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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Methods and Guidelines for Upper Extremity Injury in Car Accidents

Cyrén, Oscar, Harryson, Moa January 2016 (has links)
The project focus has been development of guidelines and methods for upper extremity injury reduction in car crashes. The safety of the central body parts improves which indicates the need to develop methods for avoiding non-life threatening injuries such as fracture of the arms. The purpose of the project was to study the injury mechanisms for the upper extremity in car crashes, and the aim has been to propose methods to reduce the injuries. The project focuses on adult occupants inside the vehicles front seat, and frontal and side impacts. The procedure began with understanding and identifying the injury mechanisms. Studies show that most fractures occur on the forearm (radius and ulna) and on the wrists and hands. To determine which injury mechanisms that were most frequent, data were collected from 29 computer simulations with 29 different crash scenarios. The most common kind of impact was the medial part of the wrist in the central part of the instrument panel, combined with the impact of the elbow in the center consol. The results of the simulations created a basis for the method of the component test, with focus on the injury mechanism i.e. the forward movement of the arms into the instrument panel. The component test consisted of a test rig, on which was mounted with a measuring arm of a 50th percentile male dummy. The arm dropped into a block of expanded polypropylene (EPP-block) for observation and study, and with following variable parameters: the impact angle of the surface, velocity and position of the wrist. Then also an instrumented measuring arm from a 5th percentile female dummy was released into an instrument panel. The project contributes to knowledge about the injury mechanism of the upper extremity in car crashes. The most frequent injury mechanism is a forward movement of the arms resulting in an impact with the interior structure of the car. The most frequent injured region is the distal part of the upper extremity. The project has developed and suggested the first step to a test method for the specific injury mechanism. There is a need of more research on how impact angles and velocity affect the violence on the arm.

Upper Paleolithic foraging decisions and early economic intensification at Vale Boi, southwestern Portugal

Manne, Tiina January 2010 (has links)
The Upper Paleolithic site of Vale Boi in coastal, southwestern Portugal currently represents the earliest known case of grease-rendering in Eurasia, with initial occupation occurring during the early Gravettian at ~ 27,000 BP. Long-term exploitation of marine resources is indicated by marine shellfish remains, mainly in the form of limpets (<italic>Patella</italic>), recovered from all three cultural periods (Gravettian, Solutrean and Magdalenian). High-level exploitation of rabbits (<italic>Oryctolagus</italic>) began with initial use of the site and continued throughout the occupations, with a possible increase in intensity at the onset of the Solutrean. Grease-rendering of red deer (<italic>Cervus elaphus</italic>), horse (<italic>Equus caballus</italic>), European ass (<italic>Equus hydruntinus</italic>) and aurochs (<italic>Bos primigenius</italic>) bones was identified through multi-dimensional taphonomic and zooarchaeological analyses. Ungulate remains demonstrated extensive fragmentation and abundant evidence of impact features such as cone fractures, crushing, denting and cracking. The intensity of fragmentation and impact damage to red deer remains is significantly correlated with quantities of marrow and bone grease within these portions. Lack of density-mediated attrition of either the leporid remains or the cranial bone of red deer and horse, demonstrates that the loss of low-density, grease-rich post-cranial skeletal portions is due to human subsistence activities. Balanced body-part representation of ungulates indicates that density-mediated attrition of post-cranial elements is not related to differential transport of carcass portions. Comparison of element portion frequencies to food utility indices further demonstrates that humans were systematically harvesting marrow and bone grease throughout the Gravettian, Solutrean and Magdalenian culture periods. The co-occurrence of fire-cracked rock, stone anvils and hammerstones corroborates this suggestion. Although grease rendering at Vale Boi pre-dates other known sites in Eurasia by several thousand years, faunal assemblages in southeastern Spain indicate that resource diversification and intensification appeared there coevally with Vale Boi. The persistence and continued intensification of subsistence practices throughout the Upper Paleolithic suggests a sustained depression of large game in relation to human populations. This was likely due to patchy, spatially-restricted resources, resulting in territorial circumscription. Only through technological innovation and novel approaches to resource harvesting, were foragers able to maintain and ultimately expand their populations in southern Iberia.

Changed vibration threshold and loss of nerve movement in patients with repetitive strain injury : the peripheral neuropathology of RSI

Greening, Jane Barbara January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Evolution de la gestion des aires protégées en Guinée : la difficile cohabitation des politiques publiques et des systèmes traditionnels : cas du Parc National du Haut Niger / Evolution of the management of protected areas in Guinea : the difficult cohabitation of public policies and traditional systems : national Park of Upper Niger

Diallo, Mamadou Saïdou 10 March 2011 (has links)
La gestion des aires protégées en Guinée pose le problème de la cohabitation des politiques publiques et des systèmes traditionnels. Censée améliorer la gestion des aires protégées, cette cohabitation s’avère difficile et ne produit pas les résultats escomptés. Pour contribuer à la compréhension de cette difficile cohabitation, cette thèse propose une analyse de l’évolution de la politique de gestion des aires protégées en Guinée, de l’époque précoloniale à nos jours. La démarche utilisée fait appel à plusieurs approches méthodologiques : recueil et analyse de documents historiques et juridiques, recueil et analyses des traditions orales ancestrales relatives à la protection de la nature, observations de terrain, inventaires floristiques, estimations et analyses qualitatives, enquêtes par entretiens semi-directifs. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de retracer et de caractériser les différentes phases de la gestion des aires protégées en Guinée. La gestion des aires protégées précoloniales a connu diverses formes, allant de la sacralisation à la gestion clanique ; elle a varié en fonction des coutumes des populations autochtones de chacune des régions naturelles du pays. Pendant l’époque coloniale, 167 aires protégées ont été mises en place dont 157 forêts classées, 4 parcs de refuge de faune et une réserve naturelle intégrale. A son accession à l’indépendance en 1958, la Guinée a hérité des aires protégées coloniales et a appliqué, jusqu’en 1984, une politique fondée sur la législation forestière de l’administration coloniale. L’Etat s’est approprié les aires protégées dans leur contexte contemporain seulement à partir des années 1984, et a progressivement mis en place de nouveaux dispositifs (législatif et institutionnel) de gestion. Avec l’appui des bailleurs de fonds, il a mis en place plusieurs catégories d’aires protégées (parcs nationaux, réserves de biosphère, aires protégées transfrontalières, zone de conservation) dont la gestion qui se veut participative en associant les populations locales, soufre aujourd’hui essentiellement du manque de financements associé à l’insuffisance de la logistique nécessaire à une gestion opérationnelle et efficace. L’étude du cas du Parc National du Haut Niger révèle que, malgré la reconnaissance et la prise en compte du rôle des communautés traditionnelles (Waton), les populations locales adhèrent à la gestion participative sans grande conviction. Les structures publiques associées à cette gestion ne disposent pas de moyens suffisants pour intervenir de manière efficiente. L’exemple du PHNN illustre l’écart entre le discours dominant qui prône la gestion intégrée des aires protégées et les difficultés de l’Etat à mettre en œuvre une gestion participative. Ces difficultés ne devraient pas pour autant conduire à une remise en cause de la gestion participative, car nos observations et nos enquêtes suggèrent que la stratégie peut fonctionner et faire la preuve de son efficacité si des efforts sont entrepris dans l’appui au développement communautaire et dans la création d’activités génératrices de revenus pour les populations traditionnelles qui mettent leurs savoirs au service de la gestion des aires protégées. / Management of protected areas in Guinea is the problem of the coexistence of public policy and traditional systems. To contribute to the understanding of this difficult cohabitation, this thesis proposes an analysis of the evolution of policy management of protected areas in Guinea, from precolonial times to the present. The approach involves several methodological approaches. The results were used to trace and characterize the different phases of the management of protected areas in Guinea. The state has appropriated the protected areas in their contemporary context only from year 1984. The example of PHNN illustrates the difference between the dominant discourse advocating the integrated management of protected areas and the difficulties of the state to implement a participatory management. Our observations and surveys suggest that the strategy of management override implementation can work if efforts are in supporting community development.

All eyes on me: : Public speaking skills and performance anxiety

Dervisic, Edvin January 2017 (has links)
This research investigates how pupils perceive performance anxiety and where this trait may originate. Based on the findings from the interviews, it was factors such as lack of studying technique, expectations of a high grade, and pressure from home as well as classmates that were the main reasons to why their performance anxiety arose from the very beginning. In relation to this, the study aims at discussing how rhetoric as a subject in school may reduce performance anxiety amongst pupils. A qualitative method was used to investigate the research question of this essay. The interviews have been done through semi-structured interviews as a primary source. Through these interviews, the work aims to examine performance anxiety amongst students and exploring how public speaking skills and performance anxiety may be influenced by preparation and rhetorical knowledge. Although this study cannot conclusively argue that the teaching of rhetoric would reduce performance anxiety, the results of the interviews suggest that better rhetorical skills would enhance students public speaking skills.”

Zur Entwicklung des Forschungsgebietes Dynamik der Hochatmosphäre

Schminder, Rudolf 28 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Auf der Basis einer am Observatorium Collm erarbeiteten ALLEGRO-Datei mit 7800 Zitaten (Stand Mitte 1998) von Veröffentlichungen für das Gebiet der Dynamik der Hochatmosphäre wird eine Übersicht über die Entwicklung des Fachgebietes von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart gegeben. / On the basis of an ALLEGRO-file with 7800 quotations compiled at the Collm Geophysical Observatory it is given a survey of the development of the field of the dynamics of the upper atmosphere by the begins up to the present.

Dialect Preterites and Past Participles in the North Central States and Upper Midwest : A Generative Analysis

Frazer, Shirley Steele 08 1900 (has links)
This paper will propose a generative analysis of McDavid's dialect verb forms. The concepts of Chomsky and Halle as presented in SPE form the framework for this study.

Ayahuascová subkultura v Praze / The Ayahuasca Subculture in Prague

Petružálková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Kateřina Petružálková: The Ayahuasca Subculture in Prague Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Department of Cultural Studies, MA Thesis, 95 pages, 2013 The aim of the thesis is to describe the phenomenon of ayahuasca, the sacred amazonian psychotropic beverage. The structure of the thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part the thesis deals with the attributes of ayahuasca, shamanism in the Upper Amazon, globalization of ayahuasca and ayahuasca syncretic churches. It is also described a variety of ritualized usage of ayahuasca and the current position in the Czech Republic. The practical part consists of a qualitative research among the members of ayahuasca subculture in Prague and self reflection of ayahuasca experience. Keywords: ayahuasca, shamanism, Upper Amazon, ritual

Geochemie stopových prvků a izotopů Re-Os pyroxenitů svrchního pláště, Český masiv / Trace element and Re-Os geochemistry of mantle pyroxenites from the Bohemian Massif

Haluzová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Mantle pyroxenites are important components of mantle rocks, because they provide important insights into bulk composition and heterogeneity of the Earth's upper mantle and therefore, direct evidence of mantle evolution throughout the Earth history. Studied pyroxenites from localities Bečváry (the Kutná Hora Complex), Níhov, Nové Dvory, Mohelno, Horní Kounice, Karlstteten and Meidling (the Gföhl Unit of the Moldanubian Zone) occur as dykes and/or layers within spinel and garnet peridotites from the Bohemian massif. Whole-rock concentrations of rare earth (REE) and other trace elements in studied pyroxenites yield extreme variability, which most likely reflect: 1) variable garnet/clinopyroxene ratios in bulk rocks, 2) different degree of fractionation of parental melts and 3) different concentrations trace elements in the source host material. Pyroxenites from locality Mohelno (LREE-depleted) may be derived from depleted or only slightly enriched suboceanic mantle. In contrast, pyroxenites from Karlstetten, Meidling, Horní Kounice and Nové Dvory (LREE-enriched) crystallized from the melts derived from enriched mantle source with possibly significant contribution of recycled crust. Studied pyroxenites are characterized by extremely variable 187 Os/188 Os ratios. While the pyroxenites from Mohelno and...

Hur upplever en soloföretagare sin allra första rekrytering? : En entreprenörs upplevda hinder, möjligheter och tankeprocess

Simonsson, Linda, Frida, Karlsson January 2017 (has links)
Det finns mycket forskning kring entreprenörskap samt rekrytering, dock är soloföretagarens upplevelse av sin första rekrytering ett outforskat område. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod vill vi få en ökad förståelse för hur en soloföretagare upplever hinder och möjligheter när de tar sitt beslut om att bli arbetsgivare. Vi har fått en ökad förståelse genom att vi har genomfört en fokusgrupp samt fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer. De fick själva lyfta fram sina egna erfarenheter samt perspektiv på hur anställningen upplevdes. Vi har i denna studie valt att utgå från två dimensioner kön och ålder då vi har generella uppfattningar om att det kan skilja sig åt mellan dem. Studiens entreprenörer har yttrat sig om att de upplevt både hinder och möjligheter i samband med sin första rekrytering. Ytterligare har vi även en generell uppfattning om att anställa är ett mer riskfyllt beslut i jämförelse med att hyra in sina medarbetare. Studien visade dock att vår generella uppfattning endast stämde överens med två av våra entreprenörer.

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