social Anxiety, Quality of Life, and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of Women With Infertility Problems

Savaş, Esra 01 January 2019 (has links)
Not having a child has significant psychosocial effects on women experiencing infertility problems. There is a gap in research on social anxiety, quality of life, and healthy lifestyle behaviors of women during infertility, fertility treatment, and subsequent pregnancy. The purpose of this quantitative comparative study was to investigate the social anxiety, quality of life, and healthy lifestyle behaviors of Turkish women with infertility issues and Turkish women who conceived after infertility treatment, as measured by the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, the Fertility Quality of Life Questionnaire, and the Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Scale II. The social support and stress buffering theory and the health promotion model provided the framework for the study. Mann-Whitney U tests were used to evaluate 200 women undergoing infertility treatment and women who conceived after infertility treatment on social anxiety, quality of life, and healthy lifestyle behaviors. The results indicated that women undergoing infertility treatment had higher social anxiety and avoidance and higher nutritive healthy lifestyle behaviors than women who conceived after infertility treatment. There was no difference in quality of life between the groups. Findings may promote a better understanding of social anxiety, quality of life, and healthy lifestyle behaviors of women undergoing infertility treatment. This heightened awareness may be used to increase psychosocial well-being of women and may increase the success rate of infertility treatment.

Les Eglises chrétiennes face à l’adhésion de la Turquie à l’Union européenne / Christian Churches and Turkey’s EU membership

Aydin, Ali İhsan 06 February 2014 (has links)
L’ouverture des négociations d’adhésion avec la Turquie a déclenché un débat et une interrogation au-delà du cadre habituel du processus de candidature à l’Union européenne. La candidature turque a interpellé de larges composantes des sociétés européennes, pas seulement par rapport aux questions suscitées dans le cadre des conditions politiques et économiques formellement fixées par l’Union européenne, mais aussi en raison des effets conjugués de son histoire, de sa géographie et des caractéristiques culturelles et religieuses de sa population. Il existe de nombreuses études sur l’attitude et le rôle des acteurs politiques, économiques ou sociaux face à la question de l’entrée de la Turquie dans l’Union européenne. Cette thèse porte sur l’engagement d’acteurs qui demeurent très peu étudiés malgré l’intérêt qu’ils portent à la question turque et leur présence active auprès de l’Union européenne : les Eglises chrétiennes. Quelle est la position des Eglises dans ce débat sur la candidature turque avec une dimension religieuse saillante et comment s’impliquent-elles dans ce processus politique européen en tant qu’institutions religieuses? A travers cette question, ce travail cherche aussi à analyser les dynamiques de la présence et de l’engagement des Eglises dans la sphère politique au niveau européen. Ce travail se fonde sur des entretiens avec les responsables des organisations européennes des Eglises et sur l’analyse des déclarations, des prises de position et des communiqués des Eglises par rapport à cette question. Cette thèse se propose d’analyser l’action des Eglises auprès de l’UE avec les outils conceptuels des études sur les groupes d’intérêt. / The opening of accession negotiations with Turkey has provoked an intense debate in Europe unlike any other candidate country’s membership process. The questioning is not only about Turkey’s capacity to fulfil formal political and economic conditions set down by the European Union, but also due to the combined effects of Turkey’s history, geography and the religious and cultural characteristics of its population. Although the EU is a secular political institution and religion does not play any role in the EU membership, it takes on an important dimension when it comes to imagine the accession of Turkey. The implications of political, social or economic actors with regard to Turkey’s EU bid have been extensively studied. However, despite their great interest in the Turkish question, Christian Churches in Europe did not draw much attention from researchers. This thesis focuses on the position and the role of the main European Christian Churches in the framework of accession negotiations with Turkey: In a highly secularized Europe, what kind of stance or role could the Churches assume in regards to Turkey’s EU bid and how do they engage in this political process? Around this question, this research also aims to analyze the dynamics of the presence and the participation of religions to modern secular political life at the European Union level. This study is mainly based on the interviews conducted with representatives of Church’s European organizations in Brussels, as well as Church documents, reports, public statements and media interventions. The research uses the interest groups’ conceptual framework to explain the Churches’ action in political sphere.

Use Of Cuencas hydrological model in simulating the effects of land use change on the 2008 flooding event in the Turkey River Watershed

Perez Gonzalez, Maria Fernanda 01 July 2011 (has links)
East Iowa experienced large flooding during June of 2008. This study used Cuencas hydrological model to simulate the discharges of June 2008 at Eldorado and Elkader, in the Turkey River Watershed, in North East Iowa. The results of this study were used to test the performance of Cuencas modeling this flood event and to explore the role of land cover change in the floods of 2008 at Elkader, Iowa. Cuencas was found to be a suitable tool to predict this event, that requires relatively low resources. The total time to run each simulation was around two hours which is reasonable for such large watershed (900 mi2), but a computer cluster was needed to run these simulations. The results from this study suggest that the role of land cover change from pre-settlement to current conditions was significant when using the rainfall conditions of 2008. The discharges simulated at Elkader, Iowa were almost twice as large when using the 2001 land cover, than when using the land cover found during 1832-1859, recorded during the General Land Office (GLO) survey. These results need to be taken only as preliminary results, since there is no data to validate the model at the time of the GLO survey, and since it is the first time that Cuencas is used to model the effects of land cover in Iowa's hydrology. However, the potential large reduction on discharge of the pre-settlement land cover is an incentive to investigate this issue further and continue developing Cuencas to capture the effects of less drastic land cover changes.

Effects of Nonfat Dry Milk, Whey Protein Concentrate and Calcium Caseinate on Color and Texture of Turkey Rolls

Dobson, Brent Neeley 01 May 1994 (has links)
Two studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of milk solids on restructured and emulsified turkey rolls. the milk solids used were nonfat dry milk (NFDM), whey protein concentrate (WPC), and calcium caseinate (CC). Turkey rolls consisted of 100% breast meat or 90:10 or 70:30 breast-to-thigh, salt (1%), water (10%), internal or cluster fat (10%), and 3% of various milk solids (WPC, NFDM, CC). The objectives of these studies were to 1) determine which ratio between light and dark meat is preferred; 2) determine which of milk solids evaluated will permit the highest level of dark meat incorporation into evaluated products; 3) determine if there is a mechanism by which milk proteins lighten poultry meat; and 4) determine which milk protein produces the best bind between meat pieces. Panelists were used in the first study to evaluate cooked meat attributes of color intensity, color uniformity, cohesiveness, tenderness, roasted turkey flavor, juiciness, and overall acceptability. The attributes were rated on a seven-point scale. Rolls made with WPC or NFDM scored significantly higher for color uniformity, cohesiveness, roasted turkey flavor, and overall acceptability than rolls made with CC. No differences were noted among treatments for juiciness or toughness with rolls of the same light-to-dark meat ratio. However, the 90:10 rolls were rated significantly more tender than the rolls made with the 70:30 ratio. Rolls containing milk solids had significantly higher yields than the controls. In the second study, rolls were made using the preferred meat ratio (90:10 breast:thigh meat). NFDM and WPC were used as binders, but not CC, since in the first study it was an ineffective binding agent. The second study showed that no whitening or lightening occurred in turkey rolls. This researcher also found that both NFDM and WPC increased bind strength between meat pieces. Controls made without added milk solids had less bind strength between the meat particles. Meat particle size also affected bind strength in finished products, with finely chopped rolls having higher bind strength than coarsely ground rolls. Moreover, the second study had unexpected results indicating that NFDM will prevent development of pink discoloration during refrigerated storage. The penetrometer used for bind measurements is described.

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