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[pt] A presente tese apresenta uma abordagem sobre a técnica
dessorção térmica na remediação de áreas contaminadas,
tecnologia se baseia no aquecimento direto do solo. A
propagação de calor num solo é simulada matematicamente
pelo fluxo acoplado de calor. Para que esta simulação seja
possível é necessário a identificação dos parâmetros
relevantes para o problema: condutividade hidráulica em
função da umidade volumétrica, condutividade térmica em
função da umidade volumétrica, capacidade de aquecimento
volumétrico, e, curva característica de sucção. Uma
discussão técnica é apresentada sobre estes parâmetros.
Foram estudados dois tipos de solos, uma argilo-arenoso
(Campo Experimental da PUC-Rio) e um areno-argiloso
dos Meninos). É apresentado um estudo físico-químico
os efeitos da temperatura nos solos, com ensaios de
Microscopia Eletrônica, CTC, Ataque Sulfúrico e de
Caracterização para solos não aquecidos e previamente
aquecidos até a temperatura de 300 Graus Celsius. São apresentadas
metodologias e equipamentos que foram desenvolvidos
e/ou adaptados de para o estudo das propriedades termo-
hidráulicas necessárias. Foram realizados ensaios de
condutividade hidáulica, curvas características de sucção
deformabilidade, levando-se em conta a temperatura. Todos
parâmetros mostraram-se altamente dependente desta. Os
parâmetros térmicos, condutividade térmica e calor
específico, foram determinados para estes dois de solos. / [en] This thesis presents an introduction on the use of the
thermal desorption technique that is based on the direct
heating of the soil, for the remediation of contaminated
areas. Heat propagation through soils can be mathematically
simulated using coupled heat-moisture transfer theories. In
order to make this simulation possible it is necessary to
identify the required parameters: hydraulic conductivity as
a function of volumetric water content, thermal
conductivity as a function of volumetric water content,
volumetric heat capacity, and soil-water characteristic
curve. One technical description of such parameters is
presented. Two different kinds of soils were used, one clay-
sand (CH) and one sandclay (SC). A study physico-chemical
was done talking into consideration the temperature effect
on the soils with X-Ray, electron microscopic investigation,
CTC, Atterberg Limits and at the particle size
distribution. The study was done on pre-heated soils with
temperatures ranging from 20 Degrees Celsius to 300 Degrees Celsius. Equipments and
methodologies have been especially developed for the study
of the thermo-hydraulics proprieties. The laboratory tests
program consisted of hydraulic conductivity, retention
curves and deformability, taking into account the
temperature effects. During the tests it was observed that
all parameters were temperature dependent. The thermal
parameters, thermal conductivity and heat capacity were
studied for both soils.
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Análise de provas de carga dinâmica em tubulões a céu aberto no campo experimental de fundações da EESC/USP / Analysis of dynamic loading test in large diameter bored piles, in the experimental field of EESCSoares, Fábio Lopes 13 March 2003 (has links)
Apresenta-se o conceito de elemento isolado de fundação em tubulão, e analisa-se 10 provas de carga dinâmica de energia crescente, nos tubulões, considerando as provas de carga estática realizadas anteriormente nos mesmos. Os ensaios são realizados em tubulões a céu aberto, situados em maciço de solo da formação Rio Claro e Itaqueri, no campo experimental de fundações da USP/EESC. As análises baseiam-se em curvas de resistência x deslocamento e gráficos que mostram a evolução da resistência mobilizada com o aumento da energia aplicada, resultantes dos impactos do ensaio dinâmico de energia crescente (metodologia PDA e análises CAPWAP). Analisam-se também a influência da pré-inundação e da variação da sucção do maciço de solos nos ensaios dinâmicos, o efeito do reensaio e a variabilidade nos resultados de ensaios de investigação geotécnica (SPT e CPT), realizados no campo experimental. Os resultados das provas de carga dinâmica de energia crescente mostram que a resposta do sistema isolado de fundação em tubulão é diferente a cada nível de energia aplicada e que a história de carregamento do elemento isolado de fundação é de extrema importância para análise dos ensaios nele realizado. / The concept of an isolated foundation element in large diameter bored pile is presented and 10 dynamic loading tests with increased energy are analysed. The interpretation of the dynamic loading tests has been proceeded with due consideration of the results of static loading tests performed previously. The loading tests have been carried out in large diameter bored piles founded in Rio Claro and Itaqueri soil formation, situated in the experimental foundation field of USP/EESC. The analyses are based on resistance x displacement curves and selected graphics illustrating the development of mobilized resistance with increasing applied energy during a dynamic loading test (PDA methodology and CAPWAP type analysis). The influence of previous inundation in soil mass and suction variation are also analysed, as well as the effect of test repetition and variability in SPT and CPT results. The results obtained with the dynamic loading tests with increasing energy revealed a distinct behaviour of the isolated foundation system for each level of applied energy, showing that the loading history is an aspect of extreme relevance to an adequate analysis of the dynamic tests perfomed.
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Estudo sobre a resistência ao cisalhamento de um solo residual compactado não saturado. / Study on the shear strength of a residual unsaturated soil.Oliveira, Orlando Martini de 22 June 2004 (has links)
O principal enfoque deste estudo é investigar alguns aspectos da resistência ao cisalhamento e as propriedades de retenção de água de um solo residual compactado no estado não saturado. Foi utilizado um solo residual de gnaisse retirado do campo experimental de geotecnia da Universidade de São Paulo. Com base na curva de compactação foram escolhidos três pontos de moldagem para o estudo, estando os mesmos associados à umidade ótima, ao ramo seco e ao ramo úmido. Foram realizadas algumas series de ensaios triaxiais sob condições saturadas (CAU e CD), e um grande número de ensaios triaxiais não saturados com teor de umidade constante (CW). Os ensaios triaxiais CW não saturados, foram feitos com medição de sucção utilizando um tensiômetro de alta capacidade (TAC) colocado na base do corpo de prova. Estudos específicos relacionados com a técnica de medição de sucção com o uso do TAC foram feitos. Com os resultados dos ensaios de resistência foram obtidas, para diferentes pressões confinantes, as variações dos valores da resistência ao cisalhamento (q) em função da sucção. Estas relações permitiram a definição das superfícies de ruptura para as três condições de moldagem. Foram investigados também aspectos relativos à forma de carregamento, a velocidade de carregamento, o tipo de compactação e a trajetória de umedecimento. São apresentados detalhes de como a resistência do solo é afetada por estas variáveis. O estudo define os procedimentos para obtenção das superfícies de resistência do solo no estado não saturado, com o uso de ensaios de compressão simples, feitos com medição de sucção durante o ensaio, e com a envoltória do solo saturado. As curvas de retenção do solo foram obtidas sob diversas condições de moldagem e umedecimento, e utilizado as técnicas de translação de eixos, placa de sucção, tensiômetro e papel filtro. Estas curvas foram utilizadas como ferramenta para se verificar a aplicabilidade dos modelos de previsão de resistência propostos por Vanapalli et al (1996) e Khalili e Khabbaz (1998), ao solo estudado. / The main focus of this study is to investigate some aspects of the shear strength and water retention properties of a compacted residual soil, under unsaturated condition. A residual of gneiss obtained from the geotechnical experimental site of the University of São Paulo was used. Based on the compaction curve three molding conditions were adopted for the study: one associated with the optimum water content, and two others located at the dry side and wet side of the compaction curve. A series of triaxial tests were performed under saturated conditions (CAU and CD), and a great number of triaxial tests under unsaturated conditions at constant water content (CW). The CW tests were performed with suction measurement using a high capacity tensiometer (HCT) placed at the base of the sample. Investigations were carried out associated with the use of the CHT. Based on the shear strength tests performed under different confining pressure the relation between shear strength and suction were determined. With this relation it was possible to define the shear surface for the three molding conditions. It were also investigated aspects related with type of loading, speed of the test, type of compaction and moisture path after compaction. It is presented details on how the shear strength is affected by these parameters. The study defines a procedure to obtain the shear surface of an unsaturated soil using unconfining tests, with suction measurement and using the shear envelope obtained at saturated condition. The retention curves were obtained at different molding conditions, following distinct moisture path. The retention curves were determined using axis translation technique, suction plate, filter paper and tensiometer. The retention curves were used as a tool to evaluate the applicability of the models presented by Vanapalli et al (1996) and Khalili and Khabbaz (1998) to infer the shear strength of the residual soil studied.
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Estudo experimental da resposta térmica de fundações por estacas trocadoras de calor em solo não saturado / An experimental study of the thermal response of heat exchanger piles in unsaturated tropical soilBandeira Neto, Luis Antonio 08 December 2015 (has links)
O estudo experimental apresentado nesta dissertação foi realizado para avaliar a resposta térmica de fundações por estacas trocadoras de calor, que podem ser usadas para reduzir o elevado consumo de energia em sistemas de condicionamento de ar no Brasil. A principal motivação para a produção deste trabalho foi a ausência de estudos sobre o desempenho térmico de estacas e/ou furos trocadores de calor em solo tropical, que é muito comum em nosso país. Para esta pesquisa, cinco ensaios de resposta térmica (TRT) foram realizados no Campo Experimental de Fundações da Universidade de São Paulo em São Carlos/SP, Brasil. A camada de solo superficial deste terreno consiste de solo tropical não saturado, composto de areia argilosa coluvial (laterítico) sobre um solo residual de arenito (saprolito). O ensaio in situ denominado TRT é o método experimental mais comum para a determinação das propriedades térmicas de sistemas de fundações por estacas trocadoras de calor. Os experimentos foram realizados em duas estacas escavadas, com 12 m de profundidade, equipadas com tubos trocadores de calor, instaladas em uma camada de solo com temperatura média em torno de 24°C. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a performance de estacas trocadoras de calor na condição de solo e clima investigados (alta temperatura do solo, solo laterítico não saturado com alta porosidade próximo a superfície). Também foram verificados os efeitos da posição do nível d\'água, da vazão da água circulante na estaca, e da duração do ensaio nas propriedades térmicas das estacas trocadora de calor avaliadas. Os resultados encontrados da taxa de troca de calor por metro de estaca neste estudo variam 79 a 110 W/m, portanto, estas estacas mostram bom potencial de transferência de calor no local investigado. Os resultados desse estudo fornece informações úteis para a avaliação da eficiência de estacas trocadoras de calor como um sistema de refrigeração em regiões tropicais e subtropicais brasileiras. / Brazil is the fifth largest buyer of air conditioner in the world because of its tropical and subtropical climate. To address this problem, the current experimental study was carried out to evaluate the thermal response of energy piles that can be used to reduce the high energy consumption in cooling systems in Brazil. The key factor that motivates this study is that unsaturated tropical soils cover a significant part of the Brazilian territory, and the thermal performance of heat exchanger piles in typical Brazilian soil and climate has not been investigated before. Five Thermal Response tests (TRT) were conducted for this research in the Geotechnical research field of the University of São Paulo at São Carlos/SP, Brazil, of unsaturated tropical soil, including a superficial layer composed of colluvial clayey sand (lateritic) overlaying in a residual sandstone soil (saprolitic). Thermal response tests are the most common experimental method for determining thermal properties of the energy foundation systems. The tests were performed on two drilled piles of 12m length equipped with heat transfer pipes, installed a soil layer with average temperature of 24°C. The main objective of this work was to obtain some data about the thermal energy delivery of energy piles in the soil and climate condition investigated herein (high ground temperature, unsaturated and tropical soil with high porosity). The effects of ground water table, flow rate, duration of test, and number of heat exchanger U-pipes on the thermal properties of the energy pile were also evaluated in this study. The thermal parameters obtained allowed a first evaluation about the thermal efficiency of the piles in the particular soil. The results of heat exchange rate found in this study vary from 79 to 110 W/m, therefore energy piles installed in the investigated site show good heat transfer potential. This study provides interesting information to the evaluation of heat exchange efficiency in energy foundations to be used as a cooling system in tropical and subtropical Brazilian regions.
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Soil-Pile, Pile Group Foundations and Pipeline Systems Interaction Behavior Extending Saturated and Unsaturated Soil MechanicsAl-Khazaali, Mohammed 25 February 2019 (has links)
Rapid growth in population along with positive trends in global economy over the past several decades has significantly contributed to an increased demand for various infrastructure needs worldwide. For this reason, the focus of this thesis has been directed towards extending the mechanics of unsaturated soils, which is an emerging geotechnical engineering field to investigate the behavior of two key infrastructure systems, namely pile foundations and energy pipeline systems. The mechanism of soil-pile foundations and soil-pipeline systems interaction behavior has several similarities.
Both these infrastructure facilities require comprehensive understanding of the soil-structure interaction mechanism. Reliable estimation of mechanical properties of both the soil and the soil-structure interface is required for the rational interpretation the load-displacement behavior of pile foundations and pipeline systems. Currently, the design of systems is predominantly based on design codes and guidelines that use empirical procedures or employ the principles of saturated soil mechanics. In many scenarios, pile foundations extend either totally or partly in unsaturated soils as the groundwater table level in many regions is at a greater depth. Such scenarios are commonly encountered in semi-arid and arid regions of the world. In addition, pipeline systems are typically buried at shallow depths in unsaturated soil strata, which are susceptible to wetting and drying, freezing and thawing cycles or both, due to seasonal environmental changes. Capillary stress or matric suction in the unsaturated zone increases the effective stress contribution towards the shear strength and stiffness of soil and soil-structure interface. Extending saturated soil mechanics to design or analyze such structures may lead to erroneous estimation of pile foundation carrying capacity or loads transferred on pipeline body from the surrounding unsaturated soil.
Experimental, analytical and numerical investigations were undertaken to study the behavior of single pile, pile group, and pipeline systems in saturated and unsaturated sands under static loading. The experimental program includes 40 single model pile and 2×2 pile group, and six prototype pipeline tests under saturated and unsaturated condition. The results of the experimental studies suggest that matric suction has significant contribution towards the mechanical behavior of both pile foundation and pipeline system.
The axial load carrying capacity of single pile and pile group increased approximately 2 to 2.5 times and the settlement reduced significantly compared to saturated condition. The influence of matric suction towards a single pile is significantly different in comparison to pile group behavior. The cumulative influence of matric suction and stress overlap of pile group behavior in sandy soils result in erroneous estimation of pile group capacity, if principles of saturated soil mechanics are extended. Group action plays major role in changing the moisture regime under the pile group leading to incompatible stress state condition in comparison to single pile behavior.
On the other hand, the peak axial load on the pipe is almost 2.5 folds greater in unsaturated sand that undergoes much less displacement in comparison to saturated condition. Such an increase in the external axial forces may jeopardize the integrity of energy pipeline systems and requires careful reevaluation of existing design models extending the principles of unsaturated soil mechanics. Two analytical design models to estimate the axial force exerted on pipeline body were proposed. The proposed models take account of matric suction effect and soil dilatancy and provide smooth transition from unsaturated to saturated condition. These models were developed since measurement of the unsaturated soil and interface shear strength and stiffness properties need extensive equipment that require services of trained professional, which are expensive and time consuming. The models utilize the saturated soil shear strength parameters and soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) to predict the mechanical behavior of the structure in saturated and unsaturated cohesionless soils. The prototype pipeline experimental results were used to verify the proposed models. The predicted axial force on pipeline using the proposed models agrees well with the measured behavior under both saturated and unsaturated conditions.
Moreover, numerical techniques were proposed to investigate the behavior of pile foundation and pipeline system in saturated and unsaturated sand. The proposed methodology can be used with different commercially available software programs. Two finite element analysis programs were used in this study; namely, PLAXIS 2D (2012) to simulate soil-pile foundation behavior and SIGMA/W (2012) to simulate soil-pipeline system behavior. The proposed techniques require the information of unsaturated shear strength and stiffness, which can be derived from saturated soil properties and the SWCC. The model was verified using pile and pipeline test results from this study and other research studies from the published literature. There is a good agreement between the measured behavior and the predicted behavior for both the saturated and unsaturated conditions. The methodology was further extended to investigate the behavior of rigid and flexible pipelines buried in Indian Head till (IHT) during nearby soil excavation activity. The simulation results suggest that excavation can be extended safely without excessive deformation to several meters without the need for supporting system under unsaturated condition.
The studies summarized in the thesis provide evidence that the principles of saturated soil mechanics underestimate the pile foundations carrying capacity as well as the axial force exerted on pipelines in unsaturated soils. Such approaches lead to both uneconomical pile foundation and unsafe pipeline systems designs. For this reason, the pile and pile group carrying capacity and pipeline axial force should be estimated taking into account the influence of matric suction as well as the dilatancy of the compacted sand. The experimental studies, testing techniques along with the analyses of test results and the proposed analytical and numerical models are useful for better understanding the pile foundation and buried pipeline behaviors under both saturated and unsaturated conditions. The proposed analytical and finite element models are promising for applying the mechanics of unsaturated soils into conventional geotechnical engineering practice using simple methods.
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Estudo das propriedades geotécnicas de solos residuais não saturados de Ubatuba (SP). / Study of the geotechnical properties of unsaturated residual soils of Ubatuba (SP).Mendes, Rodolfo Moreda 03 October 2008 (has links)
A presente tese de doutoramento versa sobre o estudo das propriedades geotécnicas de solos residuais não saturados ocorrentes no município de Ubatuba, litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo. O estudo das propriedades geotécnicas foi realizado a partir de uma abordagem macro e micromorfológica, buscando estabelecer a relação existente entre a água presente no solo e sua variação sazonal. Os procedimentos e técnicas utilizadas permitiram diferenciar os horizontes de intemperismo quanto à microestrutura e porosidade, bem como caracterizar seus comportamentos físico e hídrico. Os ensaios geotécnicos, in situ e em laboratório, forneceram informações importantes sobre as propriedades dos materiais, tais como: índices físicos, distribuição granulométrica, limites de Atterberg, curvas de retenção de água e condutividade hidráulica saturada. Os dados registrados pelos equipamentos instalados no campo (pluviômetros, sensores GMS e FDR) permitiram avaliar a relação existente entre os eventos pluviométricos com a distribuição de umidade e sucção matricial ao longo dos perfis de alteração. Além disso, utilizouse metodologia geofísica de forma inédita na geotecnia brasileira para a determinação de perfis de umidade em solos residuais tropicais. Em termos gerais, os resultados obtidos permitiram estabelecer algumas relações entre as propriedades mecânicas e hidráulicas e as peculiaridades micromorfológicas dos horizontes de solos. Os resultados desse trabalho poderão ainda indicar áreas prioritárias para o monitoramento das variáveis climatológicas e geotécnicas, podendo fornecer apreciáveis subsídios para um futuro aperfeiçoamento dos parâmetros técnicos utilizados em Planos Preventivos de Defesa Civil (PPDC). / This doctoral thesis focusing on the study of the geotechnical properties of unsaturated residual soils occurring in the municipal district of Ubatuba, north coast of the State of Sao Paulo. The study of geotechnical properties was conducted from a macro and micromorfology approach, seeking to establish the relationship between the water present in the residual soil and its seasonal variations. The procedures and techniques enabled differentiate the horizons of weathering in relation to the microstructure and porosity, and characterize its physical-hydraulic behaviours. The laboratory and in situ geotechnical tests, provided important information about the properties of materials, such as: physical index, grain-size distribution, Atterberg limits, water retention curve and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The data registered by equipments installed in the field (pluviometers, FDR and GMS sensors) enabled to evaluate the relationship between the rainfall events with the distribution of moisture and suction matrix along the soil profiles. In addition, was used geophysical methodology in order unprecedented in brazilian geotechnical for the determination of moisture profiles in residual tropical soils. Overall, the results allowed establish some relationship between the hydraulic and mechanical properties and the micromorphological peculiarities of the horizons of soils. The results of this study may also indicate priority areas for monitoring the climatological and geotechnical variables, and may provide appreciable subsidies for a future improvement of the technical parameters used in Civil Defense Prevention Plans (PPDC).
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Análise de provas de carga dinâmica em tubulões a céu aberto no campo experimental de fundações da EESC/USP / Analysis of dynamic loading test in large diameter bored piles, in the experimental field of EESCFábio Lopes Soares 13 March 2003 (has links)
Apresenta-se o conceito de elemento isolado de fundação em tubulão, e analisa-se 10 provas de carga dinâmica de energia crescente, nos tubulões, considerando as provas de carga estática realizadas anteriormente nos mesmos. Os ensaios são realizados em tubulões a céu aberto, situados em maciço de solo da formação Rio Claro e Itaqueri, no campo experimental de fundações da USP/EESC. As análises baseiam-se em curvas de resistência x deslocamento e gráficos que mostram a evolução da resistência mobilizada com o aumento da energia aplicada, resultantes dos impactos do ensaio dinâmico de energia crescente (metodologia PDA e análises CAPWAP). Analisam-se também a influência da pré-inundação e da variação da sucção do maciço de solos nos ensaios dinâmicos, o efeito do reensaio e a variabilidade nos resultados de ensaios de investigação geotécnica (SPT e CPT), realizados no campo experimental. Os resultados das provas de carga dinâmica de energia crescente mostram que a resposta do sistema isolado de fundação em tubulão é diferente a cada nível de energia aplicada e que a história de carregamento do elemento isolado de fundação é de extrema importância para análise dos ensaios nele realizado. / The concept of an isolated foundation element in large diameter bored pile is presented and 10 dynamic loading tests with increased energy are analysed. The interpretation of the dynamic loading tests has been proceeded with due consideration of the results of static loading tests performed previously. The loading tests have been carried out in large diameter bored piles founded in Rio Claro and Itaqueri soil formation, situated in the experimental foundation field of USP/EESC. The analyses are based on resistance x displacement curves and selected graphics illustrating the development of mobilized resistance with increasing applied energy during a dynamic loading test (PDA methodology and CAPWAP type analysis). The influence of previous inundation in soil mass and suction variation are also analysed, as well as the effect of test repetition and variability in SPT and CPT results. The results obtained with the dynamic loading tests with increasing energy revealed a distinct behaviour of the isolated foundation system for each level of applied energy, showing that the loading history is an aspect of extreme relevance to an adequate analysis of the dynamic tests perfomed.
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Modelling the impacts of deicing salt on soil water in a roadside environmentLundmark, Annika January 2005 (has links)
<p>This study tested a dynamic modelling approach based on salt application, meteorological data and generic descriptions of hydrogeological environments for describing the spread of deicing salt to the surroundings and the corresponding increase in chloride storage in soil. Both the amount of chloride storage and the annual variation pattern were significantly altered due to deicing salt application and spread to the roadside environment. Data from field investigations comprising different hydrogeological environments and different methods of measurement were used to examine the variability of the salt deposition pattern in the vicinity of the road, and to test the performance of the model with respect to different soils and vegetation types. The use of typical hydrogeological environments to represent inputs to the model was shown to be useful to demonstrate the importance of soils, vegetation type and groundwater conditions for modelling the impact of deicing salt on soil water and the response to environmental changes in the vadose zone. However, the use of hydrogeological environment could also be misleading in view of the high degree of variability at the field scale. The different methods of measurements and simulations represented different spatial and temporal scales that were shown to be complementary useful to quantify the different pathways of deicing salt in the roadside environment. Continuous simulations complemented with selected field monitoring should therefore be promoted.</p> / QC 20100526
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Probabilistic modelling of unsaturated slope stability accounting for heterogeneityArnold, Patrick January 2017 (has links)
The performance and safety assessment of geo-structures is strongly affected by uncertainty; that is, both due a subjective lack of knowledge as well as objectively present and irreducible unknowns. Due to uncertainty in the non-linear variation of the matric suction induced effective stress as a function of the transient soil-atmosphere boundary conditions, the unsaturated state of the subsoil is generally not accounted for in a deterministic slope stability assessment. Probability theory, accounting for uncertainties quantitatively rather than using "cautious estimates" on loads and resistances, may aid to partly bridge the gap between unsaturated soil mechanics and engineering practice. This research investigates the effect of uncertainty in soil property values on the stability of unsaturated soil slopes. Two 2D Finite Element (FE) programs have been developed and implemented into a parallelised Reliability-Based Design (RBD) framework, which allows for the assessment of the failure probability, failure consequence and parameter sensitivity, rather than a deterministic factor of safety. Utilising the Random Finite Element Method (RFEM), within a Monte Carlo framework, multivariate cross-correlated random property fields have been mapped onto the FE mesh to assess the effect of isotropic and anisotropic moderate heterogeneity on the transient slope response, and thus performance. The framework has been applied to a generic slope subjected to different rainfall scenarios. The performance was found to be sensitive to the uncertainty in the effective shear strength parameters, as well as the parameters governing the unsaturated soil behaviour. The failure probability was found to increase most during prolonged rainfall events with a low precipitation rate. Nevertheless, accounting for the unsaturated state resulted in a higher slope reliability than when not considering suction effects. In a heterogeneous deposit failure is attracted to local zones of low shear strength, which, for an unsaturated soil, are a function of both the spatial variability of soil property values, as well as of the soil-water dynamics, leading to a significant increase in the failure probability near the end of the main rainfall event.
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[pt] Este trabalho apresenta resultados de um estudo realizado
visando avaliar o mecanismo de ruptura associado ao
escorregamento em solo não saturado ocorrido na Vista
Chinesa (RJ) em fevereiro de 1988. São apresentados os
resultados de um programa que envolveu investigações de
campo e de laboratório, através do qual foram definidos os
parâmetros necessários à realização de diversas análises.
Foram utilizados os programas de computador SWMS-2D
(análises de problemas de fluxo permanente/transiente em
meios saturados / não saturados) e PC-SLOPE (análise de
estabilidade de taludes utilizando de métodos de equilíbrio
limite), com os quais procurou-se reproduzir, da maneira
mais realista possível, os fenômenos observados na encosta
em estudo. / [en] This thesys presents the results of one study aiming to
evaluate failure
mechanisms associated with the unsaturated soil lanslides
which ocurred in Vista
Chinesa (RJ) in february, 1988. There are showed the field
and laboratory investigation
program, which was the basis to define the parameters
required for numerical
simulations. In these simulations the SWMS-2D(analysis of
permanent/transient flow
problems in saturated/unsaturated media) and PC-SLOPE
(stability analysis using the
limit equilibrium methods) programs were used, in na
attempt to reproduce as close as
possiible the instability phenomena in the slope under
investigation. / [es] Este trabajo presenta resultados de un estudio realizado para evaluar el mecanismo de ruptura asociado al
deslizamiento de suelo no saturado, hecho que ocurrió en la zona de la Vista Chinesa (Rio de JaneiroJ) en Febrero
de 1988. Se presentan los resultados de un programa que abarco investigaciones de campo y de laboratorio, a
través del cual fueron definidos los parámetros necesarios a la realización de diversos análisis. Se utilizaron los
programas de computador SWMS-2D (análisis de problemas de flujo permanente/transiente en medios saturados /
no saturados) y PC-SLOPE (análisis de estabilidad de taludes utilizando métodos de equilibrio límite), con los
cuales se intentó reproducir, de la manera más realista posible, los fenómenos observados en el lugar de estudio.
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