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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polyfunkční dům v Plzni / Mixed-use Building in Plzeň

Bureš, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deal with a new mixed-use building in the Pilsen, district the Černice. The object is situated in cadastre unit Černice, on the plot number 1457/22 and 1456/10. Plot is undeveloped on this time and there is only grass vegetation there. Developer wants to build the mixed-use object on his plot. The object has eight flats, the office space, two shops and ample premisses for parking space The buildings is designed like a three-storey building with warm flat roof, without cellar, the structural system is wall system.

The effects of artificial lighting on activity of Namib Desert bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera)

Curtis, Angela Lesley 12 1900 (has links)
The large-scale use of artificial light throughout the night has occurred in the last 100 years and continues to increase globally. Artificial light impacts many animal and plant taxa. The effects of artificial light on bats is species specific. The Namib Desert in Namibia is still relatively dark but subject to the same drivers of increasing development and urbanization that have increased the spread of artificial light globally. This study investigated the effects of the introduction of ultraviolet, yellow and white artificial light on the activity of bats in a rural environment with minimal development in the Namib Desert. Four sites, 100 m apart, had one light and one bat detector each. The fourth light was a dark control. Each site was sampled four times by each light type. Bat activity was recorded by the bat detectors. Eight bat species were recorded during the experiment. Activity increased for open air and clutter-edge foraging species analysed. Broadband white light caused the highest increases in activity followed by yellow light when compared with the dark control site. Ultraviolet light caused the lowest increases in activity contrary to expectations. / Mengwaga ye 100 ya go feta go bile le koketšego ye kgolo ya tšhomišo ya seetša sa maitirelo bošego ka moka. Setlwaedi se se ata kudu lefaseng ka moka go feta pele, gomme se ama diphoofolo tše ntši le mehuta ya dimela. Leganata la Namib go la Namibia gabotse le sa ntše le swiswetše, eupša le ka fase ga dikgontšhi tša go oketša tlhabollo le toropofatšo tšeo di hlotšego koketšego tšhomišong ya seetša sa maitirelo lefaseng ka bophara. Dikhuetšo tša seetša sa maitirelo go memankgagane di fapana go ya ka mohuta. Nyakišišo ye e nyakišišitše dikhuetšo tša tsebagatšo ya seetša sa maitirelo sa go phadima, serolwane le se sešweu go modiro wa memankgagane ka tikologong ya nagaselegae ya go ba le tlhabollo ye nyane ka Leganateng la Namib. Seetša se setee le tithekethara e tee ya mankgagane di hlomilwe go le lengwe le le lengwe la mafelo a mane, a go arogantšhwa ka 100 m. Seetša sa bone se be se le taolo ya leswiswi. Lefelo le lengwe le le lengwe le dirilwe mohlala makga a mane ka mohuta wo mongwe le wo mongwe wa seetša. Modiro wa mankgagane e rekotilwe ka ditithekethara tša mankgagane. Mehuta ya mankgagane ye seswai e rekotilwe nakong ya eksperimente. Modiro wa mehuta ya sebakabakeng le ya go sela thobekgeng ye e sekasekilwego e oketšegile. Seetša se sešweu sa porotepente se hlotše dikoketšego tša modiro, sa latelwa ke seetša se se serolwane, ge se bapetšwa le lefelo la taolo ya leswiswi. Go fapana le ditetelo, seetša sa go phadima se hlotše dikoketšego tša fasefase modirong. / School of Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Nature Conservation)

Optimering av byggrätter – strategier och åtgärder för effektivt utnyttjande : En studie om förekomst av byggrätter samt hur dessa hanteras av kommun respektive fastighetsbolag / Optimization of Building Rights: Strategies and Measures for Efficient Utilization : A Study on the Presence of Building Rights and How They Are Managed by Municipalities and Real Estate Companies.

Söderman, Philip January 2024 (has links)
Behovet av bostäder på marknaden är fortsatt högt, med ett stort antal nya bostäder som behöver byggas varje år för att möta det uppskattade behovet under perioden 2023-2030. Trots detta har marknaden de senaste åren blivit mer avvaktande, och prognoser visar att bostadsbyggandet kommer att ligga under det nödvändiga behovet åtminstone de närmaste tre åren. I den statliga utredningen ‘SOU 2018:67 Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande’ lyfts strategier för hur byggrätter kan utnyttjas mer effektivt, samtidigt som det konstateras att det finns brister i uppföljningen av dessa. Bristerna i uppföljningen försvårar uppskattning av det exakta antalet men det konstateras att de förekommer outnyttjade byggrätter. Denna problematik har inspirerat till denna rapport, som undersöker möjligheten att adressera outnyttjade byggrätter. Syftet med rapporten är att utreda om det finns byggrätter för flerbostadshus som inte har tagits i anspråk och att identifiera de underliggande orsakerna till detta. Dessutom presenteras effektiva strategier och åtgärder för att förbättra utnyttjandet av byggrätter, samt en mer detaljerad undersökning av hur uppföljningen går till på kommunal nivå. Rapporten fokuserar på Stockholms län, specifikt kommunerna Stockholm, Huddinge, Nacka, Upplands Väsby, Lidingö, Nynäshamn, Salem, Upplands-Bro och Vaxholm. De fastställda frågeställningarna undersöks i en teoretisk del genom litteraturöversikt, en empirisk del genom kartläggning av outnyttjade byggrätter samt en kvalitativ del genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med kommuner, fastighetsbolag och konsulter. Resultaten av studien belyser förekomsten av outnyttjade byggrätter och de bakomliggande orsakerna. Litteraturöversikten och intervjuerna visar att outnyttjade byggrätter inte anses vara ett stort problem, trots det rapporterar 24 av 26 kommuner i Stockholms län i årets bostadsmarknadsenkät ett underskott på bostäder. Det kartlagda dataurvalet visar att många byggrätter är felaktigt taxerade, vissa har fortfarande en genomförandetid kvar, och i andra fall pågår produktion på plats. De främsta orsakerna till outnyttjade byggrätter inkluderar marknadsmässiga och ekonomiska faktorer som påverkar projektens lönsamhet, vilket resulterar i att byggandet fördröjs då projektkalkylerna inte går ihop. Enligt den statliga utredningen 'SOU 2020:75 Bygg och bo till lägre kostnad...' är byggbolag vinstdrivande och prioriterar byggrätter med bättre lönsamhetsmarginaler. Andra vanliga orsaker är infrastrukturutbyggnad och etappvis utbyggnad av detaljplaner. Slutligen presenteras strategier och åtgärder för att effektivisera användningen av byggrätter. En vanligt förekommande strategi är att införa viten i avtal för att försöka påskynda exploatören. Vidare konstateras det att uppföljningen är otillräcklig och att mer enhetliga definitioner och metoder behövs för att underlätta denna process. Bättre uppföljning hade i sin tur kunnat underlätta för kommunerna i deras långsiktiga planering, vilket är avgörande för beslut kring investeringar och för att möta framtida bostadsbehov. / The demand for housing in the market remains high, with a significant number of new homes needing to be built annually to meet the estimated needs for the period 2023-2030. Despite this, the market has become more hesitant in recent years, and forecasts indicate that housing construction will fall short of the necessary levels at least for the next three years. The governmental investigation 'SOU 2018:67 Ett snabbare bostadsbyggande' highlights strategies for more efficient utilization of building rights, while also noting deficiencies in the monitoring of these, making it difficult to accurately estimate the number of unused building rights. This issue has inspired this report, which examines the possibility of addressing unused building rights. The purpose of this report is to investigate whether there are building rights for apartment buildings that have not been utilized and to identify the reasons for this. Additionally, effective strategies and measures to improve the utilization of building rights are presented, along with a more detailed examination of how the follow-up process is conducted at the municipal level. The report focuses on Stockholm County, specifically the municipalities of Stockholm, Huddinge, Nacka, Upplands Väsby, Lidingö, Nynäshamn, Salem, Upplands-Bro, and Vaxholm. The established research questions are examined in a theoretical part through a literature review, an empirical part through the mapping of unused building rights, and a qualitative part through semi-structured interviews with municipalities, real estate companies, and consultants. The results of the study highlight the presence of unused building rights and the underlying causes. The literature review and interviews indicate that unused building rights are not considered a major problem, despite the fact that 24 out of 26 municipalities in Stockholm County report a housing shortage in this year's ‘housing market survey’. The mapped data selection shows that many building rights are incorrectly assessed, some still have an implementation period remaining, and in other cases, production is ongoing on site. The main reasons for unused building rights include market and economic factors that affect project profitability, resulting in construction delays as project calculations do not add up. According to the governmental investigation 'SOU 2020:75 Bygg och bo till lägre kostnad...', construction companies are profit-driven and prioritize building rights with better profit margins. Other common reasons are infrastructure development and the phased development of detailed plans. Finally, strategies and measures to optimize the use of building rights are presented. A common strategy is to introduce penalties in agreements to expedite the developer. Furthermore, it is noted that the follow-up is insufficient and that more uniform definitions and methods are needed to facilitate this process. Improved follow-up could, in turn, assist municipalities in their long-term planning, which is crucial for investment decisions and to meet future housing needs.

Garni hotel pod Javorinou / Garni hotel below Javorina hill

Letková, Viktória Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a hotel with a restaurant at the base the highest peak of the White Carpathians, Veľká Javorina. The area is located near the White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area and the Cetuna Natural Monument. The location has the possibility of using year-long and seasonal activities such as downhill and cross - country skiing or ice skating on frozen ponds, cycling in the new built-up cycle paths, hiking or walking on educational trails, horse riding, swimming in nature or visiting a family mini-zoo with the possibility of personal contact with animals. The potential of the concerned area is still used mainly by domestic, persons with the possibility of accommodation by acquaintances or owners of seasonal cottages and houses due to insufficient short-term accommodation. It was the main imulse for the design of accommodation. A piece of land on the border of the cadastral area of Dolné Bzince and Hrubá Strana of the village of Bzince pod Javorinou was selected for the building construction, due to its satisfactory position, orientation and also for the possibility of its evaluation. The building is designed as a separate-standing object onto an undeveloped territory of the municipality, which was used for agricultural purposes. It's been a long time it lies on ice, decays and its value decreases with expanding overgrown trees. The land is slightly sloping, oriented to southwest. The building has three main entrances and secondary entrances for smooth operation of the hotel. There is a day (leisure) part placed on the 1st floor, also a part for accommodation employees and immobile clients, parts for hotel management, cleaning zone and restaurant. On the 2nd floor there is an accommodation part with 19 rooms and a library. Into basement is a sport and relaxation part, which consist of fitness center and wellness center. Furthermore, in this floor is a bicycle shed and rooms of technical equipment of the hotel. On t

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