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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Preliminary Study On Construction Of A High Capacity Tensiometer And Its Use In Measurement Of Matric Suction In Unsaturated Soils

Koksalan, Ali Okan 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Soil suction is one of the main state parameters that governs unsaturated soil behaviour. Tensiometers are the only type of probe that can measure soil suction directly, but only up to 90 kPa. In the past two decades, a new type of tensiometer with much greater measurement range (up to 2 MPa) has appeared in the literature. The measurement range (i.e. capacity) of a tensiometer is limited by (i) how well it is saturated, and (ii) the air entry value of its porous interface. In this study, the first high capacity tensiometer of Turkey was designed and built. For the purpose of increasing the measurement capacity of the tensiometers, a novel saturation setup that uses a hydraulic pressurization system with capacity of 10 MPa was designed and built. A vacuum-and-pressure saturation procedure was developed. To calibrate the 10 MPa pressure transducers that form the core of the tensiometers, a high-pressure calibration setup capable of pressurizing up to 11 MPa was designed and built. By varying designs of tensiometer bodies, porous interfaces and seals, ways of increasing the suction capacity are investigated. Over a dozen tensiometer design variations are developed, and tried by exposing to atmospheric evaporation. A maximum suction measurement of 870 kPa was achieved with a conventional design / however, none of the new designs were successful. 3 successful designs were also briefly tried on soil samples

Comportamiento deformacional del suelo no saturado bajo condiciones drenadas y no drenadas

Lloret Morancho, Antonio 12 July 1982 (has links)
Se ha elaborado un modelo general para la consolidación del suelo parcialmente saturado en condiciones unidimensionales. El modelo acopla los cambios de succión con la deformación volumétrica a través del concepto de superficie de estado. Adicionalmente, se ha propuesto una metodología de cálculo para evaluar los cambios de volumen y de presión de aire y de agua en un proceso de carga no drenada. El modelo se ha implementado utilizando la técnica de los elementos finitos y se ha aplicado a diversos casos de interés geotécnico: consolidación en un suelo no saturado, infiltración con hinchamiento o colapso, desarrollo de presión de hinchamiento en condiciones confinadas y construcción capa a capa de obras de tierra. Paralelamente, en el laboratorio se ha desarrollado una célula edométrica para realizar ensayos con succión controlada. Este equipo se ha utilizado para obtener las superficies de estado de un caolín comercial y para comprobar de forma experimental la validez del modelo numérico propuesto. Se ha obtenido un buen ajuste entre las medidas de laboratorio y las predicciones del modelo si se tienen en cuenta las deformaciones debidas a la fluencia del suelo. Este trabajo constituye una aportación en la tarea de desarrollar nuevos métodos de cálculo y técnicas de laboratorio que pueden ser de utilidad en situaciones en las que el flujo acoplado con la deformación en un medio no saturado sea relevante, tal como es el caso de terraplenes, presas de tierra , barreras de residuos, etc.

Moisture Influence on Structural Behaviour of Pavements : Field and Laboratory Investigations

Salour, Farhad January 2015 (has links)
The structural behaviour of pavements in cold regions can considerably be affected by seasonal variation in environmental factors such as temperature and moisture content. Along with the destructive effect of heavy traffic loads, climatic and environmental factors can considerably contribute to pavement deterioration. These factors can influence the structural and functional capacity of the pavement structures which, as a result, can trigger and accelerate pavement deterioration mechanisms. Studies on the influence of variation of the environmental factors on the response and behaviour of pavement materials have shown that proper consideration to these factors must be given in realistic pavement design and analysis. In flexible pavement structures, particularly with a thin hot mix asphalt (HMA) layer, unbound materials and subgrade soil largely contribute to the overall structural behaviour of the pavement system. In unbound materials, moisture content and its variation can significantly affect pavement layer stiffness and permanent deformation characteristics. Therefore, the moisture condition of pavements and its influence on the mechanical behaviour of pavement materials has been of interest among the pavement research community. A proper understanding of moisture transformation in pavement systems and its effects on pavement performance are important for mechanistic pavement design. The present summary of this doctoral thesis is based on four main parts. The first part of the thesis covers field measurements and findings from a test section along county road 126 in southern Sweden and consists of two journal papers (paper I and II) tackling different aspects of the research topic. This test section is located in a relatively wet ground condition and consists of a thin flexible pavement structure with a deep drainage system. It is instrumented with subsurface temperature, volumetric moisture content and groundwater probes. The mechanical response of the pavement structure was investigated using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) measurements. The second part of the thesis (paper III and IV) are based on laboratory experiments and investigates different recent approaches that have been proposed to apply principles of unsaturated soil mechanics for incorporating seasonal variation of moisture content into the resilient modulus models using matric suction. The third part of the thesis (paper V) builds a bridge that spans between the laboratory and field investigations with an attempt to evaluate one of the predictive models presented in Paper III. The fourth part of the thesis (paper VI) mainly focuses on the laboratory-based investigation of the permanent deformation characteristic of subgrade soils. In this part, the permanent deformation characteristics of two different silty sand subgrade soils were investigated and modelled using the data obtained from repeated load traxial tests. Paper I mainly focuses on the spring-thaw weakening of the pavement structure. The environmental data collected using different sensors and the FWD tests were used to investigate variations in moisture content with thaw penetration and its influence on the stiffness of unbound layers and the pavement’s overall bearing capacity. Using the backcalculated layer stiffness and corresponding in situ moisture measurements in the unbound layers, a degree of saturation-based moisture-stiffness model was developed for the granular material and the subgrade. In Paper II, the drainage system of the structure was manually clogged during a three month period in summer to raise the groundwater level and increase the moisture content of the layers. Along with the subsurface groundwater level and moisture content monitoring, the structural response of the pavement was studied. In this research work, the FWD tests were conducted at three different load levels. The stress dependent behaviour of the unbound granular layer and the subgrade soil were further studied using the multilevel loads FWD test data. Additionally, parameters of a nonlinear stress-dependent stiffness model were backcalculated and their sensitivity to in situ moisture content was studied. In Paper III and IV, series of suction-controlled repeated load triaxial (RLT) tests were conducted on two silty sand (SM) subgrade materials. Several resilient modulus prediction models that account for seasonal moisture content variation through matric suction were summarized and after optimizing the model parameters, the capability of the prediction models in capturing the material response were evaluated. In Paper V, an attempt was made to evaluate the proficiency of one of the suction-resilient modulus models using the field moisture content and FWD measurements from the Torpsbruk test site. The backcalculated subgrade stiffness dataset at different moisture contents were compared with resilient modulus models obtained from the suction-resilient modulus predictive model. Paper VI presents an evaluation of several permanent deformation models for unbound pavement materials that incorporate the time-hardening concept using a series of multistage repeated load triaxial (RLT) tests conducted on silty sand subgrade materials. The permanent deformation tests were conducted at four different moisture contents with pore suctions measurement throughout the test. The effect of moisture content (matric suction) on the permanent deformation characteristics of the materials and the predictive model parameters were further investigated. / <p>QC 20150324</p>


JUAN PABLO IBANEZ 10 July 2008 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho de pesquisa estuda a modelagem numérica de solos residuais no que se refere ao seu comportamento mecânico, a partir da análise micro-mecânica, utilizando como ferramenta de modelagem o método dos elementos discretos (MED), o qual permite a representação do solo como meio particulado 2D por meio de elementos discretos circulares. Diversos são os fenômenos micro e macro-estruturais presentes nos solos residuais, os quais condicionam sua resposta mecânica, podendo-se mencionar a dupla estrutura e dupla porosidade, a presença de uma matriz argilosa, a condição não saturada, a cimentação e quebra de grãos, e a presença de pequenos blocos de rocha não alterada. A partir do estudo destes fenômenos foram propostas formulações matemáticas que os descrevem, as quais foram implementadas no código de elementos discretos DEMlib. Após a calibração e validação do programa de análise implementado, a influência de cada um destes fenômenos na resposta mecânica do solo foi estudada pela simulação dos ensaios edométrico e de cisalhamento direto em amostras discretas com compacidade variada, criticando os resultados e obtendo conclusões. Em seguida estes fenômenos foram estudados de forma combinada no intuito de reproduzir a resposta de alguns solos residuais jovens e maduros. Encerrando o trabalho foram resumidas as conclusões obtidas e apontadas sugestões para um aprofundamento e desenvolvimentos subseqüentes da linha de pesquisa implementada. / [en] The present research studies the numerical modeling of the mechanical behavior of residual soils, by a micro-mechanical analysis, using as modeling tool the discrete elements method (DEM), which allows the representation of the soil as 2D particle assembly of circular discrete elements. There are several micro and macro structural phenomena present in residual soils, which determine its mechanical response: double structure and double porosity of soil mass, the presence of a clay-like matrix, partially saturated condition, grain cementation, grain crushing, and the presence of small blocks of not-weathered parental rock. Based on the study of these phenomena, mathematical formulations have been proposed in order to describe them, which have been implemented in the DEMlib discrete elements code. After calibration and validation of the implemented analysis program, the influence of each phenomena in soil response was studied by simulating edometrical and direct shear tests in discrete samples with several densities, criticizing the results and getting conclusions. Afterwards, these phenomena were studied in a combined way in order to reproduce the response of some young and mature residual soils. To finish up this work the conclusions obtained have been summarized and suggestions for deepening and further developing of the implemented research line have been stated.


RICARDO MOREIRA SOARES 25 August 2005 (has links)
[pt] Neste presente trabalho buscou-se avaliar a características de resistência ao cisalhamento e da relação sucção-umidade de um solo tropical maduro encontrado no campo experimental II da PUC-Rio, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Para a determinação da resistência ao cisalhamento deste solo, foram executados ensaios de cisalhamento direto em amostras submersas utilizando equipamento convencional e ensaios de cisalhamento direto com sucção controlada em amostras com umidade natural. Os ensaios de cisalhamento direto com sucção controlada foram executados utilizando o equipamento desenvolvido na PUC-Rio por de Campos (1988), na qual utiliza a técnica de translação de eixos desenvolvida por Hilf (1956) para o controle da sucção aplicada. Para a determinação da relação sucção-umidade, foram realizados ensaios para a medição da sucção utilizando-se o método do papel filtro. Através dos resultados deste ensaio foi possível a determinação da curva característica do solo em estudo. Foram realizados também ensaios de compressão diametral a fim de se estabelecer uma relação entre a resistência à tração deste solo versus sua sucção. Através da análise dos resultados experimentais, foi possível a determinação da envoltória de resistência ao cisalhamento em 3 dimensões considerando a proposta de Fredlund et al. (1978), na qual se baseia na utilização das variáveis de tensão (tensão normal n - ua) e (ua - uw). / [en] In this present work one searched to evaluate the characteristics of shear strength and the suction-moisture relation of a tropical mature soil found in experimental field II of PUC-Rio, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. For the determination of the shear strength of this soil, direct shear test in submerged samples using conventional equipment and direct shear tests with controlled suction in samples with natural moisture had been executed. The direct shear tests with controlled suction had been executed using the equipment developed in PUC-Rio for De Campos (1988), in which it uses the technique of translation of axles developed by Hilf (1956) for the control of the applied suction. Tests for the measurement of the suction which uses the filter paper method was carried through for the determination of the suction-moisture relation. Through the results of this test, the determination of the soil-water characteristic curve of this soil was possible. Diametrical compression test had also been carried through in order to establish a relation between the tensile strength of this soil versus its suction. Through the analysis of the experimental results, the determination of the shear strength envelope in tri-dimensions was possible considering the proposal of Fredlund et al. (1978), on which it bases on the use of the variables of tension (normal tension n - ua) and (ua - uw).

Estudos laboratoriais para avaliação do ootencial de contaminação de água e de solo por gasolina oxigenada. / Laboratory studies to evaluation of the potential of groundwater and soil contamination by oxygenated gasoline.

Sayonara Brederode Ferreira 24 January 2000 (has links)
Em muitos países e principalmente no Brasil, compostos oxigenados tais como etanol e metil terta-butil-éter (MTBE) têm sido adicionados à gasolina em cerca de 26% do seu volume para aumentar a octanagem do motor e diminuir a emissão de monóxido de carbono e os níveis de ozônio na atmosfera. O derramamento de tais gasolinas, referidas como gasolina oxigenada tem um efeito cosolvente, provocando um aumento da concentração dos hidrocarbonetos na água subterrânea. A taxa de dissolução em água da gasolina oxigenada, que é dependente das propriedades químicas dos compostos orgânicos, determinam o grau e a severidade de contaminação da água subterrânea nas vizinhanças do derramamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar e quantificar o potencial de contaminação da água subterrânea e de solos arenosos residuais dos arenitos da Formação Botucatu por derramamento de gasolina oxigenada. As análises realizadas buscam fornecer dados para a modelagem numérica em casos envolvendo derramamento de gasolina. Ensaios de equilíbrio em lote e de dissolução em colunas foram realizados objetivando a determinação da concentração aquosa de hidrocarbonetos da gasolina em equilíbrio de fases e a avaliação do tempo estimado para total dissolução em água dos hidrocarbonetos da gasolina pura. Ambos os ensaios analisaram também o efeito cosolvente do etanol na mistura. Verificou-se a validade da lei de Raoult e do modelo log-linear na determinação da concentração aquosa da gasolina pura e oxigenada. Em colunas de solos não saturados avaliou-se a difusão na fase vapor dos compostos orgânicos da gasolina em função do tempo. Finalizando as análises, fez-se uma simulação numérica do transporte da gasolina em zonas não saturadas fazendo-se uso do programa R-UNSAT. / In many countries and mainly in Brazil oxygenated compounds such as ethanol and MTBE have been added to gasoline up to 26% to increase the octane level and to reduce carbon monoxide and ozone levels in the air. The spill of such gasolines, referred as oxygenated gasoline has a potential cosolvent effect, resulting in an increased groundwater concentration of hydrocarbons. The rate of oxygenated gasoline dissolution, which is dependent of the chemical properties of the compounds, determines the degree and severity of groundwater contamination in the vicinity of the spill. The goal of this research was to analyze and to quantify the potential of contamination of the groundwater and of the residual sandy soils from Botucatu sandstone due to the spill of oxigenated gasoline. The performed analysis supply data to the numerical model in case of gasoline spills. Laboratory batch and column leaching tests were carried out in order to determine the equilibrium aqueous concentration of the hydrocarbons compounds of gasoline and to evaluate the time scale for aqueous dissolution of the hydrocarbons compounds. Both tests have analyzed the cosolvent effect of ethanol in the mixture. It was verified the validity of the Raoult's law and the log-linear cosolvency model to estimate the solubility of the hydrocarbons compounds from unamended gasoline and from oxygenated gasoline. Column tests with unsaturated undisturbed soil samples were carried out to investigate the vapor-phase diffusion of aromatic hydrocarbons compounds with time. Finally the transport of gasoline in unsaturated zones was simulated with the R-UNSAT model.

Simulação numérica do movimento de água e solutos em solos não saturados / Numerical simulation of the water movement and solutes in soil unsaturated

Campos, ângelo Antônio 30 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:37:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANGELO ANTONIO CAMPOS.pdf: 660395 bytes, checksum: 449c13f957ade5ea58be1aee63b345e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-30 / The interest in studying problems of underground drainage and solutos transport not in soils saturated it has been increasing significantly in the last years, mainly because of the growing concern with the quality of the soil and of the environment in general. Applied fertilizers in agricultural lands move below the zone radicular of the plants and they can contaminate underground water tables and aqüíferos. One of the most significant challenges of the current agriculture is the increase of the competitiveness associated to the preservation of the environment, allowing maintainable benefits in the agricultural explorations. The impact of pollutants in the quality of the underground water has been research object and of public health, especially in areas where she is to main source of drinking water. The mathematical models appear as useful tool in the prediction of as and when she should proceed the irrigation and the behavior of the solutos in solo.Devido to the complexity involved in these physical phenomena, it is used now beside the experimental work, the numeric simulation as forecast tool. The numeric simulation of the problem of infiltration of water and solutos in soil not saturated it is of great importance, because the growth of the agricultural production demands transformations with technological innovations that allow the improvement of the productivity of the cultures. To simulate the transport transiente of fertilizers, defensive, herbicidas and pollutant in an agricultural soil not saturated it is necessary the solution of two equations you not differentiate lineal. One of them is the equation of Richards, that governs the movement of water in the soil and, after your solution for a certain time, the results obtained for humidity, they are used for the solution of the other equation that treats of the transport of a certain soluto in matter. This work had for objective, to solve the proposed model of infiltration of water and soluto in the soil for the method of finite volumes, being used programming FORTRAN 90, to treat the case of the non linearidade of the movement of the water and a certain soluto not in soils saturated. Among the analyzed solutos, we used samples of abrasive mud coming of the sawmills and politrizes of the companies of marbles and granites of the municipal district of Cachoeiro of Itapemirim, where several rehearsals and analyses were accomplished, to feed the program and to evaluate the material in subject it is a pollutant in potential of the soil. The proposed method was shown appropriate to solve problems of infiltration of water and solutos transport not in soils saturated. / O interesse em estudar problemas de escoamento subterrâneo e transporte de solutos em solos não saturados tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos, principalmente por causa da preocupação crescente com a qualidade do solo e do meio ambiente em geral. Fertilizantes aplicados em terras agrícolas movem-se abaixo da zona radicular das plantas e podem contaminar lençóis de água subterrâneos e aqüíferos. Um dos desafios mais significativos da agricultura atual é o aumento da competitividade associada à preservação do meio ambiente, permitindo benefícios sustentáveis nas explorações agrícolas. O impacto de contaminantes na qualidade da água subterrânea tem sido objeto de pesquisa e de saúde pública, especialmente em regiões onde ela é a principal fonte de água potável. Os modelos matemáticos surgem como ferramenta útil na predição de quanto e quando se deve proceder a irrigação e o comportamento dos solutos no solo.Devido à complexidade envolvida nestes fenômenos físicos, utiliza-se atualmente ao lado do trabalho experimental, a simulação numérica como ferramenta de previsão. A simulação numérica do problema de infiltração de água e solutos em solo não saturado é de grande importância, pois o crescimento da produção agrícola exige transformações com inovações tecnológicas que permitam a melhoria da produtividade das culturas. Para simular o transporte transiente de fertilizantes, defensivos, herbicidas e poluentes num solo agrícola não saturado é necessária a solução de duas equações diferenciais não lineares. Uma delas é a equação de Richards, que governa o movimento de água no solo e, após a sua solução para um determinado tempo, os resultados obtidos para umidade, são empregados para a solução da outra equação que trata do transporte de um determinado soluto em particular. Este trabalho teve por objetivo, resolver o modelo proposto de infiltração de água e soluto no solo pelo método de volumes finitos, utilizando-se programação FORTRAN 90, para tratar o caso da não inearidade da movimentação da água e um determinado soluto em solos não saturados. Dentre os solutos analisados, utilizamos amostras de lama abrasiva provenientes das serrarias e politrizes das empresas de mármores e granitos do município de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, onde foram realizados vários ensaios e análises, para alimentar o x programa e avaliar se o material em questão é um contaminante em potencial do solo. O método proposto mostrou-se adequado para resolver problemas de infiltração de água e transporte de solutos em solos não saturados.

Aplicação da reflectometria no domínio do tempo (TDR) na estimativa da condutividade elétrica da solução do solo e de concentrações de nitrato, potássio e cloreto em coluna de solo não saturado / Applying Time domain reflectometry (TDR) on estimating electrical conductivity and nitrate, potassium and chloride concentrations under unsaturated soil columns conditions

Isaac de Matos Ponciano 17 January 2012 (has links)
Devido à importância do monitoramento da composição iônica da solução do solo, no que diz respeito ao meio ambiente e ao manejo da fertirrigação, associada às limitações práticas dos métodos tradicionais de sua determinação é crescente a procura por um método confiável que possibilite o monitoramento desta composição em tempo real e em curtos intervalos de tempo. Neste sentido a TDR tem sido uma alternativa viável. O presente trabalho objetivou, pelo uso da TDR, avaliar o desempenho de sete modelos na determinação da CEw; relacioná-los com a concentração dos íons potássio nitrato e cloreto avaliando os modelos em determinar a concentração dos íons; e por fim monitorar e determinar a concentração destes íons na água lixiviada em coluna de solo não saturado. O trabalho foi divido em dois experimentos, no primeiro os modelos foram calibrados em colunas de solo sendo formado por 24 tratamentos composto por 4 faixas de umidade volumétrica e 6 concentrações da solução de KCl. Para cada coluna de solo era realizada uma leitura com a TDR ( e CEa) e a CEw na solução do solo era determinada por condutivímetro de mesa, nesta solução foram determinadas as concentrações de potássio e cloreto. No segundo experimento o mesmo procedimento foi realizado, entretanto, foi aplicado KNO3 e determinados potássio e nitrato. Desta forma, foi possível calibrar os modelos para a estimativa da CEw, e para determinação das concentrações dos íons potássio, nitrato e cloreto. Os modelos foram avaliados pelos coeficientes de determinação (R²) e exatidão (d), pela estimativa do erro padrão (EEP) e, ainda, foram classificados de acordo com o índice c, produto dos dois coeficientes citados. Os resultados mostram que os modelos de Rhoads et al. (1976) e Vogeler et al. (1996) se ajustam melhor para solos com características texturais argilosas sendo classificados como Ótimos métodos para a determinação da CEw, tanto pela aplicação de KCl como pela aplicação de KNO3 via água de irrigação. Na estimativa da CEw no solo arenoso os modelos de Munõz-Carpena et al. (2005), Mualen e Friedman (1991), Vogeler et al. (1996) e Rhoads et al. (1976) apresentam melhores ajustes na determinação da CEw, sendo classificados com Muito bom. Na determinação do potássio pelos modelos avaliados o melhor ajuste se dá pela associação da relação K-CEw do tipo potência aplicada para solos argilosos e linear para solos arenosos, apresentando classificação de: Ótimo e Muito bom, respectivamente. Para o cloreto e o nitrato o melhor ajuste se dá pela relação de CEw-Cl e CEw-NO do tipo linear, apresentando classificação de Muito Bom e Ótimo respectivamente. A TDR é uma técnica confiável no monitoramento da concentração dos íons potássio e cloreto lixiviados no perfil do solo. / There is a growing demand for a reliable method applied to monitoring ionic composition of soil solution in real-time and short time intervals, due the importance to environmental sustainability and fertigation management and limitations of traditional methods for determination. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) is often considered a viable alternative to traditional methods. Consequently, this research looks for using TDR evaluate the performance of seven mathematical models for determining electrical conductivity (CEw) by comparing simulated and measured concentrations of potassium, nitrate and chloride, and to monitor and determine the concentration of these ions in water leached from unsaturated soil columns. The research was carried out under two experiments conditions. In the first experiment the models were calibrated with input data from 24 soil columns consisting of four soils with six different KCl concentrations. For each soil column CEw was determined by both TDR ( and CEa readings) and the CEw of soil solution was determined by direct measurements of potassium and chloride concentrations. In the second experiment the procedure was the same, but with KCl being replaced with KNO3. This was possible to calibrate the models to estimate the CEw, and to determine potassium, nitrate and chloride ions concentrations. The models were ranked using the c-index, the coefficient of determination (R²) and estimated standard error (ESE). The results showed were Rhoads et al. (1976) and Vogel et al. (1996) classified as \"Great\" for the CEw determination associated with the application of both KCl and KNO3 to irrigation water in clay soils. For estimating CEw in sandy soils, the models Muñoz-Carpena et al. (2005), Mualen and Friedman (1991), Vogel et al. (1996) and Rhoads et al. (1976) were classified as \"Very Good.\" The relationship between CEw and potassium concentration was best represented by a power function in clay soils, and a linear function in sandy soils, with index of \"Great\" and \"Very Good\", respectively. For chloride and nitrate, the best fits were obtained by representing the CEw-Cl and CEw-NO3 relationships with linear functions, which were classified as Very Good and Good, respectively. TDR proved to be a reliable technique for monitoring the concentration of potassium and chloride ions leached in soil profiles.

Transferts d’eau et de soluté en milieu non saturé hétérogène à l’échelle d’un pilote de laboratoire : expériences et modélisations / Transfers of water and solute in unsaturated heterogeneous porous media in a laboratory scale lysimeter : experiments and modeling

Bien, Le Binh 03 July 2013 (has links)
L’hétérogénéité de la zone non saturée joue un rôle important dans le transfert d’eau et de soluté car elle accentue à la fois le développement des zones de stockage temporelles et les écoulements préférentiels. Par conséquent, la validation des modèles prédictifs nécessite le développement des outils expérimentaux spécifiques afin d’observer et de quantifier les mécanismes de transport impliqués dans un système non saturé hétérogène. Cette thèse vise à étudier l’effet combiné de la vitesse d’infiltration, de la barrière capillaire et l’angle de la pente d’interface entre deux matériaux sur les processus de l’écoulement de l’eau et du transport de soluté dans un modèle physique, le lysimètre de laboratoire 1x1x1.6 m3, nommé LUGH (Lysimeter for Urban Groundwater Hydrology) et un modèle numérique 3D de ce lysimètre. Le lysimètre LUGH est rempli par un sable fin et un mélange bimodal (50 % sable fin et 50 % gravier) en deux configurations: un profil uniforme de matériau bimodal ou un profil avec deux couches avec une pente de 14o. Ces agencements figurent l’hétérogénéité structurale et texturale observée sur un des sites expérimentaux de l’OTHU (Observatoire de Terrain en Hydrologie Urbaine) : le bassin d’infiltration d’eaux pluviales Django Reinhardt géré par la ville de Lyon (France). Le lysimètre est alimenté en eau et avec un traceur inerte (bromure de potassium, KBr) sur une partie de la surface par un système d’arrosage automatique. Les effluents ont été recueillis dans quinze sorties différentes en bas du lysimètre. La forte hétérogénéité des flux des sorties et des courbes de percée souligne la mise en place des écoulements préférentiels résultant à la fois de l’effet de barrière capillaire et de l’effet de fond du lysimètre. A partir des résultats expérimentaux, la modélisation numérique à l’aide de logiciel COMSOL MultiphysicsTM a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes responsables de ces transferts hétérogènes. Lorsque le modèle numérique validé, un test de sensibilité a été conduit pour étudier les effets de la vitesse d’infiltration et de la pente de l’interface sur l’écoulement. Les résultats montrent que la diminution de la vitesse d’infiltration ou l’augmentation de la pente de l’interface favorisent le développement des écoulements préférentiels. Notre étude a donné également des renseignements pertinents sur le couplage entre les processus hydrodynamiques et le transfert des solutés dans les sols non saturés hétérogènes en soulignant le rôle de la géométrie des interfaces ainsi que celui des conditions aux limites comme des facteurs clés pour la quantification des écoulements préférentiels. / The heterogeneity of the unsaturated zone plays an important role in the water and solutes transfer as it accentuates both the development of stagnant zones for water and preferential flow. Therefore, the validation of predictive models requires the development of specific experimental tools to observe and quantify the transport mechanisms involved in a heterogeneous unsaturated system. The aim of this thesis is to describe the combined effect of infiltration, capillary barrier and sloping layered soil on both flow and solute transport processes in a large physical model (1x1x1.6 m3) called LUGH (Lysimeter for Urban Groundwater Hydrology) and a 3D numerical flow model. Sand and a soil composed of a bimodal sand-gravel mixture were placed in the lysimeter represent one of the commun structural and textural elements of the heterogeneity observed in the vadose zone under an infiltration basin of Lyon (France). The soil was compacted in two configurations: a uniform profile and a profile with two layers having a slope of 14°. Water and an inert tracer (KBr) were injected from the top of the lysimeter using a specific water sprinkler system and collected at 15 different outlets at the bottom. The 15 breakthrough curves obtained presented high heterogeneity, emphasising the establishment of a preferential flow resulting from both capillary barrier and soil layer dip effects. Numerical modelling led to better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for these heterogeneous transfers and it was also used to perform a sensitivity analysis of the effects of water velocity (water and solute flux fed by the sprinkler) and the slope interface. The results show that decreasing velocity and increasing the slope of the interface can lead to the development of preferential flows. In addition, the offset of the centre of gravity of the flow distribution at the output increases linearly as a function of the slope angle of the layered soil. This paper allows coupling the hydrodynamic approach with the transfer of pollutants in unsaturated heterogeneous soil and highlighting preferential flow by flow modeling.

Influence des cycles hydriques de la dessiccation et de l’humidification sur le comportement hydromécanique des géomatériaux non saturés / Influence of hydric cycles of humidification and desiccation on the hydromechanical coupled behaviour of unsaturated geomaterials

Arairo, Wahib 07 May 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur le comportement des milieux poreux (triphasiques), plus particulièrement les sols non saturés sous sollicitations hydro-mécaniques. Un modèle constitutif élastoplastique couplé est développé. Ce modèle original est formulé selon les principes suivants: une loi constitutive est développée pour décrire le comportement de chaque phase (squelette solide, liquide, et gaz). Ensuite, des relations de couplage sont ajoutées entre chacune des phases. Pour le comportement du squelette solide, une loi élastoplastique non associée est adoptée, avec deux surfaces de charges, en cisaillement et en compression. La partie hydrique est décrite par une formulation qui permet de prendre en compte l’effet d’hystérésis. Ce modèle a été enrichi par une relation de couplage hydromécanique qui permet d’exprimer la pression d’entrée d’air en fonction de la porosité. Ensuite, le couplage complet se fait avec la contrainte effective de Bishop en utilisant une nouvelle définition du paramètre de succion χ grâce à laquelle, les différents phénomènes présents dans la réponse des milieux poreux sous différentes sollicitations peuvent être reproduits. Ce modèle est validé par une confrontation à des données expérimentales issues de la littérature sur différents types de sol (sable, limon,…). Le modèle est implanté dans le code aux éléments finis Cast3M. L’analyse de problèmes particuliers, tels que la mise en œuvre d’un cas test d’un sol d’assise soumis à un cycle pluvial, ainsi que l’étude de la stabilité d’une pente, permette de montrer la capacité du modèle à reproduire le comportement des milieux poreux non saturés. / This work focuses on the behaviour of porous triphasic media, particularly on unsaturated soils subjected to hydromechanical loading. A coupled elastoplastic constitutive model has been developed. This original model is formulated according to the following principles: (1) a constitutive law describing the behaviour of different phases (solid skeleton, liquid and gas). (2) coupling relationships between each phase. For the behaviour of the solid skeleton, a non associated elastoplastic constitutive law is adopted, with two loading surfaces: shear surface and compression cap surface. The hydric part is discribed using a formulation which allows to take into account the hysteresis effect. This model has been extended using a hydromechanical coupling relation between the air entry value and the porosity. Then the coupling is completed with the Bishop effective stress, using a new definition for the suction parameter χ. Using this formulation, the various phenomena present in the porous media behaviour under different loading can be reproduced. The developed model has been validated through a comparison with experimental data on different types of soil (sand, silt,…). This model is implemented in the french finite element code Cast3M. The analysis of specific problems, such as (1) the study of shallow foundation subjected to cyclic rain event, as well as (2) the study of slope stability, show the model capacity to reproduce the behaviour of unsaturated porous media.

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