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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neišplėtotos bei nesutrikusios kalbos vaikų gebėjimas atpažinti kalbos taisyklingumą / The ability to recognize the language patterns of the children with undeveloped and normal speech

Šiaulytė, Jorūnė 04 July 2012 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami bendrieji vaikų kalbos raidos dėsningumai ir neišplėtotos kalbos samprata bei jos ugdymo gairės. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti, kaip vyresniojo ikimokyklinio amžiaus neišplėtotos bei nesutrikusios kalbos vaikai geba skirti kalbos leksinį, gramatinį bei fonologinį taisyklingumą. / Bachelor thesis analyzes the common patterns of children's language development and concept of underdeveloped speech and its development guidelines.The aim was to reveal how senior preschool aged children with underdeveloped and developed speech are able to distinguish language lexical, grammatical and phonological regularities of language.

Instituições e empreendedorismo: diferentes regras para o mesmo jogo / Institutions and Entrepreneurship: different rules for the same game

Moron, Caroline Raiz 24 September 2015 (has links)
Pesquisas sobre instituições sustentam que estas influenciam a natureza da atividade econômica. A argumentação é que um ambiente institucional favorável, com regras bem definidas, é benéfico ao empreendedorismo. Todavia, a literatura disponível é muito focada no que ocorre nos países desenvolvidos, e sabe-se que a atividade empreendedora também ocorre nos países não desenvolvidos, que costumam ser mais instáveis social e economicamente. A partir de tal dilema, a pergunta de pesquisa do trabalho como um todo foi: Qual a relação entre instituições e empreendedorismo de acordo com o nível de desenvolvimento do país? O objetivo geral foi esclarecer como as características institucionais formais e informais dos países afetam o ingresso e a sobrevivência de empreendedores em diferentes mercados. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas: (1) teórica, focando em conhecer a literatura que aborda instituições e empreendedorismo a partir de um estudo bibliométrico com o software CiteSpace e (2) empírica, com o intuito de confirmar que o empreendedorismo dos países desenvolvidos é diferente dos países não desenvolvidos e de apontar quais são algumas das diferenças a partir de dois estudos de caso. Nos estudo teórico encontrou-se que, em relação à rede de citações e cocitações formada, há duas correntes principais de pesquisa: (1) autores neo-institucionalistas com foco econômico, tendo North (1990) como um autor representativo, ligados aos schumpeterianos no empreendedorismo, e (2) autores neo-institucionalistas com foco sociológico, evidenciados principalmente pelo trabalho de DiMaggio e Powell (1983), mais próximos da corrente kirzneriana do empreendedorismo. No estudo empírico, a parte quantitativa confirmou, com base nos dados do Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), que existe diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o empreendedorismo, tanto o estabelecido como o nascente, dos países desenvolvidos e o dos não desenvolvidos. A parte qualitativa do estudo empírico, baseada em dois estudos de caso, mostrou que, para o início da atividade empreendedora, as instituições formais são mais relevantes nos países desenvolvidos, caso da Rede de Churrascarias Brasileira nos Estados Unidos, enquanto as instituições informais são mais valiosas nos países não desenvolvidos, caso do Grupo Pinesso no Sudão. A principal conclusão da dissertação é que, nos países não desenvolvidos \'o jogo não é para todos\', é necessário que o empreendedor esteja inserido no ambiente social e possua relações interpessoais pertinentes para que possa iniciar e prosperar em um negócio. Por outro lado, nos países desenvolvidos é mais importante que o empreendedor conheça e cumpra as regras formais para começar e continuar seu empreendimento. Vale ressaltar que os dois tipos de instituições atuam no processo empreendedor em ambos os grupos de países. / Researchs on institutions maintain that they influence the nature of the economic activity. The argument is that a favorable institutional environment, with well-defined rules, is beneficial to entrepreneurship. However, the literature available is focused on what happens at developed countries, and it is known that the entrepreneurial activity also occurs at undeveloped countries, which tend to be more socially and economically unstable. From this dilema, the research question of the thesis as a whole was: What is the relation between institutions and entrepreneurship according with the country\'s level of development? The general objective was to clarify how the institutional characteristics, formal and informal ones, of the countries affect the entry and the survival of entrepreneurs in different markets. The research was divided into two parts: (1) theoretical, focusing on knowing the literature that deals with institutions and entrepreneurship from a bibliometric study with CiteSpace software and (2) empirical, in order to confirm that entrepreneurship in developed countries is different from the not developed countries and pointing wich are some of the differences from two case studies. In the theoretical study it was found that, in relation to the citation and cocitation network constructed, there are two main streams of research: (1) neo-institutionalist authors with economic focus, with North (1990) as a representative author, linked to the Schumpeterians on entrepreneurship, and (2) neo-institutionalist authors with sociological focus, evidenced primarily by the paper of DiMaggio and Powell (1983), closer to the Kirzner way of think about entrepreneurship. In the empirical study, the quantitative part confirmed, based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data, that there is statiscally significant difference between entrepreneurship, both established and nascent, of developed and undeveloped countries. The qualitative part of the empirical study, based on two case studies, revealed that for the beginning of entrepreneurial activity, formal institutions are more relevant in developed countries, like Brazilian Steakhouses Chain case in the United States shows, while informal institutions are more valuable in undeveloped countries, like Pinesso Group case in Sudan. The main conclusion of the thesis is that, in undeveloped countries \'the game is not for everyone\', it is necessary that the entrepreneur is inserted in the social environment and have the relevant interpersonal relationships to be possible to start and prosper in a business. On the other hand, in the developed countries is more important that the entrepreneur know and comply with the formal rules in order to start and continue your business. It is noteworthy that the two types of institutions operate in the entrepreneurial process in both groups of countries.

Kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimų ir kalbos supratimo santykis bei jo kaita ugdymo procese / The relation between motor speech disorders and the understanding of speech, as well as it's alternation in the process of education

Tijunonienė, Elona 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimų: dizartrijos ir apraksijos sampratos ir vaikų, turinčių skirtingą kalbos neišsivystymo lygį kalbos supratimo analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad vaikų, pasižyminčių skirtingos kilmės kalbėjimo motorikos pakitimais, yra nevienodas kalbos supratimo lygmuo. Buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - atskleisti vaikų, turinčių skirtingos kilmės kal-bėjimo motorikos sutrikimų, kalbos supratimo skirtumus. Tyrimo duomenys apdoroti Microsoft Excel programa. Tyrime dalyvavo 20 Respublikinės universitetinės ligoninės Vaiko Raidos centro pacientų, 10 Vilniaus vaikų ugdymo centro “Viltis” ugdytinių, pasižyminčių įvairiais kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimais (6 -7 metų). Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami kalbos motorikos sutrikimų: dizartrijos ir apraksijos atsiradimo priežastys, jų rūšys, laipsniai, vaikų kalbos supratimas ir jo kaita vaikams, turintiems skirtingą kalbos neišsivystymo lygį bei nevienodą kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimą. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Tirtieji vaikai, turintys įvairių kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimų, pasižymi vidutinišku kalbos supratimu. 2. Kalbos supratimas vaikams su skirtingais kalbėjimo motorikos sutrikimais yra nevienodas: vaikai, pasižymintys dizartrija, kalbą supranta tiksliau, negu vaikai, pasižymintys apraksija. 3. Žieviniai pažeidimai nulemia sudėtingesnį kalbos supratimo sutrikimą, todėl, esant apraksijai, galima kalbėti tik apie dalinį kalbos supratimą. / The written work consists of theoretical analysis of motor speech disorders: dysarthria and apraxia, as well as the level of understanding of speech by children with dysarthria and apraxia. The hypothesis was formed that children with motor speech disorders of different origins have a different level of understanding of speech. The research, which goal was to show the difference of understanding of speech by children with motor speech disorders of different origins, was made. 20 patients from the National University Hospital’s Child Development Centre and 10 pupils from the Educational Centre "Viltis" took part at the research. All of them have motor speech disorders of different origins; their age is 6-7 years old. The empiric part describes motor speech disorders: the reasons of the appearance of dysarthria and apraxia, their kinds, levels, the understanding of speech by children with different level of speech abilities and different motor speech disorders. The important conclusions made: 1. Children with different motor speech disorders have a medium understanding of speech. 2. The understanding of speech by children with different motor speech disorders is not the same. The children with dysarthria show a better understanding of speech, in comparison to the children with apraxia. 3. The cortex dysfunction becomes a cause of serious disturbances of speech understanding that is why the children with apraxia can understand speech only partly.

Instituições e empreendedorismo: diferentes regras para o mesmo jogo / Institutions and Entrepreneurship: different rules for the same game

Caroline Raiz Moron 24 September 2015 (has links)
Pesquisas sobre instituições sustentam que estas influenciam a natureza da atividade econômica. A argumentação é que um ambiente institucional favorável, com regras bem definidas, é benéfico ao empreendedorismo. Todavia, a literatura disponível é muito focada no que ocorre nos países desenvolvidos, e sabe-se que a atividade empreendedora também ocorre nos países não desenvolvidos, que costumam ser mais instáveis social e economicamente. A partir de tal dilema, a pergunta de pesquisa do trabalho como um todo foi: Qual a relação entre instituições e empreendedorismo de acordo com o nível de desenvolvimento do país? O objetivo geral foi esclarecer como as características institucionais formais e informais dos países afetam o ingresso e a sobrevivência de empreendedores em diferentes mercados. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas: (1) teórica, focando em conhecer a literatura que aborda instituições e empreendedorismo a partir de um estudo bibliométrico com o software CiteSpace e (2) empírica, com o intuito de confirmar que o empreendedorismo dos países desenvolvidos é diferente dos países não desenvolvidos e de apontar quais são algumas das diferenças a partir de dois estudos de caso. Nos estudo teórico encontrou-se que, em relação à rede de citações e cocitações formada, há duas correntes principais de pesquisa: (1) autores neo-institucionalistas com foco econômico, tendo North (1990) como um autor representativo, ligados aos schumpeterianos no empreendedorismo, e (2) autores neo-institucionalistas com foco sociológico, evidenciados principalmente pelo trabalho de DiMaggio e Powell (1983), mais próximos da corrente kirzneriana do empreendedorismo. No estudo empírico, a parte quantitativa confirmou, com base nos dados do Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), que existe diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o empreendedorismo, tanto o estabelecido como o nascente, dos países desenvolvidos e o dos não desenvolvidos. A parte qualitativa do estudo empírico, baseada em dois estudos de caso, mostrou que, para o início da atividade empreendedora, as instituições formais são mais relevantes nos países desenvolvidos, caso da Rede de Churrascarias Brasileira nos Estados Unidos, enquanto as instituições informais são mais valiosas nos países não desenvolvidos, caso do Grupo Pinesso no Sudão. A principal conclusão da dissertação é que, nos países não desenvolvidos \'o jogo não é para todos\', é necessário que o empreendedor esteja inserido no ambiente social e possua relações interpessoais pertinentes para que possa iniciar e prosperar em um negócio. Por outro lado, nos países desenvolvidos é mais importante que o empreendedor conheça e cumpra as regras formais para começar e continuar seu empreendimento. Vale ressaltar que os dois tipos de instituições atuam no processo empreendedor em ambos os grupos de países. / Researchs on institutions maintain that they influence the nature of the economic activity. The argument is that a favorable institutional environment, with well-defined rules, is beneficial to entrepreneurship. However, the literature available is focused on what happens at developed countries, and it is known that the entrepreneurial activity also occurs at undeveloped countries, which tend to be more socially and economically unstable. From this dilema, the research question of the thesis as a whole was: What is the relation between institutions and entrepreneurship according with the country\'s level of development? The general objective was to clarify how the institutional characteristics, formal and informal ones, of the countries affect the entry and the survival of entrepreneurs in different markets. The research was divided into two parts: (1) theoretical, focusing on knowing the literature that deals with institutions and entrepreneurship from a bibliometric study with CiteSpace software and (2) empirical, in order to confirm that entrepreneurship in developed countries is different from the not developed countries and pointing wich are some of the differences from two case studies. In the theoretical study it was found that, in relation to the citation and cocitation network constructed, there are two main streams of research: (1) neo-institutionalist authors with economic focus, with North (1990) as a representative author, linked to the Schumpeterians on entrepreneurship, and (2) neo-institutionalist authors with sociological focus, evidenced primarily by the paper of DiMaggio and Powell (1983), closer to the Kirzner way of think about entrepreneurship. In the empirical study, the quantitative part confirmed, based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data, that there is statiscally significant difference between entrepreneurship, both established and nascent, of developed and undeveloped countries. The qualitative part of the empirical study, based on two case studies, revealed that for the beginning of entrepreneurial activity, formal institutions are more relevant in developed countries, like Brazilian Steakhouses Chain case in the United States shows, while informal institutions are more valuable in undeveloped countries, like Pinesso Group case in Sudan. The main conclusion of the thesis is that, in undeveloped countries \'the game is not for everyone\', it is necessary that the entrepreneur is inserted in the social environment and have the relevant interpersonal relationships to be possible to start and prosper in a business. On the other hand, in the developed countries is more important that the entrepreneur know and comply with the formal rules in order to start and continue your business. It is noteworthy that the two types of institutions operate in the entrepreneurial process in both groups of countries.

Právní úprava ochrany "nezastavěné" krajiny / Legislation protecting undeveloped land

Pleskačová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the matter of regulation concerning undeveloped landscape protection. The focus here is an analysis of the legal regulation and instruments governing serving to protection of land in terms of its quantity and quality both from the perspective of environmental law and in terms of town and country planning. Land as a key resource is not unlimited and its unreasonable and irresponsible exploitation might have serious impact to the future generations. In this thesis, which is divided into three chapters I focus on various aspects of legal protection of undeveloped landscape from the perspective of different laws governing the matter. The first chapter contains definitions of key terms used for the purpose of the thesis. The second chapter focuses on different instruments of undeveloped landscape protection, which are town and country planning, general protection of nature, special protection areas and protection of soil, especially on farmlands and forests. The third chapter analyzes the conflict of the right of ownership and the Constitutionally guaranteed right to a hospitable environment. Special attention is given to expropriation for the purpose of nature protection.

Should sex tourism be viewed as a threat for future development? : A perspective that explores the general approach of sex tourism and prostitution in the tourism industry based on historical, cultural, and traditional values in The Gambia.

Jonsson, Louise, Nilsson, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
This bachelor thesis describes the component of society which sex tourism descends from in Gambia. Sex tourism is an emerging sub-industry to tourism that affects several different social spheres in communities that are characterized by tourism. It is a phenomenon that unfortunately not only affect adult’s even minors enter however, rarely by choice. The origin of sex tourism in Gambia dates back to the early 70s when the tourism started to blossom. The tourists arrived in the country with different cultures that collided with the indigenous and in combination with the master-servant relationship from the colonial era and the exotification of the country as a holiday destination, sex tourism derived.

Transformation of agricultural and undeveloped land in the Boland region of the Western Cape

Niemand, Bernard (Barend Jakobus Petrus) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Land for agricultural development gets scarcer as more and more agricultural land is being transformed by non-agricultural uses. The increased agricultural land use change in the Western Cape Province results in transformation, fragmentation and loss of productive agricultural land. With the A2 planning area of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP), in the Boland region of the Western Cape, as its study area, this study investigates the role of legislative control measures on changes of land use from agriculture to a different form of development, by analysing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) applications for the change of agricultural land use and agriculture applications for the conversion of undeveloped land for the period 1 January 1998 to 3 July 2006. The study examines the role that the relevant legislation plays in agricultural land use control; considers the nature, extent and reasons for agricultural land use change in the study area (under the Environment Conservation Act (Act 73 of 1989) (ECA)); determines the impacts associated with the transformation of agricultural land use in the study area by assessing transformation of undeveloped land applications (captured under the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Act 43 of 1983) (CARA)); and measures the amount of agricultural land potentially lost to development through EIA change of land use applications (according to the DEADP database) opposed to the amount of agricultural land potentially gained through conversion of undeveloped land (according to the DoA database). Two databases were created, based on variables obtained from EIA change of agricultural land use applications authorised by DEADP [DEADP’s database] and conversion of undeveloped land for agricultural use, authorised by the Department of Agriculture (DoA)[DoA’s database]. The variables used to create DEADP’s database are the applicant, property owner, type of property, development function, year of authorisation, municipality, town, size of property, permanent and temporary jobs created, percentage of property developed, footprint of development, existing land use and unique source. The variables used to create DoA’s database are the year of authorisation, new and existing land use, year of authorisation, municipal area, property owner, percentage of property converted and footprint of development. The variables in the two databases are analysed using cross tabulations, with the variables measured against each other using pivot tables. The final tables are investigated through interpretation of the results and making recommendations for better management and planning in the future, based on relevant literature. The main findings are that DEADP gave authorisation for 416 agricultural land use change developments between 1 January 1998 and 3 July 2006, resulting in 2855 hectares of agricultural land potentially being developed. It was also found that DoA gave approval for 118 undeveloped land conversion applications, converting a total of 2589 hectares for agricultural purposes. The findings also revealed that 1707ha of this undeveloped land were covered with indigenous vegetation, while only 299ha were covered with alien vegetation. The challenge is to use valuable agricultural land optimally and sustainably for agricultural purposes. Non-agricultural developments should be kept within the urban edge and away from valuable agricultural land. If such development must take place on agricultural land, it must be done on the poorest soils and should not jeopardise agricultural activities. Keywords: land use change, undeveloped land, applicant, property owner, type of property, development function, year of authorisation, municipality, town, size of property, permanent jobs, temporary jobs, percentage of property developed, footprint of development, existing land use, new land use and unique source. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grond vir landbou ontwikkeling word al hoe skaarser namate meer en meer landbougrond omskep word vir ander grondgebruike. Die gevolg is dat meer landbougrond in die Wes-Kaap omskep word vir ander ontwikkelingsdoeleindes, wat lei tot transformasie, fragmentering en verlies van produktiewe landbougrond. Met die A2 beplanningsgebied van die Departement van Omgewingsake en Ontwikkelingsbeplanning (DOeOB), wat geleë is in die Boland streek van die Wes-Kaap, as studiegebied, ondersoek hierdie studie die rol van wetgewende beheermatreëls op grondgebruiksverandering vir die periode 1 Januarie 1998 tot 3 Julie 2006, deur Omgewingsimpakbepalings (OIB) aansoeke wat ‘n verandering van landbougrondgebruik insluit, asook landbou aansoeke wat die omskepping van onontwikkelde grond insluit, te ontleed. Die studie ondersoek die rol wat relevante wetgewing in landbougrondgebruikskontrole speel; analiseer die aard, omvang en redes vir landbougrondgebruiksverandering in die studiegebied soos voor aansoek gedoen in terme van die Wet op Omgewingsbewaring (Wet 73 van 1989); die impakte wat geassosieer word met transformasie van landbougrond deur verandering van landbougrondgebruik soos voor aansoek gedoen in terme van die Wet op Bewaring van Landbouhulpbronne (Wet 43 van 1983); en vergelyk die hoeveelheid landbougrond wat potensieel omskep is vir ontwikkeling deur middel van OIB verandering van grondgebruik aansoeke (volgens DOeOB databasis) teenoor die hoeveelheid nuwe landbou grond wat potensieel geskep is deur onontwikkelde grond te omskep vir landbou (volgens DvL databasis). Twee databasisse is geskep, gebaseer op veranderlikes wat verkry is uit OIB-aansoeke wat ‘n verandering van landbougrondgebruik ingesluit het en deur DOeOB goedgekeur is [DOeOB databasis] en aansoeke wat ‘n verandering van onontwikkelde grond vir landboudoeleindes insluit, goedgekeur deur die Departement van Landbou (DvL) [DvL databasis]. Die veranderlikes in die DOeOB databasis te skep sluit die volgende in: aansoeker, eienaar, tipe eiendom, tipe ontwikkeling, jaar van goedkeuring, munisipale area, dorp, groote van eiendom, permanente en tydelike werksgeleenthede geskep, proporsie van grond ontwikkel, voetspoor van ontwikkeling, bestaande grondgebruik, nuwe grondgebruik en unieke bron. Die veranderlikes in die DvL databas is: jaar van goedkeuring, nuwe en bestaande grondgebruik, munisipale area, dorp, grondeienaar, proporsie van grond ontwikkel en voetspoor van ontwikkeling. Die veranderlikes in die twee databasisse is ontleed deur kruistabelle. Die finale tabelle word geanaliseer deur die resultate te interpreteer en voorstelle te maak vir beter bestuur en beplanning in die toekoms, gebaseerd op relevante literatuur. Die hoof resultate van die studie toon dat DOeOB goedkeuring gegee het vir 416 landbougrondgebruiksveranderingontwikkelings tussen 1 Januarie 1998 en 3 Julie 2006, wat moontlik veroorsaak het dat 2855 hektaar landbougrond ontwikkel is. Die resultate dui ook dat DvL goedkeuring uitgereik het vir 118 ontwikkeling van onontwikkelde grond aansoeke, wat ’n totaal van 2589 hektaar grond potensieel omskep het vir landbou doeleindes. Die bevindinge bevestig ook dat 1707 hektaar van die onontwikkelde grond bedek was met inheemse plantegroei, terwyl slegs 299 hekaar bedek was met uitheemse plantegroei. Die uitdaging vir die toekoms is om vrugbare landbougrond optimaal en volhoubaar te gebruik vir landbou. Nie-landbou ontwikkelings moet binne die stedelike grens geskied, weg van vrugbare landbougrond. Indien ontwikkeling op landbougrond plaasvind, moet dit op lae-potensiaal landbou grond geskied en geensins landbou aktiwiteite benadeel nie. Kernwoorde: grondgebruiksverandering, onontwikkelde grond, aansoeker, eiendoms eienaar, tipe eiendom, tipe ontwikkeling, jaar van goedkeuring, munisipale area, dorp, groote van eiendom, permanente werksgeleenthede, tydeike werksgeleenthede geskep, persentasie van grond ontwikkel, voetspoor van ontwikkeling, bestaande grondgebruik, nuwe grond gebruik en unieke bron.

O regime global da propriedade intelectual e a questão do desenvolvimento: o poder dos países em desenvolvimento no campo multilateral

Cruz, Liliam Ane Cavalhieri da [UNESP] 27 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-08-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:58:49Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 cruz_lac_me_mar.pdf: 709660 bytes, checksum: 135f0465869f2e5e1b7eec2a66b938af (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O regime global de propriedade intelectual formado após a criação do Acordo sobre aspectos dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual relacionados ao Comércio (Acordo TRIPS), da Organização Mundial do Comércio, seguiu as diretrizes norte-americanas construídas para atender aos interesses dos países desenvolvidos, em especial do próprio Estados Unidos (EUA), na regulação dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. No momento da negociação do acordo, os países em desenvolvimento não tiveram muito poder de barganha, em decorrência da falta de capacitação e da instabilidade interna que enfrentavam, bem como das políticas agressivas de coerção praticadas pelos EUA. No entanto, estes países conseguiram garantir algumas flexibilidades no regime e estabilizar razoavelmente seus cenários políticos e econômicos nacionais. Conseqüentemente, os países em desenvolvimento começaram a articular estratégias políticas comuns com o objetivo único de beneficiar seu desenvolvimento econômico e social e fazer valer seus interesses internacionalmente, por meio de organizações multilaterais. Assim, os países em desenvolvimento adquiriram um novo poder internacional através dos campos multilaterais de negociação na área de propriedade intelectual para fazer valer seus interesses e atender suas necessidades internas de desenvolvimento. Para tanto, o presente estudo pretende analisar a mudança do regime internacional para o regime global de propriedade intelectual e a atuação dos países em desenvolvimento, bem como a relação entre políticas de desenvolvimento tecnológico, econômico e social e a propriedade intelectual e, finalmente, como estes países alcançaram poder no campo multilateral de negociação, como mostra a aprovação da Agenda para o desenvolvimento da Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (OMPI), proposta pelos países em desenvolvimento. / The Global Intellectual Property Regime constructed after the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade Related-Aspests of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) followed american guidelines structured to serve the developed countries insterests, mainly from United States of America (USA), on regulation of intellectual property rights. At the moment of the agreement’s negotiation, developing countries did not have a lot of bargaining power due to their lack of capacity and national instability, as well as the action of the aggressive politics of coercion applied by USA. However, after the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement, these countries could assure some flexibilities inside the regime and stabilize their national economic and political scenarios reasonably. In consequence, developing countries started linking common political strategies with the only goal to improve their social and economic development and to implement their interests internationally through multilateral organizations. Therefore, developing countries obtained a new international power throughout multilateral areas of negotiation in regard to intellectual property to establish their interests and to attend their national development necessities. In this manner, this study intends to analyse the change from intellectual property international regime to a global regime and to evaluate the way in which developing countries performed, as well as the relationship among policies of social, economic and technological development and intellectual property and, finally, to examine how these countries reached power in the multilateral negotiation scenario, as the approval of the Development Agenda in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) proposed by developing countries suggests.

O regime global da propriedade intelectual e a questão do desenvolvimento : o poder dos países em desenvolvimento no campo multilateral /

Cruz, Liliam Ane Cavalhieri da. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Sebastião Carlos Velasco e Cruz / Banca: Reginaldo Carmello Corrêa de Moraes / Banca: André de Mello e Souza / O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais é instituído em parceria com a Unesp/Unicamp/PUC-SP, em projeto subsidiado pela CAPES, intitulado "Programa San Tiago Dantas" / Resumo: O regime global de propriedade intelectual formado após a criação do Acordo sobre aspectos dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual relacionados ao Comércio (Acordo TRIPS), da Organização Mundial do Comércio, seguiu as diretrizes norte-americanas construídas para atender aos interesses dos países desenvolvidos, em especial do próprio Estados Unidos (EUA), na regulação dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. No momento da negociação do acordo, os países em desenvolvimento não tiveram muito poder de barganha, em decorrência da falta de capacitação e da instabilidade interna que enfrentavam, bem como das políticas agressivas de coerção praticadas pelos EUA. No entanto, estes países conseguiram garantir algumas flexibilidades no regime e estabilizar razoavelmente seus cenários políticos e econômicos nacionais. Conseqüentemente, os países em desenvolvimento começaram a articular estratégias políticas comuns com o objetivo único de beneficiar seu desenvolvimento econômico e social e fazer valer seus interesses internacionalmente, por meio de organizações multilaterais. Assim, os países em desenvolvimento adquiriram um novo poder internacional através dos campos multilaterais de negociação na área de propriedade intelectual para fazer valer seus interesses e atender suas necessidades internas de desenvolvimento. Para tanto, o presente estudo pretende analisar a mudança do regime internacional para o regime global de propriedade intelectual e a atuação dos países em desenvolvimento, bem como a relação entre políticas de desenvolvimento tecnológico, econômico e social e a propriedade intelectual e, finalmente, como estes países alcançaram poder no campo multilateral de negociação, como mostra a aprovação da "Agenda para o desenvolvimento" da Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (OMPI), proposta pelos países em desenvolvimento. / Abstract: The Global Intellectual Property Regime constructed after the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Trade Related-Aspests of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) followed american guidelines structured to serve the developed countries insterests, mainly from United States of America (USA), on regulation of intellectual property rights. At the moment of the agreement's negotiation, developing countries did not have a lot of bargaining power due to their lack of capacity and national instability, as well as the action of the aggressive politics of coercion applied by USA. However, after the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement, these countries could assure some flexibilities inside the regime and stabilize their national economic and political scenarios reasonably. In consequence, developing countries started linking common political strategies with the only goal to improve their social and economic development and to implement their interests internationally through multilateral organizations. Therefore, developing countries obtained a new international power throughout multilateral areas of negotiation in regard to intellectual property to establish their interests and to attend their national development necessities. In this manner, this study intends to analyse the change from intellectual property international regime to a global regime and to evaluate the way in which developing countries performed, as well as the relationship among policies of social, economic and technological development and intellectual property and, finally, to examine how these countries reached power in the multilateral negotiation scenario, as the approval of the Development Agenda in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) proposed by developing countries suggests. / Mestre

O regime global da propriedade intelectual e a questão do desenvolvimento : o poder dos paises em desenvolvimento no campo multilateral / The global intellectual property regime and the question of development : the power of developing countries in the multilateral scenario

Cruz, Liliam Ane Cavalhieri da 27 August 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Sebastião Carlos Velasco e Cruz / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T17:29:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cruz_LiliamAneCavalhierida_M.pdf: 1214902 bytes, checksum: eba802ad4fc08b0717a45d77bd3340fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O regime global de propriedade intelectual formado após a criação do Acordo sobre aspectos dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual relacionados ao Comércio (Acordo TRIPS), da Organização Mundial do Comércio, seguiu as diretrizes norte-americanas construídas para atender aos interesses dos países desenvolvidos, em especial do próprio Estados Unidos (EUA), na regulação dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. No momento da negociação do acordo, os países em desenvolvimento não tiveram muito poder de barganha, em decorrência da falta de capacitação e da instabilidade interna que enfrentavam, bem como das políticas agressivas de coerção praticadas pelos EUA. No entanto, estes países conseguiram garantir algumas flexibilidades no regime e estabilizar razoavelmente seus cenários políticos e econômicos nacionais. Conseqüentemente, os países em desenvolvimento começaram a articular estratégias políticas comuns com o objetivo único de beneficiar seu desenvolvimento econômico e social e fazer valer seus interesses internacionalmente, por meio de organizações multilaterais. Assim, os países em desenvolvimento adquiriram um novo poder internacional através dos campos multilaterais de negociação na área de propriedade intelectual para fazer valer seus interesses e atender suas necessidades internas de desenvolvimento. Para tanto, o presente estudo pretende analisar a mudança do regime internacional para o regime global de propriedade intelectual e a atuação dos países em desenvolvimento, bem como a relação entre políticas de desenvolvimento tecnológico, econômico e social e a propriedade intelectual e, finalmente, como estes países alcançaram poder no campo multilateral de negociação, como mostra a aprovação da "Agenda para o desenvolvimento" da Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (OMPI), proposta pelos países em desenvolvimento / Abstract: The Global Intellectual Property Regime constructed after the World Trade Organization¿s Agreement on Trade Related-Aspests of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) followed american guidelines structured to serve the developed countries insterests, mainly from United States of America (USA), on regulation of intellectual property rights. At the moment of the agreement¿s negotiation, developing countries did not have a lot of bargaining power due to their lack of capacity and national instability, as well as the action of the aggressive politics of coercion applied by USA. However, after the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement, these countries could assure some flexibilities inside the regime and stabilize their national economic and political scenarios reasonably. In consequence, developing countries started linking common political strategies with the only goal to improve their social and economic development and to implement their interests internationally through multilateral organizations. Therefore, developing countries obtained a new international power throughout multilateral areas of negotiation in regard to intellectual property to establish their interests and to attend their national development necessities. In this manner, this study intends to analyse the change from intellectual property international regime to a global regime and to evaluate the way in which developing countries performed, as well as the relationship among policies of social, economic and technological development and intellectual property and, finally, to examine how these countries reached power in the multilateral negotiation scenario, as the approval of the Development Agenda in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) proposed by developing countries suggests / Mestrado / Relações Internacionais / Mestre em Relações Internacionais

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