Spelling suggestions: "subject:"twophoton"" "subject:"twophoton""
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Διφωτονική απορρόφηση νέων συμμετρικών οργανικών ενώσεων και διφωτονικός πολυμερισμός / Two-photon absorption of new symmetric organic compounds and two-photon polymerizationΦυτίλης, Ιωάννης 31 March 2010 (has links)
Η διφωτονική απορρόφηση (ΔΦΑ) είναι το μη γραμμικό-φαινόμενο κατά το
οποίο δύο φωτόνια απορροφούνται ταυτόχρονα σε ένα υλικό μέσο. Τα τελευταία 20
χρόνια το φαινόμενο αυτό έχει προσελκύσει ιδιαίτερα το ενδιαφέρον της
επιστημονικής κοινότητας για την ανακάλυψη νέων αποδοτικών ενώσεων λόγω και
των εφαρμογών που έχει βρεθεί ότι μπορεί να προσφέρει. Η διφωτονική
μικροσκοπία, ο διφωτονικός πολυμερισμός, η τρισδιάστατη αποθήκευση δεδομένων
είναι μερικές από τις σημαντικές εφαρμογές που εκμεταλλεύονται τα πλεονεκτήματα
της ΔΦΑ. Τη τελευταία δεκαετία η έρευνα επικεντρώνεται στη θεωρητική και
πειραματική μελέτη της ΔΦΑ οργανικών ενώσεων με σκοπό την διασύνδεσης των
χαρακτηριστικών της δομής των μορίων με την ΔΦΑ που παρέχουν και την εύρεση
στρατηγικών σύνθεσης οργανικών ενώσεων υψηλής ΔΦΑ. Επίσης πολλές είναι οι
επιστημονικές εργασίες που χρησιμοποιούν τις ενώσεις αυτές στην έρευνα για την
ανάπτυξη και βελτίωση των διφωτονικών εφαρμογών.
Στη διατριβή αυτή γίνεται μελέτη της ΔΦΑ συζυγιακών οργανικών ενώσεων
αποτελούμενες από ένα κεντρικό τμήμα συνδεδεμένο αντιδιαμετρικά με δυο ίδιους
υποκαταστάτες. Τα συμμετρικά αυτά μόρια έχουν ως κεντρικό τμήμα φλουορένιο ή
αλκόξυ-φαινυλένιο ή καρβοξύλιο και διάφορους υποκαταστάτες στα άκρα. Η τεχνική
μέτρησης διφωτονικά διεγερμένου φθορισμού με laser femtosecond χρησιμοποιήθηκε
για τον υπολογισμό των τιμών της ενεργούς διατομής ΔΦΑ των μορίων στη
φασματική περιοχή 750-840nm. Από τη συγκριτική μελέτη των ενώσεων προκύπτει
ότι ο υποκαταστάτης φθαλιμίδιο προσφέρει την μεγαλύτερη ΔΦΑ και για τα τρία
διαφορετικά κεντρικά τμήματα, ενώ όταν συνδέεται με το φλουορένιο έχει την
υψηλότερη ενεργό διατομή ΔΦΑ φθάνοντας την τιμή των 1650GM στη φασματική
περιοχή που μελετήθηκε. Επίσης παρατηρήθηκε ότι ο υποκαταστάτης ναφθαλιμίδιο
προκαλεί μετατόπιση του μεγίστου ΔΦΑ σε αρκετά μεγαλύτερα μήκη κύματος.
Παρόμοια μετατόπιση παρατηρείται και για τα μόρια με κεντρικό τμήμα το
καρβαζόλιο. Η μετατόπιση αυτή του φάσματος ΔΦΑ δεν αντιστοιχεί σε μετατόπιση
του φάσματος μονοφωτονικής απορρόφησης. Οφείλεται στην άρση της
κεντροσυμμετρίας του μορίου, λόγω της διαμόρφωσης της δομής του, η οποία κάνει
επιτρεπτή τη διφωτονική μετάβαση στην πρώτη μονοφωτονικά επιτρεπτή ενεργειακή
κατάσταση που ειδάλλως είναι απαγορευμένη.
Η επίδραση του διαλύτη στις διφωτονικές ιδιότητες των μορίων μελετάται
επίσης στη διατριβή αυτή. Για τις τέσσερις πιο αποδοτικές ενώσεις, ως προς το
διφωτονικά διεγερμένο φθορισμό, έγιναν μετρήσεις για τον υπολογισμό των
φασμάτων ΔΦΑ τους σε πέντε διαλύτες διαφορετικής πολικότητας (διηλεκτρικής
σταθεράς). Από τις μετρήσεις φάνηκε η σημαντική επίδραση του διαλύτη στη ΔΦΑ
των τεσσάρων χρωστικών η οποία μεγιστοποιείται σε διαλύτη μεσαίας πολικότητας,
ο τρεις στην ακετοφαινόνη και μια στο THF. Η χαμηλή κβαντική απόδοση
φθορισμού που παρατηρείται στα διαλύματα με ακετοφαινόνης μειώνει αρκετά το
διφωτονικά προκαλούμενο φθορισμό και κατατάσσει τo THF ως τον αποδοτικότερο
διαλύτη για διφωτονικές εφαρμογές που εκμεταλλεύονται το φθορισμό. Επίσης και ο
μη πολικός διαλύτης τολουόλιο προκαλεί έντονο φθορισμό λόγω της υψηλής
κβαντικής απόδοσης παρόλο που επιφέρει δραστική μείωση της ΔΦΑ σε σύγκριση με
τους άλλους διαλύτες που μελετήθηκαν.
Δύο από τις χρωστικές που μελετήθηκαν ως προς τη ΔΦΑ τους
χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ως φωτοεκκινητής πολυμερισμού ενός ακρυλικού μονομερούς και
την μελέτη του πολυμερισμού συναρτήσει διαφόρων παραμέτρων ακτινοβόλησης της
ρητίνης. Οι χρωστικές αυτές έχουν φλουορένιο ως κεντρικό τμήμα και
υποκαταστάτες στα άκρα φθαλιμίδιο ή τριφαινυλαμίνη. Και οι δύο χρωστικές δύναται
να προκαλέσουν τον πολυμερισμό του μονομερούς με ακτινοβόληση υπερβραχέων
παλμών στα 800nm, αλλά η προσθήκη αμίνης ως συνεκκινητή μειώνει το κατώφλι
ισχύος εκκίνησης του. Επίσης, σε υψηλές τιμές ισχύος ακτινοβόλησης στο ίδιο μήκος
κύματος παρατηρήθηκε αυτο-πολυμερισμός του μονομερούς γεγονός το οποίο έχει
επισημανθεί μία μόνο ακόμη φορά σε μια εργασία με ρητίνη μίξης τριών ακρυλικών
Δύο ρητίνες που παρασκευάστηκαν στην παρούσα διατριβή αναμιγνύοντας το
μονομερές με τη κάθε χρωστική και με προσθήκη του συνεκκινητή μελετήθηκαν για
την εξάρτηση του πολυμερισμού από τον φακό εστίασης και από την ισχύ, την
ταχύτητα σάρωσης και τη διάμετρο της δέσμης. Για το σκοπό αυτό κατασκευάστηκαν
δοκίμια στα οποία εγγράφονταν πολυμερισμένες γραμμές μεταβάλλοντας κάποια από
τις παραπάνω παραμέτρους και μετρώντας το πάχος και το ύψος των γραμμών αυτών
από τις εικόνες μικροσκοπίου σάρωσης ηλεκτρονίων. Το γεγονός ότι ο μικρότερης
ισχύος φακός παρατηρηθηκε ότι προκαλεί λεπτότερη γραμμή εξηγείται από το
φαινόμενο κατωφλίου του πολυμερισμού. Ωστόσο η λεπτότερη γραμμή
επιτυγχάνεται με τον ισχυρότερο φακό καθώς μπορεί να μειωθεί περισσότερο η ισχύς
της δέσμης λόγω του χαμηλότερου κατωφλίου εκκίνησης του πολυμερισμού για το
φακό αυτό. Η αύξηση της ταχύτητας σάρωσης ή η μείωση της ισχύος της δέσμης
επιφέρουν μικρότερες διαστάσεις πάχους και ύψους της γραμμής που πολυμερίζεται.
Επίσης η κατανομή της ισχύος ακτινοβόλησης σε ολόκληρο το πίσω άνοιγμα του
φακού επιφέρει καλύτερη εστίαση και λεπτότερη πολυμερισμένη γραμμή. Ωστόσο η
κατάλληλη χωρική διαμόρφωση της δέσμης μπορεί να μειώσει τις διαστάσεις των
πολυμερισμένων δομών. / -
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Analyse quantitative des propriétés mécaniques de fraises dentaires rotatives en NiTi et étude de la fabrication de larges microstructures par polymérisation induite à deux photons / The quantitative analysis of mechanical properties of rotative drilling needles made of Ni-Ti, study of large scale fabrication using two-photon induced polymerizationLiu, Chao Yuan 18 July 2014 (has links)
Un tiers des urgences dentaires et un pourcentage élevé de maux de dents sont endodontie liés. Instruments rotatifs utilisés dans le traitement endodontique peuvent se briser à l'intérieur du canal radiculaire en raison de la fatigue des matériaux. Une fois cassé, l'extraction de la partie fracturée du canal est un travail difficile et ennuyeux de le patient et le dentiste. Par conséquent, l'alerte d'une fracture imminente lors de l'utilisation clinique ou développer de bonnes stratégies pour augmenter ses propriétés mécaniques sera d'une grande aide pour éviter les complications médicales / juridique. La recherche est étudié à partir de deux parties. La première partie a établi une plate-forme de test standard, simulant plusieurs paramètres de canal, propose une série de stratégies visant à améliorer la vie de la fatigue et des propriétés mécaniques de matériaux. Aussi, un système de surveillance utilisant de réseaux de Bragg (FBG) capteurs a été tentée. la raison de l'utilisation de la glycémie à jeun est sa petite taille qui est très prometteur dans l'intégration avec la pièce à main de l'équipement endodontique. dans le travail actuel, en ramassant et en analysant l'onde de contrainte par transformée de Fourier rapide (FFT), nous peut révéler la variation d'énergie et la fréquence phénomène déplaçant dans certaines fréquences caractéristiques. on espère que, avec ces informations, nous pouvons éviter / atténuer la survenue de fracture inattendue. Comme pour l'essai de fatigue, les données ont montré que la résistance à la fatigue peut être améliorée certain traitement thermique ou à mouvement alternatif méthode de rotation appliqué. tel phénomène peut être étroitement liée à la composition de la phase en ni-Ti en alliage et la contrainte de traction maximale est réduite lorsque le mouvement alternatif appliqué. études ont montré que plus la teneur de la phase martensite dans l'aiguille, l'plus de vie à la fatigue peut être atteint. Cependant, il peut être nécessaire de prendre des compromis avec l'efficacité de coupe de l'aiguille. pour cette question, nous pouvons combiner le traitement cryogénique et traitement thermique pour obtenir une meilleure résistance à la fatigue sans compromettre son efficacité de coupe. La deuxième partie est de fabriquer haute résolution, grande taille de la nouvelle Type aiguilles d'endodontie en utilisant la polymérisation à deux photons (TTP) technique. Le travail se fait à l'université de Joseph-Fourier LiPhy laboratoire, France. Contrairement à la fabrication traditionnelle du PPT, qui avait une limitation de sa taille de produits en raison du faible pouvoir lase, taux de redoublement et piézo entraîné stade, nous utilisons résine Ormocer, 130 kHz, 1W puissant laser de 532 nm à l'étape motorisé étage XY pour fabriquer une grande 800 échafaud um cellulaire bio-compatible et 1.2 cm aiguille de hauteur. aussi, pour améliorer la qualité du produit de TPP, l'approche de correction de la puissance du laser avait été tentée. Pendant TPP fabrication, la forme de focalisation laser changé lorsque la surface de la fabrication a été déplacé dans la direction z. Cela se traduit par le fait que nous avons besoin de plus afin d'assurer la taille de voxel est identique à z différent. pour corriger ce défaut, un procédé pour la correction de la puissance du laser et de la formule pour la puissance de correction sont proposées. la formule est dérivé du concept de maintien de conditions d'exposition identiques. / One third of dental emergencies and a high percentage of toothaches are endodontics related. Rotary instruments employed in endodontic treatment may break inside the root canal due to material fatigue. Once broken, extracting the fractured part from the canal is a difficult job and is annoying to both the patient and the dentist. Therefore, warning of an imminent fracture during clinical use or developing good strategies to increase its mechanical properties will be a great help to avoid medical/ legal complications. The research is studied from two parts. The first part established a standard testing platform, simulating several root canal parameters, proposing a series of strategies to improve the fatigue life and material's mechanical properties. Also, a monitoring system employing Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors has been attempted. The reason of using FBG is its small size which is very promising in integrating with the handpiece of the endodontic equipment. In the current work, by picking up and analyzing the stress wave through Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), we can reveal the energy variation and the frequency shifting phenomenon under some characteristic frequencies. It is hoped that with these information, we can avoid/alleviate the occurrence of unexpected fracture. As for the fatigue test, data showed that the fatigue life can be improved when certain heat treatment or reciprocating rotation method applied. Such phenomenon may be closely related to the phase composition in Ni-Ti Alloy and the maximum tension stress is decreased when reciprocating movement applied. Studies showed that the more content of martensite phase in the needle, the more fatigue life can be achieved. However, it may need to take compromise with needle's cutting efficiency. For this issue, we can combine cryogenic treatment and heat treatment to get better fatigue life without compromising with its cutting efficiency. The second part is to fabricate high resolution, large size of new type endodontic needles by employing two-photon polymerization (TTP) technique. The work is done in the university of Joseph-Fourier LiPhy lab, France. Unlike traditional TPP manufacturing, which had a limitation of its products size due to small lase power, repetition rate and piezo driven stage, we use Ormocer resin, 130 kHz, 1W powerful 532 nm laser with step motor driven X-Y stage to fabricate high bio-compatible 800 µm cell scaffold and 1.2 cm height needle. Also, to improve the product quality of TPP, the laser power correction approach had been attempted. During TPP fabrication, the laser focusing shape changed when the fabrication surface was moved up in z direction. This results in that we need more power to ensure the voxel size is the same at different z. To correct such defect, a method of the laser power correction and formula for the correcting power are proposed. The formula is derived from the concept of keeping exposure condition the same.
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Two-photon two-atom processes / Processos envolvendo a interação de dois fótons com dois atomosRafael Rothganger de Paiva 23 August 2013 (has links)
In the atomic, molecular, optical physics field, processes involving two photons are very well understood and used in applications ranging from spectroscopy to laser cooling technics. In this thesis is presented the study and experimental realization of two two-photon processes. Using sodium atoms trapped in a magnetic optical trap we could demonstrate two-photon cooperative absorption, and that the creation of a molecular bound state using only light fields, or photonic bound state, is possible. Two-photon cooperative absorption, very common in solid-state physics, is a process where a pair of atoms initially in the ground state is excited to the double excited state, via absorption of two photons with frequecy that is not ressonant with any excited state. Its experimental realization with cold atoms may open new and exciting possibilities to better understand nonlinear effects, and it is a new way to create correlated atoms and photons in cold atomic physics. This absorption was observed by ionization of the pair after the excitation. A simple model that considers only dipole-dipole interactions between the atoms allows us to understand the basic features observed in the experimental data. A photonic bound state uses two photons to create the two basic features of a molecular bound state: a repulsive part and an attractive part. A blue photon, blue detuned from the atomic transition, connects the ground state of the pair to the repulsive part of the first excited molecular state 1, and a red photon, red detuned from the atomic transition, connects the connects the ground state of the pair to the attractive part of the first excited molecular state. In the dressed state picture, when the light fields are strong, this three-states-two-photon system creates adiabatic bound potentials that are strongly dependent of the photon properties. Using a theoretical model we could study how this bound energies changes when we change the photon properties, and the experimental data shows that this photos are indeed dressing the potentials with a efficiency that would enable the creation of photonic molecules. / No campo da física atômica, molecular e ótica processos envolvendo dois fótons são bem compreendidos e usados em diversas aplicações. Nesta tese apresentamos o estudo e a realização experimental de dois processos de dois-fótons. Usando átomos de sódio aprisionados em uma armadilha magneto ótica, demonstramos a absorção cooperativa de dois fótons e que a criação de um estado ligado molecular usando somente campos de luz, ou estado ligado fotônico, é possível. Absorção cooperativa de dois fótons, um processo bem comum em física de estado sólido, acontece quando um par de átomos inicialmente no estado fundamental é excitado para o estado duplamente excitado, via absorção de dois fótons de frequência não ressonante com a dos estados excitado. A realização experimental deste processo em um sistema de átomos frios pode abrir novas, e excitantes possibilidades para entender melhor processos não lineares, e é um novo método de criar átomos e fótons correlacionados. Essa absorção foi observada através da ionização do par depois da absorção, e um modelo simples que considera somente interação dipolo-dipolo entre os dois átomos nós ajuda entender as características básicas dos dados obtidos. Um estado ligado fotônico usa dois fótons para criar as duas características básicas dos estados ligados moleculares: a parte repulsiva e a parte atrativa. Um fóton azul, deslocado para o azul da transição atômica, conecta o estado fundamental do par a parte repulsiva do primeiro estado excitado molecular 1, e um fóton vermelho, deslocado para o vermelho da transição atômica, conecta o estado fundamental a parte atrativa do deslocado para o azul da transição atômica. No contexto de estados vestidos, quando os campos de luz são intensos, esse sistema de três estados e dois fótons cria potenciais ligantes adiabáticos que são fortemente dependentes das propriedades desses fótons. Usando um modelo teórico para esses potenciais pudemos estudar como é essa dependência, com as características do fótons, e os dados experimentais mostram que esses fótons estão de fato vestindo os estados com uma eficiência que viabiliza a criação de moléculas fotônicas.
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Functional Imaging of Spinal Locomotor NetworksNagaraja, Chetan January 2016 (has links)
Movement is necessary for the survival of most animals. The spinal cord contains neuronal networks that are capable of motor coordination and of producing different movements. In particular, a very reduced neuronal network in the spinal cord can produce simple rhythmic outputs even in the absence of descending or sensory inputs. This basic circuit was discovered by Thomas Graham Brown (reported in 1911) and is termed central pattern generator. For over a century a large number of studies have been carried out in order to identify the neuronal components that are part of these networks. In project 1 we focused on Renshaw cells, which are a population of spinal interneurons expressing the alpha-2 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (Chrna2). Renshaw cells are the only identified central targets for motor neuron inputs, and in turn they mediate inhibition of the motor neurons. We analyzed the activity pattern of Renshaw cells on a cell-population level in neonates when the circuit is still developing. At segment 1 of the lumbar spinal cord, Renshaw cells show significantly greater activity response to functional sensory and motor inputs from rostral compared to the caudal segments. Contrarily, the suppression of the monosynaptic stretch reflex was more pronounced when caudal roots were stimulated. Our data underline the importance of sensory input during motor circuit development and help to understand the functional organization of Renshaw cell connectivity. Several neurons that play distinct roles in locomotor central pattern generation have been identified with the help of genetics. For instance, the V0 population of spinal interneurons are identified by the expression of transcription factor developing brain homeobox 1 (Dbx1). V0 neurons are necessary for producing an alternating rhythm at all locomotor speeds. In project 2 we have looked at a population of dorsally derived ventrally projecting interneurons that express the transcription factor doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 3 (Dmrt3). On a behavioral level Dmrt3 neurons are involved in regulating coordination across different locomotor speeds. On a microcircuit level, we have shown that individual Dmrt3 neurons show distinct frequencies of oscillations for a constant locomotor rhythm. In addition, removal of inhibitory neurotransmission from Dmrt3 neurons results in uncoupling of rhythm in motor neurons. In project 3 the activity patterns in populations of flexor related motor neurons are characterized during fictive locomotion in neonatal mice. An interesting and intriguing finding in project 3 is the presence of multiple rhythmicities in motor neurons. Multiple rhythmicities are seen even when the locomotor output shows a constant frequency.
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Applications of photolithographic techniques : materials modeling for double-exposure lithography and development of shape-encoded biosensor arraysLee, Shao-Chien 19 October 2009 (has links)
Double-exposure lithography has shown promise as potential resolu-
tion enhancement technique that is attractive because it is much cheaper
than double-patterning lithography and it can be deployed on existing imaging
tools. However, this technology is not possible without the development of new
materials with nonlinear response to exposure dose. Several materials have
been proposed to implement a nonlinear response to exposure including re-
versible contrast enhancement layers (rCELs), two-photon materials, interme-
diate state two-photon (ISTP) materials, and optical threshold layers (OTLs).
The performance of these materials in double-exposure applications was inves-
tigated through computer simulation using a custom simulator. The results
from the feasibility studies revealed that the ISTP and OTL types of materials
showed much more promise than the rCEL and two-photon types of materi-
als. Calculations show that two-photon materials will not be feasible unless achievable laser peak power in exposure tools can be signi¯cantly increased.
Although rCEL materials demonstrated nonlinear behavior in double-exposure
mode, only marginal image quality and process window improvements were ob-
served. Using the results from the simulation work described herein, materials
development work is currently ongoing to enable potential ISTP and OTL
materials for manufacturing.
A new biochip platform named \Mesoscale Unaddressed Functional-
ized Features INdexed by Shape" (MUFFINS) was developed in the Willson
Research Group at the University of Texas at Austin as a potential method
to achieve a new low-cost biosensor system. The platform uses poly(ethylene
glycol) hydrogels with bioprobes covalently cross-linked into the matrix for
detection. Each sensor is shape-encoded with a unique pattern such that the
information of the sensor is associated with the pattern and not its position.
Large quantities of individual sensors can be produced separately and then self-
assembled to form random arrays. Detection occurs through hybridization of
the probes with °uorescently labeled targets. The key designs of the system
include parallel batch fabrication using photolithography and self-assembly, in-
creased information density using multiplexing, and enhanced shape-encoding
with automated pattern recognition. The development of two aspects of the
platform { self-assembly mechanics and pattern recognition algorithm, and a
demonstration of all the key design elements using a single array are described
herein. / text
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Photophysical Properties of Organic and Organometallic moleculesRubio Pons, Oscar January 2004 (has links)
<p>Highly correlated quantum chemical methods have been appliedto study the photophysical properties of substituted benzenes.With the inclusion of spin-orbit coupling, the phosphorescencesof these molecules have been calculated usingMulti-CongurationalSelf- Consistent Field (MCSCF) quadraticresponse theory. The Herzberg-Teller approximation has beenadopted to evaluate the vibronic contributions tophosphorescence.</p><p>The performance of hybrid density functional theory (DFT) atthe B3LYP level is examined in comparison to the MP2, CCSD andCCSD(T) methods for the geometry and permanent dipole moment ofp-aminobenzoic acid. The time-dependent DFT/B3LYP method isapplied to calculate the two-photon absorption of a series ofZinc-porphyrin derivatives in combination with a two-statemodel. The transitions between excited singlet and tripletstates of Zinc and Platinum based organometallic compounds havebeen computed using DFT quadratic response theory. The resultsare used to simulate the non-linear propagation of laser pulsesthrough these materials utilizing a dynamical wave propagationmethod.</p>
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Interfacial Electronic Structure of Dipolar Vanadyl Naphthalocyanine Thin FilmsSteele, Mary P. January 2011 (has links)
The studies presented in this work are aimed towards a better understanding of the fundamental physics of the electrode/organic molecule interface in both the ground and excited state manifolds. Systematic investigations of single systems using two-photon photoemission (TPPE) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) were undertaken in order to assess the evolution of the electronic structure and molecular organization at the interface. The adsorbate molecule vanadyl naphthalocyanine (VONc) was used whose properties are well-suited to this purpose. Interfacial electronic states of thin films of VONc were studied with two different substrates: highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and Au(111).The substrate of HOPG is a surface which does not possess reactive dangling bonds and the electron density close to the Fermi edge is very low, permitting high resolution spectroscopic band analysis of VONc and revealing subtle changes to the electronic structure. From interfacial studies of this weakly interacting substrate/ adsorbate system, it is shown in this work that molecular electronic levels in both the ground and excited state manifolds can shift independently of the vacuum level. Further, electron transfer between close lying electron donor and acceptor energy levels may be influenced by energy level shifts caused by depolarization effects as a function of dipole density.The VONc/Au(111) interface is investigated in order to examine energy level alignment in a system with the additional complexity of molecule/substrate interactions. The electron rich Au(111) surface leads to a strong interface dipole upon addition of VONc. Joint experimental and computational data is presented showing that the underlying cause of this interface dipole is Pauli repulsion. Additionally, investigations of energy level alignment in the excited state manifold are presented and the possibility of quantum interference is discussed.The interfacial electronic structure is quite different among these two model systems. The interfacial alignment observed in the HOPG/VONc system was largely due to depolarization of the intrinsic molecular dipole as a function of density, whereas the Au(111)/VONc interface is dominated by interfacial Pauli repulsion interactions.
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Aberration free extended depth of field microscopyBotcherby, Edward J. January 2007 (has links)
In recent years, the confocal and two photon microscopes have become ubiquitous tools in life science laboratories. The reason for this is that both these systems can acquire three dimensional image data from biological specimens. Specifically, this is done by acquiring a series of two-dimensional images from a set of equally spaced planes within the specimen. The resulting image stack can be manipulated and displayed on a computer to reveal a wealth of information. These systems can also be used in time lapse studies to monitor the dynamical behaviour of specimens by recording a number of image stacks at a sequence of time points. The time resolution in this situation is, however, limited by the maximum speed at which each constituent image stack can be acquired. Various techniques have emerged to speed up image acquisition and in most practical implementations a single, in-focus, image can be acquired very quickly. However, the real bottleneck in three dimensional imaging is the process of refocusing the system to image different planes. This is commonly done by physically changing the distance between the specimen and imaging lens, which is a relatively slow process. It is clear with the ever-increasing need to image biologically relevant specimens quickly that the speed limitation imposed by the refocusing process must be overcome. This thesis concerns the acquisition of data from a range of specimen depths without requiring the specimen to be moved. A new technique is demonstrated for two photon microscopy that enables data from a whole range of specimen depths to be acquired simultaneously so that a single two dimensional scan records extended depth of field image data directly. This circumvents the need to acquire a full three dimensional image stack and hence leads to a significant improvement in the temporal resolution for acquiring such data by more than an order of magnitude. In the remainder of this thesis, a new microscope architecture is presented that enables scanning to be carried out in three dimensions at high speed without moving the objective lens or specimen. Aberrations introduced by the objective lens are compensated by the introduction of an equal and opposite aberration with a second lens within the system enabling diffraction limited performance over a large range of specimen depths. Focusing is achieved by moving a very small mirror, allowing axial scan rates of several kHz; an improvement of some two orders of magnitude. This approach is extremely general and can be applied to any form of optical microscope with the very great advantage that the specimen is not disturbed. This technique is developed theoretically and experimental results are shown that demonstrate its potential application to a broad range of sectioning methods in microscopy.
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Nano-objets tout organiques pour la thérapie photodynamique biphotonique / soft organic nanoparticles for two photon photodynamic therapySourdon, Aude 16 December 2013 (has links)
La thérapie photodynamique est fondée sur l’activation sélective par la lumière de médicaments appelés photosensibilisateurs. Non toxique en l’absence d’excitation lumineuse, le photosensibilisateur est capable, une fois excité, de transférer son énergie pour former de l’oxygène singulet qui induit la mort de la cellule. L’utilisation d’une excitation biphotonique offre de nouvelles perspectives pour la thérapie photodynamique du cancer. En effet, la dépendance quadratique de l’absorption à deux photons (ADP) avec l’intensité du laser permet une très grande sélectivité spatiale, ce qui rend possible un traitement plus sélectif des tumeurs, et la lumière infra-rouge utilisée permet le traitement de tumeurs plus profondes. Dans ce travail, nous avons développé une famille de nano-objets tout organiques pour la thérapie photodynamique biphotonique. Ils présentent des sections efficaces d’ADP très élevées dans la gamme spectrale d’intérêt biologique et leur efficacité a été démontrée in vitro. / Photodynamic therapy is based on the selective activation by light of drugs called photosensitizers. Non-toxic in the absence of excitation light, the photosensitizer is able, upon excitation, to transfer energy to produce singlet oxygen, which induces cell death. Two-photon excitation offers new perspectives for photodynamic therapy of cancer. Indeed, the quadratic dependence of two-photon absorption (TPA) with the laser intensity allows high spatial selectivity, which enables a more selective treatment of tumors, and the use of infrared light allows treatment of deeper tumors. In this work, we have developed a family of fully organic nano-objects for two-photon photodynamic therapy. They exhibit very high TPA cross-sections in the biological spectral range of interest and their efficiency has been demonstrated in vitro.
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Elaboration of fluorescent molecular probes and molecular-based nanoparticles for bioimaging purposes / Elaboration de sondes moléculaires fluorescentes et de nanoparticules organiques fluorescentes pour l’imagerie du vivantMastrodonato, Cristiano Matteo 31 August 2017 (has links)
Les techniques de fluorescence sont des outils de choix pour l’étude et la compréhension fine des processus biologiques. Ceci requiert toutefois l’utilisation de sondes fluorescentes parfaitement adaptées au but visé et répondant aux différentes exigences requises pour l’application visée. Dans ce cadre, nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressés à l’élaboration de sondes biphotoniques de pH adaptées à une mesure très sensible de faibles variations de pH autour du pH neutre. Les variations et gradients de pH sont en effet impliqués dans un certain nombre de processus biologiques importants et peuvent être associées à des dysfonctionnements liés à certaines maladies. Dans ce cadre, nous avons développé de nouvelles sondes fluorescentes de pH fluorescentes présentant à la fois un comportement ratiométrique, une forte sensibilité autour du pH neutre et facilement excitables dans le proche IR par absorption à deux photons. Ces sondes de structure quadrupolaire et bolamamphiphile permettent ainsi la détection ratiométrique du pH dans des environnements biologiques au moyen d'une excitation biphotonique dans le proche IR. En parallèle, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’élaboration de nanoparticules hyperbrillantes dédiées à l’imagerie biologique par microscopie de fluorescence induite par excitation à deux photons. Nous nous sommes plus particulièrement attachées au design de nanoparticules organiques fluorescentes constituées de molécules organiques de bas poids moléculaire (FONs). Cette approche offre en effet une grande flexibilité et la possibilité d’accéder à des nanosondes ayant des brillances comparables aux très populaires quantum dots mais moins toxiques et plus facilement dégradables. L’ingénierie moléculaire des fluorophores utilisés pour la préparation des FON est cruciale puisqu’elle influence fortement à la fois les propriétés photophysiques (brillance, couleur…) et leur propriétés physico-chimiques (stabilité chimique et structurale, stabilité colloïdale). Dans ce contexte, une librairie de nouveaux chromophores dipolaires a été synthétisée et utilisées pour la préparation de FON par la méthode de nano-précipitation. Leurs propriétés ont été étudiées afin de déterminer la relation entre la structure du chromophore et les propriétés globales des nanoparticules constituées de ces colorants. Ce travail a permis d’identifier les paramètres structuraux permettant d’accéder à des nanoparticules présentant à la fois une brillance exceptionnelle, une émission modulable du vert au rouge et proche IR et une remarquable stabilité colloïdale. Ces nanoparticules présentent des potentialités majeures pour l’imagerie in vivo par excitation et détection dans le proche IR. / Fluorescence-based techniques are popular tools for the study and understanding of biological processes. This has prompted continuous research aimed at the development of a wide range of fluorescent probes specifically designed for specific applications. Among them, fluorescent pH probes are of much interest as pH variations or gradients are involved in many biological events and anomalous alterations are often related to the onset of dysfunctions and diseases. In this framework we have developed a series of promising two-photon pH fluorescent molecular probes. These quadrupolar bolaamphiphilic probes are of great interest, as they combine a steep pH dependence of their optical properties close to neutral pH, ratiometric behavior and large response to two-photon (2P) excitation in the NIR region. As such they offer much promise for ratiometric detection of the pH in biological environments and in situ monitoring of acidification. In parallel, we have been interest in the design of ultrabright nanoparticles for bioimaging purpose (in particular highly sensitive optical imaging). We chose to focus on Fluorescent Organic Nanoparticles made of organic molecules with low molecular weight (FONs) as they offer a flexible route and promising alternatives to toxic quantum dots. In this case the design of the dye used as building blocks of the FONs is of crucial importance and strongly influence the chemical and physical properties of the nanoparticles generated, such as their one and two-photon brightness and both their structural and colloidal stability. In that context a library of novel dipolar chromophores have been synthesized and used to prepare FONs using the nanoprecipitation method. Their properties were thoroughly investigated in order to determine the relationship between the molecular design of the isolated dye and the overall properties of the nanoparticles made of these dyes. As a result, Hyperbright FONs emitting in the green to NIR region and combining giant brightness and remarkable stability have been achieved. They offer major promise for bioimaging based on both excitation and detection in the NIR region.
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