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Nu ska jag leva ett hederligt liv : En tematisk analys utifrån tidigare kriminellas skönlitterära verk / Now I will live an honorable life : A thematic analysis based on the works of fiction of former criminalsWallentin, Emilia, Nordberg, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie har fyra biografier/självbiografier producerade av tidigare kriminella tematiskt analyserats. Målet var att ta reda på vilka omständigheter som gör att individer går från kriminalitet till laglydighet. Genom en överblick av tidigare forskning, utökades studiens fokus med att inkludera teorier som kontrollteori och genusteori. Genom studiens resultatanalys identifierades sju olika teman, som var betydande för deltagarna: barn, relationer, mognad & identitet, arbete & annat engagemang, religion, tilltro samt betydelse av fängelsestraffet. Egna och andras barn skapar motivation till förändring, goda relationer bidrar med förändrade attityder till brottslighet, mognad och identitet bidrar med utveckling mot ett annat sätt att förhålla sig till sig själv och brottslighet, arbete och engagemang stärker självförtroendet i kunskap om att andra möjligheter finns, religion bidrar med styrka och tröst i svåra stunder, tilltro ger stöd och förebilder och fängelsestraffet ger tid för eftertanke och erfarenheter. / In this study, four biographies/autobiographies produced by former criminals have been thematically analysed. The goal was to find out what circumstances make individuals go from criminality to law-abiding. Through an overview of previous research, the focus of the study was expanded to include theories such as control theory and gender theory. Through the study's result analysis, seven different themes were identified, which were significant for the participants: children, relationships, maturity & identity, work & other commitment, religion, faith and the meaning of the prison sentence. Own and other people's children create motivation for change, good relationships contribute to changing attitudes to crime, maturity and identity contribute to development towards a different way of relating to oneself and crime, work and commitment strengthen self-confidence in the knowledge that other opportunities exist, religion contributes with strength and comfort in difficult moments, faith provides support and role models and the prison sentence gives time for reflection and experiences.
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Robotic Models of Neuromechanical Step Generation in InsectsRutter, Brandon Lewis 17 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The development of Marian doctrine as reflected in the commentaries on the wedding at Cana (John 2:1-5) by the Latin fathers and pastoral theologians of the Church from the fourth to the seventeenth centuryFarley, Elizabeth Marie January 2013 (has links)
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The use of the wedding feast at Cana, John 2:1-11 by the Latin fathers in the development of Marian doctrine from the second to the eighth centuryFarley, Elizabeth Marie January 2011 (has links)
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A Study of the Effects of Turning Angle on Particle Deposition in Gas Turbine Combustor Liner Effusion Cooling HolesBlunt, Rory Alexander Fabian 23 September 2016 (has links)
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Evaluation of Risk to the Lumbar Spine and Shoulders During Simulated Wheelchair PushingWeston, Eric Brian January 2016 (has links)
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The Lived Experiences of Women in Christian Ministry in CanadaSteeves, Kathleen 11 1900 (has links)
The entrance of women into ordained ministry positions is a relatively new phenomenon in the North American Christian church, and has yet to be given adequate scholarly attention. This thesis probes the experiences of several pioneering women, presenting both the substantial and theoretical contributions emerging from a qualitative study of female pastors ministering in Protestant congregations across Canada. Data collection and analysis were approached through the lens of symbolic interactionism and grounded theory. The main findings emerging from 44 qualitative, in-depth interviews have been organized into three distinct papers to constitute a sandwich dissertation. The first paper outlines how some women experience a “call” to ministry and how this change in trajectory impacts their identity and constructions of the past, while the second two papers address different facets of performing the pastoral role once within it. Paper 2 explores the dilemmas women encounter in the area of clothing and appearances, a concern many of the women identified as influencing their performance of the pastoral role. Paper 3 explores in greater depth the ways women feel they perform the pastoral role differently than their male counterparts, and raises questions about the impact this may have on changing the role in the future. Taken together, the three papers contribute to a broad range of debates in the theoretical literature about key facets of the human experience, including: changing career trajectories, role making and performance of self, and microlevel influences on institutional change. The dissertation also encourages a new direction for sociological research – human interactions with the divine. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This thesis investigates what it is like to be a female pastor in the Christian church in Canada, as women have only recently been able to be fully ordained in most Protestant denominations. Three themes are explored: (1) how women decide to enter into Christian ministry, (2) how they navigate dilemmas around clothing in the pastoral role, and (3) how they feel they do pastoral ministry differently than their male counterparts. On a more theoretical level, this thesis also helps us understand the experiences of women entering traditionally male occupations, illuminating how they – and perhaps anyone who undergoes a career transition – navigate changes in work roles and identities, how clothing can help them achieve legitimacy in a role, and how women may be changing the professions they enter into in large numbers by doing their work differently.
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Driver Safety and Emissions at Different PPLT IndicationsDuvvuri, Sri Rama Bhaskara Kumari 03 March 2017 (has links)
According to NCHRP Report 493, there are five major left turn signal indications for permitted operations in the United States. They are: Circular Green (CG), Flashing Circular Red (FCR), Flashing Red Arrow (FRA), Flashing Circular Yellow (FCY) and Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA). The main goal of this thesis is to study the driver behavior and analyze safety of drivers for different left turn indications using a real-time driving simulator. Different signal indications alter driver behavior which influences velocity and acceleration profiles. These profiles influence vehicular emissions and hence need to be studied as well. For this purpose, different scenarios are implemented in the driving simulator. Data is analyzed using Microsoft Excel, JMP Statistical tool and MATLAB. Safety of drivers is analyzed with respect to the parameter "Time to Collision (TTC)" which is directly obtained from simulator data. Vehicular emissions and fuel consumption are calculated using VT-Micro microscopic emissions model. Graphs are plotted for TTC and total emissions. Results indicate that for a day-time scenario, FCY and FYA are the most suitable left-turning indications whereas FCR and FRA are most suitable for a night-time scenario. / Master of Science / There are five major left-turn indications for permitted operation in the United States. They are: Circular Green (CG), Flashing Circular Red (FCR), Flashing Red Arrow (FRA), Flashing Circular Yellow (FCY) and Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA). Different states use different left-turn indications throughout the country. The level of driver comprehension for a particular signal indication will have an effect on the driving behavior and this in turn will affect fuel consumption and total emissions. The main goal of this thesis is to study driver behavior for different left-turning operations and to provide guidelines for the selection of signal indications. For this purpose, a real time driving simulator is used and different scenarios are implemented for left-turning operations. Data has been collected from the simulator to analyze driver safety in each scenario. Velocity and acceleration data from the simulator is used to calculate vehicular emissions to analyze environmental impact. The signal indication that best suits a given situation should provide maximum driver safety and minimum environmental impact. Graphs are plotted and results indicate that, during day time FCY and FYA are the most suitable indications whereas FCR and FRA are best suited for a night time scenario.
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Lebensform „Single“ in Berlin und BudapestSántha, Ágnes Rózsa 30 May 2016 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Lebensweise von Alleinstehenden sowie ihre Selbstinterpretationen und ihre Argumentationen zu ihrer Lebensform untersucht und beschrieben. Mein Vorhaben ist eine vergleichende Beschreibung und Analyse der Lebensform Single in Berlin und Budapest. Es wird ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf jene biographischen Wendepunkte gelegt, die im Bezug auf die heutige Lebensform der Singles relevant sein könnten. In Ungarn kann keine scharfe Trennlinie zwischen weiblichem und männlichem Singleleben gezogen werden. Selbstverständlich unterscheidet sich die Erfahrung des Singledaseins zwischen beiden Geschlechtern. Doch die allgemeine familienfreundliche Einstellung der Ungarn, und die Tatsache, dass Singles ihre gegenwärtige Lebensform meistens wohl als eine Übergangsphase ansehen, denn sie streben zweifellos nach Familiengründung, machen ungarische Singlefrauen und Singlemänner eher ähnlich als unterschiedlich. In Deutschland scheinen Geschlechterunterschiede im Erfahren des Alleinseins wiederum nicht relevant zu sein. Die partnerschaftliche Orientierung hat allem Anschein nach ihre Kraft nicht verloren und die Liebe, die Partnerschaft, bleibt nach wie vor ein lebensführendes Prinzip. Nichtsdestotrotz zeigen die Statistiken, dass ein bedeutsamer Anteil von Frauen und Männern die Lebensform Single mit oder ohne Partner sowie weitere neue, weniger konventionelle Arrangements, wie die Partnerschaft in getrennten Haushalten, für sich als gewünschte Lebensformen bezeichnen, da sie einen breiten Raum für Individualität und Selbstverwirklichung bieten. / My paper examines the specific phases and turning points of the life course, which can influence the decision of young people to choose singleness as a way of life or become single by virtue of structural conditions. The research focuses on a group of young, urban singles from Berlin and Budapest. Singles are understood as those young adults at an age (30-40) typically devoted to family, living alone in their own household and having neither a durable partnership nor children. The population I studied is that of urban singles in their thirties from the upper social strata, having (at least) a university degree and being active in the labor market. The methodology used for this empirical research was conducting life course interviews, and based on this, working with the discourse analysis as a tool for analyzing narration. Experiencing a turning point is often perceived as an individual issue. However, there are some common features and types to be identified. I am not employing an individual perspective, but rather constructing typologies and inquiring about the common aspects of some important life occurrences, which to some extent explain the decision for singleness. Being single when one’s age cohort is building a family is not seen as a landmark or milestone, even less an achievement. Rather, in spite of its demographic growth, singleness is best understood as a hiatus or a period between turning points. Such turning points are: events in the family life in childhood, primarily divorce of the parents; degree of detachment from the parents; labour market entry and work arrangements; the experience of past partnerhip(s). Some of these occurrences are relevant for the way young people interpret personal autonomy and independence. Other factors, especially labor market uncertainties represent a structural reason eventually accounting for the status of single.
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