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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Současný stav mluvy nejstarší generace v lomnickém mikroregionu podkrkonošského okrajového úseku / Current status of speech of the oldest generation in the microregion of Lomnice (under the Giant Mountains)

Maierová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This M.A. thesis contributes to the research of regional marked features in the region under the Giant Mountains (Podkrkonoší), which is a part of the north-eastern dialectal group of the Czech language. The aim of the thesis is to describe spontaneous language of the speakers both in rural (Nová Ves nad Popelkou, Syřenov, Újezdec, Žďár u Kumburku) and urban areas (Lomnice nad Popelkou, Semily), with special regard to phonology and morphology. The research was restricted to the oldest generation only, that means to the people who were born in 1951 and earlier. The data were obtained by recording semi- structured interviews with informants. These data were then analyzed, compared and described in terms of Common Czech, regional and local dialect features. One part of the thesis consists of short description of the idiolect of each spokesman and of speech samples of informants. The results of the research are presented separately for each feature for both groups investigated (rural and urban speakers). In the conclusion of the thesis, the author summarizes the results gained. The rural speakers of the Lomnice microregion still use some dialectal features typical for the region under the Giant Mountains (Podkrkonoší), whereas in the urban areas these features are not present to such a high degree....

Návykové látky v silniční dopravě / Addictive substances in road transport

Novotný, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with the addictive substances in road transport, especially with alcohol and other narcotic drugs used by drivers of motorized and non-motorized vehicles. The thesis is divided into three main parts. First chapter provides the definition and clarification of the terms. Second chapter, Substantive law, contains two subchapters, Criminal law and Administrative law. The subchapter Criminal law analyzes crimes that can be committed in conjunction with the addictive substances in road transport, namely endangerment under influence of an addictive substance according to § 274 TZ, general endangerment and general endangerment alleging negligence according to § 272 TZ and § 273 TZ and inebriation according to § 360 TZ. The most attention is paid to the offence of endangerment under the influence of an addictive substance, which is, as the most frequently committed crime in connection with the addictive substances, analyzed in terms of elements of crime, complicity and participation, stages of the commission of the crime, qualified elements of crime and sanctions. The second subchapter, Administrative law, examines three mostly committed minor offences related to the addictive substances in road transport. These are minor offences according to § 125c odst. 1 písm. b), písm. c) and...

Exploring the perception of African Caribbeans in choosing a career as a counselling psychologist : a mixed methods approach

White, Ivet Resna January 2015 (has links)
This mixed method study explored the perceptions of African Caribbeans towards choosing careers as counselling psychologists. 131 (N = 131) African Caribbeans aged 16-55 contributed to this study. Firstly, an online and paper survey questionnaire was designed and administered to (N =121) participants. This comprised of (N = 41) parents; (N = 41) undergraduate psychology students and (N = 39) 16-18 year olds. An ANOVA Test indicated a significant effect between participatory groups. Semi structured interviews were carried out to explore these identified differences. 4 parents; 4 16-18 year olds; and 2 undergraduate psychology students were interviewed. Qualitative data was analysed using Braun & Clarke (2006) thematic analysis. Themes identified as significant across all groups were centred around participants’ perception of psychology; interest or otherwise in studying psychology and choosing it as a career option; knowledge about counselling psychology and choosing it as a career; the participants’ experiences of school; the attraction of particular careers such as sports and music for 16-18 year olds when compared to counselling psychology; the importance of support; attitudes towards mental health and the importance of having role models from the community that are counselling psychologists. Recommendations for the Division of Counselling Psychology, BPS, training and future research are outlined.

Problémy trestního soudnictví nad mládeží / The issues of juvenile criminal justice

Šípal, Jan January 2019 (has links)
1 The Issues of Juvenile Criminal Justice The Abstract This Master's degree thesis named "The Issues of Juvenile Criminal Justice" focuses on the issues of proceedings in the matters of children under the age of fifteen according to title third of the Act No. 218/2003 Coll. on the Responsibility of Juveniles for illegal Acts and on the Justice of Youth (hereinafter "ZSM"). These proceedings are unlike any other in that regard that although they are civil, they can't deny their penal aspect since they deal with the other offences, the acts which posses every element of a crime except for the fact that they were committed by someone not criminally liable. These proceedings are yet to be thoroughly examined by law literature or any other thesis and their statutory regulation itself is quite brief, that is despite the complexity of said issues. The first introductory chapter defines several basic concepts of these proceedings, such as "the child under the age of fifteen" or "other offence." Then, the ZSM is covered. This act is naturally crucial for the issue, though his relations to general civil and penal regulation must be explained. In the second chapter, called "Historical context," some key historical milestones are remembered, with the focus on Act No. 48/1931 Coll. on the Penal Justice System of the...


GABRIELA PINTO RIBAS 06 October 2008 (has links)
[pt] A indústria do petróleo é uma das mais importantes e dinâmicas do Brasil. Em uma indústria naturalmente integrada como a petrolífera, é necessário um adequado planejamento estratégico da cadeia integrada de petróleo que contemple todos os seus processos, como a produção de petróleo, refino, distribuição e comercialização de derivados. Além disso, a indústria de petróleo está suscetível a diversas incertezas relacionadas a preço de petróleo e derivados, oferta de óleo bruto e demanda de produtos. Em face destas oportunidades e desafios, foi desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação um modelo de programação estocástica para o planejamento estratégico da cadeia de petróleo brasileira. O modelo contempla as refinarias e suas unidades de processos, as propriedades dos petróleos e derivados, a logística nacional e decisões de comercialização de petróleo e derivados, incluindo incertezas associadas a preço de mercado, produção de petróleo nacional e demanda interna de derivados. A partir do modelo estocástico foram formulados um modelo robusto e um modelo MinMax no intuito de comparar o desempenho e a qualidade da solução estocástica. Os modelos propostos foram aplicados a um exemplo real, com 17 refinarias e 3 centrais petroquímicas que processam 50 produtos intermediários, destinados a produção de 10 derivados associados à demanda nacional, 8 campos de exploração de petróleo, 14 produtores gás natural, 1 produtor de óleo vegetal, 13 terminais, 4 bases de distribuição e 278 arcos de transporte. Na análise de resultados foram utilizadas medidas como Valor Esperado da Informação Perfeita (EVPI) e Valor da Solução Estocástica (VSS). / [en] The oil industry is one of the most important and dynamic in Brazil. As the oil industry naturally integrated, we need an appropriate strategic planning to the oil supply chain that consider all its processes, such as oil production, refining, distribution and refined products marketing. Moreover, the oil industry is susceptible to various uncertainties regarding the oil and products price, crude oil supply and products demand. In light of these opportunities and challenges, it was developed in this dissertation a stochastic programming model for the strategic planning of the Brazilian oil supply chain. The model includes refineries and process units, oils and their products properties, logistics and national marketing decisions of oil and products, including uncertainties associated with market price, oil domestic production and refined products domestic demand. Based on the stochastic model a robust model and a MinMax model were formulated in order to compare the performance and quality of the stochastic solution. The proposed models were applied to a real example, with 17 refineries and 3 petrochemical power plants that process 50 intermediate products, intended to production of 10 final products associated to national demand, 8 oil fields, 14 natural gas producers, 1 vegetal oil producer, 13 terminals, 4 delivery points and 278 arches of transport. In the results analysis was used as measures the Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI) and the Value of the Stochastic Solution (VSS).

Zločiny podle mezinárodního práva v Římském statutu MTS a jejich stíhání / Crimes under international law in the Rome Statute of the ICC and their prosecution

Huječek, Roman January 2018 (has links)
Crimes under International Law in the Rome Statute of the ICC and Their Prosecution Abstract This diploma thesis deals with crimes under international law in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and their prosecution, with a special focus on the issues of applicability of senior state officials' international immunity when it comes down to the proceedings before this court. The first part of the thesis outlines the meaning of the term crimes under international law and explains the difference between this term and the terms international crimes and transnational crimes. Next, the prosecution of these crimes under international law is set within its historical context with a special focus on the period after the start of World War I. The second part discusses the International Criminal Court's jurisdiction and, mainly, each individual crime under international law and its definition in the Rome Statute. The second part ends with a chapter concerning mental elements of these crimes and particularly the institute of command responsibility. The third part describes the procedural provisions of the Rome Statute and it guides the reader all the way from the initiation of the proceedings to the enforcement of the court's decision. The third section also offers several practical examples regarding...

Processos de decisão Markovianos fatorados com probabilidades imprecisas / Factored Markov decision processes with Imprecise Transition Probabilities

Delgado, Karina Valdivia 19 January 2010 (has links)
Em geral, quando modelamos problemas de planejamento probabilístico do mundo real, usando o arcabouço de Processos de Decisão Markovianos (MDPs), é difícil obter uma estimativa exata das probabilidades de transição. A incerteza surge naturalmente na especificação de um domínio, por exemplo, durante a aquisição das probabilidades de transição a partir de um especialista ou de dados observados através de técnicas de amostragem, ou ainda de distribuições de transição não estacionárias decorrentes do conhecimento insuficiente do domínio. Com o objetivo de se determinar uma política robusta, dada a incerteza nas transições de estado, Processos de Decisão Markovianos com Probabilidades Imprecisas (MDP-IPs) têm sido usados para modelar esses cenários. Infelizmente, apesar de existirem diversos algoritmos de solução para MDP-IPs, muitas vezes eles exigem chamadas externas de rotinas de otimização que podem ser extremamente custosas. Para resolver esta deficiência, nesta tese, introduzimos o MDP-IP fatorado e propomos métodos eficientes de programação matemática e programação dinâmica que permitem explorar a estrutura de um domínio de aplicação. O método baseado em programação matemática propõe soluções aproximadas eficientes para MDP-IPs fatorados, estendendo abordagens anteriores de programação linear para MDPs fatorados. Essa proposta, baseada numa formulação multilinear para aproximações robustas da função valor de estados, explora a representação fatorada de um MDP-IP, reduzindo em ordens de magnitude o tempo consumido em relação às abordagens não-fatoradas previamente propostas. O segundo método proposto, baseado em programação dinâmica, resolve o gargalo computacional existente nas soluções de programação dinâmica para MDP-IPs propostas na literatura: a necessidade de resolver múltiplos problemas de otimização não-linear. Assim, mostramos como representar a função valor de maneira compacta usando uma nova estrutura de dados chamada de Diagramas de Decisão Algébrica Parametrizados, e como aplicar técnicas de aproximação para reduzir drasticamente a sobrecarga computacional das chamadas a um otimizador não-linear, produzindo soluções ótimas aproximadas com erro limitado. Nossos resultados mostram uma melhoria de tempo e até duas ordens de magnitude em comparação às abordagens tradicionais enumerativas baseadas em programação dinâmica e uma melhoria de tempo de até uma ordem de magnitude sobre a extensão de técnicas de iteração de valor aproximadas para MDPs fatorados. Além disso, produzimos o menor erro de todos os algoritmos de aproximação avaliados. / When modeling real-world decision-theoretic planning problems with the framework of Markov Decision Processes(MDPs), it is often impossible to obtain a completely accurate estimate of transition probabilities. For example, uncertainty arises in the specification of transitions due to elicitation of MDP transition models from an expert or data, or non-stationary transition distributions arising from insuficient state knowledge. In the interest of obtaining the most robust policy under transition uncertainty, Markov Decision Processes with Imprecise Transition Probabilities (MDP-IPs) have been introduced. Unfortunately, while various solutions exist for MDP-IPs, they often require external calls to optimization routines and thus can be extremely time-consuming in practice. To address this deficiency, we introduce the factored MDP-IP and propose eficient mathematical programming and dynamic programming methods to exploit its structure. First, we derive eficient approximate solutions for Factored MDP-IPs based on mathematical programming resulting in a multilinear formulation for robust maximin linear-value approximations in Factored MDP-IPs. By exploiting factored structure in MDP-IPs we are able to demonstrate orders of magnitude reduction in solution time over standard exact non-factored approaches. Second, noting that the key computational bottleneck in the dynamic programming solution of factored MDP-IPs is the need to repeatedly solve nonlinear constrained optimization problems, we show how to target approximation techniques to drastically reduce the computational overhead of the nonlinear solver while producing bounded, approximately optimal solutions. Our results show up to two orders of magnitude speedup in comparison to traditional at dynamic programming approaches and up to an order of magnitude speedup over the extension of factored MDP approximate value iteration techniques to MDP-IPs while producing the lowest error among all approximation algorithm evaluated.

As sanções da Lei de Licitações e a desconsideração da personalidade jurídica / The public bidding laws sanctions and the disregard of the legal entity

Machado, Fernando Moreno 03 April 2014 (has links)
Dissertação voltada ao estudo das sanções administrativas previstas na Lei Federal 8.666/1993 (Lei de Licitações). Apresenta quadro panorâmico das licitações e contratações públicas no Direito Administrativo Brasileiro. Trata do regime jurídico do exercício da atividade sancionatória pela Administração Pública, com destaque para os princípios regentes da matéria. Examina as discussões teóricas, doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais relativas à aplicabilidade das sanções administrativas previstas nos artigos 86 a 88 da Lei de Licitações, como a multa, a advertência, a suspensão temporária de participação em licitação, o impedimento de contratar com a Administração e a declaração de inidoneidade, aí incluindo a competência para imposição de sanções, os sujeitos passivos das penalidades aplicáveis, além das nuances de cada uma delas. Destaca a controvérsia estabelecida acerca das distinções e abrangência dos efeitos das penas de suspensão temporária, impedimento de contratar e declaração de inidoneidade. Estuda a possibilidade de a Administração Pública fazer uso da Teoria da Desconsideração da Personalidade Jurídica, inicialmente em um cenário de ausência de autorização legislativa, como forma de incremento da efetividade daquelas sanções, quando constatado o abuso de direito dos particulares ao constituírem novas sociedades, com o intuito de burlá-las. Examina a Lei Federal 12.846/2013, que trata da responsabilização de pessoas jurídicas pela prática de atos contra a Administração Pública, e suas consequências na seara das licitações e contratações administrativas. / Dissertation focused on the study of administrative sanctions under Federal Law no. 8.666/1993 (public bidding Law). It presents an overview of public bidding and public hiring under Brazilian administrative law. It presents the legal regime of the sanctioning activity exercised by public authorities, especially the matter governing principles. It examines the theoretical, doctrinal and jurisprudential discussion concerning the applicability of administrative sanctions established by Articles 86 to 88 of the Public Bidding Law, such as fines, warnings, temporary suspension from participating in public biddings, the impediment to contract with the government and the unfitness declaration, including the power to impose sanctions, the subjects liable of applicable penalties, and the nuances of each one of these penalties. It highlights the controversy about the distinctions and comprehensiveness of the effects related to the temporary suspension, avoidance of contract and declaration of unfitness. It analyses the possibility of public administration adopt the theory of piercing of the corporate veil, initially in a scenario of absence of legislative authorization, as a way of increasing the effectiveness of those sanctions when found abuse of the right of individuals which constitute new associations in order to chouse them. It examines the Federal Law No. 12.846/2013, which deals with the liability of legal entities for the commission of acts against the government and its consequences on the public bids and administrative hires area. Keywords: administrative penalties, sanctions under administrative law, principle of typicality, extension effects of penalties, piercing of the corporate veil.

Distribuição pessoal da renda e elasticidade renda da demanda por importações no Brasil: evidências a partir de regressões quantílicas para o período 2002-2009 / Personal income ditribution and import elasticities in Brazil: evidences from quantile regressions for 2002-2009

Souto, Artur Moreira 04 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca contribuir para a literatura sobre as elaticidades renda da demanda por importações. Mais especificamente, procura analisar em que medida a questão da distribuição pessoal da renda se relaciona com estas elasticidades para o Brasil. O país apresentou nos anos 2000 um processo singular de desenvolvimento, marcado por crescimento econômico com distribuição de renda. Analisa-se este processo através das perspectivas da teoria do crescimento sob restrição externa e da teoria da CEPAL, que consideram a elasticidade renda das importações um dos determinantes fundamentais ao processo de desenvolvimento. A indústria brasileira cresceu, como resposta tanto à expansão do consumo interno e quanto à dinâmica favorável internacional para os produtos da indústria extrativa. Já a indústria de transformação se voltou para dentro, uma vez que apresentou crescimento mas reduziu suas exportações. Entretanto, a penetração das importações desta indústria também aumentou. Tendo este cenário como motivação, realiza-se um exercício empírico de estimativa das elasticidades renda da demanda por importações a partir de dados de consumo das Pesquisas de Orçamentos Familiares dos biênios 2002-2003 e 2008-2009, com o objetivo de comparar a evolução das elasticidades para diferentes classes de renda. Os resultados sugerem que, apesar da melhora na distribuição de renda e da subsequente expansão do consumo, a indústria nacional não atendeu à demanda. A elasticidade renda da demanda por importações aumentou, e o aumento foi maior para as classes mais pobres. / This dissertation aims to contribute to the literature on the import elasticities. More specifically, it seeks to analyze how personal income distribution relates to import elasticities for Brazil. The country presented in 2000 a unique development process, marked by economic growth and income distribution. This work analyzes that process through the perspectives of the theory of growth under external constraint and the ECLAC theory, considering the income elasticity of imports one of the key determinants in the development process. The Brazilian industry grew in response to both the expansion of domestic consumption and the international favorable dynamics for primary products. The manufacturing industry turned inward as it grew but reduced its exports. However, the import penetration in the industry also increased. Taking this scenario as motivation, this work carried out an empirical exercise of estimating income elasticities of demand for imports from consumption data from Pesquisas de Orçamentos Familiares of 2002-2003 and 2008-2009, in order to compare the evolution of import elasticities for different income classes. The results suggest that, despite the improvement in income distribution and the subsequent expansion of consumption, the domestic industry was unable to meet demand. The income elasticity of demand for imports increased, and the increase was greater for the poorer classes.

Redes lógicas de Markov aplicadas ao aprendizado de classificadores automáticos de dados. / Markov logic networks applied to learning of automatic data classifiers.

Silva, Victor Anselmo 15 June 2010 (has links)
Sistemas de computação têm se tornado maiores e mais complexos com o objetivo de lidar com a vasta quantidade de dados disponíveis. Uma tarefa decisiva em tais sistemas é classificar estes dados, bem como extrair informação útil destes. Nesta dissertação, testam-se as redes lógicas de Markov como linguagem para especificação e aprendizado de classificadores automáticos de dados. Esta linguagem combina fragmentos da lógica de primeira ordem e modelos probabilísticos gráficos (redes de Markov) em uma única representação. A junção destas duas técnicas permite a modelagem de conhecimento relacional através da lógica, e também de incertezas por meio de probabilidades e grafos não-direcionados. Neste trabalho, classificadores são aprendidos segundo dois paradigmas de aprendizado de máquina: o supervisionado, foco desta dissertação, e também o aprendizado semi-supervisionado com restrições determinísticas. Para investigar a utilidade das redes lógicas de Markov no treinamento de classificadores, uma série de experimentos de aprendizado é desenvolvida a partir de bases de dados de treino reais disponíveis em repositórios na internet. Como ferramenta auxiliar nos experimentos, esta dissertação testa também o pacote Alchemy, que provê um conjunto de algoritmos para tarefas gerais de aprendizado de máquina e inferência probabilística em redes lógicas de Markov. Para mensurar o desempenho dos classificadores aprendidos, três métricas tradicionais são empregadas: acurácia, precisão e revocação. Os resultados alcançados com classificadores semi-supervisionados com restrições indicam que a linguagem ainda não é própria para este paradigma de aprendizado. Por outro lado, o êxito obtido no desempenho dos classificadores treinados de forma supervisionada sugere que as redes lógicas de Markov são um formalismo lógico-probabilístico promissor para aplicações de classificação, e devem ser objeto de pesquisas futuras. / Computing systems have become larger and more complex in order to deal with the vast amount of available data. An important task in such systems is to classify these data, so as to extract useful information from them. In this dissertation, Markov logic networks are tested as a language to specify and learn automatic data classifiers. This language combines fragments of first-order logic and probabilistic graphical models (Markov networks), in a single representation. Together, both techniques allow one to model relational knowledge through a logic formalism, and uncertainty through probabilities and undirected graphs. In this work, data classifiers are learned by two machine learning paradigms: the supervised, the main focus of this dissertation, and also the semisupervised learning under deterministic constraints. To investigate the usefulness of Markov logic networks in training data classifiers, a set of experiments is developed from real databases available in repositories at the internet. As a support tool for experiments, this dissertation tests also the Alchemy package, which provides a set of algorithms for general machine learning tasks and probabilistic inference in Markov logic networks. To measure the performance of data classifiers, three traditional metrics are employed: accuracy, precision and recall. The results reached with semisupervised data classifiers indicate that the language is not yet suitable for learning based on this paradigm. On the other hand, the success achieved with classifiers trained in a supervised context suggests that Markov logic networks are a promising logical-probabilistic formalism to approach classification applications, and should be considered in future research.

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