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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reforço de pilares curtos de concreto armado por encamisamento com concreto de ultra-alto desempenho / Strengthening of short columns with jacketing for ultra-high performance concrete

Rodrigo Mazia Enami 16 October 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou a influência dos concretos de ultra-alto desempenho com fibras (UHPFRC) e sem fibras (UHPC) no reforço de pilares curtos de concreto armado de seção transversal circular e quadrada. Avaliou-se também a adição de armaduras adicionais de reforço e de polímeros reforçados com fibras de carbono (PRFC) em alguns pilares reforçados. Para a avaliação deste novo sistema de reforço optou-se pela realização de um programa experimental e simulações numéricas. É importante ressaltar que no programa experimental, nenhum pilar reforçado possuía seção transversal maior que a seção do pilar de referência. Foi verificado por meio do programa experimental, que as camisas de UHPC apresentaram ruína de natureza frágil e não se recomenda a sua utilização a menos que acompanhada de mecanismos que garantam adequado confinamento do pilar reforçado. Nos pilares circulares e quadrados reforçados com UHPFRC foram verificados, respectivamente, incrementos de resistência de 106,4% e 83,6% onde o concreto do cobrimento foi substituído por UHPFRC, 154,3% e 111,7% onde além da substituição do cobrimento foram inseridas armaduras adicionais e 160% e 85,6% onde houve a colocação de PRFC após a substituição do cobrimento. Todos os pilares reforçados com UHPFRC não apresentaram destacamento da camisa de reforço. Foram realizadas simulações numéricas variando a espessura da camisa de UHPFRC e do número de camadas de PRFC tanto nos pilares de seção circular como nos pilares de seção quadrada. Por meio destas simulações, notou-se que a adição de pequenos incrementos de espessura da camisa de UHPFRC, proporciona elevados incrementos de resistência ao pilar reforçado, ao passo que o aumento do número de camadas de PRFC não influenciaria significantemente no incremento de resistência e sim na ductilidade do conjunto. / The present work evaluated the influence of ultra-high performance concrete with fibers (UHPFRC) and without fibers (UHPC) on the strengthening of short columns of reinforced concrete of circular and square cross section. It was also evaluated the addition of additional reinforcement and carbon fiber reinforced polymers (PRFC) on some strengthened columns. For the evaluation of this new system of strengthening we opted for the realization of an experimental program and numerical simulations. It is important to note that in the experimental program, no strengthened columns had a larger cross section than the reference column section. It was verified through the experimental program that the UHPC shirts presented ruin of a fragile nature and their use is not recommended unless accompanied by mechanisms that guarantee adequate confinement to the strengthened columns. In the circular and square columns strengthened with UHPFRC, respectively, resistance increments of 106.4% and 83.6% were verified, where the cover concrete was replaced by UHPFRC, 154.3% and 111.7%, in addition to the substitution of additional reinforcement were inserted and 160% and 85.6% where PRFC placement was performed after the replacement of the cover. All strengthened columns with UHPFRC did not present detachment of the strengthening jacket. Numerical simulations were performed by varying the thickness of the UHPFRC jacket and the number of PRFC layers on both the circular section columns and the square section columns. Through these simulations, it was noted that the addition of small thickness increments of the UHPFRC jacket would provide high increments of strength to the strengthened columns, while increasing the number of PRFC layers would not significantly influence the increase in strength but rather ductility of the assembly.

Mechanical Property Development and Numerical Modeling of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Focused on Isothermal Curing Conditions

Allard, Thomas 14 December 2018 (has links)
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) has progressively gained interest because of its favorable strength and durability properties. Literature shows that curing temperature has a significant effect on the resultant mechanical properties of UHPC, generally resulting in increased compressive strength. However, limited datasets are currently available to ascertain the degree of change related to compressive strength as a function of curing temperature and conditions. This study investigates the effect of isothermal and submerged curing temperature conditions, ranging from 10°C to 90°C, on the compressive strength and elastic modulus development of UHPC and generates a numerical model to capture these effects. The extent and rate of compressive strength development in Cor-Tuf UHPC was found to increase with curing temperature, while only the rate of elastic modulus development increased with curing temperature. The numerical model shows reasonable agreement when compared with the experimental results and was successfully implemented in finite element analysis software.


PATRICIA BARRETO DE LIMA 03 January 2022 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho avalia o efeito da utilização de concreto de ultra-alto desempenho (CUAD) em elementos estruturais, analisando seu comportamento à flexão e o impacto da utilização desse material no seu dimensionamento. Através de ensaios de caracterização do material, foram estudadas as suas propriedades mecânicas. Os resultados dos testes já apresentavam resistência à compressão de 104 MPa com 7 dias de idade e 142 MPa aos 28 dias de idade, além de um aumento na capacidade de carga e na ductilidade dos corpos de prova com o aumento da quantidade de fibras utilizadas no CUAD. Na escala estrutural, foram analisadas quatro vigas de concreto armado, onde duas foram produzidas com concreto de ultra-alto desempenho e duas com concreto convencional (CC), com taxa de armaduras de 0,44 por cento e 1,78 por cento. Primeiramente foi realizada uma análise comparativa dos resultados dos momentos obtidos experimentalmente e teoricamente (baseado nas normas NBR 6118:2014, ACI 544.4R-18 e Model Code 2010) não apresentando diferença significativa. Posteriormente, através dos resultados dos ensaios foi possível verificar que, a utilização do CUAD melhora, no geral, as propriedades mecânicas dos elementos analisados. A utilização do CUAD em vigas subarmadas apresenta resultados similares às vigas normalmente armadas com CC. Além disso, quando combinadas a utilização do CUAD com o aumento da taxa de armaduras, os resultados melhoram significativamente, apresentando, por exemplo um ganho na capacidade de carga de aproximadamente 40 por cento no aumento da taxa geométrica de armaduras e de 75 por cento com o aumento da taxa de armaduras combinada com a utilização do CUAD. / [en] The present work evaluates the effect of the use of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) in structural elements, analyzing its behavior to bending and the impact of the use of this material on its dimensioning. Through tests of characterization of the material, its mechanical properties were studied. The results of the tests already presented compressive strength of 104 Mpa at 7 days of age and 142 Mpa at 28 days of age, in addition to an increase in load capacity and ductility of the specimens with the increase in the amount of fibers used in the UHPC. In the structural scale, four reinforced concrete beams were analyzed, two of which were produced with ultra-high performance concrete and two with conventional concrete (CC), with an armor rate of 0.44 percent and 1.78 percent. First, a comparative analysis of the results of the moments obtained experimentally and theoretically (based on the norms NBR 6118:2014, ACI 544.4R-18 and Model Code 2010) was performed, with no significant difference. Subsequently, through the results of the tests it was possible to verify that the use of UHPC improves, in general, the mechanical properties of the analyzed elements. The use of UHPC in underarmed beams presents similar results to beams normally armed with CC. In addition, when combined with the use of UHPC with increased reinforcement rate, the results improve significantly, presenting, for example, a gain in load capacity of approximately 40 percent in the increase in the geometric rate of reinforcements and 75 percent with the increase in the reinforcement rate combined with the use of UHPC.


[pt] O concreto de ultra-alto desempenho (CUAD) é um material cimentício avançado que possui excelente desempenho mecânico, ductilidade e durabilidade devido a uma elevada densidade de empacotamento e ao uso de fibras, promovendo benefícios à vida útil das estruturas. Grande parte das estruturas está sujeita a ações cíclicas, ou seja, variáveis com o tempo, resultando em danos de fadiga, como o surgimento e a propagação de trincas, que podem comprometer sua integridade. Assim, é essencial compreender o comportamento dos materiais sob fadiga para que sejam propostas diretrizes de projeto seguras e adequadas ao bom funcionamento das estruturas. Este trabalho visa, portanto, investigar o comportamento do concreto de ultra-alto desempenho pré-fissurado sob fadiga na flexão, quantificando sua degradação mecânica ao longo do carregamento cíclico a partir dos parâmetros de abertura de fissura (CMOD) e rigidez, contribuindo para o estudo desse tipo especial de concreto. Foram propostas equações para prever a vida à fadiga em relação ao limite superior de carga e estabelecer o limite de fadiga do concreto de ultra-alto desempenho, igual a 75,3 por cento, considerando o limite inferior igual a 30 cento do limite superior. Ainda, avaliou-se o comportamento pós-fadiga de amostras que não sofreram ruptura ao longo de 1.000.000 de ciclos, sendo possível observar que o mecanismo não gerou alterações no desempenho das amostras sob flexão para limites inferiores ao limite de fadiga. / [en] Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC) is an advanced cementitious material that has excellent mechanical performance, ductility and durability due to a high packing density and the use of fibers, contributing to increase the structures lifespan. Most of the structures are subject to cyclic loads, which vary with time, resulting in fatigue damage such as the formation and propagation of cracks that could compromise its integrity. Thus, it is essential to understand the behavior of materials subjected to fatigue so that safe and proper design guidelines can be proposed for the appropriate performance of the structures. Therefore, this work aims to investigate the behavior of pre-cracked ultra-high performance concrete under flexural fatigue, quantifying its mechanical deterioration during cyclic loading through both crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) and stiffness, which will contribute to the study of this special type of concrete. Equations were proposed to predict fatigue life according to the upper load limit during the cyclic loading and to establish the endurance limit of ultra-high performance concrete in 75,3 percent, considering the lower limit load equal to 30 percent of the upper limit. Also, when evaluating the post-fatigue behavior of samples that did not fail over 1,000,000 cycles it was possible to identify that the cyclic loading did not change the performance of the samples under bending, which was due to the use of upper loads below the endurance limit.

Blast-resistance characteristics and design of steel wire reinforced ultra-high performance concrete slabs

Wu, Q., Wang, X., Ashour, Ashraf, Sun, T., Dong, S., Han, B. 25 July 2024 (has links)
Yes / Steel wire reinforced ultra-high performance concrete (SWRUHPC) offers exceptional resistance to impacts and blast, making it a promising construction material for infrastructure with blast-resistance demands. However, limited research has been conducted on the blast-resistance characteristics and design of SWRUHPC elements under blast loading, particularly in considering multiple influencing parameters and levels. Therefore, this study employed finite element simulation methods to investigate the influence of scaled distance (Z), reinforcement ratio (ρ) and slab thickness (D) as well as slab length (L) on the failure mode and maximum deflection of SWRUHPC slabs. Range analysis and variance analysis methods were used to quantitively analyze the effects of various factors on the blast resistance performance, culminating in the proposal of a design formula for SWRUHPC slabs. The results demonstrated that SWRUHPC exhibits superior blast resistance compared to ordinary concrete, effectively reducing the occurrence of concrete spalling and splashing, thus enhancing overall structural resilience in blast scenarios. Among the four factors analyzed, their influence on maximum deflection follows this order: D > Z > ρ > L. Notably, the maximum deflection decreases by 82% when the slab thickness increases from 40 mm to 90 mm. Additionally, the established design formula for SWRUHPC slabs under different scaled distances shows good agreement with the numerical simulation results, offering valuable design guidelines for SWRUHPC slabs in protective engineering structures. / National Science Foundation of China (52308236 and 52368031), and the Major Science and Technology Research Project of the China Building Materials Federation (2023JBGS10-02), Natural Science Joint Foundation of Liaoning Province (2023-BSBA-077), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (DUT24GJ202). / The full text will be available at the end of the publisher's embargo: 22nd July 2025

Performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Columns under Shock Tube Induced Shock Wave Loading

Burrell, Russell P. 19 November 2012 (has links)
It is important to ensure that vulnerable structures (federal and provincial offices, military structures, embassies, etc) are blast resistant to safeguard life and critical infrastructure. In the wake of recent malicious attacks and accidental explosions, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that columns in structures are properly detailed to provide the ductility and continuity necessary to prevent progressive collapse. Research has shown that steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) can enhance many of the properties of concrete, including improved post-cracking tensile capacity, enhanced shear resistance, and increased ductility. The enhanced properties of SFRC make it an ideal candidate for use in the blast resistant design of structures. There is limited research on the behaviour of SFRC under high strain rates, including impact and blast loading, and some of this data is conflicting, with some researchers showing that the additional ductility normally evident in SFRC is absent or reduced at high strain loading. On the other hand, other data indicates that SFRC can improve toughness and energy-absorption capacity under extreme loading conditions. This thesis presents the results of experimental research involving tests of scaled reinforced concrete columns exposed to shock wave induced impulsive loads using the University of Ottawa Shock Tube. A total of 13 half-scale steel fibre reinforced concrete columns, 8 with normal strength steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) and 5 with an ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC), were constructed and tested under simulated blast pressures. The columns were designed according to CSA A23.3 standards for both seismic and non-seismic regions, using various fibre amounts and types. Each column was exposed to similar shock wave loads in order to provide direct comparisons between seismic and non-seismically detailed columns, amount of steel fibres, type of steel fibres, and type of concrete. The dynamic response of the columns tested in the experimental program is predicted by generating dynamic load-deformation resistance functions for SFRC and UHPFRC columns and using single degree of freedom dynamic analysis software, RCBlast. The analytical results are compared to experimental data, and shown to accurately predict the maximum mid-span displacements of the fibre reinforced concrete columns under shock wave loading.

Evaluation of the Performance of Multi-Component Cementitious Composites: Multi-Scale Experimental Characterization and Numerical Simulation

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Being a remarkably versatile and inexpensive building material, concrete has found tremendous use in development of modern infrastructure and is the most widely used material in the world. Extensive research in the field of concrete has led to the development of a wide array of concretes with applications ranging from building of skyscrapers to paving of highways. These varied applications require special cementitious composites which can satisfy the demand for enhanced functionalities such as high strength, high durability and improved thermal characteristics among others. The current study focuses on the fundamental understanding of such functional composites, from their microstructural design to macro-scale application. More specifically, this study investigates three different categories of functional cementitious composites. First, it discusses the differences between cementitious systems containing interground and blended limestone with and without alumina. The interground systems are found to outperform the blended systems due to differential grinding of limestone. A novel approach to deduce the particle size distribution of limestone and cement in the interground systems is proposed. Secondly, the study delves into the realm of ultra-high performance concrete, a novel material which possesses extremely high compressive-, tensile- and flexural-strength and service life as compared to regular concrete. The study presents a novel first principles-based paradigm to design economical ultra-high performance concretes using locally available materials. In the final part, the study addresses the thermal benefits of a novel type of concrete containing phase change materials. A software package was designed to perform numerical simulations to analyze temperature profiles and thermal stresses in concrete structures containing PCMs. The design of these materials is accompanied by material characterization of cementitious binders. This has been accomplished using techniques that involve measurement of heat evolution (isothermal calorimetry), determination and quantification of reaction products (thermo-gravimetric analysis, x-ray diffraction, micro-indentation, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy) and evaluation of pore-size distribution (mercury intrusion porosimetry). In addition, macro-scale testing has been carried out to determine compression, flexure and durability response. Numerical simulations have been carried out to understand hydration of cementitious composites, determine optimum particle packing and determine the thermal performance of these composites. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2018

Performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Columns under Shock Tube Induced Shock Wave Loading

Burrell, Russell P. 19 November 2012 (has links)
It is important to ensure that vulnerable structures (federal and provincial offices, military structures, embassies, etc) are blast resistant to safeguard life and critical infrastructure. In the wake of recent malicious attacks and accidental explosions, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that columns in structures are properly detailed to provide the ductility and continuity necessary to prevent progressive collapse. Research has shown that steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) can enhance many of the properties of concrete, including improved post-cracking tensile capacity, enhanced shear resistance, and increased ductility. The enhanced properties of SFRC make it an ideal candidate for use in the blast resistant design of structures. There is limited research on the behaviour of SFRC under high strain rates, including impact and blast loading, and some of this data is conflicting, with some researchers showing that the additional ductility normally evident in SFRC is absent or reduced at high strain loading. On the other hand, other data indicates that SFRC can improve toughness and energy-absorption capacity under extreme loading conditions. This thesis presents the results of experimental research involving tests of scaled reinforced concrete columns exposed to shock wave induced impulsive loads using the University of Ottawa Shock Tube. A total of 13 half-scale steel fibre reinforced concrete columns, 8 with normal strength steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) and 5 with an ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC), were constructed and tested under simulated blast pressures. The columns were designed according to CSA A23.3 standards for both seismic and non-seismic regions, using various fibre amounts and types. Each column was exposed to similar shock wave loads in order to provide direct comparisons between seismic and non-seismically detailed columns, amount of steel fibres, type of steel fibres, and type of concrete. The dynamic response of the columns tested in the experimental program is predicted by generating dynamic load-deformation resistance functions for SFRC and UHPFRC columns and using single degree of freedom dynamic analysis software, RCBlast. The analytical results are compared to experimental data, and shown to accurately predict the maximum mid-span displacements of the fibre reinforced concrete columns under shock wave loading.

Load-carrying and energy-dissipation capacities of ultra-high-performance concrete under dynamic loading

Buck, Jonathan J. 06 April 2012 (has links)
The load-carrying and energy-dissipation capacities of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) under dynamic loading are evaluated in relation to microstructure composition at strain rates on the order of 10⁵ s⁻¹ and pressures of up to 10 GPa. Analysis focuses on deformation and failure mechanisms at the mesostructural level. A cohesive finite element framework that allows explicit account of constituent phases, interfaces, and fracture is used. The model resolves essential deformation and failure mechanisms in addition to providing a phenomenological account of the effects of the phase transformation. Four modes of energy dissipation are tracked, including pressure-sensitive inelastic deformation, damage through the development of distributed cracks, interfacial friction, and energy released through phase transformation of the quartz silica constituent. Simulations are carried out over a range of volume fractions of constituent phases to quantify trends that can be used to design materials for more damage-resistant structures. Calculations show that the volume fractions of the constituents have more influence on the energy-dissipation capacity than on the load-carrying capacity, that inelastic deformation is the source of over 70% of the energy dissipation, and that the presence of porosity changes the role of fibers in the dissipation process. The results also show that the phase transformation has a significant effect on the load-carrying and energy-dissipation capacities of UHPC for the conditions studied. Although transformation accounts for less than 2% of the total energy dissipation, the phase transformation leads to a twofold increase in the crack density and yields nearly an 18% increase to the overall energy dissipation. Microstructure-behavior relations are established to facilitate materials design and tailoring for target-specific applications.

Versuchstechnische Ermittlung und mathematische Beschreibung der mehraxialen Festigkeit von ultra-hochfestem Beton (UHPC) - Zweiaxiale Druckfestigkeit; Im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms 1182 Nachhaltiges Bauen mit Ultra-Hochfestem Beton (UHPC) / Experimental Investigation and Mathematical Analysis of Multiaxial Strength of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) - Biaxial Compressive Strength

Curbach, Manfred, Speck, Kerstin 18 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt das Verhalten von ultrahochfestem Beton unter zweiaxialer Druckbeanspruchung. Bisher wurden ein Feinkornbeton und zwei Grobkornbetone mit unterschiedlichen Faserzusätzen untersucht. Die Zylinderdruckfestigkeiten nach 28 Tagen betragen rund 150, 160 und 170 N/mm². Besonders bei dem Feinkornbeton wurde eine überwiegend horizontale Ausrichtung der Stahlfasern festgestellt, die zu einer Anisotropie im Materialverhalten führte. Zusammenfassend muss festgestellt werden, dass die zweiaxiale Druckfestigkeit von UHPC nur geringfügig größer ist als die einaxiale. Für die Mischungen mit 2,5 Vol.-% Fasergehalt übersteigt die Festigkeit bei einem Spannungsverhältnis von Spannung 1 zu Spannung 2 gleich Eins die einaxiale Festigkeit um 7 bzw. 10 %. Bei dem Beton mit 0,9 Vol.-% Fasergehalt lag diese zweiaxiale Festigkeit sogar geringfügig unter der einaxialen. Bei der Bemessung von UHPC dürfen somit die vom Normalbeton bekannten Festigkeitssteigerungen unter mehraxialer Druckbelastung, wie sie z.B. bei reinen Druckknoten von Stabwerkmodellen angesetzt werden, nicht verwendet werden! Für die Beschreibung der Bruchkurve kann nach jetzigem Erkenntnisstand das Bruchkriterium nach OTTOSEN als eine gute Näherung empfohlen werden. Die Versuche haben gezeigt, dass sich UHPC in vielen, zum Teil sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen anders verhält als Normalbeton. Für eine umfassende Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens sind weitere Versuche unter dreiaxiale Druckbelastung und kombinierter Druck-Zug-Belastung notwendig.

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