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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

影響企業採用整合通訊系統之因素探討 / A study on the factors affecting the implementation of unified communications in an enterprise

陳秋正 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊通訊技術的快速發展,Internet已成為全世界最重要的資料乘載工具,以IP為基礎的多媒體通訊架構,逐漸取代傳統電話的溝通模式,成為企業快速佈署與協同運作的最佳選擇。透過整合通訊系統(Unified Communications, UC)的導入,企業可以將網路電話、視訊會議、電子郵件、即時通訊與行動裝置等通訊系統整合在同一個平台上,以大幅提升企業協同運能力,並有效的提升企業運作效率。 現今企業內部充斥著各種溝通工具,從傳統的電話、傳真到Internet興起後的MSN與Skype,這些工具廣泛的運用在商務運行中,其目的皆為了增加溝通效率並節省溝通成本,但這些雜亂無章的溝通方式若未能有效整合,將衍生許多資訊安全與系統相容性問題。 UC的觀念已在許多國際大型企業中獲得驗證,而台灣這個充滿創造力的科技島,在資通訊運用的腳步必須與世界接軌,妥善運用自身優勢,以確保在這波國際化浪潮中,持續保持競爭優勢。本研究經由個案訪談大型銀行業、電子製造業與顧問服務業,以科技接受模型為架構,分別探討個人、組織、技術、任務與環境等五大構面所組成的外部變數,對於UC系統採用之有用與易用認知影響,找出影響企業採用整合通訊系統的相關因素,以做為未來企業在採用整合通訊系統時之參考。 關鍵字:Unified Communications,UC,IP Phone,整合通訊系統,TAM,科技接受模型,VoIP,網路電話 / Along with the fast development of the information technology technique, combined with the adoption of Internet that made the Internet the most important transmission tool for communications, the IP-based multi-media communication framework has gradually replacing the traditional fixed-line telephone systems and has become the optimum option for the enterprises for their business establishments and their organizational synchronization. By applying the Unified Communications (UC), enterprises are able to integrate their IP Telephony, Video Conference, e-mail, Instant Message and Mobile Communication devices into the same platform; as a result, the systematic integration has greatly advanced the level of synchronization and improved the efficiency of the business operation. The multiple communication equipment being used such as the traditional telephone, fax, MSN and Skype are for the purposes of enhancing the efficiency of communication and reduce costs. However, the information security and compatibility amongst different systems may become problematic if the integration is not being carefully organized. The adoption of UC was proven to be a success by many international enterprises that has integrated it into their business practices. Therefore, Taiwan, with its good reputation of an island of technology and one who is renowned with its creativity, should keep up to speed with the world in adopting the prevalent information technology. We should keep maintaining our competitive advantage that we have developed over the years. This Study was conducted through interviews with large bank, electronic product manufacturer and consulting services company. The research was based on the TAM framework to analyze the five aspects of the external variables namely, individual, organization, technique, mission and environment. In addition, this Study intends to seek a result that will provide an enterprise a future reference about the factors that can influence in making a decision on the feasibility and applicability of adopting the Unified Communications. Key Words: Unified Communications, UC, IP Phone, TAM(Technology Acceptance Model), VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol), IP Telephony

Influencia da adesão particula-suspensão durante o processo de recobrimento em leito de jorro com atomização na base / The influence of adhesion winth the particle-suspension during the coating process in a spouted bed with bottom-spray

Marques, Aline Maria Manrique 26 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Sandra Cristina dos Santos Rocha / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T14:53:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marques_AlineMariaManrique_M.pdf: 2697128 bytes, checksum: 791a079eecd6ec0abc7c5950687642df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O objetivo de estudo deste trabalho consistiu na análise do recobrimento de partículas em leito de jorro com atomização na base do equipamento. Estudou-se o comportamento fluidodinâmico, as propriedades de adesão entre partícula-suspensão, o crescimento da partícula e a eficiência do processo. Os ensaios foram realizados em equipamento de escala laboratorial e ângulo de base de 60º, sendo utilizados núcleos, como: vidro, ABS®, polipropileno (PP) e poliestireno (PS). Todos foram objeto de análise e classificação quanto à forma, tamanho, esfericidade, densidades absoluta e aparente, porosidade, ângulo de repouso e escoabilidade. Quanto às suspensões, foram utilizadas as poliméricas aquosas, tendo como polímero base o hidroxietilcelulose (HEC), caracterizadas pela densidade, tensão superficial, ângulo de contato e reologia. Em termos de fluidodinâmica do processo, foram avaliados parâmetros como a queda de pressão no leito, a vazão do ar de entrada, a velocidade de circulação dos sólidos e a altura da fonte. Observou-se a ocorrência de dois processos distintos: o recobrimento das partículas e a secagem da suspensão, dependendo do par úcleo-suspensão utilizado. No recobrimento das partículas, a velocidade de circulação e a queda de pressão no leito aumentam com o aumento da vazão de ar de jorro, já que se adotou como procedimento manter a altura do leito constante através do aumento da vazão de ar para que o regime de jorro permanecesse estável. Já na secagem, a velocidade de circulação das partículas diminui em função da retenção de sólidos no leito e a queda de pressão mantémse praticamente constante com o aumento do ar de jorro. A ocorrência do processo de recobrimento ou secagem é determinada pelas propriedades de adesão entre a partícula-suspensão. Ao atomizar-se as diferentes suspensões sobre os núcleos, visualizou-se que a energia superficial do sólido e a tensão superficial da suspensão influenciam a eficiência dos processos. Partículas com alta energia superficial (vidro e ABS®) foram recobertas pela suspensão, enquanto que a secagem ocorreu quando foram utilizadas partículas com menores energias superficiais (PP e PS). Sendo importante ressaltar que a tensão superficial da suspensão influencia diretamente a eficiência do recobrimento e, para a secagem, a quantidade de pó coletado no leito / Abstract: The aim of this work is to analyze the coating process in a spouted bed with bottom-spray, where parameters like fluid-dynamic behavior, properties of adhesion between the particles and the suspensions, the particles growth and the process efficiency were studied. The experiments were realized in a conventional spouted bed of laboratory scale, with base angle of 60º. Inert particles, such as glass beads, ABS®, polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS), were analyzed and classified by size, shape, sphericity, absolute and apparent densities, porosity, angle of repose and flow ability. The polymeric suspension was characterized by density, surface tension and rheology. In terms of fluid-dynamic, values of bed pressure drop, spout air flow rate, solids circulation velocity and fountain height, were analyzed. The occurrence of two distinct process: the coating of the particles or the suspension drying, was observed depending on the particles-suspensions characteristics. During the particles coating, the particles circulation velocity and the bed pressure drop increased with the spout air flow rate increase. For the drying process, the particles circulation velocity decreased with the solids retention in the bed and the bed pressure drop maintained practically constant increasing the spout air flow rate. The occurrence of coating or drying process is influenced by the adhesion properties between the particle and the suspension. Atomizing the three suspensions on the four particles, it was observed that the solid surface energy and the surface tension cause some influence on the process efficiency. Particles with higher surface energy (glass beads and ABS®) were coated by the suspension, while the drying of the suspension occurred when the bed was filled with inert particles with lower surface energy (PP and PS). The suspension surface tension influences directly the coating efficiency and the quantity of powder collected in the cyclone / Mestrado / Engenharia de Processos / Mestre em Engenharia Química

ISTQB : Black Box testing Strategies used in Financial Industry for Functional testing

Saeed, Umar, Amjad, Ansur Mahmood January 2009 (has links)
Black box testing techniques are important to test the functionality of the system without knowing its inner detail which makes sure correct, consistent, complete and accurate behavior or function of a system. Black box testing strategies are used to test logical, data or behavioral dependencies, to generate test data and quality of test cases which have potential to guess more defects. Black box testing strategies play pivotal role to detect possible defects in system and can help in successful completion of system according to functionality. The studies of five companies regarding important black box testing strategies are presented in this thesis. This study explores the black box testing techniques which are present in literature and practiced in industry as well. Interview studies are conducted in companies of Pakistan providing solutions to finance industry, which is an attempt to find the usage of these techniques. The advantages and disadvantages of identified Black box testing strategies are discussed, along with it; the comparison of different techniques with respect to most defect guessing, dependencies, sophistication, effort, and cost is presented as well.

Прилог истраживању струјања гаса кроз мерне бленде са вишеотвора / Prilog istraživanju strujanja gasa kroz merne blende sa višeotvora / Contribution to Gas Flow Research Through Multi Hole Orifices

Đurđević Marko 18 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Уз растуће цене енергената, данас је од пресудног значаја тачно мерење<br />протока флуида у индустријским процесима. Због своје једноставности,<br />поузданости и једноставног одржавања, мерне бленде су често<br />распрострањени мерни инструменти у многим индустријама.<br />Конвенционална мерна бленда са једним отвором (БЈО) је широко<br />заступљен мерни инструмент на бази диференцијалног притиска, али овај<br />инструмент има и одређене недостатке, који се могу превазићи мерном<br />блендом са више отвора (БВО). Предмет истраживања докторске<br />дисертације је била БВО. За истраживање су се користиле<br />експериментална и нумеричка метода, а истражили су се однос површине<br />отвора бленде и површине попречног пресека цеви &beta;, пад притисака,<br />губитак притисака, утицај угла излазне ивице мерне бленде, утицај<br />влажности гаса и утицај равних деоница испред и иза мерне бленде на<br />тачност мерења. Такође поред овога одредио се и губитак снаге који<br />настаје код различитих мерних бленди, поврат притиска, коефицијент<br />протока тј. коефицијент пада притиска. Представљени резултати у оквиру<br />докторске дисертације су показали бројне предности БВО у односу на БЈО.</p> / <p>Uz rastuće cene energenata, danas je od presudnog značaja tačno merenje<br />protoka fluida u industrijskim procesima. Zbog svoje jednostavnosti,<br />pouzdanosti i jednostavnog održavanja, merne blende su često<br />rasprostranjeni merni instrumenti u mnogim industrijama.<br />Konvencionalna merna blenda sa jednim otvorom (BJO) je široko<br />zastupljen merni instrument na bazi diferencijalnog pritiska, ali ovaj<br />instrument ima i određene nedostatke, koji se mogu prevazići mernom<br />blendom sa više otvora (BVO). Predmet istraživanja doktorske<br />disertacije je bila BVO. Za istraživanje su se koristile<br />eksperimentalna i numerička metoda, a istražili su se odnos površine<br />otvora blende i površine poprečnog preseka cevi &beta;, pad pritisaka,<br />gubitak pritisaka, uticaj ugla izlazne ivice merne blende, uticaj<br />vlažnosti gasa i uticaj ravnih deonica ispred i iza merne blende na<br />tačnost merenja. Takođe pored ovoga odredio se i gubitak snage koji<br />nastaje kod različitih mernih blendi, povrat pritiska, koeficijent<br />protoka tj. koeficijent pada pritiska. Predstavljeni rezultati u okviru<br />doktorske disertacije su pokazali brojne prednosti BVO u odnosu na BJO.</p> / <p>Nowadays, with rising energy prices, accurate flow measurement is playing an<br />important role in industrial processes. Due to its simplicity, reliability and ease of<br />maintenance, orifice flow meters are very common measuring instruments in<br />many industries. Conventional single-hole orifice (SHO) flow meter is widely<br />used differential pressure-based instrument, but this instrument has some<br />disadvantages that can be overcome by multi-hole orifice (MHO) flow meter. The<br />subject of the doctoral dissertation research was MHO flow meter. Experimental<br />and numerical methods were used for the research, whereas the ratio of the<br />orifice area and the cross-sectional pipe area &beta;, pressure drop, pressure loss,<br />angle of bevel influence, gas humidity influence and straight sections upstream<br />and downstream of the orifice influence on measurement accuracy were<br />investigated. Also, power loss for different orifice flow meters, pressure recovery,<br />discharge coefficient i.e. pressure drop coefficient were determined. Results<br />presented within the doctoral dissertation showed numerous advantages of<br />MHO compared to SHO.</p>

Porovnání RT vlastností 8-bitových a 32-bitových implementací jádra uC/OS-II / Comparing RT Properties of 8-Bit and 32-Bit Implementations of the uC/OS-II Kernel

Šubr, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis concerns of benchmarking $\mu$C/OS-II systems on different microcontroller architectures. The thesis describes COS-II microcontroller core and possible series of benchmark tests which can be used. Selected tests are implemented and measured properties of microcontrollers with different architecture are compared.

Implementace pokročilých mechanismů plánování množin RT úloh běžících pod uC/OS-II / Implementation of Advanced Real-Time Scheduling Mechanisms for uC/OS-II

Čižinský, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with extensions of uC/OS-II kernel services. These extensions are about advanced task scheduling mechanisms. Source code of this operating system is wide open and can be, in accordance with licence agreement, modified and extended with additional capabilities. Functionality of implemented scheduling algorithms is at the end verified using tools Cheddar and TimesTool.

An orthotopic xenograft model for high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in mice: influence of mouse strain, tumor cell count, dwell time and bladder pretreatment

Hübner, Doreen, Rieger, Christiane, Bergmann, Ralf, Ullrich, Martin, Meister, Sebastian, Toma, Marieta, Wiedemuth, Ralf, Temme, Achim, Novotny, Vladimir, Wirth, Manfred, Bachmann, Michael, Pietzsch, Jens, Fuessel, Susanne 05 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Background Novel theranostic options for high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer are urgently needed. This requires a thorough evaluation of experimental approaches in animal models best possibly reflecting human disease before entering clinical studies. Although several bladder cancer xenograft models were used in the literature, the establishment of an orthotopic bladder cancer model in mice remains challenging. Methods Luciferase-transduced UM-UC-3LUCK1 bladder cancer cells were instilled transurethrally via 24G permanent venous catheters into athymic NMRI and BALB/c nude mice as well as into SCID-beige mice. Besides the mouse strain, the pretreatment of the bladder wall (trypsin or poly-L-lysine), tumor cell count (0.5 × 106–5.0 × 106) and tumor cell dwell time in the murine bladder (30 min – 2 h) were varied. Tumors were morphologically and functionally visualized using bioluminescence imaging (BLI), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET). Results Immunodeficiency of the mouse strains was the most important factor influencing cancer cell engraftment, whereas modifying cell count and instillation time allowed fine-tuning of the BLI signal start and duration – both representing the possible treatment period for the evaluation of new therapeutics. Best orthotopic tumor growth was achieved by transurethral instillation of 1.0 × 106 UM-UC-3LUCK1 bladder cancer cells into SCID-beige mice for 2 h after bladder pretreatment with poly-L-lysine. A pilot PET experiment using 68Ga-cetuximab as transurethrally administered radiotracer revealed functional expression of epidermal growth factor receptor as representative molecular characteristic of engrafted cancer cells in the bladder. Conclusions With the optimized protocol in SCID-beige mice an applicable and reliable model of high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer for the development of novel theranostic approaches was established.

An orthotopic xenograft model for high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in mice: influence of mouse strain, tumor cell count, dwell time and bladder pretreatment

Hübner, Doreen, Rieger, Christiane, Bergmann, Ralf, Ullrich, Martin, Meister, Sebastian, Toma, Marieta, Wiedemuth, Ralf, Temme, Achim, Novotny, Vladimir, Wirth, Manfred, Bachmann, Michael, Pietzsch, Jens, Fuessel, Susanne 05 June 2018 (has links)
Background Novel theranostic options for high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer are urgently needed. This requires a thorough evaluation of experimental approaches in animal models best possibly reflecting human disease before entering clinical studies. Although several bladder cancer xenograft models were used in the literature, the establishment of an orthotopic bladder cancer model in mice remains challenging. Methods Luciferase-transduced UM-UC-3LUCK1 bladder cancer cells were instilled transurethrally via 24G permanent venous catheters into athymic NMRI and BALB/c nude mice as well as into SCID-beige mice. Besides the mouse strain, the pretreatment of the bladder wall (trypsin or poly-L-lysine), tumor cell count (0.5 × 106–5.0 × 106) and tumor cell dwell time in the murine bladder (30 min – 2 h) were varied. Tumors were morphologically and functionally visualized using bioluminescence imaging (BLI), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET). Results Immunodeficiency of the mouse strains was the most important factor influencing cancer cell engraftment, whereas modifying cell count and instillation time allowed fine-tuning of the BLI signal start and duration – both representing the possible treatment period for the evaluation of new therapeutics. Best orthotopic tumor growth was achieved by transurethral instillation of 1.0 × 106 UM-UC-3LUCK1 bladder cancer cells into SCID-beige mice for 2 h after bladder pretreatment with poly-L-lysine. A pilot PET experiment using 68Ga-cetuximab as transurethrally administered radiotracer revealed functional expression of epidermal growth factor receptor as representative molecular characteristic of engrafted cancer cells in the bladder. Conclusions With the optimized protocol in SCID-beige mice an applicable and reliable model of high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer for the development of novel theranostic approaches was established.

Les facteurs transcriptionnels CUX1 et HNF4[alpha] sont impliqués dans le renouvellement de l'épithélium intestinal, les maladies inflammatoires intestinales et le cancer colorectal

Darsigny, M. Mathieu January 2010 (has links)
HNF4[alpha] est un facteur de transcription de la famille des récepteurs nucléaires hormonaux dont le rôle dans l'organogenèse et le maintien des fonctions hépatiques est de mieux en mieux décrit. Cependant, son rôle dans le développement et le maintien des fonctions gastrointestinales est peu connu. Il en va de même pour le facteur de transcription CUX1 au sein de de la muqueuse intestinale. Nous avons ainsi décidé d'utiliser l'invalidation conditionnelle d' HNF4[alpha] (HNF4[alpha] [exposant]fx/fx) dans l'épithélium intestinal grâce à l'expression de la Cre-recombinase sous le contrôle du promoteur de 12.4 kb de la Villine (12.4kb-Villin .Cre). Les épithélia de l'intestin grêle et du côlon ont été étudiés au niveau de leur morphologie, de leur prolifération, de leur différenciation et de leur fonction à différents temps du développement de la souris. Nous avons dans un premier temps constaté que la morphogenèse de ces tissus se déroule normalement. Nous avons cependant observé que l'épithélium de l'intestin grêle présentait une légère augmentation de la prolifération et une modification des populations différenciées au profit des cellules entéroendocrines et caliciformes. Nous avons également identifié une réduction de la conductance de l'épithélium colique du à une dérégulation des canaux, transporteurs et pores impliqués dans la régulation du transport ionique. Des cibles directes d'HNF4[alpha], tel que la claudine-15, ont vu leur expression diminuer chez les animaux mutants ainsi que dans les maladies inflammatoires intestinales durant lesquelles HNF4[alpha] est réduit en expression. Cette modification dans le rôle crucial de la réabsorption des fluides auquel l'épithélium colique participe a eu pour effet d'entrainer une colite spontanée ressemblant à la colite ulcéreuse chez l'humain. En effet, une augmentation de l'inflammation, une augmentation du recrutement de leucocytes, une augmentation de la prolifération et une apparition de dysplasie épithéliale ont été observées. Les épithélia du grêle et du côlon ont également présenté une augmentation du stress oxydatif et de l'apoptose qui s'est avérée être protectrice contre la perte d'hétérozygocité de l'allèle Apc dans le modèle murin de tumorigenèse Apc Min/+ . En effet, les animaux pour lesquels l'invalidation de l'expression d'HNF4[alpha] a été effectuée par la Villine-Cre (Apc[exposant Min/+] HNF4[alpha] [exposant [delta]1EC] ), ont montré une réduction de 70% du nombre de polypes dans l'intestin grêle et une réduction de 90% du nombre de polypes dans le côlon. L'analyse des gènes impliqués dans la réduction des espèces réactives de l'oxygène a permis d'identifier la GSTK1 comme une nouvelle cible directe d'HNF4[alpha] tant dans l'épithélium de l'intestin grêle que dans le cancer colorectal. En effet, l'expression d'HNF4[alpha] chez les patients atteints du cancer colorectal s'est avérée augmentée chez 31 patients sur les 40 analysés. Ces augmentations oscillent entre 50 et 100% chez 22% des patients et de 100% et plus chez 40% des patients analysés ( n = 40). Les animaux Cux1[delta]HD ont quant à eux été étudiés au niveau de leur susceptibilité à un stress inflammatoire. Nous avons démontré que l'expression de CUX1 est nécessaire à la protection de l'inflammation aigüe et chronique et que les patients atteints des maladies inflammatoires intestinales répondent en augmentant l'expression de ce facteur. Nous croyons que l'expression de CUX1 permet de tempérer la réponse inflammatoire et permet aussi la migration et la prolifération de l'épithélium colique en réponse aux blessures causées par l'inflammation soutenue. Collectivement, ces études démontrent l'importance du réseau de régulation transcriptionnelle dans les voies gastrointestinales pour le maintien de l'homéostasie proliférative, fonctionnelle et inflammatoire de l'épithélium. La modulation de ces facteurs durant les pathologies suggère la possibilité d'intervenir thérapeutiquement sur ces facteurs afin de contrôler leurs cibles et ainsi contrer l'apparition, la progression ou la chronicité de ces maladies.

Processos participativos em comunidade indígena: um estudo sobre a ação política dos Ingarikó face à conservação ambiental do Parque Nacional do Monte Roraima / Participative processes in an indigenous community: political activism of the Ingarikó tribe motivated by environmental conservation in Mount Roraima National Park.

Mlynarz, Ricardo Burg 10 April 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo baseia-se na vivência do pesquisador como membro participante de assembléias realizadas e organizadas pelos índios Ingarikó, em 2005, em Roraima, especificamente na Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do Sol. Essas assembléias visavam discutir as alternativas de gestão do território ocupado pelo grupo Ingarikó, em função da dupla afetação do mesmo como Terra Indígena e Unidade de Conservação. O pesquisador se inscreveu como membro das assembléias, a partir de um convite a ele formalizado por uma liderança Ingarikó, tendo exercido o papel de articulador da organização indígena denominada Conselho do Povo Indígena Ingarikó (Coping), recém-criada nos momentos que antecederam as assembléias. Participaram dessas assembléias, além das lideranças e de membros das comunidades Ingarikó, representantes dos órgãos governamentais envolvidos com a gestão de Terras Indígenas e de Unidades de Conservação, no âmbito local e federal, dentre os quais assumem relevância no presente estudo a Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai) e, à época, o Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama). Tal condição permitiu ao pesquisador, na qualidade de observador participante das referidas assembléias, levantar e analisar informações que propiciaram o conhecimento de como se dava a ação do grupo Ingarikó no exercício da gestão política do território em questão. Essa ação indicou haver uma apropriação da categoria Parque Nacional de forma específica pelo grupo, denotando aspiração de soberania nas decisões e ações, políticas e de gestão, sobre o futuro das regras e técnicas de uso do território. Essa indicação baseou-se na observação das formas de condução das assembléias, na convivência do pesquisador no contexto do modo de vida Ingarikó e nas verbalizações ocorridas durante as assembléias e em conversas com membros da comunidade. Além disso, a observação fundamentou a percepção de que o chamamento das assembléias pelos Ingarikó, assim como o seu desenvolvimento, refletiam um aprendizado dos índios com relação aos modelos de desempenho de ações políticas exercidas pelos atores institucionais do Ibama, da Funai e de organizações indígenas, permitindo também o fortalecimento de uma identidade Ingarikó. Em síntese, a análise do desenrolar das assembléias, em sua totalidade, levou à abstração de que havia, subentendida no comportamento do grupo Ingarikó, uma vinculação entre o respeito aos direitos indígenas sobre as terras que ocupam e a conservação ambiental, conforme estabelecido nos fundamentos originais que justificaram a constituição histórica da legislação indígena do Estado brasileiro, cuja política está centralizada na categoria jurídica Terra Indígena. Paradoxalmente, foi possível constatar que essa essencial vinculação não está presente na forma como as políticas públicas indigenistas e ambientais se materializam, exigindo, de seus agentes, um esforço na busca de articulação das mesmas na ação. / The present study was based on the experience of one researcher participating in assemblies organized and conducted by the Ingariko tribe in the Indian lands known as the Raposa Serra do Sol, in the state of Roraima, Brazil. These assemblies, held in 2005, were aimed at discussing alternative forms of managing the territory occupied by the Ingariko tribe, a territory that, in addition to having been officially set aside for use by indigenous peoples, has been designated an environmentally protected area (Mount Roraima National Park). The researcher was formally invited to participate in the assemblies by one of the leaders of the Ingariko tribe. The invitation came as a result of the coordinating role played by the researcher in the organization known as the Ingariko Indigenous Peoples Council, which was created in the weeks leading up to the assemblies. In addition to the leaders and members of the Ingariko villages, representatives of governmental agencies involved in the management of Indian lands and environmentally protected areas were in attendance. Among such agencies were the Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai, National Indian Foundation) and the Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama, Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources). During these assemblies, the researcher, in the role of participating observer, was able to raise questions and analyze information regarding the activism of the Ingariko tribe in influencing the political management of the disputed territory. The researcher noted that the intervention by members of the tribe resulted in their appropriation of the classification \'National Park\' in a form specific to the tribe, denoting an aspiration to have sovereignty in making decisions and plans, in terms of policies and management, regarding the future use of the territory. This conclusion was reached based on the manner in which the assemblies were conducted and on the personal experience of the researcher, who was familiar with the Ingariko way of life, as well as on statements made during the assemblies and in conversations with members of the community. In addition, the fact that the Ingariko called for and organized these assemblies indicates their political maturation in relation to models of political activities sanctioned by the institutional actors (Ibama, Funai and other organizations involved in indigenous issues), as well as the strengthening of the Ingariko cultural identity. In summary, the analysis of the way in which the assemblies proceeded, overall, and of the behavior of the Ingariko tribe, led to the abstraction that respect for Indian land rights and environmental conservation are inextricably linked. This link has its foundation in the constitutional and legislative history of Brazil in relation to Indian rights and issues affecting indigenous peoples, the central focus of which, in legal terms, is Indian lands. Paradoxically, it became apparent that this essential link is not taken into consideration during the formation of public policies related to indigenous and environmental issues. Therefore, public officials must consciously attempt to incorporate this idea into their interpretation and implementation of such policies.

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