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Světové dědictví UNESCO jakožto místa paměti. Komparativní studie kolektivní paměti a veřejného využívání historie / Unesco World Heritage Sites: Ways of Presenting & and Interpreting the Pas. As seen in: Kutná Hora, Hiroshima Villa Romana del CasaleKovářová, Linda January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with a specific group of historical sites called World Heritage, which are registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It characterizes the basic elements of the UNESCO World Heritage idea as a cultural and social process, which engages in acts of remembering that work to create ways to understand, present and interpret the past within the present social frameworks. The thesis brings to the attention a range of viewpoints about the nature of heritage in general and the UNESCO World Heritage in specific that have emerged in the relatively new area of academic interdisciplinary heritage studies. For the purposes of exploring different aspects of the World Heritage phenomenon, following themes of heritage discourse have been developed: remembering and making public use of the past, the UNESCO approach and the ways of presenting and interpreting the past. In order to give a sense of what World Heritage looks like on the ground this thesis details some aspects of three different World Heritage sites. To study such matters in the physical world a strategy of undertaking case studies of three specific UNESCO sites and employing the methods of direct observation and a fieldwork were chosen. Closer examinations of the Czech medieval town of Kutná Hora, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park...
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Resilience in Action: Adaptive Governance for Subaks, Rice Terraces, and Water Temples in Bali, IndonesiaFox, Karyn M. January 2012 (has links)
Although there is a growing literature on resilience and collaborative approaches to ecosystem management, there are relatively few empirical case studies on the process of adaptive governance. Moreover, previous research offers limited insights into the conditions that facilitate new ecosystem management trajectories. By analyzing the emergence of an adaptive co-management initiative in Bali, the UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscape of Bali Province, this dissertation seeks to contribute to recent research on institutional governance approaches to enhance ecosystem management and social well-being. To that end, it addresses two questions. First, it identifies and explores three primary characteristics that fostered a new multi-level adaptive governance approach to cultural landscape management in Bali: the widespread perception of environmental crisis on the island that triggered collective action and the political will for a new form of ecosystem management; the emergence of a shared ideology--articulated in the Balinese Hindu philosophy of tri hita karana, or "the three causes of prosperity"--that unified diverse actors and actor networks and established a common platform for ecological resource management; and context-specific governance strategies that built on existing institutions and local-level initiatives. The second question centers on an analysis of the emergence of the management plan for the World Heritage site in Bali. The management plan was developed to support the Balinese subak in its struggle to adapt to current and future pressures that threaten to undermine the island's unique social-ecological system. For centuries, the subak have maintained Bali's terraced rice paddy landscape as a network of semi-autonomous irrigation associations, mediated through water temples. The adaptive co-management plan draws on principles of adaptive governance to connect subaks with other actors and actor groups across multiple institutional levels and regional jurisdictions. Research findings support the likelihood that the World Heritage initiative can promote transformative change in cultural landscape management in Bali. As the initiative develops, it will provide a fertile site for future research on adaptive governance, to better understand interdependent social-ecological relationships and the evolution of adaptive co-management approaches.
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40 Jahre UNESCO-Welterbekonvention: Die Stärkung des Schutzes unseres Planeten und seiner RessourcenSchorlemer, Sabine von 15 October 2013 (has links)
Festrede anlässlich des Festaktes der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission e.V. zum 40-jährigen Jubiläum der UNESCO-Welterbekonvention im Theater Vorpommern in Stralsund am 21. Juni 2012
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Stone exposures : a cultural geology of the Jurassic CoastFerraby, Rose January 2015 (has links)
People have varied and complex relationships with stone, in its raw geology and in its altered forms. Often, however, in cultural contexts, stone remains in the background, as a taken for granted and unremarkable element of the material world. In this thesis, stone moves into the foreground. The research presented here explores how close attention to those who work intimately with stone can disclose unexpected and absorbing stories. The cultural geologies extracted and presented in this thesis cast light on the diversity of ways in which people relate to, and with, the land; and experiment with a range of different ways in which these relations can be narrated. Set on the Jurassic Coast, in the south west of England, the stone exposures that emerge along the margin between land and sea offer a productive site for developing a cultural geological approach. The limestones, shales and clays are framed, in this work, by the narratives of quarrymen and geologists. The work explores how their particular knowledges are formed, and how they exist within wider historical and ecological understandings. Their narratives bring the stratigraphy to life, and draw attention to the hidden worlds within it. The different priorities and perspectives of quarrymen and geologists are shown to lead in different directions, interweave, or run parallel. The very specific languages and descriptions they employ reveal a level of complexity and richness of detail that is mirrored in the stone. Using an approach that combines close observation and creative practice, this study examines stone at a variety of scales, and in different contexts. The work engages with specific stone types, landscapes, voids, buildings and objects. Processes of working stone through practices of lettering, sculpture and masonry elicit understandings of the material that reach far beneath its surface. The absent spaces of quarries are then explored, showing how voids can be animated with knowledge, and how destructive processes can generate creative potential, when sensitively worked and considered. Lastly, the study draws all these ideas together in a discussion of stone assemblages in buildings, to see how voices from geology and quarrying can foster greater understanding of how buildings were constructed in the past, and how we conserve them into the future.
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Rethinking Urban District Preservation: The Case of Bordeaux FranceOzaki, Ana G. 13 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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40 Jahre UNESCO-WelterbekonventionSchorlemer, Sabine von 15 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Festrede anlässlich des Festaktes der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission e.V. zum 40-jährigen Jubiläum der UNESCO-Welterbekonvention im Theater Vorpommern in Stralsund am 21. Juni 2012
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Ressources patrimoniales culturelles et développement touristique / Cultural heritage resources and tourism developmentLemaître, Mathieu 30 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les mécanismes qui déterminent le succès des stratégies de développement touristique centrées sur le patrimoine culturel. La première partie revient sur la notion de patrimoine et les enjeux économiques liés à sa valorisation. Elle tente notamment d’identifier les liens entre la nature des ressources et leur place sur le marché. La seconde partie cherche à construire un cadre théorique apte à appréhender le caractère spécifique du patrimoine. Elle envisage son rôle sous l’angle des avantages absolus et différenciatifs, et s’intéresse à son processus d’activation. La troisième partie, par l’examen de la liste du patrimoine mondial, interroge le lien entre des ressources théoriquement exceptionnelles, leur valorisation par une stratégie de labellisation éprouvée (du moins dans le discours), et le statut d’attraction majeure. Des outils économétriques sont ensuite mobilisés afin d’étudier la contribution relative des caractéristiques de l’offre patrimoniale, sur les performances touristiques et socio-économiques des pseudo-cantons de Midi-Pyrénées. Bien que nos résultats montrent que la valeur culturelle des ressources détermine pour une large part leur potentiel, leur impact dépend surtout du contexte économique et des moyens déployés dans le cadre de leur mobilisation marchande. En outre, malgré le rôle central des labels dans les politiques de promotion, les tests n’apportent aucune preuve concluante d’un impact économique quantifiable leur étant associé. Ils peuvent, dans certains cas, jouer un rôle de catalyseur, mais ne sont que des leviers d’actions parmi d’autres, dont l’efficacité dépend largement du contexte et des modalités de leur usage. / This thesis investigates the determinants of cultural heritage tourism development. Part one is devoted to the notion of heritage, as well as economic issues related to its valorisation. Part two provides a theoretical and conceptual framework that takes into account the specific nature of heritage, and addresses heritage market mechanisms through the notions of absolute and differentiative advantage. Special attention is also being paid to heritage activation process. In part three, this research questions the relationship between cultural resources of outstanding universal value, valorisation through a proven labelling strategy (or at least portrayed as such), and major tourist attraction status, through the analytical lens of UNESCO world heritage list. Econometric modelling is then employed to study the relative contribution of keys cultural heritage features upon tourism and socio-economic performance at the Midi-Pyrénées’ cantonal scale. Our results show that heritage’s potential impact on tourism development is strongly related to its own intrinsic cultural value. However, the real impact of heritage depends more on the way resources are being used, and on the economic environment in which these resources are being brought into the market. Even though labels hold a central position in tourism development policy, the tests we conducted do not provide any conclusive evidence of a quantifiable economic impact. Labelling strategies may act as a catalyst for tourism and economic development, yet expected benefits remain highly contingent upon the sites’ pre-labelling economic profile, as well as the nature of the interventions that accompanies designation.
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UNESCO World Heritage and the SDGs – Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvon Schorlemer, Sabine, Maus, Sylvia, Schmermer, Felix 13 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Processus de patrimonialisation des sites religieux dans les espaces protégés de montagne : la Grande Chartreuse(Préalpes du Nord) et la vallée de la Qadisha-forêt des Cèdres du Dieu (Nord-Liban) / Granting of heritage status of religious sites in mountain protected areas : The Grande-Chartreuse monastery (French Alps) and the Qadisha valley - forest of Cedars of God (Northern Lebanon)Pasquier, Justine 09 December 2011 (has links)
La recherche menée dans le cadre de cette thèse a pour objet d'analyser et de comprendre les dynamiques émanant de la relation patrimoine religieux / espaces de montagne protégés (patrimoine naturel) en réinterrogeant la persistante rupture nature-culture et les significations du sacré dans le contexte patrimonial. Il s'agit aussi d'appréhender la nature et la signification des « lieux et bâtiments religieux », ainsi que leur rôle dans les processus de patrimonialisation et de réappropriation des espaces de montagne par les différents acteurs du territoire. Cette thèse de géographie s'inscrit dans la réflexion actuelle de redéfinition des missions des Parcs naturels et dans le mouvement de promotion de la notion de « paysage culturel » par les instances internationales (e.g. UNESCO). Le site du monastère de la Grande-Chartreuse (Parc naturel régional de la Chartreuse), la vallée de la Qadisha et la forêt des Cèdres de Dieu (Nord-Liban) sont apparus comme des terrains riches permettant de mener à bien cette recherche doctorale qui mêle géographie culturelle et espaces montagnards. L'approche qualitative a été privilégiée pour répondre à cette problématique. Cette recherche s'appuie ainsi sur la chronosystémique, l'analyse de la littérature viatique et de données collectées (rapports officiels, législations, cartographie, relevés de terrains, interviews etc.). / The aim of this research is to analyse and understand relationships between religious heritage and mountain protected areas (natural heritage). This research highlights the persistent boundaries between natural and cultural heritage and the meaning of the sacred in the heritage process.The meaning of “religious spaces, places and edifices” and the relationships between heritage / society / mountain areas and granting of heritage status have been studied. Recently, Natural Parks develop new missions and are interested by the “cultural landscape” concept developed by international authorise (e.g. UNESCO). What are the meaning and the significance of cultural and religious heritage in mountain protected areas? The studied areas are the Grande-Chartreuse monastery (French Alps), the Qadisha valley and the Forest of cedars of God (Northern Lebanon). Qualitative methodology has been chosen for this research, such as chronosystemic approach, textual analysis (tourist documents and travel books) and analysis of collected data (legislations, interviews, government reports, fieldwork, maps, etc.).
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Entre France et Allemagne, de la ville ancienne à la Neustadt de Strasbourg : la construction du regard patrimonial / Between France and Germany, from the Old City to the Neustadt of Strasbourg : the construction of regard patrimonial (Heritage)Eberhardt, Sophie 16 January 2015 (has links)
L’héritage de Strasbourg s’est construit dans le contexte particulier d’une ville frontalière, dans laquelle différentes influences, principalement française et germanique, ont contribué à forger un caractère singulier. Pourtant, les valeurs conférées à cet ensemble ne sont pas déterminées uniquement par le champ restrictif des considérations nationales. Depuis le Second Empire jusqu’à aujourd’hui, elles ont sans cesse évolué, en particulier depuis les décennies suivant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Notre étude vise à faire état de la construction et de l’évolution des valeurs de l’héritage et du patrimoine de Strasbourg, et en particulier du quartier de la Neustadt, conçu et mis en œuvre pendant la période de l’annexion allemande (1871-1918) lorsque la ville devient la capitale du Reichsland d’Alsace-Lorraine. La période de l’étude s’ouvre à partir des années 1840, au moment du premier inventaire des monuments historiques et d’un grand effort de modernisation et d’embellissement par la Municipalité, et va jusqu’à aujourd’hui, à l’heure où la Neustadt suscite un intérêt croissant tant de la part des institutions locales et régionales, du milieu scientifique, que de la population.Dans ce but, ont été mobilisées les sources permettant d’éclairer ces phénomènes : procès-verbaux du conseil municipal, archives de la commission municipale des Beaux-arts, archives du service régional des Monuments historiques, manuels et revues spécialisés en urbanisme et architecture, les histoires de Strasbourg, les guides et récits de voyage ainsi que la presse quotidienne.Dans cette thèse, l’héritage est considéré comme « l’ensemble des aménagements anthropiques légués, subsistant en tout ou partie », et le patrimoine correspond à « la partie qu’on considère digne de conservation, de restauration et de mise en valeur » (Gauthiez, 2006, p. 126).Les recherches mettent en évidence que les valeurs de l’héritage et du patrimoine bâtis de Strasbourg se fondent pour une part sur les discours portés sur ces objets, mais aussi sur des silences. Ces discours et silences sont nourris de fortes considérations idéologiques liées aux doctrines et pratiques du patrimoine en France et en Allemagne, et d’ordre nationaliste. D’abord héritage méconnu, « étranger », puis patrimoine « hyper-valorisé » illustrant des influences croisées entre France et Allemagne, le patrimoine de la Neustadt se fonde également sur des conflits et le dépassement d’idéologies tout au long du XXe siècle, jusqu’à conduire à une candidature à l’inscription sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco.Une autre part des valeurs de l’héritage et du patrimoine s’inscrit dans un substrat régional et local fort et la continuité des acteurs. Un décalage apparaît nettement dans certains cas entre les pratiques patrimoniales et les discours liés à ces pratiques. Les projets peuvent ainsi se poursuivre au-delà des changements d’appartenance nationale sans nécessairement que la continuité soit revendiquée. Le fort substrat régional et local a également participé de la construction d’une dimension mythologique de l’héritage et du patrimoine qui a favorisé cette cohérence (Barthes, 1957).Force est de constater également que les valeurs de l’héritage et du patrimoine dépendent en grande partie de leur état de connaissance dans les sphères institutionnelle et administrative, scientifique et de la population. Le fait que l’héritage des trois premiers quarts du XIXe siècle de Strasbourg fasse aujourd’hui l’objet d’une sous-valorisation est le résultat du manque d’intérêt porté également au sein de la sphère scientifique.L’approche choisie permet de dépasser les pratiques actuelles dans l’étude de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme en prenant mieux en compte les discours sur l’héritage bâti et en incluant des aspects anthropologiques, symboliques, politiques, sociologiques et culturels, pour exposer la construction du regard patrimonial. / The heritage of Strasbourg was built within the context of a boundary city, in which different influences, mainly French and German, have contributed to forge a singular character. Nonetheless, the values attributed to the site are not only determined by the restrictive field of national considerations. From the Second Empire to nowadays, they have continually evolved, and especially since the decades following the Second World War. Our study aims at explaining the construction and evolution of heritage values of Strasbourg, mainly those of the Neustadt, conceived and built during the German annexation (1871-1918), when Strasbourg became the capital of the Reichsland Elsass-Lothringen. The period of study opens during the 1840s, when the first inventory of historical monuments was created and a program of modernisation and embellissement was carried out by the City authorities. It stretches until nowadays, when the Neustadt is arousing increasing interest from the local and regional institutions, in the scientific field and among the population. Diverse sources have been exploited during researches: Municipal Council’s minutes, archives of the Municipal Council of Fine-Arts, archives of the Regional Office for Historical Monuments, handbooks and periodicals in architecture and urban planning, histories of Strasbourg, guides and trips narrations, and the press. In the thesis, « Héritage » is conceived as the « ensemble of anthropic construction inherited, partly or completely subsisting », and « Patrimoine » as « the part of heritage identified worthy of conservation, restoration, and valorisation ». (Gauthiez, 2006, p. 126).Firstly, the researches have revealed that the values of heritage of Strasbourg are founded, for one part, on the discourses hold on these objects, as well as on the silences. These discourses and silences are nourished by strong ideological considerations linked to doctrines and practices in the heritage field in France and in Germany. Originally unknown, then considered as « foreign » and finally as heritage « hyper-valorised » illustrating the crossed-influences between France and Germany, the heritage of the Neustadt is founded on conflicts and ideological overtaking all along the XXth century. Nowadays, Unesco World Heritage inscription is envisaged for the Neustadt.Secondly, it appeared that another part of the values of heritage is inscribed within the strong regional substrate and the continuity of actors. A discrepancy appeared when comparing the discourses and practices. Projects are in some case continued beyond the national changes. The important regional substrate has also allowed the construction of a mythological dimension to heritage (Barthes, 1957), and has strengthened the coherence in the urban landscape.Thirdly, the values of heritage rely for a large part on the knowledge within the institutional and administrative spheres, the scientific field, and among the population. The fact that the heritage of the first quarters of the XIXth century of Strasbourg is today under-valorised is the result of a lack of interest within the academic field. The approach selected allows overtaking the current practices in the study of architecture and urban planning by better taking into account the discourses on heritage and by including anthropological, symbolical, political, sociological and cultural aspects, so as to expose the construction of heritage gaze (regard patrimonial).
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